CURRENT EVENTS OF THE WEEK 6 0 ,0 0 0 C O M E W E S T . S p r in g C o lo n ist T rave l B r e a k s P re viou s Re cords. All INDUSTRIAL DEVELOPMENT AND PROGRESS OF OUR HOME STATE S IX S T A T E S F A V O R IN C O M E T A X Five Reject, T w o P o stp o n e — Final Result in T hre e Y ears, RAILROADS WILL IGNORE LAW BIR T H OF AH ICEBEBO. The D r a m a t i c fc ls p c r lr a r e o f A n t a r c t i c K ip l o r c r a . Tw o C. E. Borchgrevink, commander of the antarctic expedition o f 1898, near­ Washington, June 4.— Six statea ly lost his life by an accident of a na­ L I N E S IN O R E G O N * 4 , 7 8 4 ,2 2 2 . T R E A T R O A D W IT H R O C K . thus far through their legislatures j ture so peculiar that It la probable no have ratified the income tax amend­ other man could duplicate the experi­ N orth e rn Pacific E n gin e e rs M a k e E s ­ C ou n ty to C o o p e ra te W ith Sa w m ill ment to the constitution, five have re­ ence. At the foot of Mount Terror In timate on C o s t o f Railroad. C o . in Needed W o rk. February, 1900, be landed from hla jected it and two have postponed ac­ ship with Captain Jensen and three Clyde B. Aitchison, Oregon atate Klamath Falla— Klamath county and tion. other men. Then, wishing to take a railroad commissioner, has received the Meadow Lake sawmill company Most o f the statea will act during picture of the shore, he sent his boat are to build a macadam road from from the office o f the ch ief engineer Ueneral Résuma o f Importent Events Klamath Falls to the top o f the moun­ the coming winter or the winter fol­ S h ip p e r s T ake Im m ediate S t e p s to back to the vessel to get a camera, and o f the Northern Pacific company es­ tain on the old Fort Klamath road. lowing, and the fate o f the amendment he and Captain Jensen were left alone Se c u re Injunction— R o a d s Pre­ Presented in Condensed Form timates on the coat o f reproduction of The work is to be done on a co-oper on the rough beach. Before the boat will be definitely known in two or p ared fo r S tu b b o rn Fight. f o r Our Busy Readers. railway lines in Oregon based on con­ tive plan, and ultimately the city may returned a strange and awful thing three years at the very lateeL I f 12 ditions in April, 1909. The estimates join in the combination. happened. Mr. Borchgrevink told tha statea vote adversely on the amend­ were exclusive o f the one-third inter­ The proposition made to the county story In the Outlook: Chicago, June 2.— Ignoring the ac­ It is believed that sentiment in the est in the Spokane, Portland & Seattle is that if the county will furnish the ment it will be defeated, but it rc- A roar and a rush, with tremendnua South is turning against prohibition. railway and the 40 per cent interest in rock crusher and one man to care f a mains to be seen whether 12 states will tion o f the government in obtaining a explosions, shook the beach. The court order restraining an increase in thought came to us that the perpen­ the Northern Pacific Terminal com ­ the machine, the Meadow Lake Mill venture into the opposition column. President T aft views the increase of rates, Eastern railroads today filed pany. company will haul the rock, place it on Socialism with considerable apprehen­ Friends o f the income tax express with the Interstate Commerce commis­ dicular rocks above us were falling. The total mileage o f the Northern the road, roll it down and do all the sion. the fullest confidence that the amend­ sion at-Washington tariffs o f increased Then we realized what was taking Pacific lines in Oregon is given at balance o f the work in connection with ment ultimately will be adopted, and commodity rates to take effect July 1. place. The mighty glacier Immedi­ K ing George has called a conference 97.27 miles. O f main line there is the building o f a good roadbed without ately to the west of us was giving believe that one or two o f the states o f party leaders to settle the house o f Hearing o f the unexpected action o f birth to an Iceberg. 38.67 miles; branches, 44.92 miles, other cost to the county. now on record against it will reverse lords dispute. the Eastern railroads, shippers, repre­ and in yards and spurs 13.68 miles. The Meadow Lake people are making Millions of tons of Ice plunged Into The estimate o f expenditure on the this offer for the reason that the coun­ their attitude when new legislatures sented by the Illinois Manufacturers’ the ocean. We could see nothing be­ An equestrian statue o f General Cus­ are chosen. association, took immediate steps to line from Goble to Portland, 46.7 ty has given them the privilege of run­ ter has been unveiled at Monroe, Mich­ The six states tha have voted to secure action by the government sim i­ yond an Immense cloud of rolling miles, is $3,006,892.12. The biggest