Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, July 23, 1912, Image 1

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    Oí» Wat j r i ; u
A L O C A L P A P E R M T TOR A N Y H O M E— P R O G R E S S IV E . N E W S Y . IN D E P E N D E N T
Bohemia Uold Mining; District and Thirty Saw Milling; Enterprises Tributary to Cottage Grove. Dairying, Fruit Growing, Farming are Profitable
C O TTAG E GROVE. OREGON, T U E S D A Y , J U L Y 23, 1912
Cons oli dat ed Jan uar y 9. 1908.
Ankle Severely Bruised
Mrs. Alice Vail Valen, who
makes her home with her »laughter,
Mrs. J. H. Chambers, had the mis­
fortune to severely bruise and I
fracture the hone of her right ankle
1 last Thursday. She had been out
for a buggy ride with her daughter
F. E. Dunton came up from
and while yet in the buggy after Eugene Suuday.
their arrival at the Chambers mill
Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Lockwood
j near Latham, and while the horse returned Monday from a visit at
i was being unharnessed front the Eugene.
vehicle bv others, the animal got
Dr. Oglesby had business which
a little excited and fearing that
called him to Salem yesterday and
A I.eader representative iu mak- the buggy might be upset, Mrs. he returned today.
ing the rounds o f the city recently j Van Valin jumped to the ground
Conductor Frank Allison and
noted the following substantial with the result mentioned.
She .
was brought to Dr. kmie s office I ........... ,
mg the former’s parents of this
William Laudess has just com- by auto and Drs. Kime, Job and
pleted a large two story addition Schleef with the aid of the X-Ray
V. S. Goff gets letters regularly
to bis residence 011 East Main street, reduced the fracture.
Mrs. \ an
including a commodious sleeping Valin is now resting very comfort- from Mrs. Goff who is rapidly re­
i ably, but it will be some time be- covering from her operation for
A. L. Woodard is just complet-; f° re she will be able to walk,
Miss Gertrude Sneed, of Halsey,
ing a modern bungalow iu South
— ---------
is visiting friends in this city,
Cottage Grove near the one recent- Judge Hanford Tenders Resignation
ly completed ami occupied bv his
among whom is Mrs. James Atkin­
Several Persons are Tak­
ing Advantage of the
Building Season
Seattle, July 2 2 . - United States sou who 1,as beeu (‘ui,e *" for a
The new modern cottage of j District Judge Cornelius H. Han- ! few day8’ but ^ P ro v in g at pres-
Welcome Ilubbell in South Cot-i ford, whose conduct on the bench ; ent.
A ll farmers should remember
tage Grove is about ready for occu- has beeu under investigation for
September 5th, 6th and 7th
nearly a month by a sub-committee
Alderman Chas. Caldwell has Df the house judiciary committee, are the days for the local fair at
removed his old home to an ad- today telegraphed his resignation Cottage Grove. Good exhibits are
joining lot and is building a beau- j to President Taft. Hanford gives promised and the success of the
tiful modern bungalow on the ill-healtb as the reason for his res- fair is assured.
origiual home sight just south of ■ ¡¡¡nation.
Mr. and Mrs. Jas. Herman of
Baker Eakin’s home.
_____ _ ^ -
Kansas arrived here lately and are
The artistic new bungalow of B.
'enjoying a visit with Mr. and Mrs.
S. Swengel is looming up on the
II. J. Shinn, parents of Mrs. Her-
batiks of the classic Coast Fork
A l l O U i r D C I A C T P A I I mal1' They stopped here on their
way to California.
and under the spreading boughs of
a giant oak just west of the F. K.
Mrs. Violet and daughter, Miss
Wheeler home, which will add an­
Tbe body of Gidion B. Staudish, Ermine, left Thursday for the Mid­
other to the charming homes of
who died at Tacoma, Washington, dle Fork of the Willamette where
that section of the city.
on the 17th, of cerebral apoplexy, they go to visit the former’s broth­
The new bungalow of O. H. W il­ arrived here by the 2:47 train Sun­ er, Joe Laudess. Mr. Landessis a
lard iu West Cottage Grove is all day for burial. It was met at the forest ranger having spent the past
inclosed and will soou be ready for
depot by a goodly number of the three year* iu that service.
the painter and paper hangers.
