Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, July 12, 1910, Image 3

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Pure Food Law Upheld by Kan­
sas City Jury.
Government Wine in Prosecution o f
Millers—Price o f Wheat Will
be Reduced Greatly.
Kansas City, Mo.— “ We, the jury,
ñnd that the flour seized was adultera­
“ We, the jury,'find that the flour
seized was misbranded.”
These two verdicts were returned to
the Federal court here by the jury that
for more than five weeks has listened
to arguments for and against the
charge by the government that the 625
sacks of flour, bleached and sold by the
Lexington, Mill & Elevator company,
o f Lexington Neb., and seized by the
government whlie in the possession of
the purchaser, a grocer at Sable, Mo.,
were adulterated and misbranded.
The verdict, returned after seven
hours of deliberation, was acomplete
victory for the government, which
prosecuted the suit under the national
pure food and drugs act.
The government charged that the
flour was adulterated in that it was
bleached by the Alsop process, which
makes use of nitrogen peroxide in
bleaching flour.
Misbranding was
charged in that the flour seized was
labeled fancy patent, which the govern­
ment contended it was not, because
it was not made from a first grade
hard winter wheat.
Bruce Elliott, chief counsel for the
millers, made the following statement
after the jury had reported:
“ This case was not one that should
have been tried by a jury. I called
personally upon President T aft and
assured him all the millers desired was
a fair test.
“ The president assured me the mil­
lers would not be harried and that a
fair test should be had. Immediately
thereafter, under instructions a f the
attorney general, the seizures began in
different parts o f the country. We
started out to defend the cases on the
assumption that the government would
permit them to be tried before a ref­
“ President Roosevelt appointed a
board of scientific men for just such
purposes and the board has settled
many cases that came up under the
pure food law, such, for instance, as
the benzoate o f soda case. But when
this case to trial the attorney general
refused to let this board act and insis­
ted on a jury trial.”
Attorneys for the millers will file a
motion for a new trial within 20 days.
Arguments will be heard by Judge Mc­
Pherson about September 1.
say that the bleached flour decision will
handicap the farmers of the Southwest
to the extent o f $15,000,000 to $18,-
000,000 a year.
They say the old
differential o f 5 cents a bushel in
vogue in Chicago and* St, Louis mar­
kets, will soon reappear.
Lott Nerve and Stopped Motor— Both
Arms and Legs Broken.
Bethany Plains, Rheims, France -
The second distressing accident of the
aviation meet here occurred when Bar­
oness de la Roche, driving a Voiain
biplane, lost her nerve at a height of
50 meters, shut off the power and fell
with her machine to the ground.
Her legs and arms were broken and
she suffered severe contusions, but the
doctors who have her case in hand hope
for her recovery. I t first was thought
she had sustained a fracture o f the
skull, but this was not the case.
A t a height o f 80 meters, the Bar­
oness de la Roche had flown once
around the field. The spectators in the
grand stand were applauding her vocif­
erously. Suddenly she appeared to be­
come frightened at the approach of
two other aeroplanes, one of which, a
Sommer, driven by M. Lindpainter,
passed directly over her.
The baroness, in a period o f con­
sciousness after the accident, said, that
the rush of air from the motor over­
head had thrown her into consterna­
tion, and that she had put out the igni­
tion and lost control. The machine
fell like a meteorite to the ground.
The crowds rushed out on the field
and extricated the mangled and bloody
form of the woman aviator from the
tangled debris, and conveyed her to a
nearby hospital.
Meanwhile, Lindpainter had descend­
ed, and the crowd, believing him to be
responsible for the accident, threatened
to lynch him.
Gendarmes, however, threw a cordon
about the aviator and dispersed the ex­
cited spectators. An inquiry by the
judges’ committee showed that Lind­
painter was in no way responsible for
the accident.
The first accident o f the meeting oc­
curred on the opening day, when
Charles Wachter’B Antoinette mono­
plane collapsed at a height o f 500 feet,
and dropped like a stone, instantly
killing Waehter.
Olielager, not satisfied with his rec­
ord of one hour, 58 minutes and 20
seconds for the 150 kilometers, set out
again and cut it to one hour, 54 minu­
tes 2-5 seconds.
