Mrs. Groat went to Yoncalla Friday to visit for a week with her father. Eyes Must Be Carefully Examined It takes P A T IE N C K , skill and T I M E to determine the prescrip tion according to which the proper lenses for your eyes should be made. Do not make the Mistake of getting glasses without first liav iug your eyes carefully examined. I am equipped with M O D E R N F A ­ C IL IT IE S for examining your eyes, and supply the glasses to meet vour I N D I V I D U A L R E­ Q U IR E M E N T S . And Guarantee Satisfaction. D. J. Scholl Optometrist and Jew eler Old Soldier Dies While Visiting Niece James Petree, a veteran o f the civil war and for some time past quartered at the Soldiers Home, Roseburg, died at the home of his niece, Mrs. Rebekah Stidham near Cottage Grove, Thursday evening. He arrived here some days ago to visit his niece. No announcement o f the fu­ neral arrangements has been made. Local News Notes, McGavrans are having a wall paper sale. First class shingles for sale at Sterling’ s feed store. Orders filled at any time for ice cream in any quantities. Phone 13, The Elite. m 3 tf Duntley Vacuum Cleaner and Sweeper ÿ8.00. J. O. McCrady, 1164 Lincoln street, Eugene. Come in and get wall paper cheap at McGavran’ s sale. Lost In Cottage Grove, a black and tan stag hound. Finder will pleast report to the Leader office. Try our home rolled Barley, Guaranteed to give satisfaction. Sterling Feed Co. For Sale Light wagon and harness cheap. Apply to C. A. Lynch, West Side Garage. 4-15-tf Bargains in second-hand auto­ mobiles. Parker’s Garage. For Sale— or Trade for a work horse, a fine family carriage, rub­ ber tires. Apply to Benson’s Pharmanv. Get one o f those E-Z-ltun Gar­ den Cultivators at Sterlings. For Sale Outside city limits, one acre; new buildings, berries and fruit. Inquire o f Cottage Grove Flouring Mill. 4-15-tf Lost Ladies gold watch and pin. Stamp picture in back of watch. Reasonable reward for return o f the articles to Leader office. Large tract good valley farm­ ing land to be thrown open in Cen­ tral Oregon in May. Good cli­ mate, plenty o f water and rich soil. For large map and full di­ rection and information send $1.50 to J. C. Oearway, The Dalles, Oregon. In this way we can make it easy for you to lo­ cate and file on a fine free home­ stead. 4-22-9 The Leader leads, but never follows. Street Vacation Notice Notice is hereby given that at a reg­ ular meeting of the Common Council of the City of Cottage Grove, to be held on the 1st «lay of June, 1014, a petition will lie presente«l by the Oregon Pacific & Eastern Railway Company for the vacation of that portion of Washington Avenue which lies between the west line of Tenth Street atui the right of way of the Oregon & California Hail- roa«l company, in said city. Pateil this 30th «lay of April, 1014. OREGON PACIFIC & EASTERN RAILW AY CO. to20 The splendid rain o f Thursday and Thursday night did an ines­ timable amount o f good in the upper Willamette valley. Mr. and Mrs. J. I. Jones and little daughter Inez, went to Eu­ gene Thursday on a combined business and pleasure trip. Mrs. Vernie Boyd, o f Medford, is a guest at the home o f her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown, on Went Main street. Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Gleason drove to Wildwood last Saturday for a visit at the home o f their son Raymond Gleason, returning home Monday. W. M. Dickey o f Myrtle Creek Oregon, spent a few days in town this week looking after his prop­ erty and attending other business matters. Herman Edwards received a new twin-cylinder Indian Motor­ cycle Friday. It has self-starter, two speeds, electric lights and is fully equipped. Dr. W. H. Hopkins, veterinar­ ian, late o f Los Angeles, Califor­ nia has located in Cottage Grove for the practice o f his profession. See his card in another column. Dr. Leon Webber, who has seen in Cottage Grove for some months doing veterinary work, las gone to Lorain, where he will open an office. Dr. F. Demorest packed his office furniture this week for shipment to Klamath Falls, where le will open an office for the prac­ tice o f dentistry. Ex-Governor Theodore Thurs­ ton Geer spent Thursday night in this city, looking after his pol­ itical interests, being a candi­ date for the nomination o f gov­ ernor on the Republican ticket. G. H. Bolden is overhauling the residence property on East Main street, recently acquired from J. F. Spray, putting in a fireplace and converting it into one o f the modern and attractive tomes o f the city. Several real estate deals are pending this week, but the realty men do not seem to be able to iring anything to a focus. The