T IC K L C T E A S E R S B y A lt f t The Best Meats Jin g l* T U er* w a»u >ouug fellow uauic«l J.tu u *. W ho uevcr took part iu the guinc- Ou accouut of tt corn, hut early one m orn K efrigerntoi p le a t in connection w ith «hop. c le a n lin e s s is o u r hob b y t iis e us a tr ia l........................... : ui \11 .. Iicvc 4 him of hi- pain Beidler Bros. Only 25c Pn r BnttU nl All Drug I u r t a « ¡ L O C A L P A P E K r i i F O U AN V H O M E - . I ' H O G R E S S I V E . N E W S Y , I N D E P E N D E N T Blackbutte Quicksilver, Bohemia Gold Mining Districts and Thirty Saw Milling Enterprises Tributary to Cottage drove. Dairying, Fruit Growing, COTTAGE GROVE LEADER B O H E M IA N UGGET Farming are Profitable Industries' COTTAGE GRO VE, O R E G O N , T U E S D A Y , A U G U S T i6, iqio. C o n s o l i d a t e d J a n u a r y 9 , I9 0 M . SPECIAL CITY ELECTION CALLED FOR NEXT MONDAY BOYS AI AMERICAN LAKE CAMP TEACHERS SUCCESSFUL IN EXAMINATIONS. VOL. X X II. NO. 17 NEWBURG MAN IS HELD FOR BIGAMY A WEEK OF AMIISEHENT Work of grading the papers of Newburg, Ore., Aug. 11.— II. se who took the teachers' ex- I.. Lewis of Newburg, Was arrest v '' nations the last week was com ed yesterdav charged with bigamy, and taken to McMinnville, where pleted Saturday evening by the ---------------------- examiners. The class of 12d was , he is to lie confronted by a woman the largest that has ever taken the StrSilUOUS EspC C lsIly fOT tfl6 RcCPUitS. who says she is wife No. 1, who has just come from Oklahoma. teachers' examinatiaus iu f.aue Lewis came to Newburg two county, and 111 were successful. months ago from Dillev and it is The following named south Lane understood that he formerly lived applicants were successful. First at Cottage Grove. grade— Ernest l’urvauce, Fay Hampton, Margaret Kiley, Pearl He bought property here and a Sams, Katie Wilson, Cottage few mouths ago he returned from An imimrtaiit special municipal tion therefor, and to do and per Seattle, August H .—Troops j indulged in and the officers are Last week was one of mirth, election is called for Monday, form auy and all acts and things Grove. Oua I.iles, l.oraue; |. A. from the National Guards of i being put through the tests in eu- a short trip to Tacoma with a merriment and entertainment in Scharen, Creswell. woman he introduced as his wife. August 22, 1 ‘>10, when several with relation to the operation or Washington, Oregon, Idaho and ¡durance and horsemanship which \ Cottage Grove, the principal at Second grade— I,¡Ilian Green, At the time of his arrest he was maintenance of said rock quarry proposed amendments to the city Montana, nud from the regular | President Roosevelt inaugurated tractions being supplied by Miller’s charter will be up for the consid and rock crusher the same as a I). R. I lam ant, Cottage Grove; army regiments stationed in these | during his term of office, and about closing the sale of his prop Carnival Company made up of erty here, and had arrauged to Nora Queen, Saginaw: I.elah eration of the legal voters as well private corporation might or could states and in California, are in which so greatly discomfited some many of the coast’s best artists leave town on the evening train. Fatks, Creswell; Mary Hawley, do, being under the power and as the proposition of bonding iu camp this week at American Lake of the older and stouter officers besides the name of Lewis he is and specialists in entertaining and Star; Della Jackson, Nettie Addi the sum of #.»<>,IKK) to retire all out control of the common couucil. on the prairies south of Tacoma, j who had grown unused to the said to have been knowu as Ross attracting crowds hy means of son, Verona Chapman of Loraue. Section .1. All money derived standing warrants and supply a Wash., where the bi-annual man-1saddle from many years of peace Young and P, G. Ford in other their acts of unusual merit. There Third grade— Mabel Rosenberg, small emergency fund, and also to from the sale of rock from such euvers of the army for the l)e-jand quiet at comfortable army was Kobe the dariug aeronaut, cities. Mabel Veatch, MargueriteO’Mara, vote #5,000 bonds to provide for rock quarry shad be placed in the partuient of Columbia are being! l)0sts. who ou the opening Thursday eve Fun ice VauDeuburg, of Cottage the expense of paving the street care and custody of the treasurer U*’d' , , V. M. C. A. Tent, Aug. 10, 1910. PARTIAL PROGRAM ning made one of the prettiest and Grove; Edna Webber, Creswell; of the city of Cottage