T IC K L E T E A S E R S £mòw í €0ïf&0je B y A lf r a l J i n |U T h e r e w a s a > o u u g fe llo w uaine«.l J u n to . W ho bi ci took p o iI la tb s c b m s i 1 OBBt of u i uru, n o t early one uioi u Pop-'K m All relievetl him of hi« i»aiu. • mi Only 25c f o r Baltic s t All Bros floree a ; lüc al p a p e r r i T f o r a n y h o m e . . p r o g r e s s i v i :, n e w s y , i n d e p e n d e n t The Best Meats R ctrigeraiuf p la n t iu c o n sc c tie a w ith «hop. Clean li a c ts is our hobby G ive us a tria l............................. Beidler Bros. ^ B la c k b u tte Q u ick silv er, B o h em ia (Jold M inim i D is tric ts and T h ir ty Saw M illing E n te rp rise s T rib u tary to C o ttag e (irove. D airying, F r u it G row ing, Farm ing are Profitable C O T T A G E G R O V E L E A D E R I ^ Con so li date d J a n u a r y 9, 19 0 8 . BOHEM IA NUGGET ELECTRIC ROAD COMING TO COTTAGE GROVE. LIVE BOOSTERS COTTAGE GROVE, NEW COUNTY RANK SCHEME OREGO N, T U E S D A Y , A U G U S T 2 3 , ig io . COMPANY E HOME IN GOOD SHAPE. Touring the State in Auto and Distribute Literature. < Hviug to the fact that it has beeu repeatedly said th a t the av ­ erage voter is uninform ed on in­ itiative petitions in general and in order to get before the people the m erits of their m easure, I I . <). T hom pson and (). M. Kem, prom inent citizens of Cot­ tage d ro v e, who have long beeu earnest county division advocates, are beginning an educational cam ­ paign in the interests of the pro­ posed N esm ith county and are now covering the state in autom obiles. T hey visited W illam ette Valley points last week, and met the vot­ ers and distributed literature which fully ex p lain s the topography, area resources and statistical Carls con­ cern in g the affected territory of L ane and D ouglas counties. EVERY PRECINCT TO BE VISITED. VOL. XXII. NO. 18 POULTRY EXHIBIT AT LANE COUNTY FAIR Com pany ,E of Cottage Drove of It is evident th at the Oregon | the O regon flalioiial C.uard, under electric, now ru n n in g between loom u a u d o f Capt. I.awsou return- Portland and c ^ and proposed led hom e last week from the an n u al * HUgene soon, to be | e n c a m p m e n t at A m erican L ake in y o t \* » v ..m ate at Eugene, but excellent sh a |* \ T he boys were ,..iue south T he surveyors kept pretty well occupied most o fj reached Kugene last week, survey­ the tim e a n d Co. p. seemed to be ed through th a t city and continued th e prid e of the battalion. their work on southw ard toward Capt. Lawson is to be highly Spencer Hutte where it is supposed I congratulated on the excellent they are seeking the lowest pass to ¡show ing of bis men both on the ________ avoid a conflict with the Southern I field a n d in quarters. Out of the Pacific at the points or passes be T o show how unw orthy the W ill­ I five sham battles in which Major Mall of Appomatox Post No. .54 tween Eugene and Springfield and iam s countv creation schem e is of H a m lin ’s battalion participated A- R. At a m eeting held in south of Springfield at the junction of the Middle and Coast P orks of! any support we desire to call a t­ they did not lose one and Major the hall A ugust 1.4, 1910, to m ake the W illam ette. It is said an tention to the D rain N onpareil’s Ilam liu was unstinted in his praise arrangem ents to hold a m eeting of available suitable pass for the frank acknow ledgem ent which and m anifestation of satisfaction the Lane County Veteran Associa- tion it w as resolved to hold such electric road exists iu the Spencer I follows: 1 he Cottage (.rove with Co. Tv's conduct. Capt. Lawson was in com m and | m eeting on the I S, 16 and 17 of Butte country over w hich th e new j Leader says with some truth, for a road will probably pass, thence i wonder, th at W illiam s county was of Co, H . and the home com pany I September 1910, at C ottage ( ’.rove across the swale to Creswell and 'o n ly started to defeat the great during most of the engagem ents, and the following com m ittees were on to Cottage Drove, it being t and good Nesmith from coiisym- with Lieutenant Metcalf lending appointed: geuerally p red icted th at the road ¡m ating its project. Very good. Co. E and victory perched upon On program —Com rades C h ap ­ will eveutuallv be extended b y j Wl v D ON’T D ENY T H A T . It their b anner in every engagem ent. man, Woods, H andy, A dam s. Some few of the com pany stop­ stages, lo Koseburg, G rants I iss, | has been our object all along to On Finance—Comrades Dickey, Medford and finally to Aslil