Of« n u l a r t t f ï l Û3#l» *1 0 tf« x 0 e A to n ìe A ' L O C A L : I* A f t H F I T F O R A N Y « ( H I - I M U I ( I VI , M W V V . I N D E P E N D E N T Bohemia Gold Mining District and Thirty Saw Milling Enterprises Tributary to Cottage Grove. Dairying, Fruit Growing, Farming are Profitable B O H E N U A n 5 q O D T E * D I:K I C o n so lid a te c i J . ^ u . r r 9. 1908 THE MILLIONTH U. S. PATENT VOL. XXIII. C O T T A G E GROVE, OREGON, TU ES DA Y, D E C E M B E R 26, 1911. MEMBERS OF THE EUGENE GUN CLUB WHO SHOT AT PORTLAND PORTLAND WINS Industries. NO. 36 GOVERNORS' SPECIAL OVER EUGENE A GREAT SUCCESS ■ , T h e m illionth pateut was iss ued T he governors’ special has prov­ T he P o rtlan d G un club won the from the United Stales patent office deciding m atch of the series with ed to be one of th e greatest adver- a short tim e ago. T his m eans that the Eugene G un clu b veU erday ' tisiug features of the times. I was in 121 years (th e first patent was afternoon on the local c 'u b traps afraid it would fail of its purpose, issued in 17*M») the G overnm ent by the total sco-e of 847 to 818. but such was uot the case. T he has j>iven its protection in 1.000 T his is the lowest total m ade in the train was met at every stop th ro u g h ­ IKK) devices, recorded the in out by great crowds of people, three shoots between tw > clubs. veutions as practicable and giv T he local club* won th e first reinforced by brass bands, tnouut- en their inventors the exclusive m atch from the E ugene club by a ed police an d slate m ilitia. G ov­ right to m ake, sell or fix the lim its few points an d the E ugene boys ernors, m ayor and other state, w herein wherein these devices wofi the second m atch by a n a r ­ county and city officials were al­ should be m ade or sold. so on b aud to bid us welcome. r o w m argin. T he governors spoke of the re­ T h e history of the patent office j T he fog b rth ered the shooters a sources of their respective states to is a distinct chapter in the history, i great deal au d no ex tra high scores hundreds of thousands of people. or more properly, in the recorded i were m ade. W agner of the Port­ Nearly 100,000 people passed grow th of the Nation. For m any land team m ade the highest score through the train aud saw the e x ­ years after the first letters p a te n t j of the day by b reak in g 92 out of hibits. T he new spapers of the east were issued there was but one clerk 1 100. Troeh, also of the local team , grabbed every bit of news reg ard ­ in the patent office, and he w ork­ Insane Patients Will Have No Santa broke 91 out of 100, an d I>r. Bull University Gels Decision 'Form Anti Slang Society. ing the doings of the aggregation ing but a part of the time, was able ___ _ t I .. . of the E ugene team m ade th e satne I to handle every application that T he girls of Eugene have an anti- \ Salem, Or., Dec. 2 d — file high m a rk . Fred Moullen was second an d when a stop was m ade in a By a decision handed down city, the local papers practically w as m ade. T he first patent was T hursday by Ju d g e Galoway, the slang society. A certain Miss cost of living, coupled with a state­ high man on the E ugene team, turned their sheets into governors issued to Sam uel H opkins, of Ver­ University of Oregon wins the first was elected president. Asked it ment of the resent state board that | with the score of 90. special edition. T here the govern­ m ont, July 31, 1780. It is interest­ round in the m uch-talkd of ref­ she would accept, slje replied: there would be no more deficiencies T he scores aud to tals by rounds ors not only reached the few h u n ­ ing to note th at it protected a m eth­ erendum case, an d the secretary of “ Sure Mike, b u t gosh, girls, I ’m in institution funds, have robbed follow; dreds of thousands who heard od of m aking pearlash or potash state is restrained from placing on so rattled in iny cupola th at i ’m