Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, June 17, 1913, Image 7

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S3,000,000,009 AS
Head of Tenne tteo Supremo C ou rt
Elected U nited States Senator.
Bourne Proposes to Spend It
In Next Fifty Years.
E x -S e n a t o r Advocates E xpend it u re of
Vast S u m by Govern m en t and States
F o r Cons truction and Maintenance of
H i g h w a y s — Ad va nta g es of Plan.
A n Inaugural.
These verses are made up al­
most entirely of phrases taken
from the President’s inaugural
A nation deeply stirred by solemn pas­
At sight of wrong
Calls to heroic work o f restoration
The brave and strong.
W ith heartstrings swept as by an air
from heaven—
From God’ s white throne—
We listen to the moan of countless
Life’ s undertone.
N o day of triumph but of dedication is
this our time;
Men’s hearts, men’ s lives, men's hopes
appoint us
Our task sublime.
O God, here at the hearthstone of the
W e seek Thy light;
Justice and only justice, is our motto—
Show us the right!
Former United States Senator Jona­
than Bourne, Jr„ chairman o f the joint
committee on federal aid in the con­
struction o f post roads, in a special re­
port to the committee proposes to
■spend $3,000,000.000 fo r good roads In
the United States, $1,000.000,000 for
construction and $2,000,000,000 for
maintenance, both extending over a
period o f fifty years.
Besides this
great scheme, all the hundred and odd
other good roads measures which have
been proposed from time to time in
congress pule into Inslguillcance.
The Bourne plan contemplates the
creation o f a construction fund o f $1,-
300,000,000. appropriated among the
states upon the basis o f area, popula;
tion, assessed valuation and road mile­
age; that the states shall deposit in the
United States treasury fifty year 4 per
cent bonds for the amount duo them ns
worked out on this basis, upon which
the federal-government shall lend the
par value fo r road construction. In its
turn the federal government would Is­
sue fifty year nontaxablo 3 per cent
bonds, to be sold in $20 denominations
or multiples o f that sum to all buyers.
The bill suggested by Mr. Bourne to
carry out the plan be has evolved con­
tains nine sections, the most interest­
ing o f which relates to the apportion­
ment and crediting to the several states
o f ” the United States highway fund,"
as it is called, thus:
“ The United
States highway commission, hereinaft­
er created, shall ascertain hi the most
practicable manner, from the best in­
formation available, the total land
urea, the population according to the
last federal census, the total assessed
valuation o f all taxable property and
the total mileage o f public highways
In each o f the several states, and shall
compute the percentage o f the total of
these four items possessed by each
state. They shall then compute the
average o f the four percentages for
Insect Exterminator
paten t
a p p l ie d
An inexpensive and simple little
device designed, tested and found
most effective in the destruction of
the flea beetle and general plant
insects. Patented, and thoroughly
tested by George O. Walker and
found most practical in his large
tomato field last season.
Among many other testimonials
Mr. Walker submits the following
from Harry K. Metcalf, proprietor
of the Sunnyside Greenhouses,
Cottage Grove:
“ I have seen your insect catcher
and I believe it to be a very com­
plete and effective trap for tomato
fleas, beetles, etc., and it certainly
cannot injure the most tender plant
as the spray cure often does.
H. K. M etcalf .”
If your dealer does not handle
them order one by mail, only 50c
and lasts a lifetime.
Your old shoes made as good as
new at less than half the cost of a
new pair at Dr. Goff's shoe hospi­
tal, next door to the express office.
O u r "Plant
Is A b lo o m
With the Freshest Flowers ofthe Printinf
Art. It Is % Complete. Up to Oste Print­
ing Flsnt. Reedy to Do Your Commercisi
Printing Attractively. Your Lew Printing
Accurstely. Your Social Printing Artis­
tically and A ll Printing £ iy «d itir a ilr .
“ They get their mercies right along,
Their blessings come to cheer:
But, no; It's not Thanksgiving day.
Wait till November’s here.
"T h e church bells tell of mercies.
And they call to duty clear;
But, no; tho time to otter thanks
Is when November’s here.
“ God’s poor are ever with us.
They oft hunger and need cheer.
But Thanksgiving day’s for charity.
W alt till November's here.
“ I t ’s right to have Thanksgiving day
i f thankful all the year.
