Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, March 25, 1913, Image 6

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President Decides Measure Will Have
Consideration This Session.
W ASHINGTON.— Encouraged by the
rapid progress already made in the
preparation of a tariff revision bill,
close friends of President Wilson pre­
dict that currency reform measures
would be brought before the extra ses­
sion of congress.
The President talked informally
with some of his callers about the
prospects for currency legislation.
They went away convinced that
Miss Maxine Elliott denies she
the president would devote him­
married, or to be soon.
self first and foremost to tariff revi­
Dame Fashion decrees that woman’s sion, he now hoped that at least a
entire dress shall consist of only eight start on monetary reform, if not actual
legislation, would be possible in the
Dustin Farnum, the actor, is to quit extra session.
From the first, the president has be­
the stage and go into business for
lieved in the necessity for immediate
currency reform, and though desirous
Mrs. Elizabeth Anderson, of New that congress should focus its atten­
York, gives $650,000 to aid social wel­ tion and that of the nation on the tar­
fare work.
iff question, he never has given up the
A co-ed student at Oregon Univers­ idea of getting a currency measure
ity has the distinction of being a before the country within a few
months. Some of his friends said that
they were particularly hopeful for cur­
Austria calls on allies to stop firing rency reform because of the attitude
on Scutari and sends warships to en­ of the Democratic leaders in congress
force demands.
toward expeditious action on the tar­
Dr. Eliot, president of Harvard Uni­ iff.
Senator Simmons, chairman of the
versity, has been chosen ambassador
finance committee, is reported to have
to Great Britain.
said that the tariff could be disposed
The New York "underworld” pleads of within three months. Like the tar­
with the vice commission for a voice iff, the currency bill when drawn will
in its investigations.
be presented as a party measure, care­
fully worked out by congressional com­
Action on the currency bill will be mittee in co-operation with the presi­
taken by Congress at the special ses­ dent. It will not be made public, it is
sion, after the tariff is out of the way. said, until it has been studied closely
Assistant Secretary of State Hunt­ by members of the cabinet, recognized
ington Wilson suddenly resigns on ac­ authorities on currency questions, and
count of the administration's Chinese some of the leading business men of
the country in whose judgment the ad­
loan policy.
ministration has confidence.
The battleship Oregon is to be re­
The president intends to stay In
tained in the Pacific reserve fleet, in­ Washington throughout the extra ses­
stead of "scrapped,” as first intended sion, giving every attention to legisla­
tive questions. He has every day de­
by the Navy Department.
clined invitations to make speeches
Mrs. Eaton, widow of the late Ad outside of the city.
miral Eaton, who died suddenly at Ply­
The cabinet will meet immediately,
mouth, Mass., is held in the county when the cfuestion of recess appoint­
jail, charged with poisoning her hus­ ments will be discussed. The resigna­
tion of Huntington Wilson as assist­
One thousand dollars' worth of Chi­ ant secretary of state leaves the state
nese silks are held by San Francisco department under charge of Alva
customs officials, consigned to the Adee, second assistant secretary of
medical department at Mare Island, state. It is probable, however, that
and marked “ From the United States there will be a recess appointment of
N avy Medical Department at Manila.” John Bassette Moore as counsellor of
the state department, so that he can
President Wilson advocates Jury re­ co-operate with Mr. Adee in running
form .
the department. The president tele­
Fourth annual automobile show graphed Secretary Bryan that he need
cut short his vacation on account
opens in Portland.
of Huntington W ilson’s withdrawal.
Ex-President Taft has resigned as a
member of Yale University corpora­ A S S IS T A N T S E C R E TA R Y RESIGNS.
Cenerai Resume of Important Events
Throughout the World.
King George Shot Through Heart
By Assassin.
cers swear fealty to Constantine, they
shouted "Long live the King.”
' Prince Nicholas is the only member
of the royal family in Salonika. Mourn­
ing emblems are displayed every­
The Greek governor has Issued a
proclamation announcing that the oath
of fealty to King Constantine has been
“Outrage” in Parade at Washington Palace Hotel Rendezvous for Backers Timber Industry Along Coast Takes on
of Good Highways.
