Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, October 21, 1914, Image 5

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    Damage Suit T rial Begins.
A $35,000 damage suit which
may last several days in the cir­
cuit court was commenced Tues- j
day in the case of Luthur B,
Hudson, against the Brown j
Lumber company, of Cottage
Grove. The alleged accident is
said to have occured almost two
years and a half ago. The plain­
tiff claims that he was perman
ently crippled by the accident
which is said to have injured his
spine and caused a nervous dis­
ease. He was struck by a piece
of timber while working in the
mill. The lumber company con
tends that the permanent injuries
were caused by other things, and
that the man went to work in
the mill again after the acci-
cident. Senn Eqwall & Hardy
of Eugene and John Medley of
Cottage Grove are defending the
lumber company; W. W. Card-
well and Albert Abraham, of
Roseburg, are attorneys for the
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Andrew Brund spent Monday
in Eugene.
We will put our entire stock of
A case of diphtheria is reported
It takes PA T IEN C E, skill and at Eugene.
T IM E to determine the prescrip­
Doughnuts like Mother makes,
goods on sale at prices that will
tion according to which the proper
cents per dozen at Parker’s
lenses for your eyes should be
made. Do not make the Mistake Bakery.
of getting glasses without first hav­
Prof. I. L. Rowe formerly of
ing your eyes carefully examined. this city, is teaching a term of
I am equipped with MODERN F A ­ school near Glenada on the lower
C IL IT IE S for examining your Siuslaw river.
eyes, and supply the glasses to
Miss Ada Matthews who is at­
meet your IN D IVID U A L R E ­ tending the U. of O. was an over
Sunday guest of her parents and
And Guarantee Satisfaction.
friends of this city.
Local News Notes
Lost, gray and lavender knit
Don’t overlook our complete
house jacket or sweater in this
city last Friday. Finder please market report each week.
eave same at Leader office.
0. M. Kem who has been con­
Optometrist and Jeweler
Editor Elbert Bede and wife siderably indisposed for the past
went to Oregon City Thursday two weeks is able to be at his
to attend the annual meeting of office again.
the State Press Association.
S o c i e t y JVofes
Wanted—Large 2nd-hand suit
Mrs J. P. Graham of Wauna, case. Must be in first-class con­
Mrs. Jos. Porter and Mrs. T. Oregon, arrived in this city last dition and cheap, inquire at Lead­
C. Wheeler will entertain the week to enjoy a visit with her er office.
The W. C. T. U. will hold its
Constellation club at the Masonic parents, Dr. and Mrs. Oglesby.
Temple Thursday afternoon.
L. S. Hill and Mark P. Gar- regular meeting at the home of
Mrs. L. M. Thompson Friday, at
Plans have been made for a outte went to Eugene Monday to 3 p. m.
Hallowe’en social at the Masonic
Mrs. C. A. Lynch returned
Temple, after the regular meet­ in a damage case against the
home Saturday from an enjoyable
ing of the 0. E. S. on Friday Brown Lumber Co.
E. C. and Chas. Conner will visit with relatives and friends
Mrs. Ernest Armes entertained bring one of the large Booth-Kelly
The Ladies Aid society of the
the Emanon club at her home saw mill boilers out from the
last Thursday afternoon. The Prune Hill plant this week with M. E. church will serve an elec­
hours were spent in the usual their big teams. The boiler will tion day dinner in the church
way and refreshments were serv­ be delivered at the Saginaw de­ basement.
pot for shipment to another
Judge J. S. Medley went to
Booth-Kelly mill.
Eugene Monday to attend circuit
Mrs. Delure Hemenway enter­
Although the Packing Houses have
tained Monday afternoon, com­ The large hop house and poul­ court in which he has several im­
increased! th eir prices, and there has
plimentary to Mrs. Jack Grant. try house of J. C. Chetwood, who portant cases.
a general rise in prices all along
Excellent refreshments were resides on the Bogard hop ranch
Albert Hess has established
the line, we have n o t raised the prices
served and Mrs. Grant was pre­ near Springfield, were totally de­ his residence at Sutherlin where
to our customers.
You can Imy m eat
sented with a pretty silver but­ stroyed by a freak gust of wind he orders the Leader addressed
Sunday night. The residence to him.
ter knife by the hostess.
here ju st as cheap as before the ta lk of
was also badly damaged, all of
W ar Prices began. Remember th a t.
The “ Social Twelve” club was which will aggregate a loss of
The Oregon Federation of Wo­
charmingly entertained Thurs­ several thousand dollars.
men’s Clubs is out with a reso­
lution favoring the Ashland State
day the home of
Dressed Chicken Every Saturday
Mrs. Ben Lurch. Eleven mem­ Jos. H. Koke, president of the Normal school.
bers were present and the addi­ Lane County Credit Association
or at any time on order
Wanted—Contract to cut cord-
tional guests were Mesdames and I. F. Nicklin, its secretary, wood. Any amount up to 300
John Bader, Will Hall, T. M. were Cottage Grove visitors Fri­ cords. Address G. D. Angel,
Hunt, H. H. Veatch and Mabel day extending an invitation to all Cottage Grove, Or.
