SC O RES SU PREM E C O U R T. care. I'll tell her today. Look, Emily! were timid, nesitaung creatures aud' promise you'll marry ms when Anna­ he was saying "G e e !" to himself as he , bel says I'm free.” Roosevelt Says Decisions Are Men­ started off with the warrant. But Emily's heart had been turned ace to Democracy. Johnny followed on. He had never j to Ice by Jack's confession of bis en­ seen a man arrested, and the oppor­ Denver— Acts o f the Supreme court gagement to Annabel. He was prom­ tunity had come Besides, that con­ o f the United States were sharply crit­ ised to another, and that was enougb. stable wasn't going to be given a She hesitated. It was a problem too icised by Theodore Roosevelt in th e ; chance to go off fishing, leaving the By STEPHEN INNES deep for ber Inexperience, and there I f C L A U D IN E SISSON 2 state capitol here before the Colorado guilty to make bis escape from the was no answering light In her eyes United States. The gull-ebnoter was legislature. The ex-president cited while she was temporarily lost In the to be taken red-handed, and If he It was seven years ago that Emily two decision* o f the Supreme court All along the Long Island shores It Intricacies of her bewilderment was known that there was a state law didn't go to the electric chair It came to our house In Philadelphia. which, he declared, were contrary to Jack noted ber change and put her He In­ Emily was an orphan whose father, from him. to protect the domestic birds and the wouldn't be the boy's fault the principles o f democracy. He de­ a distant friend of our family, bad sea gulls from destruction, but only tended to swear hard enough. "You won't have me." be pleaded. PostolBcs Officials Conduct Investiga­ clared emphatically that i f those de­ Average Record Not Up to 1900— Mr Oeorge Lawrence of New York been unfortunate enougb to die In Many Places in West Report here and there was It feared or en­ Again he looked Into her face. And tion Into Operations of “ Rufus cisions indicated a permanent attitude Phenomenal Advance. forced. The residents of the villages had come up to the South Bay for a South Africa without leaving anything then be walked to the door. He knew the behind him except a few debts and a Wallingford*.” ; o f the court, the entire American sys- respected the law to some extent, but fortnight's recreation AH r ig h t" be said, ' I'll marry An­ wbeu strangers broke It they bad noth­ rules of the three or four clubs he be­ daughter of seventeen. W e were all nabel Lee." 1 tern o f popular government would be ing to say. It was the stranger who longed to, but he never paid much at­ on the tip-toe of expectation, when It And when be had gone Emily sank Washington— Careful, though unoffi­ Chicago— The “ gas bag’ ’ of the Co­ upeet. left money among them, and they tention to state law No one had said was decided that Emily was to live down exhausted In a heap on her chair Colonel Roosevelt’s speech before cial, analysis o f the returns from the looked at that more than at the life he mustn't shoot birds. He had a sla­ with us, to see what kind of a person and In her ensuing Illness, which came operative United Exchange $20,000,000 “ get rich quick” corporation, organized the legislature was one o f five which thirteenth census on cities thus far of the birds. Even If he shot and sent ter who had taken up taxidermy as a she might be. a result of Jack's extraordinary She was a pretty and vivacious girl, behavior that afternoon, she often In last April under the laws of Arizona, he delivered in Denver, away to the taxidermist In the city a fad, and he had promised to bring her Everywhere j announced reveals that the increased yet quiet enough In her way. too. And delirium stretched out her bands to was punctured today with the arrest of he went he was greeted by cheering rate of urban growth for the last de­ score of the beautiful white gulls skim­ specimens. William U. Holcomb, vice-president and ming along the surf, what great harm He had shot and secured Are gulls we knew we would like her from the some kind of phantom person, and general counsel, by the United States multitudes which blocked the streets, cade over that o f 1890 to 1900 has was there In It? There were gulls In when the constable reached him The first. begged him to forgive her, and sobbed poBtotlice inspectors at the Park Uow A few days after her arrival a as If her heart would break. depot after his arrival here from Wash interfered with traffic and packed to been confined largely