Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, July 16, 1912, Image 5

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    A. 11. King wife and little son Mrs M artha H unter, of Preston,
wriit to Drain Sunday m orning for Iowa, a sister of Mrs. W. T H ig­
gins, arrived here W ednesday and
a short visit.
I)r. Deuiorest, Dentist. Office is eujoviug a visit with Mrs. H ig­
over Kerr iV Silsbv’s store. 7if gins and fam ily. She is very fav­
Mrs. A. K. Laud, wife of the orably nut ressed with nur part of
the vallev. T he facts of the m al­
clever station agent at Creswell,
cam e up to Cottage (»rove yester­ let are it m ight be called a case of
love at first sight.
day m orning.
F or T r a d e — T wo nice level Votes will not he sold on the
J. I). Buell, of Eugene, wan in C. B. W ebster and J. W . R an­ town lots. Cooper A ddition, for a baby contest. Arcade T heatre
A. M Nason, farm ing near
thin cilv T hursday.
som, of kiddle, registered at th e ! good gentle horse. Ask LEADER. I C anaan,
Me was badly crippled
Spoelstra's, tlie shop in the street Oregon last W ednesday.
Mrs. L. F. O rpurd of th is city
with sciatic rheum atism due he
for first class hair cutting.
C learance sale on ladies, chil­
uric acid in his blood.
J. I;. Miller of this cilv, retu rn ­ dren and m en's shoes at L urch’s. after a pleasa lit visit in that city IsR I vsto
Pills entirely cured
ed Saturday from a visit w ith rela­ Mrs. S. E. M cG avran'is greatly with relatives.
num erous
tives at A lbany.
i eujoying a visit from her m other, (Juestion? W hy do so m any bl n k specks that were continually
C learance sale on sum m er goods Mrs. L. I). Moon, of Salm a, K an­ peo ple trade at the Bellingham before niv eyes.” Foley K idney
2nd H and Store. Answ er: Be­ P iilsa re a uric acid sol vent y and
at L urch’s.
goods and prices suit your are effective for the various form s
las. H anna and . C. Ambrose, N ails don 't tickle your feet if
of V oncalla, had business in Cot­ your soles are sewed ou bv doff. taste and purse.
ol rheum atism .
Prank W oodruff and Ed. N ew ­ l he herd of six fine specim ens
tage d ro v e one day last week.
O ur tow usladv Mrs. II. A. M il­ comb,
the plum bers, went down to I of elk which were brought to Port­
( tue good six year old bay m are ler, returned W ednesday from a
uuday afternoon to look land for the E lk s’ carnival from
for sale by Marion Veatch.
visit w ith her daughter, Mrs. Hess, j after some S work
in their line which Aberdeen, W ashington, have been
E. 11 el I ¡well cam e over from of Roseburg.
seemed to be lying around loose. j 1 purchased
by |. I). M atlock, of
V oncalla W ednesday and shook | C learance sale on parasols at i
Special prices and term s on any j Eugene, and will be placed in the
bands with his m any friends in L urch’s.
piano we have in stock. W e m ust
this cilv.
E. E. Sutro and wife, of C ali­ move them to m ake room for a | Zoological garden at that place.
Mr. M atlock paid $1500 for the six, I z
< tld gold and silver taken in e x ­ fornia. passed through here stop­ new car load.
three of which are two years old,
change for watches or jewelery at ping over Saturday night on their I
V h a tc h ' s M usic S t o r k .
return from Portland, having been W. B. Cooper, the leading build­ I two are three years old and the
T he Pepper bill carrying $8,000,- in that city during the E lk s’ con­ er of C ottage drove, now drives a ¡sixth is “ B illy,” a fawn hut six
j weeks old. T hese anim als are
000 for the N ational O uard has vention and carnival.
fine big C adilac auto. It is a fine i fully dom esticated.
been reported favorably bv the Mr. and Mrs. C. W Bryan of j looking car and will be greatly en­
1 louse com m ute on m ilitarv affairs. C entralis, W ashington are visiting joyed by its owner during the good
Mail Carriers Will Fly
For the best hair cut in the cilv at the Bede hom e. Mrs Bryan is driving season.
go to Spoelstra’s, the shop in the a sister of Jack d ra n t, interested 8 x 10 wall tents, 8 oz duck T his is an ige of great discover-j
with Mr Bede in the Sentinel and
$0.50; 10 x 12 wall tents, 8 oz duck ies. Progress rides on the air.
Mr. and Mrs. \V. E. McCord of who m akes his hom e with Mr. $7.50; 1 2 x 1 4 wall tents, 8 oz duck Soon we m ay see Uncle S am ’s I
Creswell spent Saturday ill this Bede and family.
$10.50. Can you beat the prices? mail carriers flying in all direc­
city with their sou-iu law and W e buy direct from factories, | W ynne & Woods, hardw ate.
tions, transporting m ail. People
daughter, Mr. and Mrs. 1 L. at best factory prices, and do not
take a wonderful interest in a dis
add a large commission to the price,
Kó" e.
covery that benefits them . T h a t’s
$1.25 value shirt for only 60c at for expenses, as our expenses in
why I)r. K ing’s New Discovery
handling pianos are very sm all.