leader expects to have something in this line to tell in a short time. It may be the weather, it may >e due to the encouraging crop report, or improving trade con­ ditions may be responsible, for the growing feeling o f optimism evident in the daily talk o f our people. Hohl & Wooley have the only traveling, self-propelling wood- saw in the country. They have woodsaw mounted on an auto­ mobile chassis and travel to and Tom a job o f wood sawing with the greatest o f ease and consid­ erable speed. Rev. Merle Williamson, the new Baptist pastor, is moving lis family from Roseburg this week, taking up their residence at the corner o f 14th street and Madison avenue. Rev. William­ son will preach at this place and Creswell. Miss Kathleen Kem accompaied ter father, O. M. Kem as far as Salem, Friday, where she will remain until Sunday the guest of Miss Olga Gray, while Mr Kem goes on to Portland to receive his new Hudson six cylinder Auto which he will drive home Sunday. Mr Chas. Shinn will go to Salem today to accompany Mr Kem on lis return trip. E. A. Gleason is shipping 75,000 irick from his yard in this city to Jarrisburg. Mr.Gleason will be­ gin the season’ s work in his yard in West Cottage Grove the last o f this month with a full force o f men and will put up two kilns of about 200,000 brick each. Mr. Gleason has created a good de­ mand for his brick both at home and throughout Western Oregon. l '.A ‘ .A \ A \ A \ A \ A \ A “ .A ’ .A \ A \ A ‘ .A Large audiences greeted Mrs. Ellis at each o f her lectures this week at the Christian church. The Leader heard a man who ought to know, remark this week that, “ There isn’ t an idle man in town who wants to work and is able to work.” All o f which shows that industrial conditions a re'in better shape here than they were a few short weeks ago. Rev. C. M. Cobb, who has been pastor o f the Baptist church for the past two years will leave for Basin, Wyoming, tonight. He will be accompanied by Mrs. Cobb as far as Freewater, Ore gon, where she will visit her par­ ents. They were tendered a farewell party by the members o f his congregation Thursday night. They will locate at Shel­ ton, Wash, where Rev. Cobb will soon take up his work again. Down at Eugene they are hold­ ing a “ Made-in-Lane-County’ ’ ral­ ly. It’s the proper spirit, all right, and one that if lived up to, will help mightily to solve the questions o f high taxes, high cost o f living, unemployed men and scarcity o f m o n e y . Employ home men in making what you need, keep your money at home, build up more tax-paying institu­ tions at home, and hard times would be forgotten. G l u i t 'c lj S g f ' v ’ ì c c s METHODIST EPISCOPAL. H orace N. A ldrich , Pastor. Next Sunday. 10 a. m., Sun­ day School, graded lessons ar.d classes for all ages, J. I. Jones, Supt. Efficient teachers. Separ­ ate class rooms. Evening service 8 p. m. Morning. “ Mother’ s Day.” The official program o f the chur­ ch will be rendered. Everybody is requested to wear a white flower in memory or in honor o f mother. Evening. A very pretty can­ tata, “ The Gates A ja r,” given by twenty young ladies in cos­ tume, assisted by the pastor will be rendered at eight o ’clock. You are asked to bring a liberal offering for the Sunday School repair fund. Epworth League topic, “ Fram­ ing God’ s Compassion into Laws” Leader, M. H. Anderson. The annual business meeting o f the Epworth League was held last Monday evening, and the o f­ ficers for the coming year are as follows: P r e s i d e n t , Jackson Goddard, Vice presidents, Misses Purvance, Morgan, Teeters and Wilson. Secretary, Miss King, Treasurer, M. H. Anderson. Music committee. Misses Smith, Ravmer, Hooper, Lizer, Wilson, Thomas, McCord, and Sams. Organists. Misses Armstrong, Compton and Daskam. Ushers Messrs Simmons, Le Roy, Teeters and Aldrich. The society voted to serve din­ ner in the church dining room Primary election day, Friday, May 15 th. CHRISTIAN SCIENCE. The Christian Science church holds service in their hall on Main street every Sunday at 11:00 a. m. and every Wednesday evening at 7:30. All are wel­ come. PRESBYTERIAN CHURCH. R. M. Broad books. Pastor. Services next Sunday: Bible School at 10 a. m., Harvey Armstrong, superinten­ dent; morning worship at 11 a.m. Junior Christian Endeavor at 3, p. m .; Catechetical Class at 4 p. m. Evening worship at 8 p. m. Something New About M. H oward F agan . Pastor. Services as usual next Sunday. Bible school at 9:45 a. m. communion and preaching, 11: a. m. Change in time o f evening service as follows: Christian En­ deavor, 7 p. m .; evening service, 8 p. m. MEATS Every W eek PEOPLES MEAT MARKET X n t Door to L w h r Office DAVE