Grove, which intersections on Main street. All 1 he citizen soldiers and the reg Rditor Ua , Co of thp most thrilling baloon ascensions Ethel Shields, Ethel Chrismau, of these propositions should and no funds shall be under the charge julnrs are participating in th e l4Ul illfanlrv weut illto KANSAS PICNIC. and parachute jumps ever witness at Ada [.and, Dorena: Earuestiue and control of the common coun doubt will succeed. , marches, drills and battles of a j ;l),out- 5 p. m. Monday and Lt. ed iu this city, it being estimated Morgan, Saginaw. cil. mimic warfare, which is teaching Metcalf took guard mount at once. Initiative Petition. T he first annual picnic to lie that he reached an altitude of 1800 Primary certificates— Neva Per Initiative Petition. the men the conditions of actual The men are iu fine condition after held by former residents of the feet lie fore he cut loose his para T o propose by Initiative Petition kins and Adella White, Cottage service, To propose by initiative petition the big battle and hike today, E Sunflower state now residing iu chute and gracefully descended to a law giving to the common coun Grove; Elya Richardson, Creswell, a law providing for the manner of The Montana troops were first Co. having the important position this community will lie held in the cil ¡rower to issue and disjxise of a point ouly a few hundred yards vacating streets and parts thereof on the ground, arriving with some of rear guard and bore the heavy city park Wednesday August 31, from the starting place. cou|xru bonds not exceeding $30,- Stone Crusher Working. of the regulars, I he Idaho tioops i en(j nf (jje (¡gluing in the victory and following is the program as 000, for the purpose of retiriug all iu the city of Cottage Grove, and Wilson, the slide for life man, the property to which said vacated | came into camp a few days later, for the red army. The new re far as completed: outstanding warrants, and defray- I also thrilled the crowds by his dar street or part tliereof vacated shall l’.x-Aldermau A1 Elledge started followed by the Washington and cruits of E Co. have been rapidly Opeiiiiig Song, America. mg the necessary current expenses ing slide down the long cable sus attach. the rock crusher last week and is Oregou regiments. There are also whipped in shape by the service Ten minute addresses. pended from a strap, which he of the city of Cottage ('.rove. He it enacted hv the people of | producing the base of the Main a few regulars sent north from the men. and its officers and He it enacted by the people of, ___ details ______ Pioneer Kansas, M. J . DeLa- held by his teeth. Cottage Grove: street paving at a rapid rate. The I’resido at San Francisco. have been repeatedly com plim ent-1 Vergne. the city of Cottage Grove: Cbas. De Nova’s death trap feat Section 1. Whenever any person material will be placed cm the In all about *,0 0 0 men are eu ed bv the raIlki„g officers of b o th ' Kansas today, Col. W . II. was no less thrilling, he walking Section 1. That, for the purpose or corporation interested iu any streets at the intersections. The camped and will be divided i n t o . resular„ alK, () N> a Thej Blair. of retiring all outstanding warrants across a bar head downward by street or part thereof in the city of crusher would have been started the a r m ie s of the Hrowns and Uie ,uen are taking great pride in the I Progressive Kansas, W. C. means of placing his toes in loops of the city of Cottage Grove, not , . „ Cottage Grove, and shall desire on Monday, but there was delay Hleus, which wilr* contest m the i ; Counter. heretofore provided for, and for or rings suspended from the high such street nr part thereof to be account of having to get a licit big battle that will conclude the colaPaMV a,u' ,ls officers, Pleasant side of Kansas, II. O. bar. the purpose of defraying the neces- j encampment. j Regards, vacated, such ()erson or corpora from Portland. I Thompson. Long practice marches are being F . P. K u rtz sary current expenses, necessary Among the entertaiuers was Contractor Hart has the work sewer, drainage and street improve- j *'ou iy II give notice, by advertise Kansas Watermelon, James Veno the pretty snake charmer, ment thereof, for four consecutive 0,1 tl>e reservoir on I.andess’ hill llemenway. ments of said city, of the surplus with her den of vipers: the Dixie To Engage In Lumber Business. Creswell News Notes weeks, iu a newspaper, of general i well under way, The crushed Educational Kansas, W. C. Jubilee