Farm ers and M erchants W rite us for our cash offer on your Farm and Dairy Produce. I f we don’ t handle it will refer you to re­ liable buyer. p e a RSON-PAGE CO. Portland. Oregon. T H E S A L V E O F L IF E . Abeolutely (iuarunteed to euro boils, carbuncle*, poison, burns, ‘ bruises, -aâgr spralna, cuU, barter i*rb*T itch. l>e« sting and toison oak. Nothing ia it, It. By — m — ail. per ___PHBBW box. Paul Ave- fjba Iw# », i poHtpaid. » « « » « , > Sfo h __ .. J 6124 124 72d Ht., Portland. Or. Also at Lipnian, L‘ ^Ine. to lfu A Company and olds. Wortuiun A King. moaa, *b*e~ •»•>*. «♦*•!«, blood Machinery Second-Hand Machin­ ery bought, sold and . . exchanged: engines, boilers, sawmills, etc. The J. E. Martin Co.. 76 1st Kt., Portland. Send for Stock List and price*. £Ü$gtens tfyuU Resident and Day School fo r Girls Teharge o f Bisters o f S t.J o h n Baptist (Episcopal I Culi agíate, Academic and Elemsntary Ospartmsnts, I Maals. Art. Elocution. Oyanaelam. j I For catalog addres* T i l l ': B IS T E R S U P E R IO R | I _________ O ffic e 30, St. H e le n s H a ll i TH E TY P H O ID ELY T h e w orld ’s grea test MURDERER. 218,400 caught In fiv e days. F igu re fo r you rself the sickness and disease prevented. Send 50c fo r bottle o f ELY B A IT and fu ll instructions H ow to Make a F ly Trap. Postal order or 2c stamps accepted. H ARRIS-ANSART CO, North Yakima, Wash. | We Ma'te You Compeleo t to Earn ' $25 to $50 per Week In * to 8 weeks. W e g iv e ro m p le ta course In d riv in g , rep a irin g . i*to. a ll k ind s o f autom obiles. E v ery student gets personal a tte n tio n and actual roud ex p e rie n ce . W r it e fo r term s Kc'monl Auto School k Garage. E. 23d and M orriso n Ht*.. P o rtla n d . O re. FUCHI —T h e grea t skin rejuvenator. i f you have sallow akin, wrinkles, pim ples or roughness o f the face o r arms, the application o f F U C H I w ill b rin g back th e glow and freshness o f youth. P r package, f l . (B ran ch ) Furhi la b ora tories. .Suit 9, 342 1-2 W ash­ ington St., Portland. Ore. INVESTIGATE The DIRECT plan o f buying or selling Real Estate. N o commissions to pay. List your property or wants with us. W e put you in touch with interested parties. I f you wish to buy, you deal direct with owner. Address DIRECT R E A LT Y CO. 401 Yeon Building. Portland, Ore. r~ WANTED AT ONCE 100 Y ou n g Men o r Ladies to prepare fo r positions as Com m ercial and R a il­ road Telegra ph operators; positions guaranteed, $70 to $90 monthly. F o r particulars and application address PACIFIC TELEGRAPH k RAILWAY INSTITUTE Washingtoa Bldg.. Seattle. Washington Secret Revealed by Face. I f you want to get at tho real strength and character o f a person's face, study the right side of It— the ugly side, as portrait painters some­ times call It. There you will find the lines bold and harsh, with every de­ fect accentuated. On the left side, however, everything Is softened down, and the face Is at Its best. Whenever you suspect a man of trickery or de­ ceit—and this rule applies equally to the fair sex— stand on his right ana watch bis expression closely. M E X IC A N MUSTANG LIN IM EN T THE POULTRY REMEDY. | I M r. Stephen H olbrooke, Sec’y Tacom a (W a s h .) Poultry A u ’n w rite i: “ I w ill g iv e M exica n M u s ta n g L in im en t I an u n equ ivocal endorsem ent aa a rem edy I fo r B u m b lefoot an d C an k er in th e T h r o a t. I H ith e rto I h ave found these d is e a s e s o f m y I p o u ltry v e ry d ifficu lt t o cure b u t M u s ta n g I L in im en t p roved t o be a p o s itiv e re m e d y ." I 25c. 50c. $1 a bottle at D rug & G en ’IS torus I I I I I I I Would Encourage Marriage. 1 Citizens from Aculco, state of Mexico, have come to this city, says the Mexi­ can Herald, to complain against the action o f the parish priest who recom­ mends that all men of marriageable age should marry because If they do not they are liable to be enlisted by means of a lottery and made to serve in the army. Stimulant or Tonic? Ayer’s Sarsaparilla is not a stimulant. It does not make you feel better one day, then as bad as ever the next. There is not a drop o f alco­ hol in it. Ayer’s Sarsapa­ rilla is a tonic. You have the steady, even gain that comes from such a medicine. Ask your doctor all about this. Trust him fully and always do as he says. He knows. Who makes the best liver pills? Tbs J. C. Ayer Company, of Lowell, Mass. They have been mskirtg Ayer’ s Pills for over sixty years. If you have the slight­ est doubt shout using these pills, ask your doctor. Ask him first, ftlat’ s best. K * 4 S fey t h * 3 . C . A T I 1 <30 . U w o l L M a o*. _ THIRTY LIVES SAVED Mate of Wrecked Schooner Goes 110 Miles (or Help. Craw Faces Dsath on Barran Isla for Elevan Days — Last Chanca Wins by Thraa Hours. Seattle, Wash.