ning a traction engine over this road igan, Custer’s home. ratify this amendment are Alabama, lar to that taken with respect to West­ snow. The water rose from the plunge item is for right o f way and station to haul the product o f the mill to mar­ of this antarctic monarch. I sang out James M. Lynch has been re-elected | South Carolina, Illinois, Maryland, ern increases. grounds, the figures being given at ket in this city. The road leading out to Jensen, “ Now we shall have to face I Kentucky and Mississippi. The states president o f the International Typo­ J. M. Glenn, secretary o f the associ­ $756,059.25. The cost o f grading is o f town toward Fort Klamath from the the w ave!” graphical union by 22,000 majority. voting adversely are New York, Rhode ation, issued a circular similar to the given at $733,768. city lim its to the top o f the hill is one We rushed to the highest point o f A ll union teamsters and 260 union An estimate o f $995,439.78 is given o f the w orst pieces o f road in the Island, Massachusetts, Virginia and one issued by his association in the our limited beach, four feet above the Louisiana, while Georgia and New Western cases and sent copies o f it to as the cost o f the work on the Wash- county during the winter season. In machinists o f Portland, Or., are on sea. We saw advancing on us a dark ington £ Oregon line to Pendelon, a the flat about a mile outside the city Jersey have postponed a vote until the all congressmen and senators and to green ridge with a white crest. I strike for higher pay and shorter hours. next session o f their legislatures. the attorney general and to the presi­ distance o f 33.74 miles. The cost of this road gets hub deep in winter and called to Jensen to struggle for dear A wealthy man o f Ottawa, 111., has Senator Norris B row n rof Nebraska, dent. grading for this section is stated to be it is almost impossible to get through life. We clutched the uneven rocks, bequeathed $50,000 to aid worthy who has kept close tab on the income The members o f the association e x­ $242,781, and o f right o f way and sta­ it with any kind of a rig during that with our backs toward the advancing young men, provided they do not study tax fight, and who was une o f the fore­ pect as a result a bill will be filed in tion grounds, $154,608.33. From time o f the year. water. Although it could not have theology. most advocates o f the income tax one o f the Eastern cities to restrain Smeltz to Athena, 10.83 miles, the es­ taken more than seven minutes, the while the tariff bill was before congress Mrs. Helen Flagg Young, superin­ the Eastern railroads from putting the timated cost o f work is $357,745.26. C o o s Farm ers Favor G ood Roads time seemed long before the water last session, predicts that the income new rates into effect. tendent o f schools o f Chicago, was The cost o f equipment for the road Marshfield— Road supervisors in Coos tax amendment will be a part o f the closed over our heads. given a reception by five thousand No class rates are affected and not in Oregon is estimated at $324,146.05. county have received from the Oregon Floating upward, scrambling upon constitution within three years. He teachers o f that city. Good Roads association letters asking believes that more than three-fourths more than 50 per cent, possibly only 40 the rocks, I tore the nails from my per cent, o f the commodity rates are A suit for $100,000 damages for them to cooperate in the movement for o f the states will support it, and says L u m b e r C a m p s C a n 't G et M en. involved. The increases will be im­ flesh In my endeavor to keep from be­ false imprisonment has been begun by Hood River— The strawberry grow ­ amendment to the constitution provid­ it will be indorsed in every state posed upon all shipments in the terri­ ing dragged out. After the second a Los Angeles man against the Burns ing for the bonding of each county for ers are not the only employers o f labor where the income tax is made a politi­ tory between the Mississippi river and wave we again felt the rocks under & Sheridan D etective agency. who are having their troubles these good wagon roads. The plan is favor­ cal issue in the legislative campaign. the Atlantic seaboard and north o f the our feet. ed generally in Coos county. There is days. The Oregon Lumber company At the place where Jensen and I He concedes that Pennsylvania, New Ohio river to the Canadian border. It is reported that an American en­ a big movement on in Coos county for has almost been forced to close its mill Jersey, Delaware and some o f the New gineer operating with the Estrada It is stated that approximately 60 first stood the rock was wet twenty better roads. This year there is to be at Dee on account o f the scarcity o f la­ England states