R e n t in g a Fam . *A V E D BT HIS N A M E SCIENCE NOTES. The following Is from the Almanac and Encyclopedia for 1910, published Iiu p r la u u e U t o r M u r d e r lo lie The water In Imke V'an, In Asiatic by the International Harvester Com­ C u re d fe e b y S u p p osed \ Ictliu . Turkey, which is about sixty miles pany: When Bernard Carter, a wealthy long by from twenty to thirty wide. "The greatest risk Is always on the citizen of Seattle, read an account z>f Is so strongly Impregnated with potash landlord's side In the rental of prop­ the prison investigations and expos­ that the residents along Its shores use el ty. He Is putting his property Into ure of cruelties practiced In Texas, he T h e A r a b 's F a r e w e l l lo I l l s S t «e d . it to wash clothing without the use ol the possession and care of another, • • W h ic h S h a l l I t B e f ’» Are the sureties on the bond of a soap, M m e of Roger Williams who may be a person of doubtful util­ My beautiful, my beautiful! that stand- I eat meekly by. the convict» who testified be- policeman liable for an assault com- j The amount of carbon exhaled from "Which shall It be? Which shall It ity. It Is well to observe these rules be?" Wlth thy proudly-arched and glossy ior* the investigating board. This is rnitted by him? This was the ques-■ a man’s lungs each day. If it could be and cautions: Do not trust to a ver­ I looked at John, John looked at me. neck, and dark and fiery eye! u°t a common name and recalled a bal lease— let It be In writing, signed Fret not to roam the desert now with man with whom Carter had had trou* tion discussed by the Texas Court of solidified, would equal that in a lump (Dear, patient John, who loves me yet Civil Appeals in United States Fidelity I 0f coal weighing half a ton and sealed. Its stipulations then be­ As well as though my locks were Jet), all thy winged speed; ble years ago on a ranch in Crockett ft (iuaranty Co. vs. Jasper, 120 South- , Ilr ld g e (. r a d l i i g . come commands and can be enforced The sticks of dynamite used In a And when I found that 1 must speak. mount on the« again!— county, Texas western Reporter, 1145. Judgment by My voice seemed strangely low and Where trees are found girdled In Let It be signed In duplicate, so that thou’rt »old, my Arab »teed! In the spring of 1890 Carter and default for the amount of the Jjoud year In building the Panama canal, weak: the spring, the only method of saving each party may have an original. Williams had quarreled. One night was rendered by the court below If placed end to end, would reach in a "Tell me again what Robert said,’* them is by the practice of what Is "Be careful In selecting your tenant. Fret not with that Impatient hoof. Williams stabbed Carter while out on straight line from Boston to Spokane. And then I listening bent my head. There was no allegation or proof of ■nulT not the breezy wind; known as bridge-grafting. There Is more in the man than there Storage battery street cars weighing “ This ls his letter: — a cattle trail and rolled hla body Into any ordinance of the city authorizing If young trees be girdled In late is in the bond. Insert such covenants The farther that thou Blest now so far Pecos river. Williams was arrested, suits by Individuals upon such bonds but live tons, as compared with the ten am 1 behind; spring just as growth Is beginning, as to repairs, manner of use, and in •* 1 will give tried and given a long seutence for and no showing that the bond was tons of the ordinary trolley cars, are they may be successfully treated by restraint of waste as the circum­ The stranger hath thy bridle rein, thy A house and land while you shall live, being tried out In .New York. master hath his gold; the murder o f Carter. executed for the benefit of Individuals binding about the wounded parts a stances call for. As to particular stip- Fleet-limbed and beautiful, farewell! — If, In return, from out your seven, A few weeks after the stabbing the Injured. The Appellate Court held that. 9 or some unknown reason humming heavy covering of smooth, tenacious, latlons examine leases drawn by thosa thou’rt sold, my steed, thou’rt decomposed body of a man was found In view of these facts, no liability on birds are disappearing from the island One child to me for aye ls given/ ” soft clay. It Is safer, however, to In­ who have had long experience in rent­ sold! in the river and identified as that of the part of the surety company was of Trinidad Half a century ago there I looked at John's old garments wort,, sert a few long scions, as shown In ing farms, and adopt such as meet the accompanying picture. The sap your case. There