NOTES AND Cottane tërovc %caöcr. CHURCH ANNOUNCEMENTS E atab lm b cf 1887. Xeafcer publishing Company Incorporateti. ttttl. C. Conner, * • • Efritor anö fl>anaocr publiobeO tv e ro encobar?. Entered in the post office ¡it C ottage tlro v e , O regon ns eeoiid-class m ail m a tte r Ccrmo of Subscription. One year (in ad v a n c e ).................. ............................................................ $1.50 Six m onths...................................................................................................... T hree m onths................................................................................................ C O T T A G E GROVE, OREGON, TUESDAY, A PR IL 1'», 1010 NEW COUNTIES ARE A DEVELOPMENT PROPOSITION. In the clubs and am ong business people generally there are expres­ sions favorable to the creation of Nesm ith county. Douglas and l.ane would still be the two larg -si counties in w est­ ern Oregon, and Nesmith would only ta k e a small part of each. Some years ago Lincoln county was created b xlily out of Itentou, aud Hood River was cut off W asco. Nesmith will be taken partly from two very large counties, and the argum ent for its creation is perfectly legitimate. T he politicians of Lane and Douglas are m aking a m istake fig h t­ ing the creating of Nesmith county as they are going against the p u b ­ lic sentiment of the state w hich is for progress. T he state of W ashington, which is nearly one-fourth sm aller th a n Oregon has a fourth more counties and is developing rapidly. Sm aller counties mean better governm ent and more rapid improve­ m ent of social conditions. T he development of Oregon will lie hastened by the creation of ten new counties aud no intelligent |>ersoii should balk at one.—Salem Daily Journal. Monday April 11. MAY CREATE THREE COUNTIES. SUPPORT IS ASSURED. There are m any voters in Doug T h e secretary of the Nesmith las county who have been led to county com mittee is in receipt of believe that bv creating "W ill­ iam s” and “ U m pqua” counties, letters from all sections of the state which are said to overlap the pro­ in which support of the m easure at posed “ N esm ith” county, th a t all the polls next November is assu r­ three of the measures will be­ ed. T h e people are in sym pathy come void. T his impression is in -1 with reducing the large counties to correct, according to statem ents of | proper proportions, and will give District A ttorney George M. Brown. ,he Nesmith coim iy pro|>ositioii a W hen interviewed by a News rep rous¡„K m ajority, notw ithstanding reseutative relative to the false ini t ile howl of distress sent up from pression this m orning the able pros -1 ,he coulltv seat tow ns of E ugene ec u to rsaid : “ You can say to the | and Roseburg. T hey appreciate people of Douglas county, especial- ,h e fact ,h¡u the opposition of these ly the voters, th a t the above im tow us is pUrely selfish, and selfisb- pression is wholly false and incou- ness wiI1 not RO with the progres- sistent in every particular. Should si ve people of ( iregou. the measures proposing the creat­ ion of the counties of “ N esm ith” RECOGNIZED AS STAYERS “ Um pqua” and "W illiam s” carry at the November election, they will liecome a realitv, notw ithstand­ A large delegation of Cottage ing the fact that they are said to tlrove citizens went to A lbany overlap one another. U nder the T hursday, not so m uch to get an initiative and referendum the voters open river way to their city as to have the right to create a new boost tor Nesm ith county. They county the same as the legislature. are good workers and there is no In case the measures carry the let-up to their efforts.— Eugene legislature will lie called upon to Register. arrange the boundaries satisfactor­ ily to the citizens of the counties It is said th a t one of the best in terested."