PROFESSIONAL CARDS J . S. à f e d lc y ATTORNKY AT LAW Special Attention Given to Mining and Corporation Law. Office, Woodward Building. ANNUAL GIUNGE FAIR HORTICULTURAL MEETING FIVE MEASURES ARE DECLARED A SUCCESS AT CRESWELL TO HE CONSIDERED (From page one) «IMI i Largest and Be£t Line of 3 C F U R S ■ v Speaking of the meeting of the [From page one] Lane County Horticultural Socie­ nings King, all awards. Personal enemies of the Univer­ Silver Campines, Lloyd Bbbey, ty at Creswell recently the sity resorted to the referendum P ra ctices in all C oarts W oorlw a n l Building Chronicle has the following to all awards. J . G . J 0 1 [j\TS 0 JN say regarding the demonstrations and no buildings could be erect­ Buff Langshar.s, Lloyd Bisbey, ed. It then became necessary to A T T O R N K Y AT L A W and address of Fruit Inspector all awards. begin holding classes in base­ N O T A R Y PU BLIC P h on e N o. A3 C o lla g e C.rove. Ore Sicilian Buttercups, Lloyd Bis­ C. E. Stewart of Cottage Grove: ments, in hallways and in tern “ The forenoon program con­ bey, all awards. sisted o f a demonstration in the porary places hastily thrown to­ White Minorcas, V. S. Goff, 1st; a . w . M - V- orchard of W. E. Butler in charge gether and substantial enough John Spriggs, 2nd. of County Fruit Inspector C, E. only to keep out wind and rain. t ’ l iy s i c iq q i\qd S t|K g eoq Barred Minorcas, John Spriggs The 1913 Legislature attempt­ Stewart of Cottage Grove. He all awards. ed a second rescue. It appropri­ Office in McFarland gave a very interesting and in­ Black Minorcas, Heston Bairn- ated funds for one new structure, Building, Uputain». structive address on apple cul­ bridge, all awards. but added in a second bill $75,000 ture, telling of the best methods Office I’ hone 34. Residence Phone 120J Blue Andalusians, Eugene Mil­ for repairs and additions, as fol­ to use to assure a first class crop ler, all awards. lows: To the library buildings, of apples and to the proper care English Red Caps, Tom Ab­ $30,000. engineering building, of the trees during the growing v h. ijX qîiiT M , f) « rams, all awards. $15,000; Deady Hall, $10,000; season. Many questions were White Pekin Ducks, Ernest men’s dormitory, $10,000; heat­ asked Mr. Stewart and he an­ W on 't i s t Sears, 1st; Robt. Earl, 2nd; Mrs. ing plant, $10,000. swered them satisfactorily. Office Phone 5 Residence Phone 121L Orin Robinson, 3rd. Again the referendum has been The afternoon meeting was Old Pekin ducks, Mrs. Orin invoked, and again the Universi­ held at the Commercial Club Robinson, all awards. ty is put under the utmost strain l i i I f { T t l'v ^ [ I l t J t S Penciled Indian Runners, Clare rooms and was presided over by to handle the incoming students, Succcssor to Marion Veatcli Conner, 1st; Stewart Smith, 2nd; G. W. Taylor, of Eugene, presi­ who this fall will probably num FUNliRAL DIRECTOR AND dent of the society. The first Mrs. Orin Robinson, 3rd. ber 850 in the colleges of liberal EMBALMKR Indian Runners, John Groves, speaker on the program was Jos­ arts and engineering alone. The LADY ATTKNDANT eph Weber of this place and he all awards. Phone 132 Y Cottage (iròve, Oregon $175,000 is available at the state White Muscovies, Tom Ab­ gave a very interesting address treasury, and construction of the on loganberry growing. He gave “ Star Brand Shoes are Better” rams, all awards. one building and repairs and ad­ The poultry was well cooped statistics which he gathered from ditions to the others will be be­ COTTAGE GROVE and cared for by Supt. A, L. his own experience in the busi­ gun at once if the voters uphold Wynne, and the awards were ness which showed that it was a the two appropriations. To up­ Hospital ® Sanatarium ; placed by 1). B. Chamberlen and money making industry. “ C. E. Stewart was next call­ hold the appropriations will en­ W. C. Conner, who judged the Right H a re at Y o u r H orn* able the University to accomplish exhibit by the comparison sys­ ed and he said that fruit could be its work more satisfactorily un­ Surgical Cases Especial Attention grown as well in this section as tem. __ ____________ it can in Hood River and other til the millage bill takes effect X - R A Y LABARATORY School Childrens Exhibit. places if the growers will thor­ and removes both University of Oregon and Agricultural College For Further Particulars Address J The awards in the boys’ and oughly