CHARM IS A HOODOO FASHION HINTS M«n«9«rlt of Ivioocta. A menagerie of Insects will soon bs Installed In the Paris museum of nat­ ural history. Cages of glass. Instead of steel, will be occupied by spiders, «RINGS BAD LUCK TO PAIR IN anta, bees, caterpillars and beetles. STEAD OF GOOD. Instead of lions, tigers, wolves and hyenas. Then It will be possible for the public to sutdy the lives of ants underground and of bees In theli Dug "Charm” Out of Ground Every Night, as Told by 8plrltusllst— hives. MlsSlng, snd Fight Follows. SMITH WANTS Vjat D ressed P o r k Pv—*** Figs Ui* thicken, Dressed L hi* kens Lite Lh e Ducks Lease fresh Lyys Horny O n io n * A ,p U s Fruit nf Vegetables. an Kin*. fresh AII Kinds of Livestock. Dressed Dressed Ducks Geese Creamery Butter A d d re ss all Sh ipm e n ts, F R A N K L. S M IT H M E A T CO. "D g h U n g th e B e e f T r u s t” __________ P O R T L A N D . O R E G O N Dr. B. E. Wright H ood’s H av e you r te e th out a r d p la te and brid g e w ork F o r o u t-o f-to w n p a tro n s w e finish p la t e aitd brid g e w o rk in one day if n e ce s sa ry . P R IC E S : . $7.50 PsaltM Eitrsctisa 50« B E S T M ETH O D S P a in le ss E x tr a c tio n F r e e w h en p la te s o r b rid e « w ork is ord ered . C on su ltatio n F re e . Y ou can n ot et b e tte r p ain less w ork a n y w h e re , no m a tte r ow m u ch you pay. A ll W o r k fu lly G u a r a n te e d fo r fift e e n Y e a r s C Dr. B. E. Wright Co. 342i Washington St., Portland, Oregon T a b . rmr at» and t n m .fe r to W a sh in g to n 9 L Montana City Hold. Record. Miles City, Montana, holda the rec­ ord for variation In temperature. The highest temperature recorded there la 111 deg., which Is within 8 deg. of the highest recorded In the United States. Miles City's lowest mark has been #T deg. below zero, which Is truly arctic. The range between these two ex­ treme« la 178 deg. which Is a record. Australian Rabbit Industry. In many towns rabbit killing and freezing and prepar’ng the skins for export is a growing asset of great value, especially during the winter season, when It enables men who have no other occupation to make a good living and mend considerable money at the opnntrv stores. — -------------------------------- .... K O D A K S ^ dp p K l T e s W r ite fo r catalogruea and lite r a tu r e . D ev eloping an d p rin tin g - Mail o rd e rs g iv e n p ro m p t a tte n tio n Sarsaparilla Eradicates scrofula and all other humors, cures all their effects, makes the blood rich and abundant, strengthens all the vital organs. Take it. Get It today in usual liquid form or chocolated tablet* called S a r s a ta b s . A Doubtful Member. IB Miss Wood's kindergarten etas, there were eight pupils, four girls anf four boya One of the boys, however had not yet reached the estate of kilts not to menUon trousers. Acc.sdlngly when little Susan Phelps was asked b) a visitor to tell how many boys an i how many glrla there -were, her coa fused reaaonlng went aa follows: "There's eight, one, two, three, four Bve, six, seven, eight, Mlsa Elliott,” sht replied. "And If he’s a girl”—eb> pointed at one who wore dresses In stead of manly garb—“why, there’i five glrla, and one. two, three boya But If ahe's a boy, tbere'a one, two three, four glrla, and one, two—foul boya She's really a hoy, you know Mlsa Elliot," she confided. In condo ■*kML— Youth's ComDanlon. Hereditary Instinct. When baby turn» away from the amiable visitor who Is trying to make I friends, and rushes to mother and buries his face In her eklrta he Is do­ ing exactly what It was wise for chll- dred to do In the ancient forest, when stranger and danger were the same thing, and not Just rhymes as they are now. F o r tla n d P h o to S u p p ly Co. 149 T h ird S t r e e t PO RTLA N D . ORE. Tents, Awnings, Sails Cols, Hammocks, Canvas and Covers 1 o r 1,000 a t fa c to r v n r ic e s. P A C IF IC T E N T A N D A W N IN G C O 27 N . F ir s t S t .. P o rtla n d . O r They won the grand prize for Roses at the Seattle Eiposit Tkey are planted in