Active Phase.
Figures in Speeches.
Assassin, Who Is Man o f Low Type,
SEASIDE— The logging Industry In
Heppner— About fifty of Heppner’s
HARRISBURG, P a — Advocates and business
men sat down to a sump­ and around Seaside, long dormant, will
Says. He Is Against Govern­
opponents of votes for women joined
tuous dinner at the Palace Hotel re­
open within a few days. Olson broth­
in battle over the cause before the
ment—Motive Unexplained.
cently. The object of the gathering
senate judiciary general committee
ers, the well-known loggers from Little
Falls and the Lewis River, have just
completed cruising the timber which
SALO NIK I.— King George of Greece
lies In the hills about two and a half
was assassinated while walking in the
streets of Salonlkl Wednesday after­
miles west of Seaside and have closed
a two-year contract for logging o ff the
The assassin was a Greek of low
mental type, who gave his name as
Aleko Schinas.
He shot the King
Three donkey engines will be placed
through the heart.
In operation at once and between 50
The King was accompanied only by
and 60 men will be employed in the
an aide-de-camp, Lieutenant-Colonel
logging camp.
Already the Olson
Francoudls. The assassin came sud-
brothers have in sight some 15,000,000
feet of timber to cut. This does not
embrace all the standing timber in
that locality, but it is expected that
once the logging camp is Installed,
others owning standing timber in that
neighborhood will come forward and
sell their holdings.
The tract of timber along the ridge
is mostly hemlock and spruce.
Olson brothers’ contract calls for
the delivery of the logs at Warrenton.
They will be rafted down Scipplnon
and delivered to Leander Lebeck.
An effort is being made to start the
Seaside sawmills. If this mill is opened
the logs will be sent to the mill at
Seaside. I f not, they will be sold to
either Astoria or Portland mills. The
new logging camp means increased
business for Seaside. Eleven families
have come here with the purpose of
settling and have rented homes. The
camp will be so situated that the em­
ployes o f the camp will be able to live
Hood River Commercial Club Backs at Seaside, and at the same time be
Move to Aid Valley Folk.
employed at the logging camp.
Hood River.— T o aid the apple-
growers of the community in securing
cows, the Hood River Commercial
Club proposes to form a cow purchas­ Umatilla Farmers Heavy Shippers of
ing association, which will not only
Milk to Portland.
select the animals, but will assist the
P E N D LE T O N — The work of- build­
orchardists financially in securing
them. It is the hope of a large num­ ing an up-to-date and absolutely sani­
ber of people of this city to secure a tary dairy, and providing the best reg­
creamery. However, Professor Kent,
of the Oregin Agricultural College, istered Holstein cows to be had in the
who was recently here conferring with country, has commenced at the East­
the directors of the club, says that ern Oregon state hospital. Ten thou­
before the creamery can be operated sand dollars will be devoted to the
on a profitable basis at least 300 more
cows ought to be placed in the com­ building and equipping of the dairy,
Huntington Wilson Cannot Counte
and it is believed that the new hospi­
Petitions are being circulated in
nance Chinese Loan Policy.
.. . x.;#
The ’ ’alley's imputation is made up tal dairy will prove an object lesson
8easide, O re, for the recall of its
to a great extent of people who have to many farmers in this section of the
W ASHINGTON. — Huntington W il­
come from cities and do not under­
son, assistant and acting secretary of
stand how to choose a good milch cow. country. W ork on Superintendent
A party of explorers left Philadel­ state, a Taft appointee who retained
has already adopted the resolution, An expert will make the choice, un­ McNary's cottage, near the main build­
phia recently to explore the Amazon office at the request of President W il­
and the suffrage fight centered in the der the plans that the club is pro­ ing, w ill be started in the next two
son, until the president could give fur­
mulgating. A large number of those
ther time to the selection o f a suc­
The "outrage on suffragists In Wash­ ho are desirous of going into the weeks.
