r' Are Vou Housecleaning Ladies, read the new ad of the Leader to­ HARDWARE Farm Im plem ents, Cement Lim e And S n . l t ................ Want Anything in Wire Spray - W y n n e Co, Gonurul Married. llO l'S E R H A W K IN S — A t th e home of the bride’ s parents, Mr. and Mrs. G. U. Hawkins in west Cottage Grove Sunday evening, April 17. 1910, Mr. Walter G. Ilouscr and Miss Dollie K. Hawkins, Rev. W . A. Elkins, officiating. This was a nuiet home wedding only a few relatives witnessing the pretty ceremony. The bride has grown to womanhood in this com­ munity and is a most estimable and charming young ladv, promi­ nent itt church work connected with the young jreoples auxiliary societies o f the Christian Church. She was also until recently a faith­ ful and competent compositor in the I.eader office, in which capac­ ity she has been connected with this paper for a number of years. Mr. Houser for a year or more was engaged in the barber business in this city, but recently purchased an . interest in one of the leading barber shops in Roseburg. He is a very genial and a most exemp­ lary young man and both have a wide circle of admiring friends in Cottage Grove who join the i.eader itt extending hearty congratulations and wishes for a long, happy and prosperous wedded life. They left on the Sunday night train for Rose­ burg where they will reside. Will Install Own Power. The Botsford Cumber Co. which las its new plant nearly ready for iperation, and which has only l>een waiting for power to be supplied or their plant by the Cottage Jrove Electric Light and Power 'o., have finally decided to install heir own power plant, and have ilaced an order for a 100-horse lower boiler and engine, which vill be here in a day or two and heir new milling plant will begin iperations just as soon as this new nachinery is installed. Try the i.eader a year. Miss Mildred Pringle went to Faith is sand on the track; doubt, Portland Monday to remain iudef iuately with relatives iu the me­ saud iu the bearings. tropolis. W ill Cottage Grove celebrate the H. T. Lyon of Springfield, was Mrs. Jas. England is reported a guest of his father iu-law and seriously ill at her Saginaw home. brother-iu-laws, Mr. Spriggs and sons o f this city last week. Don’t blame the census taker. Fruit laud for sale—Six acres! He cant help it if he does appear one mile from Cottage Grove. A inquisitive. bargain. Inquire at the Cottage Miss Rhoda Cook of Eugene, is Grove Flour Mill. tf a guest of Miss Artnorel Sutcliffe A plan is now well under way of this citv. for the creatiou of Otiscouuty from Dick Burton of Eugene, was the northern part of Eiuatilla and |Tookiug after business matters in I Harney county with Drewsey as this city Monday. j the county seat Harold Howard has accepted a L. S. Hill, superintendent of the | position iu the Wave con feet iouery Brown Lumber Co’s, mill at Cot­ and ice cream parlor. tage Grove, was iu the city Thurs-' Thos. Allen is moving Sim day and went on to Portland on Brand’s cottage on the lots nearer the noon train.— Register. the city park owned by Mr. Brand. Monroe Brothers have bought Cottage Grove is a far bigger and the interest of A. G.' Miller in the better city to-day than it was when Veatch Spur Lumber Co. and an­ it had the booze jiouts and houses nounce that they are responsible of ill fame. for uo bills except those contracted A 1 * Irwin Bath, formerly in the by themselves. Glorious Eourth tuis year? Come to this hardware store ami get d. W e have screen wire, chicken wire, fence wire, stove wire and sorts o f wire utensils lor every use. Von w ill find them all of the same high character as our oilier hardware and ns moderately priced. W e shall lie glad to sell yon a lot or as little as your needs may be. 1 H o u r, P o u ltry S u p p lies. Ladies Toggery in the LOCAL ANDJRSONAL day. C o m m is s io n B u iln o a a N ow Is T h e T im e For N ew Curtains W e have Draperies