COTTAGE GROVE LEADER The paper that gives you what you want to read PUBLISHED EVERY WEDNESDAY One year, .......... ................ $1.50 Six months,______________ _ .75 Advertising rates on Application W . C. CONNER, Editor and /Manager Entered u second-class matter January 25, 1913, at the post office at Cottage Grove, Oregon, nnder the Act ot March 8, 1879. A BLOODY BATTLEGROUND. The German army, invading Belgium and the adjoining Dutch province o f Limburg, “ traveling in the brint o f olden wars;’ ’ it is wading through wheat fields that grow deep with many water­ ings o f blood. No land on earth has been so prolific o f battlefields; for modern Belgium, the older Flanders, lies and always has lain between the greatest nations o f Europe; and when these na­ tions fight, this pleasant, peace­ ful, green and busy land is crush­ ed as between the upper and ne­ ther millstones. Historically it all began with Caesar but who can tell how many unchronicled and unremembered battles of savage warriors were fought in the deep and myster­ ious forests before the dawn o f civilization? Caesar, at any rate, found the Belgae already “ the bravest o f all the people o f Gaul;’ ’ and every schoolboy has learned with what bitter pains the Ro­ man legions overcame the Nervili on this very ground. In later ages the struggles o f east and west were faught out here. Courtray witnessed the awful slaughter o f the French when, in 1302, the Flemings hurled them, horse and men, into a canal and butchered them there without mercy. No less than six times the town o f Maestricht, in Limburg, close by Liege, in Belgium, has been the scene o f desperate bat- tles-in 1579, in 1632, in 1673, in 1748, in 1794- clear down to 1830, when the Dutch fought with the Belgians, Namur, a little far­ ther south, which began its re­ corded battlings when the Adu- atic withstood Caesar there, has seen battles between the forces o f almost all the neighboring powers. Roulers, Hasselt, Tum- hout, Wavre, Arion, Dinant — these and other places have lis­ tened to the clash o f arms through the centuries, and many times known the welter o f blood. Last o f all, in 1815, the great and final struggle between the warring power o f Napoleon and the allied pow ersof Europe under Wellington and Blucher, was fought out on this dark and bloody ground—at Wavre, at Quatre Bras, at Waterloo. More souls than all those who march with the invading Germans, or the defending Belgians, British or French, will swing across these historic fields; the wraiths o f ancient thousands will envelop them. Strangest o f all things is the fact that, in the gentler age o f the world, the deep-growing com on the Belgian fields again will be trampled by the feet o f armed and fighting men, and the current once more will fertilize the dark soil. In this 20th cen­ tury o f higher enlightenment the “ old, unhappy far off things and battles long ago” are called into; a new and still more terrible be­ ing by the ambitions o f men and nations. V “ W ET” LEAGUE IN FIGHT OVER COIN TODAY TO VOTE OREGON DRY Only Two "Taxpayers and Wage Earners” BREWERS PUT UP FUNDS K N O W IN G THAT OREGON D R Y M E A N S B E TT ER B U SI­ N E SS FOR A L L LIN ES S A V E O N L Y SALOON S. BY ORTON E. GOODWIN, P u b licity Departm ent, Committee Hundred, They know this has been proved by figures and facts from Salem, Oregon City, Roseburg, Albany, Newberg, Ashland, Corvallis, Pen­ dleton and many other towns. Organization Spread, Untruths. T ax pa yers’ League Is "Joke.” Then they organized the joke “ Taxpayers’ and Wage Earners’ League.” Dr. Talbott was secre­ tary. She became disgusted when she learned money was being col­ lected by the brewers and distil­ leries by the use of her numc, and she resigned. Then Mrs. Duniway advertised lavishly, announcing that the money the “ league” was using was pro­ vided by the brewers. The campaign of misinformation carried on by employes of the league, who are also employes of the breweries and distilleries, is now known all over Oregon. B rew er. Sppiidi-i, Your A t e n . , , Ever) man, woman and t '.lilii has to spend .