Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, April 12, 1910, Image 6

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Men Who Bring Chínete 'and Opium
Are Hard Preated.
Lot Angeles, April 11.— Driven from
Angeles by the activity o f Federal
sleuths, aided by the local authorities,
the band o f opium and Chinese smug­
glers that has been operating along the
Pacific coast and the Mexican border
has transferred its scene o f operations
to the Northern ports in Washington
and Oregon.
According to Deputy
General Resume o f Important Events United states Marshal Durlin, who has
had a large part in the two years’ war­
Presented in Condensed Form
fare on this ¡particular breed o f law­
fo r O ur Busy Readers.
breakers, the headquarters o f the band
has been transferir«! to Seattle, with
branches at Portland, Tacoma and Spo­
• Premier Asquith dreads to involve kane. A t [the latter place arrange­
ments are made for disposing o f the
the king in the Irish controversy.
contraband Chinese [and opium that is
Eleven sections o f fine fruit land in successfully brought in by Pacific
Eastern Oregon will soon be opened to liners and across the Canadian border.
"C h ick ” Wallace, the leader o f the
Attacks o f the ship subsidy lobby are band, is now in the northern cities ar-
resented warmly by members o f the | ranging for the disposition o f the
house committee.
smuggled Orientals and drug. He is
, the brains o f the band, and is the only
The incident between Roosevelt and
jnent one o f the original gang
the Vatican at Rome may cause the re- P
hgs eS )ed . rreflt b the Kederal
moval o f the papal secretary. Merry de authoritjeg fThree o f his confeder.
L ob
Doings of the World at Large
Told in Brief.
M r. and M r
Roosevelt Showered
With Flags and Flowers.
Genoa, Italy, April 9. — Though
“ deelighted” io an unusual degree,
but in mind and spirit much perturbed,
because o f ovations along his carriage
jaunt to this 'city, ex-President Theo­
dore Roosevelt and w ife were compel­
led to call a halt today to their senti­
mental tour.
A t every village or crossroads they
were met by men, women and children,
the former with flags and the latter
with bouquets.
As an instance o f the demonstrations
accorded them, 600 persons, many o f
them Americans, acclaimed Colonel
Roosevelt and Mrs. Roosevelt with
vivas and hurrahs after they left Ra­
pallo, where they had luncheon today.
This was the climax o f their embarrass-
sments and Colonel Roosevelt gave or­
ders to be driven direct to Genoa.
The people and press o f Genoa have
manifested the most intense interest in
the movements o f Colonel RoosevelL
His second honeymoon journey stirred
their romantic natures to a high pitch,
and when the news spread today of
his coming, a big crowd hurried to the
modest Hotel Brittannia, where he had
engaged quarters, and with cheering
and waving o f hats greeted Roosevelt’s
carriage as it rattled up the stony
street to the accompaniment o f the
driver’s wildly cracking whip.
Both Colonel and Mrs. Roosevelt
were smiling when they descended
from the carriage at the hotel enrance.
They said they had enjoyed the trip
hugely and were sorry only that the
failure to observe their incognito by
the people had compelled them to cut
it shorL Colonel Roosevelt said he
had a “ bully tim e” Thursday, when he
and |Mrs. Roosevelt drove along the
sunny slopes o f the Ligurian Alps from
Spezia to Rapallo.
H alf an hour after the arrival o f
Colonel RoosevelL the prefect and the
mayor o f Genoa called on him and
greeted him in the name o f the city.
Colonel Roosevelt relates an amusing
incident o f the trip. When he and
Mrs. Roosevelt reached the top o f the
pass at Sestri Levante, where they
stopped last night, the enterprising
proprietor o f a tavern— a rival to the
one in which they had engaged rooms—
sent out couriers in advance bearing
American and Italian flags and tri­
umphantly escorted Colonel Roosevelt
and Mrs. Roosevelt to his own hotel.
Uncle Sam Approves Plans, and May Hood River Will Need 2 .0 0 0 to 4 ,-
Give Substantial Aid.
OOO Hands Soon.
