THE HALLUCINATIONS CLA SSIFIED OF ONE, “ OLE ” BEDE A D V E R T IS IN G Leader readers have, no doubt, | Bates of Portland, which reads: observed that when a fellow be­ “There are over 200 country comes afflicted with a chronic newspapers in Oregon, and the official list contains the names of For Sale or Trade—Good,desirable FOR SALE case of “swelled head” and is 219 property. Inquire of W. H. newspaper men, of which TWENTY HEAD Angora goats, insanely stuck on himself, he be­ 106 are members of the associa­ weathers and nannies, for sale. • Blair. gins to labor under the hallucina­ tion. Of this number 52 were Inquire of Chas. Smith, Sagi­ tion that somebody or everybody present at our recent meeting.” naw, Oregon. Fine Organ for sale—In good is envious or jealous of him. The clipping before us from a ECONOMY SEPARATOR for condition, cost $125, will sell for if taken soon. Apply to Principal's Cottage at Royal Academy. This is the condition, state of Portland daily says there were sale, medium size. Inquire o f! $30 the Leader. mind, or affliction from which we boni-fide newspaper men and J. D. Anderson, phone 17F13. j find the editor of our contempor­ 27 Sale Cheap.- One acre, visitors from the U. of 0. New range stove to exchange J new For five-room house. Small fruit. ary, Elbert Bede, suffering at 12 for hogs or other stock. Call at school of journalism in attend­ Outside city limits. Inquire at the present time, his peculiar ance. Therefore, in the language the Conner place.—A. C. Curtis. ! this office. bje hallucination being that the of a late popular song, “Some­ STOCK AND DAIRY* A Good Trade.—A good close in Leader editor is envious or jeal­ body Lied, ” and it was not the 150-ACRE, ranch, 16-room house, good corner lot 62 1 - 2 x 200 feet in ous of him. Shades of Ole! The Leader, barn, fine water system, fruit Merrill, Klamath county, in al­ fellow, who hails late from Min­ A further discussion of “what’s and berries, 14 acres in clover, *- belt, good two-story nesota, came here impressed the matter with the Oregon Press 20 acres in cultivation, rest falfa house, 7 rooms, improved with the idea that “we all bane Association” is unnecessary from pasture, one-fourth mile from premises. Will exchange for j railroad station and school. 16 or country property at from Missouria and it bane a fact that its choice for presi­ head of cattle, including 5 town Cottage Grove. Apply to Takes pleasure in announcing that on Wednes­ « gud idea to show us sum.” When the dent at its recent meeting is milk cows, team, wagon and Leader. See photo. day of eaeli week he will be in Cottage Grove to we reveal a disposition to disre­ conclusive farm implements, incubator, 3 1-2 Acres—Running water, 4- that it is cream teaeh the violin. gard his advice and dictates, mighty shy evidence separator,, etc. All for of material from cottage, barn, poultry Mr. South has had practical experience in teach­ “we bane a bad feller and bane which to select an executive of­ $6,000. Would consider acre­ room houses, shed, lots of age tract near town as part ing in Boston and Vienna, and employs ideas a knocker.” Why should we be ficer. That the association also payment. Easy terms. Ad­ berries, buggy good garden land, from the leading methods. Continued as­ 0 jealous of the fellow? Has the needs fixing is evident from the dress E. S. Nichols, Wildwood, young family orchard, just 0 drawn sociation with eminent teachers in both American Leader not made the most re­ expression of some of its mem­ Ore. outside city limits. $1,500. Phil­ and European centers of music and frequent per­ markable advancement of any bers and editors who attended REAL BARGAIN.—A new six-! ip Jones. sonal contact with the world’s greatest artists country weekly in the state since the recent meeting, like the one roomed, modern bungalo, with | A good little re-built Ford, has enabled him to mature his experience both as it come under our management from the Dallas Itemizer, which toilet, pantry, etc., lot 60x120, four-passenger auto has been teacher and player. last January? Have we not we reproduced in our last issue close in, on paved street. A ; left with the Leader for sale snap if taken soon. Inquire at i cheap. Inquire at this office. All who are interested in the study of the vio­ added nearly 700 subscribers