ml. defeat their ¡imposed county by ped oft" at Portland oil the way Taylor. home but the rest came back hale !every fair and proper m eans.” On Music— Mrs. H andy, the T h e voters of Oregon should and hearty aud well pleased with W. R. C. President appointed Mrs, A Bumper Crop note the fact th at a jealous, selfish the experience. A lta Spray, Mrs. G ard n er and Mrs. Lawson and Mrs. Kurtz ¡Sadie McKibben. Easley brothers finished thresh- : and mossback neighbor of Cottage iug their crop on the Jones farm ( irove has caused to be in a u g u ra t­ met their husbands in Portland On place and m eeting—Com­ near this city last W ednesday and ed a new county movement w ith­ and returned home with them. rade G ardner, Mrs. G ardner au d had a bum per yield. T heir w heat out merit or any p articu lar claim Mrs. H arrington, crop averaged ,15 bushel; to th e for support other tfiau tfiat Drain TO REPORT ON T he m atter of a dinner was acre and oats N7 bushels to (be wants to defeat the creation of ! turned over to the W. R. C., they BOHEMIA MINES acre. They have already sold to ; N esm ith county and hopes by ip- j to do the work, the D. A. R. to C harles Matthews, the Cottage auguratiiig a fake W illiam* county j Drove Hour mill man, loot) bushels movement with its boundary lines ! Dr. H erbert E. Smith of New raise the fuuds" t)n M eeting—Comrade Woods, of w heat, 200» bushels of oats and overlapping the proposed N esm ith H aven, Conn., was in Creswell the Reeeptiou Committee—C o m- 100 tons of hay, all of extra fine county to force this imposition up first of the week for a short visit <|ualitv for which they received;on the legal voters and deceive with Drs. Scarbrough aud George, jrades G ardner, Harrison, Slagle. the very highest m arket price. them by seeking tljeir votes on a Dr. Sm ith is the representative of. These are atl w orkers and things ---------- m r ----------- proposition backed only by selfish, New York capitalists and cam e to will hum . So come ..long. Oeo McReyno;dSi President, County Assessor 15. P. Keeney | m ercenary aud egotistical motives, Oregon to investigate aud report is the proud possessor of a j Such is D rain ’s W illiam s county on the Bohemia : D. D. Woods, Secretary. beautiful silver cup received from scheme, which should an d will be tage Drove, lie is also dean of ...... M assachusetts, being aw arded him snowed under so deep by ballots the Yale Medical College aud an Drain Paper Admits Mer­ Lane County Association cenary Motives Back to Meet at Cottage Williams County Grove in Sept. Logging Foreman Injured. Congressman Will Visit Grove. TOURING THE STATE IN AN AUTOMOBILE IN THE INTERESTS OF NESMITH COUNTY JUSTICE DEMANDS THE CREATION OF NEW COUNTY OF NESMITH Nesmith Territory Tail End of Two Big Counties. Dood argum ents are m ade in behalf of the proposed new county Tfie main cause of N esm ith’s diconteut is th at it is the tail end of both of those enormous old counties, Lane and D ouglas, js therefore denied proper representation and ignored in all m atters of government and public improvements. T here is little doubt but tfia 1 the people of Oregon, believers in fair play, will give them the oppor­ tunity they crave.— Medford Mail Tribune. Elder Oliver Sent To Rayai Academy. of Nesmith- Roseburg News: “ E lder IL W- Oliver, for the past year at the head of the Seventh Day A dvent­ ist church in Koseburg, accom pan­ ied by his family, left this m orning for Cottage Drove. Elder O liver will la k e up his residence at Koval n ear Cottage Drove, to w hich place he has been transferred by th e conference, and during the en ­ suing year will be identified with th e church school work at that place. W ithin the past year m any new members have been added to the K osebuig church both by b a p ­ tism and letter, aud the o rg an iza­ tion is in excellent condition, c a r­ ry in g a larger m em bership than ever before. Elder O liver aijd fam ily have m ade m auv warm friends during their stay in Kose­ burg and it is with deepest regret th a t th e congregation here give them up for the work in other fields.” Some of the m oving pictures bring one mighty close to the great worjd ip which wft live. T ak e the H gvgitna scenes, for instance. Seeing them is n ex t to tak in g a trip to Cuba. Y °u have the re a l­ ity, the action itself. Vote for Nesmith county. im “ Has It For Less” Headquarters for Men’s Apparel, Shoes, Hosiery, Hats and Clothing W alker Youug, an esteem ed p i­ oneer of near Eugene, w as a guest of his pioneer friends, C. II. W