r A (Stette T IC K L E T E A S E R S B y A lfre d J in g le T w inkle, tw in k le little »tar, We often w onder w hat you are. Mill one tiling tlm t we know for »ure. Tlie New lira has» a bed bug cure—th a t in a dandy N on-PoU «aeus 25c P e r H a lf P l a t B o ttle THE W AVE Ju*t received a fresh new lin e of b o s candy ii*»in M ilw aukee. T ry them , they a re fine. D on’t lurget we w ill serve ice cream Saturdays and Sunday's: llox hue paper a n d large p ic tu re JSc. THE W AVE A L O C A L P A P E R P I T F O R A N Y H O M E - .P R O G R E S S I V E . N E W S Y . IN D E P E N D E N T B la c k b u tte Q uicksilver, B o h em ia (fold Minimi D istric ts and T h irty Saw Milling E n terp rise s T rib u ta ry to C ottage Drove. Dairying, H ruit (irow ing, P a n n in g are Profitable Or* ;/; U O H E M ?A N V ü G ETL E A U EM ! C o » » » I U » l« d J t n u u l . C O TTA G E G R O V E, OREG O N , TU E SD A Y , A P R IL 26 , iqio ‘ : * ' ¡ ej r BACK COUNTY CAUSI Strong Resolutions Passed by Miners in a Recent Largely Attended Meeting Held in Cot­ tage Grove Club Rooms. Thirty-five m ine operators and miners held a meeting in this city last W ednesday the purpose of w hich was to advance the interests of the proposed county of Nesm ith, a m easure of vital im portance to th e Bohemia cam p, inasm uch as it is now located in both Lane and Douglas counties, from which it is proposed to carve the new county. George McQueen, president of the North Fairview Mining com pany, presided. Several strong address­ es were m ade in favor of the initi­ ative measure. D uring the discussion it was brought out that the tieople of the territory em braced in the proposed Nesmith county were the discover­ ers of the Bohemia district, and that they had constructed the h igh­ ways and bridges, not only as far as the Calapooia ridge—the divid­ ing line between the present coun­ ties—but beyond, into Douglas county. A t one time Douglas undertook to build a road into the camp, in the hope of getting a por­ tion of its trade, but it was a b a n ­ doned before a wagon had ever been over it. * GKOVK N A T P R A I, O U T L E T . In this connection it was the concensus of opinion am ong the men who “ know every foot of the g round” that the n atu ral trade outlet of this district, on account of the topography of the country, is (¿»rough Cottage Grove. There is a railroad within 10 miles of the cam p, and the balance of the dis­ tance is over a good wagon road, built largely bv private funds. ( >ue feature of the situation which induces action on the part of the m iners is that a num ber of the mines lie in both of the counties. T he West Coast, which has been one of the largest producers, and upon w hich m uch capital has been expended, is one of these. T he entrance to the mine is in I.ane county, while the w orking face is in Douglas. And this is also true of the Music and Vesuvius, two other im portant properties. The mill of the North Fairview com­ pany is located in Douglas county, w hile the m ine is in Lane. Resolutions endorsing the m eas­ ure were adopted, and these will be forwarded to all m iners through­ out the state, in the hope of getting aid at the polls next November for the bill. T he following resolutions were unanim ously adopted, and signed by those p resent at the meeting: G reylock-Berkshire. Ed Jenks, lohn G räber, G . O. Knowles, Cltas. G ettys, V irture Group. Jam es llem enw ay, H appy Jack. W. W. Cochran, Cripple Creek Group. C. B. Bruneau, S arah Milling Claim. G. O. Knowles, Chas. G ettys, Dexter Claims. J. S, Milne, The Glenwood Group. Ernest Lockwood, Ed Jen k s, Syndicate Group. Col. W. H. Blair, T h e Big Maud. John Barker, Grisley M ining Co. Dr. ¡1. If. Petrie, City Creek Group. Geo. Boliluiaii, H iaw atha Min­ ing Co. Jas. W. Sears, Yellow Jacket Group. II. II. Veatch, T he Roosevelt. B. Lurch, Cham pion Basin Co. I). G. M cFarland, Peek-a-Boo- Group. Hen Curry, St- Paul Group. Wm. Landess, Nemo Group. West Coast Mines Co. By Chas. Gettys, Supt. G. I.. Stidham , M ammoth Group. S. R. Piper, Tennessee Group. J. E. Young, F isb't Claim, C. A. Harlow, H illside Claim. latter point all supplies for the dis trict are shipped over the Oregon & Southeastern railroad to a point 20 miles east of Cottage Grove, and from there freighted by team over a good wagon road, built into the cam p principally by private capital; and W hereas, T he operators and m iners of the said Bohemia M in­ ing District, under existing county lines, are subjected to m any hard ships and inconveniences, entail ing large additional expense in m atters pertaining to the filing c*f legal docum ents, litigation and other business such as naturally come before the