Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, April 29, 1913, Image 1

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    £im fazK
•; F E A T U R E FI LMS jj
Every Sunday Night
** the
\ A r c a d e T h eater \
Cottage Grove, Lane County, Population 25oo,
T ie V o te B roken and
Thirty V o te s
The special school election Sat­
urday resulted in a larger vote
being polled than at the former
election, when the result was a
tie, regardless o f the fact that
only actual real estate holders
were allowed to vote at this last
election. It was observed that
many ladies took advantage of
this opportunity to vote, and
took as much interest in the pos­
sible outcome o f the election as
any o f the male persuasion.
The proposition was the pro­
posed issuance o f $40,000 in
bonds to be used in the con­
struction and equipment o f a
modern brick high school build­
ing on the present high school
campus or site.
The next step will be the sell­
ing o f the bonds which will re­
quire little time, and it seems
everything will be in readiness
for construction work on the new
building by the time the present
school year closes in June.
The election o f Saturday re­
sulted in the bonds carrying by a
vote o f 172 to 142, or a total ma­
jority o f 30 votes. The opposi­
tion to the bond issue was prin­
cipally that it was too much and
that $25,000 would have been
ample. Others more enthusias­
tic, however, maintained that
the bond issue should have been
placed at $50,000. The school
board will meet Friday evening
to take the first definite steps in
regard to the sale o f the bonds.
Herman Breese Gets Damages
A mandate from the supreme
court in the case o f Herman E.
Breese, respondent,
Wildwood Lumber company, ap­
pellant, in which the judgment
o f the lower court is affirmed
and that the respondent shall re­
cover from the defendant the
sum o f $1200, with interest at
the rate o f 6 cent per annum from
June 14, 1911, was received in
the circuit court Thursday.
For High Class Vaudeville
and Motion Pictures
South of Portland 144 Miles, Lumbering, Mining, Dairying, Fruit Growing and General Farming Section
NO. 15
0. & 8. E. RAILROAD
By J. E. Damewood, who su­
perintended the construction of
the O. & S. E. railroad extension
from Cottage Grove to Latham,
or the Chambers saw mill, the
Leader is informed that the work
is completed, except the bal­ A ssig n e d to the Fire A r m s and
lasting, and the first train of
G o o d s D epartm en t of the Re-or­
logs passed over it Thursday
morning, from which time regu­
ganized S alem Firm .
lar logging trains have been
between the U. S.
Logging C o.’s big camp in the
Lang Creek forest reserve, 25
miles east o f Cottage Grove and
During the past week at Salem will give him powder magazines
the saw mills at this place and articles o f incorporation were at Salem,
Latham, from
source [ filed with the secretary o f state Woodburn, and Cottage Grove.
these mills will hereafter receive by the Watt Shipp Co. The in­ He also intends to install two
their log supply.
This railroad corporators are Watt Shipp, H. more magazines in his territory
extension and extensive logging j H. Veatch and W. E. Anderson. the coming fall.— Salem States­
saw mill operations will
The rapid and
extensive man.
prove a great impetus to Cottage growth o f the bicycle, motorcy­
In the foregoing statement, it
Grove from an industrial and cle and sporting goods business will be seen that Salem’s gain is
commercial standpoint.
o f Watt Shipp has compeiled a Cottage Grove’s loss and a loss
The J. I. Lumber Co. at Diss- re-adjustment o f the business, which will be keenly felt by
ton will also receive its log sup­ that each department receive its Cottage Grove as Mr. Veatch not
ply from the U. S. Logging Co. due share o f personal attention only maintained a beautiful home
from men who specialize in such here, but was always foremost
Mr. Shipp will in every undertaking designed
have charge o f and personally for the progress and advance­
handle the bicycle and motorcy­ ment o f this city and community.
Being a natural born sports
cle end o f the business. Mr.
Anderson, who has E>een with man, he was foremost in all
Mr. Shipp for several years past, shooting and other similar sport­
The Cottage
Grove mohair will devote his attention to ath­ ing occasions here and for a long
pool, which was stored in John letic clothing,
sweaters and time maintained an excellent gun
Spray’s warehouse by the goat shoes, etc., he being well quali- club here.
raisers o f this community and ged and adapted to this depart­
a marksman, he has
which aggregated over 12,000 ment through years o f training entered the professional class
pounds, was sold Saturday to and experience. Mr. Veatch,the and is the proud possessor o f
the local firm o f Burkholder- other member o f the firm, will several fine firearms and tro­
Woods Co., whose bid was 34 direct his energies to guns, am­ phies, presented to him by fire­
cents per pound, from one-half munition, and fishing tackle, and arms manufacturing companies
to one cent higher than the price
and professional marksmen, who
paid at any other point in this or
are his staunch friends.