each of the patients of the state in P ortland . them speak, but the m illions who by refining vegetable m atter in a the ballot the question of the $500,- really short on gab. We are ce r­ sane asylum of the custom ary 1 2 3 4 5 7 7 Tot read llieuews paper accounts. For crucible. It so happens that the 000 appaopriatiou for th at in stitu ­ tainly hitting the high places and Christm as present which has been process protected by this first p a t­ tion of learning. T he case will be I never tum bled to such a poise be­ given for years. T he bids of yes­ W agner 14 14 14 15 15 13 7 93 an outlay of a few thousau ddollars 14 13 12 15 13 14 10 92 the several western states have re­ ent has never been improved upon. appealed, as it would have been had fore, but when I give you the high terday which placed beef at $9.68 Troeh Howe 14 14 12 15 12 14 9 89 ceived at least $1000,000 worth of T h e method of num bering p a t­ aud assured an increased cost of th e ju d g e decided the other way, ball I expect you to get there, Eli, ents in .the order in which they and considerable anxiety will be aud whooper up for all th a t’s out; j $200 a mouth for th a t oue article, A b ’h am sl5 11 Id 1.4 12 12 9 85 new spaper an d m agazine advertis­ _ were filed was not begun uulil later felt till the suprene court settles the I think I'm up to snuff enough so caused Superintendent Steiner to Cutlison 12 11 15 12 12 14 8 83 ing Caldw ell 14 12 12 12 13 11 9 83 and it is thus that the patent bear­ nitter f >.-all tint? W hile the w estern governors the flies w on’t light on me while gasp when the m aintenance ap p ro ­ Carlon 1.4 15 1.4 9 13 14 7 84 were sent to ed u cate the east, they ing num ber 1 in the files was issu doing the president stunt of this so­ priation was taken into considera­ Johnson 12 12 10 10 1‘2 H it) 80 had their own eyes opened to m any ed to John Rtiggles, July 38, 1826. T he party who fell from the ciety act, but 1 wont stand for any tion, and the individual Christm as Y oung 9 8 14 14 11 13 8 77 things through their visit to the I t covered a device for a steam eu- breakbeam s of an S. P. train at monkey doodle business from any presents, which have been a feature T h ’nton 12 12 12 11 13 8 5 73 gine, designed to run on an in c lin ­ different cities au d public in stitu ­ Eugene Sunday night a week ago, of you gals w hile I ’m ru n n in g the in the asylum every year, will be ed plane. U nlike the other ‘‘first tions and their com ing iu contract elim inated. ranch. We gals ought to extend proved to be A rthur Boyd, an es­ I T ot 129 121 127126126 127 81 837 au d discussing m atters of m u tu al p a te n t,” it has loug been outdated At that institution the annual caped trusty from the penitentiary. an invite to the m arried ladies to by greater devices in tractiou en ­ E ugkne interest with eastern aud southern get out and help us shoot this slauff Christm as dinner aud e n te rta in ­ gines. T he ‘‘m illionth p a te n t” their disappointm ent and failure in business; it’s getting to be fierce.’ ' ment will be given. At the en ter­ I 2 5 4 5 6 7 Tot governors and other public officials. w as issued A ugust 8, 1911, to asylum s for the insane. T he fact — Myrtle Point E uterpise. 14 15 14 13 13 12 10 91 They have picked up a great deal tainm ent 1874 pounds of turkey I Bull F rancis II. Holt, of A kron, O., is as stated recently by a writer u p ­ 1.4 l2 14 15 15 10 90 of inform ation on the trip and will be furnished an d $122 worth I Moullen 14 and covered an invention for a on this subject, th a t while m any 13 14 12 10 13 9 86 therefore stan d today m uch better Wins Prizes at Poultry Show of candy, T he entertainm ent will j M cCorklS punctureproof pneum atic tire. jV eatch 12 14 12 12 13 10 9 82 equipped to serve their co n stitu ­ have felt called upon to revolution­ be given next Monday afternoon, W. L. Veach, of Cottage Grove, and will include several