— Bringing Captain Charles Foos and the crew o f the cod Ashing schooner Joseph Russ, wrecked on Chirikoff Island April 21, the BteamBhip Bertha, o f the Alaska Coast company, has arrived in Seattle. Giving a graphic description o f the terriAc storm which resulted in the loss o f the schooner and the death o f John Jorgensen, the vessel's Arst mate, members o f the crew o f the Russ declared that only for the hero­ ism o f A. E. Reeves (Scotty), second mate, and Ave sailors who went to Chignik in two open boats for assis­ tance, all would have perished. In a terriAc gale, with heavy seas breaking over her, the Russ was driv­ en ashore at 6 o’ clock in the evening. Grounding on the sand she held her own for several hours, but Anally, as the heavy seas continued to pound her, the vessel’s hatches gave way and she quickly Ailed with water. Captain Foss and 84 members o f the crew had climbed high in the rigging and lashed themselves [to prevent being carried away by the giant waves. First Mate Jorgensen had started for the main mast to take refuge when a wave hurled him against the side o f the vessel. His skull was crushed. Here they hung until 6 a. m., when the storm subsided and the tide le ft the Russ high and dry. Jorgensen was buried far up on the sandy beach and a wooden cross marks the grave. Captain Foaa and his crew built a hut o f pine boards and in this they Btored the small amount o f provisions saved and established sleeping quar­ ters. It was when the provisions began to run low and they realized that Chiri- kof Island is uninhabited that Second Mate Reeves and Ave members o f the crew volunteered to put out in two open boats for Chignik, 110 miles dis­ tant, for assistance. They were fortunate enough to ar­ rive at that port before the departure o f thé mail steamer Dora, which im­ mediately proceeded to the rescue. The rescue work was accomplished under great difficulties, as the life ­ boats had to be driven through a treacherous surf, while Aerce blasts of icy wind swept seaward. To little Scotty, the marvel o f the rescue is that had the two boats which put out on what looked like a hopeless errand been three hours later in ar­ rivin g at Chignik, the 80 men certain­ ly must have perished, as the Dora would have been gone by that time. USE SIX T H SENSE. Maxim Would Employ Animals at Sea to Protect Liners. London— “ I am working hard on an idea that, when perfected, w ill make a disaster like that to the Titanic im­ possible,” said Hiram Maxim. “ It is not beyond the realm o f science to provide a ship with ^means o f ascer­ taining whether any icebergs are within 10 miles, even in dense fog, rain or snow storms. “ I am not a spiritualist and I don’t believe in any humbug o f a supersti­ tious nature, but I do know there are certain animals in the world, having no religion and therefore not super­ stitious, which can form a clear opin­ ion and, you might say, have deAnite knowledge o f objects in their vicinity without seeing or hearing them— that is, they possess a sixth sense. “ I believe that w ill be the plan on which mariners will havejto rely here­ after, some time or other.” Noted Canvas is "Junk.” Monrovia, Cal.— Drawn by idle cur­ iosity to a junk shop auction in Los Angeles recently, Dr. F. M. Potteng- er, o f Monrovia, bought for $100 a painting which pleased his fancy and was later pronounced by connoiseurs a Verboeckhoven masterpiece worth at least $20,000. Judges of art works declared the painting, a dairy scene, undoubtedly was from the brush o f the famous Belgian artist, who died 30 years ago. They avetred the painting was probably A fty years old. Stand Up for Darrow. Los Angeles— Names *of prominent Chicagoans, including ex-United States senators. Federal and state judges, noted lawyers and city offi­ cials, were brought into the Darrow case by District Attorney