SHOE SHOP LOCAL AND PERSONAL Charles W. Edmonds, fl. D. DO YOU KNOW Better register today. Try the Leader a year. Vote for Nesmith county. A man seldom makes the same T f ., A * blunging y°ur shoes—wearing one pair today and another tomorrow—will I mistake twice unless be is a wid * lengthen their service almost 5 0 per cent? T H E FLO RSH EIM SHOE will ower. never lose its shafte tf properly fitted and we know how to fit—that’s our business. A license to wed has been issued | to Michael Conuiff of Eugene and j Hattie Jett of Saginaw. W e are Agents tor the Famous BERG M A N Logger Shoes—made of the best When you hear au evil report leather in any height top you want. | about anyone, halve it, then quar- j ter it, then say nothing almut it.— Friday and Saturday Special: Children's 2 5 c Value Spurgeon. Hose, only ...................................... ............................ Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lamb of j Eugene, visited briefly with Cot tage Grove relatives and friends FYF, FAR, NOSH AND THROAT last week. SPECIALIST. Mrs. J . M. Singletary and little! ] daughter, of Eugene, visited with Dr. Edmunds of New Vork City I her daughter, Mrs. A. C. Spriggs, has located in Eugene, Oregon. After graduation at the I 'niversity of this city. Dr. Lowe will he in Cottage of Michigan the Doctor served au Grove August 29, Drain .JO, Van- appointment as house surgeon to call:! .11, Oakland Septemlier I, the I'niversity Hospital at Ann Arbor. He afterward located in CHURCH NOTES AND Roseburg 2 and .1. Sometimes a man surprises a Hay City, Mich., where he prac ANNOUNCEMENTS. woman by kissing her after mar ticed geueral Medicine and Surg riage quite as much as he did by ery for seven years. During this Services at the Christian Science time he was president of the Sag kissing her the first time. Hall Sunday at 11. Subject of inaw Valley Medical Society; a Anv school district can get a the lesson sermon “ Christ Jesu s.” member of the City Board of standard almost new leather bound Rev. S. M. Xickle, the popular Health and au examining member ' International Encyclopaedia cheap pastor of the M. E. Church, is go of Hoard of Plumbers’ Licence. I by calling at the Leader office. Shop at Cochran’s Bicycle Repair Shop ing to Walla Walla, Wash., soon Doctor Edmunds has done work Mr. and Mrs. Ed Jones and to pay a visit to his daughter who in the following New Vork insti daughter Marguerite, returned is ill in that city. He will lie home from a trip to Newport Mon tutions: New Vork Eye and Ear Just received. New stock, latest styles. F'or ladies, Small Business For Grown Up People day. They report ideal weather Infirmary, School of Pathology away until the end of the present Swell Photography. for gents, for girls, for Ixiys. These goods will be offered and Operative SurRery, Mi. Sinai conference year.—Corvallis Times. and a grand time. Last week a party of C res well The Leader editor strolled into Rev. Groat returned last eve Hospital, St, Bartholemews’ Hos at very attractive prices in order to move them quickly. The Albany Apple Pair will bej the new ('.rove Studio recently people enjoyed an outing on Mos- pital, Bellevue Hospital Clinic ning from a weeks stay in the held on November lb and 17. Will he pleased to show them whether you purchase or not. while making his rounds about by creek east of Cottage Grove, and has had charge of the Demitt mountains. While there he has ! This section should begin prepara The genial and hospitable people Call, examine and lie convinced that you can get the town and was surprised to note Dispensary Eye and Ear Clinic? been conducting services daily tions now to make a creditable ex - the great improvement in the class of the Mosby creek section have The Doctor has opened elaborate with the Baptist church at Dexter, finest shoe made in America at Cook’s. • Dibit. of work turned out by Mr. Arm no objection to visitors and tourists offices in the White Temple, Eu Eatie County, and reports the ser Bull together, brethren. We are gene, Oregon. strong with his new modern equip enjoying themselves in that com vices well attended. ment. Those sepia, or brown munity, in fact, they welcome all here for the same purpose. Regular monthly meeting of the New Eeader subscribers since tinted photos, turned out by Arm i visitors, so long as they conduct Then live and let live. The best W. C. T. I’ , at the Methodist strong will compare in finish and themselves in a proper manner and way to build up a town is foi each our last issue are: W. H- Lincoln, church Friday afternoon. It will Eouisa Duerst, Prof. A. L. Briggs, artistic pose with any of them refrain from committing any dep and every mail to pull together. be a mothers meeting at which these Creswell Mrs. M. J . Fuller of Cqftage A- J , Armstrong, and A. T. Cran time arrangements will be made while his black and white photos redations. But should .please the moat fastidious. patties did not so conduct them Grove mother of Mrs. G- S. Q. dall, for the selection of officers for the From Portland to Eugene not ensuing year. That collection of his of pioneer selves, the Leader is informed, but ¡Humbert, passed through Thurs citizens of this community, is as among other things amused them day on her way to Pocatello, Idaho once will the Oregon Electric cross A card from Rev. Robert Sut fine class of work as you will see selves on leaving cam]), by shoot where she will visit friends.