NEWS Of THE WEEK OUTLAW TORNOW IS KILLED ALIEN LAND BILL AMENDED Deputy Empties Rifle in Fight, Then Goes for Help. California House Passes Proposed Measure in New Form. Aberdeen, W ash. — John Tornow, m urderer of six persons, and one o f the m ost hunted crim inals known in N orthw estern annals, w as found dead before his lonely shack in th e Olym pic foothills, having m et his N em esis in Giles Quimby, a deputy sheriff o f Che- A rm istice betw een T urks and Bul­ halis county, who killed th e outlaw a f­ g a ria n s was agreed upon. te r a duel follow ing the m erciless T he M issouri riv er is out of its m urder o f C harles L athrop and Louis b a n k s a t points in N ebraska, and Blair, trap p ers, who w ere h u nting m an y tra in s are blockaded. i Tornow in hope o f $3000 rew ard which A French m ilitary balloon collapsed had been hanging for the p a st year. suddenly w hile 650 fe e t in the air, and The th ree bodies w ere found in the a ll five o f the occupants w ere killed by clearing around T ornow ’s cabin in the th e fall. forest by the posse which responded to A m eeting o f the executive com­ m itte e o f the Progressive p arty de­ the alarm given by Quimby. The finding of T om ow ’s body sub­ c la re s th a t p arty will never fuse w ith sta n tia te d the sta te m en t of D eputy a n y other. ; Sheriff Quimby th a t he had seen the G overnor Major, o f Missouri, vetoed h erm it outlaw fall as Quim by fired the a bill relieving accident insurance last shot in the m agazine of his rifle. N com panies from paym ent fo r deaths Quimby, not seeing any sign o f life by suicide. a fte r Tornow fell back into the under­ Officials o f an A m erican m ining brush, feared the outlaw was re so rt­ com pany a t Cananea, Mex., are beitig ing to a ruse to entice him from cover held for $500,000 ransom, e ith e r by and hurried back to cam p to summon M exican rebels or strik ers. : help, leaving th e bodies o f his com­ T he Chinese governm ent has set rades lying w here they fell, L athrop a sid e a day on which all C hristian and B lair having died before they had churches in the land are requested to a chance to fire a shot. Tornow ’s body w as found not more p ra y for the success o f the new gov­ th an e ig h t fe e t from those o f his la te st e rn m e n t. victim s by Sheriff Schell M athew s and W omen m em bers o f the Portland a posse, according to telephonic com­ c ity council refused to vote again st m unication received by way o f the sm o k in g in th e ju ry room, and late r Sim pson L ogging com pany’s cam p No. c a rrie d m easures of th e ir own w ithout 5. opposition. Tom ow had been shot by Quimby A cadet has been dism issed from once through the shoulder and once W e st P oint for hazing, and S ecretary through the head. The la tte r shot had o f W ar Daniels declares not only dis­ killed him in stan tly , it is believed. m issal but im prisonm ent a w aits fu­ B lair was shot through the neck and L athrop was shot tw ice in the head tu r e offenders. and shoulder. A d iv er from Tacoma, w hile p u ttin g dow n fish trap s in C hignik lagoon, A lask a, discovered the sunken hull of SECRETARY WARNS HAZERS th e schooner Sadie F . Caller, o f San F rancisco, which disappeared 18 years Imprisonment to Be Added to Dis­ ago. missal Penalty in Future. A searching p arty found the dead W ashington, D. C .