Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, October 21, 1914, Image 4

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    The Cottage Grove
L tC lU U
The Chicago Tribune says, “ Before establishing hell on earth
A live country weekly that gives you what you want to read, the pietistic kings commend their subjects to God, seek the Lord’ s
________________ sanction for the devil’s work.
“ And now I commend you to God,” said the kaiser from his
Published Every Wednesday at 406 Main Street
balcony to the people in the street. Go to church and kneel before
Subscription price:—$1.50 per year. Six months 75 cents. God and pray for his help for our gallant arm y.”
Display advertising, 15 cents an inch; locals 5 cts. a line.
Pray that a farmer dragged from a Saxon field shall be speedi­
er with a bayonet thrust than a winemaker taken from his vines
WILLIAM C. CONNER, Editor and Manager.
in the Aube; that a Berlin lawyer shall be steadier with the rifle
than a Moscow merchant; that a machine gun manned by Heidel-
Entered as Second-class mail matter in the post office burg students shall not jam and that one worked by Paris carpen­
at Cottage Grove, Oregon, under the provisions o f the ters shall.
Pray that a Bavarian hop grower, armed in a quarrel in which
Act o f March 3, 1879.
he has no heat, shall outmarch a wheat grower from Poltava; that
Cossacks from the Don shall be lured into barbed wire entangle­
When a newspaper man retires, custom demands that ments and caught by masked guns; that an inkeeper o f Salzburg
shall blow the head off a baker from the Loire.
he say good bye to his readers. I am not going to ignore
“ Go to church and pray for help” —that the hell shall be hotter
that custom; neither am I going to be so rude as to fail in innocent Ardennes than it is in equally innocent Hessen; that
to thank those whose good will, confidence and patron­ it shall be hotter in innocent Kovno than in equally innocent Posen.
And the pietistic czar commends his subjects to God that they
age I have enjoyed.
have strength of arm in a quarrel they do not understand;
My stay has been brief, but the Leader remains to
may inflict more suffering than they are required to en­
fulfill its mission and obligations to the people.
dure and the name o f Romanoff be greater than the name o f Ho-
That will be all. Again, good by’e, and thank you.
henzollern, that it may be greater than the name o f Hapsburg,
J. D. Q uillen .
that its territories shall be wider and the territory o f Hohenzollern
and the territories o f Hapsburg less.
The pietistic emperor of Austria commends his subjects to God,
Our permanent retirement from the Leader and the to seek divine assistance to crush the peasants o f Servia, dragged
printing business has becom ; no less frequent than the from the wheat field when it was ready for the scythe and given to
proverbial farewell American tours o f the famous prima the scythe themselves.
This is, we think, the last call o f monarchy upon Divinity
donna, the divine Sarah Barnhardt.
No less than six
times in the past 15 or 20 years have we bid the Leader when Asmodeus walks in armor, The kings worship Baal and call
readers an affectionate farewell and retired gracefully it God, but out o f the sacrifice will come, we think, a resolution
from its management only to return in due time to our firmly taken to have no more wheat growers and growers o f corn,
first love with the bold declaration, “ we are here to makers of wine, miners and fishers, artisans and traders, sailors
stay.” In the Leader we seem to have found some kind and storekeepers offered up with prayer to the Almighty in a feu­
o f an affinity from which, try as wc may, we can not ge t dal slaughter, armed against each other without hate and without
cause they know, or, if they knew, would give a penny which way
T w o or three times in the past, the Leader, after our it was determined.
This is the twilight o f the kings. Western Europe o f the peo­
retirement seemed to encounter adverse winds which
be caught in this debacle, but never again. Eastern Eu­
threatened to cast it upon the rocks, but as many times
have we come to its rescue and guided it into calmer seas rope o f the king3 will be remade and the name o f God shall not
under brighter skies. The Leader has always prospered give grace to a hundred square miles o f broken bodies.
under our ownership and we promise its readers that up­
If Divinity enters here it comes with a sword to deliver the
on again assuming its management the Leader will be people from the sword.
made just as bright, newsy and interesting as it has been
It is the twilight o f the kings. The republic marches east in
heretofore under our guidance. Its policy will continue Europe.”
as formerly—a champion o f good government, law en­
forcement and all things pertaining to the upbuilding and
advancement o f Cottage Grove and community.