Portland's most beautiful gardens, plants by express. Send postal for catalogue today. THE SIBS0N ROSE NURSERIES, UNO C. Milwaukie Avenue. Portland, 0 K BY MURINE EYE REMED ’V For Red, Weak, Weary, Watery Eyes and :T G R A N U L A T E D E Y E L ID S Murine Doesn 't Smart—Soothes Eye Pair Drncgists Soil Murine Eye Remedy, Liquid, 25c, 50c, $1.0t M u rin e E y e S a l v e , in A s e p t ic T u b e s , 2 5 c , $ 1 .0 ( EYE B O O K S A N D A D V I C E F R E E B Y M A I I M u r in e E y e R e m e d y C o .,C h ic a j2C ••FILL Y O U R O W N T E E T H ” F IL L -O I f you h av e a c h in g te e th or c a v itie s and you a t* too n e rv o u s fo r th e d e n ta l ord eal, t r y F ill-O , t h l hom e d e n tis t. A t d r u g g is ts o r by m a il 25c. FILL-0 MFC CO.. 351 Eapirc Bid*-. Seattle. Wask B lu m a e r-F r a n k D ru g Co., d is tr ib u to rs fo r O reg oe Milwaukee.—Every night St the boui of 12, Milton Wilson and hla wife, Claredone (colored), would steal oul Into the back yard, dig up the twe "charms" they had burled, breathe oc them with a breath first made preg nant by a swallow of brandy, and that plant them again. These “charms,” which consisted ol two small hugs filled with sand, they had purchased from a spiritualist al one dollar apiece, and under favorable conditions were guaranteed to ward off evil spirits, take the kinks out ol wooly hair, brings good luck and pre vent the police from arresting the po» seaaor. To such wondrous heights did the Imagination of Wilson and hla wife Boar over these “charms,” that the In terrtng and exhuming of them be­ came part of their religion and wai conducted with great solemnity every night. Hut the other night trouble started at the power plant where the '■charm" la sent from. When Wilson went to dig up his bag. It had disappeared. He returned to the house In a rage and there sat Mrs. Wilson admiring hei "charm” with consuming fascination. That made Wilson so angry that he gave her a kick In the face, and sent her sprawling on the floor. Then the hoodoo busted. In rushed a patrol man and placed both under arrest. In police court Wilson begged to explain His story was such a good one the judge and court attaches could hardly keep from roaring with laughter. "Dat man what sold me des hers bags was surely some spiritualist,' Wilson said. "Why, Judge, you Jet ought to see him make dem thing, dance around and move furniture and stuff without never touching It,” Wilson became so excited In his ex plunatlon that he dropped his precloue "charm” and It went rolling across the Judge's desk and onto the floor. Wil­ son became almost desperate In hit effort to get possession of It again. “I sure am going to open that bag and see what am In It," he said tc the Judge, In a manner of one volun teerlng to undergo some gigantic and dangerous task. Wilson had taken away his wife's "charm” and brought It Into court with him. “You are fined ten dollars and costs,” Judge Neelan said. Then he added: "You see, the charm didn’t bring you much luck." "Now I sure will open that charm," said Wilson, partially convinced that Its wondrous spell had been de­ stroyed. Sentence waa suspended on Mrs, Wilson. - ho went Immediately to the Clerk's oflloo and ^ald her husband’f fine. F I N a E BROS. 183 M adison S t . P ortland , O regon F M B 5 H Ì P S P ortland ,O regon . Compare Our Prices _______P H abita o sitiv ely Cared. " • ---- 1 » ; O nly authorized Keel«' _______ ______ r e u o n . W r— fo r iilu b tratad c ir c u la r. KEELEY IMSTI i UÍL 7 1 1.11THN. W ith those you h a r e been in th e h a b it o f paving. ,n«i yon wilt oee th a t we o ffer you a su b stan tial »av- n g o n a ll work and you can n o t g et b e tte r painless Work anyw here, no m a tter how m u ch you pay. | W e fin ish p late and bridge work fo r out* o f - tow n p a tro n s in o n e day I f desired. P a in le ss e x tra ctio n fr e e when plates o r bridge work is o rd er­ ed. Consultation free. f I Molar Crowns $5,1 | 2 2 k B r id ,.T M ■ Gold Flllinwa | Enam.l Filling« I Silvor Fillings ■ Good Rubber I Pistes tt i4 .L 1 .0 1 1 .0 0 .5 0 _ AA 5 .0 0 ■ Best Red Rubber _ | A D w o r k f u lly Plates 7 .5 0 Palnl.M Eatr'tlon .5 0 B I S T HRTHODS g u a ra n te e d f o r fif te e n y e a rs. W ise D en tal C o . , m c . P a in le ss D en tists F.nhtf Bulldlni. Third and Wlahlnzton PORTLAND, M L Office H oar.: S A. M. to 8 P. U Sunday». 