He used a Blériot
Two other records were broken by
M. Leblanc, who also used a Blériot
The first was the 10 kilometers,
which was made in six minutes, 33 4-5
seconds, and the second the five kilo­
meters, the time for which was caught
at three minutes 12 and 4-5 seconds.
Olielager, in a Blériot, won the $4,-
000 prize for distance. He covered 140
miles in 2:55:52 3-5.
Closing ot Door in China Seen
Russo-Japanese Compact.
Berlin—The liveliest interest is felt
in official circles regarding the Russo-
Japanese agreement, the text o f which
has not yet been fowaded to the Ger­
man government. The maintenance of
the status quo, which the agreement
is ostensibly intended to secure, is con­
sidered most desirable.
The moat delicate °-oint in the agree­
ment refers, according to the semi­
official Frankfurter Zeitung, to the un­
derstanding to act actually on the de­
R U SSO -JAP P A C T S IG N IF IC A N T | fensive against the intervention by any
third power in Manchuria, which still
Mikado's Manchurian Interests Safe­ belongs to China. ..The agreement,
therefore, cannot be directed against
guarded Against U. S.
Tokio— A British paper, published
I t is pointed out that America ob­
in Yokohama, says that the conclusion tained from China concessions for the
o f the new Russo-Japanese agreement, l Aigun-Chinchow railroad, and the ques­
on the “ Glorious Fourth,” was signifi­ tion is now raised here whether the
cant in that it followed the failure of agreement is intended to oppose Amer­
Secretary Knox’s Manchurian neutral­ ica’ s unwelcome intrusion in the Russo-
ization proposal.
Japanese Bphere o f influence. I f so,
This plan, it alleges, was really the the agreement is taken to mean the
cause of a closer entente between Rus­ closing o f the open door.
sia and Japan. It adds that the new
understanding is apparently an answer
Sergeant Runs Amuck.
to the Chinchow-Agun railway scheme.
Port Townsend, Wash. — Sergeant
One o f the native papers in Tokio I
Sorell, of the Twenty-fifth infantry
says that, while at first Japan and
(colored), stationed at Fort Lawton,
Great Britain, together with America,
began drinking as soon as he learned
appeared to be antagonistic to Pussian
the victory of Jack Johnson. Return­
arrogance in the Far East, later devel­
ing to the post, he ran amuck with a
opments led Russians and Japanese to
knife, threatened officers and men, and
take concerted measures against the
severely cut a private. Sorell fled to
Far Eastern policy o f the United j
Seattle, took passage on a steamer for
Victoria, was headed off by a telegram
and was not allowed to land at V ic­
Crops Wither Under Sun.
Washington — The grain crops in toria, and was brought to Port Town­
send, where a detachment of soldiers
Montana and the Western portion o f |
arrested him.
the Dakotas which are not receiving
irrigation water are literally dried up
Steel Frames Blown Up.
and shrivelling in the fields, according
Chicago—Sympathizers with union
to a statement issued by the reclama­
tion service.
Continuous hot winds metal workers were believed by the
with the mercury near the 100 mark are police to be responsible for a dynamite
proving extremely disastrous, it is explosion that wrecked several tons of
said. The engineers in charge o f the steel window frames on the premises
reclamation projects reported that the o f the McCormick works o f the Inter­
settlers upon the irrigated lands were national Harvester company at West
receiving a plentiful supply o f water Twenty-first and Rockwell
and their crops were in excellent shape. Investigation of the scene o f the ex­
plosion indicates that someone had
placed four sticks o f dynamite under
Baldwin's Doctor Wins.
the piles of steel. Three of them blew
Los Angeles— The $50,000 bill o f Dr.
up ar.d the fourth was found several
J. W. Trueworthy, “ Lucky” Baldwin’s |
fe et away with burned-out fuse.
close friend and physician for years,
was reduced to $15,000 and ordered
Admiral's Son Is Found.
paid by the Probate court.
The bill
Seattle, Wash.— Alexander C. Rog­
included a long period of service, but
the original amount was considered ex­ ers, the 21-year-old son o f Rear Admir­
cessive by the executor and his attor­ al J. A. Rogers, Commandant o f the
ney, and was cut more than two-thirds, Puget Sound N avy yard, has been
after many conferences, the compro­ found in Yukon Territory, prospecting
mise being agreeable to all parties con­ for gold, according to a dispatch re*
cerned, immediate cash being the prin­ ceived by the admiral and which he
cipal inducement to the physician to thinks is reliable. The youth, eager
for adventure, went to Alaska last
make the big reduction.