Secretary of State W . J. Bryan spoke cessor, and also to oblige Secretary
Dairying is becoming quite a prom­
business are not able financially
in favor of the Home Rule bill, on St. Bryan, who desired to attend the cele­
arguments of the suffrage supporters. to pay cash for cows at tfie present inent industry in Umatilla county,
Patrick's Day.
bration of his birthday at Lincoln
“ Not one man who struck a woman In time. The club will make the pur­ special activity being felt in the Stan­
field locality. H. M. Olsen, formerly
Neb., resigned suddenly when con­
that parade, not one man who spoke chase for these, and through the asso­
Special session of Congress is called fronted with the duty of promulgating
a dairyman
of Portland, and Dr.
indecently to the women would vote ciation that w ill be formed will await
for April 7 by President Wilson, to act the administration’s policy with refer­
Watts, also o f the same city, have com­
for woman suffrage,” was one o f Dr. the remittance of the purchasing
on the tariff only.
pleted arrangements for operating
ence to the Chinese loan, as announced
Shaw’s remarks. She declared that all rancher.
modern dairies. Holstein cows are to
Pacific Coast phone m.en vote by the president. The acting secre­
the suffragists ask is the right to
be used exclusively by both men. Many
against striking and accept the 25 tary was a firm believer in the T aft
share in the vote of the country.
other farmers in the west end of the
policy and he explained in his letter of
cents advance offered.
While Mrs. A. J. George was speak­
county are taking up dairying on an
resignation that he could not consci­
ing against the resolution there was Question of Getting Foundations for extensive scale, declaring that it is one
Dr. B riedmann, discoverer of the tu­ entiously act as spokesman for a pol­
laughter from the suffragists when she
berculosis cure, has offered to treat all icy with which he was wholly out of
of the finest sections in the state to
Coos Bay Span Is Problem.
declared that woman’s place Is in the
poor free of charge.
North Bend.— An engineering prob­ carry on such an industry. For some
home. Turning to the committee she
time past Stanfield has been shipping
The resignation was accepted In a
I-ouls W. Hill, of the Great Northern
lem confronts the men in charge of
to Portland and various points in this
railroad, says their lines will not be letter from President Wilson, to take
"Sisters, nearly 80 times when 1 the bridge operations of the Southern county more than $50 worth of milk
effect immediately. The president im­
extended to San Francisco.
The daily.
have used the words ‘home’ and ‘worn Pacific to bridge Coos Bay.
mediately designated Second Assist­
an’ in meetings like this the suffra­ trouble arises over getting foundations.
ant Secretary Adee to act as secretary
Redrock seems to be the one thing
gists have laughed."
of state during Secretary Bryan’s ab­
She declared that she formerly had that Is lacking in the geological forma­
believed in suffrage but had changed tion of the bay, as drilling has shown
A probable result of the resignation
Wheat—Track prices: Club, 85086c;
her views when she saw how "Buf- that no such substance can' be found, Two Townships in Klamath County
will be the immediate appointment un­
Ready for Entry April 6.
bluestem, 97@98c; 40-fold, 86087c; der a recess commission of John Bas­ Crown Prince Constantine, Who As- fragists feel who Bpeak of the home.” at least within a reasonable distance
from the surface. The tests have gone
cends to Throne.
red Russian, 84 0 85c; valley, 87c.
sett Moore, as counsellor of the de­
W ASH ING TO N, D. C — Representa­
down to a depth of 100 feet, and all
Barley—Feed, nominal;
brewing, partment of state, with authority to
that the drill shows to be there Is tive Hawley has been advised that two
denly at the King and fired one shot
nominal; rolled, $25.50026.50 per ton. act as secretary.
townships In Southwestern Klamath
from a seven-chambered revolver. The
In conversation with one of the en­ county long withdrawn on account of
Corn— Whole, $27; cracked, $28 per DR. E L I O T FOR G R E A T BRIT AIN . tragedy caused intense excitement.
gineers he stated that a plan was be­
Schinas was seized Immediately and
a resurvey, w ill be restored to entry
PARIS.— In spite o f the eloquent ar­ ing worked out to make the founda­
Miilstuffs—Bran, $21 per ton; shorts, President of Harvard Chosen to Repre- overpowered.
tions of concrete, imbedded in the April 6.