singers and dancers, in after retiring all outstanding w ar-! circulation published in the city stone for the concrete work is be l'rank Rosenberg, who has for rants, the common council is here-' cluding one of the best buck-and- Creswell is building up rapidly. , Conner. of Cottage Grove, that at a regular ing furnished by the city. It will several been acting secretary | Recitation, Ilildred Hall. wiug dancers on the coast. by authorized and enqiowered in 1. L. Harding a carpenter who meeting of the council of said city, require a considerable amount for the Commercial club, and re Song, Male quartette, Messrs. the name of the city of Cottage Worthy of especial mentiou was to lie had at the time stated in 1 which, together with that needed cently temporary successor to has been at work on the school ; Hisby, Ralstou, Counter and Con Grove, to issue and dispose of the barret jumping feats by H. E . house, fell from the top of a 12- such notice of publication, a pe- j for the street work planned, will booster Conley, lias resigned his coupon bonds of the city of Cot ner. LaRoy and his marvelous rod foot ladder Tuesday, striking ou a titiou will be piesented to the keep the crusher busy for some position to engage in the lumber tage Grove, to an amount not ex Reading, Mrs. Ora llemenway. twisting acts, liending of iron rods timber and dislocating his right council praying for the vacation j time to come, Song, medley, by the ladies, business. He has been contem ceeding the sum of thirty thousand held in his teeth and by striking wrist, bruising his face and injur of such street, or ¡xirtion thereof, basket dinner. plating this action for some time, ($30,000) dollars running not them over the bare fore-arm. The ing his shoulder and back While Quite a Feat For Sigall Tot«. particularly describing same. The ¡but owning to certain conditions more than thirty years from the bendiug of Iron rods about his he is not seriously hurt, the injuries at j petition to be presented to the ------------ j did not act until recently. date thereof, liearing interest neck by four local gentlemen was Jas. A. Sterling h Dead. he received will necessitate his council shall set forth a descript-; Kelly and Lucille Hmustelter, Mr. Rosenberg has a broad ex not more than six per centum, ill a torture few, if any, strong men T~--------- Mr. and Mrs l c. perience in the lumber business, stopping work for several days.— denominations from $100 to $1000, ion of the part of the street pro-1 . children ......... - of ......................- “ Jimmie” Sterling, of Drain, submit too, but seemed only Creswell Chronicle. as the couucil shall determine, posed or sought to be vacated, and Hranstetter, the oldest being only having been for a long time iu the deputy assessor of Douglas county amusement for LaRoy. Richard Martin of Chilcoot, and Cottage Grove's first telegraph principal and interest payable at the purpose for which the ground lu years of age, started out on employ of the Pacific Timber com W. C. Pope is well termed the is proposed to be used,'and the their bicycles a day or so ago for Calif., arrived in Creswell Tuesday operator, died at his Drain home india rubber man, for his marvel such time and place as shall be pany, but later head bookkeeper for a visit with his brother Tow desired by the purchasers, sealed reason for such vacation, and there Cottage Grove. They left Eugene ous acts are accomplished with for the brown Lumber company Martin. Richard Martin has heen Wednesday aged 62 years, lie shall be ap|>ended to such petition, in the morning, arriving in the with the seal of the city, signed by leaves a widow and two sons, Paul the apparent greatest ease. as a part thereof, and as a basis Grove aliout noon, a distance of of Cpttage Grove. He is also vice visiting with Ilia sister, Mrs. the Mayor and attested by the Re The electric show was a great Sterling railway agent at Myrtle for such vacation, the consent of 22 miles. A card was received gereut suark of the southern i ire- Knowltou at Cottage Grove for a corder and sold at not less than Point, and l'.dwin residing at hit, the Luna sisters in Iheir the owners in fee simple, of at the following morning sta|i|ig that gotl district of Qie Conea tiuated few days, and the meeting of the home. A step-son and three step brillali! serpentine fire dances and par value to the highest responsi least two-thirds of the real estate they had arrived. They went to two brothers and sister was the daughters also