will be among the op­ per cent o f the business in the vast feet above our heads. It was some­ forces in Nicaragua has been captured bor. Manager Charles T. Early says expended about $110,000 by the county position, but all o f this was expected territory over which the increase will what lower when It struck us. Where by Madriz, and the government has besides money which has been private­ they use three crews— “ one coming, been asked to procure his release. when the fight opened. New York, pertain is done on commodity rates. the wave had struck with full force one working and one goin g .” The la­ ly subscribed by property ownerb, who however, he believes will in the end the face of the rock had been altered, F A R M E R S G U I D E D IN L O V E . Excessive heat bas injured the raisin appreciate good roads. borers do not seem to stick long at any and rocks were still falling when the fall in line and vote to ratify the [ T R U S T S T O O D B Y E M P L O Y E S grape crop o f California. three men In the boat found us, bleed­ amendment. K a n s a s P r o fe s s o r Issu e s [Bulletin on jo b and while the yard workers are O il W ell R e ach e s 3 ,7 3 0 Feet. getting $2,50 a day they will not Btay It is reported that Madriz has lost ing and torn. According to Senator Brown, all the M atrim o n ial Reform . H avem eyer Left O r d e r s to C a r e fo r Ontario— The oil well is down to a with their jobs. One morning recently all his artillery’ and 400 prisoners. Two facts had saved us. To our states o f the West without exception, C r o o k e d W e ig h e rs. Topeka, Kan., June 6.— “ Farmers with the aid o f Marshal Lewis, Mr. depth o f 3,730 feet. The drill is work­ will ratify the income tax amendment, right a small peninsula of Ice protrud­ Ex-governor Folk o f Missouri, would know much more o f a specific and re­ Early rounded up 20 men in the jung­ ing in a harder shale than has been most o f them during the coming Win­ New York, June 2__ That the late ed some five feet from the rock, and like the Democratic nomination for liable nature about preparing their les and managed to persuade 13 o f them found in the well and the color o f the ter. He predicts also that the South­ H. 0 . Havemeyer, ex-president o f the the rock Itself bent toward the wesL president in 1912. hogs for the livestock market than to take the train for Dee and go to shale is darker than the blue which has ern states will ratify it within two American Sugar Refining company, From the moment It struck the curve A banker o f Minneapolis has been they do about preparing their sons and work. Eleven were put to work in the been in evidence so long. This is the years. Virginia failed to ratify be­ gave directions two weeks before his of the mountain rock to the west of fined $6,000 for smuggling two pearl daughters for the matrimonial market. yard and two others sent on to the sort o f cap rock usually found just be­ cause the speaker o f the Virginiajhouse death in 1907 to "ta k e care o f the us the wave took a course more east­ All these important matters are left to timber camp. A t noon the Dee office fore entering a sand. It is generally was able to bring about an adverse boys” was part o f the testimony heard erly than where Jensen and I stood. necklaces at Hoboken, N. J. T aft would appoint Roosevelt chair­ chance and accident because we have called up and told Mr. Early they were believed that a sand will soon be vote. This vote. Brown believes, may today in the trial o f three officials o f man o f a commission to tour the world been laboring under the foolish delu­ ready for another round-up, as the 11 reached and the oil development o f this be reversed, particularly if the income the company charged with complicity sion that love is blind and not to be in­ men from the yard were beating it section will be past the experimental tax is made an issue in Virginia. The in a conspiracy to defraud the govern­ in the interest o f uiversal peace. *> * fluenced by instruction or reason." down the track. Fortunately these stage and be a permanent reality. same thing may be done in Massachu­ ment o f customs duties. A prisoner at San Quentin, Cal., This is the text o f an official “ score loafers do not stick long in Hood R iv­ $ Wit of the Youngsters £ Ernest W. Gerbracht, refinery super­ setts, though the chances there are not S a n e C eleb ratio n at La Grande. haunted by the face o f his victim, has card on matrimony,” issued by W. A. er, as they [get thirsty and have to Of intendent; James F. Bandernagel, e x ­ particularly favorable, he opines. confessed to killing a man in a boxcar McKeever, professor o f philosophy at move along to The Dalles or Portland. La Grande— The Continental Con­ cashier o f the refinery, and Charles P. at Spokane. the Kansas