should be covenants Farewell! Those free, untired limbs Carter, but It was not. Carter was shown and the judgment against It w-ere eighteen species; now there are I thought of all that John had borne but five. found by a companion, taken to the was reversed. O f poverty and work and care, full many a mile must roam circulation of the tree, cut off by the against assigning and underletting. Which I, though willing, could not railroad and sent to a hospital at El A book agent sold a set of Voltaire's Aluminum, combined with other ma­ wound made by the rodents, Is re­ " I f the tenant Is of doubtful respon To reach the chill and wintry clime Paso. Recovering, he drifted west, share, that clouds the stranger’s home; works, representing them to contain terials, ls appearing as a textile, neck Of seven hungry mouths to feed. sumed through the scions, which be­ slblllty. make the rent payable in in­ come a part of the tree—enlarging stallments. A covenant that the crops Some other hand, less kind, must now thence to Central America, and finally, line reading matter fit for anyone to ties, shawls, hats and lacings for shoes O f seven little children’s need, thy corn and bed prepare; and growing together until. In after shall remain In the lessor’s till the That silky mane I braided once must having accumulated a fortune, settled read. On a more thorough inspection being among the newest productions. And then of this. in Seattle ten years ago. years, only a slight enlargement or lessee’s contracts with him have been the purchaser declared the books of According to Insurance statistics, It be another's care. Carter discovered that the convict "Come, John," said I, a licentious, lascivious and lewd char­ requires 300,000 new houses a year “ bulge’ on the trunk of the tree thus fulflled is valid against the lessee’s In the Texas penitentiary was the treated will be noticeable. creditors. In the ordinary case of Only In sleep shall I behold that dark same Roxer Williams that had stabbed acter, not lit to be read In any family to accommodate the Increase in popu­ "W e’11 choose among them as they He Asleep;" so walking hand In hand. and refused payment on the ground lation of the United States and 80,000 In bridge-grafting the wounds renting farms on shares the courts eye glancing bright— should be made clean and smooth with will treat the crops as the Joint prop­ Only in sleep shall hear again that him and that he was serving a forty- that the consideration of the contract Store to replace those destroyed by lire. Dear John and I surveyed our band. year term for his murder. step so firm and light; was Immoral. In St. Hubert Guild vs. erty of lord and tenant, and thus pro­ The monopoly which Germany has First to the cradle lightly stepped. The astonished man at once set Quinn. 118 New York Supplement, 582 And when I raise my dreaming arms tect the former’s rights. Every lease to check or cheer thy speed about to procure the pardon of W il­ the New York Supreme Court thought enjoyed for many years as the only Where Lilian, the baby, slept; should contain stipulations for forfeit­ Then must I startling wake, to feel liams. He was successful and has country with deposits of potassium Her damp curls lay like gold alight. It no part of the duty of tribunals to A glory ’gainst the pillow white: ure and re-entry in case of non-pay­ thou’rt sold, my Arab steed! taken his old-time partner and assail exercise a censorship over literary salts has been endangered by the dis­ ment or breach of any covenants. ant to Seattle, where he will provide productions. It ls clear that no con­ covery of deposits. In Hungary, Russia, Softly her father stooped to lay Ah! rudely then, unseen my me, some the man with a good home for the rest tract for the sale of a book can be Holland. Persia and China. His rough hand down in loving way. cruel hand may chide. F re «h 91a n o r e . of his life. The lubricating mechanism of a When dream or whisper made her stir, declared Illegal unless it violates the Authorities say that fresh manure Till foam-wreaths lie, like crested Carter and Williams had small in criminal law. That some of the pas­ gyroscope car is fitted with an alarm And huskily he said, "Not her." wave, along thy panting side, loses in the process of decay from 20 teresta in several herds of cattle be­ to warn the engineer, for If the axles We stooped beside the trundle bed. to 70 per cent of its original weight. And the rich blood that’s in thoe fore the stabbing affair and became sages, judged by the standard of our of the rapidly moving gyroscopes And one long ray of lamplight shed swells, in thy Indignant pain, Athwart the boyish