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About Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915 | View Entire Issue (Aug. 30, 1910)
TIC K LE TEASERS T h e B e at M e a ts B y A l f r « 4 J tn g l« i r » cuuaug lull. e Uw roi» ’i:m vu. Tbat's all. H> gol. 25 C a n t i A Bog. F o r C«frr\a € tà b tt Ncirigcraior plant in connection with «bop. Clennliaete it our bobby tiive it« n trig!..................................... B e id le r B ro s. A J L O C A L P A P E R F I T F O R A N Y H O M E — P R O G R E S S IV E . N E W S Y . IN D E P E N D E N T Blackbutte Quicksilver. Bohemia Qold Minin? Districts and Thirty Saw Milling Enterprises Tributary to Cottage drove. Dairying, Em it (¡rowing, Farming are Profitable C O TTAG E GROVE LEAD ER B O H E M IA N V C G E T C on solid a ted Ja n u a ry 9. 1909. CONTRACT LET FOR CONCRETE PIER FOR MAIN $ 1 F T BRIDGE CO TTAG E GROVE, OREGON, T U E SD A Y , AU G U ST 30. iqro. KANSAN’S ANNUAL PICNIC WEDNESDAY ROW RIVER FOREST EIRE REV. SUTCLIFFE CHOSEN ENCAMPMENT ORATOR. Industries VOL. XXII. NO. 19 HOW CRESWELLS YOONG ORCHARDS ORE M ED Local Kansans will meet in their An invitation has been extended i first annual picuiv in the city park to Kev. Robert Sutcliffe, pastor of I tomorrow, Wednesday. An of- the Methodist Episcopal church, * ganizatiou of jayhawkers was by Apjiomattox Post, G. A. R. to •N effected in this city one year ago deliver the annual address before with fifty members and quite a the f.aue Countv G- A . R. En City Rock Crusher T u r n in '^ * . Crushed Rock for number Schmitt Brothers Are Awarded the Big Contract have identified themselves Hard Fight to Save Mills campment to be held in Cottage with this association since that («rove September 15, 16 and 17th. the Warren Construction Company and Considerable Fine Covering a Period of Five Years— Have i time. Native born or a residence It has been the custom o f the eu- ¡of at least five years in the Sun- | campment officers to extend this Paving Will Commence Soon Timber Burned a $10,000 Working Plant i flower state makes one eligible to invitatipn to some outside speakers membership in the local organiza of note heretofore, but so ' well tion. On Wednesday a fine bas I pleased were the local veterans The city council met in adjourn ed to draft plans for a dvke to di ket dinner will be served at the One of the most important deals 10 tens, whitewashing trunks, The most definite information with the memorial address deliver ed session Monday evening. A vert the overflow of the river at noon hour after which at) interest ever made in Creswell was made pruuiug, summer spraying, fall ed by Rev. Sutcliffe on last Deco petition asked for sewer on Bridge times of freshets at the dam, and ing literary and musical program that has been received here con ration Day that they were uiiaui- recently when the A. C. Bohrustedt spraying, cover crop of vetches street and the city engineer was Councilman l.awson and Engineer j will lie rendered to which all Kan cerning the forest fires in the Row mous iu their choice of him for Orchard Company let a contract to for fertilizing, sowing land plaster instructed to survey the line and Nichols were appointed a commit sans and their friends are invited, river district, east of here, was lor fertilizing. their orator ou their big animal Schmitt Brothers to do the orchard brought iu from Piston by Mrs. an ordinance ordered drawn cov tee to secure estimates for (he county reunion, the other county Third year— Same as second work. E. S. Moldermau, wife of Forest ering this improvement. work for five years ou the year. Posts to lie guests of Appomattox STAMP MILL INSTALLED Ranger Holderman, who with a The finance committee was in The hid of Elledge X lluhltell Company’s holdings iu and around Post at their annual meeting. Fourth year— Plowing, hoeing for construction of a concrete pier structed to advertise and secure IN THE SAILORS’ GULCH force of men has been fighting the Kev. Sutcliffe has accepted the in- Creswell. around trees, cultivating 10 times, fire for some time at the Wicks saw at the east end of the Main street bids for the bond sale recently vot This does not mean that the whitewashing, pruuiug, summer I vitation and it is an assured fact bridge was opened and read and ed at the special city election I.ewis Hartley has completed mill and logging camp, across the I that the old veterans and their A. C. Bohrustedt Orchard Com spraying, fall spraying, cover crop was as follows: For concrete pier amounting to $45,000 altogether. the installation of his one-stamp river and only a short distance pany