State Agricultural college, gress o f 1776 will be reproduced in I N C R E A S E O F W A G E S T O K A I S E R Heike, secretary-treasurer o f the com­ this city, and ail speakers will be pany, are the three on trial. Interest is growing rapidly in the in a bulletin just issued to farmers o f Cannery Ready fo r Work, Stranger— Little boy, why don’t you garbed in continental dress, the Lib­ “ Take care o f those boys; get coun­ proposed long-distance aeroplane races the state. Eugene— The Eugene Fruitgrow ers’ H ig h o f C o s t L iv in g A ffe cts Im p e r­ As a foundation for matrimonial re­ erty bell w ill be here in likeness, and sel for them; see them through it ,” go home and have your trousers mend­ in the United States, and many big association has a large force o f men ial H ou se hold. the Declaration of Independence will form which Professor McKeever will were the orders Gerbracht said he re­ ed? Little Boy—’Cause I’m economiz­ purses will be offered. employed getting the plant ready for be read under inspiring circumstances inaugurate in Kansas, the qualifica­ Berlin, June 4.— A semi-official de­ ceived from Havemeyer when he in­ ing. A hole will last longer than a the opening o f the canning season. A The trial o f the "g old en rule” chief tions o f the young man and young wo­ on July 4, follow ing decisions reached claration was issued today explaining formed him after the first arrest o f patch. o f police o f Cleveland, Ohio, on charges man who apply for marriage licenses large amount o f money has been ex­ by the Chautauqua committee. the causes o f the financial stress under checkers that the men insisted on their “ My dollie Is Just getting over the pended on the cannery building since it o f immorality and drunkeness have should be passed upon by the probate There w ill be a strenuous effort to which the emperor finds him self and innocence. measles,” said little Elsie. ‘ Has yours was purchased from the Allen company failed almost entirely. judge o f each county, he says. This have a sane celebration during the the requirement for an increase in the "T a k in g care o f the boys,” Ger­ had ’em yet?” “ No,” replied small early in the spring. The packing de­ A British army officer in an Am eri­ official, he contends, should be empow­ partment has been moved to the base­ Fourth. No firecrackers, fireworks or civil list o f the king o f Prussia as bracht later testified, had extended to Margie, “ but she's awfully fractious can aeroplane {crossed the English ered by state law to hold an examina­ ment o f the building, where a good confetti will be allowed on the grounds. agreed upon by the leaders o f the Prus­ paying their wages from the day they about her teeth, and I'm going to give sian D iet yesterday. channel and then returned, without tion and inquire into the fitness o f men floor has been built and every conven­ left the com pany’s service until the her some pollygoric.” M a rc o la M ill Sta rts. and women seeking marriage. It has been decided to introduce a present time. alighting, in 90 minutes. ience installed for the employes. The “ What does ferment mean?” asked Eugene—The Southern Pacific com­ bill to bring His M ajesty’ s allowance The salary o f Oliver Spitzer, ex-dock the teacher of the juvenile class. “ It big room on the ground floor formerly Suit has been commenced to set pany has started one o f its sawmills at up to $5,000,000. superintendent, who was pardoned means to work,” answered Freddy. ¡ S H IP B R A K E IS R E J E C T E D . used as a packing room will be used aside railroad land grants in Oregon Marcola in operation a ft e ' a shutdown The public is reminded that the from the Atlanta penitentiary by Pres­ aggregating 3,000,000 acres, .and now for other purposes. o f three years. The other two mills Prussian crown surrendered! to the ident Taft, Gerbracht said, was paid “ That’s right,” said the teacher. “ Now, valued at about $60,000,000. Attachm ent W ou ld R etard V e sse l A lso owned by the company in that vicin­ state in 1820 properties yielding at to Mrs. Spitzer while her husband was Tommy, you -may write a sentence on W hen S p e e d is So u gh t. W o r k 3 3 D a y s on O n e L o g. East and Middle West railroads have ity will be started up as soon as they that time nearly $2,000,000 annually in prison and he believed she was still your slate containing the word.” A few minutes later Tommy handed up the filed notice o f an increase in freight Tillamook—The crew o f Hadley Rus­ are in readiness, which will be inside and the value o f which has been great­ getting it. Washington, June 6. — Although it following: “ Tramps don't like to fer­ These mills, when ly augmented since. rates, nearly every road in the country was demonstrated by trial on the bat­ sel sh:ngle mill, which