faces there. Some tests conducted by the Cornell Till careless eyes that on thee gaze bitter enemies, fighting over their day, mar rather than enhance the should get hot they would cut through In sleep so pitiful and fair, value of these books can be conceded Experiment Station showed that twe may count each starting vein! stock. Recovering from his wounds without condemning the sale as Ille­ 'he bearings In an instant. I saw on Jamie's rough red cheek tons of horse manure exposed In a Carter heard that Williams had gal. Courts will take the same knowl­ Heretofore regarded as valueless, a A tear undried; ere John could speak, a sharp knife and covered entirely pile for five months lost 57 per cent ol Will they ill use thee?—If I thought— slipped the country and had never "H e’s but a baby, too,” said I, certain kind of soil of which there are edge as the community at large of but no— It can not be; with grafting wax. The scions should its gross weight, 60 per cent of Its been arrested. Williams was 33 years matters of literature, and cannot fail large deposits in Denmark has been And kissed him as we hurried by. Thou art so swift, yet easy curbed, so nitrogen, 47 per cent of Its potash be cut a trifle longer than the span old when he was convicted and b • to recognize that the genius of Vol­ found to make excellent bricks of light Pale, patient Hobby’s angel face gentle, yet so free; Still In his sleep bore suffering’s trace; to be bridged, so that, when they are Five tons of cow manure exposed for And yet If haply, when thou’rt gone, looks 65 now. He supposed he had taire has enriched many fields of weight and so tough that nails may be No, for a thousand crowns not him,” the same length of time in a compact Inserted, their curving form will tend killed Carter. this lonely heart should yearn, driven into them without cracking. knowledge. The rule against the sale pile lost, through leaching and dissl He whispered, while our eyes were dim. to keep them firmly fixed In position. Can the hand that casts thee from It of immoral publications cannot be In­ Fifty*ton loads of coke can be Poor Dick, sad Dick! our wayward son. The two ends of the scions are cut to patlon of gases, 49 per cent In gross now, command thee to return? voked against those works which have dumped from up-to-date steel freight Turbulent, reckless. Idle one— a thin wedge form. Incisions are weight, 41 per cent of Its nitrogen Could he be spared? Nay, He who been generally recognized as literary cars in less than two minutes. made In the bark with a narrow chisel 19 per cent of its phosphoric acid and Return!—Alas! my Arab steed! what gave classics. will thy master do, Siam exports about a million tons Bids us befriend him to the grave; — those above the wound sloping up­ 8 per cent of Its potash. When thou, that wast his all of joy A ton of average fresh horse ma­ In 1634 the parcel of land known of rice a year, breaking the record Iasi ward and those below sloping down­ Only a mother’s heart can be hast vanished from his view? a3 Boston Common was dedicated and vear with 1,028,671 tons. Patient enough for such as he; ward. Insert the scions firmly and nure from animals fed on ordinary When the dim distance greets mine balanced ration, contains about 1 C set apart “ for the the common use of And so,” said John, "I would not dare wax h avlly and securely all wounds eyes, and through the gathering To send him from her bedside prayer.” pounds potash. the Inhabitants of Boston as a train­ made In the operation, especial care W IT H THE SAGES. tears Then stole we softly up above ing field and cow pasture." In 1906 being exercised to press the wax firm­ Thy bright form for a moment, like The mere running away of a team Is the Legislature passed an act author­ C o n c r e t e P la t f o r m f o r C la t e r n . And knelt by Mary, child of love; ly and neatly about the points of un­ the false mirage, appears? Anger may repast with thee for an "Perhaps for her ’tw'ould better be,” held In Collier vs. Knox, 222 Pa. 362. izing the Boston Transit Commission Make a square box of 2xl0-!nch stuff, ion of scions with the body of the hour, but not repose with thee for a said to John. Quite silently any size you want the platform. Six Slow and unmounted will I roam, with 71 Atl. 539, 23 L. R. A. (N . S.) 171, to construct a tunnel under a portion tree. night. The countenance of anger is He lifted up a curl that lay not to Imply negligence on the part of feet square Is a nice size. Cut out of it. In Codrnan vs. Crocker. 