Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, August 27, 1915, Image 1

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Volum* III.
Nearly Four Hundred and F ifty Mem­
bers of Antlered Herd Attend Orand
Celebration on Row River and Eat
Venison, Crawfish and Delicacies.
It is estimated that 450 Elks gathered
at Row River about three miles from
Cottage Grove last Sunday to celebrate
their annual high jinks. Extensive
plans had been mhde for the dinner to
be served. It is said that twelve deer
had been slaughtered by the Cottage
Grove lodge and fifty gallons o f craw­
fish were cooked on this occusion. These
were the main dishes served but they
were reinforced and flanked by about
all the delicacies o f the season.
A band furnished good music,, some
of the musicians being Cottage Grove
boys. Sports o f all kinds were indulged
in. Foot racing and other athletic stunts
were pulled off. Monte Carlo gambling
devices are said to have been on the
ground to separate the unsuspecting Elk
from his wad o f “ high jin k s ’ ’ green­
backs and in short it was just such a
program as would appeal to the average
professional or business man out for a
day of relaxation and pure joy. Bill
Hayward cleaned up $1,800,000 in
“ high jin k s’ ’ green backs and won the
$100 e lk ’s tooth.
The local committee o f arrangements
came in for much well-deserved praise
for their part on the program.
Warden Shortrldge Reports Only One
Fire and That Was Left by
Careless Hunter.
Considering the extremely hot and
dry weather that has prevailed the past
few weeks, the number o f forest fires
has been extremely small. Bo far as re­
ported there have been none of large
Warden Shortridge, who has the terri­
tory between London and Cottage
Grove, was in the city Saturday on his
way to Silk Creek to issue some burning
permits. He said that he hus had but
one small fire. That originated from a
camp fire left by a hunter. He discov­
ered it at once and, although five miles
away, reached it and extinguished it
without help before any damage was
Teachers Are Assigned.
The Cottage Grove Public and High
Schools will open Monday, September
20, with the following assignment for
East Side— First grade, Miss Maude
Hooper; second grade, Miss Janet Dav­
idson; third grade, Miss Bertha Steph
ens; fourth grade, Miss Carrie Woods;
fifth grade, Miss Mabel Veatch; sixth
grade, Miss Leah Perkins; seventh
grade, Miss Adelle White; eighth grade,
Mrs. lima Beager; domestic art in
grades, Mrs. Orpha Benson.
West Side— First and second grades,
Miss Carolyn Schellimg; third and
fourth grades, Mrs. Emma Ragsdale;
fifth and sixth grades, Miss Hester Be-
mis; seventh and eighth grudes, A. L.
J. E. Dunton, superintendent; domes­
tic art, Miss Edna Mae Russ; Miss
Laura A. Smith, English and German;
Miss Lula Currin, English and I.atin;
A. L. Barnhart, History and Psychol­
ogy; Ernest Purvance, manual train­
The mathematics and science teacher
has not been elected.
m C 3 BO!
W hat was put off until tomor-
row yesterday is just as easily
put off until tomorrow today
____________________________________ ' onstrated here that the two
Will Go A fter First Prize at County On* Family Loses Entire Week's Wash­
ing; Suspect May Be
Fair—Superintendent Wants
All to Help.
That the grange fair this year will be
the best in the history of the fair, is the
prediction of Superintendent McFar­
land. To have that kind of a fair, Mr.
McFarland says that all must help, city
people, us well as farmers.
The producers are taking greater in­
terest this year than thy did last year
and some splendid exhibits are already
in course o f preparation. Growers are
saving samples of all their produce as it
ripens. Mr. McFarlnnd nopes that the
exhibit from here, which will be taken
from the grange fair exhibits, will win
first prize at the county fair this year.
The other granges were scared lasl
year and Willakenzie Grange, which
carried o ff first prize, sent a represen­
tative here to check up on the exhibits.
A number of Cottage Grove families
nave been victims o f clothes thieves
during the past few months. The Or­
ville Spear family is the latest victim.
Every piece of clothing was removed
from the line one night last week.