releases its supervision of the of vetches, sowing land plaster. friends will have an opportunity to A contract has been let by the j mill iij Sailor's Gulch in Bohe from Disston. The fire at that according to plans and specifica work, hut that Schmitt Broij. will Fifth year— Same as fourth year. listen to one of the best addresses tions $470. For fill between pier Warren Construction Co. to the mia, and will commence operating point was caused by a spark from do all the work under the Stipervis In addition to the above work, ever delivered before them upon a and east bank $80. This was the city for the crushed rock necessary the machine this week. Richard the donkey engine used in the tim I ion of Hon. W. K. Newell, presi the streets aud roadways in the ¡ similar occasion. only bid but was considerable rea j for the paving of Main street and | White,” who assisted iu erecting ber for logging purposes, but was dent of the State Board of llorti- orchard tracts must lie graded and The various eucainpmeiit com sonable and was accepted by the the city rock crusher is running the mill, was in Cottage Grove on kept under control until a high i j culture, and his assistant superin cleared of all weeds: all feuces mittees have the work assigned to council. 'Pile work is to be com every day and teams arp deliver Monday and spoke very favorably wind sprang up Thursday at 11 tendent of orchard work, S. Shot- must be kept up and weeds aud j them well in h an d ‘ and there is pleted in ten days. ing crushed rock at the Main street ,,f ||le prospects of this camp. In o ’clock and soon fanned the four well. The contract covers all of grass kept mown around them. ever assurance that the annual Councilman Wallace, F.ngiueer intersections and on a vacant lot order to get the mill in Sailor’s fires along the belt of fire timber j the orchard work and 'Schmitt Schmitt Bros, have purchased meeting this year will be one of Tavlor and City Attorney Counter near the fruit drier where the pav Gulch it was necessary to cut and from Dorena, nine miles from tfiis Bros, simply step iu and hire all the horses and equipment lielong- : the most pleasant and interesting were appointed a committee to ing company’ s big mixing plant work a trail one mile in length and place, to a point beyond Disston, the tneu, furnish all the equipment ing to the A. C. Bohrustedt Com ones ever held in this county. prepare a map of Cottage C.rove at will I k * erected as soon as it ar nVer this the heavy machinery was into alm°st a solid mass of flames | Cottage Grove citizens and busi and do all work necessary for the pany and will add more horses, a cost not to succeed $10 to lie rives which will be within a few i taken with difficulty, block and 11 miles long and three wide. cultivation and care of the or and will have $10,000 invested in ness men will tio doubt co-operate The fire fighters were powerless filed with the county clerk. chards, so that the company deals personal property to do the work, days, when paving work will be j tackle being used to gel some of with the old veterans to make the The city engineer was instruct iu full blast. the heavy parts up steep grades, (o check the flames, which were ' meeting here a most pleasant and with one firm instead of a large which will include 50 head of number of people. ' The driving wheel is five feet iu buring iu the tall timber, and turn-! memorable otur. horses. They will have the care The care which the Bohrustedt of over 1000 acres of land. A Fine Fruit Display. diameter and weighs 3500. By ed their attention to saving the GOVERNORS PLEDGE Orchard Company expects to take ______ the aid of a team this was rolled fiomes and property that were in j Pipe Layinq Pushed. In securing the services of the SUPPORT TO FRISCO danger, A fire was set out ut _____ _ of the orchard tracts iu the future, Schmitt Bros, the A . C. Bohrustedt Inp the hill, a frame after the fasfi- William Veatcli brought in two miles this side of j ion of a wheelbarrow having been Wildwood, fortunate. , ’ , , , 1 he ditch for the tnoimUin as well ns they have iu the past, Company were very market basket filled with fitte fruit Disston, by a farmer, to burn slash can he judged better by the amount The Governors' Convention on 1 made to keep it upright and for from his Gowdyville farm home ing the first of the week and al- j water «vptem horn U n ff creek to of work which is stipulated to be Work performed under the super Conservation, in session at Salt I steering purposes. This piece, vision o f Messrs. Newell and Shot- last week which has been attract Lake Citv, pledged support