89 wearied foot, alone, hatred; the continuance of hatred Across her cheek in willful way, T h e U s e f u l S ilo. the pieces as shown In the cut so the Where, with fleet step and Joyous the owner. Northeastern Reporter, 177, it was al­ turns malice. The anger is not war­ And shook his head. "Nay, love, no* The silo Is a text which is always frame will fit the crown of the cis­ bound, thou oft hast borne me A railroad company ls held In Louis­ leged that this would constitute a di­ thee;’’ rantable which hath seen two suns.— Inspiring to the man who knows Its tern. Clean off all the earth and old on; ville ft N. R. Co. vs. Melton (A la .), version of the property from the use Quarles. The while my heart beat audibly. value and It cannot be preached from matter. Set the frame level and about And sitting down by the green well, 47 So. 1024, 23 L. R. A. (N. C.) 183, intended by the dedicators, and that, Only one more, our eldest lad. I ’ll pause, »nd sadly think, The true overcoming is not in shap­ Trusty and truthful, good and glad— too often, writes S. C. Miller. Wher­ two Inches lower than the cistern to be liable for the value of a horse even if this were not true, no right ’Twas here he bowed his glossy neck ever It Is seen It denotes farming, which it frightens to death by its to make the subway could be acquired ing outward things to suit our will, So like his father; “ No, John, no: when last I saw him drink. I cannot, will not let him go!” Tt solves the problem of turning Into wrongful act, although no bodily In­ without a vote of the Inhabitants of but In living out our life patiently, trustfully, and kindly, through what­ the highest efficiency that portion of jury is inflicted upon it. Boston. Both of these contentions When last I saw thee drink! Away! ever the outward things may be.— And so we wrote, in courteous way. the corn crop which falls to reach the the fevered dream is o’er! W e could not give one child away; One operating an automobile on a were decided against complainants by desired maturity as feed. The silo I could not live a day, and know that public highway In violation of a stat­ the Supreme Judicial Court of Massa­ Brooke Herford. And afterward toil lighter seemed, It’s good to have money, and the can be Ailed at less expense than the ■ we should meet no more; Thinking of that of which we dreamed; ute forbidding the operation thereon chusetts and the bill dismissed. It I They tempted me, my beautiful! for same amount of dry feed can be cared things that money can buy, but It’s Happy, in truth, that not one face was shown that notwithstanding the of unregistered machines is held In hunger’s power Is strong for and It makes better feed. This express use indicated by the original good, too, to check up once in a while W e missed from its accustomed plaoe; They tempted me, my beautiful! but J Durley vs. Northampton Street R. Co , Is, after all, the main point to con­ and make sure you haven’t lost the Thankful to work for all the seven. 202 Mass. 443, 89 N. E. 25. 23 L. R. A. Instrument of dedication, conditions have loved too long. sider. Dairymen have learned that curb. This will give fall sufficient to things that money can’t buy.—Lori- Trusting then to One In heaven. (N. S.) 561, to have no right of action had materially changed In the vicinity mer. when cows are kept In the stable for lead all water away from the pump Who said that I had given thee up? W O M AN ’S STRANGE BEQUEST. against one who injures It merely by during the nearly three centuries that live to seven months they cannot re­ Make a mixture of cecnent and sand A friendship which makes the least Who said that thou wert sold? have passed since that time, and that turn as satisfactory profits If they are or gravel. Mt^ all together, dry, then *Tis false! ’tls false, my Arab steed! want o fpordinary care. Am A l l - W h i t e F u n e r a l a n d C h o p in * « noise is very often the most useful; One who, In going from a railroad the property is now not needed nor confined to a ration of dry feed alone. add water to make a stiff mortar. M a r c h F i f t y - S e v e n 'Pluiea. I fling them back their gold! for which reason I should prefer a used for a cow pasture nor as a train­ Ensilage gives succulence and Is very Pack In the form and smooth off with Thus— thus I leap upon thy back, and car to a street, after passing a certain ing ground in the sense originally prudent friend to a zealous one.— Ad The Vlcomtesse de Vaugelet, who distance along the walk provided by much easier to masticate and digest a straight-edged board. Run a seam scour the distant plains! has just died at the age of 77, left the contemplated. The opinion Indicates dison. than dry corn fodder. There Is also from each corner to the crown to Away! Who overtakes us now may *he railroad company, turns aside and a belief on the part of the court that bulk of her fortune, estimated at We may see many struggling against claim thee for his pains. attempts to walk across the tracks of a great saving of labor In feeding en­ prevent cracking.