— the Southern Pacific, the entire cliffe, who is taking his vacation distance remaining west of the anywhere. No use to go away ing the glass insulators from the j Register. in the Bohemia miiiiug district, from home for anything it photog private Mosby creek telephone F. D. Wheeler is entitled to the road. says: “ Kindly announce in your raphy. The Grove Studio fills line, giving the residents the extra blue ribbon fortheliest Gravenstein II. II. Veatch is home from his church columns that 1 shall occupy trouble and expense of replacing apples.» He should lie cultivating the bill exactly. hunting trip hut the other members mv pulpit both morning and eve the insulators and fallen wires. au apple orchard as well as selling of the party remained in the hills. ning, Sunday August 28. We Nice business this for grown-ups! the best shoes and clothing on RESULT OF PAVED STREETS. He said they found fishing good, will arrive home Wednesday if all This is not intended as anv re earth. Means a great saving to you as a depositor. Government but that it is too (fry fov success is well Dave had a splendid The [raving of Washington street flection upon the Creswell com SUPERVISION of National Banks is every year be Miss Frances Beatty of Salem, ful hunting. time, hut shall be glad to get back coming more careful. It is the purpose of the Govern is another substantial increase in munity, which is made up almost * ment to make the woTd “ NATIONAL” in connection Luke Nmnvltou who holds a re to work again.” advertising space for AJbany. wholly of the best people on earth, was a guest of Cottage Grove ■* with its banks synonymous with “ S A F E T Y .” friends last week, while taking sponsible position in the union Members of the Presbyterian Every visitor and newcomer is but it is a hint to a few reckless We welcome SMALL accounts as well as LARGE ones. impressed with paving and good and thoughtless ones who may he her annual vacation, She holds depot at Portland, spent Sunday Christain Endeavor Society to the the positiou of saleslady In one of at his old home in this city a guest number of 14 drove to Laurel licho cement sidewalks more than any found in every community, not other feature of public improve even excepting Cottage Grove. Be Salem's large merchandise stores. of his mother and other members near Cottage Grove, Saturday and Prof. J . M. Garrison, a member of the family. spent the day with their pastor ment. It may cost money to pave decent! of the faculty of Pacific I'niversity W. J . Messenger, who came Rev. MaGee ainj family, who are but more thau the cost of the im at Forest Grove and one of the here from Ashland and bought a enjoying an outing there. The provement is added to the market Mrs. George Fleming of Billings, leading poultry men of the state farm up the Row river valley, has party took well-filled baskets and value of the abutting property.— Montana, is a guest of her father was a guest of the Leader editor just completed a jioultry house at noon dinner was spread and en- Albany Herald. j and mother, Mr. and Mrs. C. C. today. He said Cottage Grove is 120xf() feel, having accomodations joyed by all. They returned home I Woodward of this city for the deserving of county seat honors. for 5fHI laying hens. In addition Saturday evening Those in the Hop Pickers Wanted At Creswell. summer season and with her hus In offering a $25 rewafd fpr the fhere are two breeding pens. party were: Ray Cleaver, Mr. band may locate here or at Port K. (>. Brady of Creswell, an land. She expresses herself as qrresl and conviction of any per- Mrs. Maude EeRoy of tltis city Price, Leslie Lacey, !'jlmo Der- nounces that hop picking will com delighted with the «tregon climate. ¡sons who sell, give or barter a«y f,as begun suit for divorce against shani, EUlred Den-ham: Misses li. I intoxicating drinks or tobacco to ip . p, | e Roy on the ground of de M. Thompson, Eunice Weber, mence in his yards near that eitv his sons, E. j . Emmons of Spring- sertiou. They were married at Dora Martin, Grace and Katy about August .10, and all Cottage BORN. field has struck the right trail and Cottage Grove on May 15, 18<)7, Meltoh, Georgine Ransom; Mes- Grove people who desire to pick one that should lie followed by and have the following minor dames E. (>. I.acey, T . (). Martin, hops this season should send him — A L L KINDS O r * - -;r----- ' their names at once. His hop M cG lEV RA Y—To the wife of many a father. children, whose custody she asks R. li. McDaniel and son Hugh.