to places having plenty. No one could eat them. They ofllcer had lost his enthusiasm, but suffocation the various buildings in a population o f less than 50,000. just flew about in an Idle, useless Johnny bad not. He had gained more. cousin of ours. Jack Holleran— a That had happened Beven years ago, iugtou, D. 0. Holcomb, who is regarded by the which he spoke. He ran on ahead, and seizing the young fellow, big and broad and and Jack did as he said he would. way. While universally there has been a strong, but, according to our way of He married Annabel Lee, and the Federal officers as the “ dupe” for a And so, when their children came shooter by the arm he called out: The auditorium, in which he deliv- healthy increase, in a large majority coterie of “ J. Rufus Wallingford thinking, of far too 'sporty' a disposi­ union proved a loveless and even quar­ type high-finance swindlers, is charged ered his speech on conservation, holds 0f cities exceeding 60,000, the rat« o f "The schoolma'am and I arrest you borne one day and told fishermen, clammers and oystertnen that the "L it­ for rbootln’ gulls, and If you stir hand tion, even leaning to dissipation, relsome one. Then they lived apart with usjug the mail, for fraudulent par 15,000 pereons. yet it » a » large enough ^ joua dec>de hag m. in_ came over from Oermantown to call. and he went down alone to make a poses. VS arrant* for tle Schoolma'am," as they called her, or foot blood will flow !" the arrest of the , to seat only a part o f the throng which Up to the present time be bad not fortune In Mexico. alleged principal in the big swindling clamored for admittance. The streets “ ln®d- I n n0 instance so far has an had formed an Audabon club and was It took eome time to explain things Six years after hlB marriage to An­ deal have beeu sworn out and a score ot outside the building were crowded with actual loss o f population been shown going to save the birds, there was to the guilty party, but when It was honored our family with frequent calls; we were too quiet for him. But nabel, one year before this time, we • " “ u , f r® much shaking of heads and some all clear to him he willingly went ,in ,v‘ ri0U8 P »rts i other thousands who sought in vain to and present comparisons are only on in entrance. , k„ ____ A. grumbling. She had been hired to along with the officer. The Justice put now he begun to come regularly at heard that she had suddenly suc­ of the United State, by tomorrow the rate of growth. Strenuous efforts were put forth by f , ■. ,.d lik , . least three times every week. And cumbed to some kind of Illness and teach a summer school in the village the case for two o'clock In the after­ the Government to keep the arrest a , o i l . ? i, The population o f 63 cities of more on great South Ray—not to meddle noon, and It was not until that hour It was evident that Emily was the passed to a better world, and then secret and this became public through ^®re *ood. Colonel Roosevelt said followed rumors that Jack was com­ the arraignment of Holcomb before; a“ er K had made three o f his five than 25,000 has been officially announ­ with what they hail come to consider that Miss Nina saw the prisoner. She drawing card. We didn't care much for Jack. Yet ing home to Philadelphia on a visit their vested rights. Sometimes there had meanwhile been hardening her United States Commissioner Mark A. j speeches. He added that he was taken ced. These are somewhat more than He came to see us, of course. were half a dozen sportsmen there at heart. She had a mental picture of “ a we treated him civilly, of course, when Foote, where he was released on $5000 j utterly by surprise by the size o f the one-fourth o f the estimated total num­ he came to see us, because he was W e were In the drawing-room one bonds. crowds which turned out to greet him. once from New York and Brooklyn, big fellow with an ugly mug on him." ber of such cities in the country. The arrest is the result of disclosures An unqualified indorsement o f Colo­ and they had been known to come and she would show him no mercy. our cousin. And on all occasions we afternoon when he was announced. Four announcements cover critics o f made by F. B. Bennett, division man­ make his welcome as warm W e hardly recognized the big, tanned, nel Roeevelt was given by Governor from Boston, and they spent their She got a surprise when she came Into They sre money freely and made no objection court. The prisoner was not a great, as the relationship would naturally de­ bearded stranger