features Seavey II 13 1.4 10 1.4 14 8 82 ency. It is a far call in traction devices ize the industries or arts of the 13 15 11 12 10 1.4 6 8 0 “ A perm anent organization of from this earlier date to the later country, but few have been chosen was oue of the successful ones a t ' which the asylum authorities hope Cook an d one th a t covers an era in th e to enjoy the fruits of their work. the poultry show held at Eugene will cause the patients to forget S tatzar 12 1.4 12 14 12 9 8 80 I western governors has been creat - 1.4 12 14 9 11 12 9 SO j ed, which tak es iu all states west w orld’s advancem ent in inventive Furtherm ore, the efforts of many last week. T h e exhibit consisted j the an n u al visit of S an ta Claus Day with his well-laden pack. of 67 w hite Leghorns, and he was Kompp 9 25 12 10 12 8 9 75 j of the Mississippi except T exas. genius th at is nowhere more strik ­ inventors who received letters p a t­ . Bean 11 9 12 14 11 12 4 74 T his congress of western governors ing th an in the history of rapid ent have been barren of results—a aw arded the cup on the hen ex h ib ­ STU M PIU l. willmeet an n u ally . T h e first meeting transit. T he records of the p aten t statem ent that is attested by use­ it, first and second prizes on hens, | T h e re was a m an in o u r town Tot. 121 142 125 120 120 118 82 818 will be held n ex t A ugust at Boise, •office show th a t in the last tw enty less articles and implements th at lit­ first on pullets and second on cock. Am i lie was w ondrous wise; | Idaho. It was the Idaho boosters, years in w hich rapid transit has erally cum ber the kitchens and Cottage Grove has m any residents He could u n scram b le scram bled egg-» A nd un cu ss c u sta rd pies. At an adjourned sessron of the ex-G overuor Brady and Reilly A t­ been to the fore in the development clutterthe garrets an d closets of the who tak e great interest in fine city council which was held last kinson, who conceived the idea of of the country, more patents have la n d —the inevitable result of the chickens of various breeds, and no H e could un Button b itte r, too, B u t w ith all of h is skill been issued th an were .issued d u r­ issuance of som ething like twenty- doubt other prizes m ight have T uesday nig h t the ta x levy was the western governors’ special and T h e re was one th in g lie could n o t do, ing the entire century proceeding two patents a day for a period of been captured had the birds been U npay a paid gas bill. m ade w hich am ounts to 14 mills, whose activities m ade it possible. divided as follows: T en m ills for It was tho u g h t rig h t proper that them . Specially out of the 1,’000, 121 years, show ing a g rand aggre­ given a show — liieago l*ost. general purposes, one mill for the first m eeting should be held iu 000 patents issued, some 850,000 gate of a million p aten ts.—Ore M en’s and b o y ’s overcoats % off D on't forget the stock reduciug j th at state as a com plim ent to G ov­ h ave been granted in tw enty years. gonion. at L u rch ’s. sale 011 wall paper at M cG avran’s. sewers and three for streets. ernor H aw ley au d the other two T h e graveyard of m any am bi­ distinguished gentlem en. tious; the slow death of m any ar­ “ T he publicity end was handled dent hopes, as well as the happy by Lloyd McDowell, Portland, fulfillm ent of many dream s of suc­ O r., em ploye of the S. P. & S., cess, the Patent Office stands today who w as loaned tire train by Pres- a m onum ent to the inventive geni­ j ident C arl G ray . He worked early us of the American inventor, re j aud late an d secured m uch adver- presenting as he does the most re I Using for the west. H e is entitled Economy is the road to wealtli and wealth is one oi the factors that contrib­ sourceful, energetic and persistent I to a great deal of praise for his utes to a Happy New Year; so if you buy som ething useful anti buy it at those class in all the