— W ith th e an­ body o f John Tornow, the outlaw who nouncem ent of his approval of the sen­ h a s terrorized the W ynootchee country tence o f the c o u rt which dism issed o f W ashington for two years, lying Jam es C. Cook from the N aval A cad­ w here he fell when shot by a deputy em y for hazing, S ecretary D aniels sheriff. sen t a le tte r to every m idshipm an a t G ustave Ham el, a B ritish aviator, Annapolis w a rn in g each th a t h e re a fte r accom panied by F ran k Dupre, an no leniency w ill be shown hazers, who, A m erican, made a monoplane flight in addition to bein g dism issed will from Dover to Cologne, Germ any, in receive the additional penalty o f im ­ fo u r hours and five m inutes. The dis­ prisonm ent as provided by law. “ The sentence of confinement would tan c e is som ething over 250 m iles. be justified in C ook’s c ase,” said Sec­ Bodies hang from nearly every tele ­ re ta ry D aniels, “ b u t as I have not had g ra p h pole along 50 m iles of the Mex­ an opportunity to issue a w arn in g be­ ican C entral railw ay below Chihuahua fore, I have let the sentence stand a t C ity, rep o rt refugees a rriv in g a t El dism issal. Y our hazer is essen tially a Paso, Tex. Both the federals and in­ bully and m ust necessarily have a su rg e n ts sta te troops are said to have stre ak o f in n ate cruelty. The U nited p a rticip a te d in the execution of p ris­ S ta te s N avy has no place for youths of oners. th is k in d .” The victim o f M idshipm an Cook’s T h e la s t of the strik es th a t have hazing was M idshipm an Newbold paralyzed the g arm ent w orkers’ in­ Lodge, o f M ichigan, who w as m ade to d u stry in Boston for ten weeks was stand on his head and do o th er stunts se ttle d when the 2500 m em bers o f the by Cook. m e n ’s g arm ent w orkers’ union voted to accept the term s of an agreem ent W HITE HOUSE MUCH PUZZLED offered them . The strik e rs won prac­ tic a lly all th e ir demands. t o r a l Resume of Important Events Throughout the World. COLLEGE COW IS PRODUCTIVE WATER STOCKS GRAVEL PIT Nine Hundred Pounds Milk and 47 Willamette Furnishes Railway Co. of Butter Yielded in Month. With Ballast. Oregon A gricultural College, Cor- v a ltis—S tudents o f dairy husbandry at Oregon A gricultural college who have been k eeping records of m ilk and b u t­ te r fa t production of a num ber o f the younger cows in the college herd have ju st closed a m onth’s te s t on A m y’s E uybria D aughter (260,822), a 3-year- old Je rse y , and the re p o rt show ing th a t she produced 46.77 pounds of b u tte r f a t indicates th a t she may easily e stab lish a record m aking her eligible fo r the Je rse y re g is te r of m erit., The requirem ent of b u tte r f a t from a Je rse y o f th is age is 292.8 pounds during the year, an average o f 24.4 pounds per m onth. A m y’s E uybria D aughter has given 22.37 pounds above th e standard. H e r to ta l pro­ duction during th e m onth w as 975 pounds of m ilk w ith an av erage per­ centage of fa t am ounting to 4.797. This is equivalent to 55.02 pounds of 85 per cent b u tter. T his te s t was supervised by E. R. Stockw ell, o f the d e p artm e n t of dairy husbandry, who says th a t the record is not rem arkable, but above the av erage o f m any dairy cows which re tu rn a good profit for th e ir keep. C orvallis — C ontrary to th e e x p eri­ ence of flood d istric ts o f the e ast, Cor­ vallis announces the recent high w a ter stag es o f the W illam ette riv e r have been a blessing and a benefit to a t least one industry. The ra g in g W il­ lam ette re-stocked the fam ous gravel pit, owned by the P ortland, E ugene & E astern railw ay company. Instead o f abandoning the ground as having been w orked out, the engineers of the big in te ru rb an ele ctric system now under construction in th e W illam ­ e tte valley have found th a t new gravel has been washed down stre am , filling th e old excavation in the bottom of the riv er and m aking enough gravel available to com plete the w ork o f re­ ballastin g the e n tire W est Side system of the Southern Pacific com pany and m aking the trac k s ready for fast-m ov­ ing electric trains. The new ele ctric com pany is now- sending 40 cars of gravel a day to the old steam lines on the W est Side, and has com pleted b a lla stin g o f the line from C orvallis to Monroe, w hich is pronounced by e x p erts to be the