Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, July 25, 1911, Image 2

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C h e C o ttK K G ro v e le tte r J
^lo.Well Too Deep for
W . C. CONNER, - Editor and Manager j
This Farm Pump Engine
Entered at the Cottage Grove posloffice
as second class mail matter
Ho Weather Cold Enough to Froon It— No Hour« Too Long for It to Work
Si» months___________________
4 0 0 to 1,000 Gallons Per Hour
at aay tim e o r any place. W ork s In any well, regardless o f depth. T h is farm
pum p c miue com pletely so lve s the perplexing problem o f W ater
Supply fo r the farm in winter as well as sum m er. Pum ps all the
water needed f<»r the house, dairy, burn, feed lot and pasture In a
few hours. C osts less to operate than a tank heater aud elim i­
nates all bother aud trouble.
Salem, Ore., July 21.— Although
advices received here indicate that
H. J. Parkison is tit Chicago, in­
stead of in California, where he
said be intended to visit his mother
ex-Justice W. T. Slater said today
that there will he no attempt to
bring hint back here in connection
with the suit to save the appropria­
tion for the University of Oregon
from Ihe operation of the referen­
“ All I am waiting for now is
the names of the plaintiffs in the
case,” said Mr. Slater,
these are received, the complaint
will be filed. It makes no diffet-
ence to us whether Parkison has
'skipped' the country, whether he
is iu California or whether he is in
We will go ahead and
pursue the suit and win out, re­
gardless of Parkison.”
Plor.ty of Powar for Completa Water System
Just the thing fo r
volume pump.
pum p
C ssure
k system .
rttenU d i n U .S
A June 15. IMO.
A b “ D»iumk>n of Canada Sept. «,
A fford s a m p l e
1 0 10 . «a d other foreign coui ‘ “
p o w e r fo r sm all
Other iwtcuu spphed for.
E lectric Lighting
— — —— —
W ork s ditch pum p and spraying outfits perfectly.
Handiest Little W orker on th o Farm
K nsurlng a reliable w ater supply fo r the farm is
but one o f the w ays the Farm Pum p Engine p roves
its superiority. It has pulley for running any kind
o f hand or foot pow er m achinery. It helps the
w om en folks In the dairy and laundry. R uns the
grindstone, feed m ill, fanning mill, etc., fo r the m en.
D oes the w ork o f tw o extra hired m en.
S e o th o Little W onder a t W ork
Y o u have read all about this engine in y o u r Farm
Papers but yo u cannot fully realize w hat a w on­
derful little w orker It is until you see it in action . W e show it at our exhibition r o o m s , doing
exactly the kind o f w ork y o u w ould expect It to d o on your farm . Bring In the w hole fam ily and
look it over. It la worth o special trip to tow n. Bo sure and co m e in.
Engine Running Volume Pump
W rite for Catalogue and Prices
The Commercial club of Van­
couver, Wash., has the right idea.
It will foster closer business rela­
tions between the business men of
that city and the farmers through­
out the county. Frequent visits to
each part of the county will be
made by the city men aud every
possible assistance will be given
those of the outlying country.
Co-operation in building roads aud
other matters o f mutual benefit
will lie the result of this policy.
Chambers Hardware Company
The D o c to r And The Telephone
Eugene, Sole Agents for Lane County.
* ,-
- -H,
f * V'
■ j
V£ S Ì .
The Leader office turned out 500
promotion booklets for the real
estate firm of Wilkinson & Ralston
last week.
The booklet contains
a fine write-up of the town and
country and has three fine half­
tone pictures, one of the city 22
inches wide, which folds in the
center of the booklet like a map.
' J
A g e n t K e o A u t o m o b il e s
D. S T E R L IN G . M an a ger
The married ladies oi Creswell
will give a “ husband show” Fri­
day July 28, at which time prizes
will be given to the “ handsomest
man” aud to the most domesti­
cated man.
Verv kind in those
Creswell ladies to give the old man
a show once in a while.
Wheat, Oats, Grain Hay. M ILL FEE D : Shorts, Bran,
Vetch Seed, Chopped Oats, Oil Meal. G R A SS SEED: Grass
Seeds o f all kinds constantly on hand. FLOUR: Hard Wheat
Pure White,
Every sack guaranteed.