toward | however, was among the least dif* though looked after, got beyond - Cottage Grove, a distance of 18 done on the orchard tracts each well must he done to as near per ing lunch attention in the Leader control ami when the wind raised, miles, was completed last week year, a list of which is as follows: [ licult to handle. securing from Congress recognition fection as possible and iu Schmitt office. The display consists of surrounded the resilience ot J: and the crew was discharged. The First year— Plowing, subsoiliug, Bros, they have men who will see o f the Panama-Pacific Internation Graveusteiu, Wealthy and Bis Bohemia Gold Mines Inspected. al Exposition for San Francisco ill Hunt and < <eorge Kerr, and 'E*e | pipe line would have been finished barrowing twice, digging holes, that instructions are carried out to uiarck apples, Crawford peaches hope of saving them was so small 1915, bv adoption of the following but for delay iu the arrival of planting trees, whitewashing trees, the letter. They will have all and Bartlett pears all of large size, Dr. H. E. Smith of New Haven, that everything of value was re pruuiug. cultivating 10 times, stock needed and every machine resolutions: fine color and excellent in quality. Conn., after having made an in moved to a place of safety. 1'or- the pipe, which has been a bin- suiptuet spraying, fall spraying, required to perform the work will Whereas, The completion of the This fruit was grown on foot hill spection of the mining properties tunately the wind died down, mak dratice to the work from the v£\y sowing cover crop o f vetches for he secured. Under their manage Panama Canal will bring the Pa land and was sprayed but once of the \yest Coast Mines Company ing it possible for the faithful fire outset. The \ Light fertilizer, sowing land plaatev for ment the high standard of work cific States and the countries of the this season. This is indeed a fa in the Bohemia gold mining dis fighters to save them. The other Water Cq., 0*e contractors, have fertilizer. Orient into closer touch with the done on the orchard tracts by the done , vored fruit growing locality. trict, returned to his home in the point along the fire line, where the |none the . jo.i . in . an . exceptionally , Second \vai— Plowing two ways Bohrnstedt company iu the past Atlantic Seaboard, eliminating r , . . . , . ,! i short tune, and with a less number East last week. The inspection fire started is at Star, a station on . ■ ’ Peaches measuring 10 inches in fiiwing around trees, cultivating will be continued.— Chronicle. four thousand rnjles from the dis was in the interest of the Wheeler the Oregon N Southeastern rail - work“ e" tance by water lielweeu tfie Atlan circumferance and excellent in road.'between Dorena and Wild- “ ««s s a rv wfiei, tl,« eon tract was tic and the Pacific Coast States, flavor were presented to this office estate, which owns the cputrolllMK A Charitable Act interest in the \Vest Coast mining wood, all of tfiese places bping on j undertaken. Work on the reser- DR. T. D. BANCROFT S and marking the dawn of a new by Hamilton Veatch Saturday. | voir on Laudess’ hill which is be and unprecedented era of commer Mr, I'eatclj has a never failing j pr°p®rly- Aftei Dr Smjtfi's re- tfiett. 8: $. H. railroad, which is A (Jay. or two since we are told , GREAT LECTURE. ing constructed by W. F. Hart, is . . . cial development of the Pacific peach crop ou his Row river farm I " » « on condjtiqi}», a fiecisjQi) will building an extension to the gov . . . , ,, , . ; by a passenger on the train that. o f a quality equal to the southern E)e arrived at as to what will be ernment reserve, only about three going forward rapidly at\<J writ be | slope and the great West: and, Dr. T . 1). Bancroft, the noted ¡done with the mines in the future. miles beyond Disston, but the fire finished will,i.U 1’“ « P^sent week seeing the d a n g « that four or five Whereas, The completion of this Oregon article. j lecturer and personal friend of did not reach that point. «onftdently expected that large sAWfh» o f whfcat were in from titanic project— the greatest engi A. L. Woodard presented the --------- --- --------- j water will be coursing tfiroqgfi t,fio a (lie iu the stubble, which was Abraham Lincoln, delivered his Improving Properly at Creswell. neering enterprise in the history of Leader with two beautiful sjieci- A large cougar stole into the, mains sometime datriiyg ,fie early CVidtutly set by the helper engine, address on the “ Assassination o f the world— should, and is to be, mens of Spokane Beauty apples Lincoln," from the view point