best piece of railroad trac k in th e sta te . RECORD CROP IS PREDICTED MUST TAKE WHAT’S OFFERED Acreage Reduced in Sherman and Wasco, but Yield Promising. State Cannot Control Distribution of Reclamation Fund. BELIEf ATONEMENT Sacram ento, Cal. — An anti-alien land ow nership bill, designed prim arily to p revent Ja p a n ese from acquiring title to real property w ith in the sta te , but so worded as to pro h ib it any alien from ow ning land m ore than one y ear except on a declaration o f his in te n ­ tion to become a citizen was passed by the low er house o f the leg isla tu re by a vote o f 60 to 15. The m easure was Amount of Fortune Not Revealed— $20,000,000 Disposed of and d ra fte d by a subcom m ittee o f the ju ­ d iciary com m ittee as a su b stitu te for Son Gets Residue. o th er bills, all o f which specifically provided th a t “ aliens ineligible to c it­ izenship” should not hold lands. New York— “ I com m it my soul into The com m ittee, however, proceeded on the theory th a t such a sta tu te the hands of my S avior in full confi­ m ight be held in violation of the dence th a t, h aving redeem ed it and tre a ty rig h ts o f Jap an ese subjects and washed it in H is m ost precious blood, broadened the m easure to include all he will presen t it fa u ltless before the aliens who had not declared th e ir in­ throne o f my H eavenly F a th e r; and I tention to become citizens. In ord er not to e m b arrass foreign e n tre a t children to m ain tain and de­ corporations o f large in te re s t in the fend, a t all hazard, and a t any cost of sta te , the com m ittee did m ake the cor­ personal sacrifice, the blessed doctrine poration clause of the bill, section 8, I of the com plete atonem ent for sin apply only to “ aliens not eligible to through the blood o f Je su s C hrist, citizenship. ” once offered, and through th a t a lo n e .” This is the e x tra o rd in a ry and s tr ik ­ u tte ra n c e which begins the last ARIZONA HAS ALIEN STATUTE ing will and testa m en t o f John P ierpont M organ, who died a t Rome on March Federal Officials Discover Law That 31 last, whose body, heaped over w ith Never Has Been Enforced. flowers from the crowned heads of Eu­ P hoenix, A riz .—T h at A rizona has a rope, was, a fo rtn ig h t late r, brought law —fo rg o tte n since its enactm ent a back to his own land, and last Monday y e ar ago— p ro h ib itin g persons not e li­ was borne to its la st re stin g place a t gible to A m erican citizenship from ac­ H artford. E ver since the funeral the publica­ q u irin g title to real p roperty in th is sta te , was brought to th e a tte n tio n of tion o f th e g re a t financier’s last will has been aw aited w ith keen e x p ecta­ Federal officials here Thursday. The governm ent a u th o ritie s said tion, and it is safe to say th a t o f all they would call the m easure, enforce­ the in te re stin g testam en ts of em inent m ent of w hich never has been a tte m p t­ citzens of A m ercia, th a t o f Mr. Mor­ ed, to the a tte n tio n o f th e S ta te de­ gan, to be offered for probate here is p a rtm en t. U nder th e provisions o f by fa r th e m ost in te restin g . As to the am ount o f the estate, the law all aliens holding land a t the tim e o f ita enactm ent m ust surrender which is one the first questions the public n atu rally is asking, th ere is title w ith in five years. E ven when title is acquired by the nothing in th e will to give any accu­ enforcem ent o f liens o r judgm ent, t i ­ ra te idea, and the executors declare tle m ust be surrendered in the sam e th a t no announcem ent will be m ade on period of tim e. The law , how ever, th is su b ject until the appraisal has does not apply to m ining claim s or to been m ade fo r d e te rm in in g the sta te lands considered necessary for the in h eritance tax. The am ount of tru sts and bequests operation of m ines o r