world. I tireless efforts and m ethods in bed rock prices at It would, of course, be interest boosting Oregon. ing to know ju st how m any of the W hile in W ashington th e western eager, confident inventors have J governors were given a dinner by won distinction and w ealth in this You will save money and enjoy a Happy New Year. The following prices and j President T aft, an d it was my good ardent quest for som ething new in goods ought to appeal to you. | fortune to be placed at the table, th e world. Such a reckoning is, 1 n ex t to Secretary of the Interior however, piactically impossible M e n 's $1.50 D ongola S lip p ers a t ____ _________________ ___ __________ .$1 .1 9 L adies $4.00 S ilk U m brella a t ............................... ..........................- ............. $2.89 j Fisher. It g av e me a splendid op- W e know in a general w ay that 1.00 78 A few L adies F u rs a t y o u r own price. ] portunity to discuss w ith him m a t­ m any men have gained w ealth, C hild Ire n ’s .1.25 Red F e lt S lip p ers a t ____ ________________________ .89 M en’s $6.00 Bath Rabe a t ............................................. ...................... - ............. 3.98 M e n ’: s $2. .50 » S ilk Mu filers a t ___________________________ _____- .............. 1 .65 " 7.00 S m o k in g J a c k e t a t ....... ....................... 4.40 ters of interest to O regon. I fully and some m an have acquired fame, 1.50 S u sp en d ers a t _________ ____________________ - ______ 1 .:o •• 6.00 \ ’ - ......... ................... ........................................3.9S I discussed the W est U m atilla pro­ through the medium of patents 1.25 .'»5 C h ild s 6.00 B uster Brown S u it a t ...........................- ............................ ............4.40 1.00 .65 5 . 0 0 ....................................... 3.85 je c t, as well as a num ber of other launched or owned by them ; th at “ 4.00 - • “ “ ......................... .......................................... 2.85 .50 .4 0 | im portant m atters with him, aud I some of the greatest monoplies in 1.25 > set S ilk H ose a n d tie at .9 5 Boys tw o piece s u it 6 to 15 y e a rs a t sam e reduced prices. > S ilk T ie at ___________ .55 am firm iu my belief th a t he siu- th e world block the door to com ­ L adies' F a te n t an d G un M etal B utton Shoes a t p rices w ith in reach of all. .50 .4 0 I cerly wishes us to receive our ju st A b eau tifu l lin e of m e n 's an d w o m en 's s u itc a s e s an d tra v e lin g bags a t petition by the protection that the .75 “ G a rte rs a t ...........................- ..50 bed rock prices. .75 In itia l .Silk H an d k erch iefs a t. .4 0 dues. G overnm ent has given them throug ..15 S ilk A rm B ands a t . . —______ .21 M en’s $2.00 D ongola S lip p e rs a t . - ..................................................................-.$1.40 “ T he day following, S jn ato r letters patent. But the common C ham berlain au d Bourne, Con­ belief is that inventors have as a In addition to the above we have a complete line of men’s and boy's furnishings, suits, overcoats, gressm an Dafferty aud H onorable rule lived and died poor even to and cravcnettes. Come early, get your choice and avoid the rush. J. N. T eal and myself met in con­ destitution, while not a few, brood­ ference with Secretary Fisher and ing over their failure to receiv re­ Chief Newell of the reclam ation com pense and recognition in the service, and again threshed out the world of progress, and perhaps see­ W est U m atilla project. From w hat ing the children of their brains— was said at the conference there the darlings of their am bi­ is no question iu my m ind b ut tion—hopelessly alienated by p u r­ chase, have found refuge for Continuer! on page three. • * I im » ft HAPPY NEW YEAR ff s Wheeler-Thompson Co’s Closing Out Sale WHEELER-THOMPSON CO. COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON 1