to under the caption of ‘‘Same Old this office. wdh lin are cordially invited to call on Mr. South, on our list since that time, most of Story.” Foothill Ranch—80 acres, 80 Acres—About 11 acres cleared, Wednesdays between 2:30 and 4:30 in the after­ whom were former readers of Now, bede, get some of the Good 2 1-2 miles west of Cottage balance piling and large timber, noon at the Hotel Oregon. the Sentinel? Is not new busi­ bile, envy, jealousy, trickery, Grove, good 6 -room house, good springs, house, barn, ness coming to the Leader office treachery barn, 30x40 feet, with fenced on three sides, 2 3-4 and cussedness out of good every week from the Sentinel your system, wagon or stock shed, spring miles west of Cottage Grove. give the Leader a water for and barn, fine $1,200, terms. office. Why should we worry? square deal, don’t afraid to garden, 15 house acres cleared, 2,- Good Buy- 25 acres, 1 1-2 miles Nay, nay, Ole! If any one is recognize its name, be even on the 000,000 feet fine saw timber. imbued with envy and jealousy, margin of the Sentinels of town on Pacific Lots of berries, half mile from south it is his royal nibs of the Senti­ you address to this office in which Highway, 3-room house, macadamized county road. $40 about 15 acres under cultiva­ nel and not the Leader man. change and you will find out ex­ per acre. See the Leader. H.O. we tion, about one acre timber, Fact is, we would forget this are willing to meet you half way. Home—About 1 acre, balance easily prepared for fellow, bede, was in town, did You lonesome .descendant of Acreage good 7-room house, deep drilled plow, much of it sub-irrigated, he not saunter into our office oc­ Baalam, you imagine something well, poultry park, fine bear­ about six acres under irriga­ fruit trees, berries, on tion, two acres or more good casionally or call us up by tele­ has wrong when you are ing Second Street. Only $1,800. celery ground. Price $3,500 phone, as we rarely ever read only gone suffering from the dyspepsia Will sell half of lot. ejl wbf his newspaper as it is usually a and mud fever. Get the ticks rehash of the Leader of the day out of your hirsute coat and real­ before. that you are only an over­ He admonishes us to join the ize loaded andulasian windsplitter. Commercial Club and do some­ The most conspicuous part of thing for our country. We ven­ your anatomy, barring your ears, HOT LAKE, OREGON ture the assertion that we have is your jaw bone, which should spent $5 for boosting and promo­ be preserved for some future Uuion County, 9 miles east of La Grande tion work in this community for worrier, for every 5 cents this newly adopted I saw a something NATURE’S WONDERFUL CURE in the street sissy has put into such channels As I chanced to pass. The ho ttest an d m ost cura tiv e sprinfl in th e w orld here. We have made trips to At first I thought it was a man, OWHERE in C ottage Grove can 3-011 get anything in Itoseburg, Reached only Eugene and Salem But, ah! it was an ass. the hardw are line cheaper or better than from 11 s. VIA T H E Stiletto and Zenith Carpenter Tools both fully warranted by us. many times entirely at our own The hat, the collar and the tie, Builders’ Hardware, Hinges, Locks, fine door and window sets expense in the interest of some The clothes in full array, Large stock of Guns and Ammunition for the hunters. pet scheme of our Commercial ears stuck up so Club and was a member of this But, Oh! those high, club until very recently, when They gave him dead away. we found it impossible to attend its meetings on Monday nights, Opportunities for Boys. evenings on which we have a score of proofs to read and many Ijttle details to work out for the Luther Burbank, by experience Leader which goes to press the and accomplishment doubtless UNDER NEW MANAGEMENT next morning. We have never the best qualified man in the E xtensive im provem ents h ave be en m a d e in all departm ents ceased to boost for the Commer- says the Kreat opportunity for mercial C lub, although we may our boys and young men is in SPECIAL REDUCED FARES have taken an occasional whack agriculture. He points out that fro m a ll 0 -W . R. $ N. stations at its egotistical, blatherskite, after the young man has spent knocking secretary. This fel- years at hard study of The MEDICATED MUD, VAPOR and MINERAL BATHS ,„iv. be„,. who poses an a «real of Hot Lake have proven a boon to sufferers from Rheu­ booster, uas never ceased knock- only prepared to commence the matism, Kidney and Liver Complaints. Accommo­ ing the Leader openly and in battle for it. Whereas to add dations at Blood the sanitorium delightfully complete, and rates with­ every dirty, underhanded way ; but one kernal of corn to each in reach of all. he could devise since the paper i e?r ?rown'n this country in a Apply to any agent for particulars and ask for booklet foil into our hands M Januiry. ’V S n S P S S T & telling all about the Springs; or write to G. W. TAPE, the and this is a tact well known in improvement in the potato is al- new Model Manager at Hot Lake, Ore. 1897 this city. The Leader is a good ready paying back $17.000.000 a S hoota all .22 sh o rt, .2 2 lo n g a n d advertisement for the town, it year. Everything we eat and .2 2 long-riH e c a rtrid g e s; e x ­ out of the ground. cellen t fo r rab b its, s q u ir­ works constantly for the city rels, h aw k s, crow s, foxes and community's provnsss and ti„’„ „ l ^ h i n s t a u T t h e r e a n d all sm all g am e a n d ta rg e t w o rk advancement, its editor has built be any wonder that the cost of _____ | _ ____ ^ __ u p to 2 0 0 y a rd s. up a fine home in this city, and living has increased 58 per cent; Here*« th e best-m ade we are paying our full share for in fifteen years? To quote from .22 rifle in th e w o rld ly Burbank: paved streets, and bearing our Mr. “Whut It's a take-down, convenient to carry and clean." T he tool steet world needs ur­ working fa its cannot » ar out. It, Ivory Itead and R.iekjr Mountain alogu share of taxes. When bede gently row, the is men sights are the best set ever furnished on any .»». lia s lever action—like a big who can in­ ame rifle; has solid ton and side ejection for safety and rapid accurate tiring. knocks this paper he is indirectly crease the forage from our pres­ f tcaiitiful case hardened finish and superb build and balance. Price, round barrel. $14.i»0; octagon, $ 16 . 00 , |j Model 1803, sim ilar, but not takedow n, prices, $ 12 .là up. Hous knocking the interests of the ent acreage so that 16 cents will Learn m ore about all M arlin rep ea t.ra. S en d 3 77 / # 777 /T r J w //F P O r /T tS C k , buy a pound of the choicest sir­ town and community, and in do­ •tamp« postage for the 128 page Marlin catalog. 42 Willow S t., New H aven, Conn. ing this he is only prompted by loin. as of old, instead of a pound A catalogue lists a It pays to reload your sheila! Your empty fired shells are the expensive part of factory amm unition. They’re as strong and good as new. and it’s failure in his effort to create and of rump, as now. double work harness, easy to reload! Merely de cap and re-cap shell, insert powder, crim p shell “What the world needs is not on to bullet, i ou reload 100 .32 *0 S. R cartridges (buying bullets) in maintain a newspaper monopoly No. 10 L 2316 at theory or agitation, or college h.*ur at total expense 77c.; easting bullets yourself, SSc.; new factory cartridges Covt $3.62. Free—ideal Hand Hook tells all about reloading all here. $46.74. I will supply lore; there are plenty of these, ntle. pistol and shotgun am m unition; 100 pages of valuable inform ation; »tamps p. M.ix. , 1 he M.itlm Firearm s Co., 4? Willow St.. New H a rm , C orn. oi $180.000.000 sisu.uuu.uuu per In his last issue he alleges that and at a cost of any farmer or team­ we misrepresented the recent annum in money.and who knows ster with the same harness at the same .Mitorial meeting m w tiw by asse .Martin* cs ” p price plus $1.00 for that only 27 out of over 200 yield only bare of 3 per cent } freight. Oregon newspaper men attended “What the world needs is men the meeting.” He alleges the who can do to agriculture and to what Edison did to attendance was an even 100. We horticulture Carnegie to steel and have before us a letter, bearing electricity, tjp 5 Vanderbilts.Hills, and Harri- date of Nov. 3rd. from the secre­ mans to transportation develop tary of the association, Phil their efficiency. ” * Charles c j C. Soi/lh Vio/inist D D Da The Place to Buy Your Hot Lake Springs N SW ENGEL HARDW ARE C O. Repenting Rifle Reliable Harness Th irte Fine Poultry Journal with the Leader Oregonian and Leader $1.78 BEALS