Summer and disappeared from the Val­
dez trail July 10. He is a great grand
T oo Much Theory Spoils,
son o f Commodore Perry.
Boston— That the boy who wants to
learn to dig a ditch, harness a horse,
Aero Treaty to Be Made.
use a plow or milk a cow would go in
Washington— The proposal to trans­
vain to the colleges o f agriculture in
port freight by airship from Arizona to
this country, Dick J. Crosby, of Wash­
New Mexico will have the effect of
ington, D. C., a specialist in agricul­
bringing the United States and Mexico
tural education, told the departmnet of
into an early agreement relative to the
rural and agricultural education o f the
first serial treaty. The Mexican gov­
ernment has approved in a general way
There are 300 more secondary schools
the original draft o f the treaty which
and colleges teaching agriculture than
Ambassador de la Barra suggested to
there were 18 months ago.
Secretary Knox.
Harriman in Danger?
Opium Smugglers Caught.
Goshen, N. F .— A dynamite cart-
El Paso, Texas — Through the con­
dridge, hanging from a tree at a
height where a passing automobile fession o f J. C. Hall, with many
would strike and ¡explode it, was found aliases, and information obtained here
above the road over which the Harri­ by officials, the arrests o f almost a
man automobiles travel. The ¡late E. dozen people, charged with opium
H. Harriman, his w ife and daughters smuggling have been made in several
have always been popular in'this vicin­ parts of the country. The action, it is
ity and there is no explanation for expected, will break up one o f the big­
what appears an alarming piece of gest organized bands of opium traffick­
ers the country has ever known.
L i t t l e D ln c I v H a e l o r t h e W r i t e »
1 «, o f C o u r a e , u G o o d T h lu t f .
.f Q f| ^ Q
Be happy and perhaps you'll be goad.
No man la as mean as his wife some­
Concentration la the liking other CANADIAN INDIANS WOULD HEAR
times thinks be la
people should have for the noise you
It Is human nature to want to abuse
are making. I f they find It difficult
some one occasionally.
to write while you are making jokes
and knocking over tables and things. Struck the Long Trail to Oo to the
Are the belles In society for tbe pur­
Latin-American Nations Ressnt Knox Taft Will Begin Campaign o f Edu-
It la because they have no concentra­
pose of giving It tone?
Missionaries. Until Teachera
cation in Conservation.
Supervision o f Affairs.
tion, and they should be upbraided
The favors you get for nothing are
and Preachara Ware Sant
Waahington— Alarmed at the ser­ and admonished, and by cries of
Washington— That at least three and
often worth tbat much.
perhaps more of the Central and South iousness with which Pinchotiam is re­ “ Shame!" helped to acquire a virtue
Trying to get back at backbiters it
American republics will make a con-1 garded in some parts of the country you are shocked to find them lacking
About twenty miles north of Lake . hardly worth the effort.
In. I f they mildly ask you to talk a
certed protest o f some kind at the com­
Winnipeg It a place celled Norway
A woman’s Idea of an easy mark Is
ing international conference o f Amer- and by certain classes of people, Pres­ little less loudly, you say, In surprised
House. This was a shipping ren ter, from a dollar to 08 cents.
ican states at Buenos Ayres against ident T a ft is considering the advisabil­ tones: “ Do you mean to say that you |
In the fur trade In the great days of
Silence sometimes gives consent and
the Central American policy of the ity o f conducting a campaign o f educa­ hear us? You should be unconscious
the Hudson's Bay Company.
sometimes it gives offense.
United States is a possibility being tion in the hope o f diverting the public of our presence!" and the noises are |
Dog and canoe train* of Indians,
discussed in diplomatic circles here.
A woman says It’s easy to flatter a
mind from the alluring but impractical slightly Increased out of a friendly de-I some of them from points 1,000 miles
Rumors to this effect have been per­
sire to help them to learn to do what!