$23 per ton; middlings, $30 per ton.
The wounded King was lifted into a
sand, something entirely new in en­
Mr. Hawley presented to the W ar
W A S H IN G T O N — Dr. Charles Eliot, carriage, which was hurried to the tide Briand, embodied In wbat is pro­ gineering. Considering the weight of
Hay — Eastern Oregon timothy,
department an application for the
president emeritus of Harvard Uni­ hospital. He waB still breathing when nounced the finest speech of his ca­ the finished structure a foundation
K enwill and Heights telephone com­
choice, $15@17; mixed, $10013.50; oat versity, has been decided upon by
placed In the carriage, but died before reer, the senate overthrew the govern­ made in this manner seems to be panies t lay a cable across Coos Bay
and vetch, $12; alfalfa, $11.50; clover, President Wilson for ambassador to reaching the hospital.
from Glasgow wharf to Simpson Park.
ment on the question of proportional
Great Britain. Close friends of the
$10; straw, $6@7.
Prince Nicholas, the King's third
Secretary of State Bryan has in­
Oats— No. 1 white, $27.50 per ton.
formed Senator Chamberlain that all
gratulating him and urging him to ac­ son, and other officers hurried to the
A fter the senate, by a vote of 161 to
hospital. On his arrival Prince Nicho­
Anyrlean consuls in territories to be
Apples— Spitzenberg, extra fancy, cept.
las summoned the officers and, speak­ 128, had adopted the amendment in­ 300-Page Book Issued by O. A. C. of opened to the Pacific Coast by the
$1.25@1.50; choice, 75c® $1; Yellow
George W. Guthrie, Democratic state
ing in a voice choked with sobs, said: troduced by Senator Paul L. Feytral, a
Pan-American Canal have been re­
Much Interest to Growers.
Newtown, extra fancy, $1.2501.50; chairman of Pennsylvania and ex­
“ It is my deep grief to have to an­ Republican-Liberal, which proposed
quested to forward all available data
choice, 75c@$l; Winesap, extra fancy, mayor of Pittsburg, has been selected nounce to you the death o f your be­
Corvallis.— Results of the last two regarding the possibility of market­
that the majority should receive the
$1.25@1.50; Red Cheek pippin, extra to be ambassador to Mexico. This In­ loved King and to invite you to swear
years' work In crop pest investigations ing Oregon fruits and berries.
fancy, $1.2501.50; Arkansas Black, ex­ formation came from Intimate friends fidelity to your new sovereign, King whole of the representation, the min­ and experimental work In horticulture quiries were made at request of the
isters Immediately withdrew and held done at the Oregon Agricultural Col­
tra fancy, $1.75<®2; Baldwin, extra of President Wilson. From the same Constantine.”
Oregon Horticultural society.
a brief consultation. They then pro­
fancy, $101.25; choice, 75c®$l; Rome sources It was learned that Justice
Crown Prince Constantine, who suc­ ceeded to the Elysee palace and hand­ lege Experiment Station are being
Ilaeuty, $1.25(3)1.50; small sizes, all va­ James W. Gerard, of New York, was
rieties, less; Ben Davis, etc., common a likely choice for ambassador to Italy ceeds King George, at present is at ed their resignations to President copies of the 300-page book have been
Artesian Water Found.
Poincare. The President accepted the delivered to the college by the State
and that William Church Osborn, of Janina.
pack, 50@60c.
P R IN E V IL L E — Farmers in the v i­
New York, Augustus Thomas, the play­
The assassin of the King, on being resignations, but requested the minis­ printer.
