Professional Cards. C CLASSIFIED In Memory of Mr« Eva M Caiebeer. ADVERTISEMENTS. Many iliRerent k 111 , 1 -, of flowers V«> Wb* U » W. *1V » • G<xl ha» in h i, ganlru fair; Best Washington Cedar shingles Many there the varied jierfiime» worm holes and ? U 7 H . C. COUNTER J — free of Given to the willing air. knots, constantly on hand. Prices $ T A T T O R N E Y -A T -L A W * times. Inquire -of Your Life May Be Imured So That Some erect amt quite pretentious $ Kasl properly law «¡ven .aerial nltenlion • to suit the Greet the early morning sun, ion , Cottage (.'.rove. ? Ofrica W aatfar« I U « . Oaaaaa l u i « '• O rkin k o t You Are Worth More Dead • Phone Main a C oltiw e G rove. Or. Some ito not awake from alumlier 0 2 5 nE :i|s A ** w i t H s t r e n g t h a n d * • • • th e y alwux* please TW O H O RSE O VERALLS Than Alive. A No. 1 1 > (.aval cream separa Till the day has fully come. % tor, almost new, with one can, cost Some coyue with the early springtime ,«t «•l'WOl'RtOl «. #lK»lV#lV.*!V.»£ $90, will sell at a great sacrifice if But how about those trees you When the snow lias scarcely gone, MADE BY Inquire at this office, Q RU CUA CY * taken soon. planted last season, or those you Some come wiien the summer breezes where it can >c seen. tf L E V I S T R A U S S OX C O . Play on heath, in field and lawn. expect to plant next season? ♦ D E N T IS T J Baby go-cart for sale—at half Could anything make them worth Others still make no appearance ^ F irst C lass W ork. Over Hank of C ottage % price. Costs 10. Oood couditiou. Till the autumn leaves turn gold a« G rove. C o lia te G rove. Oregon. 4 more dead than alive to you? Inquire at tins office. Blooming till the snows of winter « V # | V .*> V .* I Ú - * -.* ■ > Now we have a system of tree Rootlets, leaves and flower enfold. insurance that is worthy the care Some bloom lonely, some in clusters REGISTRATION OF LAND TITLE. ful consideration of the planter— Some stand single, some in pairs In the Circuit Court of the state of past or prospective. Suppose you This climbs up the wall of palace \ J Í [ Oregon, for Pane County. That the miners cabin cheers. planted 1000 trees last spring and * A TTO KXKY AT LA W , In the matter of the Application of B. 4 U ltlce: Young H ii IIUI iik . Malu S tre e t, 4 lost 50 or 100 of them as so many Some along the open highway K. Lawson, to Register the Title to J W«*»t Stüe. £ Meet the eye of all that pass planters did; and suppose the chap Others shun the touch of strangers property described as follows: who sold them to you agrees to re Beginning at a point in Section 2H, Hiding in the tall green grass. Tp. 2(1 South, Range .1 West. Will. iter. place them next season, will that Yonder bloom in great profusion I(>.(,0 feet west and feet south ol make good? Roses on the well kept lawn, the northwest corner of the Win. Shield: W K IM K . M. D. 1 W on't those 50 or 100 trees be While on highest Alpine passes £ A . ? and wife Donation I.and Claim, No. 56; f f H V S I C U N tau»! HIJKUKON Nectared lilies greet the dawn. just a year behind the main orchard and running thence North. S’> deg. Si> Oftlct* la MeKariami Building ^ Here beneath the hedge and bushes and a year later coming into bear : min. West, sixty ((*)) feet; thence South Over Cochran's Fornitile* Store r . Violets bloom in station low L 1 10 min. West, parallel to the East honn ing? That isn’t tree insurance by Shyly hiding ’neath their cover ! iLary of the Henry Small and wife I). L. any means. omet* Phone, 341 Jtetldenco Phone, (Ml tf Hardly dare then frontlets show C., No. -57, ninety-seven f‘»7) feet: Or suppose he, as some are doing, Passing by the rose and lilies thence South. 