survive ble bidder after notice has been The poses pastique being decidedly new (irder of Hoo IIoo. lie will no fronting on both sides of said visit their aunt, Mrs. John barker. first in Hi years. Mr. Martin who Leader editor remembers that and unique, while the moving published at least once a week for doubt build up a splendid patron- street or part thereof to be vacated, — Eugene Register. is 77 years of age, has resided in when a small lmy he used to pictures were plain and life-like. three successive weeks in a news i age for himself in the near future, estimated upon the frontage of the paper of general circulation, pub The steam merry-go-round with California for V. years, and is a watch Mr. SUaEuM read telegraph I messages trout the old Morse paper its “ lovers tubs” was the hit with Jas. Henson, the druggist, went for he is closely allied with the .10 lished in the city of Cottage Grove, street, such frontage to commence very prominent man iu his home tape instrument in Whipple's store at a line drawn equi distance from to Wolf Creek last night to look or more sawmills adjacent to Cot the young, and was well patroniz Oregon. county.—Creswell CUroipcJa which stood hy the side of the Section 2. Any section or part the termini of the street or portion after his property interest there. tage (.rove. flour utill in west Cottage Grove, ed. The proprietor, Prank Miller, is thereof of any Chapter of Act to there bviug no east Cottage Grove (Continued on Last Page) Patronize Leader advertisers. boost for Nesmith county. Vpte for Nesmith county. at that time. most genial, courteous and lib incorporate the city of Cottage Grove by the special session of the eral, seeming to take pleasure in picking out little penniless ur Legislative Assembly 1903, and chins and supplying them with amendatory Acts, or measures merry-go-round tickets or admiss thereto in conflict hereto, are here ions to the shows. by repealed. Harry Gibson, the genial busi Initiative Petition. ness manager, is also a most gen To propose by initiative petition tlemanly fellow with whom it is a a law providing for the confirming pleasure to trausact business. the purchase l;v theejtv of Cottage Altogether it was a most gentle Grove: one rock quarry ami one manly and ladylike aggregation, rock crusher and appliances, and and if Cottage Grove is ever visit- providing for the sale of rock led at a more favorable time, Mil therefrom, and the care and custo ler's Amusement Company will dy of the moqey derived from such receive a far more cordial greeting sales. and liberal patronage. This com He it enacted by the people of pany is filliug an engagement at the city of Cottage Grove: Springfield this week, where a Section 1. That the city of Cot great celebration of the completion tage Grove does hereby confirm of the new railway bridge in in the purchase of three acres of land, progress. situate and being just outside of Men's Beautiful Soft Gray Suits, $15.00 to the city limits, north, commonly Hand* Down Oecisian. “ Latest Patterns, New Brown Suits, $18.00 to known as the “ rock quarry,” to gether with the purchase of one f Judge Harris of the circuit court “ All Wool Blue Serge “ $ 2 0 .0 0 to rock crusher and appliances there- i recently handed down a decision Men’s Pacific Logger and Chippeway Logger, $7 .0 0 to to, now being on said land and I iu the case of John W. Hazleton real estate. vs. Ella White Thompson and Section 2. Said city is further j others, to quiet title to certain real authorized and empowered to 1 estate iu and near Cottage Grove. maintain, conduct and operate' The decision is in fa vor of the de said rock crusher and rock quarry i fendants and an order was made and to furnish to public and pri -1 dismissing the suit.— Register. vate consumers, either within or " E v e r w e a r " H o siery F o r Men A nd W om en without the city limits, rock, Dr. l-owe will be in Cottage crushed or uncrushed, for road, Grove August 29, Draiu .W, Y an street, commercial and other pur eaba 31, Oakland September 1, poses, and to charge a compensa-1 I Koseburg 2 and .1. Full Text of the Important Measures to uted Llffi, NfiW Upon— Bonds to Retire O utsailing Oregon Boys Win Laurels in Sham Bat Miller Carnival Co. Enliv ened Vacation Sea Warrants Should be Voted. tle and Receive Much Praise son in Grove. Wheeler Thompson Co. “ H a s It F o r Le ss” Headquarters for Men’s Apparel, Shoes, Hosiery, Hats and Clothing ....Ju s t A r r iv in g .... WHEELER - THOMPSON COMPANY ifct*.