the Umpqua valley. Last year
Mr. Veatch was reared from
the Cottage Grove goat raisers
boyhood in this community, and
also received a higher price for
long ago was required to assume
their mohair than was received
some handicap in order to get in­
by the farmers at any other
to the local shooting matches, or
Western Oregon point.
else be ruled out altogether as
speaks well for our mohair, or
a professional. As a successful
else the generosity o f our mohair
The Brownsville mohair pool
o f 2,000 fleeces, sold last Satur­
day at 33 cents per pound.
AGAINST 0. & S. E. CO.
Percival I. Rust and wife have
I begun suit against the Oregon &
Southern Railway company to
recover possession o f a certain
tract of land in section 33, town­
ship 20 south o f range 3 west,
which the plaintiffs allege the
defendant is wrongfully holding.
E. O. Immel is attorney for the
The land referred to in Mr.
Rust’s action at law is the small
strip occupied by the new exten­
sion o f the O. & S. E. railroad
from this city to the Chambers
saw mill at Latham over Mr.
Rust’s fruit drier grounds. Ne­
gotiations were attempted, we
are told, by the railroad people
with Mr. Rust for a right-of-way
before any railroad construction
work was Iiegun, but he re­
fused to favorably consider any
proposition. Therefore, the road
was constructed through the
fruit drier property, pending
condemnation proceedings which
will now lie forced. Meanwhile,
the new road will lie in opera­
tion, over which the Chambers
Lumber Co. will receive its log
A gold medal to the school boy
or girl between the ages o f 10
and 15 who writes the best com­
position, not to exceed 800 words,
on the repair and maintenance
o f earth roads, is to lie awarded
by Logan Waller Page, Director,
Office o f Public Roads, United
States Department o f Agricul­
ture, Washington, D. C.
compositions must tie submitted
to Mr. Page before May 15,
1913, and the medal will be
awarded as soon thereafter as
the compositions can lie graded.
The composition may be based
on knowledge gained from books
or other sources, but no quota­
tions should be made. One side
o f the paper only must be writ­
ten on and pages numbered.
The name, age, and address o f
the writer, and the name and lo­
cation o f the school which he or
she is attending must be plainly
written at the top o f the first
page. The announcement o f the
competition has been sent to the
superintendents o f schools in the
rural districts. No further in­
formation can be obtained from
the Office o f Public Roads. This
announcement should be plain to
everyone, and all children will
thus start on a basis o f equality.
A re
Incorporated to
O p era te N e a r to
C ottage G ro v e
Articles o f incorporation o f the
Brainard Lumtier company were
filed with the county clerk Sat­
urday. The capital stock is $10,-
000, and the principal place o f
business is Cottage Grove. The
incorporators are C. D. Brainard,
G. G. Brainard and W. C. Wil­
Articles o f incorporation o f the
Donahue LumEiering Co. were
filed with the county clerk last
week. The capital stock is $25,-
000 and the principal place o f
business is Cottage Grove. The
incorporators are N. C. Donahue,
E. F. Donahue, William L. Mc­
Cabe and Chas. E. DuBois. This
company will operate on the
Hawley place on Row River.
A large new donkey engine to
tie nsed in logging operations
was received by thie new com­
pany Monday.
It is said that the logging
operators,the U. S. Logging Co,,
have volunteered to dig the ditch
and lay the pipe from the present
intake on Lang Creek to a point
above the logging operations in
the reserve, if the city will fur­
nish the pipe, which will afford a
permanent supply o f water above
all logging operations for aExiut 7
years. The city council has ac­
cepted the offer and will pur­
chase 3000 feet o f 12-inch water
main for the purpose.
Articles o f incorporation o f the
Grant Land company were filed
with the county clerk last week.
The incorporators are Jack Rod-
man, J. A. McLean and D. B.