is owned by C. o f a few weeks. The increased ment.” now having given such notice. *4 0 ,0 0 0 R A C E P R O P O S E D . tleship Indiana that what is known as W. Gilmore, worked from April 9 to operating to their full capacity, em­ cost o f living renders the present al­ May 18, cutting 141,000 shingles out ploy 300 or 400 men. lowance inadequate, the statement C r a w f o r d In K lltS e President T aft'told Bryn Mawr stu­ the "s h ip brake” would undoubtedly o f one log 11 feet 10 inches in diam­ says. Fat P u rse s O ffered fo r T h r e e -C o r ­ One of the best known guides In the dents that educated women make the stop a vessel in somewhat less time All O re go n Item s Rem ain. eter and 60 feet long. In order to cut Each year his support o f the court capitol at Washington used to be nered A erop lan e Flight. best companions, also that unmarried than where it was not empolyed, the Washington—The rivers and harbors theaters alone costs the emperor $700,- device has been found unsuitable for up the log it was necessary to blow it Colonel Jasper E. Snow, formerly a women are not necessarily failures. St. Louis, June 2.— A. B. Lambert, into eight pieces with dynamite, the bill was signed by the conference com­ 000, and in recent years he has in­ naval usage. president o f the Aero club o f St. Kansas City lawyer, who always sat Charles H. Treat, ex-treasurer o f the The naval board which conducted the saw used being only eight fe e t in mittee with all Oregon items nailed creased the salaries o f the middle and Louis, announced tonight plans for an In Republican conventions and voted United States, died o f apoplexy. test holds that the brake, which re­ length. In cutting the log not over down. There has been a hard fight lower employes o f the imperial house­ aeroplane race over a triangular course for Blaine as long as there was a Four principal British colonies in sembles a barn door on [either side o f half a cord o f timber was wasted. In against the Oregon items, but the sen­ hold by a total o f $250,000. from Chicago to Indianapolis, thence Blaine to vote for. fellin g the tree an arm 60 feet long ate conferees, at Bourne’ s instance, in­ the ship, [would soon become clogged South A frica have formed a union. Colonel Snow used to- tell this little to St. Louis, thence to Chicago. with barnacles unless constantly em- and four feet in diam eter was broken sisted and finally overcame the house S p r in g C le a n -U p $1,175,000. The purse is expected to be about story of the late Marlon Crawford. A tidal wave swept the Oregon coast ployed. It would also increase the to splinters, not a bit o f it being saved. conferees’ opposition. Nome, Alaska, June 4.— The Spring $40,000. O f this amount, the three He had met Mr. Crawford In Flor­ at Tillamook, damaging the tramway danger from torpedo attack, be a grave gold clean-up o f the Nome district is aero clubs in St. Louis, Chicago and ence, Italy, and when the novelist o f the life-saving station. C re a m e ry Ready fo r B u sin ess. menace in close evolutions and retard B e rrie s o f H ig h Quality. estimated at $1,175,000. A large por­ Indianapolis will provide $5,000 each, came to Washington Colonel Snow was La Grande — The new creamery is Twenty-five Western railroads were the speed o f the ship. Hood River— The strawberries are tion o f this will come from third beach and the balance will be made up from the first person who showed him the ready for business. The machinery enjoined from putting into force on now coming in in great quantities and mines. Candle creek will contribute the 70 or more towns along the pro­ doors made by the novelist’s father, has all been tested and the plant is in June 1, a general advance in freight the quality this year is very high. * 2 0 , 0 0 0 , 0 0 0 In S to re s. $300,000 and the creeks o f the Kou- posed course. The race probably will Thomas Crawford. readiness for the season’ s run. The rates. Those are the Senate bronze doors Albany, N. Y ., June 6.— The May The season may reach its height dur­ machinery is o f the latest and most garok will yield $200,000. The first be held in October. on the eastern portico. They repre­ sluicing o f the year began here yester­ Spokane police have arrested four Department Stores company, o f New ing the coming week if the warm days efficient type. sent scenes connected with the Revo­ day but telephone messages from points boys, the oldest aged 18, who have York, capitalized at $20,000,000, was continue. The Apple Growers’ Union V e rd ic t S t a g g e r s Road. lution and the founding of the govern­ further from the ocean say the weather robbed 25 houses and tents in the sub­ incorporated today to conduct general has been shipping three carloads a day PORTLAND M ARKETS. Aberdeen, Wash., June 2.