Inland, came bringing tbelr loads of man. but hard to keep him flattered.
at any moment they may find It ex­
sistent and some responsible Latin-
WomeD are like babies; they have to
priceless furs, and from Ibis point tbs
American representatives admitted ing up in its stead a healthy sentiment tremely useful to be capable of. Who
cry for nearly everything they want
their approximate truth, though none in favor of conservation that means knows, some time It may he Impera­
York Factory on Hudson bay were
Isn’t It better to be a chicken-hearted
proper use and development o f natur­ tive that they write a masterpiece
would permit himself to be quoted.
distributed to all the Interior posts of bachelor than a hen-pecked husband?
The rumors have led to lively ex­ al resources.
while waiting at a railway statlm ’
the company.
A person who uses his brain has an
During the closing days of congress And without this former experlt
change o f information among the Cen­
, For 200 years this great trading
tral and South American diplomats the president discussed this subject they would find themselves utterly dis­ company had Its agents scattered over excellent excuse for keeping his face
here. Officials o f the State depart­ with several senators, and to them he tracted. This Is just the discipline ’ he remote wilderness to gather furs closed.
ment are watching
situation voiced the opinion that something must they need, and you are only too glad for tbe markets of London. About
All men think they are manly, but
be done to check the present trend to­ to be of service. A little music will
eighty yearr ago, says Everyland. tbe tbe majority are entitled to unother
Some of the more radical of the wards Scialism, for Pinchotism is re­ be added, though you do not feel In agents pf the company began to be estimate.
SpaniBh-Americans are Baid to favor a garded as Socialism in one o f its the mood for playing, when they have troubled; fewer furs were brought In.
Nearly every little man bas a do"-
Latin-American alliance against the most dangerous forms. While he had [ learned to write through talking and the Indians seemed to be disappear­ trlne that he believes the world will
United States. It is generally con­
are equal to a slightly more difficult | ing
finally accept.
ceded, however, that formal action of he showed that he is thoroughly awake j task In concentration. At this point I “ What’s the trouble. Lone W olf?"
Some men enjoy a show only when
this nature is unlikely.
the writer is very apt to become vio-1 said the agent one morning tc a tall
The most that can be regarded as | administration will find itself very | lent, and may even attempt to leave hunter who had thrown his bundle of there is fifteen minutes' Intermission
between the acts.
probable is that the republics interest j much embarrassed before its close, un- the room; but remind him that somei pelts down sullenly. "W here Is Man-
There are too many real troubles In
ed w ill give the United States to un­ : less drastic steps are taken to counter­ of the greatest composers and authors | Not-Afrald, and Three Feathers, and
derstand diplomatically that the prin- act the work o f men like Pionchot and have worked with their babies crawl­ Kicking Horse, and all the men who the world, so don't worry about the
ciples represented in the attitude o f Garfield,
ing over the desk and their wives cut­ used to come from the west many Imaginary ones
this government on the east coast of
When the world begins to applaud a
ting )>read and butter at their elbows. moons?"
Nicargua will not be accepted willingly
If this does not bring him slinking
“ Ugh," grunted Lone Wolf. “ far. far man for his actions his head gets too
as a part of the international law of
back, It Is regrettable; but the con­ south they with the papooses and large for his hat.
the Americas. It is hardly likely that Judge Wickersham Addresses Har­ clusion is pretty obvious that he Is the women strike the long trail.”
The heart of a coquette Is like a
this protest, if made, will become a
not a writer of the first water and
"Why?” persisted the agent. "Do street car, Inasmuch as there la always
vard Law School.
part of the official proceedings of the
would probably have done much bet­ the buffalo fall them? Are the foxes room for one more.
Cambridge, Mass.—Attorney Gener­
ter at something else.
end otter» gone? Why?"
And many a man w ill go out ot his
al Wickersham, discussing “ The Re­
Lone Wolf stood silent. At last, way to avoid saying a good word In
lation o f Legal Education to Govern­
raising his eyes, be said: “They go behalf of his neighbor.
to find the book?"
mental Problems,” before the Harvard
Adam fell In love with Eve— and the
Discovery on Battleships North Da­
“ To find the book? Your words
law school association, described the t u p e r n llt lo u n T u r k i s h W o m e n S u b ­
fall of man lias been a continuous per­
are dark to m e!"
kota and Utah Causes Worry.
m it O i l in l y t o t h e S t e t h o s c o p e .
growth of federal power as exemplified
“ Ugh." said Lone W olf; “ white man formance from that day to this.
