IN SPECIAL SESSION FOR PORTI.AND FAIR. LANE COUNTY LEADER Utah Legislature Appropriates $10,000 for Lewis and Clark Exposition. W . C . C U N X K R i r u b ll* h * * r . C O T T A G E GROVE Balt Lake C ity, Utah, March 11.— T h e Utah legislatue today passed a bill OREGON. W EEK’S DOINGS appropriating $10,000 'o r an exh ib it at the Lewis and Clark exposition to be NEWS OF OREGON Items of General Interest Gathered From All Over the State. INTO THE FLOOD. Nineteen Passengers on a Hudson River Ferryboat Drowned. Glen* Falls, N. Y ., March 10.— Nine­ teen men are dead as the result of the capsizing of the boat need by tbe work- rues at the Spies falls, shout 10 miles COMMERCIAL AND FINANCIAL DOINGS west of Glens Falls, on the Hudson b a t h e d in f ir e _________ United Staten Senate Coavin, dent’ s Call—New Mcniberi r . Were U7„,o Showered Showered ^ Washington, March 6. -Tiro Spectators at . Fire extra session of the With Blazing Oil. ! 58th congress yesterday Wl( doubly interesting by the TWENTY KNOWN TO HAVE PERISHED uf here. | A fter the invocation, Mr. river. More than 1,000 men arc em­ Large Number Injured Mo.t of the Dead the secretary of the senate, | the measure, which had previously Creamery Associât tor— Stock men Hold a ployed there at present In tne construc­ proclamation of the preside^ Were Burned Beyond Recognition (tonerai Rcrlew a I Important Happenings been passed by the senate, was unani­ Big Convention-Cash for Convict tion of the power dam of the Hudson ing the extra session. Hoar 1 -Caused by Trein Wreck. mously in favor of the b ill, which went at the to o t Wsak la Brief aad Labor—Frultmen Organile. river power company. The laborers ing for Burrows, chairman at q j CeapreBeaalre lärm . through without d ie ussion. and many o f the masons are Italians, Olean, N. Y ., March l l . - M o r e than inittee on p rivileges and electfe] Although but $10,000 ia named as A creamery association has been or­ who liv e in shanties on the north side Ex-Senator Jones, of Arkansas, is the appropriation for the Portland fair, a score of people «e r e killed and a large ferred to the constitutional ganized at Pleasant H ill, Lane county. of the river. The main portion of the confined to his bed in Washintgon by the exh ib it w ill really coat many t mes number injured by an explosion of oil oi adm inistering oaths to thei* f o r the first tim e in the past four work is carried on at present on the op­ an attack of la grippe. near l.ere tonight. A freight tram on store, and said that if there x, that amount. A companion b ill, ‘ months Eugene is en tirely free o f every posite side o f the river. Tbe men have the Erie, made up principally of oil ether procedure the result »„ No more bodies of those drowned in which also pasted* the legislature to­ ■ contagions disease. the ferryboat accident at Spier fa lls , been in the habit o f crossing .'a small tank cars filled »ith oil, broke in two that a third of the senate q day, providea for the expenditure of The Loewenberg-Going company last N. Y ., have been recovered. $50,000 for a Gtab exh ib it at St. Louie week paid into the state treasury $ 1 ,- bridge, where the river flows through near this city about 9 o’clock. The two kept out of th eir seats for an it» The department of agriculture has in 1004. The St. Louis exh ibit w ill br | 796.Oti on account of convict labor in an unfinished portion of the dam, but sections of the train came together with time on the present flood of issued an order quarantining the state moved entire to Portland. The appro­ | the prison stove foundry for November the river has been rising for several »crush, and one of „the oil tanks was without responsibility, and nsti o f New Hampshire because o f the pres­ priation for the Portland fair is designed and December. days, and the company, fearing the demolished. Fire rn-oke ont almost in­ tahlished before in tin- senn. $ ence of the foot and mouth disease. to i over the cost oi transfer, and to re­ The destruction of a large barn on bridge was unsafe, destroyed it with stantly, and the sky was.lighted up for prolonged inquiry. The result I* The Missouri senate has passed the place any portions of this {display that Should the the Theodore Staiger farm, tw o miles dynamite. b ill prohibiting the sale of cigarettes may be destroyed or lost. be, he said, that a change in ti® miles. from Salem, resulted in a loss of Beluw’ the bridge about the work is a and cigarette papers to children under funds perm it, additions w ill be made A large crowd of people left this city litical power of this government $6,000. E igh t valuable horses were 1H years of age. The same b ill has for the Portland exh ib it, as it is the ferry. The boat is a scow-shaped affair, for the scene ol the fire. While they the people desired *.o accompli») J wish o f Governor W ells to make the burned. Tram ps are supposed to have passed the house. about 30 feet long and about 13 feet started the fire. were lined op along the tracks a terrific be indefinitely postponed. H M c ; for transfers to commands damage or loes of life has been report­ imately »120,00,000. The most im- factory prices, l O U i c lees. Sm ith, Yale 1853, so far im poverished as a significant statement made by here, but General D avis is ed. The snowfall in this vicinity this portant points on the line w ill be his fortunes that Yale graduates have Under Foreign Secretary Cranbonrne. Butter— Fancy creamery. 300 32S c com ply w ith th eir requests, » ■ winter has been very heavy, and it is Chanute, W ier City and Cherokee, taken steps to raise a fund for the aid R ep lyin g t oa question, the secretary per pound; extras, 30c; d airy, 200 authoiized strength of the H feared much damage to mining property o f his widow. declared that it was desirable there 22 Sic; store, 1 5 0 18c. »n* New York and Boston. tieth of the groaa earnings. held in Portland in 1005, Action on ----------- J J J a " . J j