80 deg. k. min. East, six charges you half price for replacing And the many kindred kind, ty (00) feet; thence North 10 min. East, I t s . m kdlioy , 2 trees that die. That is adding Stoop I down among the violets ninety-seven (07) feet to ttie place of | * A T T O R N E Y A T LA W Ijeginning, all being in the city of And some of the choicest find. robbery to injury. He has had £ S p ecial A tten tion (liv en to MiniuR ami A Tenderly I press them to me 1 Cottage Grove, Pane county, Oregon. the use of your money for a year 4 C orporation , All kinds of bicycle parts and sun- Hear them straight to where they laid i O ffic e , W o o d w a r d D t i l l d 'n l ^ VK.RSIIS. | dries supplied on short notice. and then wants 50 % for returning That dear soul among the flowers, N. E. Markley, M. A. lloxie, Ed ; Repair work executed promptly it to you. That isn’t tree insur ’Neath the mound just newly made. leaks. Marion Veatcli, George W. Haz and at reasonable prices. Bring ance either. Yes, dear Kva, these few violets el ton, John W. Hazel ton, A. P. Hazel- in your wheels. Or suppose von are dealing with To thy memory ever dear, ton am I All whom it may concern, de J C. JOHNSON, 4 Opposite Hotel Thompson one of those fellows who have to To thy life’s sweet grace and fragrance fendants. 9 A T T O R N E Y A T LAW I j y I as a tribute here. Take notice, that on the 1st day of be sued to bring them' to the point i Kstates Adm inistered. M ining Paten ts 5 June 1‘MO, an application was filed by ▼ Procured. M ining and C orporation Law £ of making good? That costs Gentle summer zephers tarry a aueciatty. Office over Griffin, Vcatch 4 Waft from lienee to place apart— said It. K. Pawson, in the Circuit Court ? lM w » r e . J money and you can't afford to go Gently bear the kiudred perfume of the state of Oregon for Pane county, to law over 10, 25, 50 or even 100 Of these violets and tier heart. for initial registration of the title of the trees. They know that, m d some As from frost and chill of winter land above described. office Phone. Main lift. Residence. *ft. ^ Now, unless yon appear on or before of them simply refuse to make Flowers rise when vernal sun VA.WAvWW.W-W.WIAWVAWVA.WVAWTR* the 1.1th day of July A. I), lfilo, and good. Calls them from their |ieaccful slumber T IM E T A B L E NO. 5 C l L INOKAM i show cause why such application shall When the springtime has lieguti, Or suppose you get a good stand r r . * $ not be granted, the same will la1 taken To T a k e Effect J u n o 19 1 9 0 9 V D E N T IS T ( of trees and when they oniite to Soon that bright, glorious morning as confessed, and a decree will lie en ter 5 U < v n Hide. Ilrnir« »..Hilo 1.’ . 1 10 A X T?. BO PN I» Rising from the dark, cold seal W. WOl’NI) bearing age find you have some Flowers will forever blossom ed according to the prayer of the appli- t * * - All W ork C u i u l H d . No. 2. No. I. J Office Phone 1 Ke«. S » ' " l « ' 1 4 1 cation, and you will lie forever barred thing entirely different from what In the garden of our God. ST A T IO N S A. M. 9 ^'MrDl'ttteiViDi’M.-Di'hbDlVrRl'W^l'hi.^li from disputing the same. you were led to expect from the Henry C. Sclileef. COTTAt; K » ROVK AK. 12.00 Ii. U. I.KK, Clerk of tire Circuit Court, (A 11.25 label? .......... W a l d e n ......... .............. You go back to yottr man 11.14. ...CKKRO 4ÎOEDO___ I for Pane County, Oregon. A . r . & A . M.—Cottage (Wove, No. si. ........ llORKNA......................... 11.08 (if you can find hint) and he calm W. C. Counter, attorney for applicant. 10.40 ______ S t a r ............................ GREAT OIL GEYSER 8.441l.\5 Meets 1st and Jn l Wednesday». Visi- I %M ..............W i c k s ....... .............. iaaa ly tells you that he cannot lie held ___ K b d B r i d g e ................... 10.28 1 9.0ft cordially invite.1 10.1ft rerponsible for more than the pur ........ W il d w o o d ..................... REPRODUCED ON FILMS i 9.1ft H. P. W vnnk . w . M. 10.00 9.4ft . OlSRTQN. - ..........I.V For sale— house, barn, outbuilcl- chase price of the trees? What M. II. A ndkrson , Sec. Subject to change without notice. Sau Francisco, Calif., June 20— i ings, all new, two acres, one in about five or six years lost time? All outward freight shipped only at Five or six years right out of the The greatest oil well in the world, fruit trees and small fruits, just M. W . of A .