The attitude of the hanoums to med­
Washington— Defects discovered in in the Interstate commerce commis­
When a man hands you a "come-any-
have Book about Great Spirit. White
armorplate in the battleships North
man learn strong medicine. Book tells old-time” Invitation It is equivalent tc
Dakota and Utah, two of the most
Discussing the various phases of dent of Constantinople. Twenty or good words. Far toward the fouth an Invitation to remain away.
powerful craft in the navy, led to pro­
There seems to be a good deal ol
legislation and prosecution, thirty years ago no Turkish woman wind Indians walk the Jesus Road.
tracted conferences at the Navy de­
We go find It too.”
human nature In a motorcycle that
partment over the legal phases in­ Wickersham expressed regret that the would ever have submitted to a phy­
makes more noise than an automobile.
crippled condition o f the United States sical examination by a doctor. All he
when tbe same tale was repeated,
After a woman has been married
There were present representatives supreme court prevented early decis­ could have persuaded her to do would
about a year she is willing to admit
of the New York Shipbuilding com­ ions in the tobacco and Standard Oil be to show him her tongue through
a rent In the yashmak or let him
that her husband doesn't know It all.
pany, the Midvale Steel company and cases.
“ I greatly desired that the cases be touch her pulse from behind a heavy miles to find a missionary; when
government experts.
When Jealousy files out of the win­
Spalls, a flaking condition that im­ decided early,” said the attorney gen- curtain and In presence of course of the very life of the trade threatened, dow It usually takes love along if for
paired the armament’s resistance effi­ real, “ principally desiring that the de­ an Argus-eyed eunuch or old female the agents pressed upon the home of­ no other reason than to keep from get­
ciency, was found on the plate and new cision be clear so that it would afford slave.
fice the necessity of bringing mis­ ting lonesome.
a practicable standard which, while
plates were substituted.
Any attempt to apply a stethoscope sionaries tc the Indians if they would
I f men and women would forgive
It was said that possibly the anneal­ protecting us against the inevitable to the chest would have been spurned keep the Indiana from going to the each other as readily as they forgive
ing work in affixing the plates may evils of monopolies and attempts to as an Impertinent presumption of missionaries.
themselves this wouldn't be a bad old
strifle competition, would leave un­ western “barbarism.'' No matter how
have caused some o f the defects.
And that Is how It came about tbat world to live In.
trammeled the avenues of legitimate severe the illness the medical man
the Hudson's Bay Company wrote a
Some men get more pleasure out ot
development o f commerce.”
Committee to Go West.
could not go beyond certain strict lim­ polite letter to the Wesleyan Mis­ losing $5 on a game ot chance than
Wickersham experssed his approval
Washington— The western sub-com­
its of Islamatlc usage and traditional sionary society in London asking It they do from earning $10 by tbe sweat
mittee o f the judiciary committee, con­ o f the railway legislation passed by custom. Even In cases of Imminent to send out to Norway House the best
sisting o f Senators Borah, Brown and congress, the extension of the power of danger to life these scanty limits were preachers and teachers It could find. of their brows.
After the average man has reached
Stone, will go west in July to investi­ the Interstate commerce commission never allowed to be overstepped, and The company promised to furnish the
gate several Federal matters and it is and the establishment of a commecre the belief In the Incantations of a missionaries with bouses and pro­ the three score and ten mark he can
possible they will take up the allega­ court.
priest and the bouse remedies of old, visions, canoes and guides, free of Bum his life up in these few words:
tion o f Dr. E. B. Perrin that he was
Ignorant and superstitious women held charge. If the society would help them "What a fool I've been!”
unjustly indicted and accorded improp-
Every man knows himself better
unlimited sway and was always check the Indian migration to the
Washington — Paymaster General
per treatment by United States Dis­
than other people know him, therefore
greater than the faith In the efficacy southeast
trict Attorney Devlin and Special Eustace B. Rogers, chief o f the naval ot medical skill and science.
every man ought to swallow flattery
bureau o f supply and accounts, will be
Saved by Dancing.