of Professor^?. K. Barnes, of Cres- tent o f f . L. Erankum near West-1 part of Sppfimthei-, the pipe now the passenger train stopped and commemorated by a great interna last week which measured 14% an eye witness at the M. E. church well, but recently of Coftage Gt°ve, on last week at miduight, seizefl¡being laid nearly to Dorena, or the whole train crew left the train tional exposition; and, incites iu circumference and with Monday evening to a large au fits small sou by Ifie hgefi of hit* ' within 9 miles of Cottage Grove. aud put out the fire with the aid of Whereas, The city of Sail Fran their beaqtiful pinkish color attract js improving his property yyest of dience. His graphic description llight shirt and dragged him from Hhe hose on the engine, near Di cisco has signified its intention to ed much attention at the Leader ' town. The professor is a fruit of the stirring incidents in Kansas his bed, but his cries caused the The Leader acknowledges re i vide station. j fancier and will give up profession hold such an exposition in the year office. iu the year 1856 was very interest big cat to drop his prey and run ceipt of a cçyupliuientary season al work for the pursuit ol his fa 1915, to be known as the Panama- ing and he brought out much un into the brush before Mr. Frank- tick«..! to the Portland Fair and vorite vocation.— Register. With the completion of one Pacific International Exposition, written history of facts incident to Famous cities of the past— Rome utn could get his Winchester itt Livestock Exposition to be held at wore block Ror.eburg will have 50'., , , . . . ,, , ... and has, with the aid of the citi Athens, Carthage and Reno. , ” ' ¡the breaking out of the great Civil Vote for Nesmith county. action Portland September 5tlt to I'tth. blocks of paved streets. zens of the State of California, war. He asserted that he had raised the sum of $10,000,1X10 to slept in the tall Kansas prairie defray in pap theexpenses of such grass in company with the famous exposition: now, therefore, be it John Brown. When the war final Resolved, That we, the (govern ly broke out Dr. Bancroft was a ors and the personal representatives resident of the National Capital of the Governors of the states of and became a member of Lincoln's Utah, Nevada, Idaho, Montana, Kansas body guard known as the Wyoming, Colorado, Washington, "Frontier Guards," with quarters Oregon, Minnesota and California, iu the white house. Dr. Bancroft in convention asse in hied, hereby was present in Ford’s Tenth street pledge our support to the citizens theater ou the night of the assassi o f San Francisco and the state of nation of Lincoln, and his story o f California in their laudable and this great tragedy, as he saw it, commendable efforts to secure Con was most thrilling and impressive, gressional recognition ill behalf of as was also his narrative concern such exposition. ing the flight, capture and secret burial of Booth. ’ At the conclu sion of the lecture the speaker ex Selling Part of Big Farm hibited several interesting Lincoln souvenirs including the old oak G. W . Hawley, of Creswell, is| latch to the Lincoln pioneer home. negotiating with the A. C. Born- $ 00.00 M en’s Beautiful Soft Gray Suits, $15.00 to At the close of his lecture a neat stedt company for the sale of sev- j 27.50 " Latest Patterns, N e w Brown Suits, $18.00 to Liucnlu souvenir liooklet was sold eral hundred acres of His farm to at 35 cents per copy, the receipts these large property owners, He “ A ll W o o l Blue Serge “ $20.00 to 25.00 from which Dr. Bancroft uses in will retain the farm below tfie road M en’s Pacific Logger and Chippeway I ogger, $7.00 to 8.00 defraying his expenses. He is a and west of his upjrer ranch. Mr. fluent and pleasing speaker and Hawley is among the largest farm his address was greatly enjoyed. owners ill the Creswell section. lie expects to attend the Kansas When his present holdings are picnic at this place tomorrow and taken over by the new owners they will be one of the principal after will have taken up all of tfie best noon speakers. fruit lauds in that vicinity. W h e e le r T h o m p so n “Has It For Less” Headquarters for Men’s Apparel, Shoes, Hosiery, Hats and Clothing ....Just Arriving.... WHEELER - THOMPSON COMPANY There is a tone of a dangerous | alliance when Theodore Roosevelt, Jr. hastens to congratulate the In surgent victor iu California. ‘ E v e r w e a r ” H osiery F o r Men An d W omen The little Tom Bowers place of 11 acres located about two miles east of Cottage Giove was sold by Veatch & Spencer recently to Mr. Hickey of this city for $1,000.