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About Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915 | View Entire Issue (March 28, 1911)
Or* lIlB larU al r --------------------------------- \ 1 he Arcade Theater The Arcade Theater High-Clan* Motion Picture« Up»to-Dato V audeville Hlrth-Chsi Motion P ictu re« l/p to D it» V a u d e v ille Change Program Every Night Change I'roxram Every Night A B ohem ia (iolcl M ining cottage : <; k o v e l e a d e r B O H EM IA N UGGET District and Thirty Saw Milling Enterprises Tributary to Cottage C onsolidated J a n u a ry 9. 1908. STRONG CITY II L O C A L P A P E R F IT FO R ANY H O M E — P R O G R E S S IV E . N E W SY . IN D E P E N D E N T drove. Dairying, Fruit G row ing, F arm ing are P rofitable C O TTA G E GROVE, OREGON, T U E SD A Y , M ARCH 28, 1911. dates who suffered in the ixditical bartering, have secured largely signed petitions requesting these candidates to cotue out on an inde- pendent ticket and they have fin- j ally consented to do so. LOCAL AND COUNTY NEWS NOTES OF GENERAL INTEREST Industries. V O L. X X II. NO. 49 ADDITIONAL LOCAL Several new ads in the Leader today. Read them. L. S. Hill of the Brown Lumber Co., was transacting busiuess in For Mayor Portland last week. lit compliance with the urgent I Mrs. Orvil Speer was a gues' of request of many citizens of Cottage her friend, Mrs. Claude Gray, at Grove expressed through largely Bugene, a few days last week. sigued petitions, I hereby announ- Medford is going to do even The Churchill-Matthews com Mrs. J. S. Medley spent a few Eminently Well Qualified Independent Candidates ce'tuyself a candidate for the office j more paving this year than last, pany has a crew of men plowing in Bugene last week attend of mayor, subject to the will of the A. L. Wynne writes from I’eu- and planting 400 acres in the Lo- days ing her aged mother who is in fee and Equipped For legal voters at the forthcoming city dletoii to have his Leader sent raue valley to orchards. Will Oppose Caucus election. If elected 1 will put forth hereafter to Biggs, Oregon. Last week the Southern Pacific ble health. This Position my very best efforts to give this company disbursed about $4500 When the steel trust cuts the sal Nominees. city an economical, yet progressive The hen may not be well edu among its employes at Cottage ary of its president to $50,000 a and business-like administration. cated, but it doesn’t take her long Grove, including those at the tie year it must be fearful of a curtail 1 stand for public improvements to scratch off a few lines—in the plant. ment of its tariff grant. < along conservative and well defin garden. S. C. Bartrum, supervisor At last we have something to be Hon. The convention for the nomina ed J. J. Wilsou of Corvallis, who lines. \V. H. A brams . the Umpqua forest reserve, who tion of city and ward officers for All of the S. P. sawmills at Mar- recently opened a store in the really thankful for. Fashion has of prominently mentioned as a can the April election, held at the ar eola have closed down and many Woodmen building at Loraue, has decreed that the “ rampart rat” is didate For City Recorder. appointment of state mory on Wednesday evening, was laborers who have been employed sold out to F. Ozmond and gone and the “ bulging bun” must go. forester, for is the certainly man for largely attended, and much inter A petition signed by a large there have left. to Five Rivers to engage in farm Miss Armorel Sutcliffe is home the place from the fact the that has est was manifested in the selection uumlier of citizens and qualified I'p to Friday eveniug, 16 home- ing. from the Willamette I’uiversity to been in the government forest he ser of candidates The Hon. O. M. electors of Cottage Grove, nomi seekers, according to the dei>ot G. If. Hituson and T. Tompsett enjoy a ten days’ vacation with vice since 1N99, which position Kem was elected chairman of the nating C. H . VanDenburg as au records, had arrived in Cottage of Burlington, Iowa arrived in Cot her parents, and Mrs. Robert lias given him a practical and convention, and Lew A. Cates, independent candidate for city