members of the G. A. R. and Relief
Mrs. Pete Sanford of this city
These many new prospective Corp> who catne to pay thejr last returned Wednesday evening from
modern homes together with the respec(s tQ a„ old colnrade of lhe
Portland, having been down to see
great amount of permanent street
behon w ho hatl at olle tim e beell
her daughter, Mrs. Bennett of
improvement work, gives Cottage 0|1C of th. ir mlmber
this cilv,
Lentz, who has been ill for a short
Grove the appearance of activity having conducte»! a grocery busi­
time. Mrs. Bennett accompanied
anti demonstrates the enterprise of I
ness here two or three years ago, her boine for a visit and rest.
our progressive citizens, even at a and who will be reniemliered by
TJie Filers branch music store
time when business and money
many iu this city.
iu this city is planning for another
matters arc a little »piiet generally
The deceased was born in the free musical recital in the near
speaking. You just can’ t make j state of Michigan 65 years ago and
future. The date has not been an­
Cottage Grove stand still.
i had a very eventful life, having nounced, but notice will be given
, i beeu possessed of the roving and that all may have ru opportunity
J. O. Johnson, superintendent of
construction of the Oregon Elec-1 en,er Pr,s"'K disposition character- to attend, and will be welcome.
islic of his family. He was associ-1
trie Railway company, who was iu
The Socialists of Lane county
i aled with 1‘ . F, Rarnum, at one
the city last night, stated that the!
held a county convention at Eu­
time the world’s greatest show man
work of laving track on theSaletn-
geue on the 16th iust. at which
for many years, having beeu a very
Kugene extension was resumed yes­
time a full county ticket was tiom-
successful gatherer of animals, etc.
terday after a lay-off of more than
inateil. G. F. King of this place
for the show,and was for a time a
a month while the crews were work­
was nominated for representative
popular ringmaster in the circuses.
ing at ballasting the track between
and S. B. Morss, also a Cottage
Mr. Standish was a direct de-
Salem and Albany.
Grove man, was nominated for
cendant of Captain Miles Staudish,
The ballasting is now practically
one of the prominent parties who
complete. The crew is now lay­
Dr. Kime returned last week
came to America in the Mayflower,
ing track about twelve miles south
Portland whither he went
lauding at Plymouth Rock on the
of Albany and Superintendent
21st day of December, 1620, b e-1 with (.us Gross and J. H. Brown,
Johnson stated that the track lay­
ing “ the intripid soldier, who had both of whom underwent operations
ing machine will enter Eugeue
fought iu Queen Elizabeth’ s army for intestinal troubles as mentioned
easily within twenty days if all
sent to aid the dutch against the in our last issue. The Dr. has
goes well. A crew of 100 men is
Spaniards, was selected as captain late news to the effect that both are
working on the machine.— Salem
of the colony.” . The deceased doing nicely and the prospects for
was an acquaintance and friend of their recovery are good.
Mr. and Mrs. \V. B. Cooper and
our townsman, I). B. Parraeuter,
Another Birdman Meets Death
their ac»|uaintaiice lasting over a Mr. and Mrs. W . G. Houser, of
Paris, July 16.— Hubert Latham, period of fifty years. Mr. Parmeti- Roseburg, started yesterday for a
the Anglo-French airman, was ter tells us that he was a man of trip to Canada, going by apto, us­
killed hv a wild Buffalo yesterday ma" y peculiarities, one of which ing the new Cadillac lately receiv­
during a hunt iu the French was keeping his own counsel. ed by Mr. Cooper. They go pre­
£ OI1Ji0
j Very little is known of his affairs. pared to camp and are planning
Latham’s death occurred in the 1 His w'^e d'et* at '**'• place two on a very nice time, which is prac­
tically assured. They will be
Charo river, near Bahres Salamat. Vears a* ° ' since which ,lme he has
practically in the centre of the «M U «1 about considerably. Owe absent several weeks.
French Soudan, in the direction of | son> " Hhatn Staudish, lives in the
Lake Shad and the date of the | Lorane district and was present at
his father’s funeral which was
fatality was June 7.
lie had shot the buffalo and the conducted by Rev. \V . J. Gardner,
wounded beast rushed madly at being assisted by members of the
the hunter, and gored and beat *'• A. R., the ritualistic services of
him to death with his hoofs.
! *^at fraternity being usetl.
--------- - » ■
A liberal floral offering decked
C. II. Burkholder, the merchant, the mound where rests this vener­
is enjoying an outing at the New- able pioneer, furnished by the Re­
port beach.
I lief Corps.
