THREE BROTHERS HIE IN EIGHT MONTHS b : ie f new s of O regon IOZ S o c ie t y J'iolcs Stormy Nights ire Nov Delights ” Mem tiers of the Aid Society of A cam p of S panish-A m erican w». v e te ra n s h a s b een o rg an ized a t H ills­ the M. E. church are being en­ In the death of J. K. Barrett boro. tertained at the home of Mrs. J. New Edison Tuesday Jan. 26, 1915, at his P o rtla n d 's s ix th a n n u a l autom obile S. Benson this (Wednesday) af­ “Makes Home home in this city, it is recalled show o pened a t th e arm o ry S a tu rd ay ternoon. Diamond Sweet The Constellation club will en­ that three brothers in this fami­ night. Disc The Idaho legislature has crea­ ly have died suddenly within the T h e O regon S ta te F e d eratio n of L a­ tertain all the ladies of the East­ Home a Sweeter bor convened M onday In Salem , T. ern Star in the Masonic hall ted three new counties in that Phonograph past eight months. LeRoy Bar­ H. B u rch ard p resid in g . Home” state. Thursday afternoon and a pleas- rett died in May and Wm. A. in E. J. M cC lanahan of E ugene h as \ ant time is anticipated. Mrs. G. F. Mills is visiting OU can b u y G lasses for friends in Portland, Salem and November. Jas. K. Barrett was been re e le c te d p re s id e n t of th e O re­ A pleasant afternoon was pass­ stricken with paralysis a few gon S ta te P o u ltry asso ciatio n . ed at the home of Mrs. C. A. 10 c en ts o r $10 a n d ¿jet Albany this week. T e m p o ra ry o rg a n iz a tio n of th e L ane th e sa m e a m o u n t o f m a te ri­ Kinter Bros, are conducting a days ago from which he died. C ounty J e r s e y B re e d e rs ' asso ciatio n Kinter when she entertained the M. P. G. embroidery club Tues­ al in each p a ir. It ta k e s p a t ­ closing out sale of their big furni­ He was born in Erie county, New w as e ffected a t a m eetin g a t Eugene. day afternoon. The additional York, Jan. 23, 1845, and was T he d is tric t fo re s te r a t P o rtlan d re ­ ience, skill a n d tim e t o de. ture establishment. were Mrs. Leon DesLar- therefore 70 years of age at the p o rts th a t in th e seaso n of 1914 th e re guests The best of order and a good te rm in e th e p ro p e r L ens for zes and Mrs. Ben Groff. w ere 1300 fire s in th e naU onal fo rests y o u r eyes. Do n o t m a k e the time assured at the band dance. time of his death. He went with of O regon, W ash in g to n an d A laska. Mrs. A. L. Monroe entertained Armory Saturday evening. his parents to Iowa, in which m is ta k e o f g e ttin g g la sse s After* a shut-dow n of sev eral m onths the Royal Neighbors at her home Philip Hohl is building a con­ state he enlisted in the 20th Iowa th e big m ill of th e J. H. C ham bers Tuesday afternoon. A delight­ w ith o u t first h a v in g y o u r crete entrance to his blacksmith Infantry at the age of 17 years L u m b er co m p an y , of C ottage Grove, ful social time devoted to conver­ eyes carefully exam ined. shop in West Cottage Grove. Pianos, Musical Merchandise, Sheet Music, Edison and served three years. At the h as resu m ed o p e ra tio n s w ith a full sation and needle work was en­ I am eq uipped w ith m o d ­ joyed, and dainty refreshments Mesdames Sparks and Morgan close of the war he was married crew . Cylinder Records, Victor Victrolas and Records. ern In s tru m e n ts for e x a m in ­ returned to Lorane today after an B lasius C ra s s e r, w ho sh o t E lm er were served. Additional guests to Miss Amy Haas. She died a were Mesdames L. Bisbey, Dur­ ing y o u r eyes a n d s tu d y in g enjoyable visit with relatives in few years later and on April 22, Bacon, a l fi-year-old boy, on Ja n u a ry ham, Mackin and Compton. th e g la sse s to m eet y o u r in­ Michigan. 4, w as found g u ilty of manslaugh'.w . 