Professional Cards. 4 A * « 4 « < Q R . C K. FROST O S T E O P A T H IC P H Y S IC IA N t 2 t t L a w s «» t U g .. % Í ♦ f l fh o n . 47. Chronic Diseases a Specialty, $ fitter H ours from 1 to f> p. m other hours by appoiulm cut. , If you H erben H e r r in g t o n , P rop. Forty five measures go Heavy Dray Work. Piano Moving: a Specialty H. J. S H IN N S Office at Commercial > A iU feer-al.Law **4 Not.rr Public j |k Cotta«« Grove, Oregon 4 ^ • Twenty live Y ears Kxperience. Special \Ueuit«>u « '.iveu to l’roltalc Practice. sr Í Stables I ber election, thirty-eight effecting those of the entire state. Helow we give the complete list of'said measures, hied and arranged sub­ stantially as they will appear on the ballot. PHONF. Phone O Mice 72 PROPOSED BV IN IT IA T IV E PETITION — Kqual suffrage amendment ex- ten ding COTTAGE GROVE ç « * * *.*■*,"•**. ♦'•■i. * » W KIMK. M. D. «•’ A . ( l>efore All Kinds o f Haulin'» anti the voters of ( tregon at the Novetn- 4 have NINE-FOOT AFFAIR I Psalm X V II. ....Company.... « V » • - « » . v » « A . « * » W. Í What to Head and When to Read it Cottage Grove Transfer BALLOT WILL BE 1 women. lilt* 11 li t o f sn lli.ig e to Filed December JO, 1910. ♦ f r i i ■ a t ' t i l a n n i i f a n r r f \ read j <■$ If your pocket book is empty , read Psalm X X X V II. If people seem utikiud read St. -f* John X V . -F If you are discouraged about vour work read Psalm C X X V I. $ If you are all out of sorts read m Hebrews Chap. X II. ifc If you are losing confidence in <$ men read first Corinthians C X I 11. If you can't have your own way -iti in everything keep silent and read -! James Chap. III. + ELLIOTT HARDWARE CO + $ f $ Hospital and Sanitarium | people by A* dr f DONT BUY UNTIL YOU SEE OUR COMPLETE LINE OF HARDWARE AND IM ­ ê THE 4r df dr di dt t dr San Fraucisco Chronicle.— " I t I ♦ di- * PLEMENTS. McCORMICK l e g is l a t iv e a s s e m b l y . is lucky for the I W . W .’s that | * dr % F H I . I I U N uu.l eOROKOM I For constitutional amendment of San Diego does not allow the ex- * -»« light Her* at Y * »r Horn* MACHINERY........................ ijm c lu McFarland Kundin« ‘ I section 8, article V, for the purpose ample of the thrifty republic of, ■ifl f ip., i Cm bran's Furniture Stare 4 d- if lifTlri- PI... . .it Kmktaaee pboee, la j ¡r Surgical Läge* Especial Attention U f creatiug the office of Lieutenant | Switzerland, where there is no; $ di K » r w w w v. ta v. 4 | Governor, etc. Filed February 1, place for the idle. In that country 1 * ir X- RAY L A B A R A T O R Y 1911. f a person must make a serious at- « dr a « s s s s s e s 's 's l | For an amendment of section 1, tempt to find work, and if he fails * d- Far Furlhar Particulars Address t article IX , of the Oregon coustitu- to do so the authorities will do so » J S.VOUN» d* lion, providing for a uniform rule { for him. He may fail to get a job * * %m iR N K Y AT LA W ^ ! dr _______ ■ - * of taxation, except on property 1 exactly to his liking, but he is sure * Oltlfc: i'n *t N'.iiioiml liank Building, 4 * 'li­ y. I'pHlair*. A specifically taxed, etc. I*iled Feb- to get a job, for in Switzerland » • t a * * * * * # » « '* » * » * * * * '» * » » * di I v e -ta ruary 17, 1911. they will not even permit reformers •I* For an amendment of section 82, to loaf.” <* dr a * * . « * . < ’* « * ■ « ‘' S . 4 article I, Oregon constitution, for di Insect Bile Costs Leg ♦ J O JOliNHON, Í the purpose of permitting taxes to di atto rney at law be levied upon different classes ot A Hostou man lost his leg from £ F. mmica Administered. M in in « l’aient* a , property at different rates, etc. the bite of an insect two years be­ 4 |*KH tired \ltniu« and Corporation £ ^ a spvcialty office over C.riffin. Veaich 4 Filed February 17, 1911. fore. To avett such calamities m IIar«lw Brr. ^ * Office Pbouc. Mam 113. Residence. 