The Crater Lake road will be builL
Hood R iver— At the annual meeting
Government approval o f the project o f the Hood R iver Applegrowers* Un­
has been secured by Will G. Steel
ion, it was stated that the crop this
recognition appropriation o f $5,000 year would reach 85,000 boxes and that
made, Engineer B. F. Heidle aent by in four weeks from 2,000 to 4,000 em­
the government to Medford, and the ployes would be necessary to thin the
promise given that 50 per cent o f the fruiL
work will have been accomplished by
A resolution adopted fixed the price
July 1 o f this year. The Medford Com o f marketing the apples this year at
mercial club’s subscription o f $25,000 at 10 cents a box, instead o f 5 cents,
for the construction o f the road is well in order to handle the big crop proper­
under way and there will be no further ly.
Strong recommendations were
delays. Mr. Steel has just returned made for improvements in pack and
from Washington. He represented the grading. Although the big meeting o f
Medford Commercial club and inter­ the growers was unanimously in favor
vened on its behalf with Secretary o f o f adopting a plan to pay the directors
the Interior Ballinger and other gov­ for their services for the coming year,
ernment officials.
which never has been done before, the
"T h e government’s approval o f the directors declined to accept any re­
Crater Lake road in effect nullifies the muneration and fought the motion on
decree handed down by the Supreme the floor until it was lost.
court last month,” said Mr. Steel.
A letter from Representative Haw­
" I found about the halls o f the Cap­ ley, read to the meeting, said that the
a -
ates, including Larmon Gonzales, next
Dr. Hollis B. Frissell, o f the Rocke- to Wallace the cleverest o f all, are in itol a feeling o f resentment that even Lafean bill had not been reported and
feller Sanitary commission, says hook- jail in this city, held as Federal pris­ so august a body as the Supreme court was considered dead. The new board
worm infection is spread largely by oners.
Gonzales was captured last should deem the Crater Lake national o f directors elected consists o f C. H.
Southern people going barefooted.
week in San Diego, after a six weeks’ park a local affair, any more than that Sproat, L. E. Clark, C. Dethman, E.
Yellowstone national park should be so H. Shepard, G. W. McCurdy, J. L.
A duel between ex-Premier Count campaign directed against him.
Carter, G. W. Simons and O. L. Wal­
‘ " I have had a warrant for the ar­ considered.
W itte and General Kuropatkin, com-
"S ecretary Ballinger asked me how ters.
mander-in-chief o f the Russian forces rest o f this man for nearly two
much money we would be wanting
in the war with Japan, has been avert­ months,’ ’ said Durlin, after the cap­
from the government for the Crater
P R IC E IS S 2 .2 0 0 AN ACRE.
ed through an explanation by the form ­ ture. “ He is one o f the craftiest men
I have had to deal with for a long time. Lake p roject I told him we would
As soon as we aimed our shafts at him need eventually about $2,000,000, in­ Hood River Apple Land Sets New
Smugglers o f Chinese and opium in particular, he apparently went into cluding making o f trails and various
High Record Sale.
have been driven out o f Southern Cali­ secusion somewhere in Mexico.
A c­ other improvements. He assured me
Hood River — The prediction that
fornia and are beieved to have trans­ cording to my information he was in­ o f his belief that we would get that
ferred their operations to Northwest terested mainly in landing contraband much, at the same time stating frank­ Oregon orchard land would sell for
coast cities.
Chinamen at the Mexican ports and ly that had it not been for the indom­ better than $2,000 an acre this year
came sooner than was expected here,
Miss Anna Morgan, daughter o f J. looking after their safe transportation itable energy and persistence o f the
when Rede S. Delano, an Eastern man,
Pierpont Morgan, attracted much at­ across the line at Nogales and El Paso. Medford commercial interests nothing
further would ever have been done, paid $14,400 for six and one-half acres
tention at Pasadena by going for a
following the Supreme court’s unfav­ o f 8-year-old trees.
three-hour cross-country horseback ride
The price per acre is a little better
orable decree.
arrayed in a "pants suit” riding habit.