Mr. Quillen, during his late management o f the Lead­
er, has added scores o f new names to its subscription list
and has greatly improved the office mechanically. He re­
tires from the business with the best wishes o f many new­
ly acquired friends who will regret to learn that he and
his estimable family contemplate returning to their old
home at Seattle.
All accounts due the Leader, except subscription ac­
counts, are due and payable to Mr. Quillen, and all obli­
gations contracted under his management are payable
by him.
Soliciting a share o f the printing patronage o f this
community and the continued support and good will of
the Leader readers, we art?
Yours respectfully,
W. C. C onner .
Vote yes on amendment No. 332, providing for state wide pro­
hibition, because it will do away with an economical waste, to say
nothing o f a great moral evil.
Why should France worry over the outcome o f the war? Isn’ t
Jack Johnson, the champion fighter o f the world, still in that
Down at Roseburg three Shoemaker’ s are publishing a daily
newspaper—the Umpqua Valley News. They should stick to the
No farmer can afford to buy a thing he can raise, no matter
how cheap it is.
Death o f Mrs. Ilambrick.
T o Speak Against Prohibition
A. S. Ruth, many years mem­
Mrs. Frank Hambrick died at
7:30 Tuesday night at the home ber o f Washington Senate, issues
open challenge to debate on State
o f her sister,
Mrs. C. F.
I wide prohibition. Will allow op­
Counts, from cancer o f the stom­ ponent to choose own text and
There are two or three democratic candidates in thjs county
ach from which she has been a answer same from any angle or
who the Leader editor, although a republican, feels inclined to en­
sufferer for a long time. She point advanced.
dorse. We refer to our esteemed townsman, Attorney Alta King,
Will tell o f effects o f agitation
submitted to an operation about
candidate for the legislature; our former townsman, Marion Veatch
on price o f hops. Forsees total
three weeks before her death.
destruction o f hop industry o f
candidate for county coroner, and Lane county’s very efficient and
The funeral will be held Thurs­ Oregon. Claims movement is
well known ex-sheriff, Harry Bown, who is a candidate for county
day afternoon from the Presby­ continued by paid propagandist
terian church, Rev. MacLeod o f­ and that no attempt to correct
real cause o f Intemperance is o f­
I f the department o f agriculture, which is so concerned, and ficiating. Interment in the Tay­ fered.
rightly, in its endeavor to improve the crops o f the farmer and in­ lor cemetery.
All Christians and those inter-
Margaret Ellen Cathcart was , ested in the social problem cordi­
crease his yields, would turn its attention to the other end o f the
game and try to remedy some o f the defects in selling, as the gov­ born June 10, 1861, at Umpqua ally invited to hear Mr. Ruth.
He will cite the Bible as au­
ernments of some o f the European countries have done, it would be Ferry, Douglas County.
thority that the Lord taught tem­
a great help to the farmer.
perance not prohibition.
and has lived here since that
answer any question the audience
The Democratic Eugene Guard says, “ It has been intimated time. She was married Feb. 2, cares to ask. Invites merchants,
that Senator Chamberlain in the present campaign is allied with 1879 to Frank Hambrick. Be­ workers and mothers to hear him
the liquor interests. R. A. Booth, republican senatorial candidate sides the husband, the surviving discuss the evils o f Intemperate
prohibition agitation.
last week, in reply to a query by a woman in the audience, took an | relatives are: The mother, Mrs.
forming drugs sold to young
unqualified stand in favor o f national prohibition o f the liquor traf­
Organizations being
brothers and sisters Mrs. C. F. formed all over the world to
fic. Where does Senator Chamberlain stand upon this issue?”
Counts o f Cottage Grove; W. W. fight the real evil o f habit form ­
C. G. Cathcart and Mrs. Ida ing drugs. Many noted divines
Here and there over the United States mill wheels are set
o f Portland; Mrs. and statesmen side with Mr.
humming by big orders growing out o f the European war.
A St,
o f Hermiston;C. F. Ruth. Reports o f Committees o f
Louis saddlery firm is handling a rush order for 10,000 saddles and
Fifty. Who they are.