Claude Cruson, who lives next door,
heard a suspicious noise. Other articles
had been missed during the past few
weeks and he laid in wait for the thief,
expecting to catch him as he came out
the front way. As the thief did not ap­
pear he took a peep to see if he might
be mistaken and saw a man going over
the hack fence with an armful of
clothes. He is pretty certain that he
recognized the party and a prosecution
may follow if the goods are not re­
Portland Merchants Will Show Way to
Keep Elusive Money Strictly
at Horn*.
Amateurs Tread the Boa ds Like Pro­
fessionals; Fire Laddies Profit
by Ticket Sales.
Number g ?
Distribution of
Loganberry Juice,
Crackers and Pop Corn Makes Big
Hit at San Francisco.
Oregon Building, Panama Pacific Ex-
| position, Aug. 23—It is constantly dem- Special Day Will Be Set Aside for Dis­
tribution of Product of Famous Cala-
words in English language are: “ New ’ ’
pooya springs—Cottage Grove Asked
for Souvenirs and Exhibit.
building or exhibit, offer something
new; if u larger crowd is desired offer
something new and make it free. When
the Oregou building advertised that it
would give away Oregon Roses, the
structure was crowded and jammed to
the limit. There are roses and roses in
California, but none with the fame of
the Oregon Rose, so they came to see
and to curry away. When it was made
known that on u certain day loganberry
juice would be served to all comers, the
crowds came. Loganberry juice sounded
new and it was free to all a tasty
stream. The crowds literally swamped
the building uud in turn were swamped
with loganberry juice and liked the ex­
perience. During Oregou Week, just
ended, the Coast counties— Tillamook,
Coos and Curry— told the hungry popu-
luce (everybody is persistently hungry
on the exposition grounds) that they
would give away cheese made in this in­
comparable dairy regiou. Did the peo­
ple comet They came at such a rate
that the hands thrust forward for a
sandwich seemed us numberless us the
sands of the seashore. And after they
had eaten one generous morsel they
went out the door and got into line for
another. They even went into the mov­
ing picture theuter and listened for a
half hour to J. A. Ward and George M.
Hyland boosting the glories of the
Coast region—all because they were
told they might get another morsel.
During the afternoon, Mrs. D. L. Rood,
Miss Palmer, Mrs. Carl Albrecht, Miss
Francis France, and Mr. Ward hud all
they could do to hand out litile squares
o f cheese and crackers and tell them
they could get plenty of such cheese
in Tillamook, Coos and Curry.
On Saturday, the representatives of
Eustern Oregon— Lackey and McCully
— tendered sucks of popcorn. The city
papers had heralded the fact that pop­
corn would be free at the Oregon build­
ing this date— and the entire force is
still recovtiing from the experience of
handling that crowd. During the en­
tire afternoon 15,000 of the half pound
sacks were handed out after 2 o ’clock.
The patent popper was worked over­
time and then broke down or a number
of sacks given away might have reached
20,000. The people enjoyed the corn
and then enjoyed the crowding; they
also took time to enjoy the exhibits on
both floors, for the entire building was
filled to overflowing. Thus the effort
served its purpose; it brought extra
ordinary numbers to the building for u
glimpse, and many will return to see the
exhibits at their leisure and when the
crowds arc not so great. The people
are out to see ull there is to see; they
are in a holiday spirit, and they like the
little extra efforts. They feel that since
they expect to go to a certain building
they might as well go when there is
something special doing
The Oregon
building people feel that if they will
but come and get one glimpse they will
come agaig and they invariably do so.
On Monday the big Exposition band
played for us in honor of “ All Oregon
D ay” and Commissioner John F. Logan
and Senator Arthur Langguth of Fort-
land, j>r. W. J. Kerr and George M. Hy-
land boosted for Oregon in a way that
A special day is to be set aside ut the
Oregou building at the l ’uuuiuu-Pacific
Exposition in houoi of the Calapouya
Mineral Springs, which are one of Cot-
tuge Grove's assets, althougu located
ten miles trom here ut l.ondou.
Manager Oeer hus tuuue arrangements
with E. M. Warren, Lane County's rep
reaentative at the fair, for the distribu
tiou of the famous waters uud word has
beeu received that a special day will be
set aside for that purpose, ut which
time it is expected that thousands will
call at the building for the purpose of
testing the water.
Mr. Warren has requested that Cot­
tage Grove furnish some kind of a sou­
venir to be given a \ay on that day.