al­ lace and H . C. Y eatch of this city last week. T h eir recounting of pioneer days including th e early Indian troubles during w hich tim e Mr. Y oung h ad a brother-in-law , I H arris by nam e, killed by the In- I dians, w as very interesting and a great source of pleasure to these sturdy pioneers. ....Ju st A rrivin g.... Last week S. W . Boyd, who ow ns a fine farm a few miles south of this city lost two valuable Je r- i sey cows in a peculiar m aim er, j T he painters had been at work on | th e large new barn which M r. j Boyd recently completed and the scum from the top of the paint w as throw n down by the side of the barn and strange to say was eagerly eaten by the cows, resu lt­ in g in their death soon thereafter. Mr. Boyd would have refused $75 for either of these cows. ' S ’ • Latest Patterns, New Brown Suits, $18.00 to “ All W ool Blue Serge “ K. J . H em phill, can d id ate for the nom ination of county com m iss­ ioner on the republican ticket, visited C ottage D rove F riday. Mr. H em phill h as resided at Pleasant Hill for 22 years and is an honest, up-right an d progressive citizen iu whom there is good m aterial for commissioner. Read his card iu the Leader today. A steam plow owned and oper­ ated by A. M. Thompson of P ort­ lan d is being operated on the Mil­ ler ranch west of Creswell. The plows, four in num ber, plow six inches deep and are pulled by a 12-horse A u ltm airT av lo r engine. Ten acres can lie plowed each day, and this method of w orking laud is com ing into use every year on large tracts throughout the north­ west. Wheeler Thompson “ Mrs. W . T . K ayser h as received sad intelligence of the death of a brother iu M issouri. H e w as 61 years of age, only six m onths older th a n Mr. K ayser who died last week. Jess N ichols, logging forem an for th e E ugene I.um ber Co. at Doreua, su stain ed a badly m ashed foot S atu rd ay m orning. H e w as brought to th is city w here his in­ juries were atteuded to and he then returned to Dorena. 1'ncle Ja ck Kile presented the H . O. Thompson and O. M. Kem of Cottage Drove, were here Leader with some beautiful perfect T hursday in the interest of Nesm ith county. They are both prom inent specim ens of Yellow T ransparent business men of that city and are spending all of their time between au d Dutchess of O ldenburg apples, now and election at their own expense in the interest of the cause.— the latter being a beautiful red H arrisburg Bulletin. an d yellow stripped apple and e x ­ [II. O. Thom pson is ex-president of the commercial club aud a cellent as a fall cooking and eat­ member of the W heeler-Thom pson Co., dealers in ladies and gents fu r­ ing apple. These apples were nishings. O. M. Kem is one of the proprietors of the Cottage Drove grown on Mr. K ile’s up-hill land Electric Light & Power plant and a m an with m uch experience' in po­ : and dem onstrates the value of ruch litical and public affairs.— Ivd.] laud for apples in this vicinity. Men’s Beautiful Soft Gray Suits, $15.00 lo Lest Two Valuable Cows. LOCAL NEWS Of INTEREST lio n . 15. F. Keeney will super­ intend the iioultry departm ent at the Lane county fair to lie held at liugene September 21-24, which is --- * a guarantee that the birds will be well cared for. A com petent judge will lie employed to score the birds. No entrance fee will lie charged but 20 per cent of the winuiiigs will lie deducted instead of the usual fee. Liberal cash prizes are offered and the Cottage Drove poultrymen should tak e hold aud help brother Keeuey out in this T h e state fair this year will be departm ent of the county fair. the best ever held in O regon. 1’remium list upon application. San Diego has just bonded itself for $ 1 ,000,000 to improve its 1400- acre city park. E. S. Prindle Shot at Hale. About 50,000 pickers will be E. S. I’rindle, a cheese m aker at actively at work in Oregon hop Maple Creek, Lane county, single fields very soon. Tw o hundred soldiers passed aud aged 27 years was shot and killed by John Johnson who cam e through C ottage G rove M onday to fight forest fires near C rater Lake« home unexpectedly Sunday n ig h t H orace Cochran aud family have and found l’rindle with his wife. returned to Cottage Drove to re­ Johnson gave himself mp prom ptly side from Roseburg. They all to Sheriff Howil- T he Jo h n so n ’s come back to Cottage Drove. have no children. O. E. Woodson has just added a large two story addition to b is Bristow Bean Wedding on August 30 steam laundry and has covered it with a new cedar shingle roof. Invitations are out for the m ar­ T he A lbany Apple F air will be riage of Darwin Darrel Bristow held on November 16 and 17. and Miss Hazel H . Beau at the T his section should begin prep ara­ home of the bride's parents, Judge tions now to m ake a creditable e x ­ and Mrs Jam es Riley Beau, at hibit. 