county court, caused by the fact that many of us have m ining properties in both p r e s id e n t m in e c u t in t w o . I.ane and Douglas counties, neces T he President M ining Co. held sitatiiig our traveling .Is miles to a meeting at Eugene last Friday Cottage Grove, 22 miles farther to and elected the following officers Eugene, the county seat of Lane for the ensuing year: A. P. county, and then a distance of 77 Churchill, president and general miles back to K’oselmrg the county m anager: Henry Fischer, vice­ seat of D ouglas countv, Therefore, president; A. F. Campbell, secre- be it | tary an d counsel; R. E . Fischer, Resolved, By the operators and treasurer. T he board of directors m iners of the Bohemia District, in is comprised f the above gentle­ regular session assembled, who, in men and J. S. C hurchill. T he addition, to their I.ane countv com pany’s property is located in m ining interests own and are d e­ the Bohemia district, h alf in Doug: veloping more than 6.1 claim s in las county and h alf in I.ane, and Douglas county, believing th a t it is one of the very best prospects: is to the advantage of the c a m p ! T he members of the com pany are and its operators because of the | greatly interested in tUe success of better service obtained by the e r e ! the Nesmith com ity proposition, atiou of proposed Nesm ith county, I because of the fact that it would resolve further th at we, the u n d e r-' bring its cam p within the one signed operators and miners of the | county, and thereby save possible said Bohemia District, lend our trouble an d litigation. T he only moral and financial support to the way from the cam p to the seat of bill now before the State for the justice of die county in which the creation of Nesm ith county: and property is located is through Cot­ tage Grove, and thence to Rose- be it further Resolved, T h at we do hereby burg, a distance of ninety miles ask the support of the voters of or more, whereas wish this city the State of Oregon for the creation the county seat the distance would and establishm ent of Nesmith be but thirtv-five miles. county, thereby adding another j spoke to the wheel of G reater O re­ Praises Oregon Apples. gon, ai»d conferring an everlasting favor upop ifs citizens, Signed W ashington, .Vpril 12.—T k e vir­ Geo. McQueen, North Fairview tues of the fam ous Oregon apple M ining Co,, Grisley Mountain were discussed tonight by John M ining Co. A. P. Churchill, President M in­ P.arrett, director of the Bureau of American Republics at the m eet­ ing Co, ing of the ( (regon society pf W ash Dr. W . W . Oglesby, Golden ington. Mr. Barrett prepared a Slipper Mining Co, careful address and said th a t one lid Jenks, Baltimore Mining Co. sure way to get rich was to go to G. G. W arner, Geo. Kerr. The ( »regon and raise apples. *,l-S O L U T IO N S . W hereas. T he citizens of S outh­ ern L ane and N orthern Dopglas counties having initiated a bill tp come before the voters of the (state of Oregon on November N, 1910, for the creation of Nesmith county from iiortions of the counties nam ­ ed, and W hereas, T he Bohemia Mining District is em braced within the boundaries of the proposed county of Nesm ith; and W hereas, T he said Bohemia Milling District has lieen recogniz­ ed by m ining men these past m any years as one of the com ing cam ps of this great state: and W hereas, T he said counties of L ane and Douglas have repeatedly ignored th e dem ands of the opera! 5» ors and m iners of said district fopl more and bolter highw ays, nocossi fating the expenditure of thousands of dollars of private capital upou public roads th at otherwise might have been used jn the direct devel­ opment of the cam p: and W hereas, N ature's outlet for said cam p via Douglas’ county is im practicable, there being but two pack trails, fifty per cent longer than to Cottage Grove, from which E F For Cottage Grove’s New Municipal Water Supply T h e city has instructed Recorder Van Deuburg to advertise for bids for the construction of a complete water system aud pipeline from Fang Creek, about 20 miles d is­ tan t from here, work to begin as soon as possible on the same. O ne hundred thousand dollars in Ixnuls were voted to provide for this at a special election held some tim e ago. A conference was held with E ngineer Roberts by the mayor an d couneiluien Monday evening, bearing on this subject. VOL. XXII. NO. beauty and is talented m usically. Her vocal teacher, Miss Marie W ithrow, of Sail Francisco, is most enthusiastic over her voice, which is a brilliant dram atic so­ prano with a three-octave com pass. Besides possessing a rem arkably beautiful voice, she is a pianist of more th an ordinary ability