Merryman. The hostess served of our business and professional
For Sale —One 3-4 blood Hol­
a dainty two course luncheon, men to attend the big meeting of
the credit men at Eugene last stein bull calf, 9 months old.
which was enjoyed by all.
Monday evening.
Also Duroc Jersey hogs.
Pure Homemade Lard Our Specialty
The annual Experience social,
Curtis Veatch.
Dr. James Withycombe, repub­
given by the Ladies Aid society
Mr. and Mrs. F. C. Ralston
of the Presbyterian church, at lican nominee for governor, spent
the residence of the president, Thursday in this city getting ac­ left last Thursday for Montgom­
Mrs. B. R. Job, last Wednesday quainted with the voters. He ery Creek, Shasta county, Cali­
afternoon, was a very pleasant was billed to speak Thursday eve­ fornia, where they will spend
and profitable affair, about sev­ ning, but on account of the Lane the winter with a son.
enty-five dollars being realized. County Veterans Association be­
Mr. and Mrs. I. G. Singleton
L ight and Heavy Harness, Whips
Large clusters of scarlet selvia, ing in public session at this time of Falls City and Mrs. Singleton’s
Robes. H arness and Shoe
red and yellow dahliahs and
mother, Mrs. J. P. DeWitt of • ■
sprays of Virginia creeper dec­ While here he was a guest of Jas. Monmouth, have been guests of I
Repairing. Prices th a t please.
orated the spacious rooms very S. Benson.
Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Young.
effectively. Some of the “ex­
414 _ ___________________
Main Street
Grove, Or. __ __
Melvin Fenwick, Springfield’s
\ o# I________ _
periences” related by the ladies candidate for the legislature on
as to the various ways of earn­ the republican ticket, spent Sun­ giving milk, spring wagon, sin­ 1
ing money were euniqueand pro­ day in this city a guest of his old gle buggy and wood saw and
vided the brincipal amusement friends Mr. and Mrs. Thurston gasoline engine. Fred T. Scheib-
M l
for the afternoon. Dainty re­ Doak. Mr. Fenwick polled a ner, East Main.
freshments were served by the handsome- vote here in the pri­
C. S. Whitlock displayed some
officers in cafeteria style. About mary election and there is no fine late seedling peaches at the
45 ladies enjoyed the occasion.
doubt but what this vote will Leader office Tuesday which
stand by him at the regular elec­ were 11 inches in circumference.
He also had some beautiful large
tion next month.
red Jonathan apples.
Mr. and Mrs. J. E. Beard, of
Do you know that you buy
At the Methodist Episcopal Napa, California, are spending
In the drawing for the fine
where you can get the best
parsonage, Wednesday morning, the day in this city, Mrs. Beard’s quilt at the Armory Friday the
October 21st 1914, Rev. H. N. former home, while making a lucky number was held by Mrs.
goods for the least money.'
Aldrich united in marriage James tour of the northwest. Mrs. Lewis, of Hamilton, Grant coun- i
E. Plank and Miss Lula D. Neal Beard was formerly Miss Mabel ty, who is a guest of her sister,
If you are not doing this you are not
both of Walker. They will set­ Crowell, and will be remembered here Mrs. Felix Currin.
tle immediately in their home on by many of the Leader readers.
doing yourself and family justice!
A letter from John W. Baker,
the Wright place near Walker.
This office was favored with a of Portland, toG. G. Warner, an­
Jas. Ozment, jr. of the lower very pleasant call by Mr. and nounces the death of his oldest
Come in and let us show you
Siuslaw, was a guest of Cottage Mrs. Beard and Mrs. C. H. Burk­ son
Edward Baker, Oct 17. The i
how we can save you money
Grove friends last Saturday.
holder with whom they are visit­ remains were buried at LaFay- j
an family supplies.
ing briefly.
ette, Yamhill county, Tuesday, j
Deceased was well and favorably
known here.
Cash paid for eggs. Wood for sale.
B a rg a in In Photos.
A R M S T R O N G ’S
A second chapter of the Ep-
worth League, especially for the
Comer 7th and W ash­
My wife having been called to young people of the high school
ington Streets.
who is seriously ill, incurring church last Sunday evening.
considerable expense to me, and This young society began its ex­
in order to meet which I will for istence with a charter member­
for a short time make my $5 cab­ ship of twenty-five and promises
H. E. Barnhart of the Univer­ That old suit will look like new,
inets for only $3.50 per dozen. to become one of the live factors sity of Oregon, was an over Sat­ if you will take it to Mrs. Hen­
Now is the time to get your holi­ in the church. Their meetings urday and Sunday guest of his derson’s clothes cleaning, press­
day pictures. A. L. M onroe .
will be held each Sunday evening brother, Prof. Barnhart of the ing and mending parlors next
door to the ex press o fflee. 10-7-tf
: Cottage Grove city schools.
At the Bridge. at 6:30 o’clock.
Eyes Must Be
Carefully Examined
Wednesday, September 2,
Prices on all merchandise
will be lower than the Net
Wholesale Cost. This is a gen­
uine sale, as we are positively
going out of business in Cot­
tage Grove as soon as our pres­
ent stock is exhausted.
D. J. Scholl
Buy Now! —
1 No War Prices Here
Beals’ Harness Shop
Where Do You Buy Your
Groceries, and Why?
Short’s Grocery,