until he began to ager No. 1 in Chicago of the Washing­ Shaffroth and Mayor Speer, both of more than 400,000 people. speak Then we quickly realized It ton offices. Previous to this time, it is whom are Democrats. This indorse­ St. Louis, with 687,029, or an increase to anything. An Audabon club would big man. he was not ugly. In fact, he mand. said, thousands of phamplets sent out But we didn't like the way he bung was the same old Jack. And when anger them and keep them away. looked like a gentleman. He was s J bo by the concern had been confiscated by ment was given in the presence of o f 19.4 per cent as compared with an Suppose there was a state law about In a serene Instead of a desperate around Emily. Not that he was ex he caught sight of Emily he further the postal authorities. A contract made thousands o f men and women, assem­ increase o f 27.3 per cent at shewn by cesslve or Impertinent In his behavior. proved his Identity, for all he did was by the Co-operative United Exchange bled in the great auditorium which the census of 1900, Pittsburg, with It? There were a hundred other mood. She had scarcely looked at him state laws that were not obeyed. when she began to feel sorry over the He was polite. In fact that was the to spring toward her with a yearning with Bennett was in the possession of was the scene o f the last Democratic 533,905, or an increase of 18.2 per very trouble. He was too polite— and cry. 1 national convention, where the colonel cent, as against an increase in 1900 o f The little schoolma'am had not only situation. inspectors. The extent of the corporation’s ac­ spoke under the auspices o f the Na­ 31.3 per cent; Buffalo, with 423,715, "E m ily!" he stammered seemingly formed an Audabon club, but she was But It was Jobnny who got the Jack was secretly engaged to a girl In Germantown named Annabel Lee. tivities is being held a secret by the feasting his eyes on her pretty face tional Livestock association. The ova­ an increase o f 20.2 per cent, as com going to prosecute all cases. Not only greatest surprise. He would get a postoflice. tion was far more marked than that pared with 37.8 in 1900, and Detroit, that, but all her pupils were to be- licking anyhow, and he determined to He and Annabel were expecting to and person. Several hundred state managers, make a public announcement of their received by him at any other place in "You've come! O Jack, you've earn an old whopper. He was going agents and representatives of tbe con­ his present journey through the West. with 465,766, an increase o f 63.0 per engagement In a few months. com e!" she cried as though the words cern are said to bo on the company’s cent, as compared with 88.3 per cent on the stand to swear that he believed It never occured to us at first that “ The great majority o f Republicans ten years ago. were forced from her mouth and she books. Each of them is declared to the prisoner guilty of at least two mur­ anything really serious with Emily couldn’t help herself. A decidedly better average is shown have been compelled to pay from $500 throughout the West and many Demo- ders and several highway robberies, And with that the rest of us found to $550 into the company’s coffers. Two | crats will not be silent until they see for the nine cities whose population and that he expected nothing but a was taking place, but little by little. the air too heavily charged with an methods by which the corporation is tyou at the helm o f this great nation,” ranges between 200,000 and 400,000, bloody resistance when he helped to unnameable electricity to allow us to alleged to have swindled its own em­ declared Mayor Speer, in addressing These are: arrest him, but he was cut ou t When Colonel Roosevelt. “ You are loved Denver, 213,381; St. Paul, 214,744; remain, and we got up and stole from ployes are as follows: called to plead. Mr. Lawrence not only Each employe who held a position because you are not controlled. You Providence, 224,326; Kansas City, the room and left Jack and Emily to answered "guilty'' hut asked to be lower than state manager was com­ are independent and your honesty of 248,381; Jersey City, 267,779; Wash­ themselves. fined the full limit. He said be was pelled to buy $50 worth of stock in the purpose appeals to the heart. Your ington, 331,068; Newark, 347,469; ashamed of himself for what he had company. done; that he bad been heedless; that Each minor employe was compelled courage has made your opponents won­ Cincinnati, 364,646; and Milwaukee, FOE OF INDIGESTION