Grove, since the excursion rates tage Grove Friday with a view to Sutcliffe, and Rev. many friends. technical training in forestry. It secretary. Recorder for the ensuing term hav went into effect. buying a small farming tract and has "iven him a full knowledge of. The Oregon farm journals are ing been filed, 1 hereby announce ( J. C. Johnson, Crank Snodgrass, locating here. They are favorably the existing conditions in the severely criticising Governor West Mr. J. F. Placard and Miss Geo. F. Garoutte and I). A. Hen myself a candidate for the office of: Bliza Rondeau were united in mar impressed with tuis locality. for vetoing a number of bills whole state. He has demonstrated dricks were appointed tellers. The city Recorder, at the election to he ! the fact that he possesses great ex in Koseburg on March 17, L. McCoy, who has a small which is claimed embodied laws ecutive chairman, after an order of busi held in Cottage Grove on April 4, , riage ability, and is also a thor and eatne to Cottage Grove to re sawmill on the McDole place near greatly beneficial to the farmers. ough ness had been presented bv J. S. 1011. I will if elected serve the | side organizer, is evident immediately after the cere Veatch’s Spur, liegau sawing last city, as I have in the past two j Medley and adopted, called for The baby chick trade has grown from the class of which men he has en mony. week. Mr. McCoy has recently wonderfully. Twenty years ago nominations for mayor. George years to the best of my ability in in the forestry service. He. Atkinson placed the name of W. accordance with the city charter Mrs. W. H. Blair, of Portland, put in a new engine, and otherwise poultrytnen never dreamed of start listed the use of the press it* 11. Abrams before the convention and ordinances. spent several days last week in increased the capacity of the mill. ing a business in that line, while believes in forestry work and bas; C. H. V an D enburg . | Cottage Grove looking after her The funeral of Aunt Polly Calli- now hundreds of thousands of promoting without a nominating st>eech, and written strong articles aloug this- Hr. Kitne, the present chief execu l property interests here and visiting sou who died at Pleasant Hill last these innocents are annually sent line, being also a very convinciug For City Treasurer. tive, nominated 1$. K. Lawson. I with her husband and many week was held Sunday at that out. talker. He has a wide acquaint Dr. Kitne said he had been mayor Having been urged by numer friends. place and was very largely at ance through the entire state and of Cottage Grove during the past ous taxpayers and qualified electors tended, many lieing present from Hotel Changes Owners. the manner in which he has About $100,000 of federal money year, and with the help of the to place my name in nomination is now available for work on the Bugene and other county towns. built up the forest service in this council and citizens generally had for the office of city treasurer for Siuslaw jetty at Florence, about succeeded in making quite a few the ensuing year, I hereby an $70,000 of the $100,000 provided The Booth-Kelly Lumber Com J. F. Donovan and C. A. Mar section of the state to such a high elT,.c !e,,cy’ entitles him at improvements of a public charac nounce myself as a candidate for is advertising for hids to litt of Portland last week con s,andard-of to some favorable consideration the people of West Lane hav pany eluded negotiations for the ( iregtin the ter. Some of these were still in* thnt office. If elected l pledge i by build three miles more of logging hands of the state complete, and for this reason he myself to serve the city to the best ing already been expended in jetty railroad. This line will extend up hotel, conducted by Mr. B. R. board and Governor West. forestry wanted to see some one in the my ability, and as in the past, work. one of the canyons from the com Westbrook, taking immediate |>os- mayors chair who is familiar with of pany’s main logging line, which session. Mr. Marlitt will conduct ; Dave Hendricks is back from a strictly in accordance with all city A Good Comedy Drama. the work, believing it would