reduction works. named by specific sum s is under $20,- 000,000, but the e n tire residue of the Seattle Opposes Land Bill. e sta te is le ft to J . P. M organ, J r ., S e a ttle —The S e a ttle cham ber of who is designated by his fa th e r to be­ com m erce has sen t the follow ing te le ­ come the ch ie f h eir, not only to his gram to the cham ber o f com m erce of fortune, but to his m any charitab le San Francisco and San D iego in ans­ and a rtis tic a ctiv ities. w er to requests fo r th e opinion o f the local organization on th e alien land JAPANESE IRE IS SOFTENED bill pending in the C alifornia legisla­ tu re : “ The cham ber alw ays insisted th a t Okuma Sarcastic in Reference to Exchange of Lessons. legislation re la tin g to aliens should apply to all n a tio n a litie s alike. We Tokio— The announcem ent th a t P re s­ believe enactm ent by any coast sta te ident W ilson and S e c retary of S ta te of law s d irec tly or indirectly discrim ­ B ryan a re m aking efforts to brin g in a tin g a g a in st any n a tio n a lity w ill about a com prom ise in th e proposed g re a tly em b arrass com m ercial re la ­ C alifornia legislation w ith respect to tions w ith th e people of countries a f­ the alien land ow nership bill, and th a t fected, w ith the re sen tm en t cen terin g Governor Johnson is opposing the bill, a g a in st tra d e through sta te s passing has softened Jap an ese ire, and public such law s, b u t in effect im p a irin g the opinion now has become m ore o p ti­ volume o f business for the e n tire coun­ m istic. The reported unw illingness try and su b je ctin g to severe stra in all o f th e A m erican m issionaries to a ssist in te rn atio n al re la tio n s.” in re sistin g the bill is the su b je ct of harsh criticism in the Ja p a n se new s­ papers, b u t a fte r a conference which Strikers’ Plan Is Foiled. Y onkers, N . Y. — Louis Spreckels, C ount Okum a, the foreign m inister, su p e rin te n d en t o f the Federal Sugar had w ith the m issionaries, the la tte r Refinery here, one o f th e larg e st in dispatched telegram s to C alifornia, the world, closed his desk T hursday the ex act n a tu re o f which w ere not m orning and announced th a t he was known. C ount Okum a ironically rem inded going fishing and d idn’t know w hen he would re tu rn . H e le ft no address the m issionaries th a t Ja p a n owed its behind him . This was his answ er to first lesson in foreign h u m anitarian a strik e ord er issued to th e unskilled principles to the U nited S ta te s. "N ow laborers in the plant. The w histle the duty has devolved upon J a p a n ,” calling th e m en to w ork w as silen t he added, " t o teach the C alifornians T hursday m orning and the employes the sam e p rin cip les.” The Ja p a n ese consul a t Vancouver, who congregated a t the ga te s w ere turned aw ay. A bout 1200 men are idle. B. C., C. Y ada, who has arriv ed here, has caused some ex citem en t by the Benson Dies Leaving Only $431. sta te m e n t th a t a n ti-Ja p a n e se legisla­ tion is pending in th e Canadian pro­ San Francisco — T he e sta te o f John vince o f B ritish Colum bia, Saskatche­ A. Benson, who was said to be w orth wan and M anitoba. m ore th an a m illion w hen he was in­ volved in th e Oregon land frauds, Warlike Moros Disperse. am ounts to only $431, according to W ashington, D. C. — T rouble w ith the final account of his affairs filed in the P ro b a te court here Thursday. the Moros in th e Philippines, which T his is th e am ount th a t the public has th rea te n e d fo r several weeks, has a d m in istra to r will tu rn over to his been av erted . R eports to th e d e p art­ widow, Mrs. G race Benson. Benson m ent say the arm y o f belligerent was serving a F ederal sentence of tribesm en, num bering 3000, which one y e a r when he w as released by practically laid siege to Jolo and dared reason o f the illness which ended w ith the A m erican g a rriso n to venture fo rth and do b a ttle , has dispersed. his d e ath tw o years ago. The Moros th rea te n e d to revolt be­ cause a g ita to rs from the province of Lumber Drifts to Beach. N ew port, O r.