Soft Wheat Brands: Pheasant,
White Star. Poultry Feeds and Supplies.
All City Trade Delivered
“ No disagreeable fogs" was the
way Wilkinson & Ralston, penned
it fot the Leader write-up of Cot­
tage Grove last week, but our type
made it read, “ no disagreeable
frosts,” and the joke is not on us.
P H O N E 1711
! DIGNirriNG
The Lane County Veterans’ A s­
sociation is composed of old sold­
iers of the Civil war, and have a
reunion every year.
This year
they will meet in Springfield on
the 5th, 6th and 7th of October.
JOST-W ILLARI>—At the home
o f the bride’s parents, Mr. aud
Mrs. (). II. Willard, !■ W o t
afternoon, July 19, 1911, Mr.
Fred Jost of Portland, and Miss
Lulu Willard of this city, Rev.
W . A. Elkins officiating.
T h li 1« t tn U U ( or b beau tifu l ««-p a g e b oob, w hich
w ill a h a * any boy or g irl b ow to SUCCEED Drop a
poatal la tho m all TODAY and It w ill bo aont FREE.
Tbo aim o f th o C ollogo la to d ign ify and p op u la rize
tba lnduatrioa. and to oorvo ALL tbo p oop le It offers
cou rses In A g ricu ltu re .C lrll E ngineering. E lectrical
E ngineering. M echanical E ngineering. M ining Engln
eerlng, F orestry, Dom estlo. Science and Art. Com
m orce, Pharm acy and Muotc. T b o C o lle g e o p e n s
Septem ber sad. Catalog free.
COLLEOE. C orvalllo. Oregon.
Bicycle Garage
The ceremony was only wit­
nessed by relatives of the contract
ing parties.
Mr. Jost is a well
known Southern Pacific railroad
hrakeman aud is a very exemplary
young mau.
The bride is highly
esteemed in this city and also at
Grants Pass where she is well
She held a position as
compositor in the Leader office for
some time aud was also a tele,
phone operator. The happy cou
pie left for Portland on the W ed­
nesday eveniug train, where they
will reside. The Leader joins in
extending congratulations and best
Brumfield & Simmons, Props
‘ ‘ As stated in the dispatch from
Washington it means the restora­
tion of the rate within ten cents a
ton that was in effect up till O cto­
ber of last year when the railroads
immediately advanced the rate to
$5 per toil.
T he interstate com ­
merce commission suspended the
advance pending the hearing here
in I'ebruary hut the $5 rate sus
pension expired May 1 of this year
since which date the railroads have
been charging the advanced rate
o f $5 per ton from Willamette val­
ley points to San Francisco bay
“ The lumbermen’s contention in
asking for a return to the lower
rates was that the new rate was
not in conformity with rates oti
other commodities from W illam ­
ette valley points to San F'rancisco
bay points.
“ The decision will stimulate
business for the Willamette valley
mills and give them opportunity to
enter the San
Francisco bay
markets with their common rough
green lumber in competition with
shipments moved by water.
“ The rate charged mills on the
W eudling branch has always been
25 cents higher per ton than from
mills on the main line of the
Southern P acific.’ ’
T he Willamette valley rates
have been in litigation since 1907.
The supreme court of the United
States last February denied the le
gality of the interstate commerce
commission’s order of 1907 reduc­
ing the rates o f $.1.40 and $.1.65.
The present decision makes the
rates from the east hank of the
Willamette river, not including
W eudling, $.1.50 per ton and those
j from the west hank, north of Cor-
’ vallis, $ 1.75 per ton.
Repair work a specialty
Miss Minnie Comer has l>een in
aml promptness and general
at the Adventists sum-
satisfaction guaranteed.
Tner school near Hood River, and
will go to Gravel Ford, Coos
county, soon where she has been
employed another year as principal
o f the Gravel Ford Academy.
Happiest Girl in London.
Cottage Grove
Flour M ills
C O X — T o the wife o f Lee Cox,
July 22, 1911, a 11 Yt pound hoy.