85. a For constitutional amendment from stings and bites of insects use t v > 1. > v .e y I to repeal all of section la o f article buck leu's Arnica Salve promptly IX , except that pait prohibiting to kill the poison and prevent in- I s* <7> t poll and head taxes in Oregon, tlaiumatioii, swelling and p a in . ----------------------------- IN C .R A M etc. Filed February 17, 1911. Heals burns, boils,'ulcers, piles, DENTIST x'VVVW < \ \ W V V W A ys- ÿw» Vvn- For amendment ot section 1 of eczema, cuts, bruises. Only 25 Lawson lll *. »■ -*-K -er, Made A N e w M a n Of H i m . bargain there is no harm done. “ I was suffering from pain in my section 5, article V I, of the consti­ stomach, head and hack," writes If. tution, making stockholders in T. Alston, Kaleigh, N. C., “and my that we can highly recommend. | * J S. M E D L E Y . liver and kidneys did not work rigid, banking corporations liable to pav In all cases our prices are worthy t hut four bottles of Electric Hitters f * ATTORNEY a t l a w of your notice. for the benefit of depositors an made me feel like a new man.” ‘*8 it Special Attention Given to Minins and / amount equal to the par value of referred To T H E the blues y + ■ + ■ + ■ + + • + ■ + ■ + + + 4* 4* + + ■ + ■ + + v4*,+ ,4* + ■ + ’+ ■ + X -f ir ## j! DR. H. C. SCHLEEF | WHITE TEMPLE EUliENE, OR 2 > v A d v e rtiv S e i n t h e L e a d e r 2 k F .1 P u r e D ru gs Electric Bitters Patent Medicines I1 3 4 PRICE 50CTS. AT ALL DRUG STORES. Corporation Law. OffU a. Woodward T 4 «i.*i w.» M » w.» b *? Benson’s Pharmacy ä M. W . of A —Cottage Grove Camp No. i.t-’l meets the First anil Third Tuesdays ot each month in the Elk’s Hall. Visitors welcome. C. W. W a l l a c e , Consul. O r v il K n a p p . Clerk. S. P. Ry. Time Table i ». .......................1:24 _______2:10 16. ............ . 10:02 18 20 ....................... 3 .M , a. a. a. p- in. ni. ni. m. a. a. p p ni. ni. ni. in SOrTII BOt’ ND. No. No. No. No. ......... . . 2:10 .............. 6:53 . . ____ 2:47 ......... 9:52 1.1. 15 19 17 Sir S. E. R. R. Com pany lIM t T A B L E NO 5 T o Tatke E ffe c t J u n e 19. 1909 W. B O l'N P No. 2. K. » R t 'N D No. 1. S T A T IO N * A. M. Ifft. 7.10) I T -I.V. s.30j 1.1.5! - II. *».15 IA.6 •J.«5l20 M-_ VR s v s . W W W V S V . V . K S - . v s . w s . w s . V W W W W W S .V W W V W V W ! - V W W W V W V S \ S \ v f PETI- I | An act appropriating $75,000 for building and equipping an ad- j ministration building and extend | itig heating plant to the same; and also appropriating the sum of I $15.1,258.92 for the purpose of ad­ ditional lauds, equipment and apparatus, making repairs, addi­ tional improvements, additions, paying salaries of instructors and employes, etc., for the University of Oregon. Filed May 18, 1911. An act appropriating $175,000 Your horse with Legat’s for the construction, equipment harness, made of No. 1 and furnishing of a modern library leather. All work guar­ atul museum building, and extend­ anteed. Rear ot First ing the heating plant to same, for National Rank. use of the University of Oregon. Filed May 18, 1911. \u act vesting the Railroad Company with power and jurisdici R. J. LE0\T, Manager tion to supervise and regulate every public service corjiorauon and utility iu the state of Oregon, as to Stock, Fruit. Timber Ranch the adequacy of the service render For sale, iso acres two miles ed and facilities provided, the fair from Cottage Grove, 25 acres nest ness of rates, tolls and charges to slope easily prepared for orchard, 25 acres tine piling and mining be collected from* the public there­ timber, balance pasture. Only 520 for. etc. Filed May 18, 1911. per acre. 57.50 down, balance on time. If interested apply to I*. An act appropriating $50,000 O. Box 458 Cottage Grove. Oregon for building, furnishing and equip t here is very little 515 per acre land remaining near Cottage ping a dormitory at the Oregon Grove and this snap will not re­ Normal school at Monmouth Fil­ main open tong 57-tf ed May 18, 1911. * REMOVED* J J A 9 J J ç A. M. A r .