— L arge q u a n titie s of Luzon had spread re p o rts th a t the lum ber and w hite cedar railroad ties A m ericans planned to m ake them have been com ing ashore along the abandon th e Mohammedan religion. Will of J. Pierpont Morgan Shows Perfect Confidence. The D alles — A lthough *the crop of W ashington, D. C.— Congress hav­ cereals in W asco and Sherm an coun­ ing once repealed section 9 o f the tie s this y ear will not su rp ass the crop original N ational reclam ation act, of 1912, ow ing to the fa c t th a t the th ere is no chance th a t th a t section acreage is less because o f sum m er or any e quivalent provision will ever fallow ing, reports received by the be resto red to th e law, and th e only Business M en’s association in d icate a way in which Oregon ev er will receive yield per acre th a t will break all rec­ equitable recognition under th a t law ords for th is section. E. H. French, will be through th e good grace and president o f the b an k in g firm of fair-m indedness o f the S ecretary of French & Co., has re tu rn e d from an the in te rio r and th e P resident. autom obile trip to the southern p a rt H e p redicts th a t U nder section 9, th e secretary of of th is county. the in te rio r was required to expend in should the favorable conditions con­ every s ta te the m ajor p a rt o f the tinue all records will be broken. F a rm ­ moneys contributed by such s ta te to ers who come to the c ity suppport the th e reclam ation fund, and to m ake an prediction. a d ju stm en t on th is basis once in ten The fru itg ro w ers are also looking forw ard to a h a rv est o f re cord-break­ years. Section 9 was repealed w hen the ing crops of cherries, peaches, pears, Borah $20,000,000 loan bill was i apples, prunes, grapes and o th e r fru its. passed, and under circum stances fully Several hundreds o f acres o f cherries explained a t the tim e, and no m a tte r j will come into b earin g th is year. how m uch the Oregpn delegation or fu tu re delegations m ay striv e, they CHEESE FACTORY WORKING will never g e t th a t section back into the law, for Oregon is p ractically the First Day’s Run at Seaside Plant only s ta te th a t would benefit under Takes 2000 Pounds of Milk. th a t provision, and every o th e r W est­ ern s ta te com ing w ithin the law bene- j Seaside — The C latsop County Co­ fits through the repeal o f section 9. operative Cheese com pany, w hich sta rte d w ork Monday, handled 2000 TAX COMMITTEE IS SELECTED pounds o f m ilk, from w hich e ig h t pounds o f P asteu rized cream was Four Senators and Six Representa­ saved for c ity d istrib u tio n and from which was m ade w hat is known as six tives Named by Officials. trip le ts and two Y oung A m erica Salem —C. N. M cA rthur, speaker of I cheeses. the house and Dar, J . M alarkey, pres- j In addition to m aking the cheese How- to Appease Japanese Opinion ident o f th e senate in th e recent legis­ and b o ttlin g th e cream , th e first d a y ’s Opinions in Mexico C ity, both offi­ latu re, have announced im p o rta n t com­ o u tp u t o f th is new concern was 200 Is Question That Worries. cial ami unofficial, are th a t the H uerta m itte e appointm ents m ade under and qu arts and 100 p in ts o f P asteurized W ashington, D. C.