— Re-ar- is still too cold for work. There will rangement o f plans for entering this ment. urbs during the past month. department stores. O f the capital during this week and the price has Wheat— Track prices: Bluestem, been ranging around $2.50 a crate. The panel representing Washington's be no lack o f water thiB summer. The city, with the possibility that the rail­ A band o f 48 Eastern Oregon cay- stock, $5,000,000 is to be 7 per cent With the shipments which are being 833i84c; club, 803781c; red Russian, Spring output o f the Innoko and Idita- road may end at Cosmopolis, is rumor­ reception at Trenton when on his way uses en route to Tillamook stampeded cumulative preferred, and $15,000,000 made by independent shippers five car­ 78c; valley, 84c. rod is estimated at $1,250,000. The papers say that the ed concerning the Grays Harbor & Pu­ to his Inauguration In New York con­ in Portland and spread terror in down­ common. Com — Whole, $33; cracked, $34 ton. company intends to take over the prop­ loads have been going out daily for the get Sound (Union Pacific) railway as tains among the populace portrait fig­ town streets fgor several hours Hay— Track prices: Timothy, W il­ Boat Burns O ff Alcatraz erty o f the Schoenberg Mercantile com­ past three days. The trouble over ex­ the result o f the entirely unexpected ures of the sculptor, his wife, hla lamette valley, $20(3:21; Eastern Ore­ A rich New York Chinaman, about pany, o f SL Louis; the May Shoe and press rates has adjusted itself. San Francisco, June 4.— The City o f verdict o f $71,000 secured in a con­ three children and Randolph Rogers, gon, $220i25; alfalfa, $15(316; grain to embark for China, was arrested in Clothing company, o f Denver; and the Rafael, a small stem wheel freight demnation suit by the Vulcan Iron the sculptor o f the main doors of the hay, $17(318, per ton. T ra n sp la n t E aste rn O y ste rs. San Francisco for the murder o f an­ May company, o f Ohio. The company boat plying between this city and San Works, o f Aberdeen. Whether this capitol. Oats— No. 1 white, $263727 per ton. other Chinaman in Sacramento four paid an organization tax o f $10,000. Astoria— Four hundred and twenty The novelist, who had never seen Rafael, burned to the water’ s edge in verdict will be accepted is not yet Fresh Fruits— Strawberries, 75c37) years ago. sacks o f Eastern oysters for trans­ the middle o f the bay off Alcatraz stated, nor haa it been determined to the doors before, quickly Identified hla $1.40 per crate; apples, $1.6037 3 per planting at Tokeland for the Toke H a ir C u t F ro m C o r p se s. Island shortly after 11 o ’ clock last appeal, word being awaited from head mother and father. Dirt from the excavation for a bank box; cherries, 50c3i$1.25 per box; “ Yes,” he said, "mother used to night. So rapidly did the flames Harriman officials in this state. Victoria, B. C., June 6.— Women in Point Oyster company, have been re­ gooseberries, 3374c per pound. building in Placerville, Cal., yields $1 ceived from Long Island sound. They wear her hair Just like that.” spread several members o f the crew to the pan. A t that rate enough gold the United States who purchase switch­ were not the little seedlings that have Potatoes — Carload buying prices: Then, gazing at the largest child, a H ail D a m a g e s N ashville. could be taken from the excavation to es o f black hair w ill be interested to | been used heretofore and which take Oregon, 40c per hundred; new Califor­ leaped overboard and were picked up by launches and two fireboats which Fauntleroylsh figure In kilt, with long, know that a crusade has been begun by | pay for the building. Nashville, Tenn., June 2.— A hail nia, 1?437 2 c per pound; sw eet pota­ went out to assistance o f the burning and wind storm which lasted less than flowing hair, be added speculatively; the Chinese government against about five years to mature sufficient for toes, 4c. vessel. Considerable excitement was ten minutes today and which swept a "But I wonder If I ever really did An effort is being made to bring Chinese who supply human hair for the market, but it bout the size o f an Vegetables— Artichokes, 603775c per about a conference o f representatives shipment to America. It seems that Olympia oyster and will mature in two dozen; asparagus, $1.2537 2 per b o x ;! caused by report the that the burning territory in and near this city less than look like that?”