-.I II .’ 5 A F E K(> « «OR DO . ........... II. 1«» _______ ll."* .......... IfU " STAR ........... 10. u ........... io.: 9 ... i10.15 ___ W i l d w o o d . I.v l mon ........ IH.HKTUN....... C o t t a «»* ( i t o v i day for t trseco. Freight will not lie received at the O. A- S. E. R- R- Depot after 5 p. m. To insure forwarding on next train freight must l>e delivered in ample time to per­ mit of its being billed. B W O O D . M tn sisr. £ A Legat’s Harness Shop m oved to our new q u ar­ W,!, ters have in the C ooper building w h ere w e will be pleased to greet our old custom ers as well as new ones. PROPOSED BY IN IT IA T IV E PETITION Deafness Cannot Be Cured b y lo ca l applications, a* th e y cannot r«a c h the tiisea ied portion o f th e car. T h e re i* o n ly one w a y to cure deafn ess, anti that is b y co n stitu tion a l rem edies. IX n in e s * Is c aused by an in flam ed co n d i­ tion o f the m ucous iin ln « o f the E u sta* chlan Tu be. W hen* this tube is inflam ed you h ave a ru m b lin g sound o r im p e rfe c t h ea rin g, and when It is e n tire ly closed, D ea fn ess is the resu lt, and unless th e in­ flam m ation can he taken out and this tube restored to Its n orm a l condition, h ea rin g w ill he d estroyed fo r e v e r : nine case# out o f ten a re caused b y C a ta rrh , w h ich is n oth in g hut an in flam ed co n d i­ tion o f the m ucous su rface*. An extra train for passengers only leaves Cottage * '»rove on Tuesday and Saturday at 2 :.k> p. m. returning arrives at Cottage Groves at 5:.*1 p. ill. W e w ill « i r e on e Hundred I m l l i o for anr rase o f IV ifn.-x« ranfted by catarrh' that cannot be rtired by Subject to change without notice. n a il's Catarrh Cure. Send for rlrrnlars free. All outward freight to station where r J. C H U N K Y. M CO , T oledo Ohio. Bold by Prn ««tM *. 75c. there is no agent will tie left at risk of | Taka Hsus »awily PHIS for constipation owner. Stage leaves DiSston after arrival of Good dry fir and hard wood train on Monday, Wednesday and Fri­ A GRÄBER . G. F. King, Agent, Cottage Grove, Oregon. o. ' f - s S HARNESS NORTH BOUND. No. No. No. No. BY TION OF THE PEOPLE. Meets 1st anil ini Wednesdays. Visi­ tors cor,li,illy invited. A N D R E W BRUNO, W. M. II. H. V EA T C II, See. t. the stock held by any stockholder addition to having originally paid the par value thereof. Filed I March 7, 1911. I REFERENDUM ORDERED A F . A A . M , —Cottage Grove. No. 51. ! ! KNOWLES |f furnished on short notice. Drives reasonable. Call A. L. Chitwood, or I’hone 20-F .12. 1-if F or S a l k —A North Pole re­ frigerator. Call at this office. I Just Plugging Along For a law to create the County of Cascade out o f the eastern por­ tion of Clackamas County, and provide for its organization. Fil­ ed J une 26, 1912. For an act levying an annual tax of six-tenths of a mill on the dollar .an all the taxable property of the college purposes, and to pro­ vide for the government of such institutions. Filed June 29, PM2. For an amendment of section 1 of article IV of the constitution of Oregon, providing no measure sub­ mitted to the people at any election under the initiative shall take effect or become the law unless it shall be approved by a majority of all electors voting at such election. (Continued on i«g e eight ) I 5 REES-WALLACE CO. “ W here You Do Better”