1891, he was united in marriage by a ju ry a t Salem , a fte r a d ellb era d iv id u a l re q u ire m e n ts a n d 1 The W. C. T. U. tendered Mrs. Hotel men in Eugene are not­ to Mrs. Elizabeth A. Haas. De­ tion of six hours. Welcome Hubbell a very pleasant * * - » w g» *+ ing a marked increase in business g u a r a n te e s a tis fa c tio n . due to opening of the Siuslaw ceased came to Cottage Grove 30 J. W. G roshong, of A lbany, w as birthday surprise last Thursday Cb|qt«cl| Setf'Ciccs SPRAY S COLUM N route to Coos Bay. years ago where he has resided elected p re s id e n t of a new ly organ afternoon. Several very inter­ T elephone No. 3. (zed H o p g ro w ers’ A ssociation of Linn esting papers were read, excell­ METHODIST EPISCOPAL. The revival meetings will close ever since. For many years he and B enton co u n ties, an d Hoy N ew ­ ent refreshments were served .4 » ^ «44» a t the M. E. church Sunday and served as clerk of the Cottage p o rt, also of A lbany, w as elected sec and a very enjoyable afternoon H orace N. A ldrich , Pastor. Mowing machine $10. th e interest promised to increase Grove school district, an office he re ta ry i B ell M. M enzies , Deaconess. was spent by the twenty ladies with each evening this week. Wood for sale. Phone 3. W illiam D. S co tt, g e n e ra l m an ag e r in attendance. resigned only last fall. He was Every Sunday, 9:45 a. m. Sun­ Roy S. Smith is now sole own­ a charter member of the M. E. of th e S pokane, P o rtla n d & S e a ttle Good brood mare for sale. The first ball given by the new day School, S. L. Mackin, Super­ er of the Cottage Grove Manu­ church of this city, but later af­ railw ay died a t h is hom e in P o rtlan d . intendent. Graded lessons and One Red Jersey brood sow. facturing Co. Mr. H. Armstrong T h e end c a m e a f te r re p e a te d a tta c k s Moose order in their newly equip­ classes for all ages. Separate class retiring on account of poor health. filiated with the Baptist church, of h e a rt fa ilu re th a t b ro u g h t about ped hall over the Woolen Mill rooms. Efficient teachers. A One Poland China brood sow. and was a consistent Christian co m plications. store last Friday evening was ten piece orchestra leads the song Wm. Sanders late engineer on 5 year old Jersey cow for sale. P o rtla n d ’s p o p u latio n is 275,735, or well attended and was declared service. the O. P, & E. railroad has sold gentleman. He is survived by a Mrs. Maude Wright Su­ A 3 1-4 wide tire wagon only his household goods and will soon wife, three stepsons, Ernest a gain of 5208 in 1914, acco rd in g to one of the most pleasant and en­ perintendent of the Primary De­ $ 20 . e s tim a te s b ased on th e nu m b er of leave for Chicago with his family. Haas, Columbus, Ind., Chas. joyable social functions of its partment. Service, with Sermon The ground hog will make us nam es th a t th e new city d ire c to ry will One Jersey cow three years Howard, Billings, Mont., and J. G. Scott was down from his Ex­ 11 a. m. and 7-30 p. m. his annual visit soon. co n tain w hen it is issu ed F e b ru ary 25 kind ever given in this city. old. Junior Epworth 3 p. m. Mrs. Dorena farm Saturday transact­ cellent music was furnished by Helen Aldrich. Superintendent, A1 Cruson is able to be about ing business and getting his Alvin F. Howard of this city, al­ by R. L. P o lk & Co. Registered Herford bull for so one sister, Mrs. Chase, of Ce­ E x-G overnor W est d u rin g th e la st the DesLarzes orchestra. again after his recent illness. Epworth League 6:30 p. m. sale. name on the Leader’s subscript­ dar, Kan. Funeral services will 30 d ay s of h is a d m in is tra tio n condi­ Complimenting Mr. and Mrs, Dr. Richard McCargar, Presi­ One Poland China boar, regis­ There is no improvement in ion list. tio n ally p ard o n ed 59 convicts, six of dent. be conducted from the M. E. Edgar King’s condition, he still Rev. Robert Sutcliffe of Leban­ church Thursday afternoon at 2 them m u rd e re rs , an d tw o convicted of J. H. Callahan of Portland, who Chapter No. 2 6:30 p. m. Fred­ tered. being seriously ill. m a n sla u g h te r, acco rd in g to reco rd s on has been visiting Mrs. Callahan’s eric Aldrich, President. on is spending a few days in One good horse, harness and John Bader has been confined Cottage Grove looking after his o’clock by