Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, January 06, 1915, Image 3

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No War Prices Here
Although the Packing Houses have
increased their prices, and there has
been a general rise in prices all along
the line, we have not raised the prices
to our customers.
You can buy meat
here just as cheap as before the talk of
War Prices began.
Remember that.
Dressed ChicKen Every Saturday
or at any time on order
Photo by American Press Association.
Pure Homemade Lard Our Specalty
V * M l W * V e W .k ’ .k M l W
.k V * V * V * M g V * '. k V « V k V « r.k r, ’k W
k 'l^ k * k ') i t
Princess August W ilhelm Is shown visiting the wounded In a hospital tn Berlin.
I f Pay 20 Per Cent More?
The ice cutting season in East­
ern Oregon is on a month earlier
than usual.
Flouring Mills all over the country have
advanced the price of their products, TH E
M IL L S REM AIN TH E SAME. I f you are
using a brand o f flour made by outside
mills, you are paying more than your home
mill charges for the same grade.
Test our
Flour and Compare Our Price with others.
Austrians Surrounded.
Paris, Jan. 5—A Petrograd dispatch published in
reports that the Russians have occupied
Mrs. Rupert MaGee o f Salem is
a guest o f relatives in and about eight Hungarian townships and that several divisions of
Cottage Grove.
the Austrian army are surrounded in the Carpathians.
The Portland Baggage and Om­
nibus Co. has lbought a block and
will erect a large plant.
A t Bandon, a supreme court
decision releases $25,000 to be
expended on this harbor.
A modern scientist says that in
many respects the human race
has made no progress in 25,000,
years, or since the stone age.
The O. A. C. is proud o f the
new $100,000 gymnasium with
the most completely equipped
boxing and wrestling rooms on
the coast.
The 1600 men laid off in the
Los Angeles S. P. Machine shops
in October were put to work
Christmas the shops opening one
month earlier than it was an-
nouced they would when they
were ordered closed.
How to conduct the public
schools on a more economical
basis is a question to tie answer­
ed by a committee appointed at
the big institute held in Eugene
last week, the committee’s re­
port to be submitted at the next
annual meeting which will be
held at Medford.
Trader* Favor Gaining an Hour, but
Railroads Oppose It.
Chicago.—There la widespread dis­
cussion here among bankers, stock­
brokers. traders In wheat, corn and
provisions on the board of trade, mer­
chants and business men generally,
over a proposal to change Chicago
time from central to eastern time,
thus conforming to New York time.
Bankers and brokers, most of whom
have dealings In New York, almost
unanimously favor the change, but
there Is a wide divergence o f opinion
among other business men, and the
railroads are solidly allied agnlnst It
The question was discussed at a spe­
cial luncheon given by the Chicago As­
sociation o f Commerce.
About a year ago Cincinnati dtscoss
ed the subject o f changing to eastern
time and decided ngalnst It. On the
other hand. Cleveland oi^rates on
both eastern and central time Detroit
Is said to have varying time schedules
Spokane recently abandoned an at
tempt to move Its clocks ahead one
hear to mountain time.
A special committee o f the American
Railway association, after canvassing
forty-two railroads operating Hfl.448
miles o f road In Kentucky. Indiana.
Illinois and Michigan, found forty
roads opposed to any change In the
time system.
Russian Girl Honored.
Petmgrad. - A young H iw w n women
mentioned only ee “Mile B bee In-n
swarded the St ilm n r r » «m e* for
tlghttm: In her father's artillery Hin­
ts In a I’etrograd h.mpttei, »rniwWd.
A form should be operated for net.
not for gross results.
Subacribe for the Leader.
The Cottage Grove Flour Hills
Germans Lose in Alsace.
The German defenders o f Alsace are still losing
ground before the French advance. Today’s official state­
ments from Berlin, as well as Paris, speak o f fighting to
the east o f Steinhach, showing that the French have
pushed beyond this recently captured village. The Paris
announcement gives the first intimation of another French
advance into Alsace near Orbey, fourteen miles west of
Colmar, capital of upper Alsace.
Infantry fighting has been resumed in Belgium, and
the French report state that ground has been won by the
allies near Nieuport. Elsewhere military activity is chief­
ly in the way of artillery duels.
Turks Lose W hole Army Corps.