— Denver Post. it is not necessary that the land should adversity who yet are happy; and $100,000, various minor legacies be­ —Mrs. Norton. the company, is held in Legge vs. New silage, over feeding dry corn fodder. be used for the specific things Indi­ more, although abounding in wealth, ing deducted, to the town of Rlom on York, N. H. ft H. R. Co., 157 Mass. 88, Thfe Initial expense keeps many a silo P o u l t r y Plclclnara. certain curious conditions, which were cated in the original dedication, but who are most wretched.— Tacitus. C A LIF O R N IA M AKES GOOD. 83 N. E. 367, 23 L. R. A. (N . S.) 633, from decorating the landscape, but all, or nearly all, compiled with, a Watch closely and mark the hen that a use which is reasonably in ac­ Retribution may come from any to have no right to claim the protec­ It Is good practice to economize In that Is laying an egg each day. She cord therewith, as modified by changed mice. Surely, help and pity are rarer Cincinnati Enquirer’s Paris letter (E a ster n er * S it U p a n d T a k e N o t i c e tion from the company which is due to other directions to provide for It. Once is the kind you want to perpetuate She insisted on an entirely conditions and circumstances, will not things— more- needful for the righteous says. W h e n T h e y V i e i t t h e C oaat. a passenger. built and rightly built It will not have in the flock. white funeral, with white trappings, constitute a diversion. As against the to bestow.— George Eliot. The great thing about California Is to be renewed for many years, so the white flowers and white horses. A street car passenger who Insists contention of necessity for a vote by Weed out the hens that lay the that she make good. Both in our lit- The man who does not look up will cost Is spread out so thinly that It No white horses were discoverable small-sized eggs. They are the un- 1 erature and by our speech when wo upon remaining on a car which turns the citizens of Boston, it Is held that, look down, and the spirit which does in the country, but in other respects cuts no great figure in the business profitable ones and never will lm- are away from home Californians are back before his destination ls reached, notwithstanding the legal title Is in not dare to soar is destined, perhaps, her wishes were obeyed. The late of feeding. prove the quality of the flock. I thought to be a somewhat boastful without paying the return fare, Is hel l the city. It holds it only as an agency vlcomtesse seems to have been par­ in Wright vs. Orange & P. Valley R. of government, representing the peo­ f.o grovel.— Beaconsfleld. I n c u b a t o r , uiid llroiHleri. There are some poultrymen who ad-1 people. "Oh, no doubt you have a It is a good thing to have good ticularly musical, for she bequeathed The only way to raise chickens In vocate pullets for breeders Instead of beautiful country and a fine climate, Co. (N. J. Err. A. App.), 73 Atl. 517, 23 ple and subject to the control of the $200 to the local band on condition It large numbers In a short space of time yearling hens. It Is generally found out you are not yet a finished product L. R. A. (N. S.) 571, to be liable to Legislature. The Legislature having friends, but not to be dominated too played Chopin’s “ Funeral March’’ con­ and have them at the right time to that well-developed fowls make th e , in other respects," Is what the out­ be ejected as a trespasser, although he granted a right not in violation of the much or too long by their example.— tinually during the obsequies all the was not warned, when boarding the original dedication, the grant ls valid. Rev. Win. Dickie. get the biggest prices for them Is to most prolific breeders. : Jander says to us with aa amiable anil way from the house to the church and car, that it would not go to the point No man can be brave who considers use Incubators and brooders. By the If you have both pullets and old patient smile, from the church to the graveyard, a to which his contract entitled him to pain to be the greatest evil of life; use of the hen for hatching and brood­ hens in your flock keep close watch T h e G e n t i li t y o f n n n e h u ll. But it has now come to pass that distance of sixteen miles. nor temperate who considers pleasure ing, enough chickens can not be raised and see which one Is laying the moet when we get an easterner here we bo carried. I have seen a quiet little Sunday The result was that the band play­ *he highest good.