MRS. VEATCH DIES WAS SALEM RESIDENT FOR PAST FIFTY YEARS Death of Daughter-is-Law In Seattle Saturday Brings Double Affliction to the Family. t • ■ Eyes Should Be C a re fu lly E x a m i n e d . / It takes patience, skill and time to determine the prescription ac­ cording to which the proper lenses for your eyes should be made. Do not make the mistake of get­ ting glasses without first having yc>ur eyes carefully examined. 1 am equipped with Modern Facili­ ties for examining your eyes, and supply the glasses to meet your 'individual Requirements. And Guarantee Satisfaction. WITH THE AL. G. BARNES CIRCUS HERE MONDAY, AUGUST 30. INCENDIARY FIREBUG A double death has occurred in the Veatch fam ily, the passing of Mrs. J. P. Veatch, for fifty years a resident of Sa­ lem, closely following that of her daughter in-law, Mrs. Olivia M. Veatch, a former Salem woman, who died S atur­ day, while visiting in Seattle. Mrs Veatch died yesterday at 2 p. m. at her late residence 828 Marion street, aged 73 years. The funeral eervicea of the elder Mrs. Veatch will be held from parlors of WebbA Clough, W ednesday, at 3 p. m. Kev. F. T. Porter will officiate and bur­ ial will be in Odd Fellows cemetery. Alcinda Lawrence Y'eatch was born in Boone County, Missouri, April 23, 1842, and moved with her parents to Davis County, Iowa, when about six years old. She was m arried to J. P. Veatch, who survives her, April 2ti, 18liU, in Iowa uud crossed the plains to Oregon in 1803, settling in La Grande, Union County. She moved to Salem in 1805, where she has remained ever since. She was a mother of nine children, two sons and seven daughters; two of the daughters, Mary and M yrtle, died in 1880. The surviving children are A. W. Veatch of Salem and J. W. Veatch of Boise, Idaho; the daughters are Mrs. Olive Owens and Mrs. Anna Pape of Portland, Mrs. Alice W ynne of Cottage Grove, Mrs. Carrie Tibbals of Port Ca­ sey, Wash., and Ethel Tummernenu of Salem. She leaves two brothers, VV. N. and G. C. Lawrence of Portland, and four sisters, Miss M ary F. Lawrence and Mrs. Anna Husking of Portland, Mrs. Belle Bray and Mrs. Ella Newman of California. She has passed nearly fiftey years in Salem, where she was well and favorably kne wn and her many friends will sincerely mourn her loss. She suffered a stroke of paralysis about six years ago, from which she never recovered and four weeks ago was taken with another stroke. In her last hour she was surrounded by her hus­ band and children with the exception of John W. Veatch of Boise, Idaho, who was detained on account of the death of his wife, which occurred Saturday. Olivia Masher Veatch, the beloved wife of John W. Veatch, form erly of this city, and now of Boise, Idaho, died a t the home of her sister, Mrs. Jack West of Seattle, Saturday, August 21, 1915. Mrs. Veatch had been ill several weeks and accompanied by her duugh ter Leona was taken to her siste r’s home last W ednesday in hopes that the lower altitude would be of benefit to her. Besides her husband, John W. Veatch, she leaves two daughters, Leona and Helen. The remains are enroute to Ida­ ho for burial.—Salem Journal. i The World’s Greatest Exposition la now at ita Hei? in S a n F ra n c isc o Never before in the history of the world has there been conducted such a m agnificent and wonderful Exposition. Here is artistically presented the produc­ tions of the mind and labors of m ankind throughout the ages. Low Round Trip Tickets are on sale daily to San Francisco. Four commodious trains leave every day for San Francisco. Scenery enroute is fascinating, varied and unsur­ passed. Electric autom atic Block Signals guard the Way. Our folders, “ W ayside Notes Shasta R oute” and “ California and Its Two Expositions” will interest you. Our nearest agent wili give your inquiries courteous attention. i Mrs. J. V. Stew art of Jusper, Ore., re­ turned home lust Wednesduy after n visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. C. M. Parker at Cottage Grove, and nlso The old red building near the 8. P. de­ pot and east of the railroad tracks was with friends at Portland. to be on fire Wednesduy Miss Elizabeth Woods left W ednes­ Optometrist and Jeweler day for a visit with friends at Portland, discovered night about 11 o'clock. The fire was seen by Frank Wallace who gave the John M. Scott, General Passenger Agent, Portland. Ore Elk Creek neur Seaside, Ore., and Kelso, alarm brought out the fire depart au g ll 25 Wash., after which she will return to ment. which The blaze was soon extinguished Poukeepsie, N. Y. to resume her duties little damage done. as teacher of Psychology in Vasser Col­ and The very old hulk has been unoccupied for lege. years and was somewhat of an eye sore _»_». .«_♦_•_•. .