and Lace Curtains in Ecru and W h ite . Battenburg Curtains for Large W in d o w s and Front Doors. Friday and Saturday Special: 35c Value W in d o w Shades for 28c 28 c L U R C H ’S Cook’s Grocery A good sized company of old newspaper business in this city, bachelors and old maids held a is a guest of Cottage Grove campfire on McFarland butte Mon­ friends. Married. The wife and four children of day eveuing. A good omen—a Mr. Jensen arrived from the east general getting together iu Cottage W IIIT S E T T -R I.I.IO T T — At the Sunday and are occupying their Grove, as it were. Don’ t worry • about the future of the Grove! Where you will nl ways find a Methodist, Episcopal parsonage new home on W all street. Sunday morning, April 17, 1910, C. If. Brooks a brother-in-law of complete up-to-date stock of C. F. Walker does a business of George W. W h it Nett and Miss twenty cars a month iu mining Jas. Ostrander, returned to his Groceries, Crockery, Shoes anti Gertrude Helen Elliott, Rev. timbers, piling, cedar posts and home in Webster, S. I)., last Tues­ Produce good results. If you | Men’s Furnishings. Good Goods, Robert Sutcliffe, officiating. day after a very pleasant visit send your physician’s prescriptions Jg lumber.— Capital Journal. The wedding was a quiet, uuos- Right Prices and Prompt Service. F. C. Ralston and wife are here. He was verv much pleased . to us they will he most carefully teutious one and was witnessed by spending the springtime season with Oregon and Cottage Grove in ' compounded and only the purest When in need call at. a only a few intimate friends. The particular and mav vet decide to a,,d freshest of Drugs will l>e used, visiting with members of the fami­ groom was reared to tnauhood in return and locate here. We carrV a lar* e of ly near Redding, California. this community and is a most Harry Brehaut, Dave Hendricks, 1 Three new arc lights have been exemplary young man, being a A1 Nichols and Geo. Brumfield I tjiat we can highly recommend. son of George Whitsett of this city. placed on Wall street and the work were out with rod and reel Sunday In all cases our prices are worthy , The bride is a charming and very will continue until the .10 new arcs on Row river and report a very of your notice. estimable young lady who has are blazing over the city at night. good catch. Funny part of it is only resided here a few years, hut Fuchias, geraniums carnations, that the big fish which usually gets who enjoys the esteem of all who double petunas and chrysanthe­ M s. • g away was captured by George and kuow her. The happy couple took mum plants 10 cents each. Pansy was a fine specimen of the red side Cottage Grove, Oregon their departure on the Sunday 11 plants 10, 25 and 50 cents per doz. variety. a. in. train for Portland and The H. K. M e t c a l f . M 22 tf. A force of men uuder Council­ Dallas, and they will probably re­ Don’t wear glasses that were not man B. K. Lawson is at work in Half Century Mile Stone V » *V*S S S S X J 'S. V S:«Ü- 'S. S>v -v-V-S 'S 5 À A - ¿V W S . H V \ .\ V W ' side at some point in Eastern Ore­ adjusted by an educated optical the city’s rock quarry north of gon. The best wishes of a host expert. Dr. Lowe has the neces­ town blasting out and laying the M. M. Wheeler, who resides on o f Cottage Grove friends go with sary qualifications. He will be at foundation for the new rock crush­ his farm two miles west of this city them. Hotel Oregon next Monday April er and the new crushed rock bins, celebrated his fiftieth birthday an­ Cottage G rove, O regon ,1 25. preparatory to installing the new niversary Sunday, April 10, 19101 % John J. Kebblebeck and Miss Curtis Veatch was at Halsey last crusher when it arrives from Port' in a quiet but pleasant manner, a Elizabeth l’ieser were married at sumptuous dinner Ireing the priuci 1 £ week building 80 rods more of wire laud in a few days. Sublimity, Ore., on Tuesday April A G E , E X P E