Frederick in the examination o f a talesman who formerly had resided in Chicago. A ll o f those mentioned are said to have sworn to depositons regarding the high character and good ¿reputation o f the defendant. Boys Make Biplane and Fly. Spokane, ' Wash. — Two Spokane boys, Martin A . Denine and Glen Hemingway, have completed a biplane which this week wae given ita first successful tryout. An accident mar­ red the initial flight, the machine go­ ing wrong after it bad (sailed 50 feet through the air at an average height o f 16 feet. Denine, who wae in the machine, was somewhat bruised by the fall. BIGGEST BRIDGE PLA N N E D . Structura O ver San Francisco Would Coat *2 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 . Spring-Cleaning Bay Th« Human System Need« It. San Francisco— A map and plans of M r « . M . M o rg a n . 411 4th A v e .. E .. the proposed bridge across San Fran B r a in e r d , M in n ., w r it e s : “ I t a k e fr o m o n e to t w o b o t tle s o f H o o d ’ « S a r s a p a ­ cisco Bay to Oakland, permission to r illa In th e s p r in g to p u r if y t h e b lo o d construct which was recently granted Just a s r e g u la r ly a s I d o m y h o u s e - clea n in g , a n d g o a ro u n d lig h t - f o o t e d by congress to Allan C. Rush, were a n d lig h t - h e a r t e d . I b e lie v e I t is th e b e s t b lo o d p u r ifie r k n o w n ." Aled with the board o f supervisors. H o o d ’s S a r s a p a r illa s o c o m b in e s th e The roadway will swing 160 feet c u r a t iv e p r in c ip le s o f ro o ts , b a r k s a n d h e rb s as to r a is e th e m to t h e ir h ig h e s t above the wattr, hung from ten steel e ffic ie n c y ; h e n c e it s u n e q u a le d c u re s . G e t it t o d a y in u su a l liq u id form or and concrete piers, constituting eight tablets c a lle d Sarsatabs. arches. The total suspension w ill be 17,840 feet, in sections 2230 feet Took an Unfair Advantage. long. Four thousand fe et w ill rest on Doctor Graham, a widely knowv Yerba Buena island, which w ill divide physician In London, once conceived the structure in halves. The San the plan of burying persons up to Francisco approach w ill take off from their necks In the earth and leaving thé summit o f Telegraph H ill, which them there for some hours os a cure has been reserved by the government for some diseases. George Dyer, It is •aid, in despair of anyone listening tc for a light station. him read his own poetry, took advan­ Rush estimates the total cost at tage of the situation of Doctor Gra» $26,000,000. The total cost o f the ham's patients and read to them all Brooklyn bridge to date, including re­ the while they were stuck in the modeling for elevated trains and trol earth. ley tracks, has been about $22,400,- 000, and o f the Queensborough bridge, $17,266,000. The length o f the DAISY FLY KILLER f t t f S T S S S i file*. Noat. clean, Queensborough bridge, the longest ornamental, conven­ across the East River, is 7449 feet, ient, cheap. Last* all *eSfeon. Made o f including approaches, or one mile and metal, can’ t *p ill or tip over; w ill not soil 2169 feet. The Oakland bridge w ill o r injure anything. Guaranteed effective be four miles 720 fe et long, o f which 15c each at dealer* or three miles 2000 fe et would be over 6 sent prepaid fo r tl. HJLR0LD B0MULS. 150 Dekalb Ave.. Brooklyn, H. T . water. __________________ I. W. W T O RENEW FIG H T. Force o f 600 is Planning to City o f San Diego. Invade Los Angeles— Approxim ately 600 In dustrial Workers o f the World w ill leave Los Angeles for San Diego to renew the “ free speech” fight at the conclusion o f the demonstration in connection with the burial o f Joseph Mikolasek, who died o f wounds re­ ceived in a battle with the San Diego police. This was the announcement made at a meeting o f Industrial Workers of the World, at which arrangements were made for the funeral o f Mikola sek. The funeral parade w ill pass through the principal business streets o f the city. A police permit has been issued, and no trouble is expected. Louis Feyer, o f San Diego, who was said to have been selected aa grand marshal o f the parade, waa arrested on a charge o f horse-stealing. It is alleged that he stole the boree with which he made the trip from San Diego to Xios Angeles. REFUGEES W IT H O U T FUNDS. Property