— Cicero. In a season to make It pay. Many of eggs. A little knowledge along this make him sit up and take notice from afternoon game In which every man ed Chopin’s "Funeral March" fifty- F IR S T GLEAM OF SUNSHINE. my customers tell me that they would line may assist next season In select- every possible point of view he may on either side told every man on his seven times and then retired almost rather take care of 100 chicks In a lng a flock of winter layers. care to take. We have not only the O ffic ia l M ln t a k e n In Im n a rln ln sr T h a t own and the other side just what he L IT T L E THINGS W O R TH KNOW ING inanimate to a village inn, where a brooder than to care for one old hen scenery and the climate, but we have thought of his character. One captain, S o n - I n - L a w F e l t Ila «l. portion of the $200 was consumed in ana her brood. You can set as many T h e A a p a r n ir a n B e e tle . Diamonds are almost perfectly trans­ everything that anybody else has and A San Francisco mother-in-law went says Ellis Parker Butler in Succes’s drinks. eggs In a medium-sized Incubator as This Is a troublesome pest and hard a whole lot of thlngB that nobody else to the orient and, coming back, was Magazine, began by telling his pitcher parent to X-rays. Mme. de Vaugelet also left $6,000 to you can put under ten sitting hens. to fight. Clean cutting, especially in 1 has. I f we boast, we can make the Every day the railroads of New York the French 'academy, to be bestowed caught trying to smuggle In a lot of what he thought of him. and ordered With the machines you have absolute ridge culture, keeps them well under boast good. choice silks. She had to pay duty and him off the field, and the pitcher re­ City move 85 per cent of the popula­ “ upon a child aged between 5 and 15 control at all times. No lice to fight. control In spring, but considerable Let us take, for instance, the blase tion of the city. years having shown peculiar distinc­ No danger of eggs being broken or harm Is done later on by slugs or man—the man, above all others, who a fine. Then there was talk of a crim­ marked that If he had a catcher who knew how to catch a ball once every A Violet Cross league has been form­ tion in music.” chilled during Incubation. Eggs and larvae. Poultry are very fond of these lg hard to piea3e. He is a man who inal action to follow. There seems to be no time limit for Her son-in-law called on the cus­ week or so he would be able to use ed in Paris with the object of sup­ chicks perfectly safe at all times. No beetles, and a few fowls will soon mU3t have luxuries— elegant hotels, the discovery of the requisite prodigy “ Is it possible," he some speed. This seemed to displease pressing swearing. work at all compared with the work capture the matured Insects If allowed c]uba and all that sort of thing. Well, toms officials. Oklahoma has the greatest Indian by the academy. Finally the residue that ten fussy old hens would cause In a garden bed. An extensive grower 1 wrhat do we do to h!*m when he comes asked In a severe tone, “ that after my the catcher, and he remarked In no mother-in-law has paid the duty on the gentle tones about the pitcher's gen­ population of any of the States of this of the vlcomtesse’s fortune goes to the you.— Agricultural Epltomlst. of asparagus in Massachusetts finds t0 California? Why, we can lodge stuff and her fine that you contem­ eral ability and the shortsightedness town of Riom, owing. It seems, to the country, numbering 117,370. that most of the beetle eggs have been him In as fine a hotel as there ls on plate criminal action?” stubborn disinterestedness of M. Clt- of a captain who would have such a C u r i n g a H a l t e r llre n k e r . The steamboat Inspection service of Whenever I have a horse that sucked dry and destroyed by a species earth. We can put him up at a club "W e are considering It," the cus­ man on his nine. This gave pleasure the United States passed on 7,962 ves­ mentel, former minister of the colo­ nies, whom for years she implored to to the opposing nine and they showed breaks his halter by pulling at the of small fly, which hus made Its ap eqUai t0 any he has ever known, toms official replied gravely. sels, launches and barges during the be her heir. As he persistently re­ manger I take a small rope, pass It pearance for the first time In large Suppose he were to spend his winter "And if my mother-in-law were to It by appropriately guying remarks, year ending June 30 last. |n tb|g |mmedlate neighborhood, can be convicted, as she probably would and were taken to task