— Roseburg News. Umpqua county does not over speeches m ade before the open lap Nesmith territory. It is only river and freight rate convention the very recently proposed Drain at A lbany last T h u rsd ay was de­ scheme of creating a W illiams livered by our esteemed townsman, county, which would overlap Nes­ Hon. O. M. Kent. lie was given m arked attention an d created a mith territory. most favorable impression upon the convention. He dem onstrated QUITE A DIFFERENCE. th a t fact th at Cottage Grove people It was observed at A lbany last can boost for a G reater Oregon as T hursday that the members cf the well as for a greater N esm ith coun­ big Cottage Grove delegation all ty aud a greater Cottage Grove. wore badges hearing the inscript­ T he Oregonian pictures the drys ion— “ Cottage Grove commercial club for Open River and a G reater knocked out in Illinois, b u t it Oregon, A lbany, April 14, 1910.” doesn’t shout any over M ichigan. The Eugene delegation was sup­ W henever the devil wins the O re­ plied with badges inscribed in the gonian yells.—A lbany Democrat. characteristic Eugene style as fol­ “ Play Ball” is now the cry lows:— “ Eugene, Lane c o u n t y , O regon.” Representatives simply throughout the land. Nesmith is there with the goods. • of a greater Eugene. Furniture Of A ll Kinds Useful Holiday Presents, P ictures and Picture Frames, New Stock, Endless Variety, F urniture, Rugs, Blankets and Comforters W riting Desks. An Elegant Line of Rockers. Ju st the K ind of Present for Father or Mother Come W here Selection is Made Easy. SIMERAL & VANDENBURG " T H E FURNITURE D E A L E R S ” Robert Sutcliffe gives two ad ­ dresses of more th an usual interest at the Methodist Church next S ab ­ bath. At 11 a. m. he speaks to the members of the local I. O. O . F. j and Rebekah lodges upon the sub- , ject “ Au Aucient Member of t h e 1 C ra ft.” T h e visitors wilt occupy I special reserved seats. At 7:30 hej describes "A poor, rich P o o l." Special features at both services. Bible school at 10. T w o o rg a u iz -' ed classes will hold their election j of teachers and officers. All per- s sons over th e age of 16 are cordial- j ly invited to be present aud become members. Ju n io r League at 2:30 conducted by Miss Maud Hooper. T he Senior League devotional meeting at 6:30 is in ch arg e of Miss H azel H azleton. Spend the day with us. N ext S un d ay April 24, the Bap­ tists will hold the first service in the uew ch u rch edifice. T h e con­ gregation is increasing, S unday school grows rapidly. A young peoples society h as been organized and th is week the ladies an ticipate organizing for w ork—uuder the united efforts of pastor and people the ch u rch is m ak in g progress aud will soon occupy a nam e au d place am ong the sisterhood of churches iu C ottage Grove. A cordial in v i­ tation is extended to those who will ta k e pleasure in m eeting with us an d sh arin g iu our initial ser­ vice. E. G. O. G r o a t , pastor. Tw o of the largest congregations of th e year were present at the M ethodist C hurch oit S unday. In the evening every seat was filled. Miss P rin g le’s reading was thor- j oughty enjoyed. T hree adults were received at the 11 a. in. g a th ­ ering. Tw enty-five have been added to the m em bership during the m outh of April at the o rdinary 1 services. Never were the w orkers of auy church more eucouraged j an d m ore certain th a t consecrated f effort on their part is alw ays sure to tiring results. W hite cleaning house pi ease re­ m em ber th at th e Presbyterian S u n ­ day school will hold a rum m age sale April 2*) and will lie pleased to h av e au y th ih g contributed th a t J you have no further use for. They will accept absolutely an y th in g , J dishes to clothing, fu rn itu re to j toys, needles to wagons, in fact • an y th in g you wish to be rid of. 1 'i f f , Pishing Tackle, Jointed Rods, Reels And Flies iff, i f f ' The season opens on April 1st. You will w ant to be there with your rod aiul line. If vou h av e no rod and liue the liest thing you cau do. will be to m ake a bee line for our store, liecause we have the lilggest an d best stock of fishing tack le vou can find iu this neck ot the woods. Let us tell you w hat we have. We have a split bam boo rod that we sell for *1.00, it has a cork grip and nickle plated mountings and is well m ade and all right in ev e n way. We have lielter ones at from *2.50 to *14.00. We have steel rods at from *2.50 