CO R EV — T o the wife o f Guard
Corey at their home on Wall j *
street, July 21. 1911, a daughter. |
A D D ISO N —Near I.orane W ed­
nesday, July 12, 1911, to Mr.
and Mrs. A . H . Addison an j
eight pound girl.
Washington, July 18.— The in­
A complete line of summer weight
today, iu the case o f the Oregon
undergarments in stock for men,
& Washington Lumber Manufac­
women nnd children. Union suits
turers’ association
against the
and separate garments in outsi/.es.
Southern Pacific and other Pacific
The method o f knitting our brand o f
coast carriers, held that the exist­
underwear—either tw o -piece or union
ing rate o f $5 on a tou of rough
suits—gives the maximum of elasti­
green fir from points iu the W il­
city which eliminates the tendency
lamette valley to San Francisco
to become baggy and shapeless.
aud points taking the same rate
Ladies: We call your special atten-
were unreasonable.
tention to the “ Athena” sleeveless
The carriers are ordered to put
vests, best grade o f mercerized lisle.
the rate at $.1.50 a ton, excepting
on the W eudling branch, from
points on which a rate o f $.1.75 is
ordered. The rates prescribed do
not apply to mills located within
tlie city o f Portland, Oregon, which
take a uniform rate of $5 per ton
on all kinds of lumber.
Edward Ostrander, secretary o f
the Oregon & Washington Lumber
commenting on the decision and
the effect it would have upou lum ­
ber shipments from this city aud
the Willamette valley said:
“ This is the case that was heard
before Commissioner Prouty in
February of this year at the time
that the case o f the Southern Port­
land mills was heard and which
was also decided favorably to the
mills a few days ago.
"T h e effect o f the Willamette
NY lives are saved each year because the doctor is reached
valley decision will be very bene­
promptly by the Bell Telephone. From the information he re­
ficial to the mills in the southern
part o f the state where they are ceives by telephone he can give directions for emergency measures,
not so situated that they have the and provide himself with the necessary medicines and instruments.
Consultations with spe • .ilists are easily arranged by means of the
benefit of water competition.
Bell Long Distance service.
At last we have found n pump engine that serves ull the needs of
tho farmer and does it in the best possible manner. W e investigated
r\ score or more different makes ana designs of portable engines to find
the one best suited for our customers. We selected the Puller & Johnson
B lfia * . It is the most wonderful portable engine made.
One year__________ ________________ $ 1.30
Summer Underwear
Mill Feed, Grain and Hay
to mo »:*}«.
A Lincoln, Neb., girl writes, " I bail
( | lieen ailing tor some time with chronic
j I constipation and stomach trouble.
i I began taking Ckamljerlain’s Stomach
! j an<! Liver Tablets an«l in three «lay* I
! was able to he up an«l got better right
t! along. I am the promlest girl in Lin­
coln to find such a good medicine. ” ¡For
, sale by Benson Pharmacy.
P rop.
The Pacific Telephone
A n d Telegraph Co.
Ten Per Cent Money.
I have two good houses in the
prettiest location in Cottage Grove,
now paying 10 per cent on the in ­
vestment, and I offer them on that
margin and will guarantee them
to pay 10 per cent. W ho wants to
make some easy money?
property is worth nearly double
what I will ask for it.
The Main Collection Agency,
D. A . Hendricks, Mgr.
With Ileinemvay & Lockwood.
Good Business Proposition.
For sale— a good well drilling
rig on trucks, in good condition,
gasoline power, .100-foot capacity,
drills .1 and 4 inch holes. All tools
Inquire of the C o ­
operative Realty Co.
Music Lessons.
Stringed aud Band Instruments.
Leave orders at the W ave.
M il o
O. R o a c h .
n the Circuit Court of the State of Ore­
gon for I.ane County.
W . I.. Ilubbell. W. N. Ilubbell
and S. R. Smith- .......... Plaintiffs.
Company, (a corporation) Sarah
M. Cochran, John D. Cochran.
William Rufus Cochran, Clara
Scarborough,Charles S. Cochran,
Martha M.Rice,Horace I'. Coch­
Catherine A.