— George McGilvray at Canyon- crop is said to lie very fine this Miss Abbie Johnson, of Cottage for: Milton, Wade, Harold, Ivver- Creswell Chronicle. ville, Oregon, August 18, 1910, season. "T h e Harvest” will he the sub H nine pound daughter. All Grove, who has ligpu visiting her ett and Paul. doing well. Mrs- MpCjUvrav sister, Mrs. Jiugene Matlock, re Dr. Eowe the well known op David A. Hendricks has pur ject of the morning discourse at was formerly Miss Osmund of turned home Thursday. She was tician and eye sight so cialist is chased a 100 foot frontage on tlie the Christian Church August 28th. Cottage Grove where Mr. Mc accompanied by her friend Clar coming soon. The wise will wait C H A S . M A T T H E W S . P rop . west side of Fourth street two “ Life and Character of King Da Gilvray also formerly resided. for him. ence Malison of Chicago, who is blocks south of Main. Mr. Hen vid” will be the evening subject. known as Chicago’s best baritone. dricks is in favor of street paying Interest and attendance has kept — Register. and all other civic improvements. up remarkably well during the An exchange remarks that g The purchase of this ltto feet will warm summer mouths. w u The auxiliary of the C. W. B. man can start out guy dgy, gud have a hearing on the early pav O £ I M. will have charge of the prayer inside of an liogr and thirty min ing Qf that street. W ! meeting Thursday evening. CQ utes he can enggge a woman to Mrs. Jones of Berkeley, Califor o Bible School at ten a. in. work for him for life at nothing a TJ 1 nia, is a guest of Mr. and Mrs. Christian lindeavor at 7 p. in. A Z W week, while it will take two solid •C That the Nesmith Cash Grocery is the place George Eea, she being Mrs. F.r- general invitation is extended to W . weeks of solid search to get one to S3 to buy fresh family groceries and farm pro win Lea's mother. Mr. Eea is the public to attend any or all of work at fair wages and board. duce. Business is growing because our o home from Newport where lie will these services. The stranger is prices are right. Convenient shed for teams Ü If. O. Thompson and 0 . M- soon complete his big water works And it is through e x at rear of store. > Kem of Cottage Grove, were here contracts, which is said to lie one specially welcome. W perience that we have today in the interest of Nesmith of the best and most complete Wanted—A few good hens for £ county. They are liotli in business plants in the state. learned the merits of the fall and winter layers. Address J . in that city and are spending all Rev. C. T . Whittlesey of Eu F. I.amson, Cottage Grove, or call .e Celebrated Mallory Hat, their time lietween now and elec third door west of flour mill. 2t.* f- gene, is spending a few days in tion at their own expense in the p FOR COUNTY CLERK The numerous customers who asked for a -c interest of the cause.— Harrisburg this city while enroute to Bohemia <3 A fine borne with three acres of I O to spend a brief vacation. He is Mallory Hat at our store in the past and c fruit and berries, running water, Bulletin. I hereby announce mvself n re -J u pastor of one of the Presbyterian in this city to exchange for small JS A young lady of Cottage Grove publican candidate for the office of who would accept no other caused us to t-> churches of Eiugene and reni'-m farm. Inquire nt I.eader office. W , County Clerk, subject to the decis | purchased recently a fine pair of oo bered the I.eader with a pleasant “sit up and take notice.” W e profited by ion of the voters at Septemlier pri silk hose. I'pon returning home .2* j For sale—One bay horse, good call, he having been a friend of CQ she discovered that one of the maries. S t a c y M. K i s s k i . i .. roadster. Call at the Desl.arzes this experience and have secured the the editor during a former resi grocery. boselets had dropped out of the Springfield, Oregon. M dence at Roseburg. agency for this famous hat for Cwttage package upon the street. If the T3 The state fair this year will he o C Next Mondav August 29 the licst ever held in Oregon. finder will return same to the Lead Grove. H Wanted. O o er lie or she will lie suitable re NR'" Dr. l.owe, Portland’s well known optic ian and optometrist, warded and no questions asked. £ Middle-aged lady, geueral l As ft Hair Grower and work, small family, wages SHO P Can't make <). H- Willaid be will Ire at Hotel Oregon. If you H A R N E S S per week. Phone 884; P. n ' Dandruff Exterminator lieve an ad in the Eeader won’t have head aches, brain fag, in - melancholia anaemia, 255, Cottage Grove. pay. He placed a little ad “ Cow somnis, for Sale” in the last issue of the they are clearly the result of de 3 Leader. The next morning he pleted nerve reserve and in most o CQ Nichols & Brumfield pay the had three buyers after that cow instances are caused from eye highest cash price for second-hand Anyone having business with bicycles. v and had up to Friday received five strain. Possibly a pair of correct Chas. Beals over the telephone will > V more applicants from that little ly fitted glasses is all you need. please call No. 14<>Y, his phone Has no Equal. Every Bottle •Where Y o u Do B etter* A few .nire pigs for sale. In Z. Guaranteed. Sold by All ten cent ad. Of course advertis Consult Dr. Lowe and be sure, 19 having been removed from his quire oi F. B. Phillips. harness shop to hit residence. years experience. Druggists. ing pays! Don’t Throw Away That Pair of Shoes W hen a Few Dimes in Repairs Will Make Them GondAsHew All W o rk Turned Out P r o m p t l y , Guaranteed Satisfactory and Charges Reasonable.............................. V. S. GOFF 17c . . L u r c h ’s.. I SHOES SHOES SHOES \ 1 AT COOK’S I I I 5 6 C o o K ’s National s s & 3 u & I Bank Protection i 1 I The First National Bank f =— ---- Cottage G rove— Flou r Mills H ill Feed, G rain and Hay Experience Is The Best T e a c h e r They Are All Taking Notice J. V. F O S T E R . 2 Rees:Wallace Co. Celebrated Phone Changed Cobb’s Hair Tonic