For a short tim e we will sell
L u r-h ’s.
for Coughs, Colds and other throat
M a r io n V e a t c h .
and lung diseases is the most popu
M r. and Mrs. F. B. H aw kins,
of this city, went to Roseburg last Mrs. Henry Bishop of Marshfield
lar m edicine in A m erica. “ It
week for a visit w ith their roii-in- m ade our office a pleasant call
cured me of a dreadful co u g h ,''
law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. T hursday m orning while here look­ D E S L A R Z E S B R O S . writes Mrs. J. F. Davis, Stiekney
ing over the country with a view
Corner, Me., “ after doctors treat­
W alter Houser.
to locating. She has looked over
1 f you wish those sewed shoes to different places with which she is O ur anti-rust sanitary dairy and ment and all other remedies had i
water pails are top-uotchers. We failed.” E xcellent for coughs,
retain their flexibility, have the very favorably im pressed.
buy all such goods direct from fac­ colds or any bronchial affection
halfsoles sewed on by doff.
tory. Save the m iddlem en's profit Price 50c and $1.00. T rial bottle I
Mrs. Parazoo and d a u g h te r of T h e B e l l i n g h a m 2 n d H a n d
by buying from us. Bellingham free at all druggists.
R oseburg passed through here S to re is the Right Place to buy,
2nd H and Store.
W ednesday on their way to Port­ sell or exchange anything that is
I. II. W ilson and children went
lan d for a visit. T he latter will
on eartti
to Portland Suuday to join Mrs.
rem ain several weeks with a sister.
W ilson who had preceded them to
If your new soles are sewed on,
city. Thev had spent a couple
why not have half soles put on in
ouths in their C ottage drove
you get that good harness: I got j
th e sam e wav. doff does it.
T hey were accom panied
that at G rahles shop where he |
Klder A. S. M ason, who has saves
by Miss E thel Palm er.
been pastor of the Presbyterian and guarantees the goods, lie al
Mrs. C. 1’. Badger, of Mill Cilv,
church in this city for the past two so does harness repairing. No. ! who had spent a couple of m onths
years, left M onday m orning for 662 next door to W ilson's R estaur­ at A shland after w hich she had
Paterson, C alifornia, where they
10-4t. , m ade her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.
will be located in the future. The ant.
[.. Chitwood of near tTis city a
m any friends of the fam ily sincere­ In these days of high cost of liv- ! visit, started for her home Sunday
ly regret their departure from ing, a m edicine that gets a m an up i afternoon. She becam e the m oth­
am ong us, and wish them success out of bed and able to work in a er of an heir while in A shland.
w herever they see fit to cast their few days is a valuable and wel­ O ur motto, is right pianos at
come remedy. John H eath, M ich­
igan Bar, CaL, had kidney and right prices, direct from factory to
bladder trouble, was confined to our custom er; hence we save you
the “ m iddle m an” or Jobbers com­
If voit hâve a Itorse his bed. unable to turn without i mission.
See us.
witli tout troubles, or help. “ I commenced using Foley {
V k a t c h ’ s M u s ic S t o r k .
whieli does not go right Kidney Pills and can truly say I j
was relieved at once. His ex am ­
take it to
ple is worth follow ing.
1001b, sack - $6.20
16 lbs. for - - $1.00
All Eyes Viewed
The Expert
B lacksm iths
All kinds of Rubber
Tires Repaired and
Satisfaction Guar­
From a certain distance usually i
look alike, but th e y ’re all different
T hat is the reason you should not
buy glasses w ithout having them
fitted to
Your Own Eyes
I W e are thoroughly experienced
I opticians.
W e prescribe and
m ake glasses to accurately fit your
eyes. If your eyes are weakening,
better consult w ith us at once.
W e carry a com plete line of
¡m agnifying, reducing, distance
l and opera glasses at reasonable
I prices.
O ptom etrist
Cottage Grove, O regon!
solicit personally your ac­
count, but endeavor to in ­
duce vour patronage bv of­
fering courteous expedition
of your business, coupled
with security afforded by
careful a n d conservative
m anagem ent of our Bank
Capital and Surplus
H. Eakin,
T. C. Wheeler,
N. W. White,
J. H. Hawley,
O. Veatch,
Interest on Savings
. ' A VV V W . 5
V ' VV
S. l i Friendly & Co.
Don t Fail to Attend Our Semi-Annual
Jiuie^Cleara nee and White Sales I
Combined when in
We call your special
attention to our
. «V N .'W w C 'v v -V • ^ X 'V ^ 'V V V V S ^ ,
<• v
Ax Billy Department Store
Schaefers Bros.
The largest store iu Oregon outside of Portland.
Send us your Mail Orders
S a m p l e s a n d P r ie e s o n R e q u e s t
Wool Suitings
56 Inches Wide
$1.00. $1.25, $1.50 PER YARD
1 See Window Display
July Clearance Sale
Mens and Young Men’s Suits
$20 suits $15
A l l $15 suits $10.50
All $18 suits $12.50
All $10 suits $6.75
All $12.50 suits $9.50
A ll
Selz Royal Blue Shoes for Men