and Home 8tolen troyed in Raida. or De- Importance of Physiognomy. "Do you believe a man with a reced­ ing chin Is likely to get along aa well In this world as a man with a chin that projects?” "It all depends upon tlrcumatances. I f the man with the receding chin la a son of the presi­ dent of the company and the man with the chin that projects la merely work­ ing his way up from the bottom 1 should be Inclined to feel that physiog­ nomy would not be of vaat Import» EVERYBODYDOINGIT! DOING WHAT? TAKING Hostetlers Stomach Bitters IT GRATES ALLJ;HE NUTMEQ' New York Man’s Invention Will 8av* Housewife From Grating Off Fingernails. A nutmeg grater that grates all tho nutmeg, down to th . last scrap, has been designed by a New York man. It also saves the housewife from grating off her fingernails and the tips of her fingers. The grater proper la circu­ lar and la affixed to a wooden handle 60 Boy Wins at Bread-Making. Reno, N ev.— The reputation o f co­ eds at the University o f Nevada as breadmakers received a severe blow when a male student, competing with 30 girls, won second prize in the bread-making contest. Harold Man- ion, o f Portland, Or., a sophomore registered in the department o f agri­ culture, waa the successful compet­ itor and it was only by a dose mar­ gin that he misaed receiving the Arst award. Hydro-Cycle Crosses Bey, San Francisco— A novelty in navi­ gation waa introduced here when Eu­ gene Frey, an inventor, rode across San Francisco Bay on his home-made hydromotorcycle. The distance from the starting point in Alameda over F rey’s circuitous course to the dock in this city waa 12 miles and the queer- looking craft was just one hour on the way. YEARS DOING IT It’s the m ost de­ lightful Breakfast Drink you ever tasted — a n d th e m o s t w h o le s o m e a n d in v ig o r a tin g . Y ou ca n n ot but lik e its ric h " g ra in y " fla v o r a n d Three G’s s p ic y a ro m a . Ask your grocer for * w ea re r against high prices and in ferior shoes o f oth er m akes. B E C A U S E : th ey A re the most econom ical and satisfa c t o r y ; you can save m oney b y w ea rin g W . L. D ouglas shoes. B E C A U S E : they h a ve no •q u a ! fo r style, fit and w ear. D O N ~f TAKE A SUBSTITUTE FOR W.l supply W. L. Dougla s shoes, writ* W. L. Douglas, Brocktot delivery charges prep ud. I ’d * C m l e r F y e l t t e 1-00 Enam.IFi11i.fa 1 .0 0 Silver Fittings *5 0 fi.tM 5.00 B*st R*d Rubbsr _ _ „ rut»* 7.50 « 2 .5 0 « 3 .0 0 «3 .5 0 « 4 .0 0 « 4 . 5 0 * « 5 . Ó 0 PUTNAM rn Pivoted to the center Is a revolving ] handle resembling a miniature motor A Tonic. A lterative and Resolvent. The man’s controller, with a little cup In best rem edy fo r Kidneys, L iv e r and Bowels. one end to hold the kernel and a Eradicates Pimples, Eruptions and Disorder« f the Skin. Purifies the Blood snd g iv e « spring cap to keep it In place and o Tone, Strength and V igor to the entire system. press It against the grater plate. The nutmeg la placed In this cap and the Windfall In Old Hat. handle turned until the desired amount There la something more than a Jok* la ground off, the operation being much speedier than when kernel has [ In inheriting an old hat from an uncle. to be rubbed across the grater by For tho recent Mardl-Graa fete. In hand. Furthermore, the hand method Paris, a motor bus driver, wishing to results In waste, as after the nutmeg "dress up,” borrowed from a restaur­ has been ground so small that It can­ ant keeper an old battered "top" hat. not be scraped without scraping .the Inherited from a deceased uncle. Dur­ fingers as well. It has heretofore had ing the festivities, the wearer. In at­ tempting to adjust his wig, knocked to be thrown away. off the hat, and to hla astonishment a Cures While Y ou W elk. ’ 1 « * 11 out fell nine 100 franc notes ($180). A lle n ’s Foot-Ease is a certain cure fo r hot, He hastened to put this unexpected sweating, callus, and swollen, aching iect. Sold ihto the cafe keeper*« by a ll Druggists. P rice 25c. Don’t accent any bequest ~ ria - l p&ekag . EltEK. A ddress substitute. T h a n d s . __________________ A llen S , Olmsted, Le Koy, Has One Advantage. Well-Ordered Life. The fact that a .politician hasn’t any T o do with as few things as we can, presidential bee of hla own sometimes and, as far as we can, to see to It that makes It easier for him to stir up * these things are the work of freemen hornet's nest for the other fellows. and not of slaves; these two seem to me to be the main duties to be fulfilled by those who wish to live at once free and refined, serviceable to others, and pleasant to themselves.