CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK I DRIVERS REFUSE AGREEMENT O ffer ot New E x p ress Com panies C om es to Naught. INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE FIR S T BLIZZARD H IT S EAST. Snow , S leet and High W inds Tie Up Atlantic C o ast. New Y ork — R ushing in from the ocean, one of the h eaviest fall bliz­ zards of years struck the A tlantic se a ­ board, piling snow and sleet upon New York, Philadelphia, B altim ore, W ash­ ington and interm ediate points, te a r­ ing down telegraph and telephone w ires and delaying trains. The e n tire coast north of B altim ore is covered w ith a thick blanket of soggy, w et snow. T elegraph w ires were broken down so badly by the sleet th a t the telegraph com panies re ­ ported th a t they were g e ttin g commer­ cial m essages through only a t a g re at effort and a t a cost of considerable delay. The storm was the m ost severe about B altim ore and W ashington, all w ires being reported down betw een these two cities. In E astern Pennsylvania com m unciation w ith Chicago could be obtained only by way of Boston. T rains w ere delayed everyw here and some of th e trolley lines had to give up all a tte m p ts a t m aintaining reg u lar schedules. ; W ashington com m unicated only In­ te rm itte n tly w ith the re s t of the world. W ires w ere blown in all directions by a w hirling m ixture of snow and rain, which sw ept over the city all night. There is no com m unication w hatever betw een the national capital and points to the north, and in o ther directions w ire service is alm ost as bad. BRITISH WIN SPEED PRIZE I New York, Nov. 7.—The most ser- PORTAGE NEARLY READY. FESTIVA L DATE SE T . I ioua rioting th a t has y et m arked the ' strik e of express drivers and helpers, culm inating in the shooting of a strik ­ Com pletion o f Road By End o f N o­ P o rtla n d ’s >011 Flow er Show Will Be ing driver by a guard on a wagon, took vem ber E xpected. J u n e 6 to 10. place tonight, following an abrupt The D alles— Work ha* been begun P ortland—The F ifth Annual Rose term ination of negotiation* between by the S ta te P ortage commission on F e stiv al will be held during the week the men and the companies. The situation tonight is regarded as the inclines and bulkheads of the sta te beginning Ju n e 5, 1911. G eneral R esum e o f Im portant Event* | increasingly serious, with added possi­ portage road, which is to end a t the Frenchm an In M onoplans W as M ak­ T his decision has been reached by ing B etter Tim e. But Met With bility of a sym pathetic walkout foot of W ashington stre e t in th is city. the executive com m ittee of the Rose P re se n te d In C ondensed Form throughout the city of all team sters Bad Sm ashup. fo r O u r Busy R ead ers. The second week of June The roadbed, which is built on the F estiv al. ; and allied organizations. P e ter Roach, a strik in g driver, the low-lying bank of the riv e r north of was accepted as being the logical and victim of today’s rioting, was shot town, is being heavily riprapped for natu ral one for finding the “ Queen of New York—Claude G raham e-W hite, Spain has begun the building of a through the body d uring an attack by h alf a m ile from the term inus, and F low ers” a t her best. flying fo r th e Royal Aero cluh of the a mob on an Adams express wagon. modern navy. th is work is nearly finished. A pile- D eference in the selection of dates U nited Kingdom, lifted the Gordon The last rite s w ere adm inistered to The population of Iowa has decreased him by a priest in a drugstore and he driv er has been erected, and workmen was made to the Portland Rose Society B e n n ettt international speed trophy in the past ten years. was hurried to a hospital, w here his have begun to put down the piling which holds its annual rose exposition from the custody of A m erica in the Roosevelt tells Ohioans th a t th eir condition was reported critical. north of the track . On th is will be so th a t the show featu res of the expo­ fa ste s t tim e ev er covered in the full platform m akers are away behind the John Perry, a guard on the wagon, nailed heavy planking to prevent the sitio n m ight be properly and fittingly distance of 100 kilom eters, (62.14 