R I E N C E and G R O W T H improve a pal feature of the day. A number fence about the farm of his wife 12th 1910. They will be at Deer- Banks facilities and ability to serve the public. An Dr. Clarke of Eugene, was look-1 of his neighbors were present and near that place. He built consid­ horn for a while where Mr. Kebble­ honorable career of twenty years has earned for us the ing over Cottage Grove Monday a very pleasant social afternoon erable wire fence about this place beck is employed by the Booth- name w e have always endeavored to maintain. W e with a view of locating here. He was enjoyed by those present, solicit your business. Kelly Co. and later will reside in last season. is verv favorably impressed with I N. P. Staples and wife of Port­ this city and will soon decide as to among whom were: S. E. Veatch, Cottage Grove, where both are well land, Mrs. Staples being a sister whether or not he will locate here. Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Veatch, Mr. and favorably known. of Mrs. Jas. Ostrander of this city He is a very genial young man ; and Mrs. W. A. llemenway, Mr. and Mrs. Read, Mr. and Mrs. Ma­ are guests at the Ostrander home. Eor sale— 18 room rooming They are very favorably impressed and has been quite successful iu ! d e « atul Miss Kemp. Mr. Wheel­ the practice of medicine. ’„VWW'V'. house, three blocks from depot on er was the recipient of several nice with Cottage Grove. Main street, E.ugetie, Oregon. W hy be bothered with two pairs i presents, L. A. Ralston has started up his of glasses. Call at Hotel Oregon - Three year lease, want to go east. Apply to or address, W iu . R k i u . v , power well drill and is sinking next Monday and have Dr. Lowe New Grocery Store. several deep bedrock wells in this show you the new Toric Kriptock : ---------- Eugene, Oregon. city. He anticipates a lively sea­ lenses used for seeing at all distiu-1 Mr. J. V. Foster, who has been son in well drilling at this place ces One solid piece. No divis- j engaged in farming about three DURING i Q io FROM ALL POINTS ON TH E Earnest Bisbey has accepted a and Sutherliu where he will oper­ ions or lines, no cement to come miles from Cottage Grove, in Silk position in an ice cream parlor at ate. apart and perfect sight with the Creek valley during the past three Klamath Falls and will take his discomfort and unsightliness left years, has leased t hej . P. Currin Dr. K. A . Leep, one of Eugene’s departure for that place Wednes­ out. To have him show them t o ! building on the west side, and (LINES IN OREGON) day. Ilis wife and baby will join leading physicians, made Cottage ('.rove a professional call today. you does not obligate you to pur-1 about May 1 will open a first class him later. TO RATES «grocery therein. Mr. Foster has The Leader was favored with a chase. Chicago........... been ehgaged iu the trade prior to pleasant call, the doctor being an Council Bluffs Dr. Lowe the well known optic­ The newest creation in Ladies Omaha......... old “ college chum’ ’ of the editor. ian and optometist will Ire in Cot­ his undertaking iu farming, a*d Suits at Lurch’s. Kansas Citv.. that he will succeed here there cau Rev. Robert Sutcliffe has receiv­ tage Grove April 25, Drain 2b, St. Joseph.... he little doubt. He will carry an ed and accepted an invitation to Voncalla 27, Oakland 28, Rose­ St. ì’aul........ up-to-date stock of goods. St. Ban! via Cottucil Bluffs.............. deliver the annual sermon to the burg 29 and .40. The wise who Minneapolis direct.. local Oddfellow and Rebekah need glasses will wait for him. Minneapolis, vi a Council Bluffs..... ....... 63.90 The Devil Wagon. lodges. This interesting event “ T h a t wealthy young broker has Duluth direct Free Library. takes place in the Methodist Episco­ given his motor to a well known ac­ Duluth, via Council Bluffs.............. tress.“ pal Church, Sunday morning April St. Louis........ ............................ ....... 67..50 The hooks for the free traveling * “ Yes. H e says his fath er taught him 24 at 11 o’clock. The public cor­ library have arrived and are in­ to hitch his wagon to a star.“ —N ew dially invited to be present. The above rates apply from Portland only. From points south of Portland York Life. stalled in the law office of A . II. add ON)’. VvAY local rate to Portland, to make through rate via Portland. Too U tterly Too Too. j D r . Lowe, the well-known King. The list of the books now One way through California, add $15.00 to above rates. Two dance hall mualclana in Butte optometrist and who has at hand number fifty and are by Were paid to play cornet and flute. The Newest But they drank lemonade. been coming to Cottage (.rove so such well known authors as Adel- Ten days provided lor the going trip. Stop overs Beer and whiaky, which made Creations In Men's Those two tooters too tight to toot. ntauv years will be at I lotel Oregon borg, Bishop, Brady, Bryant, Cle­ within limits in either direction. Final return limit —Catholic Standard and Times. next Monday April 25. Don’t ments, Cooper, Cyr, Elliot, Fox, three mouths from dale of sale, but udt later than Clothing Octoljer 31st. fail to consult him about your eyes Woosley and scores of others. Different Now. M athews—They say your gram !fa - and glasses. Dozens of Lane ! ther was very successful ns tin ex­ Inquire of any S. P. Agent fo r complete information county references. Nineteen years Brotherhood Meeting. plorer. I ’ nder the Broadway experience. Remember the day T ra v ers- Y’es, he was. N early e v e ry ­ System of s e l l i n g and date. Regular monthly business meet- | body used to believe him.—Pick-Me-Up. General Passenger Agent Portland. Oregon clothing we are able Andrew Nelson, the well known ing of the Methodist Brotherhood, S 8 S IS IS IS P\ire Drvigs Patent Medicines H . Benson's Pharmacy The c. o OOK’S First _lT l National Bank I J r T H E O L D R E L IA B L E * Li EXCURSION RATES TO THE EAST S O U T H E R N PACIFIC THE BROADWAY MODEL SYSTEM ok to save $5.00 to you from $8.00 on your suit. Best All Wool Suits $18.00 Guaranteed These Suits would cost you $22.50 to $25.00 Anywhere. C om e in and see them. Rees-Wallace Co. "Where You Do Better” .. 4* electrician, has been engaged as general manager of the installation of Eugene’s new municipal electric power plant at Walterville, on the McKenzie river 15 miles distant from Eugene. The extensive ma­ chinery for this hig power station is begining to arrive hud will soon be placed on the grounds. It con­ sists of two generators of 12UO horse power each and two turbine wheels of equal power. It is pro­ posed to carry 22,000 volts over this line to Eugene and the plant will be completed and in operation by early fall. The plant will be modern throughout and will be the largest and most complete elec­ tric power plant in the upper W il­ lamette valley. in church parlors this Tuesday eve-1 ning, at 7:30 o ’clock, April 19. Following business program as follows. Debate: Resolved, That each pupil and student of the public schools of these I ’ uited States up to and including the eighth grade, sin 11 In* prohibited from preparing his text l>ook lessons at home. Affirmative, W . C. Counter, Rob­ ert Sutcliffe. Negative, E. K. Barnes, H. E. Inlow. General discussion 10 minutes. Each mem­ ber be prepared to sing a song, tell a story (comic) give a recitation or make an interesting stump speech. W. C. Counter, Chairman Com­ mittee on Fellowship. On the Sande of Time. Lives of aerlalists remind us That a man can take a fall And. de|»erttpp?. leave behind him Juat an imprint, and that's all. -Kansas City Times. WM. McMURRY YOU CAN’T MAKE IT Appear Out you .are an. .u up sre .yn p to ti date business man If you use out o t dite r Stgfonery *nd"EeIhtfng. - Whatever ----- s - w - ------ ------------------- ----------- - Is done ____ st this prtnfiftapt l