Onions— Oregon. 90c(3$l per stck.
cinity o f Prineville are much elated
Vegetables— Artichokes, $1,2501.50 wright, and possibly Thomas Nelson arrested, refused to explain his motive ters to continue to transact business
Special features of the work are
«er dozen; asparagus, ll®12*6c pound; Page, of Virginia, would be ambassa­ for the crime. He declared that his until their successors had been found. accounts of Investigations made by over striking artesian water in the
Crooked R iver Valley. George Stay-
A cabinet crisis in the present situa­
name was Aleka Shinas and, in reply
cabbage, l@ l% c per pound: cauliflow­ dors to European courts.
the college experts to determine the
No one has been decided upon for to an officer, who asked him whether tion in Europe is considered bad influence of bud variations on fruit ton, who lives four miles west of
er, $202.2» per crate; celery, $2.50(3
Prineville, has struck a strong flow
he had no pity for his country, an
4.00 per crate; cucumbers, $202.50 per ambassador to Japan.
markings; an exhaustive treatise on
nounced that he was against govern- crisis precipitated by the senate is the several forms of aphides which at the depth of 200 feet. It threw the
dozen: eggplant, 25c pound; head let­
graver still, for it is a crisis not of cause Oregon agriculturists so much water from a five-inch casing 11 feet
tuce, $2.25 per crate; hothouse, lettuce.
Chinese Silks Seized.
Shinas maintained a perfectly impas- the ministry only, but o f the French trouble, and a discussion o f the work above the surface of the ground. The
90c0$1 per box; peppers. 30c per
parliamentary regime, and It is added of the San Jose scale on pears. These well-drilling outfit which put down the
give demeanor.
pound; radishes, 35c per dozen; rhu­
Precautions were taken at once that any ministry falling to place pro­ treatises are Illustrated by color Stayton well has already been engaged
barb, 6@7c per pound; spinach. $1(3 toms Stratton will endeavor to learn
for several months’ drilling for arte­
1.25 per box; sprouts, 10c; tomatoes, whether Mrs. W. T. McGregor, Mrs. A. throughout the city and perfect order portional representation at the head of plates.
sian water In this vicinity. It is likely
Hammar, Mrs. P. D. Norton, Mrs. H. L. Is being maintained.
the programme immediately would be
$2 per box; garlic, 5 ® 6c per pound.
that several other outfits will be
The King fell Into the arms of his j turned out by the chamber,
Potatoes— Burbanks,
45®50c per Troop and Miss F. M. Brown, members
Coquille to Have Public Park.
brought Into the country within the
The only
open is
hundred: sweet potatoes, 4c per of families of officers at Mare Island, aide when shot. T w o Boldiers ran
* solution seemingly
few days.
upon hearing the firing, and helped to
Sack Vegetables— Turnips, 90c@$l medical department at Mare Island support him. He was placed in a car­ chamber, but as an election would be lic park and playground, negotiations
Grading Work Resumed.
per sack: parsnips, 9Oc0$l per sack; and whether a box weighing 400 riage and efforts were made to stop made on the question of proportional pending for some time having been
FLO RENCE— The railroad camp un­
pounds, containing more than $1000 the bleeding, but he breathed his last representation,
carrots, 90c<ff$l per sack.
the new
chamber completed which gives the city pos­
would be just as much at odds with session of a ten-acre tract within easy der H. B. Role, which had suspended
Poultry— Hens, 15V4@16c; broilers, worth of Chinese silks, notions and on the way to the hospital nearby.
reach. The property purchased is work for the W inter on account of
25c; turkeys, live, 18 0 20c; dressed, embroidered goods, which arrived here
When Prince Nicholas bade the offi- the senate as ever.
known as Patterson's Grove and was rainy weather, resumed operations at
choice, 23®25c; ducks, 15(®18c: geese, on the army transport Logan last Sat­
purchased by public-spirited citizens, Maplston this week with a crew o f SO
urday, and not on the ship's manifest,
Thirty Battle With Knives.
Bryan Man Dies Unshorn.
led by Mayor Morrison, and that syn­ men. Most o f the right of way Is now
Eggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, 18019c are not smuggled goods and subject to
M INNEAPO LIS. — Battling with dicate will hold It until snch time as cleared and grading will begin at once.