— Com parison of by v irtu e o f resolutions w hich were m ilk. go v ern m en t will soon come to an end. By h e atin g the fluid to a c ertain Republican lenders plan a m eeting the proposed alien land holding legis­ passed a t th a t session. P robably th e m ost im p o rta n t o f j te m p e ra tu re and keeping i t a t th a t in Chicago soon to arrange for the re­ lation in C alifornia w ith sim ila r s ta t­ h a b ilita tio n of th e p arty throughout utes in force for years in the D istric t these appointm ents w ere m ade in re ­ point for 30 m inutes, any tuberculous o f Columbia and several sta te s reveal­ ference to the leg isla tiv e tax com m it­ m a tte r in th e m ilk is killed and none th e country. ed to the W hite House officials in­ tee, w hich will serve in m uch the of the nourishm ent destroyed. creased difficulty in handling th e pro­ sam e capacity as the leg islativ e tax One of the tru ck s o perated by the te s t entered by Ja p a n . com m ittee of tw o y e ars ago. T hat cheese factory goes up th e N ecanicum PORTLAND MARKETS I t was pointed o u t a t the W hite com m ittee took an a ctiv e p a rt in de­ valley for nine m iles, w hile the o th er W h ea t—Track prices: Club, 86(n House th a t no foreign nation ev er had fe a tin g single ta x and also prom oted wagon goes north several m iles beyond 87c; bluestem , 98c; red R ussian, 85c; entered p ro test a g a in st these e x istin g th e am endm ent to repeal the county G earhart. laws. Incidentally word reached here ta x am endm ent, or single tax am end­ v a lle y , 87c. Mt. Hood is Glacier Laden. O a ts —No. 1 w hite, $27(828 per ton; th a t while the bills in the senate and m en t o f 1910. house a t Sacram ento differed, e v en t­ T his com m ittee for th e n e x t two valley, stained, $24(n26. Oregon C ity — T here has been so C om —Whole, $27; cracked, $28 ton ually a bill would be agreed on along years w ill consist of S enators C alkins. much snow in the Cascades and along M illstuffs—Bran, $2Ifri22 per ton; the lines o f alien land law s in New McColloch, M osier and N euner and the slopes o f Mount Hood du rin g the York sta te and th e D istric t o f Colum­ R e p resen tativ es Laughlin, B arton, p ast w in ter th a t i t has becom e packed sh o rts. $23(u 24; m iddlings, $30. Blanchard, Brunk, M urnane and S ta n ­ into a glacial m ass, is th e re p o rt of B arley— Feed, $23(u23.50 per ton; bia. The Federal governm ent is not san­ field. brew ing, nom inal; rolled, $25.50@ Fred Lund, a prospector and trap p e r. guine of appeasing popular opinion in 26.50. Mr. Lund cam e down to order some Strawberry Acreage Increases. H ay — E astern Oregon tim othy, Japan, though it does hope to sa tisfy supplies for his cam p on the south choice, $15(817; mixed, $100(13.50; the Tokio governm ent of its helpless­ Hood R iv er—The acreage o f s tra w ­ fork of the U pper Clackam as, and de­ o a t and vetch, $12; alfalfa, $12(813; ness to effect changes th a t would re ­ b e rrie s o f th is com m unity w ill be clares th a t never before has he seen move entirely th e Jap an ese objections. slig h tly increased this year, and be­ such conditions. clover, $9; straw , $7(88. V egetables — A rtichokes, 90c(8$l cause o f the new fields com ing into " T h e snow on the m ountain is p e r dozen; asparagus, 6c pound; cab­ Editor Will Be Governor. bearin g , presen t e stim a te s place the packed into a solid sh eet o f snow-ice b ag e, l j c ; celery, $2.50 per c rate; W ashington, D. C.— M ajor J . F. A. y e a r’s crop slightly g re a te r than th a t th a t least four fe e t thick. The su rfa c e , heatl lettuce, $2.50 c ra te ; hothouse Strong, o f Ju n eau , has been selected o f last season, when 75 carloads w ere m eltings have congealed and form ed le ttu c e , 75c(ii$l per box; onions, m ark eted from the valley. A num ber an alm ost unbreakable c ru st on top of g re en , 200125c per dozen: rhubarb, 5c for appointm ent as governor of.A lask a of th e older fields n e a r th e city the d rifts , and from m y cam p I tr a v ­ to succeed W a lte r F. Clark, resigned. p e r pound; spinach, 75c per box; have been plowed under, b u t grow ers eled e n tirely above the tra ils, being sp ro u ts, 10c; garlic, 5(