by the nine fused, she appointed him only her ex­ around his tall and through loops on numbers this year. There Is an Inmate in the Colchester ecutor and the town of Riom her re­ I he And anything better in the hotel be, she would have to go to jail?” men of the other side. The two hun­ a girth at either side, then on through Coat o f F e e d . dred spectators who gathered to see workhouse, England, who is 96 years siduary legatee. line than he will And between Santa the rings at either side of the halter I think so During an experiment In Cornell and fasten the two ends to the manger University a few years ago the aver­ Barbara and San Diego? Has he ever Do you mean to tell me you Intend the ball game then told both nines ot age’ ° ne * h° » ?*’ !.?. ‘h *!" A l l la a F latter. tween 80 and 90, and fifty-thiee be- ring. When the horse pulls on the age feed cost for eggs throughout the seen In all his life and In all his wan­ to do this thing to a woman— a lady what they thought of them, and were For the first time in her life she derings country clubs to discount tho who has already expiated her fault given to understand that not a man tween .0 and 80. year was about 9 cents per dozen. Ananadale Club and the other Califor­ and recompensed the government?” on either side cared a faded fig for— . I The average speed of a homing was about to make a railway journey. Other experimenters give the cost of " I do; but look here, old chap, don’t An hour later the umpire went home.; pigeon In calm weather ls 1.210 yards When she arrived at the station she eggs In winter at 15 cents per dozen nia country clubs? Then take the financier, the banker take this too hard. I ’ve got to do my or In the direction of home, but the a minute. With a strong wind In the didn’t know what to do. and In summer 8H cents.. Under the She hailed a porter. present "prices "of" feed eggs wouldcost i and the buslne8s ™R.i who corae here ! duty, you know. Don’t feel so bad two captains were still discharging directlon of flight, some pigeons have "Young man," she said, "can you tell made 1,980 yards, or more than a mile about 12 cent, per dozen, but It must fron? the ea8t 0l / r0m any othf part abo,lt U ” the‘ : „ 1 have, *®e“ one, stout me where I get my ticket?” be remembered that on the farm the ot tbe world- Tbey eorDe 49 »heptici "Bad?" shouted the srm-in-law catcher discharged eight times in one a minute. “ Right there at the bookin’ orfls!” The Association of Colleglcte Alum­ hen picks up the most part of her liv- and * ° away true bellevers They arB "Why. my dear sir, th i, Is the firs t. seven-inning game, during which pe- answered the porter, jerking his Ing from the waste material that 1s 8taggered by the Immensity and the gleam of sunshine that has entered rlod he resigned four times of his own nae. composed of more than 5.000 thumb backward; "throu’ the pigeon members ln various cities, ls about to scattered over the farm so that the 8olldlty of our financial Institutions, my home In twenty years."— Saturday accord. ’ole.” test the law of heredity by an investi­ " --------------------- “ — cost of a dozen eggs Is a very small 1 They are astounded at our present I Evening Post. ______________________ She regarded the hole, and then she T h e C , e e w W e r e ll n c k 'a . halter It produces such unexpected re­ gation of Its own membership and commerce and are soon willing to ad- 1 Item of cash outlay. regarded the porter. Her face was sults that he soon stops this had hab­ w ith th>- B e a t o f i n t e n t i o n , . The following little Incident took antecedents for three generations or mlt that It is a commerce destined to | crimson with Insult. it.—A Benson. In Farm and Home. become the greatest the world has “ I’m goln* over to comfort Mrs. ( plnce awhile ago at a Northwestern more. H la t a A b o n t !h # F a rm . “ You be oft. you Idiot!" she scream­ “Certain negro characters are of a ed. "How on earth do you think I'm O o s l . a . li r a ah I l e . t r » , e r . . All cows that are weak, extremel) ever known. They can hardly realize Brown,” said Mrs. Jackson to her station in Yorkshire: thin and coughing ’ must b . fimov^d ,hat we are oarry' ns! out proJf'rta of ! daughter Mary. "Mr. Brown hanged Some geese had strayed on the rail- highly evolved type." said Prof. Arthur golng ^ get thro’ there? I ain’t no The Forestry Department has turned the »t'JP«‘ndo« 9 bigness of the Owens himself In their attic last night.” way and were observed by a traveler. Keith In a Hunterian lecture at the bIegled pigeon!’’— Answers. 