and properly spray their He said that spraying from politics. girls’ industrial contest were trees. The Sterilization Act is “ refer- made by L. P. Harrington, and played the most important part ended” by the Anti-Sterilization he expressed himself as very well in producing good healthy apples. League, which pleads the indi­ pleased with the quality of work Mr. Stewart also spoke of the vidual’s private rights and the different diseases that infect ap­ and products shown. probability of unjust operations Popcorn, class B, Bon Allen 1st ples and gave directions as to the Authority to order sterilization is Southern Pacific Time Table Frank Huff, 2nd. proper materials to use in killing vested in the State Board of Cottage Grove Station Hubbard squash, class A, Carl these infections. The ricsti ^ y Allen, 1st; Hassel Magee, 2nd. “ Another speaker was J. O Health. The Intended patient is South Bound POULTRY FEIiDS CHARCOAL Class B, Harry Allen, 1st; Flor­ Holt, manager of the Eugene permitted an appeal to the courts. ence McFarland, 2nd, District attorneys now often cannery.” SH E L L, GRIT Pumpkins, class A, Carl Allen, hold office for several counties, N o. 17................. 1st; Heston Baimbridge 2nd. The County Attorney Act pro­ OIL M E A L North Bound Class B, Henry Riley 1st; Silk Creek Items. vides for one attorney in each N o. 14____ _____ CHICK FOOD GROUND BONE Reazen Longfellow, 2nd. county and fixes salaries, which N o. 16 _________ Potatoes, class A, John Arm­ Mrs. Cook, of Oakland visited range from $4000 a year in Mult­ M EAT M EAL N o .2 0 _________ strong, 1st; Heston Baimbridge, with R. W. Airey and family nomah to $600 each in Curry and several days the past week. Mrs. 2nd. Cucumbers, class A, Heston Cook has been taking treatment Lincoln counties. O. & S. E. R. R. Company at Dr. Schleff’s hospital. Braimbridge, 1st. The Workmen’s Compensation I?. HOUND W. BOUND Class B, Mabel Spray, 1st. Act, with which most voters are Lea Damewood of Springfield N o. 2 N o. 1 has been visiting his father, John Field corn, class A, Donn familiar, created a state industri­ A . M. Mis. A. M S T A T IO N S Everything for the Farmer. Wagons, Damewood the past week. Stewart, 1st; Harry Huff, 2nd. al commission and provides an L v ... ----- C ottage G r o v e .. ___ Ar. l.o o Buggies, Plows, Seeders, Cultivators Canned fruit, class A, Kath­ R.20 3.5............. Tom Cox threshed Sunday. industrial accident fund, made 8 .2 9 f,.7___ ..-12.11 leen Allen, 1st. His job finished the threshing on up from assessments upon em­ and all Kinds of Small Implements. 8.44 8 .6 ................ ............. 12.03 the creek. Class B, Nora Hubble, 1st; By­ ............... 11.45 9.0o 13.5............. ployers. In case o f accident, the 9. l o 12.5........... ............... 11.35 ron McFarland, 2nd. The hop pickers have all re­ employe’s compensation comes 9.35 15.9............. Jelley, (6 glasses,) Class A, turned. They report a pleasant 9.45 16.6............. ............. II .lo from this fund, in an amount fix­ Kathleen Allen, 1st. and profitable time. 10.15 20 A r........ ............. D i s s t o n ......... ed by the commission. Personal 10.35 A r......... Lv. lo. lo _____ Rlijada. . . . Class B, Freda Aubrey, 1st; 1). A. Wheeler and R. W. Ow­ damage suits are expected to be Florence McFarland, 2nd. ens were in Cottage Grove Mon­ S u b ject to ch an ge w ithout notice. eliminated under this act. Bread, (one loaf,) class A, day on business. A ll outw ard freight to station w here there Kathleen Allen, 1st; Neita Comp­ no agent w ill he left at risk o f ow n er. Otto Burcham, Ruby Slagle, Stage leaves Didsloti after arrival o f train on ton, 2nd. Geo. Overholser, Ralph Dame­ M o n d a y . W ednesday and Friday for O rscco. Dorena Croakings. Class B, Jessie Alma Sears, 1st. wood and Pearl Ashby are all at­ F reight w ill not he received at the <). lit S. K K, K. D epot after 5 p. m. T o insure forw ardin g Cakes, Class A, A v a n e lle tending High school at Cottage im r ^ U ^ V 4 >;4 Y 4 >.4 V 4 '.4 ‘ ^ % ,4 '.4 I.4 '.4 V 4 ,.4 V 4 Y 4 * .4 ,a >^ ir M W on next train freight must he delivered in am ple Thompson, 1st; Arna King, 2nd. Grove. Mrs. D. H. Bennett went to tim e to perm it o f its being billed . Quilts, class A, Frank Wallace, An extra train for passengers o n ly leaves Cot R. W. Airey and E. M. Bab- Gresham Saturday after her little tage G rove W