to * 6 .50 each. You ought to have one of these, they are th e most durable rod to buy. Fish liues at all prices from 5 cents to *4.00 each. We h av e some dandy ones, 25 cents lor 50 feet O ur M artin and King hsher lines have given the best satisfaction of auy we have ever sold. They are made of p u r e -ilk and are flexible and free ru n ­ ning when used on a reel, and at the sam e tim e will not water-log. Reels at from 25 ce u tsto *7.50 each. We have them to suit the sm all boy an d at the sam e tim e the m ost exactin'- sportsman. Flies at from 50 cents to *3..50 i»er dozen. We have som ething special for you this year 1 <3 iff, Î iff iff Ä iff, ßi Griffin & Veatch C o m p a n y ’s jf Buy Your Piano Now W om en’s Suits And Skirts Out stock of Tailored Gar­ At Bedrock ments for Ladies are all Cor­ rect Spring Styles. My haudsom e *450.00 O ak Case Piano for *275.00 cash or *300.00 trade. W all street hom e and hear this Call at our The New Suits, Skirts and superior- Waists* are so distinctive and toned instrum ent won in a special advertising beautiful this season that contest three m onths ago. every fancy will be favorably responded to here in our selections. • » » * »*.*-»»«««««««« t range in value from Or $125 Cash Will Buy $16.00 to $20.00. See a few in our west window. in and get a fit. Conte *225.00 iu Credit Certificates won by M rs. Conley. T hese certificates are good until HAMPTON & CO. April 27th at wholesale price on auy piano or player piano on th e floor of G raves Music Co., I l l Fourth street, Portland, Oregon. Save your $100.00 cash discount also $100.00 or more reduction from reg u lar retail price by NOTICE. Sale of Blooded Stock. tak in g advantage of th is special advertising offer from this reliable Portland firm who carry high grade instrum ents at reasonable prices, and on easy paym ent plan. Fred G. CONLEY Mrs. H uston is now prepared to tu rn out best work in tow n. E very liody come with a sm ile to the W est Side Studio. *4.50 cabinets now *3.00. T h e best work aud cheapest prices shall be my m otto in the future. tf. n ------—_ 'rile an n u a l S pring Breeders’ j A uction sale of pure bred short- j horns from prize w inning herds w iH take place at the Union Stock | y ard s P ortland, April 26th: also 50 registered H olsteius and 150 fine horses will be sold at P ortland Country Club Race track April 27- 29. For catalogue, apply to Fort- W anted C attle to pasture. Ap- lan d Horse sale Co. 373 Y am hill ply to F. R. Sherm an, Cottage , s t. Portland. (A 2 6 J Grove, Oregon. ( M -10* ) Rev. F . C. W . P arker of Port-! laud, preached at the B a p tist! church, S unday m orning, occupy-1 iug th e regular service hour o f' THE EUGENE WAY Has Good Newspapers. Burbank seed potatoes for sale, j Boost for.N esm ith county. Rev. G roat. Rev. P arker is co r­ Inquire of Beidler Bros. tf. ’ i T he l.eader for reliable news. responding secretary of the Oregon j It has been generally expected W . C. Conner is publisher and Baptist S tate convention and is an | 'th a t the county court would have editor of the C ottage G rove Leader, able speaker. the bridge built on the road through | a large, live, local paper of the Acme this sum m er, but a letter r e - , progressive order. Mr. Conner is The Christian Revival. ceived by the Siuslaw I.umlier Co. I a trained new spaper m an of m any VVhiston and Longm an of N ebr. j from Com missioner Price a few , y ears’ exjierieuce. T h e C ottage have arrived aud are all we have days ago states th a t the court has | d ro v e Sentinel, bv Lew A. Cates, claim ed them an d more. W h isto ti; decided not to build the bridge, of St. Louis, is a booster paper in Hats that Represent the Latest Ideas of the talk s like a gattlin g gun au d Long- th is year b ut spend the money on i the hands of a booster of thirty Leading Millinery Designers. Hats of m an sings lik e a songbird. T h ese th e road between E ugene an d M a -; years’ experience. Mrs. Cates as- all Styles and Descriptions. Hats at Prices E vangelists have conducted m eet­ pleton. D uring the past three sists Mr. Cates and the result that Please. ings all over the country h aving years the people of this road dis­ all right?.