Messrs. McDaniels and Adley
with their families, seven in all,
passed through town on Wednes­
day on their return to California
after a trip by team through Ore"
gon. They enjoyed the outing
very much, but the day they pass­
ed through here they complained
some of hot weather, which seem­
ed but little different from what
they have at home.
Industrie; .
Program by Sunday School Class
Oil Fritlay evening, July 26, at
¡8 o'clock the Sunday School class
! taught by Miss Berg will give a
! delightful concert iu the Methodist
¡vestry. 'Che six members of the
organization are versatile enough
Mrs. Groat went to Yoncalla to furuish every number themselves
P rogram
Wednesday for a visit with rela­
Instrumental llu e t.... {
Mrs. Eugene Mattock is up from Song. W hiper-W ill_______________ Class
Eugene visiting her parents, Mr. Zu Dreien am Klavier—Theodor Herbert
Ada Matthews, Mae Armstrong,
and Mrs. W . C. Johnson.
Jessie McCorit
NO. 14
Resident of This City for
Fifty-Four Years Suc-
cums at 8 4 Years
Rev. Groat preached at Creswell Recitation------------------- Joyce Teeters
Mrs. Nellie Allen Martin, a pio­
Sunday morning and at Lynx Vocal Solo.
____ ______Slumber Song
neer lady of Cottage Grove passed
Hollow school at 3 p. m.
Marion Hooper
Rev. Mr. Goff of Roseburg oc Instrumental S olo.____ Robin’s Return from this life on the 18th iust. from
Ada Mathews
cupied the pulpit at the Presbyter­ Play, Atlvertising for a Servaut___ Class an attack of paralysis, at the ad­
ian church Sunday morning and Instrumental Solo___ Bints ami Flowers vanced age of eighty-four years
and twelve days. She was born
Mae Armstrong
Martin county Indiana, as was
Geo. M. Hall, of the Bank of Song, ‘Sense Me To »lay__________ Class \
her husband, the late Nathan-
Cottage Grove, wife and son and
A,la Matthews. Mae Armstrong
, jaj Martin, who proceeded her to
another party or so visited Portland ,
Jessie McCord
' the great beyond four years ago.
by automobile, going down Friday, I'antomiue, Rock
of Ages.-Blanch Lizar ¡
j This venerable couple liears the
returning Suuday.
Admission Ten Cents
_______ . „ T
rare distinction of havitig spent
Mr. Lea. the contractor, return­
ed to Draiu Monday morning to Teachers for Cottage Grove Schools their en,ire lives together. This
came about by the death of Mrs.
look after the finishing up of his
W e give below the list of teach- , Allen, mother of the »leceased at
large contract of putting that city’s
ers elected to conduct the schools her birth and, Mrs. Martin took
new water system in.
of Cottage Grove during the ap­ the little one to care for, and leav­
J. V. Foster, who has spent sev­ proaching school year which reads
ing a two months old son, the two
eral years past in this city, sold as follows: J. E. Dunton, principal:
nursed the same breast anil grew
out and he and family took their Ernest Purvauce, 8th grade; Laura
to mau and womanhood as brother
departure yesterday for California, Kennon, Lulu Curriti, Helen Mel-
and sister, but as they reached the
expecting to locate in that city.
heim, teachers iu the high school; proper age their affections ripened
S. O. Hamblin, who has been Minnie Comer, Lena Holcomb, into true love and they were mar­
residing at Junction City, has mov­ Maude Hooper, lima L. Beager, ried. The days of their married
ed to Cottage Grove. Mr. Ham­ Lola Wilson, Ivy Holcomb, Lavilla life extended over a period of sixty
blin has resided here befoie and Buell, Helene Ranta, Neva Per­ years, Mr. Martin passed away
knows he is coming to a good town. kins, Anna Wohrer, teachers of four years ago.
T o this union
A. L. Flinii went to Creswell the the grades.
were born seven sons and one
first of the week to look after the
daughter, those surviving her be­
construction of a ceptic tank for
ing Mrs. E. C. Barlow of Lopez,
one of the residents in that town.
Washington, Jesse Martin of Free-
While there he learned of several
j water, Oregon, J. S. Martin of
others who will want similar jobs
| Silver Lake, Oregon, J. R. and U.