—Cottage ('.rove Camp ! outside city limits. Ten acres, the joint risk of shippers and consignee. No. 6424 meets the Second and Fourth middle of the best years of your the famous I.akeview geyser, in with house, barn, modern itnprove- Stage leaves Disston after arrival of Thursdays of each month in tlie I. O. O. the Maricopa field of central Cali | ntents, running water and house train on Monday, Wednesday and F ri -1 lifetime? K. Hall. Visitors welcome. I know all about it for I have fornia, which lias been spouting hold goods, three quarters of a day for Orseco, returning on Tuesday, J. II. P ro T/. m an , Consul. Thursday and Saturday. been buying and selling trees for 30 liquid fuel at the rate of 50,000 mile from city limits. Two A1 C. W. W allac K, Clerk, Address 1’ . Freight will not l»e received at the O. years and I have got more bad barrels a day since March 15, soon lots on Wall street. I O. box 424. & S. K. R. R. Depot after 5 p. m. To! trees than good ones in that time. will be flashed on the screeues of insure forwarding on next train freight must l>e delivered in ample time to per-1 More trees that were not true to thousands of theaters aud play Cottage for rent at $4.50 per COTTAOE 0R0VE ! mit of its being hilled. name than those that were genuine, houses throughout the world. month. Cook stove and cooking A B W O O D , M an ager f never got a dead tree replaced Recently representatives of a utensils for rent with the house or nor a bogus one paid for. f am moving picture concern photo for sale cheap. Inquire of W. F. something of a “ grafter” myself graphed the great geyser. Em Hart. m ill Hore at Y .s r Ham» « as all nurserymen are, but when I ployes were shown at work, and Fruit land for sale—Six acres Surgical Cases Especial Attention get ready to roh people I will get a to make the scenes resemble the one mile from Cottage Grove. A gun and take to the road like any early days of the spouter as much bargain. Inquire at the Cottage NORTH BOUND. X -J1AY LABORATORY as possible, long rubber coats and Grove Flour Mill. other highwayman. tf. No. If._______________ 1:4N a. in. Now let me tell you m y plan of appliances with which the army F a r F u r th e r P a rticu la r« Address | N o. IN____ ____________4 :1 0 p . m . My trees of men fought the big w'ell for I No. 14_________ 4:50 a. m. tree insurance: First. Ladies and childrens dresses in | No. 20........................ 11:21 a. m. grow. They have a record of less days and days, were brought into all the latest styles at the Ladies than 1 % loss. The worst case for requisition and much life was Toggery. SOUTH BOUND. »»SM s a a a a » » » * the past season w a s a loss of t w o thrown into the scene. No. 15____ _____ ___ 1:2b a. tn. out of five hundred, and that be Exposures of the remarkable pe No. 17____ 10:27 p. m. cause somebody bungled and al troleum geyser were taken on hun SSSSi <*«SSSW««VVWW«AV AV>| No. 1.1___________ b:42 a. m. No. 19_______________ 2:52 p. m. lowed them to be exposed for two dreds of feet of film. The sump Gei lions j- days unprotected after they left holes, ditches of running oil, L. S. T a y l o r , Agent, C a rp ts an d R ugs & my hands. pumping plants, picket stations, Cottage Grove, Oregon. Dry mill wood deliv Made to older and Satis In one lot of nealy 8fXX) set late and in fact, everything about the faction guaranteed both $ j >■■■ ■ ■■■' i ■ ered on short notice. and hurriedly, the loss will bel.KSS property was brought into the as to workmanship and $2.00 per load of than on e pk k th o u sa n d . More pictures. two tier. Phone 975. over, we carry over each year trees The display of these remarkable f n e a r A d v e n tis t C h u r c h * » of same grade as we sell, trails views of the greatest oil well in 1 planted and well cared for, so that the history of the world will be the we can replace out of trees of s a m e biggest advertisement the Califor H arrington & H arrel, P rop s. A C E a n d v i g o r , s o that there will nia oil industry, which