But what a sham to put off thanks
Until November’s here!
"Thanksgiving is a hollow shell
Unless the heart Is In it.
W o must the Giver Imitate,
Whose gifts are so Infinite.”
C. M. B A R N IT Z .
Q.—Does u heu always lay at about
the same time In the day? A.—While
in full lay a hen generally lays about
the same hour, und as she nears the
end o f her clutch o f eggs she lays a lit­
tle later each day until she quits.
Q.—In feeding heus In wlmt propor­
tion should mash stand to solid grtiiu?
A .—One pound mash to two pounds
Q.—Is it necessary to put ventilators
in the roof o f nn open front house?
Does the Muscovy duck mature as
quickly as the Fekiug?
A.—No to
Q.—I have an Orpington here that Is
pure white, the first ouo I have seen,
and I wish you to tell me how to make
him stay white. A .—Very few Orping­
tons stay white. The sun nnd rain
seem to conspire to turn them brassy.
Some claim that protection from these
keep them white. T ry I t
Q.—I am from the south, nnd you are
from tho north, and there Is a matter
I wish you to explain. 1 recently vis­
ited my aunt In N ew York state nnd
found tho eggs there fresh, sweet nnd
Inrge and 30 cents per dozen, but down
here In Florida the eggs are small,
mostly stale nnd as low ns 12 cents.
Do you suppose any one could bo gen­
ius enough to make an egg farm pay
here? A.—In the far south many farm ­
ers consider hens a necessary evil.
They keep small sized mongrels nnd
let them scratch for themselves all
Their eggs nYe laid any­
where and lie in the heat all day, nnd
the had nesting, hnndliug and storing
spoils them.
Near towns und cities
the farmers market a better product,
but In out o f the way places the eggs
wait for n chance customer nnd often
wait long and, being low In quality,
tho price Is low. An egg farm produc­
ing a bon ton laid while you wait prod­
uct ought to flourish in such rotten egg
George 0 . W a l k e r
"There are some folks," says preacher,
" I think are awful queer.
They never think of thanking God
Until November’s here.
“ Boycott American Goods,” Is
Jingoes' Latest Cry.
Printer’s ink won’t make
There’s only one
reason why 200,000 new Ford’s
can’t possibly satisfy this sea­
Caused by Refusal of W ash ing ton G o v ­
ernment to Recognize Hu e rta aa
President— Am bassador W ilto n 's R e ­
call Asked F or— Sm elting C o m p a n y
Sending Employees A w a y ,
Mexico City.—Resentment against
the United States and Americans be­
cause Washington does not recognize
the Huerta government seems to be
I growing here, although the nnti-Amer-
ienn movement has not yet assumed
a menacing phase and probably will
not. Thus far it has been confined
principally to newspaper suggestions
that a boycott be declared upon Am er­
ican products, coupled with the use
of the word "Yankee” In editorials In
as offensive a manner as tho writers
can employ It.
Scores o f shops have posted placards
in their windows rending, "N o Am eri­
can goods sold here.” This is not es­
pecially significant, becauso the pro­
prietors o f most o f the shops where
the placards are displayed are either
Spaniards or other foreigners, or ordi­
narily do not vend merchandise mado
In the United Stntes. Thus fur no
Mexican, so far ns known, has refused
to sell goods to Americans or rejected
United Stntes money.
One big dry goods store placed In Its
show window a manikin dressed like
Uncle Sam bearing tw o satchels. One
was lettered. " I am going away,” nnd
the other, “ Goodby, Mexicans.”
other figure, that o f a Mexican wom­
an, was labeled, “ I Indorse the boy­
Nelson O’Shaughtiessy, the first sec­
retary o f the American embassy, when
he saw the figures, looked up the pro­
prietor of the store nnd suggested that
probably some 5,¡loo American custom­
ers might not approve such pleasantry.
The proprietor promptly removed the
Some talk has been heard among the
lower classes of an anti-American:
The ear itself
is right with a rightness that
is unmatched anywhere at any
reasonable price.
There are more than 220,000 Fords on the
world’ s highways— the tiest possible testimony,
to tlieir unexcelled worth, l’ rices—ruualxmt
$325-—touring car $000—town car $$00 f. o. !>.