BAKER, O re — Even though Bryan s
per dozen.
knives and bludgeons, more than 30
Orders are to rush the work and as
Butter — Oregon creamery butter
man was elected and Bryan Is his meh. divided into antagonistic groups the city is financially able to take it soon as men can be had another camp
Spirit Is Said to Beckon.
o ff their hands. The grove w ill Be
cubes, 37Hc per pound; prints. 39c
right-hand man It did not suffice and of railroad workers and citizens, fitted up this season for use o f the | will be opened two miles above Ma-
per pound.
Denver.— Alonzo Thompson, multi­ Edward Flenners died here without a clashed on the outskirts o f Cologne,
children as a playground and a place pleton.
Pork— Fancy, 11®11%C per pound.
millionaire spiritualist of this city, lies hair cut. Flenners was a great ad­ Minn. Several of them were left cut where meetings and picnics may be I
Veal— Fhncy, 14(pl4Hc per pound.
Union Lodge to Build Hall.
Cattle— Choice steers. $7.500 7.75; on his deathbed here, declaring that mirer o f the Commoner and when and bleeding on the battlefield and held.
UN IO N — The Knights of Pythias of
medium he is in hourly communication with Bryan was defeated for president, the three, one of them fatally cut, were
this p'ace have authorized the Incorpo­
Mr. first time. Flenners declared he would
steers, $6.50(37.00; choice cows, $6 50 the spirit of his dead father.
Marshfield.— The special election ration of a company having for its ob­
06.85; good cows, $6(36.50; medium Thompson Insists that his dead father not have his hair cut until his favorite here. According to James Harvey, one
ject the construction o f a castle hall.
cows, $5.5006; choice calves, $809;
good heavy calves, $6.50(37.60; bulls, telling him to Join him In the spirit to below his shoulders and despite his received their pay and went to Co­ being cast. The proposition to sell The local lodge has purchased and
Hogs — Eight, $8.7509: world. At the bedside of the dying age ot over 50 years, it was Jet black, logne to spend it. There were several terminal railway franchise to the \ paid for one of the best business lots
heavy, $7.7508.
Sheep — Yearling spiritualist are Mr. Thompson's two Flenners died at St. Elizabeth s Hos- brushes between townsmen and rail- Southern Pacific carried 393 to 83. In the town and It Is expected that
wethers. $5.7506.50; ewes, $4@5.25; wealthy brothers, one being Charles pltal from liver trouble and had been a readers, when the latter were attacked The proposition of the city to give the the stock w ill soon be taken for the
band $1800 yearly, carried, 367 to 114. | erection of the building.
county charge during the Winter.
from the rear.
Thompson, of Portland, Ore.
lambs, $607.15.
here Tuesday in the greatest demon­
stration ever made by women in the
state capitol.
Thousands of women from all sec­
tions of the state were present to
support or oppose the proposed amend­
ment to the constitution giving women
the right to vote. The women stormed
the chamber where the hearing was
held, crowded the galleries, swarmed
to the President’s rostrum and packed
the corridors outside.
The lower House of the Legislature
was to discuss good roads in general
and the improvement of the road to
Spray and the extension of the Willow
Creek road to Ritter In particular.
The two roads mentioned will bring
considerable additional business to
T. J. Mahoney acted as toastmaster.
John Scott Mills, of the publicity de­
partment of the O.-W. R. & N. Com­
pany, and J. R. Stein, of the freight de­
partment of the same company, were
present. Mr. Mills delievered an Inter­
esting and Instructive address upon the
good roads question. This was followed
by talks by several of the leading
business men of the city.
tees were appointed to work out def­
inite plans for the improvement and
construction of the roads under con­
W. D. Newlon, who has been drilling
a number of wells in the light land
district in the northern part ot the
county, made a proposition to drill for
artesian water In that part of the
county, provided a bonus of $20,000 be
raised, the same to be paid in the
event he secures a flow of water suf­
ficient for irrigation purposes. I f he
fails to secure the flow of water he
shall’ receive nothing.
The offer
aroused considerable Interest, and u
committee was appointed to see wbat
can be done with the proposition.