Petrograd, Jan. 5—It is officially announced that the
Russian troops have gained a decisive victory at Sari
Kamysh. The entire ninth army corps of the Turks were
The following report received from the Russian head­
quarters in the Caucasus was made public tonight:
‘‘Last night our troops won a complete victory over
the Turks at Sari Kamysh. We have beaten tw o army
corps, and have made the entire nineth Turkish Army
corps, including its commander and three division com­
manders, prisoners.
“ Small bodies of Turkish troops which succeeded in
escaping were rigorously pursued and destroyed.
“ We continue pursuit o f the other parts o f the Turk­
ish forces which are in full retreat.”
Telephone 80
B e a ls ’ H a r n e s s
Light and Heavy Harness, Whips
Gloves, Robes. Harness and Shoe
Repairing. Prices that please.
4i4 Main Street
Cottage Grove, Or.
A R M S T R O N G ’ S ||
Old Saw Fashioned Into Turko
Blade Draws Pollen.
It ’ s the Quality.
Gary, Ind.—Frank Skelly leaped Into
fame on a saw as the leading humorist
o f the city. It wuh an old saw, rusty
and moat o f Its teeth gone, und tlila
made the leap more difficult- Skelly
picked up the anw and—
F ive policemen ruahed down the
main street o f Gary with drawn clubs.
The place to get your
They were answering a riot call. In
horses shod and good
front o f Fred J. Freydlund’s store a
gathering crowd whs shouting and
Repair Work.
struggling. The crowd pressed ngainst
the store window. The men cried out:
"Break the window! Wreck the store!”
A fter half nil hour the police dispers­
ed the mob. Several bends were whack
ed; a great deal o f ill feeling was ex­
hibited. Then all night the police
stood In front o f Mr. Freydlund’s store.
They were protecting It. for In the
window hung a bloodstained snber
marked as u relic from a Belgian bat­
tlefield. It und belonged to a terrible
Turko, the sign said.
The terrible
Turko had fought valiantly with It
The confession at Salem Sunday of John G. H. Sierks H e had slain at least five o f the enemy
to the murder of Mrs. Dais}- Wehrman, thereby saving before he lost I t There was blood on
the curved and wicked looking blade.
the life o f Arthur Pender, sentenced to be hung within a It was for this reason that tbc mob
short time, was of more than passing interest to Max had endeavored to break the window.
Freydlund. however, had given a good
Youngeberg o f Eugene. It was he who found the gun hat to It* owner for |>ermlsalon to <•!-
It In his store.
with which the murder was committed and he found it Mbit
By morning Freydlund decided he
where the confession of Suuday said it had been buried bad had enough o f the blade. He sum­
Frank Skelly to the store.
according to the story. Pender will probably soon go moned
"You can have your relic back—nrid
Correct Method of
for goodness' sake sink It In the laker
free, having narrowly escaped hanging.
Frank Skelly laughed.
What happened to the old saw Sket-
ly found? Ob, be snnk It In the lake,
The Leader fo r neat printing.
Civilians and Soldiers Quarrel.
as Mr. Freydlund hsd suggested, only
London. — Military and olvlllan prl*
It was no longer a saw, bat a enrved
oners have to be kept tn sei>srate saber with goose blood smeared all
Gsakwar Buys Empress of India.
camps In England liens use It war
South of First National Bank
over the blade.
Seattle. W a sb .-T h e liner Km press of
found they oonstantly quarreled as tn
Sixth Street
Indis o f the Canadian Parido Hallway
their respective bravery. The civilians
company, which has been plying be-
accused the soldiers o f surrendering
For Sale— Team o f horse«, cow
I tween north Pacido ports and the far
and the soldiers accused the rtvlllsn« givin g milk, spring wagon, sin­
1 east for twenty three years, ha« been
o f being sfrald to go to the front, pitch
sold to the (reekwar o f Raroda. said to
gle buggy and wood saw and
ed battles being the Inevitable result
he the richest prlnee o f the Indian em­
gasoline engine. Fred T. Scheib-
Butter wrappers printed while
pire. The Empress o f India Is to serve
10-21-tf. you wait, at the Leiuier office.
as a hospital ship foi I milan troop«.
A Leader ad gets the business. ner, East Main.
Joe Baker
Wagon Making
General Repair Work
Spriggs Bros.