Agent Burns at San Francisco.
with several grains of sodium chloride
The battleBhlp Dominion was cau
The committee will also investigate placed on the retired list, on his own
rapidly. There are, of course, still tiously feeling her way towards Que­
the charges of Governor Haskell, of application, under the 30-year service
Oklahoma, that “ third degree” meth­ clause of the retirement law. He was many exceptions where antiquated bec on tbe night of August 16. 1906,
ods were used against him and his wit- recently relieved from control of the views and conceptions are fanatically when the navigating officer, misled by
A shiftless man's favorite saying:
ensses during the administration of naval supply bureau, although left adhered to and practiced, but these a bush Are on land, took the wrong “0. we’ll get along somehow.”
nominally in charge by Secretary Mey­ become rarer and rarer with each ad­ bearings, and suddenly struck on a
President Roosevelt.
Women are modest enough until a
er, with whom he differed on matters vancing year. Many Turkish women hidden reef with such force that the
of administration. His successor will will now when 111 voluntarily call on huge ship was shaken from stem to doctor begins asking them questions.
Attention Given Draws.
be Pay Director Thomas J. Cowle, a medical practitioner and never hes­ •tern.
The fact that you don't believe It.
Washington— Senator Bourne called
who for the last few weeks has been in itate to submit themselves to a thor­
Orders were at once given for the Isn't particularly convincing to others.
upon Chief Engineer Bixby and urged
charge o f the affairs o f the paymaster ough physical examination.
whole crew, officers as well xs men, to
We don't believe the men look for
immediate action regarding the Port­
general's office.
The general public opinion on these assemble on dock with their kits In second wives as Industriously as they
land drawbridges.
Bixby promised
matters among the Turks Is fast alter­ their hands, and all the eight hundred used to.
that the matter would be taken up at
Supreme Court Crippled.
ing for the better and only In very rare and fifty men were told to dance, so
once and the regulations prepared.
When your wife buys a new hat, how
Washington — The death o f Chief cases Is there now any difficulty at all as to keep the ship "alive," and so much attention does she pay to your
Bourne will go to Deer Park, Md., for
a several peeks’ rest, and then proceed Justice Fuller results in an almost un­ raised as to letting the hanoum sub­ prevent tbe Dominion's keel from set­ table?
West, delivering speeches on the Ore­ precedented situation as to vacancies mit to an examination with stetho- tling down on tbe ledge.
The man who “ talks things over”
At first tbe bluejackets whistled an
Should Justice Moody cope or other instrument.
gon election laws at Denver, Salt Lake on the bench.
i frequently, Is apt to waste a great deal
accompaniment to keep the men In
City, Seattle, and possibly in several accept the terms o f special legislation
' of time.
step till the captain ordered the ship's
Wisconsin cities.
Senator Chamber enacted by congress this summer and
You can usually tell the difference
band to play lively selections.
lain expects to go to Oregon in about retire on full pay, there will be three CH IBO rO D Y FOB CONDUCTOBS.
The men danced with a will, stamp­ between a renting farmer and an own­
vacancies until.Governor Hughes takes
two weeks.
the oath of office, which is expected to H a v a n a S t r e e t H a l l t r n r M a n R e ­ ing tbelr feet and swaying their bod ing farmer.
p o rts th e L a ten t Im p r o v e m e n t«.
There Is such a thing as luck. If
les. and doing all they could to rock
be in October, succeeding Justice
Back to Cactus for 80 Hindus.
Frank Stelnbart, who used to be con the ship. In the end they succeeded, you are a small eater, and a slow eat-
San Francisco— Eighty Hindu labor­
for finally, with the engines work jer, you are lucky.
ers are slated for deportation on the for the retirement o f Justice Moody. Havana, but who is now general man
lng full speed astern, the Dominion
Every man who gets up picnics
Pacific Mail liner Siberia, which will The death o f the chief justice calls for ager of the Havana Electric railway,
sail for the Orient in a few days. The the selection of still another member. an American concern, came up recently slowly gave way and backed again In­ [thinks that really he should be known
to deep water. Tbe dancing had aa “ The Rain Maker.”
deportation was ordered by a special
from Havana by the Florida route and saved the ship!