tim es. was also injured, and according to the m iles) around a five-kilom eter course. He high w ater and w aves and ice of the tim ed w ith th e mid-season of rose The Chicago T ribune predicts th at police, adm itted the shooting. Columbia from tea rin g out the riprap- blooms. H is average speed was a fraction D em ocrats will control the next house fired a fte r he had been hit in the face by a stone hurled by Roach. Roach ping. N ext year, the grand celebration b e tte r than 61 m iles an hour, and his of representatives. denied any p a rt in the riot. famous The bridge across Five Mile a t Seu- which has m ade Portland fa ste s t lap w as 2 m inutes 55.77 sec­ Auto dealers of the Coast will en­ The term ination of negotiations was throughout the country will be pre­ f e rt's is nearly finished. onds, but the captain of the French deavor to have s tric t law s passed precipitated by a le tte r to Mayor Gay- pared on a scale of g re ater m agnifi­ The only thing now holding back the cence and elaborateness than any o f a g ain st " jo y rid in g ." nor by the companies sta tin g th a t the team , A lfred LeBlanc, flying in a The A rm our G rain company is said only condition upon which they would completion of the road to B ig Eddy is those th a t have gone before. It* is to sim ila r m achine, a 100-horse power to have cleared $1,000,000 in one week tak e back the strik e rs was by individ­ the half bridge, about 100 fe e t in be the only g re a t exposition held on B lériot monoplane, „was m aking each ual application not late r than today. None of by gam bling in w heat. length, which is to be built a t th a t the Pacific C oast in 1911. Re-em ployment in th eir old position* the big cities on the Sunset slope has A general sym pathetic strik e is a t form er wages was promised, “ w ith­ point to connect w ith the road built devised any so rt of en tertain m en t th a t likely to be the clim ax o f the New out discrim ination ag ain st any of them some tim e ago from Celilo to Big w ill prove an a ttra c tio n to the tran s­ York express d riv ers’ strik e. because of having left the se rv ice .’’ Eddy. T his work is w a itin g for the continental to u rist traffic for next y ear C H IN E S E C U T S H IS QU EU E. The companies also agreed, as soon O. R. & N. company to sh ift from its j th a t w ill in any sense compare w ith Serious rio tin g attends the strik e of the Rose fe stiv a l of Portland. New York express drivers, and one as work was resum ed, to confer with th e ir employes in an endeavor to affect old line to the new roadbed now being This situ atio n has made stro n g ap­ Walla Walla O rientals Obeying O rd e r s trik e r was shot and badly wounded. built. T his probably will be done th is peal to the g re a t railroad trunk lines o f F ar-O ff E m p ero r. a settlem ent of w ages and hours. Chicago garm ent w orkers repudiated These term s w ere rejected by the week and the whole of the portage of the country and they have already W alla W alla—Obeying the command agreem ents made by th e ir president strik e leaders w ithout even formal road will be completed by the end of asked th e ir representatives in the of his em peror, m iles away across the w ith leading clothing m anufacturers. consideration. Novem ber, so th a t fre ig h t will be N orthw est and on the Pacific Coast to seas. Shoo Fly, the best known C hina­ A straw ballot shows more than 20 “ Now it is a case of fight—a case of tak e full cognizance of the fa c t and m oving over the whole length of the m ake reports on the m atter in full m an in the W alla W alla valley, has per cent of the nom inees for congress fight until we w in,” said W. A. Ash­ cut off his queue. For 40 years he has on all tic k e ts are in favor of woman ton, general organizer of the Team­ line before Ja n u a ry 1. and as soon as possible. worn his glossy braid, som etim e sw ing­ suffrage. s te rs ’ union. ing behind him as he walked, but more W ith the ending of negotiations, often coiled tig h tly about his head. A complete combine h arv ester has FISH LADDERS NEED REPAIR. S tra w b e rrie s Grow Now. talk among the strik e rs im m ediately been shipped to A rgentine Republic, M e d fjrd — S traw berries in Novem­ The exam ple se t by Shoo Fly ia being and a crew of A m ericans accompany­ centered upon a general walk-out. Salm on Have Difficulty A scending C e ­ ber affords another advertising fe a tu re followed by others of the Chinese here, Such action, it w as said, would call ing it will show A rgentine w heat ra is­ for the Rogue R iver valley. J . B. and i t is said th a t only a few of the lilo and O regon City Falls. out 100,000 men. ers the la te st m ethods in harvesting. Stevens, of Tolo, brought several picturesque head dressings rem ain in The jo in t executive com m ittee of A storia—Secretary L orntsen, of the c rates of straw b erries to Medford. the city. All are to go, say those New York experss companies flatly the union, it was said tonight, will Columbia R iver F isherm en’s P rotec­ refuse to a rb itra te the question of a m eet tomorrow to consider the m atter. tive union, has received a le tte r from The vines on Mr. S tevens’ ranch have who can talk E nglish, and while not all have complied w ith the order, “ closed sh o p ." A m eeting of chauffeurs and cabdrivera S ta te Fish W arden Clanton, in which been bearing continuously since last which perm its the c u ttin g of the hair, A pril and are still in bloom and full of W A L T E R B R O O K IN S F ire destroyed two large " f ir e ­ unions w as also called for tomorrow. Mr. Lorntsen is invited to go w ith the berries. From less than a q u a rte r of all are expected to do so as soon as fish warden and m ake an investigation an acre of land he has sold over $300 they become a little m ore used to the O n e o f th e le a d in g d riv e r s In th e r e c e n t a v ia tio n proof” blocks in Philadelphia, together m e e t a t N ew Y ork. w ith three residences. W alla W alla has a large TRAINS COLLIDE; EIGHT DEAD relativ e to the fishways needed a t the w orth of straw b erries, a t prices from custom . Oregon City falls and a t Celilo. 10 to 15 cents a box. The land on Chinese q u a rte r, ow ing to th e m any lap on an average of 20 seconds fa s te r There are prospects th a t the govern­ A fish way was constructed some m ent may recover coal lands in A laska E astbound Apple T rain and W est­ years ago a t Oregon C ity, but it does which the b erries are raised lies in the gardens near here, and m eetings dis­ than G raham e-W hite, and would have foothills, and w as arid until irrig a ted . cussing the new est e d ict have been won the cup if he had not m et w ith a valued a t $200,000,000. bound Freight Meet in C ut. not appear to give sa tisfac tio n in its frequently held of late. By popular disastrous accident in his last lap when Five men and two women w ere present condition, and on a recent v isit decision, the Chinam en, m ost of whom he had the race seem m eingly well in O klahom an Buys Land. Spokane, W ash.— E ig h t are known to th ere Mr. Lorntsen counted 40 salmon hurled nearly across the Ohio riv e r by The D alles— Through a recent real are becom ing q uite m odernized, have hand. be dead and four known to be more or which had perished while try in g to g e t the bursting of a big steam er boiler. e sta te tra n sfe r. Dr. Bowling, of O kla­ decided to drop the ancient custom. less seriously injured as a re su lt of LeB lanc’s first lap w as a new w orld’s over the falls. How ever, it is stated Two Indiana nominees for ju stice of' one of the m ost disastrous fre ig h t homa, purchased two tra c ts of real es­ record in its e lf for five kilom eters, 2 th a t a sm all amount of work will place the peace strongly recommend each w recks in the history of the G reat ta te . One w as bought a few m onths PARLIAM ENT IS CALLED. m inutes and 45.63 seconds, b u t he sub­ o ther fo r the office, as neither one N orthern railroad, near Chattaroy, the fish way in condition to afford an ago from John Boyd, a K entucky man sequently exceeded it w ith a lap done easy passage way for the fish to the who cam e here three m onths ago. He C hinese E m p e ro r Issu es D ecree F or in 2 m inutes 44.32 Beconds. w ants it. W ash. The wreck was the re su lt of upper river. cleared more th an 100 per cen t on his L eBlance was running w ith the In accordance w ith a royal edict, head-on collision around a sharp