Rev. H. N. Aldrich, file in th e sta te h o u se . parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. C. buggy. Morning theme, “ The Relation No fa ta l a c c id e n ts w ere rep o rted to Johnson, Mrs. C. H. Burkholder to his home for a few days with 8 acre orchard tract here and assisted by Rev. D. A. McLeod of the Church to Men.” Good faning mill, price $15. A an attack of lagrippe. greeting old friends. and Rev. W. J. Gardner, inter­ L abor C o m m issio n er H off d u ring th e charmingly entertained with a Evening, “ The Watchman Up­ snap. w eek. T h e to ta l n u m b e r of m lshaos Ernest Lockwood was transact­ Noted lumbermen of Washing­ ment in the I. 0. 0. F. cemetery. Five Hundred” party at her on the Wall.” w as 38, an d 12 o c c u rre d am ong em ­ One Oliver cast steel plow, 12 ing business at Eugene Tuesday ton inspected the new Booth- Epworth League topic, “ An and saw “ Mutt and Jeff” in the Kelly mill at Springfield Tuesday Death of W ell Known B u sln sse Man ployes of ra ilro a d s, w hile 9 victim s home last Thursday evening, Evening With Some of the Great inches. w ere em ployed by saw m ill or logging Mr. Wampole receiving the high­ evening. and will soon build an exact Hymns.” Leaders, Chapter No. One good mare, harness and com panies. est score. The hostess was as­ 1 Mrs. H. N. Aldrich. Chapter buggy. Benj Morel, American consul, model of it at Copaies, Washing­ John Stoneburg, a well known Jo h n Jo h n so n , of P o rtla n d , aged sisted in serving a dainty two No. 2, J. T. Hooper. was injured by a bomb dropped ton. One second hand spring tooth business man of this city, died at ab o u t 50 y e a rs, w as found dead by h is from a German airship at Dun­ Mrs. Jennie Fishburn had the the family home in west Cottage b ro th e r A lb ert, b etw een T u a la tin and course luncheon by her daughter, harrow. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. kirk recently. misfortune to fall on the stairs sta tio n s , in th e s o u th e a ste rn Miss Belle, consisting of marsh­ I pay cash and sell for cash or D. A. M ac L eod Grove, Saturday evening, Jan. p M a ulloy rt of W ash in g to n co unty, death h av ­ mallow salad, marguerites, cake B. S. Swengel went to Port­ at the Swengel home in this city produce. 23, 1915, aged 61 years. De­ one day last week, receiving ing re s u lte d from a sh o tg u n w ound and chocolate. land Tuesday to attend the Hard­ Those present Bible School at 10 a. m., Carload of poultry supplies ware Convention which convenes quite painful injuries, but not ceased was born in Percy, On­ n e a r th e h e a rt. were: Messrs and Mesdames J. morning worship at 11. Junior just in. serious. T. J. W illiam s, c h ief of police of tario, Canada, in 1853, in the in that city this week. Christian Endeavor at 3. Even­ I pay cash for chickens, eggs L. L. Harrel returned home same neighborhood where his R oseburg, w as a c q u itte d by a Jury In H. Callahan, Ben Groff, C. E. ing worship at 7:30 p. m. Band dance at the Armory Frost, A. W: Wampole, B. S. and hides. th e s ta te c o u rt follow ing a h e arin g on from a visit to the auto show at Service 11 a. m. Subject, wife was born, and where they a c h a rg e of a s s a u ltin g G eorge C hurch, Swengel, Geo. McQueen, Jack Saturday evening Jan. 30. Tick­ Portland Tuesday. Mrs. Harrel One Standard sewing ma- “ Prayer.” et 50 cents. Always a big. en­ went up to Auburn, Washington were married in 1875. In 1878 p. so cialist. Mr. W illiam s' a r r e s t w as Grant, Elbert Bede. Mesdames chine. Snap. Service 7:30 p. m. “ The Val­ joyable time. Be there. to visit at the home of her broth­ they moved to Wisconsin where th e outcom e of an I. W. W. o u tb re a k VanDenburg, Ruth Robinson, ley of Dry Bones.” Two last spring Jersey heifer Mrs. Edward Shearer has sold er H. Harrington. Mr. Stoneburg bought a farm w hich o ccu rred S a tu rd a y night. Miss VanDenburg, Messrs Kin­ calves for sale. her place on Row river and will J. Y. R ich ard so n , ch ief a u d ito r of CHRISTIAN CHURCH It is the early