now is at be no breaks in orchards planted tracting the attention of the whole with trees from the Cedar Springs Notice For Publication. Nursery, located at Cottage Grove world, has ever received, l’eople liorseslioelng a specialty, (0 4 3 3 4 ) wagon ami carn age re- everywhere who have never seen Oregon. Ing. All work guaranteed «lave your horsesteeth IX* i* S. Land Office, Roaeburg, Ore. And furthermore, I cut scions an oil derrick will have an intro IBO M dlBd repaired. Shot May 11, 1910. at m tt o f Hsmenway A duction to the- greatest of all oil from trees that I know. Tiees ! Office at Thornton’s Confectionery Burkholder’s Store :: :: Notice is hereby given that William S. that are not only true to name, but wells without having to travel Walker, of Hazel Dell, Oregon, who, on PH O N E July 1, 1907, made Homestead entry B A K E J S j . n clean and healthy. No buying thousands of miles to view it. No. IM.ttL for K X * K* 4 . N \ \ % N R # , R esid en ce 6 9 4 O ffice 1541 N E .l 4 N \V#. Section 17, Township 21 scions front Toni, Dick and Harry S, Range d K, Willamette Meridian, through advertisements. When Cottage Grove Womans Club. has filed notice of intention to make H. C. MADSEN, 1 Final five year proof, to establish we do find it necessary to secure | claim to th * land above tlescribed, before The women’s club lias elected W a tch m a ker . scions of scarce varieties from a ¡County c! rk, Lane county, Oregon, at the following officers for the com ' Kugene, O.egon, on the 12th day of July, distance, they must come from a Repairing at reasonable cnargea. 19lu. All work guaranteed first Hass reputable person. Someone who ing year: Mrs. F. D. Wheeler, Claimant names as witnesses: J. W. Nftamhes, Clocks and Jew elry a t Lowest t'rlce is well-known as a trustworthy president; Mrs. I). T . Awbrey, Hill, of Hazel Dell, Oregon, C. E. Mc- S p r ig g s B r o s ., P r o p s . COTTAGE (iH O V E, OKE vice-president; Mrs. B. R. Job, ! Clane. of Hazel Dell, Oregon, I). Dunn person. ing. of Ilazel Dell, Oregon, J. E. Hills, Practical llorsc-Shoeing, All Up- recording secretary; Mrs. C. P. of Ilazel Dell, Oregon. Still furthermore and finally, we to-I)ate Equipment. 'Wood Work don't grow everything. 'Only a Jones, corresponding B e n ja m in F . J o n e s . secretary; (M9) Register. ...The... and Wagon Repair Department in few varieties of the best commer Mrs. 1). ilemenway, treasurer.! Connection. Horses Called for cial kinds and a very few for home The organization holds member ship in the ( iregott State Federat-' and Delivered to any Part of City. orchards. Three or four different apples ion of Clubs, and was organized P hons Main 521 Along the route of the Transcontinental F o u r th St. two or three of pears and cherries eight years ago by Mrs. F. I), j R. R., in rich anti fertile Central British Columbia, Rulkley Valley nn«l Fort and also of peaches and plums are Wheeler, Mrs. B. R. Job and Mrs. I George farm lauds; climate, richest enough for any home orchard. H. Fi. Kakits. The Ladies' club. of soil: $4 cash, balance very easy terms; while for the commercial planter >w* * instrumental in securing wheat, barley, oats, timothy, rich grasses; the coming greatest cattle N. H. S L I T E R & C O two kinds of any class are enough. city park and in fin attcing improve W k O wn O u r L a n d s . A s k F o r B o o k l e t . ' Timber Claims, Farm Lands and City 1 Bv concentrating work on fewer ments and keeping it up: it is also Cottages IxHight anil sold on commission. | kinds of stocks, we can furnish encouraging the Beautifying of | Branch offices Marcola and Coburg, j better trees and at less price and homes, and on June .b> will award a cup for the finest yard in the .508 McKay Bldg Portland, Oregon. Hard Wheat Brands: city. The third annual Sweet Tea American B e a u t y , show will be held in July. Daily B r e a d , A Wise Precaution. MONEY TO LOAN. Hammond's Be s t . Salem is getting ready for it s ' Every sack guaranteed. Soft If you want to buy or build a During