Amateurs Will Sail Sea.
board o f inquiry, following the ruling
Women think one of tbe best things
Washington— Naval militiamen are
of Immigration Commissioner Hart H.
that can be said about a man Is, "He
Women Good Harvest Hands.
North, that, under the present immi­ to be taught something o f actual sea­
Many hundreds of women assisted Isn’t hard to cook for.”
the company Is building thirty-six
gration laws it would be impossible to manship this summer. Plans are now miles of new road.
In gathering the harvest around Be­
I f a man has only two dogs, his
exclude Hindus. In the past Commis­ being made by the Navy department to
atrice. Neb. They were lured to the [neighbors, when speaking of him, say
“ We are operating now fifty-eight
sioner North has permitted nearly ev­ carry out naval maneuvers. The Mar­
fields by the offer of board and $3 a he has a "pack of dogs.”
blehead will take a portion o f the Cal­ miles,” Mr. Stoinhart said at the Im
ery immigrant Hindu to land.
day. A farmer went Into Beatrice
You can’t Judge a family happiness
ifornia naval militia on a cruise from perlal hotel, according to the New
looking for farm hands. Loungers In by the fine sentiments worked Into the
San Francisco to Seattle and return York Bun. "and we are now running
Customs Receipts Bulge.
the town refused to work, and tbe cardboard mottoes on the wall.
Washington— A statement prepared July 1 to 17. The Buffalo, with three s tins out of Mariano, nine miles, be­ farmer had to face the possibility ol
Don’t grow old: I f you are not In­
at the Treasury department by direc­ divisions of the California militia, sides extending our other lines. The losing part of his crop. He went Into
tion o f Acting Secretary Hills shows will cruise from Santa Barbara to San Cubans are great users of the trolley a restaurant, and when waiting to be vited to picnics any more take your
cars. Travel of that kind Is greater served was struck with the Idea of fried egg out near the well and eat It
that the customs receipts for the fiscal Diego July 23 to 31.
In Havana than In an American city bidding for the waitresses as harvest­ there.
year 1910 amounted to $333,943,800.
Beverly Meeting Place.
of the same size. There are no Coney er«. He offered them $3 a day and
Walk toward a big mirror, and ten
For the greater part o f the year, the
Washington—Such meetings o f the Islands as yet, but there are the base every waitress threw aside her apron to one you will remark that you kave
Fayne-Aldrich tariff law was in force
and Mr. Hills said the receipts were board o f trustees of the postal savings ball park and the racetrack, and thsy and went to the farm. They did such a more awkward walk than you Im­
the largest o f any year in the history bank as are held during the summer ars very popular. We operate five sep­ efficient work tbat others farmers agined.
This has arate lines, with a complete transfer ■ought women, and they drew school
of the government. The receipts for will take place at Beverly.
I f you are aa unselfish as you expect
been agreed upon by the three mem­ system.
1909 were $300,000,000.
teachers, stenographers and college others to be, you feel as badly wben
bers, Postmaster General Hitchcock,
“ We are now building two new power girls aa well.— New York Press.
it rains on someone else’s picnic as
Secretary o f the Treasury MacVeagh stations, one at Aguadolce and the
Government Will Kill Seals.
•»hen It rains on yours.
•kl for Postmen.
Washington— The United States gov­
Recent experiments made at Brae-
ernment is preparing to kill 8,000 male
Jesus del Monte. Our Idea Is to pro mar with aki for the use of postmen
seals on the Pribilof islands. Commis­ banks will be opened this year.
wben the country Is snowed up have
sioner o f Fisheries George M. Bowers
When he loves his work for lteelt
proved so successful that the post
will direct the work and the furs will Statistics Show Islands are Healthful ters. Including baths, and with perfect
office officials In various other dlstrlcti as well as for what It brings.
be sold by the department o f commerce
When he puts Ideas and Ideals Into
In the Highlands, including Speyslda
and labor. Only 1,000 bull seals will sued by the bureau of inulsar affairs, cost. We keep three doctors, an ocu­
and Donslde, are to be similarly his work.
be le ft in the herds. By an act o f con­ it is shown that the death rate among list, a dentist and a chiropodist, whose
equipped. Frequently during the win­
When he can put a little humor Ikto
gress last April the slaying o f the the 8.000 government employes in the services are free to every man who be-
ter the conditions In the remote High his work.
seals by private contract was stopped. Philippine islands is only 6.9 per 1,000 'ongx to the society of the employes.
per annum. O f the number o f em­
"The last was the best tourist sea lands are quite arctic, tbe country
When he Is more anxious to do fa­
ployes 3,700 are Americans and the son Havana ever had. With the three being Impassable to ordinary traffic vors than to ask them.