ednesdays ami Saturdays at 3.15 1st; Clara Leum, 2nd. cock were in Inorane Monday af- daughter who has been visiting 1 ». m, returning arrives at C ottage G rove at Class B, Bernice Brainard, 1st. ter fruit which was donated to with her aunt at that place for 6.15 p. tn. some time. Hand embroidery, class A, Eu­ the school. A . B. W O O D , Manager. nice Van Valin 1st; Christina Wm, Ward, Hugh VanSchoiack E. A. Wheeler and family re­ Turk, 2nd. turned from Indian Creek Tues­ Delbert Kelley, Wayne and Emit Interest paid on all Savings day. Roy killed a big black bear Kirk returned from the coast Class B, Lois Ralston, 1st. Tuesday. Accounts at the Old Reliable Darning. (3 pieces,) class A, and they report other game very scarce. Supervisor Stahlman was a Do­ Edna Ashby, 1st. Patch work, class B, Vivian A. L. Chitwood received word rena visitor Tuesday. Johnson, 1st; Ruby Emerson,2nd. Wednesday that his daughter of Ed Bennett spent Saturday and Hand made apron and dress, Mill City presented him with Sunday in Dorena. twin grand daughters on his class. A, Opal Emerson, 1st. Raymond Bates returned home birthday. Class B, Vivian Johnson, 1st. Wednesday from a two weeks Mrs. I. H. Wilson and family outing at the coast. Bird house, class A, Jacob returned to this place Thursday Vlaier, 1st; Hassel Magee, 2nd. Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Bennett Class B, Lemar Piper, 1st; Lu­ after an absence o f two years. COTTAGE GROVE. OREGON moved to Dorena Tuesday. ther Maier, 2nd. H. W. Oliver and family arriv­ Mr. and Mrs. Anderson Ward Piece of furniture, Lester ed Thursday and will have charge % VJlW . 4 ,. 4 V 4 ,. 4 V 4 *. 4 *. 4 ,. 4 *. 4 *. 4 » ,. 4 ,. 4 ,.r . 4 M», 1 r 1 »M r.»- 1 r .r .» * , of the Dormatory this year and i were Grove visitors Tuesday. Phelps, 1st; Frank Wallace, 2nd. Mr. Oliver will be assistant to Ruth and Fern Jennings re­ Most blue ribbons, Heston Prof. Airey, the principal of the turned from the hop yards Satur­ Baimbridge, 1st; Florence Mc­ Academy. Cottage Grove day. Farland and Cathleen Allen, 2nd. Miss Hazel Strong has been Mrs. R. Story was up from the School Childrens Poultry. busy canning fruit for the school hop yard Saturday returning Transfer Company Buff Orpingtons. Florence Mc­ the past week. Monday. Standard grades for Herbert Harrington, Prop. R. A. Wheeler has been doing Farland, 1st; Heston Baim- Men. Women and Ed Whitely moved his family some team work for M. L. Thomp­ to Dorena this week. sridge, 2nd. Children at prices Fire Proof Feed which appeal to the Black Minorcas, Heston Raim- son this week. Wm. Ward and Robt. Shields lean pocket book. Several families took in the made a business trip to Creswell )ridge, all awards. and Storage Barn. If that Is on straight you will coins to Thursday. C O T T A G E GROVE French Houdans, Clare Conner Grange fair. this Printing Office for your Cards. In­ all awards. Clarence Kirk was a Dorena vitations, Programs, Stationary, svsry- ALL KINDS OF HAULING Will Organize Piano Class. visitor Thursday. White leghorns, Henry Myers, thing in ths way of exquisite printing AND HEAVY DRAY WORK to r social usss— businss. usss, too, H all awards. Leo Wilson returned from the ,, ,, ,, . . „ i 1 will re-organize my class in DesLarzes Grocery tho young man moana business—«Is- Buff (w h in Bantams, Wilbur pjano about Oct. 1, at my resi coast Wednesday. Piano Moving a Specialty •ant Wadding Cards. Spray, 1st; Geo. Simmons, 2nd. Grandma Lower returned from donee at 1028 Adams street. Phone, Office 72 Penciled Runner Ducks, Clare Would be pleased to meet form- Latham last Wednesday. Dairy paper wrappers with Conner. 1st, Stewart Smith, 2nd; If you want the daily news e» , pnpiiSn ndo"eu’ on*T,” We,L 1 Jas- Bennett and Raymond your name on them them, can Mrs. Nellie-Richmond Gnswold. are working on the roads complete, crisp and boiled down John Groves, 3rd, be had in large or small quanti­ Friday. so there is not a lot o f Miperflu- ties at the Leader office. 100 for Rabbits. Jacob Myers, a ll Set» that fine line of winter ^ ' s wee^‘ Mrs. Claude VanValin and 7 1 cents. 200 for $1.00, or 300 for ous matter to read, try the Port­ awards. 75 plush robes at Grable’s. Prices1 The. Misses Lillie Black and land Evening Telegram “ the right. Myrtle DeSpain moved to Dorena laughter returned Thursday $1.25, 100 for $1.50. ¿r 500 for from a short visit to Gardner. $1.75. (\>u<-luilr