Grant, all o f Eugene. The com­
pany was organized six months
ago to handle land near Cres-
Miss Jennie Landess, daugh­
ter o f Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lan­
Try Parker’s Painless Pastries.
dess, sustained a severe and
painful injury Sunday afternoon,
Painless Parker, the “ Dough­
resulting in the loss o f the fore­ H. H. Veatch Pulverizing p ieces of Brick
nut K ing,’ ’ is out with a new
finger o f her left hand. She
in mid-air with a Rifle.
brand o f bread, bearing the word
was in the act o f splitting some
“ Parker” on the bottom o f each
kindling at the Landess home, also endeavor to organize the
loaf. Every one who has tried
when the ax glanced in some
Salem Gun Club.
this product o f the Painless
The friends o f Earl H. Conser way, and severed the finger just
Mr. Veatch is a new-comer in
Bakery will absolutely have no
in Cottage Grove and vicinity above the middle joint. She was Salem, and the Capitol city is in­
other. Ask your grocer for it,
will t)e pleased to know that he brought to Dr. Kime’s office, and deed fortunate to add him to its
F. J. Hickey, o f the Nesmith and refuse anything
“just as
has been chosen cashier o f the it was found necessary to ampu­ honorable list o f successful busi­
Auto Co., received an order from good ,” for it isn’ t.
Parker’ s
new Paisley National Bank at
Wellington White last week fo ra pastries also please.
ness men. While a young man
Paisley, Oregon. Mr. Conser is middle joint, which operation apparently, he has had a very
fine 30-horsepower five-passenger
now connected with the trust Miss Landess withstood without \ successful business career. He D em oliihing an Orange tossed high in the touring car which will be de­
air by the use of a Rifle.
department o f the Security Sav­ any unfavorable effects and a ’ was for fifteen years one o f the
Roseburg has 26 motorcycle
livered inside o f a week. It is
ings & Trust Company o f Port­ speedy recovery from the injury firm o f Griffin & Veatch Hard­
o f the Overland type.
seems assured.
ware company, o f Cottage Grove. hunter o f both large and small
Although the firm enjoyed a game he has no equal in Western
substantial and growing busi­ Oregon and his place o f business
(O E
ness, the Peters Cartridge com­ here was fairly lined with tro­
pany recognized that Mr. Veatch phies o f the hunt, including fine
possessed a thorough knowledge specimens o f deer and elk horns,
F A S H IO N b o o k
o f fire-arms and remarkable mounted wolf, bear, cougar and
ability as a shot, coupled with a coyotes.
Such stunts as breaking mar­
thorough knowledge o f hunt­
ing and
and gen­ bles tossed into the air with a
eral requirements. They made small rifle, placing one Eiottle on
him such flattering offers to rep­ top o f the other, breaking the
Of Stylish Waists
resent them, on the road, that lower one first and then pulver­
Can all he easily solved at this store. No
he finally severed his connection izing the other before it hit the
matter what you are in need of, a new house
with the hardware
business, ground, were some o f his favor­
ite diversions. Another inter-1
dress or a shirt waist, muslin underwear or at­
Net Embroidery
In this new connection he was esting stunt o f his was tossing
tractive hosier}', corsets or neckwear, under­
more than successful, but the 22 cartridges in the air and ex-1
strong desire for home life and a ploding them by means o f a well |
skirts, silks or other dress fabrics, or anything
settled business brought about
Silk Dresses.
to wear—you'll find here just the style and
another change, and he has now rifle in his own hands.
As a trap shooter he has long '
quality you w ant—big values in every instance.
cast his lot with our progressive
Capitol city. While Mr. Shipp held his own with the E>est shoot­
Large Stock o f
has built up a most remarkably ers o f the northwest, and he is a |
extensive business memtier o f the famous “ Indians"
the New Crepe
with this new combination, the marksmen’ s organization.
Watt Shipp company, and the | this eminently well qualifies him
Gowns & Under­
$1.50 and $1.75 White Waists $1.29
business departmentized
and 1 for his new position and makes
The Spring Number, llluatrating the Newetl,
greater advances him a most valuable acquisition
Smarted Spring Styles is now on Sale.
than ever will lie noticed as time to the newly reorganized Salem
goes on.
It is a pleasurable firm, as well as to the marksmen
satisfaction to welcome
live and hunting circles in the Capi­
wires to our city, especially when tol city. While Mr. Veatch’s
they come to tie part o f us, and many relatives and friends here
will regret his decision to make
help to build a greater Salem.
Mr. Shipp retains his patents Salem his future home, all unite
and powder business. He has with the Leader in wishing him
Eggs Wanted in Exchange for Merchandise
^ extended his powder territory success in his business enter­
M A R Y B A R T E L S , Prop.
and established another powder prise and happiness and prosper­
a o m
o i,
magazine at Cottage Grove. This ity in his new home.
= 3 0 D E 3 ]
W o m en ’s Spring and
See M y
Summer Dress Problems
New Line
Special this W e ek
The LadiesT oggery
IL i