Detroit with complete equipment. Catalogue
from Nesmith Auto Co., Cottage Grove,
Interest paid on all Savings
Accounts at the Old Reliable
Reliable Harness
The Catalogue
It Is wise for the crate fattener to
be on the lookout fo r sick nnd dead
fowls, especially lu the hot season and
toward tho end o f the feeding period.
The removal o f a fow l that Is off its
feed to a grass run often restores it
quickly. When a dead fow l is left to
putrefy In a crate the whole bunch is
often knocked ou t
There Is always wisdom In knowing
when to q u it W e refer here to ex­
hibitors who start with big wins nt the
opening o f the show season nnd tlieu
lose all and more than they have gain­
ed In the end. One wny to thus fall
down is to send the same birds to too
many shows.
They start fine, get
worn out nnd theu lose.
Musty straw is unhealthy for hens
to scratch In, nnd oats stored In the
sheaf, If there is much o f It, often
sweat and mold. Clean, dry wheat
straw is our fuvorite fo r scratch floor
Feeding hens grain In the sheaf is
not practical. W hile they get some
exercise tearing the sheaves apart,
they nearly always get too much grain
nnd much Is wasted. It Is better to
thrash the grnln nnd make the hens
dig for all they get in the straw.
State bulletins give us much infor­
mation about the birds as Insect de­
stroyers, but seldom do you read of
tho destruction done by poultry to the
pests. Turkeys and guineas are at
the head o f the bug killer procession,
nnd their propagation should be en­
couraged. W hat Is more, they turn
these pests into pounds o f fnney m eat
That tlie modern chicken thief is a
scientific expert Is shown by the man­
ner in which the whole flock o f Harry
Bodlne o f Collingdnle, I’ a.. was stolen.
The thieves simply threw a rug, sat­
urated with chloroform, under the
roost nnd skipped with the uncon­
scious birds.
In placing leg bands on fow ls they
should not be sealed to constrict the
leg. and allowance should be made for
future growth o f shank. It Is torture
for a fow l to wear a band that Is too
small, and when this is allowed to be­
come Imbedded In the leg the owner
should he palled by tbe S. P. C. A.
A company has been organized In
Columbia county. I ’a.. for the raising
o f hogs and turkeys on second growth
timberlnnd that Is good for nothing
else. Barren land is considered Ideal
for poultry by many until they try the
There Is a canard going the rounds
that hens will donble their output If
the house Is lllnminnted at night, and
inrket chickens will eat and grow
Hens must have a regular
amount o f sleep, like humans, or they
break down, and their egg machinery
and digestive apparatus can only do a
certain amount o f work and must have
rest also or a collapse occurs.
each state, and this average shall be
the per cent o f the $1,000,000,000 Unit­
ed States highway fund that shall be
apportioned and credited to euch
The bill also provides, o f course, for
the establishment o f the necessary ma­
chinery to carry out the plan—n head
olHce in the District o f Columbia; a
highway division In each o f the states,
in charge o f a United States highway
euglueer; u national school o f highway
and bridge engineering In Washing­
ton, for the purpose o f training spe­
cialists for the work o f road building:
a United States highway commission,
composed o f the chairmen o f the sen­
ate and house committees on postof-
flees and post roads, and the director
o f the office o f public roads.
There are some obstacles In the way
o f the adoption o f the Bourne plan. It
Is in no sense compulsory. The states
can do as they please about It They
need not go into It i f they do not wish.
I f they do not go into it they would
get none o f its benefits, but at the
same time they would not assume any
o f Us burdens. J. E. Pennypacker, the
statistician o f the Bourne committee,
shows that in twenty-seven o f the
states their constitutions would permit
the borrowing o f money for public
works and that in twenty-one states
constitutional amendments would be
required to enable them to Issue bonds
for public works.
The advantages claimed for the plan
ns formulated are here noted.
Incentive to the states for activity
and e.t|«slitlon In road construction by
utilization o f the superior credit o f the
governm ent
The establishment o f practical nnd
desirable co-o|>eratlnn between the fed-
I eral government and the stntes.
Team work between the federalists
on good roads and the state specialists
j without subservience in the state In­
strumentality to any federal bureau.