FOUND der what you will do n exL ” 373,857. For this group the average to be bonded for $500 in the associate It was right to preserve the birds, and “ You have work to do, wrongs to growth amounted to 33.8, as compared; concern, the Metropolitan Deposit Trust that he wanted to Join the Audabons righL May your life be spared to ac­ with an increase o f 26 per cent in the Company. For this bond they paid $5 and present the club with the sum of Physician Assarts That Pineapple complish the great work which the 1890-1900 epoch. But this high aver­ cash. fifty dollars to aid It In enforcing the the Long-Look«d For Friend of State managers under their contracts American people believe you are des­ age is due in large measure to the ex­ law were to receive their first year’s salary tined to perform.” Human Rscs. ceptional showing made by Denver The little school ma'am blushed in the stock of the concern. Governor Shaffroth was hardly less and Kansas City, two o f the smallest nnd blushed and kept her eyes on the The Federal officers charge that con­ enthusiastic in his reference to the cities o f the class. Denver scored a Tbe late lobster supper haa beeu tracts which the agents entered into floor. growth o f almost 60 per cent, as com­ robbed of Its terrors at last Even hot contained so many “ jokers” that it visitor. Johnny wriggled nnd wriggled and "Speaking o f the three essential pared with a little more than 25 per mince pie over which a welsh rarebit would be impossible for the employes wriggled and said to himself In a qualities, honesty, courage and perse­ cent for the previous 10 years, and has been poured can be safely eaten at to meet the requirements. As a result, loud voice; "Oh. what's de use!" midnight and no wild nightmare will an endless chain of “ fire and hire” verance,” he declared, “ we have the Kansas City, ¡almost 52 per cent, as The Justice hummed and hawed and follow. All that ts required of you Is would result with $55 elear money courage o f Lincoln, the endurance o f against less than 24 per cent in the stammered and finally observed that that after eating a heavy, Indigestible going into the company’s treasury with J ackson and the perseverance of Grant, previous decade. the example was a most worthy one, embodied in Theodore RoosevelL” The mean for the 10 cities o f be­ meal you eat for deesert a small piece each appointment. and that he would let the defendant These references to Colonel Roose­ tween 100,000 and 200,000 is favora­ of fresh pineapple. off as easy as possible under the law. velt just before his presentation to the ble to the 1890-1900 period, to the ex­ For this Information late diners, and P IC K E T NO T CONVICTED. Mr. Lsiwrence was fined and paid over great audience assembled in tbe auditor­ tent o f almost 4 per cent, the average all others who are subject to acute in­ the cash. Some folks looked to him to ium called forth a demonstration which for 1900 being 35.7 per cent, and that digestion. are Indebted to Dr. B. G. R. Los Angeles Jury Disagrees For Third get right out of town, but he didn't go. resembled that given a successful for 1900-1910, 32 per cent. But not­ Williams of Parts, fU., who has pre­ He had a duty to perform. It was to Time. candidate on the ocasion o f a national withstanding this general falling off, pared for a recent number of the hunt up Miss Nina Anderson and re­ the rate o f growth was more evenly Los Angeles— As a jury disagreed for convention. Medical Record an exceedingly inter­ iterate all that he had said In open maintained in this than in any other esting article on tbe therapeutic pos­ a third time in the picketing cases court, and then go on and add to 1L being tried before Police Justice Rose, class. There were not so many ex­ sibilities of tbe Juice of tbe fresh pine­ the city prosecutors show a disposition RUSSIAN ED ITO R S A R C A S T IC He did become a member of her club, tremes. The advantage also was with apple. and he did hand over that fifty, and Shot and Secured Five Quila. to drop the case against the other men 1900 in the 21 places o f from 50,000 "It seems to me," fays Doctor Wil arrested, thus indicating the union men Corean Annexation Treaty Called Ex­ he did make It known that he should "All Right,” He Bald, " I ’ll Marry An­ to 100,000, the average gain being come spies or witnesses. It was a have an eye on any one else who was have won a victory. Hams, "that tbe stomach can use pine­ ample o f Senseless Hypocrisy nabel, Lee." 41.6 per cent, as against 39.1 in 