curve 1913 M eeting. A t Celilo the condition is much more wind under full power a t an estim ated the e n tire Chinese consular force in in a deep cut, fa irly a t the bottom of com plicated, and it may be necessary investm ent. The other w as 18 acres P e k in — An official decree was issued speed of 80 m iles an hour, when the San Francisco have discarded their two steep grades. Two heavily-loaded to blast a fish way out o f the solid tw o m iles out o f the city on th e Mill tra in s running a t an exceptional rate rock, so th a t a few a t le a st of the early Creek road. D r. Bowling paid $450 announcing th a t an im perial p a rlia ­ feed pipe from his gasoline tan k to his queues and adopted Am erican dress. an acre for 12 acres w ith cherry and m ent, the first in the history of China, m otor loosened and he suddenly found of speed combined alm ost every condi­ A general strik e has been declared tion possible to m ake the im pact so salmon, which reach th a t point, may peach orchards in bearing. would be convened in 1913. him self w ith nothing but m omentum be able to ascend to the natural in Catalonia, Spain, and will extend disastrous. T his is a concession to the dem ands to carry him . spaw ning grounds. throughout the em pire w ithin a week. T im b e r 1 ract S old. of the recently constituted senate and Traffic on the m ain line of the G reat I t is a p eculiarity o f ra cin g aero­ I t is believed to be the first move in N orthern will have to be suspended A storia—-An agreem ent w as filed for delegations of the provincial assem ­ planes th a t they are trim m ed down so REALTY DEALS FR EQ U EN T. the revolution. from 40 to 48 hours. The wreckage record whereby the W estern Cooper­ blies. The program fixed by the late fine they cannot execute a proper vol­ age company buys a tr a c t of tim b e r em press dow ager provided for the a s­ plane, or glide, if the gasoline shuts off. A terriffic surf, unaccompanied by will hardly be removed and the line Farm Land About M edford Brings land from A ustin Osburn and W. R. sem bling of an im perial parliam ent in They m ust come to e a rth under power, wind or any o ther disturbance, sw ept cleared before th a t tim e. M ore than SI,OOO An A cre. T rain No. 451, running on its reg­ Chisholm for $16,000. The p roperty 1915, but until recently the throne had and even then they bump severely on up the beach a t Nome and flooded the stre ets and basem ents of the city, do­ u la r schedule, westbound, collided w ith Medford—C ity real e sta te in Med­ is in sections 25, 30 and 31, tow nship refused to e n te rta in p etitions praying landing. LeBlance was helpless and The de­ panic-stricken. He tried to lift his the “ apple e x tra ,” eastbound, running ford is m oving lively. W. T. York & 7 north, range 8 w est, and is in the th a t th e date be advanced. ing much damage. on a fa st schedule of five hours be­ Co. rep o rt 13 sales of city lots and C latskanie riv e r d istric t, w here the cree se ts forth th a t the parliam ent planes so th a t the la st few drops of An Indian horse trad e r sold a mule tw een H illyard, W ash., and Troy, sm all tra c ts of land in the vicinity of A storia Southern R ailw ay company is w ill be convened in th ree years. gasoline m ight filter down into the en­ for a “ shaved-tail” horse, and was un­ Mont. The police w ent from house to house gine and lend him stre n g th to m ake a T rain No. 451 was loaded days. Forty-one constructing its line of railroad. able to stop laughing over the joke. w ith paints, oils, Borne fu rn itu re and Medford in four inform ing the occupants of the edict. landing. A fte r laughing several hours he was some livestock, much of i t extrem ely acres of orchard land in the Willow P resently the dragon banner and paper H is ste e ra g e way was gone, and PORTLAND M A RK ETS. given a strong electric shock, which inflammable m aterial and considerably Springs d istric t w ere Bold for $45,000, lanterns appeared above every door. when a puff of wind cau g h t him he quieted him, and next day he was as lig h ter than the apple e x tra , which F rank Tom pkins purchasing th e ranch Beyond th is there was no public m ani­ d rifte d sideways, still driv in g a t tre ­ from A. T. Reunells. W. A. Stone, of well as ever. W heat—Track p rice s: B luestem , festatio n over the m omentous news. carried, besides fru it, heavy loads of Verm ont, bought 35.65 acres between mendous speed, and crashed head fore­ 80(^©15c; ducks, w hite, 16c; geese, F o rt Stevens, O re., during one week. summoned from Spokane, 21 miles C harles K . H am ilton, of th e A m eri­ th a t the strik in g women are anxious to cost $15,000 have ju s t been let. 1 l i e ; turkeys, live, 20c; dressed, 24 T here are not over 100 fam ilies in the away, could s ta rt a stream of w ater on can team , was enthusiastic. to su b m it th e ir grievances to a rb tra - Sixteen sm all cottages, e ig h t larg er j @25; squabs, $2 per dozen. town. the ruins. “ LeBlanc is the b est trac k driv er in cottages and a public school building ■ E ggs—Oregon ranch, candled, 40c, tion and th a t she believed the strik e the w orld,” he said. “ The way he An Illinois farm er aged 82 years would be settled w ithin a few days. are included in the contracL current, receipts, 88c; E aste rn , 30© took those turns was a m arvel. G ra­ D eer Lined Up fo r C zar. eloped w ith a woman of 48. The farm ­ W. B. Mummey was aw arded the 32c per d >z. ham e-W hite would never have been in B erlin— Em peror Nicholas " h u n t­ contract to build the 16 sm all cottages. e r ’s son, aged 60, objected to the m ar­ B u tte r—City cream ery, solid pack, T etan u s Patient Saved. it except fo r LeB lanc’s accident, and ed” in Em peror W illiam ’s new game Buley & A pplew hite got the e ig h t riage. 36c per pound; prints, 3701.37>4c; out­ San F rancisco — According to the no A m erican m achine had a chance preserve near O ranienburg, 26 miles larger cottages and J . R. Cbezem the S eattle food inspectors have con­ side cream ery, 35© 36c; b u tte r fa t, la te st re p o rts from Lane hospital, Ma w ith him . I am going to throw my northeast of Potsdam . A battallion of public school building. Each of the 36c; country store, 24@25e. demned several tons o f turkeys, crabs, Sing, a Chinese who was taken to the m achine into the scrap heap and buy a soldiers w ith fo resters had been en- contractors w ill a t once begin work lobsters and sm elt which were being P ork—Fancy, 12©12>4C Pe r pound. hospital suffering from tetanus, has a B lériot before I leave th is trac k . The gagchd for some days in assem blnig and expect to have the buildings com­ kept in cold sto ra g e fo r the holiday V eal—Fancy, 85 to 125 pounds, 12>4 good chance to recover, qwing to the biplane is out of date and we m ight as some 1,500 deer, hare and other four- pleted before the heavy ra in s se t in. trade. Oil3c per pound. heroic tre a tm e n t given him a t the well adm it i t . ” footed gam e w ithin an enclosure, and In addition to these buildings, there Apples — K ing, 76c@ $l per box; Em ergency hospital. The case is one The chief signal officer of the U n it­ the anim als w ere driven out past a are in course of construction for the W olf River, $75@ll; W axen, 85c© of the m ost difficult ev er handled a t an ed S tates has asked the W ar d e p a rt­ line of platform s encircled by pine company six cottages th a t are still Explosion Injures Seventeen. m ent for 20 m ilita ry aeroplanes to be branches and upon which the royal larg er than any of the others, costing $1.25; Baldwin, $l@)l-50; N orthern em ergency hospital, and the m an’u re San F rancisco—Seventeen persons Spy, $ 1.26@1.57; Snow, $1.25© 1.50; covery is largely due to the labors of used in practice and instruction of p a rty and 2 o ther court hunters had $1,000 each, the lodging house costing were severely h u rt in an explosion taken positions, ready for the killing. about $6,000 and the e a tin g bouse cost­ Spitzenberg, $1.2501.2; W in ter Ban­ the surgeons and stew ards of th a t in­ from a fire in an a p artm e n t house in troops. ana, $1.75013.50. stitu tio n . O ver $30 worth of tetanus E m peror Nicholas had the first shot. Four o f the num ber ing $3,200. These buildngs are all to Green F ru its—Pears, $1.25@2 per serum was used on the p a tie n t, and the Ellis s tre e t. Many pitched b a ttles w ere fought replace those destroyed in the recent box; grapes, $ 1@1.35 per box; 17>4e actual tre a tm e n t took over four hours. were new spaper men and the others between prospective se ttle rs a t the Biplane W recked on "J o y Ride.” I were m em bers of the fire departm ent. fo rest fire th a t sw ept the town. per basket; cranberries, $80i9 per b a r­ opening of the Coeur d ’Alene reser­ Most of the lodgers had left the build­ S terling, III.