9 to 1 F o r t h e A m b i t i o n s — SQ U IRRELS GNAW THE CABLES 1 3 ® n to e rs ttp e d u c a tio n ] Little Animals Often “Knock Out" Many of the Telephones In Des Molnea. b y mail fo r th o s e w h o ca n n o t a tte n d in p e rso n . A ll in s tr u c tio n , in c lu d in g fin al I F o r te a c h e r s , I e x a m in a tio n s, is FREE. stu d e n ts p re p a rin g fo r co lle g e or u n i t «m l J t y . w o m en ’s c lu b s , g ran g e s, e n ^ n e o r s and J ho m e m a k e rs . N o p re lim in a ry e x a m in a -1 tio n Is r e q u ire d . T h i s m a il co u r se m e an s I o p p o rtu n ity fo r y ou . " Bond to r a descriptive b u lle tin to the I feel it my duty to furnish you with my testimonial as to what your remedy Swamp-Root did for me when I was a physical wreck from kidney and bladder trouble. Some years ago I was not able to do any work and could only just creep around, and am satisfied that had it not been for Dr. Kilmer's Swamp- Root I would not have lived. A fter using the preparation for one month I was able to work some and when i had used 83.00 worth of Swamp-Root i could do a good day’s work. I used about 810.00 worth altogether and would not take 810,000 for the good that it d-d me. I consider it a Goa-send to Butter­ ing humanity for the diseases for which you recommend it and have recommend­ ed it to many sufferers. H. L. HUGGINS, Welch, Ark. Personally appeared before me this 20th of September, 1909, H. L. Hug­ gins, who subscribed the above state­ ment and made oath that the same is true in substance and in fact. L .tt« r to Dr X llm .r A Co. W - A . P a g e , J. P. B in g h a m to n , N V. Faaehtatlng Forty-Five. a typical, well-preeerved. wefl-edw- eated woman of tha present day who confesses to forty, bat whoss hssrt and oomplsxlou are both as fresh aa If at least ten yean younger, has a keener zest for Ilfs than many a wom­ an only half her age. Perfeotly groomed, exquisitely polished In style and manner, aha Is a thing of beauty tn a very real souse of the word, and she knows her powers— Gentlewoman. The ”Toothbrueh Plant." One of the moat curious plants tn the world Is wbat U called the tooth­ brush plant of Jamaica. It la a species of creeper, and has nothing striking about Its appearance. By cutting pieces of It to a suitable length and fraying the ends, tha natives convert It into a tooth-brush; and a tooth pow­ der to accompany the use of the brush la also prepared by pulverizing tha drlad stems. Wasted Tima. At present too much leisure time Is spent In search of that knowledge which means anything that In Interest. Ing—especially hobbles.—Exchange. Prove What Swamp-Root Will Do Tor You Send to Dr. Kilmer & Co., Bingham­ ton, N. Y ., for a sample bottle. I t will convince anyone. You will also receive a booklet of valuable information, tell­ ing all about the kidneys and bladder. When writing, be sure and mention this paper. For sale at all drug stores. Price flfty-cents and one-dollar. ] ust a «• v n *-*-*•- - —........ —----- — Sh erm an C o. ESTABLISHED 40 YEARS SIXTH, AT MORRISON ST., PORTLAND, OR. We want you to try this Plano IN YOUR We want you to try it at our expense because— At the end of thirty days the Plano ITSELF will convince you of the following facta: I t ’a the best value on earth for the price (8275). It's MUSICALLY and MECHANICALLY right 1 We know there i* so much real value in this Wellington Piano—we’re selling for 8276—on easy payments —that we’re willing to let it be IT'S OWN SALESMAN. It will tell iTs own story to you —in your home—if you’ll send us the coupon. ’ v3 HOME FREE. Please sene me lull particulars concerning this unusual Piano offer. Name .................................................... Address. LAMP UPSET; TWO MEN LOSE LIVES ROOMERS SUFFOCATED WHEN FIRE CAUSES $20,000 LOSS AT 411 WASHINGTON. T h e a c c id e n ta l o v ertu rn in g : o f a lam p in t h e sto rero o m o f E . H . M oo reho use & C om ­ p a n y ’s e s ta b lis h m e n t, 411 W a sh in g to n s t r e e t , r e s u lte d la s t n ig h t in t h e d e a th o f tw o m en and t h e d e s tru c tio n o f a p p r o x i­ m a te ly $20,000 w o rth o f p r o p e r ty . (News item In Evening T eleg ram , Ootober ft. 1910.) PROTECT YOUR LIFE AND PROPERTY I f lam p is u p se t, d rep p e d , o r m e e ts w ith a n a c c id e n t o f an y k in d , t h e a u to m a tic e x ­ tin g u is h e r on o u r s a f e ty b u rn e r clo se s in ­ s t a n t ly . p u ttin g o u t th e flam e, th u s p r e ­ v en tin g: fir e and e x p lo sio n . A g e n ts w a n t­ ed fo r open te r r ito r y . S e n d 25 e ta . f o r sa m p le . U. S. SAFETY LAMP BURNER CO. Prlcaless Ratio Found. The first original description of America ever written baa Juat been discovered. It waa penened by Dr. Diego Alvarez Chanca, physician to the second fleet of Columbus, and was dated at the Port of Isabella. Santo Domingo, In January, 1494. Dr. Fer­ nandez de Ybarra, of the New York Academy ot Sciences, with the Smith­ sonian Institution of Washington, aid­ ing and abetting, uncovered the docu­ ments. A nd N e ith e r M e a n e I t A man who haa kept accurate says that of ten men you meet will say something disagreeable, ntne out ten woman will eay thing agreeable. A TRIP TO portland ^ oregon ! 8tar of the Evening. Hesperus, golden lamp of the lovely daughter of the foam, dear Hesperus, sacred Jewel of the deep blue night, dimmer aa much than the moon, as thou art among the stars pre-eminent, hall, friend, and as I lead the revel to the shepherd's hut. In place of th* moonlight lend me thine, for to-day the moon began her course, and too early she sank. I go not freebootlng. not to lie in wait tor the benighted traveler, but a lover am I, and tlfi well to favor lovers.—Dion, transla­ tion of Andrew Lang. count eight Uncertain. while Oar climate la a series of eurpriaen. some­ and among our many prognostics of the weather, the only trustworthy on* that I know le that when It 1* warm. Is a sign that It la going to bo PORTLAND FR EE It cold.—R. W. Emerson. CUT RATES IN PAINLESS DENTISTRY P a i n le s s E x t r a c t i o n ..........F r e e S i lv e r F i l l i n g « ...........................30c G old F illin g « ............................... 75c 22 K . G old C r o w n e .................... $3 1 J F P o r c e la in C r o w n s .................... $3 ur f M o la r G old C r o w n s ...................$4 ♦ # B r id g e W o r k , 22 K . G o ld . . .93 I n la y F ills , P u r e G o l d ............$2 V e r y N ic e R u b b e r P l a t e ____94 B e a t R u b b e r P l a t e o n E a r t h ........... •........................... 97 A L L T H I S W O R K IS G U A R A N T 1 2 F .D . D o n ’t th ro w y o u r m o ney a w a y . A d o lla r sav ed ia tw o d o lla i’8 e a rn e d . O u r o r ig in a l re lia b le M od ern P a in le s s M eth o d s an d o u r p e r fe c t e d o ffice e q u ip ­ m e n t s a v e s u s tim e an d y o u r m o n ey . 909T 0N DENTISTS. 5th SI M orrison, P ortlan d ■entrance 291H Morrison, opposite pogtoffice and Meirr A Prank. Eatabli»hed in Portland 10 years. Open ereulnr* until 8 and Sundays until 12 >30. for people who work. Cured in Three Days "The N eal T J ~ L . ’ l Cured M e” 1 1 U O i l D r in k N o H y p o d e r m ic I n fe c tio n s . Y ou c a n ta k e th ia tr e a tm e n t a t th e I n e tltu te o r y ou r hom e, and y ou r m oney will bo retu rn e d i f a p e r fe c t c u re is n o t a ffe c te d . In v e s tig a te th ia. it will only ta k e a few m om enta to p h o n e un fo r in fo rm a tio n . P erso n al and fin an cial r e fe r e n c e on a p p lic a tio n . F o r fu ll in fo r m a ­ tion. phone, w rite or c a ll a t th e N E A L I N S T I T U T E Phone. Marshall 2400 \3 5 4 Hall St P O R TLA