Cottage Grove has also been asked for
an exhibit of vegetables and fruits, the
sume to be labeled with the name of the
grower and his residence, thereby giv­
ing Cottage Grove considerable adver
Using. A11 freight will I e paid on exhib­
its sent, so that there will be no cost
except for getting the exhibit together.
Cottage Grove Has Opportunity to Pro­
fit by Example Set by
Other Cities.
“ We Should W orry,” a semi-amateur
Other Oregon cities are making or
Word has reached here that little
have made arrangements for camping
^A gigantic demonstration of what a production, given under the auspices of
Julian Kem, who is in Omaha with his
spots for automobile tourists passing
mother, Mrs. Edna Kem, suffered a se­
dollar will do in purchasing merchan­ the fire department, drew a large crowd
through, a lurge number of whom prefer
dise will be given in Portland next at The Rex Tuesday evening.
vere burn to his foot in an odd manner
The parts were well taken, especially
to remain outdoors and prepare their
a short time ago. He was at play or
month. Plans were formulated recent­
own meals. Ashland, in particular, has
away from home at the time. He got a
ly at the Chamber o f Commerce, when that of Mrs. Jack Temple by Miss Mil­
urruuged a large camping ground, the
hot coal in his shoe and instead o f tak­
a large number of retailers gathered at dred Pringle and that of Mrs. John
use of which is free uud hundreds of
ing the shoe o f f he ran home with the
a luncheon and not only decided to Brown, Christian name Martha, by Miss
tourists huvu ulreudy made use of it.
coal burning him and by the time he Women Climb Into D evil’s Punch Bowl. make the demonstration, but appointed Eunice VanDenburg. C. J. McNaught-
an, who directed the production, was
Springfield hus now arranged a camp­
reached assistance the burn was so se­
Mrs. N. W. Drake o f Newport sends committees, fixed the date nnd started
ing spot and Eugene will probably ar
vere that he has been compelled to go us an account of a hike made by he-'self, out to make “ Dollar Day’ ’ a red-letter expected to take his part well. He was
Jack Temple, a liar, and was nearly
range one. Cottage Grove has a num­
about on crutches.
Miss Van Nortwick of Cottage Grove, day in the shopping district.
outdone by Herman Edwards, as Frank
of spots that could be used for this
Miss Hawkins o f Newport, Ora., and
To the shopper of Portland and to the Fuller, a bigger liar. The complete cast
purpose. It bus been suggested that a
Miss Zena and Mabel Wheeler from shopper from suburbun points “ Dollar
was as folows:
part of the city park could be used.
Newport to the D evil’s Punch Bow), a day,’ ’ Tuesday, September 23, will be
Mauy tourists have already camped out
Temple, a liar .C. J. McNaughtan
distance o f twelve miles over moun­ a revelation.
Frank Fuller, a bigger l i a r ................
along the highway. A large num­
tains, down canyons and through ocean
Financiers have figured it out that if
ber would probably stop here uud buy
................................. Herman Edwards
surf. The hike took them through the one dollar were started into circulation
D on’t Shoot Anything Until You See
John Brown, a hairdresser . .Doc Owens
supplies from Cottage Grove stores if n
wildest scenery in that section nnd will and kept moving from hand to hand, it
Plainly That You Are Not
Wigson, the talkative b u tle r..............
regular camping spot wus urruuged and
never be forgotten by the members of would with astonishing rapidity pay o ff
its use offered free. Arrangements
Aiming at Some Hunter.
........................................... Sam Veatch
the party. Mr. Drake states that her a sum equal to the city debt.
Capt. Sharpe, o f H. M. S ervice..........
would have to be made to furnish wood
health has been greatly benefited by
Portland merchants have ordered and
..................................... Frank Wallace
The state game warden has issued a
and water.
her residence on the coast.
are receiving their new stocks. They Dorothy, Mrs. Temple’s sister............
ot of instructions for hunters to ot>-
are enormous stocks, and it is probable
............................. Miss Edna Johnson
prve during the open season for deer
Finch began last Sunday. A large num- CANNERY W ILL HAVE BIG PACK that those merchants owe a sum of mon­ Mrs. Frank Fuller, the “ Bulloon L ady”
Farmers Are Co-operating With the
.............................. Miss Ruby Hendry
er of crack shots are still out in the
Place Swamped With String Beans— land. “ Dollar d a y ”
will show that Mrs. John Brown, Christian name Mar­
Fruit Inspector.