—Salem Jo u rn al. held a m eeting in Boston last Oct. trict have raised nearly three thous­ If you hear these earnest au d c u l­ an d dollars in special ta x , to open Notice Of School Indemnity Selection. tured w orkers once you will often. the road from M apleton to Florence 06060 T he evangelists announced that and now the court refuses to build the m eetings the first two weeks the bridges. Is such a course just I U n ited S tates L and Office, R oseburg, O re., A pril 9, 1910. would not go over an hour, begin- or fair to the people of this com- N otice is h ereb y g iv e n th a t th e sta te iug sh arp at 7:45 and closing b e - ' uiunity? It is th is th in g o f collect- fore •> o ’clock. T he hour is full, j big tax es from all over the county of O regon, on A p ril 9, 1910, ap p lied fo r S. R. >4 Sec. 26, T. 22 S. R. 2 \\\, W. M. som ething doing every m om ent. a,*d spending them to benefit E u ­ an d filed in th is office a list of school in ­ gene, th a t h as aroused dissatis­ Mr. W histon requests th at ail come d e m n ity selectio n s in w h ich it selected on tim e. Longman will sing tw ice faction and led to these movements said lan d , an d th a t said list is o p en to each night and a large chorus will for county division. — Florence th e p u b lic for in sp ectio n . A ny an d all p erso n s cla im in g a d v e rse ly th e above assist. T he two evangelists will W est. d escribed lan d o r an y legal su b d iv isio n sing a duet tonight. Come on time . _ , thereof, o r c! lim in g th e sam e u n d e r th e I red O. C onley’s term as m a n a -, lllininK or , , „ irinK to lhow Mia and come often. Subjects as fol­ ger ef the Com m ercial club prom o­ lan d to lie m ore v alu ab le for m in eral lows: tion work will expire in a little th a n for ag r m ltu ral purposes, o r to ob­ T ues. “ G od’s H ig h w ay ." more th an one m onth. T h e pro­ je c t to said selectio n for an y law ful W ed. “ T he F ixed G u lf.” T liurs. “ T h e S heepfold." motion work is beginning to bear reason, sh o u ld file th e ir claim s o r th e ir Friday. “ A Hero of F a ith .” fruit and the literatu re sent out is affidavits of p ro te st o r co n test in th is office. T h is is W histon’s great base ball directing the attention of scores of I h ereb y d e sig n a te th e C ottage d r o v e serm on. investors an d hom e seekers to Cot- l.ead er, p u b lish ed a t C ottage d r o v e , O r­ S a t.“ T hree T h ro n e s." Sun “ T he H eadship of C h rist” , tage Grove, hundreds of letters of egon, as d ie n ew sp ap er in w hich th e in the m orning and “ T he G reatest inquiry being receiver! by the pro ab o v e n o tice is to lie p u b lish ed . K knjamin F. J one S. Sermon e ver preach ed ” a t night. motio|] departm ent of the Cornmer- R eg ister. _____________ ______ cial club every m onth Mr. Conley T h e last issue of the A shlaud informs the Leader th at he becam e Card of Thanks. Record contained a large picture ^ we„ pjeasej w ith C ottage Grove DEAR MADAM:—If we could talk to you of Col. Jam es W. Nesm ith and a >1|d lh at «s-u red a W e desire to ex ten d our heart personally w e would give you a thousand reasons col,...,., biographical sketch of t h e i home am l if lh r wish of felt th a n k s to the m em bers of the distinguished O regonian whose the j »copie he would not object to why y*u should have one of our hats. Give us a G. A. R. and W om an Relief Corps nam e serve as booster for Cottage G rove j an d our m any friends here who so chance to SHOW vou. Come and look them over. state bv the creation of Nesmith for another year, but U is entirely k indly assisted and com forted u* W e feel sure you will find just what you want. county. T he Record is an ab le' up to our citizens, so far as Mr. d u rin g our late sad bereavem ent. exponent of Nesmith county. | Conley is concerned. H e feels E mma J. M i l l e r , M i n n i e A sh b y , A n agent of the H ill interests ! d>a* his labors and efforts of the E c o r n e M i l l e r . h as just paid *23,000 for a le a se 1P**1 vear have been satisfactory on 12 acres of lan d in north R o se-, an