ND. O R E .J HGGEST GAME LARGE AUTOLOADING RIFLE Five one-ton »hot*! A» quick as you can pull the trigger and as ttraight to the m ark as you can look. Meeting a " big 'un ' with this gun is like shooting a hole in s ham from the inside— and if the first ball shouldn't stop him, he can’t gain a yard before he gets it again. Remiigton Autoloading Rifle— solid breech, hammerless— ejects, reloads and cocks by recoil without the loss of an ounce of muzzle energy. T h e only automatic rifle which locks the cartridge, in the chamber. Safest and best of big guns. M k I c m 2 S . J O - 3 0 , .3 2 t a d C u r-- 3 5 R e m n q to a c a ii b m . * T h a G a o tc * th a g u n * I B ip e d * a l * n y d e a le n . -Camt Uw$tm I t l t " mmUJfrm. T H E R E M IN G T O N A R M S C O M P A N Y . X «— ° T ' «— B r u. J w a v , N asr Y m k O t r Fishing. V s Ml 11 contend the* tí S mea v en ts reell 7 good fishing be oen only the raúway told- HATS AND C Gee Wo RELIGION Judicial Innovation. Washington Post. I f monkeys know insane people when they see them, why wouldn’t it be a London.—Pointed remarks on the good idea to employ monkeys as ex­ large hats worn In church are made perts in brainstorm murder trials? by the vicar of Walsall, Rev. A. Patce, " A ll the world loves a lover.” " S o In a letter In his parish magtxlna. I ’ve heard.” " B u t why?” “ Because He quotes the apostolic Injunction everybody enjoys a jo k e.” —Cleveland that “all things should be done de­ Leader. cently and In order.” and continues: ” We are making great strides, ” says “Any habit or fashion which ts liable to cause great Irreverence or Incon­ an English suffragette. I t is evident venience to our fellow worshipers Is a that th e; don’t wear the hobble skirt Itrect Infringement of this Injunction. over there.— Buffalo Express. "Such a habit or fashion a* the wear­ A m b itio n . ing of large hats by so many women Ambition causes a fool tc jump to and girls In the congregation. Com­ plaints are frequently made by suffer­ .he moon and fall In the mud.—Chi ers that they can se neither the altar ¿ago News. »or the preacher; nothing hut eo- D e fin e d . centric hat brims, crowns and trim­ WUlte— Pa, what are ''conversational mings.” powers?" P *—South American repub­ lics.—Puck.______________ Not Toe IntallaotuaL H e r e d it y . "W hat is Miss Otarda Oertrude'» "Do yon believe In heredity?" neo tal attitude?” "Certainly. I know a barber who "Sentim ental." haa t h r e e l i t t l e sharer*." London Rector Classes Wearing of Them In Church aa Positively “Indecent." Tlx Chinese Doctor T h ia w o n d e fu l m an h a a m ad e a lif e s tu d y o f t h e ro p e r tie a o f R o o ta . te rb a a n d B a r k « , a n d 1« g iv in g t h e w orld t h e b e n e fit o f hia se r v ic e « . relkti&üan 6 The Drink Delightful Nature ha* blended the pineapple'* con­ stituents so perfectly that this pure juice, bottled in Haw aii, needs no added sugar or other assistance to increase its delight to the It’s a fine drink, a healthful drink, an all-the-year-found drink. T h e rough throats of winter and the delicate itomachs ol the cold season are peculiarly in need of ju^ this delightful appetizer from tropical Hawaii. D rink H Pure | N o M errurv. Poteona [ or D r u g s Used. N o | O peration s o r Cattin g G u a r a n te e s t o e u r o C a t a r r h . A s th m a , L u n g . S to m a c h a n d K id n e y tr o u b le s , a n d a ll P r iv a t e sea o f M n and W om en. A SU R E CAN CER CURE J u a t r e c e iv e d fr o m P e k in , C h in a s a f e , a u r a a n d r e lia b le . U ..f a ilin g in I t s w o rk s. I f you c a n n o t c a l l w r it « f o r sy m p to m b la n k a n d c ir c u la r . In e lo a e 4 c e n t s in sU unp*. C O N SU L T A T IO N rUCC Th« C. Gee Wo Medicine Co. II Is P ure WHan druegiffs and grocer« Haven’t Dole'« Pure Hawaiian Pineapple Juice, tend ut their name* aad get a ueeful booklet. P N U No* d S -M S FADELESS DYES H A W A IIA N P IN E A P P L E PR O D U C T S C O , ltd. l i t llarhet Street San Pranrtace. Cet PUTNAM