10,000 sets o f harness. The source o f the order is not made public, Cathcart, Raymond, Wash.
The Armory Hall, O ct 28th
son and two daughters survive, 7:30 p. m. Admission free. adv.
Political methods have materially changed since the days o f They are: Chas. Hambrick and
the torchlight procession and the appeal to prejudice and party Mrs. Currin Cooley o f Cottage
C*l* Bounty on Cats.
Grove and Mrs. Edna Bissel o f
spirit. Governor West does not seem to comprehend this fa ct
Dunsmuir, Calif.
W. W. Hawley, o f Lorane, was
in Eugene yesterday and obtain­
Every time we hear a prohibitionist or advocate of temperance
ed the county bounty upon three
endorsing Geo. E. Chamberlain for re-election to the United States
Dr. Parsons o f Eugene, presi­ wildcats which he killed on the
Senate we can scarcely suppress an audible smile.
dent o f the Lane County Dry upper Siuslaw river.—Guard.
Club, will speak in the Christian
When kings and emperors disagree the common people march church Thursday O ct 22 at 7:30
The Leader—the biggest little
up to the slaughter.
p. m. Come and hear him.
paper in Oregon,
An ad in the Leader will bring
The Fair Store is conducting
specialty sales.
That is a fine kodak display at
Kern’s drug store.
Knowles & Graber don’t do a
thing but keep busy.
The Woolen Mills store has a
nifty fall and winter line.
Miss Mary Bartels is making
the Vogue very attractive.
Ralston says “ keep your eye on
Hampton’ s show windows.“
Bolden’s fire sale has attracted
crowds o f bargain seekers.
Johnson & Fiester can be
found at the same old stand.
You can still find something
different at the Metson Shop.
Dave Scholl is selling watches
to the highest bidder for cash.
Roy Short is not short on any­
thing in the family grocery line.
Powell & Co. say they had a
bumper business last Saturday.
The Kinters have the biggest
furniture store in Nesmith coun­
Swengel has been doing a land
office business in shotgun ammu­
Wynne & Woods enameled fini­
shed ranges are something dif­
Brund & Co’s, weekly prize
drawings have been a business
Wood taken on snbscription
at the Leader office or we “ wood”
take cash.
The Allen Bros, are the latest
purchasers o f a set o f Beals
heavy harness.
The war has not made much
difference with grocery prices at
Kerr & Silsby’s.
Everything was closed up
tight again last Sunday, except
those places exempt by law.
The West Side Grocery has in­
augurated a profit sharing plan
for the benefit o f its patrons.
Burkholder’ s closing out sale
has made a big hole in his large
stock o f goods. Some bargains
Umphrey & Mackin’s revolving
umbrella rack and merry-go-
round window display attracts
They still say “ if you can’t find
what you want elsewhere, try
Lurch’s .“ Ben says, “ why not
try Lurch’s first.”
We would like to see about a
dozen more good, enterprising
Cottage Grove merchants repre­
sented in the Leader advertising
There are still a few people in
Cottage Grove who have not sub­
scribed for the Leader. Get
your name on our list and make
it unanimous.
Benson says there is more
money in poultry than drugs.
He sold 47 fine Rhode Island
Red pullets and a cockerel Sat­
urday for $51. Time was when
Benson scoffed at us fancy poul­
try breeders. Now he’s got the
“ bug!”
A pronounced blonde called at
the New Era drug store and ask­
ed for peroxide the other day.
Hart said he was very sorry, but
the war had cut off the supply
The blonde lady
glared speechless for a moment,
then said emphatically: “ I agree
with General Sherman!”
Chorus Organized.
A large chorus or choral club
was organized last week at the
M. E. church with Rev. H. N.
Aldrich as director. Rehersals
are being held each Monday even­
ing. It is the purpose o f this
organization to give a number o f
musical programs here this win­
ter. All singers are invited.
Card of Thanks.
We, the undersigned desire to
express our sincere thanks to our
neighbors and many kind friends
who were so kind and consider­
ate to us during our late bereave­
ment and loss o f a beloved son
and brother.
T hos . A llen and family.