$21) a year with the saloons. If you do not drink, some one else has to pay Y O l’ R share. So, it is YO l’ R money the Ore­ gon brewers and Eastern distil­ leries have been using to persuade YOU Oregon wet will do YOU good. It is believed they expect to spend over $200,000 of YOUR money. They know Oregon dry will put them out of business end help every other kind of business in the state. Although the breweries and dis­ tilleries know Oregon dry is for better business, prosperity and more work, they are fighting it. No Saloons; Better Business. We have had bail times with the saloon, haven’t we? Why not try no saloon? It can't make things worse and is certain to make things better. The reaion is: Stephen A . Lowell o f Pendle­ ton, a former Eastern Oregon Money spent on the saloon can- net he spent for groceries. Money spent in the saloons—muck of it— •*es East. Monay spent for dry goods and grocarios stays in tha towns and makes bottar business. Tha members of tbe Csmmittee of One Hundred are all Oragenians. candidate for governor, has come out solidly for state and national prohibition. because they know, as the brew­ ers also know , that Oregon dry WAAq* hettgr buiiacM. Inwgr l u u . Sterling Feed Co. lit li iS iK iis r .it ’.r .v r .w .itr .r .v ’.r .ii!* , L. ADAMS, o f OREGON CITY leading mer-' chant, sags:—"Since Oregon Cltg went drg, business has much improved. Collections are easier. I have fewer bad bills. Abolition o f the saloon has turned a vast sum dallg to the channels o f trade. Checks that used to be cashed in saloons are now cashed In stores. FREE more work ana a return lo pros­ perity. l'or the experience o f all Ore­ gon dry towns has proved this to be the case. 1 Paid advertisement by Committee of Hundred, 748 Morgan Bldg., Portland, One O ld . ATTORNEY KINO AND audience Saturday evening. Dr. Smith spoke on state and nation­ al affairs, declared himself for economy, lower taxes and law enforcement and predicted a great industrial future for the Creswell section. Mr. King came out flat-footed for state and national prohibition, advocated the quarterly payment o f taxes, the abolishment o f the tax on real estate mortgages, the abol­ ishment o f the present school supervisory system and advocat­ ed better roads. That his plat­ form and principles announced met with the approval o f his hearers was evident from tin hearty applause given him. Smith at Cottage Grove. Dr. C. J. Smith, democratic candidate for governor, was Cot­ tage Grove visitor Saturday. He delivered an address in the A r­ mory Saturday afternoon to a fair sized audience and created a favorable impression upon his hearers. Dr. Smith has outlined some very commendable policies which he declares he will inaugu­ rate if elected governor, not dif­ fering materially from the poli­ cies and principles o f Governor W est Dr. Smith was introduc­ ed by Dr. Oglesby who presided at this meeting, the speaker pay­ ing him quite a compliment in regard to his Indian war record. KINTER BROS., The Mouse Furnishers PHONE 6 iT e ts a n Household Goods and Fiar.o al­ most new, and in excellent con­ dition, will be sold at sacrifice Most of them are business men. prices. Come any time after They ask you to vote Oregon dry, Wednesday. October. 21. J. D. % S h o p No Saloons; Merchants Profit. A contractor o f Salem says that last year with saloons a number o f his men were insufficiently shod and clothed, the money needed for this going into the saloons, whereas this year these same men, without sa­ loons tempting their coin, are now wearing good woolen shirts and other articles o f clothing and are well shod. Where the saloon loses, the mer­ chants and others profit. A leading shoe merchant today told me that his books had been well cleared o f bad debts this year and that he finds things in this respect, as well as others, greatly improved. A prominent— but why continue? The list could be continued indefi­ nitely. Because o f these things I have mentioned, I am convinced that Gov­ ernor West spoke truly when he said. Salem would never again be "w et.” Because of them, I am convinced, a whiskey salesman from Portland, in my office, when the returns o f the election showed the result, spoke truly when he said, “ That plays hell with my business.” He was right. The prohibition po­ licy prohibits. Notice of Filing of Engineer's Report Agency For Hill B ro s.’ Coffee Cottage Grove Transfer Company L. L. HARREL, Prop. Fire Proof Feed and Storage Barn. ALL KINDS OF HAULING AND HEAVY DRAY WORK Piano Moving a Specialty Phone, Office 72 Auto D ray Quit K D elivery Frei Hollis isr For immediate and complete improvement o f all Coast har­ bors, and waterways o f Oregon, For Federal appropriations to be used in building good roads, waterways and harbors. Such On the opening of Columbia Court from its present south terminus to connect with hast Main Street. Notice is hereby given to whom it may concern« that O. L. Nichols, City En­ gineer for Cottage Grove. Oregon, ha* i appropriations to in tomiTK tile«l with the City Recorder his report rate in amount and to be based of the opening of Columbia Court from its present *«>uth terminus to connect upon the valuation o f govern­ with Hast Main street, together with a ment properties in Oregon. plat of said street and the land proj»oseed as follows: Beginning at a point south 8D degrees we receive n oth in g' from this and 36 minutes east 1741 feet and 25 property.) feet north from the southwest corner of For a radical change in the I). L. C. No. 55, run thence north 39 de­ homestead laws, favoring the grees and 45 minu'es east along the east settler and offering inducements lone of the right-of-way of the U. 1*. is: to the prospective settlor. K. R. R. and the west line o f the land (Under the present law it is of H. I>. Larsen 13H feet to the north line of the Larsen laud, and the soutn almost an impossibility to prove line of the laud of Mrs. C. A. Perkin* up on your homestead.) ami If>5 feet to a point, thence north 26 The building o f a merchant degrees and 55 minutes east 51 ftet to the west line of said Perkins land and marine that will he a world pow­ the east line of the O. P. and K. light- er in commerce. of-way, and 224 fee». to the north line of The opening up for settlement Shasta Place, thence south 61 «legrees of a large amount o f the present am! 13 minutes east 5(1 feet to the east line of Columbia Court, thence south 29 I forest reserves. «legrees ami 55 minutes west 22 1-2 feet Oregon was made for Oregon­ to the east line of the O. P. and E. right ians. and its reserves should be of-wny and the west lire of the Perk ins land ami 222.5 feet to the south line of utilized for the direct benefit o f “Perkins land and tbe north line of Lar-i its people. sen’s l?nd and 227.7» feet to a point MORE BUSINESS ANI) thence sout 39 degrees 42 west, 130 feet LESS POLITICS to the north line of East Main Street, A COAST MAN FOR A thence north SO degrees and 36 minutes , west 4"> feet to th e p is ce ot he^iniiiiin. For Sale i; a . Each week we give away * a piece o f Furniture. £ Watch our windows. if Paid Advertisement by Committee of One Hundred 748 Morgan Building, Portland. Oregon DR. SMITH AT CRESWELL So, they became desperate. reflects discredit on its owner, but the owuer gets the worst of the deal be­ cause economy in feeding the horse affects its working capacity as well as its appearance. If your horses kicks on iiis feed you can correct it by buying your feed here, as you get the best quality for the least outlay. Farmers, contractors and horse owners generally know that our Feed*is always lip to the standard. Registration Books Re-Opened NOW So they organized the “ Taxpay­ ers’ and Wage Earners’ League” to spread misinformation about Ore­ gon dry.‘ They know bank deposits in dry Dr. C. J. Smith, democratic towns have increased in number candidate for governor and at­ and amount. They know bad debts torney Alta King, democratic are almost unknown in all dry towns. They know collections are candidate for representative from better. They know arrests from Lane county, spoke at the Cres- drunkenness are almost unknown. well opera house to a ¿rood sized They know every dry town in O re­ gon is prosperous. A Poorly Fed Horse November 3, 1914 of One The great campaign to make Oregon “ wet” has failed. The exposure by Dr. Cora Talbott, secretary of the “ Taxpayers’ and Wa g e Earners’ League,” that the organization consisted of two persons, Mrs. Duuiway and Dr, Talbott, and was fi­ nanced by the brewers and distillers to make Oregon “wet,” threw the fat into the fire. The brewers and distillers know that all kinds of busi­ ness save theirs is better in a dry town. I& c rc Orr Th at -will rep ort w ill !*■ p r e s e n te ! t o , the C on im im C o u n cil o f said C ity fo r its approval at the first regu lar ineetin,: of s«i