hatched pullets and upon which they resided for th e s ta te ac c o u n tin g d e p a rtm e n t un­ ter and Sanford. go to Portland to reside per­ T. B. M c D onald , Minister One 2 1-2 Studebaker wagon that produce eggs in the fall and 18 years. In 1896 they moved to d e r th e a d m in is tra tio n of S ta te In­ manently where Mr. Shearer has about half worn. early winter, when prices are Washington and nine months su ra n c e C o m m issio n er F erg u so n , has employment. MARRIED. Friday evening, choir practice. high. February, March and Ap­ later came to this community announced th a t th e c o st of a u d itin g All kinds of poultry supplies Sunday, Bible school at 9:45 a. at cash prices. Harry Metcalf has had his ril are the months to do your residence on West Main remodel­ hatching in order to secure early where Mr. Stoneburg engaged in the books of th e v ario u s counties, B rickler -M artin —At the resi­ m. Preaching at 11 a. m. and 7:30 p. m. One steel roller, the kind that the, barber business for some M ultnom ah n o t included, w as $19,281. ed enlarged and otherwise great­ hatched pullets. dence of the pastor of the Fair- gets all the clods. T he sk e le to n of a larg e w hale w hich C. E. 6:30 p. m. Prayer meet­ ly improved in convenience and mount Presbyterian church, ing Thursday at 7:30 p. m. C. M. Kissinger, 'th e Eugene time, later he opened a confec­ d rifted a sh o re Ju st n o rth of th e m outh ____ 3 _ 1-4 John Deere Moline appearance. One attorney found guilty in the jus­ tionery and cigar store, in which of th e S iuslaw riv e r la s t su m m er Is Wednesday, January 20, 1915, Teachers meeting Tuesday 7:30! wagon good as new* Harry Tibbets is now night tice court of violating the local business he remained up to the to be ta k e n to E ugene. Ja m e s F u l­ p. m. Ladies Aid meeting each- „ , ‘ L, L. Brickler, of Harrisburg, electrican at the Booth-Kelly option law, was fined $200. He time of his death. Mr. Stone­ lerto n , of E ugene, is a j F lo ren ce to Morse Wednesday afternoon. i . 0 horse Fairbanks and Miss Dora Martin, of Cres- pill while the monorail is work­ immediately filed notice of ap­ Subject o f ------s— -- ------- 1 engine at a bargain says th e su p e rin te n d th e w ork an d Dject or morning sermon: well, Rev. W. V. McGee offici­ ing overtime to clear the yards. peal and will carry the case to burg was kindhearted and liber­ sk eleto n w ill be p u t to g e th e r on th e I want to bu; >uy your chickens, The Value of Constant Church al, always willing to assist the - Springfield News ating. They will make their Attendance.” This is one of the eggs, hides an id pelts. the circuit court. u n iv e rsity cam pus. needy or those in distress. He Phone 12H-R when you w ant your home in Harrisburg.—Guard. series on “The Light Bearing T he to ta l ro ad m ileage in O regon Mrs Land, mother of Mark P. was a member of the I. O. O. F. One gentle pony 5 years old, clo th es cleaned, p ressed or mended is 37,639 m iles. Of h a rd su rfaced road Church.” and they will be called for and d eliver­ Garroutte of this city, is seriously drives single or double. ed prom ptly. Mrs. H enderson. In the evening there will be a ill at her farm home on Row Riv­ and Rebekah order, under the th e re a re only 25 m iles, of w hich Jack- M iller -B rewer —At the court One 3 year old Jersey cow will county h a s 15, C latsop has 6, John Hampton, of Eugene, has er. Her daughter, Mrs. Will auspices of which the funernl son house in Eugene, January 20, chart sermon on “The Fall and| be fresh in about 2 weeks. M ultnom ah 3 an d T illam ook 1. T he Restoration of Man.” Hart came up from Corvallis a service was held Monday, inter­ bought the stock and business of 1915, Wallace W. Miller and ta l m ileage of m acad am road is 962 One second hand sub-soil plow, the Hampton store in Springfield, few days ago and is at her bed­ ment in the Odd Fellows ceme­ to Miss Myrtle Brewer, both of m iles, of g ra v e l road 3745 m iles, of side with other members of the owned by his