loods nnd they will probably not see
Shipping Dried Berries.
the debt can be wiped out and that ev­
tha ............Miss Eunice VanDenburg
|is in print in time to do them any
C. E. Stewart, county fruit inspector,
ery patron o f any o f the stores partici­ Mrs. Jack Temple, one of the “ Wor­
bd, but for those who are contemplat-
More string beans will be canned this pating will have'received a much larger
wus ill Eugene yesterday nftei a week ’a
ries” .............. Miss Mildred Pringle
I an excursion into the fastness of the summer by the Eugene Fruit Growers ’
work in the country with the fire blight
amount of merchandise than he could
untains after the festive venison the Association than during any previous
that the fruit men are just now fight
purchase for the same dollar on any
kictions for self-preservation and season in its history, according to at-
Pratt; Peaches Are Luscious.
ing hard. The inspector was down in
other day o f the year.
he preservation of your brother tacheg'of the cannery. The beans are
Some of the finest peaches that The
the northern pnrt o f the county duriug
*s are herewith given:
8entinel has seen are those brought in
arriving so fast at the plant that it is
the week and found a number of place;
^h hunter is allowed only three impossible for the large force o f women on “ Dollar d a y ” is going to be tele­ by George Lea. They are of the Jap­
where the blight hus started but in each
anese Dwarf variety nnd are as pretty
This is more than enough for and girls at work snipping them to keep
case the farmers ure co operating with
trade-district occupied by the Portland as a picture. In addition they are lux
'of them. Every carcass must b f U pi Ag many ia n ds as it is possible to
him in the eradication of the disease
cious for eating. Mr. Lea has a dozen
Jd with a little red ticket torn from work are now employed and even with trader.
have dug up and burned trees at
Official pennants will be placed in o f these trees, eight on his ranch anJ
special deer hunter’s license. You a maximum force the farmers are
four at his city home.
It shoot does or fawns. You can swamping them.
The blight hus appeared for the most
It bucks. But— the bucks have to
part in the wild crab apple trees along
With the beginning o f the work o f
r>ig enough for you to see the horns
Sell and buy with Sentinel want ads.
low lands, says the inspector, and occa
canning pears within the next week it ever hpld in Portland.
Inly. I f you shoot anything without
will be necessary to shut down to some
aionully he finds it where the owners
llers on it y o u ’d better hide it in the
of the land never imagined that it ex
extent on the beans, although it is prob­
Sods before the game wardens find the
isted. In each case the farmer has been
able that the full force could be kept
hth o f you.
busy on the latter crop for another
o f Medford, and Judge William Colvig willing to at once take steps to do away
»Those chasseurs who have been in the month to come. It will be impossible to
talked Rogue River Valley and Oregon with the pest.
■bit o f getting up at night to go deer work so many on the beans when the
“ It would be a good thing if there
Raymond MeCtargar was badly fright­ to a theater full and throughout the
anting will have to restrain their evil pears begin to ripen.
C. G. Rozine has a number ..f sun­ ened a few daya ago by a large rattle­ day the Rogue River Valley pictures was some way o f compelling the do
plinatons. You can ’t hunt deer after
There is also a big rush on evergreen flowers that are about fourteen feet snake that endeavored to get on too were viewed by many hundreds. Wed struction o f every wild crab-apple tree
Irk. Go to bed and sleep as other de-
Some days as high as high nnd have flowers at least a foot ¡n friendly terms. Ray had been in the nesday was cheese day, Thuraday Ore and similar trees that are affected by
Int. respectable people do. You can t
1,000 gallons are canned, but this is not diameter. He believei these «re prob­ ehicken coop gathering the eggs. On gon School Day, Friday Willamette Val this disease in the county,” said Mr.
Irap or snare them. You ca n ’t shoot
ably record flowers for the state. He coming out he found the rntUer coming | |pF DnF- wi,h ",PW,‘d Prune" on »"P »"<< Stewart
“ The
the average.