1900. cheeky piece of business, and she tempted to break the bird law. Following the failure to get a verdict apple Juice under certain conditions I t should be explained, however, St. Petersburg— The text o f the la the case of George Hart, who was must be talked to. It would have been And this I would point out to be a pre­ And of course that opened the door scandalous to say. Jack was making cheeky In a man. but she was only a for Cupid to come In. and he didn't an Inroad on ber Inexperienced sus­ vention rather than a relief of symp­ arrested at the Baker Iron Works, the treaty by which the Corean kingdom that Oklahoma City and Schenectady young woman, not over twenty years linger outside. Mr. Lawrence had ceptibilities, \nd we thought we ought toms. Pineapple Juice cannot quickly case against James A. Gray was virtu w sb annexed to the empire o f Japan have been excluded from this calcula­ old. When the committee had gone come for a fortnight He stayed a to tell her of bis engagement to An­ neutralize an acute Indigestion, but It ally dismissed by being “ carried over.” was published here, and, in the case of tion on account o f the abnormal in- The veniremen were dismissed and the the Novoe Vremya, was accompanied crease in both. down to Brooklyn to engage her they month, and then went home to be nabel. may prevent one. case was set aside. From the 25,000 to 50,000 grade, by a bitterly sarcastic editorial. had frankly said to each other that back In a week and stay longer. He “ I recall at least one patient who, Court employes say that they do not One afternoon In particular, after The document, the paper says, con­ Muskogee, Okla., and Flint, Mich., are they feared she would not "boss" the fished and shot and visited the school. talking It over together, we couldn’t though sound physlcnlly In every re­ think any of the 29 prisoners now in “ a historical example of eliminated for the same reason that school, though they would give her a Ho hunted up and down the shore for help seeing the waves of crimson that spect, knows that when he sits down jail on picketing charges will be tried. stitutes Oklahoma City and Schenectady are Attorneys from San Francisco ap­ senseless hypocrisy.” trial law-breakers and visited the little Jack's speeches and looks and acta to a heavy dinner a most poignant The judicial importance o f the treaty taken out o f the 50,000 to 100,000 And Miss Nina Anderson was talked schoolma'am's boarding house to re­ were frequently bringing to Emily’s sick stomach Is certain to follow peared for the nnion labor organiza The class. Because o f their high figures lions in the Superior Court and began is null, says the Novoe Vremya. to. Five big weather-beaten men port all well. Things had gone on this face. W e were horrified! There could be no better addition to in earnest the fight on the injunction paper adds that Russia’s interests in they would run the average up to an made It plain to her that she would way for a long time when the teacher tbe meal than a piece of pineapple W e looked daggers at Jack, but he forbidding picketing, issued several the hermit kingdom are insignificant, unwonted extenL deprive the village of a great portion found Johnny with tears In his eyes continued with his pleasantries, evi­ eaten now and then. To be brief, weeks ago bv Judge Bordwell. I.onis and for that reason Russian diplo­ But even without them, the showing of Its summer Income by carrying out and asked the cause. dently ny.lng Emily's confusion with convinced myself long ago that pine­ Carlson appeared in court on an order macy will not raise its voice in pro­ is altogether in favor o f the last cen­ her plan. She listened quietly till they "W hat I want to know," he replied delight, and finally something had to apple ’ Is a godsend to the one who to show cause why he should not be test. sus. With Flint and Muskogee out, had finished, and then made reply. as more tears came—"what I want to be done. dissipates. The midnight chop-suey cited for contempt for alleged failure The United States and Great Britain the mean growth is almost 48 per cent, to observe the terms of the restraining The club had been organized. Its know Is where do I come In !" while the increase for the same places, "Jack Holleran." protested my moth­ and lobster lose their terrors, and he order. The San Francisco lawyers have been hard bit, in the opinion of members would watch, prosecute and Alas, he was left out In the cold! er In surprised alarm, “ you're engaged retires confident of