and is endowed with u nusual intellectual attainm ents. ” Mr. and Mrs. Lea are at P ort­ land. They will visit friends and relatives in the W illam ette valley lie fore returning to California. PORTLANDERS COMING NEXT THURSDAY. Industries. A I E GROVE! FIGURES IN BIG LAND SALE Several Thousand Acres in North Douglas County and $200.000 Involved in this Deal. Big Syndicate is Purchaser. T he Ja ck Rodman com pany of nancial consideration, while not this city has just com pleted the ne- m ade public. Mr. Rodm an says, is gotiations in another extensive and j in advance of $200,(XX), and the one of the most extensive laud I lan d will be handled on a plan cleals reported in this section of the sim ilar to th a t of the large tract re- state. T he trac t comprises several cently sold by the Rodm an com- thousand acres of valuable fruit ' pany at D rain, land in Douglas county in the vi-j Mr. Kodmau says that there is cinity of Rice Mill. a very active dem and for large T his tract was recently gotten in I tracts, where the soil is suitable shape by J . S. Milue of C ottage for fruit, and that his firm is now (trove for the Jack Rodman com h avnig a third tract gotten into pan y , who in turn sold it to a sy n ­ shape, which is virtually contract­ dicate of Minneapolis. Chicago ed for as soon as the sam e is avail­ ami Portland investors. T he fi- able.— Register. T he citizens of Cottage G rove will greet seventy-five business men of P ortland in this city on T h u rsd ay , April 28. T h e ex cu rs­ ionists will m ake a trip to the southern boundary of the state, and will arrive here at 12:18 p. in. and remain thirty m inutes. T he business people of the city will meet the excursionists at the de|x>t, and escort them to the rooms of the Commercial club, sh ak e hands all around, and accom pany them COTTAGE GROVE BOY back to the station. A com m uni­ MARRIED AT BERKELEY cation to the Commercial club es­ A CRESWELL MAN SCHOOLMASTERS MEET pecially requests th at no demon ARRESTED IN IDAHO AT COTTAGE GROVE. S atu rd ay ’s Daily ( »regonian con­ stration he m ade on account of the tained a picture of Mrs. Erwin brief stay, as the schedule of the j Sheriff H arry L. Bown left A nother of the popular-m eetings Lea and the following concerning itinery will positively be m ain tain ­ on T h u rsd ay ’s train for Salem of the Schoolm asters club of I.ane the recent wedding of Mr. and ed. It is a m atter of regret that the where he will secure requisition county, will be held at C ottage Portland gentlem en will he with Mrs. Lea: papers for the extradition of lid-1 ^,rove> °n Saturday, April .80tb, us such a short time, as there is a Erw in J. Lea, whose early years ward Silkwood, formerly of C re s -|ulK^er the auspices of the club, of were spent at Cottage Grove and lot of things we would like to say well, who was an e ste d at Lewis­ the Cottage Grove schools and of who graduated from the Oregon to them, aud m any more that we ton, Idaho, recently on a w arrant County Superintendent W. B. Dil­ A gricultural College with the class would enjoy showing them . lard. T he ladies as well as the g en tle­ issued in Eugene on March .’>(), of 1898, returned to Portland yes­ ch arging him w ith seduction, Miss One of the principal speakers will terday from California on his hon­ men of th is city are requested to A nna Kesterson of Creswell, being be j . W. Livingston, ex-president eymoon trip, his bride formerly be­ m eet the visitors at the depot. the com plainant in the case. From of the Plattville, W isconsin, S tate ing Miss Ethel Sherman Jones, a Salem the sheriff will go to Boise, norm al school. T his is the first graduate of the I'niversity of C ali­ THE FIRST BERRIES Idaho, where the requisition papers meetiug of the club to lie address­ fornia, living at Berkeley. will be signed by G overnor Brady, ed by an educator from outside the For some tim e Mr. Lea has been FOR THIS SEASON. and he will then proceed to Lewis­ county. affiliated with the faculty of the The m eetings are open to the ton and bring his prisoner to E u ­ University of California, in the! public, au d patrous of the school* gene for trial. * Ripe straw berries, the first for chem ical departm ent. A t the O. Silkwood ancf Miss Kesterson up are urged to attend and to partici­ A. C Mr. Lea made chem istry his this season to reach the News off­ to a few weeks ago kept com pany pate in the discussion. T he fol­ major study and after graduating ice, were picked by Mr. Geo. Rob­ for two years. It is alleged that lowing program has been arran g ­ he becam e sui>erintendeiit and inson on his place near Kiddle yes­ under promise of m arriage S ilk ­ ed: chiet chem ist at the Honolulu