800 Angora goats out on the moun­ from the herd With . » » a . n o Una it i. t RlT*r a'lu<’duct a»«J things of that -oh. mother, don’t go! you know » bo- fearing that they might be run Royal College of Surgeons in London, j tain slopes In the west, In the hope i t . ,7 n I n L l 7 character. They see what we are do you always say the wrong thing.” o'er, said to one of the porters on the and I have a suspicion that some of Staare F r lir h t . that they will keep the weeds from the negroes of the Congo Free State With h e n ,Id . hilnal i U r / lng ln the way of bul,dlng highways "Yes. I’m going. Mary. I l l just talk olatform: "They tell me your husband has be­ growing on the Are-breaks. This work had an old civilization which flour­ come one of the easiest and most Income for th e T a W em l^ved Ih.n ef>'la' t0 ,he hlgbw* ys ° f France. an,l about the weather. That’s a safe "W ho owns the geese, my man?" has been a serious expense and the er er Income for the labor employed than that we are digging harbors to acconi- enough subject.” "Them ’s Duck's.” the porter replied ished when Britons were in a primi­ graceful after dinner speakers in the goats are an experiment. any other sytem of management. modate the fleets of all the oceans. Mrs. Jackson went over on her visit Again the question was asked, with' tive state." city. I understand he has no end of Let the sheep glean over the grain S o li M i s t a r e fo r L e ttu c e . The stranger cothes patronizingly, of condolence. "W e have had rainy the same reply. Somewhat annoyed, j engagements." and cornfields If the land Is free from It hAS t*en found by experiments but he goes away dofflng his chapeau weather lately, haven't we, Mrs. the traveler called the station master Tes, and I have to sit up and give A w A lln r fa a r P . 9 . fct one of the New York stations that burs and cockles. respectfully. The day ls past whew Brown?" she said. and told him the AV story, stating that he I widower who w*s married recently him a good dinner after every one of Palls, cans, strainers, coolers and the soil mixture best adapted for forc­ w , could be considered raw and un- Yes,” replied the widow; " I have- full well knew the difference between for the thlrd tlma and whose brlde them.- ing head lettuce Is of a rather com­ every other utensil that comes ln con- finished. The possibilities of the most n’t been able to get the week’s wash geese and ducks had been married once before, wrote "A fte r every banquet?” tact with the milk should be washed fruitful and advantageous section of dried.” The station master laughingly re- pact texture and contains a good por­ across the bottom of the wedding invl- "Yes. When he knows they are g o tion of fine sand, clay and silt, mod- snd sterilized. the globe have been taken full ad- "Oh,” said Mrs. Jackson, " I shonld- plied: “ The man ls quite right. Those tatlons: “ Be sure and come; this ls lng to call on him to speak he's al- trately lightened with fairly well- Farmers who have given eowpeas a vantage of. California makes good.— n’t think you would have any trouble, geese are Duck’s. They belong to Mr. no amateur performance.’’— Ladies’ ways too scared to eat."— New York fotted horse manure. It was also fair trial have almost Invariably con Los Angeles Times. You have such s nice attic to hang John Duck, the farmer."— London Tit- Home Journal. Journal. found that after a heavy application tlnued their use along with their thlngs ln."— Home Herald. Bit»- ______________________ %t stable manure any further addition other etaple crops. It has been our experience that i , .. As i general proposlton, fame may Many a woman ls honest about her P r t S e e n d « h e L o r , o f P r a la e . . . . . , ” —» >f chemical fertilisers is only thrown It makes no difference what the __ _____.___ Frequent plowing will gave a larger when the weather Is pleasant, and . , , ,, . be defined as a man s notoriety after Pride is essential to a noble charac h0 )g degd 1 fishing agreeable, fish won’t bite. callers say to the mother's face, when father being a private In the Civil war tw&y. Chemical fertilisers gave best average crop with an equal amount of _________________ ____ _ ----------------------------- they are safely away from the home until she meets some woman whose ter and the love of praise is one of the ; results on sandy soils, fairly well- fertiliser, but It moeta more to pro­ Ward What has become of the old-1 You can’t do your work well if you j of the new baby, they always say, “ I t father was a captain: Then she ele­ civilizing elements.— Henry rotted stable manure on clay soils. duce and la mors work to harvest. vates her father to a generalship. Beecher | toned Salvation Armj «■ * * * • • I took* like a little npa.”