dreamless sleep, the editor, who, however, concludes in 1890-1900 was 26 per cenL sought to prove that Judge Bordwell witness. The hunters might shoot to a girl In Germantown, Annabel even after mince pie or fruit cake, exceeded his jurisdiction. that war it the sole means o f annul­ rabbits and squirrels, but they must where once he would not have dared L e e !" ling an accomplished fact, and the s it­ Vatican's Reply Received. Liverpool's Costly Docks. let the birds alone. The five took "Possibly no encouragement of this Emily started, and Jack noticing her uation will be accepted, for assuredly San Sebastian, Spain— Garcia Prie- Liverpool's docks, which are to be their departure, to spread the news Hitchcock Warns Arizona movement Interrupted my mother In a kind should be given to such habit; “ nobody would go to war for Corea.” tro, Spanish minister o f foreign a f­ that an enemy was In their midst, and further extended at a cost of over most surprising manner. Phoenix, Ariz.—Governor Stone was nevertheless, such knowledge ts of fairs, has received the Vatican’s reply to promise tbelr children the licking $15,000,000, were begun In 1709, when value to the medical man In his con­ host at a dinner given in honor of "By Heavens, It's untrue!" he shout­ to the note outlining Spain’ s position Fire is Near Yellowstone. of their lives If they made any reports. the town constructed the first wet ed, and he smote the arm of his chair sultation with tbe one with whom Postmaster-General Iliteheoek. The din­ Ogden, Utah— District Forester A. in the dispute with the Holy See. In The sportsmen were welcomed and dock In the world. Down to 1813 the with his clenched fist "It's untrue, I the ordinary meal Is as much a dissi­ ner was followed by a reception, which docks were confined to the Liverpool E. Sherman has received the following his answer Cardinal Merry del Val con­ told to keep on shooting. pation as the midnight banquet." was conducted as a nonpartisan func­ message from Supervisior Bennett, in fines himself to the consideration o f the side of the Mersey, but In that year say!" When what they called the season Blrkenhead'B dock scheme was begun, "Untrue?" we repeated In astonish­ tion. In his after-dinner remarks the charge o f the fire-lighters in the Tar- conduct o f the various cabinets at What Can City Boys Do? opened, the little school ma-am found Liverpool owes Its very origin to Its ment Postmaster-General urged the people of ghee forest, east o f Ashton Idaho, at Madrid toward the Vatican Curia, and City boys get no chance at all In the she had but one pupil she could de­ "It's untrue," he cried Ignoring the to the justification o f the attitude o f suitability for a port, having been trades. The argument of the unions Arizona to recall the remarks of Presi­ the entrance to the Yellowstone Park : the Holy See. Senor Prietro w ill sub­ pend on to aid her. It was white- founded when the silting of the Dee rest of us and seemingly only hungry Is that they are being constantly sub­ dent T sft on constitution-making while “ Two hundred men are now at the haired. squint-eyed Johnny, twelve the President was in the territory last Targhee fire. The fire that has threat­ mit the cardinal’s reply to a cabinet robbed Chester of Its position as chief and thirsty for the love-light that he jected to the pressure from the coun­ years old. He didn't care a cent for port for north Ireland. After Strong- evidently Imagined he discovered In try, where the boys learn the trades year. He also advised that the consti­ ened Island Park is under control. council. Premier Canalejas, w ill ad­ the birds, but he did for the teacher bow's partial conquest of the Island Emily's half-shamed eyes. tutional convention confine itself to The fire going toward Shotgun has here to hia original program. He had fallen In love with her the under Henry II. a fresh port was need­ There was silence for half a minute and then come to the city. But what fundamentals and leave experiments burned the Howard ranch and has prob­ are our city boys to do? Shall they to the Legislature. first day. He knew that loyalty to her Couple Dead on Ranch. ed. and the foundations of what la In the room. ably burned Bishop by this time. I am meant lickings at home, but loyalty "Jack Holleran. g o !" commanded my all grow up to be cigarette-smoking now Liverpool were laid. leaving for the fire. White, at Ash­ Great Falls, MonL— Lying dead in I would like to Race Feeling High. and lickings meant being a hero. And mother hotly, breaking the silence. clerks and loafers? their ranch home, several miles north ton, reports high wind from south.” so Johnny kept his eyes open, and one Huntington, W. Vs.