— New York Sun. vesse was one o f the large ferry boats. a mile wide and four miles long caused o f the United States, Great Britain, a charitable institution o f Canton years. This is an experiment but the head lettuce, 503 1 60c per dozen; hot­ U tilis in g th e W a s te P r o d a rt, Japan and Russia with a view o f agree­ which buries large numbers o f paupers oyster people believe it is feasible. damage to the amount o f many thous­ house lettuce, 50c37$l per box; green A parish In the highlands had been C o n d u c to r T a k e s Blam e. ing on the terms o f a treaty for the whose relatives are unable to provide and dollars. The Reid-Avenue Christ­ onions, 15c per dozen; rhubarb, 2c per F a rm e rs’ U n ion in C o o s . protection o f fur seals in the North coffins found the hair dealers exhuming Oakland, Cal., June 4.— W. J. Hol- ian church was so badly wrecked that cut off from communication with the pound; spinach, 83710c per pound, nearest town owing to a severe storm. Pacific ocean. Marshifield— A local branch o f the corpses to recover the hair, and when Many J rutabagas, $1.253711.50 per sack; car- dorf, the Oakland traction conductor, it will have to be tom down. this action was reported to the author­ Farmers’ Co-operative and Educa­ cots, 85c3f$l; beets, $1.50; parsnips; in a signed statement to his employer, trees were uprooted and streetcar traf­ Supplies began to give out, and the The thermometer reached 90 degrees ities action was taken against them. tional union was formed in this city by has taken all responsibility for the fic was demoralized. Three streetcars minister was much perturbed In mind, 75c37$l. at San Francisco and three persons Charles A. Hill, the organizer, who Leona Heights wreck on Memorial day, on a viaduct narrowly missed being as his snuffbox was quite empty. The Onions — Bermuda, $1.60371.75 per were prostrated in one day. has been working in this locality. E c u a d o r R e c alls Arm y. in which four persons were killed and tossed to the ground below by the Sabbath came round. How was he to crate; red, $1.75372 per sack. get throngh his discourse without the It is alleged that only a beginning a score o f others seriously injured. He wind. Washington, June 6.— The State de­ There are now four or five different Butter— City creamery, extras, 29c: aid o f his usual stimulant? He ap­ is made in the legislative scandal in partment is officially advised that the branches o f the union in the county surrendered himself to the police and fancy, outside creamery, 283» 29c per pealed to his faithful henchman, the Illinois and the big sensations are yet movement o f the Ecuadorean army and they will all be brought together was today charged with manslaughter Each Shot Hits Bullseye. pound; store, 20c. Butter fat prices sexton. Alas, he was In a similar un to come. An and released upon his own recogniz­ from the Peruvian frontier began yes­ under a county organization. Norfolk, Va., June2.— A n ew world’ s average 1 l, c per pound under regular How was ance, pending the verdict o f the cor­ record for big gun shooting has been satisfactory predicament! Edwin Gould Jr., grandson o f the terday. President Alfaro, in his mes­ effort will be made to secure 1,000 butter prices. It to be remedied? Andrew shook hie oner’ s jury, which will meet June 7. late Jay Gould, ran away from school, sage to the Ecuadorean congress, called members in Coos county. made by Coxswain John R. Edwards, E ggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, 233724c head, thought long and suddenly dis­ lived on 15-cent meals, spent a night in extraordinary session, stated that per dozen. o f the new battleship South Carolina. appeared. Presently he returned with M a rsh fie ld Im p ro v e s W aterfront. T h e ft C o v e re d by Sto rm . on a board at the station house and Ecuador warmly accepted the offer o f With her No. 4 after turret 12-inch Pork— Fancy, 123713c per pound. something resembling snuff wrapped Marshfield — The Marshfield city was finally returned to his home by mediation by the governments o f the Salinas, Kan., June 4.— During a guns he made 16 “ bullseye" target Veal— Fancy. 103710 'y c per pound. carefully In paper. The minister took the police. United States, Brazil and Argentina, council is planning to clear the w ater­ thunder storm last night three men hits out o f 16 shots in 4:51. Edwards Lambs— Fancy, 93712c per pound. a hearty pinch or two and then asked: and that he had expressed his apprecia­ front o f all sheds, boathouses and is under 21 years old, is on his first broke into the postoffice at K inopolis, Poultry— Hens, 19c; broilers, 2837 The body o f Alma Kellner, aged 8 tion to the mediating powers. “ Please, sir, I Just went and sweeplt buildings, so that it will be possible 30c; ducks, 183726c; geese, ^ ^ e ; 30 miles west o f here, loaded the safe enlistmenL His home is in Roadhouse, years, who disappeared at S t Louis to have a wide wharf extending the turkeys, live, 203722c; dressed, 25c; on a truck and took it some distance III. It is said aboard the South Caro­ the pulpit out,” was the reply.