China Urged to Ratify Loan.
It bas been found that tbe use of ski
When be gets on by helping others
Washington — The ratification by conclusion is drawn that the Philip­ big new hotels which had been opened enables the postmen to cover theli
China o f the $30,000,000 Hankow rail­ pines are not unhealthy for the Am eri­ adequate accommodation was provided journeys even wben the enow la soft up Instead of pulling them down.
I do not think any more hotels will be
road loan is sought by the State de­
When the harder be Is knocked
put up next year. Business of every end badly drifted.— London Daly Mall down the quicker he can pick himself
partment. Instructions were sent to
kind Is Improving and the Island gen-
Roosevelt’ s Aid is Expected.
Hew a Moose Eats Qraes.
American Minister Calhoun at Pekin
Washington— Ex-President Roose­ eraly la enjoying prosperity.
Of all peculiar sights I think that
to join with representatives o f the oth­
When he Is willing to admit that
"There Is still a great opportunity that of a moose eating grass fa th«
er three governments in urging China velt’s support of the income tax
he Is In the wrong and unwilling to
to bring the matter to a speedy con­ amendment pending before the New In Cuba for Americans who are will- most extraordinary. The neck Is sc worry about It.
York legislature is expected by advo­ Ing to hustle."
short and the legs are so long that
cates of such a tax. The action o f Col­
the animal usually kneels In eatlot
T f c o a g k t le s a .
Big Irrigation Project.
onel Roosevelt in expressing his ap­
grass. True, they do not attempt It
"Yes, George," said Mrs. Goltghtly.
A t judge made law Is now so much very often, for grass Is by no meant
Honolulu— The Ilamakua ditch, the proval o f the Cobb direct primary bill
great irrigation project o f the Hawaii­ at the request of Governor Hughes in­ dltcnised, we may recall one of the a staple with them, but even a moos« argumentatively, “ but If, as you lay.
an Irrigation company at Hamkua, has spired Representative Hull, o f Ten­ I neatest answers In history, as far, at likes a change of diet. The appear It’s so difficult to get food to the men
been formally opened.
The system nessee, to send a telegram to him ask­ | least, as our own reading goes:
ance of these huge and awkward crea In lighthouses In the winter why do
1 Judge (Interrupting Webster’s argu- tores In this devotional attitude is no' they bnlld them In euch out of-the-
has a capacity o f 100,000,000 gallons a ing aid.
tay, dangerous places?"— Tit-Blta.
jm ent)— That U not law.
day and is the most elaborate o f its
only Interesting but laughable.— S'
188.006,668 Coins Made.
Webster— It was law until your hott­ Nicholas Magazine.
kind on the islands.
L e t t i n g H is s K n n w .
Washington — A t the mints during er spoke.—Collier’» Weekly.
Fortune Hunter— I’d like to maka
These Questions.
Cowie It Paymaster-General.
the fiscal year closed June 30. the gov­
th* acquaintance of that Miss dol l
P a c t ’s M a li.
“ Have a pleasant trip east?”
Washington— Announcement is made ernment made 188.006,668 coins, val­
bag. I ’ m told she’s got $6.006 a year
"W e get lote of letter»,” says Poet
of the appointment o f Pay Director ued at $54,215,419. There were also
and no Incumbrance.
“ How did you And New York?"
Thomas Cowie as paymaster general 7,754,458 pieces o f Philippine coin Wells, ot the Buffalo News. Most poets
Candid Friend— And, what’s more,
"Why, you can't miss It. U you tak*
and chief o f the bureau o f supplies and issued, including 5,726,569 pesos and do. They usually sa/; *A remUUaoe
■he’s not looking for on*.— Scrap*.
would be ncceptabl
th* rlgh’
1,500,000 one centavos.
accounts o f the navy.