♦ . J. J. Lane received a handsome offi­ to the public. It was originally built cial bronze souvenir of the Panam a P a­ for a machine shop. The business was a cific Exposition sent by his son, C. P. failure and the machinery was removed Lane, who is visiting the fair. It is in and disposed of. How a fire could start x Mr. and Mr». J. W. Stoops have re the form of a skillet, shows the “ tower there is a mystery. of Jew els” and bears the following in­ Later. This same building was fired turned from Boseburg. “ Panama Pacific Interna­ by an incendiary Thursday evening and uud Mrs. Joe Arnold and Mr. and scription: / Mr. tional Exposition, O fficial Sou­ totally consumed. Before the firemen *trs. Fred Arnold are visiting at the venir.” It will be u 11115. valued keepsake. arrived the building was past saving home of the mother of the men, Mr». they directed their efforts toward A m arriage license was issued on Aug. and Joe Porter. wetting down other buildings in that 24 to Jam es Nuton England, of Uorena, Mr. and Mr». Albert He...well have and Ella Ruth Anderson, of Cottage vicinity and preventing the fire from spreudng. The entire population came returned from Yoneolla. Grove. out to see the bonfire. The building l.evi Ueer of London went to P ort­ Miss N ettie Lewis returned to P ort­ was owned by Robert Anlaut' and had land .Wednesday on bu»ine»». land Saturday after a three w eeks’ visit been condemned but the owner neglect­ H. M. Dumewood and mother visited with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. B. ed to remove it. relatives and friends at Wolf Creek Lewis. from Friday until .Sunday. H. M. Miss Grace Battee, formerly of Cot found poor deer hunting on account of tage Grove, has opened a photograph the droutu but will try again. _ studio in Portland. Cljqi. Parker, Dr. daughters are visiting at the home of Oregon per full quart can Depart man t Called to Three Fires Inside just as good as the cash and had abso by the death of the late Mr. Wall and Geo. \\ iddersheim. Mrs. H alley’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. j caused of Twenty-Four Honrs. Mr. Goodrich is a lawyer, a lutely no strings on it. This drawing M. Harvey. They motored from Med Friendly. business man and a leading will take place every Tuesday and tick ford and will return via Central Oregon. successful Ex President W. H. T aft, wife and The fine residence on North Eighth ets purchased at the window any time Subscribers of The Sentinel should passed through O ittage Grove street owned by John Brand was discov­ from W ednesday to 8:30 the next Tues­ Mrs. O. K. Ormiston and daughter inform us promptly when they change daughter the Shasta Limited at 8:17 Monday ered to be nn fire at 2 o'clock Thursday day evening. All winning numbers musi Graciwpho have been guests at the J. B. their postoffice address. Do this and on evening. They were on their way to L Sim *1 home, left for Iona, Monday. you afternoon. The firemen succeeded in be present at time of drawing. will not miss a copy. San Francisco. saving the building in a damaged condi Mr. Himeral and Mrs. Ormiston are Gov. W ithycombe has called a con- j There is an especially good program Most of the furniture was saved at this popular theatre for Saturday. brother and sister. The O. P. A E. Railway is making re Dishes in which eggs have been pre tion. ferencc to decide what to do in the mat Í pairs in the same condition. The building was to the Wildwood bridge. pared or b atter and dough mixed in owned by John Brund and occupied by This is a big four-reel story of capital M urary H art of Salem, spent Sunday ter of the lands forfeited by the rail and labor, and features the famous Flor be rinsed with cold w ater be­ w ith A. W. Wampole and family. roads. The conference will be held at Last week The le a d e r stated that should and his son Wm. Brand and ence Turner as a mill hand and the sole fore they are washed. If put in hot himself Rev. H. N. Aldrich was having his vaca­ Salem Thursday, Sept. 1«, and invita wife, who were at Newport. John Mr. and Mrs. H. Harms returned to w ater before the cold w ater is applied Brund was at his ranch when the fire support of her invalid mother who try» to take part in it have been issued j tion. Such is not the case. His vaca­ the Portland Friday after a visit with Cot fions to keep peace among her fellow work heat will cook the eggs or the flour was discovered. tion will be taken later in the season. to all who are interested in the disposi­ tage Grove relatives. They were ac­ tion of these lands. men when their wages are reduced 15 paste sufficiently to make it stick to He was at Medford on business for a companied by Miss Bessie Harms. The building was insured for (1800 per cent. M any thrilling mob scenes the dishes. Frank W oodruff was at I.orane on day or two last week. and the furniture for (800. • • • and much heart interest in this story. Mr. and Mrs. Ray Trask left Satur­ business one day of the past week. Roseoe Hemenwsy left Sunday for Tincture of camphor, ten to twelve day night for Newport where they will Mr. and Mrs. Ivins have moved back Portland, where he will remain to a t­ drops to a tum bler of w ater, makes a A largely attended dance was given spend a few days at their cottage. from G rants Pass to Cottage Grove Albert G riffin was ap from Yonroil-i tend school. good daily wash for the teeth. by the Moose Saturday night. over Saturday night. D. J. SCHOLL P ERSONAL » PICKUPS §3 DAMON AND PYTHIAS AT CRATER LAKE Cooking Oil SOUTHERN PACIFIC FURNITURE 4 ! HARDWARE ! I KNOWLES & GRÄBER f CLIMB CERRO GORDO FIRE! FIRE! FIRE! KERR 8 SILSBY 1