The establishment o f a practical
concrete plan for a long period with
definite knowledge as to the liability
! o f the federal government
In Mr Bourne's opinion the monsnrt
would give the country what It Im­
peratively needs—a great system of
good wagon roads, which would "vast­
ly Increase the happiness, prosperity
; and com fort of our people and double k s > . i ' f o T \ ^ * * V V ‘V \A ^
1 the value o f our agricultural lands.”
A catalogue* lists a
double work harness,
10 L 2316
$4-6.74?. I will supply
any farmer or team­
ster with the same
harness at the same
j trice plus $1.00 for
•H H >iO B C 3B C K<O tlO B O I«0
® by American Press Association.
demonstration, but it Is doubtful If
any attempt at one will be made; be­
sides, the police probably would put
m eud to It promptly.
The more timid among Americans
fear trouble unless something Is done
quickly either by the United States or
Mexico to render the diplomatic situa­
tion between the two governments less
strained. The Mexicans are greatly
plcnsed nt the prospect o f the United
Stntes nnd Japan becoming embroiled
over tlie California situation.
look upon the action of President W il­
son in forbidding any naval or nnny
movement calculated to arouse Japan’s
suspicions as a confession o f weakness
and a fear In Washington that Japan
might declare war.
The exodus o f Americans continues.
A report reached here that, nlnrmcd
at the prospect o f n total cessation of
rail traffic due to the activity o f the
rebels, the American Smelting and Re­
fining company Is sending Its fami­
lies from Agoascallentes to Vera Cruz,
by a special train and Is trying to
charter a stenmship to transport them
from Vera Cruz to New York.
Those Americans here whose opin­
ions are worth while do not hosltnte
to pronounce the diplomatic situation
as between Mexico nnd the United
States Impossible. They favor recall­
ing Ambassador Wilson nnd sending
here a commissioner to take up the
question o f recognition with the gov­
ernment whose communication with
Mexican officials would not be ham­
pered by embarrassing personal nnd
official relations In the past. It Is not
questioned that the continued retain­
ing o f Henry Lane Wilson here con­
stitutes a grave Impediment to nn un­
derstanding being reached by the two
governments. The sooner Washington
appreciates thia nnd acts the sooner
will Americans In Mexico see a pos­
sible way out o f the tangle.
When in Need of Family
Table Supplies
Select Stocli, Fresh and Clean
New Stoek of Garden Seed, Country Produce
Jansen ®WalKer
»+ + + *
i ° ¿7
Repeating 3 kittt
Shoots all .22 short, .22 long and
.22 long-riHo cartridges; ex­
cellent for rabbits, squir­
rels, hawks, crows, foxes
' and all small game
a n d target work
up to
Hera’s*the best-made
.22 rifle in the w o r l d ly
’ I t ’s a take-down, convenient to carry snd clean. T h e tool steel
working parts cannot wear out. Its Iv o ry lk-ad snd Rocky Mountain
sights are the best set ever furnished on a n » .22. Has lever action— like ■ oig
ame rifle; has solid top and side ejection fo r safety and rapid accurate firing.
W-autiful case-hardened finish and superb build and balance. Price, round barrel,
$1 4.00; octagon, $10.00. G M odel 1*02, similar, but not tclcc-down, prices, $12.15 up.
Learn more about all Marlin repeaters. Send 3
stamps postage for the 128 p a «« Marlin catalog.
— -
42 W illow St.,
N ew Haven. Conn.
It pays to reload your sheila I Y o u r empty fired shells are the expensive
part o f factory ammunition. T h ey ’ re a- strong and good a< ncwt> and it’ s
easy to reload! M erely d« rap at ! r» * ap sh« M, in>< rt j»owdrr, crimp shell
(■ \ to bullet.
You reload 100 ..12 40 S. K cartridges (bu ying bullets) in J-4
h'-ur at total exp' nse 77c.; ra-ti:,* bull* ♦ 4 yourself,
n w factory
cartridges cost $2.52. Free — Ideal Hand Book tells all about reloading all
ritl»’ . pistol and sh'-tgun nmnuini’ 'o n ; ir o p i*, s o f valuable inform ation!
stamps ptMtagr. The M arlin Firearm s Co., 42 W illo w St., lfc w Haven, Conn. _
_ nf"
free f«*r 3
7%p ffliirf/si firea rm s G>,