avoid laws and regulations. runs seven miles beyond Wendling. the hostelry, and being au expen trip to Salem and Albany, where hotel man will doubtless several months delav in finishing H erbkrt E akjn . ! be went in the interests of the pro- George Mote, the contractor, has enced a success of it. The new the betterments He expressed 'hat was an excellent college posed referendum on the l ’. of O. on exhibition in the Leader office make proprietors have in contemplation j j comedy the opinion that it would be g«xxl presented by the : He says he found fully 95 per cent a Pekin duck egg, .4% inches loug for the citizens to have a man who I Circuit Court Adjourned till April 4. 1 of the people favorable to the ref and 6X inches in circumference. a number of improvements in the ! Amicitian drama Girls Club at the armory hotel. Mr. Westbrook has made is acquainted with every detail of] ---------- last Friday evening under the effic Hq has a hen which lays ail egg no [dans for the future, but will ient the city’s affairs at the head of the There will be no more circuit erendum proceedings. direction of Mrs. F. |>_ no larger than a quail’s egg of municipal government, and seeing court proceedings until Tuesday, i G. II. Hawkins, editor and pub which he already has accumulated visit relatives and friends in Wheeler. entitled in B. K. Lawson such a man he April 4, to which time Judge H ar lisher of the Crater Lake magazine a dozen of these freak eggs, one of Albauy, Salem and Portland at “ Six Sharps The and plav One was Flat” and placed him in nomination. Mr. ris adjourned it. The couuty ! published at Ashland, spent Thurs- which he presented to the Leader. one of which places he will proba portrayed the humorous experi bly locate. He desires to spend ences of six bright girls in one Lawson was nominated on the first court has been hoping the injunc day in Cottage Grove which he ballot, receiving 111 votes to Mr. tion case against them, brought by i proclaimed a “ delightful little Ben Morss, the nurserymau, the spring season in taking a de small flat. The characters were Mr. Hawkins has pub vacation. The Leader all cleverly sustained and the Abram’s 92. .400 Mammoth and 40Q served Grove citizens, would be ! city.’’ wishes the new management of specialties, lished his little literary and booster shipped Mr. Abrams thanked the con Cottage Hymiliau Giant blackberry plants readings by Miss Flo heard and determined in the very magazine for the past 15 months to a Montague, California, man Hotel Oregou success and joins | Phillips, contralto vention for the support received, near future.— Register. • solos by Miss and is meeting with deserved suc the mauy friends of Mr. and Mrs and moved to make the nomina Thursday. When those giants Leah Perkins aud German cess. The Leader was favored reach maturity the fellow will Westbrook her* tn wishing them ch aracter duet by Ren the tion of Mr. Lawson unanimous, Sanford aud with a pleasant fraternal cr^ll. Good Business Proposition. which motion prevailed. have some berries and fie will find happiness and prosperity in their Miss Ursula Lockwood all brought The selection of a recorder being to plat a new addition new home wherever that uiav be. forth hearty applause which could , U- Hill, manager of (he it for necessary next in the order of business, C. For sale—:a goqd , well „ drilling a homesite unless he has plenty only be suppressed by encore num |{rqW„ Lumber Company, Cottage of acreage already. M. Shinn placed the name of C. rig on trucks. iq 'good condition, (}r()Ve The Mam Read in Sunset Magazine, Motor bers. The entertainment was well been appointed hy If. VanUenberg before the con veu are uot stow growers either, ing Through California, hy Lloyd attended and in appreciation of power, .JtKl-foot capacity, , (governor West as a member of the moths being able to cover from 25 to .40 Osbourne, tion, saying he was a man known gasoline proficient services the com drills .5 and 4 inch holes. All tools j hoanj of forestry. Other beautifully illustrated her to all; one who had faithfully dis necessary. Inquire of the v.o- t^ettl|,ers 0f the board are A. P. feet