' S. Martin of Seattle Washington,
A ll arrangements are rapidly be ' and N . A Martill of Cottage Grove
Geo. Tyson’ s fine driving mare
made for the annual Grange Tw o ^
W illiam and Willard
got one of her front feet badly cut
fair at this place,
place, which
which gives bayjnR, proceeded her in death.
on a barbed wire fence one day
promise of being very good in all
The Martin family started west
last week aud will be out of com­
The sujieriiiteiidents of in the year 184.T moving first to
mission for a time, but it is not
the various departments have ar­ Missouri where she was marrieil.
thought permanently injured.
ranged for the premiums on a In 1857 with her husband and four
Dysentery is always serious and large list of exhibits.
children she crossed the plains en­
often a dangerous disease, but it
Much interest is being manifest during the hardships, dangers
can be
cured. Chamberlain’s
in all departments.
and vicissitudes usually attendant
Colic, Cholera and Diarrhoea Rem­
Among the interesting features upon that journey in early days
edy has cured it even when mali-
will be the poultry exhibit. This and first settled iu California. In
gent and epidemic. For Sale bv
is being handled by W. C. Conner 1858 they moved to Oregon and
Benson’s Pharmacy.
and a large number of very fine located iu the vicinity of Cottage
G. G. Warner, the inveterate birds will be on exhibition.
The Grove and this locality has been
miner, donned his pack aud outfit judging of these beauties will be
her home till her death ami where
atid “ took to the hills” last Wed- by II. K. Metcalf who is authori­
she leaves a host of loving friends.
nestlay morning. Mr. Warner has ty iu that line.
Mrs. Martin was one of God's
some good property out iu the
The exhibits by school children noble women, having been a con­
Bohemia mountains which he looks will not be lacking of interest, and
sistent Christian for 65 years, re­
after regularly. He will be gone besides being shown here, if good
maining faithful to the end.
a month or six weeks.
they will be sent to the state fair
The funeral was comlucted by
Col. Bert Lawson and family anti have a chance to compete
Rev. V. E. Hoven at the Chris-
and Attorney f. C. Johnson ami with exhibits from all parts of the
tain church and was attended by
family left last week for an outing state.
a large concourse of friends who
M, M. Wheeler of this city went
in the mountains. They went to
followed the remains to their last
Disstou by the O. and S. Ii. and to Eugene last week and was suc­
resting place in the Masonic Cem­
from there over to Straw Boat Can­ cessful in securing second place iu
yon on the Umpqua. They will the pavilion for the county fair for
all the exhibits Cottage Grove sees
be gone several days.
A Very Curious Case
fit to send to the county seat to
Miss Emma Jenson, a daughter
contest for prizes at the Lane
of Mr. and Mrs. Andrew Jenson,
Gus Donnelly, who has been
county fair.
of Eugene, and an employe of the
at the mill of the Orchar»!
There is no reason why CoMage
county clerk’s office at the county
Co. south of town
Grove should not give a good ac­
seat, was in ati auto collision at
count of herself at any and all was taken to Portland Saturday
Springfield Sunday night at about
fairs her citizens see fit to take suffering in rather a peculiar man­
9 o ’clock and sustained a fracture
part in. Judging from what has ner and from an unknown cause.
of the femur of the left limb. It
already been done there is good He operated a handsaw, ami was
will be some time before »he w ill;
cottse to believe that this section found near his machine lying on
be able to resume her duties at the !
can compete with any in the state the floor bleeding at the ears. A
clerk’s office.
if the requesite large sliver from a plank lav near
The new concrete building just |
I him and it was thought that the
amount of iiulustry be applied.
completed by W . B. Cooper, near |
; stiver had been thrown hy the saw
the First National Bank is now
Having sold my house. I will ] in such a manner as to strike him
being occupied by the Metsan Shop. sell cheap the following: House- ;°n the head, but the physicians at
Messrs Metcalf andSanford are to be hold furniture, garden tools, barn I Abe hospital were unable to find
congratulated upon their good for­ tools, double and single buggy *he signs of any such injury and
tune in securing so suitable a place harness, new rubber tired buggy, were completely puzzled. He had
for their business- The new loca­ old light wagon, old horse, White ' »ot gained consciousness at last
tion gives them a great deal larger Leghorn hens, etc.
\ accounts.
floor space and is new, neat and
It. Pilli. L I P S .
clean and will present a beautiful
--------- —-----------
’ Get the prices elsewhere, and
appearance when fully arranged.
F or T rade — T wo nice level ¡then see us; we will duplicate
The new building affords a much town lots, Cooper Addition, for a j prices on same quality or better
better chance for a window display, good gentle horse. Ask L eader . * pianos.
M arion V e a t c h ,
TEMBER 5 - 6