“ I received an official communica­ than $2,200, and reaches a mark $300
D. C. Jacklin, a Salt Lake million­
tion stating that the United States fish higher than the best previous price,
aire, has bought E. H. Harriman’s
Berlin, April I I . — American tourists commission would place 50,000 rainbow which was obtained a week or two ago,
Pelican Lodge property on Klamath soon will come to regard an airship fry in the Crater lake, to add to the when ten acres here were sold for $19,-
lake, Oregon. He will carry out the tour as one o f the regular features o f stock o f fish already there.”
The orchard was purchased
plans o f Harriman for making a sum­ a program o f summer travel in Europe
Crater lake road, completed, will be through B. E. Duncan & Co. from Dr.
mer resort o f the pllace.
if the expectations o f the founders o f 87 miles long. Engineer Heidle will Stanton Allen, a retired physician,
A fter being whirled down Hat creek the new Hamburg airship lines are give his time not only to making a sur­ who came here several years ago and
in a small skiff, G. Magerstadt was realized. The promoters o f the enter­ vey o f all roads now planned, but in went into apple growing. The land is
carried over Hat creek falls, in Cali­ prise recognize that the financial pros­ making a survey o f all roads and trails situated on the east side o f the valley.
In addition to buying the acreage o f
fornia, and dashed into the foaming pects o f the venture can be improved to be constructed at any future time,
bearing orchard, Mr. Delano bought
waters 60 feet below. The boat was greatly if proper efforts are made to
seven acres o f brush land adjoining,
Aerial excur­
dashed to pieces on the rocks and Mag­ interest Americans.
for which he paid $528 an acre.
erstadt managed to grab a boulder, sions are to be arranged, therefore,
from which he was soon rescued.
Will Connect Eugene, Springfield, Siu-
land at Hood River.
His total invest­ Professor Hopkins Says Farmers are
custom o f travelers from the United
slaw and McKinzie Valley.
Wearing Out Land.
Where and when the Pittsburg graft
ment for the 13 acres is $18,000. Dr.
States. One o f the German steamship
probe ends is “ contingent,” to quote companies is contributing to the sup­
Eugene— Chief Engineer Fornert, o f Allen still has 15 acres o f bearing or­
Chicago, April 9. — Characterizing
D istrict Attorney Blakely, on develop­ port o f the enterprise on that under­ the Lane County Asset company, o f chard which he will retain.
the teachings o f Secretary ’ ames W il­
ments. Mr. Blakely has spread his standing.
this city, which announces that it will
son as "damnable, abominable and
net and is waiting for more men to
disgracefgul,” Professor Cyril G. Hop­
The new aerial liners will have cab­ build a system o f electric railways in
Ice Plant at Eugene.
" c o m e in and confess,” as a result o f
kins, o f the University o f Illinois, de­
ins holding 20 persons each, and the this vicinity, inclduding a line between
the intimations contained in the grand
rooms will be equipped in luxurious Eugene ’and Springfield, one to the purchased the Eugene vinegar factory, livered a stinging criticism o f the de­
jury presentment.
style. According to the computation Siualaw and perhaps to Coos bay, also and will at once install a large and up partment o f agriculture here today in
Harry Thaw’ s mother, though aged o f Professor Hergesell, the aeronaut, up the McKenzie valley, has begun the to date ice manufacturing plant.
The an address at the City club. Here are
and worn, still continues her fight for the fares, owing to the low cost o f work o f surveying for the line between price paid for the property is $6,500. some quotations from Secretary Wilson
construction and operation, can be low­ the two cities. The line will extend The lot has a frontage o f 160 feet on cited by Professor Hopkins as “ abom­
her wayward son.
er than has heretofore been supposed. east on West Fifteenth street through the railroad tracks, and is approximate­ inably false” :
Chicago police will exercise strict
“ Practically all soils contain suffi­
It is estimated, for example, that a the suburb o f Fairmount to the city ly 100 feet deep, although it is irreg­
censorship over bathing costumes worn
trip from Hamburg to Heligoland can limits, then turn north to the river, ular, varying at one end from less than cient plant food for yields; this supply
at lake beaches this season.
be made for 100 marks ($25), and pas­ which will be spanned with a first class 100 feet to over 100 feet at the other. will be indefinitey maintained.”