(nee Mrs. M. C. Connelly, nee
Catherine Ann Cochran,) Aaron
Lurch, llenjainin Lurch, Lena
II. Spare,
Wilson It. Glass, Vina K. Class,
Frank Whipple, Ir.. Ralph Whip­
ple, itonita Whipple, 1511a Wall,
(nee Whipple) Maggie Vander-
wort, (nee Whipple) 15!sie Whip­
ple, Lena Whipple, William
Whipple, Della Whipple, Hugh
Whipple, W. H. Abrams, Allie S.
Abrams, C. P. Joues, V. C. Lon­
don, Henry Fisher, D.C. Under­
wood, Charles K. liurkholder,
Clara liurkholder anil Lydia 15,
Stonffer,___________ Defendants.
To Aaron Lurch, Frank Whipple, Jr.
Ralph Whipple. Ilonita Whipple, 1511a
Wall, Maggie Vanderivort, !5lsie Whip­
ple, Lena Whipple, Hugh W hipple,Wil­
liam Whipple, Della Whipple, nnd I). C,
Underwood, defendants aliove named.
I n thk
con :
S. E. R. R.
C om pany
T o T a k e E f f e c t J\ir\e 19 1 9 0 9
NO. 2.
No. 1.
A. M.
A. M.
C O T T A C .fi t iR O V R
A * ..
.................................. W A L D f i N ................................
.........................C f i R R O ( ’.O R D O ............... ..
..........................D o R K X A .........................
............................. S t a r ............................
I .Min
i c k s .........................
.....................K f i n H r I u o f i ...................
M l 2*
............................ W
...................... W i l d w o o d . ...................
- . A R------------- D lSSTQ X-..............1,V.
Subject to change without notice.
All outward freight shipped only at
the joint risk of shippers and consignee.
Stage leaves Disston after arrival of
train on Monday, Wednesday amt Fri­
day for Orseco, returning on Tuesday,
Thursday and Saturday.
Freight will not lie received at the O.
it S. 15. R. R. Depot after 5 p. m. To
insure forwarding on nagt train freight
must lie delivered in ample time to per­
mit of its being billed.
A. B. W O O D . M a n a g e r
N am k
of the
S t a t e
O re -
Von and each of you are hereby re­
quired to appear dnd answer the com­
plaint filed ngainst you in the above
entitled suit within six weeks from the
date of the first publication of this sum­
mons, and if yon fail to appear and an­
swer as herein required,for want thereof,
the plaintiffs will apply to the Court for
the relief demanded in said complaint.
This summons is published once a
week for six successive weeks in theCot-
tage Grove Leader, a newspaper of gen­
eral circulation in Lane county, State of
Oregon, published in Cottage Grove, in
said county and State by order of llie
Hon. L. T. Harris, Circuit fudge of said
connty, made and filed on tile Nth day of
June, 1911.
The first publication of this .summons
is on the 13th day of June, 1911, and the
last publication is on the 25th day of
July, to il.
J. C. J o h nson ,
Attorney for Plaintiffs.
S. P.
Ry. Time Table
No. I n . ----- . . . . . _______ 1:48 a. m.
No. 2 0 . . . . . ____ . . . . . .3,56 p. m.
No. 18
......................11:02 a . m.
N o. 15--------
1:26 a. m.
No. 17............................... 10:27 p. ra.
For sale— 480 acres of land suit - 1 No. 13— . . . . . . . . . ____ 6:42 a. m.
able for stock, sawmill, farming j No. 19.................................3 :02 p. m.
and fruit. It joins the Milwaukee
G. F. King, Agent,
Orchard Co. A trout stream and
Grove, Oregon.
lot o f springs on the place.
W ould make a fine home.
acres fenced, log house, barn,
Piano coupons at the Leader o f­
grainery, wagon shed, chicken fice. Every subscription payment
The best hard wheat flour — house. $16 per acre. $2000. Terms or order for job printing entitles
White River Bluestetn patent, at on balance.
S. F. Jackson, Lo- you to tickets on Metcalf & Brunds
rane, Oregon.
piano at the Leader office.