665 Elliott avenue, Portland, on C ongressm an W . C. H aw ley the evening of A ugust .40. T he has written friends th a t he will groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Darwin Bristow of Eugene, h u t visit C ottage D rove w hile m aking a trip th ro u g h th e district in th e formerly of Cottage Drove. near future. It is the purpose of the N esm ith county citizens com mittee to visit personally every voting precinct in the state, ¡trior lo election. D uring the past m onth, llje com ­ m ittees in charg e have received encouragem ent from Com mercial About 25 G erm ans of this city clubs and leading business o rg an ­ attended the dedication of the new izations in every part of Oregon, German club home at Eugene m an y of them voluntarily offering Sunday. th e hearty support of the m easure, - - ■ - j - ..■ i after having m ade an investigation for his exhibit of poultry at the November Mtlj th a t it will tak e a associate with Marvin Scarbrough, of th e proposition. sou of Hr- S carbrough and well w Seattle exposition last year. thousand years to exh u m e it. U N A N I M I T Y OK P E O P L E F E A T U R E . known here.-^-Creswell Chronicle. | < live of the principal features of Gets Assistant In Freight Depot ,r _ th is cam paign is the unanim ity of Messrs. Q. M. Kem and H- O. Ihouipsou, prom inent business the people interested witbiii the At last S. V . Station Agent, men of ^ °tta g e Drove, arrived here last evening by nuto. T he gentle- boundaries of the proposed county, F rank King, lias been granted :pi u,en Wl1' tour state ill (he interest of the Nesmith county proposit- it being shown conclusively that assistaut freight man in the local '° 1 1 Will he voted on at the fall election. N inety-two p e rc e n t of D avid Finn, Supervisor of Assessments, Merrill, W isconsin, wfio 92 per ce n t of the qualified voters frpight deppt toreleive the ipereas- 'ho population affected lias ¡lelitioued for the division which is solidly formerly resided iu Cottage Drove, and is fam iliar with the needs and signed the petition for its creation, an d are exerting themselves iu its requirem ents jf this part of Oregon, iu a recent business letter to tfie j u g heavy work w hich for a year j hacked bv the leading business interests of the district. Its promoters past has beeu almost overwhelm- are m aking a splendid showing aud the ¡lersoual work th at is being Leader appends the following postscript: behalf. ing the old force. T h e new man cT°"e hy Messrs. Kem and l hompson is sure to be Iruitful. They will T he proposed N esm ith county “I sincerely Liope and pray that the people of Cottage selected for this position is W arren ¡S0 lo kofvalljs from hcie, w ould have 1940 square m iles ta k ­ Orove^will get the new county they are asking fqr. Jpsfice Tom Parker, the “ Do-Nut K ing” of Cottage Drove, a former Al- Asher and ih efe ' s no doubt hid en from Lane and D ouglas’ joint | demands that Nesmith county should be created. A few hauiau, earae up with the party an d will visit his. m other and other w hat he wiM m ake good- T his is area of 9241 sq uare miles. Its as­ relatives for a few days. Edwin Spray ja the chauffeur. -A lb a n y ¡more new counties is the greatest need of old Oregon and evidence th at Cottage D rove’s sessed valuation (from the records) Citizen. w ould be $5,,500,000, from a joint I hope the people will see it in this light for their own good freight and shipping traffic is ra p ­ AT HARRISBURG. idly on the increase. v aluation of $49,200,000. Its p o p ­ and the good of the stale. Success to your efforts.” ulation w ould be #656 from a joint population of 64,000. Industries $20.00 to Men’s Pacific Logger and Chippeway Logger, $7.00 to E. A. W heeler presented the I Leader w ith some beautiful Red l aud w hite A s t r i c h a n apples W ednesday. They were perfect and the red ones were as solid red as you ever see an apple. T he w hite ones were very light in col­ or w ith a pink cheek, otherwise like the other varieties of Astri- eb au s. Mr. W heeler also has the stripped astrichan all grown to perfection on foot hill land. WHEELER - THOMPSON COMPANY “ E v e rw e n r” Hosiery F o r Men A n d W om en '« - I T - . • * ■»