— William Mor. ris. __________________ Mazatian, Sinaloa, Mexico — The United Staten transport Buford ar­ rived here w ite five refugees from Topolobampo and 16 from Altata and Culiacan. A t A ltata the Buford an­ chored 17 miles out, the refugees hav­ ing been transferred by the Bteamer Lueia. The refugees from Culiacan virtually are destitute, their property and homes having been stolen or de­ stroyed in recent rebel raids. The Buford anchored two miles off this port, 71 adults and 20 children being taken aboard. O f the 20 Amer­ ican children more than 16 were bom A Chinese Puzzle. in Mexico. Tho transfer o f the refu­ Some day a ago we published a gees was witnessed by thousands of conundrum from the Chinese, taken Mexicans and the few Americans who from a Paris contemporary, but as we have not received the correct answer remained in Mazatian. x re give It, together with the original College Cites Seven Wonders. question. The question ran: "Young Ithaca, N. Y . — The seven wonders I am green, old I am yellow; well o f the world as selected by the fac­ beaten I become compliant; If I ac­ ulty» graduates and seniors o f the company a friend for long, he urges chemists’ seminary at Cornell Uni­ me to leave him; young 1 am honored, versity, were announced by Professor old I am despised.” The answer la “ Straw slippers.”— London Globe. L. M. Dennis A few weeks ago the prominent Be thrifty nn little thing, like bluing. Don’t ac­ scientific magazines sent a list to Cor­ cept water fo r bluing. A .k fo r Red Cross Ball nell, containing 67 wonders o f modem Blue, the extra good value blue. times and requested the chemical de­ T o the Teacher. partment to pick out seven o f them as A teacher who can arouse a feeling representing the greatest o f modem human ingenuity. The seven selected for one single good action, for one in the order o f their importance fol­ single good poem, accomplishes more than he who fills our memory with low : Wireless, synthetic chemistry, ra­ rows on rows of natural objects, dium, antitoxins, aeroplanes, Panama classified with name and form. For what is the result of all these, ex canal, telephone. cept what we know aa well without them, that the human figure pre-emi­ China to Gat *6 0 ,0 0 0 ,0 0 0 , nently and peculiarly Is made In the Pekin— The minister o f finance and Image and likeness of God ?—fjoa lh e the bankers representing the six pow­ ers—the United States, Great Britain, P et t it s E S Eve WÍW! S a lv e France, Germany, Rusaia and Japan— The Hunter. have arranged the terms o f advances The man who loses hope Is not like to the Chinese government totaling ReaDty Would Be Different. ly to find appreciation.— Chicago Rec­ “ De hymn goes dat you wanta tet ord-Herald._________________ $60,000,000 against treasury bills re­ deemable within one year by the pro­ be a angel, but ef you bad wings ceeds o f the loan. It is pointed out right now you'd hire yo’seff out ae a Fundamental Truth. A thing that la morally right can by those identified with the scheme curiosity In a sideshow.”— Atlanta asver be economically wrong. that the country is a veritable powder Constitution. magazine, and the unpaid soldiers threaten an outbreak which can only be avoided by payment o f their wages. For all troubles of the di­ gestive organs—Biliousness, Constipation, Headaches and to drive out the blues. -not tea -not coffee Psintsss EstriHs* ,5 0 S IS T M IT H O D I W ise Dental Co.,n*. Painless Dentists A l l w o rk fu lly g u aran teed fwr f . f t * * s yearn. M ini MMMI. TMrU an* V m I M m MMTUM.M* ora*. « .« n I A. ■ . t o t r . l L lu a n ix t No M itt 2 i —’l a W H EN ______ ’ ’ tmn tht. papw. FADELESS DYES C olor m oro goods b righ t«, and faa tor c o lo n than an v other dye. One 10c p ackage colors silk, w o o l and cotton equ ally w e ll and is guaranteed to g iv e ■ erfect results. A s a dopier, or w o w ill len d postpaid at 10 c a package. W rite (or free b oo k let h o w 10 dve, bleach a n a m ix colors. M O N R O E D R U G COM P A N T , Quincy, r