brother, Alton. He tery. He is survived by a wife, p lank road 232 m iles and of e a rth road BAPTIST CHURCH jU 8 t Wh&t yOU "eed ' Cottage Grove, County Judge family. Y U Are Invited to Hear Them at D Mills & Roach M USIC H O U SE Q J I j D. j. Scholl Optometrist and Jeweler P E R SO N A L & PÏCKUPS B will have personal charge. J. H. Callahan and wife re­ There are protests against turned to Portland Saturday af­ maintaining the Bureau of Mines and mining and the state depart­ ter an enjoyable visit with Mr. ment of Geology when Oregon and Mrs. W. Q Johnson, parents stone is rejected on all public of Mrs. Callahan. They expect to spend the season in Nevada or buildings. Idaho where Mr. Callahan will Mr. and Mrs. J. P Graham ar­ supervise street paving work. rived in this city from Wauna, Oregon, last week and are pre­ Coos and Curry counties have paring to move out upon the raised a fund of $5,000 to meet Cates ranch. Dr. Oglesby, Mrs. the expenses of a comprehensive Graham's father, is improving display at the Panama-Pacific Exposition this year and within nicely from his recent illness, a few days the material will be B. F. Parsons is the owner of a dipped to San Francisco and in- Ford motar car which he has stalled in the Oregon building, operated for five years, and he Approximately 5,000 acres claims the record distance travel­ ed by any one car in Lane county, have been signed up within the saying the machine has gone past few days in the vicinity of Medford and Grants Pass, an 66.000 miles.—Eugene Guard. acreage sufficient to warrant the Mr. and Mrs. George Gourley erection of a beet sugar factory. and two children, of Eugene, A corjioration backed by Oregon. were over Sunday guests of Mrs. California and Utah capital has Gourley’s mother, Mrs. Palmer. been formed to carry through Mr. Gourley returned home Mon­ the project. day. but Mrs. Gourley and child­ Garrett Flynn of Fredonia, ren will remain here for the Kansas, gave his brother, who week. has been quite ill at his home in A Saturday supper represent- this city for some time past, an ing the grocery business of our agreeable surprise by dropping city, will be given to the public. i ¡n on him last Sunday after a Saturday from 5 to 7:30 p. m. in separation of 20 years. Mr. the dining room of the Christian Flynn is considerably improved church. Come, enjoy the social jn health and the brother will re­ pleasures and a good supper, turn to his Kansas home about Chicken and dressing and nood- Saturday and will be accompani- les will be on the bill-o -fare. 25 e(j by Mrs Richmond, who is a ce. -8 per plate. ¡sister of Mr. Flynn, and daughter, Mrs. F. C. Coff­ man; two sisters, one in Canada and one at North Bend, also three brothers residing in Wisconsin. 32,689 m iles. S ta te V e te rin a ria n L ytle, w ho is se c re ta ry of th e L iv esto ck S an itary board, an n o u n ced th a t th e d e p a rtm e n t had expended $25,126.99 of th e ap p ro ­ Card of Thanks. p riatio n to r tw o y e a rs of $50,000. T he Mrs. Stoneburg wishes to ex­ e x p e n d itu re w as for 18 m onths. C at­ tend her sincere thanks to the tle tu b e rc u lo sis in sp ectio n num bered 13,321; m alleln Inspection. 2311, and many neighbors and friends who sh eep Inspected, 400,000. tendered kind favors during the W ith ev ery a p p o in tm e n t an d fe a tu ra late fatal illness of her husband in accord w ith th e occasion, T h e D al­ and to the I. O. 0. F. and Re- les b u sin ess m en e n te rta in e d th e offi­ bekah’s for the beautiful fioral cials of th e O regon-W ashlngton R ail­ & N av ig atio n com pany a t an offerings and services rendered. e road la b o ra te b a n q u e t a t H otel D alles S a t­ urday. T h e a ff a ir w as a to k en of ap­ A train load of logs a day is p reciatio n of w h a t th e ra ilro a d h eads arriving at Chambers saw mill have done fo r T h e D alles. F our sin g e rs from th e O regon A gri­ from the big logging camp in the forest reserve east of Cottage cu ltu ra l college will leave C orvallis th is w eek fo r an ex ten d