—C raig Parvin, a young rel; quinces, 75c@ $l; huckleberries, vation in Idaho, but no fa ta litie s were Religious O rd e rs B arred. ing before the explosion occurred, and inventor of L anark, III., a fte r having Canal Use to Be B arred. 6 tt© 8 )4 c per pound; persim m ons, reported. M adrid— The senate as passed by a those who rem ained on the upper floors worked three m onths building a biplane K lam ath F a lls—T h at priv ate land- $!.85 per box. vote o f 149 to 58, the “ padlock” bill, escaped on fire ladders. C aptain A kerosene lam p In a shack occu­ planned to tak e the first flight on elec­ owners located above the governm ent V egetables— Beans, 3© 5c per pound; pied by the fam ily of Y. Yam am oto in tion day. When he awoke Sunday he canal will not be perm itted to use su r­ cabbage, 34@lc; cauliflower, 40c@$l w hich prohibits the creation of fu rth er Joseph Cappelli and Hosem an Thomas the Interbay d istric t of S eattle, e x ­ found his airship m issing. Parvin be­ plus w a ter of the canal, if a surplus per dozen; eggplant, $1© 1.25 per crate; religious establishm ents in Spain until Bell of the fire d ep artm ent w ere o ver­ come by gas and w ere rescued by their ploded and two children were burned to gan in v estigation and found his bi­ exists, unless they become p a rt of the garlic, 80 i 10c per pound; pum pkins, \ plane hanging on a fence, two miles project and pay th e ir per capita of the ©lie; sprouts, 7@8c; squash, l@ l)4 c ; the revision of the concordat w ith the comrades. death in th eir bed. V atican has been completed. The con­ from his home. The ship was some­ General Jose V alledares, ex-gover­ w hat dam aged b u t the m otor unin­ cost of the canal is the decision of Sec­ tom atoes, 500£60c p e r box; carrots, $1 ciliato ry a ttitu d e of Prem ier Canalejas Revolution Is S e rio u s. P riv a te in stalla ­ © 1.25 per hundred; parsnips, $1© tow ard the ecclesiastical senators d u r­ nor o f Amalpa, H onduras, who was jured. I t is believed th a t friends who re ta ry B allinger. Montevideo, U ruguay— The revolu­ ing the debate led to the im pression in deposed from office by PresidentJD avila w atched the progress of building the tion of pum ps and the like would be 1.26; turnips, $1. Potatoes—Oregon, $1.26© 1.30 per official circles th a t a way would be tionary movem ent is ta k in g on a se ri­ and recalled to Tegucigalpa, has re ­ ship stole a m arch on him, got out the so costly, it is believed, the landown­ ous aspect. There are now 10,000 ers above the canal will now drop the hundred. found to resum e negotiations betw een turned to Amalpa in order to hand over ship and endeavored to run it. a ttem p t to obtain access to the govern­ Onions—Oregon, buying price, $1.1P the governm ent and the V atican for a armed revolutionists who are graually his command to his successor and has being concentrated. Several skirm - m ent supply of w a ter and provide per hundred. revision of the concordat. openly declared him self against the M ural P ain ter D eco rates Prison. ' ishes have taken place, but the easual- them selves w ith individaul system s. Hops— 1910 crop, ’, 12© 15 c; 1909, governm ent. I t is also rum ored th at W insted, Conn.— Miss Genevieve ities have been suppressed. Dr. A. nom inal; olds, nominal. T h e a te rs May Be H alted. he has attacked the Am erican consular I Cowles, of F arm ington, an a rtist and Bachini, th e foreign m inister, recently P ure W ater F o r Eugene, Wool— E astern Oregon, 13©17c per agency and has com m itted other ex­ j a re la tiv e of ex-P residont Roosevelt, Chicago— W ith the purpose of forc­ issued a m anifesto d eclaring th a t the E ugene—The city of Eugene will pound; valley, 17© 19c; m ohair, choice, ing th e owners and m anagers them ­ cesses. has entered upon a y e a r’s work in the soon have w a ter 99 per cent pure. 32(