From a public highway. You ca n ’t kill
does not -doubt that others may have up the steps to meet him. He jumped j 0,1 » “ “ ■more of Independence, E. H. thrives in these trees more than it does
The association is packing 5000
r .l e e r with anything but the ordinary
stalks ss high with smaller heads, cr clear over the reptile and ran to the I Bvendon ° f Monmouth, F. W. Sullivan in the fruit trees and if we could get
shoulder gun or revolver. The latter pound of dried loganberries in barrels flowers with heads as large but nJh
house. His father, Dr. McCargar, as I o f Oro8on « * y ,
M. Davis of rid of them the danger of its spreading
provision was wisely inserted to dis­ for shipment to Boston. Manager Holt shertei stalks. He doubts very much,
as speak would be placed at a minimum.” — Reg
courage the growing practice o f bunting thinks there will be no difficnlty in dis­ however, if any have sur.?1 ,wers with
which had six rattles and a button.
*r*• 8*,urday "■■
memorable pop ister.
deer with light field artillery and shrap­
both stalks so high and heads so large.
I corn day—a great week and with the
Teller Pays Listener.
This happened at the McCargar farm.
there seems to be a pretty good demand
nel shells.
I Oregon building more popular than
Paris, Aug. 8— A French soldier fight
Three rattlers have been killed there in
for the berries in this form. When
From now on the man who goes into
ing in the Argonne has just inherited an
Reader, when you are preparing to the past few years, although the reptile* ever.
stewed they taste almost like the fresh
the woods takes a bigger chance than
Any booster, or any county in Oregon, estate valued at $40,000 from an pccen
come in to do your trading just pick
are very scarce in thi* vicinity.
1 berry.— Eugene Register.
do the deer who live there. To cut down
or any other force that want to do a trie retired army officer who lived in
up your home paper, look carefully
the soldier's native village. The only
great service for this building can do so condition attached to the legacy is that
over the advertiaing columns and aee
the shooting o f each other by fool hunt­
ing your insurance and making your
by furnishing from time to time any that soldier must from time to time vis
ers, the office o f the state gsme warden
who wants the trade. The man who
Mr. Elber Cornelius, wife and daugh­ new and original idea abont how to get I it the grave of his benefactor and re
advertises certainly has inducement* to
has issued a set o f don ’ts. They issued
It is also recommended that you wear !
offer you or he would n ’t ask to call and ters motored up from Eugene and visit publicity and crowds, and then furnish late there some of his war experiences.
the don’t last year and the year before
a red rap, a red sweater and a eonstant
ed over Sunday with Mrs. Lou E. Dunn. some means of carrying it out. Any i The will says: “ Being without fam
that. But hunters still go out in their i
i see him before buying.
ily, I leave the whole of my fortune to
. •
. . . . . .
. , .
, i blush on your face. They have been
Mr. Cornelius and Mrs. Dunn are cou- county that has anything to give a s s y Paul Cambon, farmer. I desire thus
pride and health to come back in wood-
. .
. .
carrving on a systematic campaign year ,
: ins but had not met for 40 years. Mr. can make a hit here just as big as their j to show my gratitude to him for having
Five Sons Dead. Three Hart.
en boxes. Anyhow here are the don ts: , ,
. . . . .
by year to prove to the fool hunter that I Berlin, Aug. 1— The eolonel o f s regi­ Cornelius is just lately from Colfax, generosity.
for many years listened patiently and
D on’t shoot at moving shrubs or d**r do nbt wear re(j cap* anj sweaters, j ment stationed in the West issues an ap­
with every air of interest to the stories
Wash., but now has a home in Eugene.
I used to tell of the war o f 1870. I
But the hnnter is skeptical— ke hate* to peal for assistance to a mother who had They were very well pleased with Cot­
Mr. and Mrs. H. J. Shinn returned trust that he will be spared to return to
suffered terribly through the war. Her
Don’t shoot anything nntil you see fcave M ytU a c put over o . h i . .
tage Grove and expect soon to see more last Saturday from a coast trip which his village after the present war, and
plainly what it in.
How does he know
that the deer nine sons snd a son in law went to the
extended into old Mexico and included my only request to him it that he come
o f it.
Don’t carry your gun loaded.
hasn't put on the garments to disguise three of them and the son in-law are se­
the California fairs and the principal occasionally to my tomb and there re
late some o f his own war experiences.'*
Visiting Cards—The Sentinel office. eities of Californs.
verely wounded.
Don't go into the woods without pay- ' himselft— Ex.
'r C