terday afternoon, April 19, and a wood betrayed his sweetheart, and m o r n i n g s k s s i o n 1 0 o ’ c l o c k . plantation, on the H aw aiian Isl­ box expressed to this office. The when her condition became such Rem arks—Supt. E. K. Barnes, ands. A fter holding th at position berries are prime, well ripened, that site insisted on a speedy m a r ­ Cottage Grove. and certainly sustain the enviable a few years he tired of the hot riage, he left the country. A w ar­ Round T able Discussion of How tropic clim ate and went to C ali­ reputation of the lower Cow Crock rant was at once sworn out for his to teach Spelling, A rithm etic an d Valley for producing early fruit, fornia. arrest, an d after diligent search History. Mrs. Lea, who is the daughter The l>OTi«a were on exhibition in Sheriff Down located him at Lewis­ S p e l l i n g — D iscussion led by of Mr. and Mrs. Fowler Jone.s, of tfie windows of the News office all ton an d wired the officers there to l’tiucipal E. K. P arker, G eary of Berkeley, is one qf the most day aud excited m uch adm iration place him under a:r? t T hey school, Eugene. popular an d accom plished youug front the m any people who saw wired this m ornihg th a t thev had A rithm etic— Discussion led by women of th e I ’niversity city. She them, among whom were scores of the m an in jail tUote, and were Prof. W . J. Hooker, Creswell. Iras already sained m uch recog- Visiting Masons from other parts of holding him aw aiting the arrival History—Discussion led by J . udiou as a singer, and the leading j1^ Roseburg News. of Sheriff Bown.—G uard. W. Livingston, ex-president of California papers paid both M r.; ------ ' ■ ---- ---------- Plattville, W isconsin S tate nor­ and Mrs. I.ea m any com pliments i C res well has organized a fruit mal. Burnett E. Blodgett, « prosper­ in announcing their wedding ■ and vegetable cannery com pany which took place on April 20. with h capital stock of $2800, with ous farmer living about four and a A FT HR N O O N S K S S IO N 1 : M ) O ’CLOCK Remnrks— Dr. If. D. Sheldon, The Oakland, Calif., T ribune, j share* valued at $.8 each. The half miles northeast of Eugene was had this to say of Mrs. I.ea in an-1 takers of the shares are liinit- found dead altouj noon W ednesday f . of (). President School M asters’ nouiicing th e wedding: ed to 20, and 12.8 shares were sub- on the farm a short distance in the club. Problems in country schools— “ T h e bride is a young woman scribed for at the first business rear of his b a n \ aud is supposed to P rincipal E. II. H edrick, Dorena; of m uch charm of m auiier and ' meeting Tuesday. have ^ucy.umbed to heart failure. Principal Roy A ndrew s, Union H igh school No. 2, Lorane. Problem s in city and town schools—S uperintendent I I. C. J Baughm an, Springfield. Troublesom e points in E nglish— Speech—j . \V. L ivingston. Principles of Prom otion—S uper­ intendent G . C. S to ck to u , Eugene. w WHEELER - THOMPSON COMPANY n .Js wmmm V s m The Modern Clothiers, Hatters And Shoers W e are Absolutely the Leading Shoe House in Cottage Groy^, Your Wants a§ W ell as Y'our Needs. For Ladies Í V - j ' s J S q V- For Men Utz & I»uim Pat. B utton___ $4.00 Nisses’ and Childrens’ Pat. B lu rh er___ 4.00 " Oxblood “ " $5 00 ------- 5.00 3.50 " Dull Bl’k " “ .......... 4 00 St. Cecilia K id. Nauimo 3 00 T he Patapsco Work Shoe, Best on E arth, #2..80 and ----------- 3 00 ___ 4.00 M en's Green Calf O x f o r d ... ----- 5 00 Ankle S tra p ___ 4.00 “ Gun Metal “ Brown Vici “ M eu’i W dkW Caff B a y a rd " . . . . 3.00 Ladies’ Pat Welt T ies " .... 3.5Q “ _____ 3.00 L adies’ Evcrwear Hosiery 35c lì I Ri lì W e Make a Study of School Shoes, A nkle Strap and O xford Ties, Iron Clad Hose for Bovs, T an Hose for ( iirls. — ' Willow " " F ran k T rum an, a horse trader, s' w as arrested by D eputy Sheriff Parker, charg ed w ith cruelty to anim als. He was w ith a party of men on bis way south and was overtaken on th e county road near C ottage G rove. H e cam e hack with the deputy an d appeared in the justice co u rt. H e pleaded guilty and w as given a fine of $20 and sentenced to serve ten days in th e countv jail. T ru m an is charged w ith b eating a m u le over the head with a club, and inflicted injuries to the anim at. T he m ule was tied behind a wagon and it ap|>ears th a t it would not lead very well, whereupon Trum an tried to persuade it with a club, to move faster.—G uard. ¿5 500 5 00 " Ox b lo o d ” ” $4.00 a n d .. 5 00 " G un Metal “ $4.00 an d . 25c M en’s Everw ear H o s ie r y ... " HURSE TRADER FINED AND SENT TO JAIL ........... .. H .............................- = t a . / c T h e jieople of Cottage Grwre-are- very good to the census takers. _