— Militia and the "Leave this bouse and go! You're a see some practical use made of the o f Shelby, the bodies o f P. J. Hazel- 8uch Is Ltfa. manual training facilities In the sheriff’s deputies are guarding tbe Saturday morning he appeared at the disgraceful eco'-ndrel. G o!" berg and hia w ife were found by neigh­ Fierce Fires Rage in California. After from ten to 14 years of hard schoolma'am's boarding house to say: T i l go," growled Jack striding schools for which the city bsa put county jail following an attempt last work In school, college and profes­ Chico, Cal.— Fanned by a heavy bors. They evidently had been dead out so much money. Teach the boys toward the door. "Fallow down on the point shootln' sional courses, with big money spent night to lynch John Wayne and Charles wind, forest fires are doing much dam­ for several day*. The bodies were ly­ Then he turned. He quickly came In the schools the useful trades. We Clyburn, negroes. The blacks are al­ gulls! He's Just a-poppln them for upon his education, a man can begin age in California. Twenty miles from ing aide by side and hand in hand with can’t all be clerks or bookkeepers or to Emily's chair. He grasped her keeps!" life as a lawyer or doctor and wait lecturers. Some must work.— Leslle'a leged to have committed a brutal mur­ here, in Chico canyon, a fierce fire is a bullet in the head o f each. The poei- hand which she didn't draw away. He “ And have you been down there?“ half a generation before he Is sure and the surroundings der. Feeling against the prisoners and raging, traveling at a terrific speed, « « J ot «>* snatched her to him. was asked. of earning what an Ignorant. Incom­ Ennius, Viscount read Greek. Latin the negro population generally is so The flames jumped two and one-half indicated that the husband first shot "Go— go— please g o !” she urged "Yes, ma'am. Stood right near him petent half-clvtltsed Immigrant la­ miles in 16 minutes. Stirling City j hi* w ife and ‘ *>*n rifle with rocked on the waves o f tumultuous and Italian before be was four years bitter that a race war is feared. I t is while he shot two gulls." borer can get the day he steps ashore feeling. old. while Montcalm, when a child In probable that martial law will he de­ mills have closed and the men are * »tick and a piece o f string, he lay clared. Several men involved in the fighting the flames. Fires along Free- down beside his w ife ’s body and fired "Did you tell him we had an Auda­ here from the steerage.—New York "1 must speak first," he declared al­ arms, could translate the most diffi­ attack on the jail are under arrest. A a bullet through his own head. Press. bon club?" most roughly. " It ’s true In a way. cult Latin authors. At six he could special grand jury has been called and man’s creek are menacing the Sequoia National park and the giant national "Y es; but he went at It and shot an­ I've given my promise to marry An­ read Greek and Hebrew, and possessed is investigating the outbreak. Miners Want Conference. forest, containing some o f the largest other gull! He don't care a hang for A Few Statistics. considerable knowledge of arithmetic, nabel " Pittsburg, Kan.— By a vote o f 13 to and oldest trees in the world. A big our club!" * Do you love statistics. T ry these. Emily's heart seemed to suddenly history, geography and metallurgy. At Archbold Kills Story. fire is reported on Montgomery creek. 5 the conference committee of the un­ "Is he a stranger?" They are very nice. Three million turn to Ice. The light went out of her seven he had read all the chief poets, New York— John P. Arehbold. vice- ion miners in the Southwestern field orators, historians, philosophers, gram­ world eyes. She drew away from him. "For sure. Great big fellow with an matches are lighted In this president and director of the Standard decided in favor o f opening negotia- Toast Diplomat's Ruin. ugly mug on him. Maybe he's broke every minute In every hour of each But Jack caught her fiercely to him­ marians, etc., but died before he was Oil Company, gave out a formal denial S took holm— The official statement j tionB with the operators to draft a con- Jail somewhere. 