the cold weather we ■ »■ i annual cherry fair to be held on Wheat Brands, White Swan, home or off your mortgages build hot fires, lieware of cottfla- G r o v e , O r e g o n July 7-S-9. I.ane county now White Star. All kinds of and have long time, easy pay- ^rations, don’t neglect carrying i __ ________________________ _ holds the cup for prize winning Mill Feed and Hay. Poultry Feeds and Supplies, Grass jgguts and low rate of interest to a policy on your house. Tom Moat any one can afford a dia exhibit at the fair last year. Seed. Phone 1711. pay back loan in, pee W alker & Awbrey can give vou satisfactory I tnond at the price Madsen is sell ing them for a short time only. Try the header a year. P b r r i n h . Roseburg, Oregon. rates aud protection. 33tf r BICYCLE GARAGE * VOUNO Nichols‘S Brumfield L r O. GRANDM OTHER m ay 1 *■ not be a,s spry as she used to be, but she is in close touch with her world for all that. A Thu telephone enables iter to make as many calls as she. pleases, and in ail sorts of weather. Formal gatherings have their places, but it is the many little intimate visits over the telephone that keep young people interested. Grandmother’s telephone visits do not stop with her own town. The long distance service of the BeW'’Telephone takes her to other towns, and allows relatives and friends to chat with her although hundreds of miles away. The Pacific Telephone And Telegraph Co. V . rv B o ll T e l t p h o n s 1» th e C i n - e r «.1 (h o S y i l e t n S. E. R. R. Company 1 THE Hospital and Sanitarium ¡ S. P. Ry. Time Table DR. H. C. SCHLEEF I - J i j . M r C o m 7 ' i « ‘ | ;C* !|l! Gr°Ve Tra"S,er „„ Company..,. The man or woman who wears a diamond also wears an air of prosperity that is far reaching in its influence. These are Commercial times, and to B E suc cessful you must LO O K it. People are always judged at first by their appearance. As an investment, the diamond is in a class by itself, because, outside of its intrinsic value, it has the added value as an adornment. W hen you arc ready to buy a diamond, at what ever price, there are plenty of reasons why you should come and see the fine line of Diamonds in Ear-Rings, Brooches and Rings sold at reduced prices on installments at H. C. % 4- * •i* I 4r I 4- MADSEN t- (§> ------------------------------------------------------------------------------------ $ -f .f jc t - .f .- t ’ F a sh io n S ta b le s . A. L. WOODARD First-Class Livery, Sale and General Blacksmith in g A11 Kinds of Hauling ami Heavy Dray Work. i Piano Moving a Specialty N esm ith Shoeing S hop Farmer’s Paradise j Baughman $ Saginaw Land Office S a g i n a w , Oregon Insured S. B. Morss pay As A n In v estm en t WOOD B arrels T .R . P H I L L I P S DIAMOND I Cottage Co. | Feed Barn in Connection A. S . PO W EL L, Prop. Spend The Summer At NEWPORT, VAQUINA BAV The ONLY Beach ’in The Pacific Northwest Where the pretty Water Agates, Moss Agates, Moon stones, Carnelians and Rock Oysters can be found. Outdoor Sports of All Kinds Including Hunting, Fishing, digging Rock Oysters, Boating Surf Bathing, Rifling, Autoing, Canoeing and Dancing. Pure mountain water aud the best of food at low prices. Fresh crabs, clams, oysters, fish and vegetables of all kinds daily. Ideal camping grounds, with strict sanitary regulations at nominal cost. LOW ROUND TRIP SEASON TICKETS From all points in Oregon, Washington and Idaho on sale daily. THREE DAY SATURDAY TO MONDAY RATE From S. P. points Portland to Cottage (»rove inclusive, including branch lines; also from all C. tSc E. stations Albany and west, (rood going on Saturday of Sunday, am! for return Sunday or Monday. A Sunday Hxcursion Rate Of $ 1.50 From Albany, Corvallis and Philomath, with correspomling low rates from points west, in effect all summer. Call on any S. P. or C. K. Agent for full particulars as to rates, train schedules, etc.; also for copy of our beautifully illustrate«! tiooklet, “Outing* in Oregon. “ or write to W M . M cM U R R Y , General Passenger Agent Portland. Oregon