ed to u r of th e Grove. e a s t as th e g u e sts of th e S a n ta Fe railro a d . T l.e q u a rte t will a p p e a r firs t Last Wednesday Rev Groat a t San F ran cisco , and from th e re will was called to Menlo, Wash., to jo w u rn ey e a s t a s fa r as C hicago, giv­ visit a sister, who is very ill with | i"“"" ’ en ro u te and sin g in g on heart trouble and is not expected th e de luxe tr a in s on S a n ta Fe ltas.i. to survive many days. T h e to u r will la s t a b o u t fo u r w eeks. T he to ta l a m o u n t of th e fees re ­ ceived by th e au to m o b ile d e p a rtm e n t Will furnish feed and good care for gentle single driving of S e c re ta ry of S ta te O lc o tt’a office horse in return for its use. In­ fo r the y e a r en d in g D ecem ber 31 w as $77,592. as co m p ared w ith $ $ M 7 I in quire at this office. 1913 and 342.994 In 191$. T h e m otor vehicle re g is tra tio n s to ta le d 16,34 7, Chas. Beals is conducting a m otorcycles 2898, d e a le rs 110 and moving picture theater at Salem. c h a u ffe u rs 1838. In 1913, 13,957 mo­ to r vehicle an d m o to rcy cle re g is tr a ­ Subscribe for the Leader. tio n s w are m ade. ci r O. n G PorvA-r PnotA. Heavy horse at harness and de- E. G. roat , Pastor. ,ivery wafion a bar>rain Helmus W. Thompson officiat­ ing. Both of the contracting parties are well known and high­ ly esteemed in this city, Mr. Mil­ Mrs. Beaver teacher. I One yearling heifer Gurnsey Preaching Sunday, 1 1 a m . ler being in the employ of the S. and Jersey, one yearling heifer P. Railroad Co. here, where they The young people’s society of Jersey. the Baptist church* have complet­ will reside. you want a good fat chick­ ed a belfry and placed a bell in it en If see me. I am corn feeding which will peal forth the hours George W. Gilcrist and Miss of service and invite the people some nice ones. Martha A. Wooley were quietly to worship. A cordial welcome Four-year-old cow will be fresh in a few days, also nine-year-old married at the home of the is extended to all. j cow fresh now. bride’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. R. Last Sunday morning a large B. Wooley, Wednesday afternoon congregation attended the Bap­ Horse power drag saw cheap. Jan. 27, 1915. The ceremony tist church and listened to a very You can’t afford to use elbow was performed by Rev. H. N. interesting discourse by Rev. greese. Let the horse do the Aldrich and was witnessed only Groat from the text, "Son’s of work of four men. God.” Rev. Groat’s age and ex­ three year old Jer­ by the bride’s parents. perience enables him to bring sey Registered bull. This is a good one and Mr. and Mrs. Gilcrist will be­ lessons from the word of God gin housekeeping immediately in that is very instructive and com­ can be bought right. I also have in stock a full line forting to his hearers. Services their home on Coast Fork. of International Harvesters, wag­ every Sunday morning. ons and machinery. Shelby L. Teeter and Miss Al­ ma L. Fuller were united in mar­ The Leader for neat printing. , I also keep on hand a full stock riage at Eugene last Thursday, 1 of Page wire fence. This is sure Jan. 21, 1915, County Judge ; the best fence on the market. Thompson officiating. The bride Good three year old colt for and groom are both well and fav­ M rs. Leon Desl^irzes sale. This is a fine heavy colt orable known here where they S oloU l anti T eacher and will make a big draft horse. will continue to reside. Pupil of the reteh raleil F re d e r­ Please return your empty milk ick W. Root, nf ( M rngo. will ac­ bottles. We need them and will L. A. Ralston has accepted a cept a lim ited num lier of pupil* pay you five cents each for them. for «pecial work in vocal am ities position in the Flour Mill Co’s, and voice placem ent. Term » rea­ Second hand furniture for sale. warehouse near the depot, suc­ sonable. Reflate nee phone 123L. 2 tables, hall tree, rocking chair, Cottage Groan, O regon ceeding Geo. W. Matthews, who bread mixer, guitar, bed springs ia teaching school at London. and sofa. 4