COVER, Proprietor SHE HAS ARRIVED COTTAGE GROVE, ORE. Dr. Hopkins is a grafitiate of On­ tario Veterinary College, Toronto, Canada, and Sares - McPherson Veterinary Dentistry Sch«x>l, New York and McKtllup Veterinary College, Chicago, Illinos. Office 35 STOCK REDUCTION SALE The M. P. G. club was delight fully entertained at the home o f Mrs. C. C. Cruson Tuesday after noon, Mrs. Coleman o f Port land. Mrs. Cruson’s sister, was a guest. Mrs. Cruson served dain­ tily. W ill Continue During The Missionary Society o f the Presbyterian church met Wed­ nesday afternoon at the home o f Mrs. Herbert Eakin. Mrs. Stahlman read a very interesting paper on India. A fter the busi ness session a pleasant social hour ensued and Mrs. Eakin ser­ ved dainty light refreshments. the Month of May The Constellation Club met at the Nichols home with Mesdames Nichols and Eakin as hostesses, Eighteen members enjoyed the afternoon o f needlework and pleasant conversation. Miss Por­ ter o f California was a guest of the club. The hostesses served a delicious luncheon. Five new members were added to the club. The Ladies o f the Maccabees Club met with Mrs. John Barker Wednesday evening,Mrs. Laufer, the State Deputy, being present and instructing the Ladies in the work o f the order. A very plea­ sant evening was spent, refresh­ ments, consisting o f ice cream, wafers and R. Porter being serv­ ed. Mrs. Barker was assisted in serving by Mrs. Charles McKib- ben. The Barker home was beautifully decorated with red peonies and roses, red being one o f the lodge colors. Members o f the Baptist con­ gregation and the Philathea class spent a pleasant social hour after the regular weekly prayer meet­ ing at the Baptist church com­ plimentary to Rev. and Mrs. Cobb who are soon to leave for their new home at Shelton. Mes­ dames Ingram and Griggs assist­ ed by some o f the young people served light refreshments con­ sisting cake and punch. Mrs. David Sterling gave an “ at home” to about twenty-five o f her friends Friday afternoon. Fancy needlework and conversa­ tion were the chief diversions and the hostess served light re­ freshments. The Missionary Society o f the M. E. church held a pleasant meeting at the home o f Mrs. N. E. Compton Wednesday after­ noon. The Kensington Club met in Odd Fellows hall on Thursday afternoon and disbanded for the summer season. PROGRAM FOR Prices on all Kinds of Merchandise Never H ave Been Lower HHOLDER-W OODS CO. «M l M M Can You Give One Reasonable Reason F SOMEONE should ask you to give a reason why you buy bread made in some other city, instead o f buying just as good or better bread made in a home bakery, by home people, who spend their money with home merchants, rent a home building, and help support home institu­ tions, could you give a reason that would sat­ isfy yourself? There are many reasons why we should patronize Cottage Grove industries, and none at all why we should g o out o f town to buy an article that is made here. I Moh!*'s Cafe Short’s Grocery Brund & Company Des Larzes Bros. The Metzan Shop The West Side Grocery handle our bread. If you want to know how good it is ask them or their customers. Why should you sell any other? Honest, now, could you give a reasonable reason? T h e C ity B a k e ry Phone 5 8 DECORATION DAY The parade will form and start for the cemetery at 10:(X) a. m., the G. A. R. veterans being es­ corted by the Sixth Company O. N. G., in full dress uniform. The address will be delivered by Rev. H. N. Aldrich at 2:00 p. m., at the M. E. church. The Memorial sermon will be preached at the Christian church on Sunday, May 23. Geo. W. Kerr, Commander. D. L. Woods, Adjutant. Good Bread— The First Essantial to is G O O D FLOUR, the GOOD kind BREAD made by The Cottage Grove Flour Mills » Telephone 8 0 Com Meal and a Variety of Choice Breakfast Foods H ORSE? J K x c rz O r r Jh i'TS , MI m Grace Bailee of Eugene Recognized as one of the Best Photo Artists in the Coast Country it with Armstrong's Studio ARMSTRONG WINS OUT It’ s the Quality. L ' Butterwrappers » \9 A Poorly Fed Horse Veterinarian Commercial Stables, 28 Sooth 7th NTo^os CHRISTIAN CHURCH. DR. W . H. HOPKINS YOU WILL FIND THIS A GOOD CORNER TO.WATCH S o c ie ty reflect« discredit on its owner, but the owner gets the worst o f the deal be­ cause economy in feeding the horse affects its working capacity as well as its appearance. If your horses kicks on his feed you can correct it by buying your feed here, as you get the best quality for the least outlay. Farmers, contractors and horse owners generally know that our Feed is always up to the standard. Sterling Feed Co. 75c For 1 0 0 —2 5 c Additional 1 0 0 The Leader