'Y o u get a warrant day. Seven billion la the enormous self, and holding her trembling In his elghL today of reports sent out from Boston that the retirement o f Herman de “ P°n «>• term* submitted by the and I ’ll be a witness. Don't let him pumber for the entire year, and those giant arms, while she struggled to be that s beautiful young woman, whose Lagercrantz from the poet o f Swedish Intter. The miners will hold a meet bluff us. He’s Just going to shoot and living under the American flag are free, he turned to the rest of us. Honest Officials. said to be responsible for the con­ shoot till there ain't a gull le ft!" "Annabel Lee and I have never What we have to demand la our­ chief charm is a profusion of Titian minister at Washington was due en- ibK ' n Kansas City and open negotia- According The little schoolma'am put on her sumption of one-half of this amount loved each other," he declared. "You selves and In our public servants Is hair, had been employed by his com­ tirely to his personal wishes "does not fions with the operators. pany to ferret ont secrets and thwart convince the public. — The common be­ to the members o f the conference, the hat and went with Johnny to the Jus- These figures do not Include matches know how It's been. I took her to honesty— honesty to all men; and If its enemies. “ Standard Oil does not lie f is that the real reason for the di­ miners are ready to accept the proposi­ theaters and dances and games, and we condone dlshoneety because we tlee of the peace. He groaned as he made In heaven, of course. employ red haired sirens in its busi­ plomat's return is to be found in the tion made them by the operators. at last we— W e never loved each think It la exercised In the Interests ness,” said Mr. Archbold. saw them approaching. He knew the “ These other! Don't you understand? W e of the people, we may rest assured statements sre s tissue of falsehoods.” speech which he delivered in New Brightening the Welle. law, and must Issue a warrant and Deposed Friar Disturber. York, in the course o f which he is re­ Sometimes the physician orders all didn't know what love was. W e never that the man thus showing It lacks Impose (he penalty, but his neighbors ported to have toasted the probable " Rome— A former Franciscan friar, only the opportunity to exercise It would look at him askance for doing the pictures removed from the walla. loved each other, I say!” Children Overcome By Qas. aucceess o f the Republican party. named Beltramini. created a panic in “That's the trouble with all o f you.” against the Interests o f the people.— If this la his sworn duty. Johnny told his story, In rases of bad contagion. Hollister, Cal.— The bodies nf three the Basilica o f the Vatican at vespers "You don't Theodore RoosevelL and Miss Nina demanded a warrant so try to make up for the lack of bright­ he cried Impetuously. daughters of John Willisms of Hollister Biplane Carries Six Aloft. by firing three shots from a revolver in As it was being made out, the gun of ness by pinning here and there bits know what It Is. You don't know bow were found in a tnnnel of the New Lille, France— Louis Braget, the the air. Worshippers fled from the Msklng Home BesutlfuL the sportsman was heard firing on the of scenery as found In the magazines It grips and holds and refuses to let Idra quieksilver mine here. They had aviator, took up five passengers in his | church and service was suspended. *T think I will beautify my back been overcome by gas. The children gulls The constable wanted to delay or pictures cut from the Sunday pa­ go!" ho was arrested, said Suddenly be turned and looked yard a bit." "Qolng to plant flowers?" were 15, 12 and 5 years of age, respee biplane. The total weight sustained i Beitramini, serving the warrant. He also feared pers and the like. They can be burned It*isthongM ~they cntcred 'thc hy his machine, including the gasoline, that he desired to attract attention "No, I won't go to all that trouble. But lively his neighbors. He was talked to In a afterward and help to divert the down deep Into Emily's eyes. onth of the mine and ventured too far was 921 pounds. The feat is believed with a view to securing reinstatement "I love you!" he said. " Ill love you I think 111 arrange the tin cans la • way to put springs under hla heels. patient's mind from hla own mal­ 1 to be a world’ s record. ■ to the priesthood. till I die. Annabel Lee will never tasteful design around the ash barrel ’ iato the tunnel. Ha had .always supposed little woman ady. The Audabon Club EMILY HUGE SWINDLING DEAL IS EXPOSED GROWTH BIGGEST IN SMALL CITIES $20,000,000 Corporation Is Get-Rich-Quick Scheme. Places of Less Than 50,000 Make Greatest Increase. I