of ground in a single season. iu four colors. pany presented their director, Mrs. “ The Spell,” a charged the duties of the office, and Operative Realty Cq. Wheeler, with a beautiful Morris iapragqe, T- Hnxton, Geo. H. romantic serial by C. N. and A. chair one who could be depended on to upholstered in leather. --------r s - —------ M. Williamson. “ In the Shadow . Smith. In I lie most common cause of insomnia and Dan I’ do his duty Under all all circum Aviators wou a total of $970,000 Greigh appointments the lumber- is ilisonlers of the stomach. Chamber of the Dragon,” by Grant Carpen stances. Mr. Gleason, of the last year, but then only those who these the grange, the forest fire lain's Stomach and LtVeT laMet» correct ter. Descriptive story of Sau Musicale Program. Third ward, named J. R. Young, are left to tell the tale are spend men, association and the wool growers these disorders and «liable you to sleep. Francisco’s C h i n e s e itnatture. j who had heretofore been recorder ing the money. April issue now on AS cents. are represented. l?or sale hy llenson Pharmacy. To be given at the M. B. church of Cottage Grove, and who, if elected, was capable of creditably Friday evening, March 41, by Miss lithe! Bvaus of the University of filling the office. The vote stood: < taegon. assisted by the Methodist Young 102; VanDenberg 95. choir aud Roach brothers of Bu- For treasurer Capt. J. C. John geue: son, with commendatory words for Waltz, 1C Flat _____________ Moszkowski the present incumbent of that Miss Kvans office, nominated Geo. M Hall, Anthem, Come Ye Disconsolate I line expressing the opinion that as Choir The Fauns __ . .Chaminade there was only honor and a little Miss Kvans prestage connected with it, the Reading A Sisterly Scheme office should be passed around. M i"> Allie Phillip.- Geo. McQueen nominated Herbert Mandolin Duel, Observatory March Bakin, and the vote resulted as ____ ____ * Roach Hrc*. Vocal solo. M orning and E vening ......... follows: Hall. 126; Bakin, 7H. __ ___ I.loyd Stratton STATE FORESTER ' \ \ \ MAKE AN EASTER - HIT - - WHEELER - THOMPSON COMPANY WARD NOMINATIONS. Following the city convention the three wards got together iti different parts of the hall and nom inated aldermen. Geo. Atkiuson was elected chairman and I,. A. Ralston secretary of the First ward caucus; Dr. Rime chairntati and \V. C. C miner secret a rv of the Sec. ond, and John Medley chairman, and Jas. Henteuway secretary of the Third. There were uo con tests except in the First ward, where Clias. Caldwell won out by a large majority over Alfred Fowell a u d J .K . Barrett. In the second ward John Bartels was nominated and in the Third, Geo. Knowles, both the latter being chosen by acclamation. Independent Candidates It lieing evident that considera ble polities had been wqrked prior to the caucus, resulting in a trade on several candidates, the friends of two three prominent candi- Will Help You Do It ! H ungarian Etude _____ MacDowell Miss Kvans i Violin Solo, Draldo S eren ad e.................. . ___ . . . ________________Buford Roach Silver Spring . .. .W in. Mason Miss Kvans Reading, The Hazing of Valliant ______ Mrt. !•'. D. Wheeler Ktnde (Revolutionary) __-____Chopin Miss Evans By showing yoq our new suit arrivals including the HAREM TROUSERS tor Men. These suits are in all the new fabrics, designs and colors, in new tans, blue, greys, in cashimere and worsteds. Beautiful line all wool blue serges, ranging in prices from (£ O C A A $18.00 up t o .................................... ^ p Z O ,U U COME IN AND PICK IT OUT NOW. Wheeler - Thompson Co. m If you have trouble in getting rid of your cold you may know that you are not treating it proj>erly. There is no reason why a c*old should hang on for weeks and it will not if you tike Cham berlain's Cough Remedy. For sale by Bensons Pharmacy. Four-Button Novelty Sack% No. 712 Any intelligent person may earn a good income corresponding for newspapers; exjierience unnec essary. Send stamp for full par ticulars. Empire Cress Syndicate, Ntiddleport, N. V. t.1-14 ■>« V . PR?” "W hat is it?’ •in I t’L mollili Kock hen join Daughters of the Revolution?"