— Dun­ last December, was found buried in dee Advertiser. full length o f the business section. To squabs, $3 per dozen. F irst N o m e B o a t Arrives. away, where it was cracked open. Six lina that the gunnery, just completed, the bottom o f an unused cistern. Nome, Alaska, June 6 .—The steam­ do this it will be necessary to condemn Cattle— B eef rteers, good to choice, hundred dollars in cash and $1,000 in will make her No. 1 in the navy. S o " P « p o o » e " In H is V o c a b a l a r y . some o f the buildings. «* ,, $5.75375.90; fair to medium, $4.503i5; stamps were taken. Z About 75 Woodmen gathered in Ta­ ship Corwin, which left Seattle May Teacher— An Indian's wife Is called Madero Will Be Diaz's Rival. 10, arrived yesterday after a hard bat­ cows and heifers, good to choice, $4.50 com a on Memorial Day and built a a squaw. Correct. Now who can tell Eu ge ne to C eleb ra te Fourth. Italians Sto n e Princes. tle with the Behring Sea ice. in which, (»75; fair to medium, $4374.76; bulls, Monterey, M ex., June 2.— It the house fo r the widow o f one o f their me what an Indian’ s baby Is called? Eugene Eugene will celebrate the $3374; Stags, $3376: calves, light, $6 Detmold, Lippe, June 4.— Prince first official issue o f the organ o f the members. They nearly finished the however, she sustained no serious dam­ Bright Pupil— I know, miss—a age. All were well on board. The Fourth o f July in an elaborate style 377; heavy, $437 5.50. Anti-Re-Electionists club. El Republi­ Leopold IV, the reigning prince o f bouse in one day. squawker. — Boston Evening T r a » usual demonstration was made, the en­ this year, the Merchants’ Protective Hogs Top, $103710.40; fair to med­ Lippe, and his brother. Prince Julius, cano, published yesterday, Francisco script. A Wisconsin man who has served tire population o f the camp going to association having taken up the matter ium, $93710. were stoned by a gang o f Italian la­ Madero, a wealthy Haciendado o f Neu- The next time you are feeling tough, tw o years in prison for being implicat­ the beach to greet the first boat. Nome | after the Commercial club had decided motoring yesterday. va, Leon, announced himself as a can­ Sheep — Best wethers, $4.50374.75; borers while ed in the robbery o f a bank and mur­ haa been cut off from direct communi­ not to celebrate. An air ship and oth­ fair to best wethers, $4(>74.25; beat Prince Julius received a wound on the didate for president, and Dr. Francis look yourself over, and see If yoa der o f one o f the directors, is now cation with the active werld since last er big attractions will be secured for ewes, $3.763)4; lambs, choice, $6.5037 head, k Later several of the assailants W. Gomes asks support as vice-presi­ haven't recently been a fool about eat In*. found to be innocent fall. that day. dent on the Anti-Re-Election ticket. were arrested. 6; fair, $4.75375.25. Doings of the World at Large Told in Brief. Chicago, June 6.— During the brief period between March 1 and April 15, this spring, between 40,000 and 50,000 colonists, according to the various rail­ road managers, found new homes in the Pacific Northwest, in California, Idaho, Montana, Nevada, Utah, Colorado and Wyoming. The spring movement o f colonists is regarded as having broken the record o f the spring o f 1909 by from 15 to 20 per cent. With the exception o f fig­ ures which were prepared by the man­ agement o f the Harriman lines, all fig­ ures o f the colonist movement into the Northwest are estimates. The fig­ ures presented by the Harriman lines may be regarded as conservative and as being close to the actual movement. Corresponding figures over the Bur­ lington, the Northern Pacific and the Great Northern could not be obtained, as no detailed account is made o f such movement. The figures o f the Har­ riman lines show that during the six weeks o f the spring movement a total o f 16,542 persons found homes in the various states and territories men­ tioned. During the same period o f 1909 only 13,947 colonists moved through the various gateways fed by the Harriman roads. This is an in­ crease for the six weeks o f 2,595 col­ onists, or approximately 16 per cent. This comparison, however, does not tell the whole story, as the movement during 1909 continued 14 days longer than the present movement. Reduced rates were in effect last year from March 1 to April 30. For some reason unexplained the railroads decided this year to reduce the colonist period from two months to six weeks. According­ ly, comparison can be made only be­ tween the entire period this year and the corresponding six weeks o f the eight weeks’ period o f 1909. The in­ crease in the total movement o f the entire period this year was not suffi­ cient, however, to make the move­ ment greater than that o f last year. Will Boost All Commodity Tar­ iffs on July 1. j