The road
Rural carriers at W alls Walla are sengers can travel an entire day, going double track steel bridge.
" S o far as the present outlook is
will then make a circle to the north An ice plant o f 25 tons capacity will be concerned, the nation possesses ample
quitting because o f the small pay, and as far as Berlin or Copenhagen.
and east and enter Springfield by way
no one seems to want the places.
resources in its soil for any conceivable
o f its northern limits, passing through the new ice plant, the estate w ill i
increase in population for several cen­
New York saloons sell wood alcohol,
a thickly settled farming community.
and four persons who drank it died,
F. B. Kidder and John Baird, rail­
“ The soil is the one indestructible,
while several others are totally blind.
Building Boom at Lebanon.
Block Signals Misunderstood—Thirty road men o f experience, who resigned
immutable asset that the nation pos­
Two men raced on horseback 100
positions with the Minneapolis Rapid
sesses. It is the one resource that
miles for the opportunity o f filing a
Spokane, Wash., April 11.— A mis­ Transit company, o f Minoneapolis, marked the greatest epoch in the his­ cannot be exhausted; that cannot be
contest on an Eastern Washington understanding o f block signals resulted Minn., to promote this system o f
used u p.”
in a head-on collision o f passenger roads, are directing operations and nessed the greatest building activity,
"F ro m the modem conception o f the
they claim to have the best o f backing.
nature and purposes o f the soil, it is
A 14-year-old school boy in Pitts­ trains Nos. 2 and 3 on the Spokane,
burg, despondent at his playmates’ jibs Portland & Seattle railroad a mile Engineer Fornert also resigned as chief see greater things even than the past evident that it oannot wear out, that
because he was slow in his studies, west o f Spokane Saturday night at engineer o f the same company to ac­ has seen. There are now assured five so far as the mineral food is concerned,
cept this position. They promise that
9 :18 o ’ clock.
it will continue automatically to supply
hung himself.
About 30 persons were injured, and work on the bridge will begin this sum­ business houses, a $12,000 city hall, a adequate quantities o f plant foods for
Two brothers in partnership in the it is expected that several will die. mer and that the line will be in opera­
cro p s."
real estate brokage business in St. The accident occurred on a high trestle tion between the two cities early next sawmill soon to be in operation. There
“ As a national asset, the soil is safe
Louis, committed suicide because o f over Hangman creek, on the Northern year.
as a means o f feeding mankind for un­
business reverses.
Pacific track, which is used by the Spo­
told ages to com e.”
Masons Dedicate Temple April 20.
Gravel Famine Ends at Albany.
A fter he had cited these quotations.
Miss Nellie Anhouser, one o f the kane, Portland A Seattle for several
Roseburg— The Masonic temple will
Albany— Councilman Miller has se­ Professor Hopkins said:
fam ily o f millionaire St. Louis brew­ miles west o f Spokane.
At the time o f the collision, accord­ be dedicated with appropriate ceremon­ cured permission from United States
“ Can you blame farmers for contin­
ers, is fighting a dentist bill which
ing to the stories o f trainmen and pas­ ies April 20. The dedication ceremon­ Chief Engineer McAdoo to take gravel uing to wear out their lands when
amounts to $25 an hour.
sengers, train No. 2 was at a stand­ ies will be conducted by the officers o f from the bed o f the river at Albany. these are the teachings promulgated
The managers of the Northwestern still, ready to back up, when No. 8, the grand lodge o f Oregon. Owing ¡to The government had previously forbid­ from the highest authority in the
and Western railroads are jubilant running at a slow rate o f speed, the large membership o f the order in den the taking o f gravel from the river United States? And these false teach­
over the spring movement o f colonists
crashed head-on into No. 2, the force the state, it has made it necessary for bed, which made it extremely difficult ings are all the more damnable because
into all the territory west o f the Rocky
o f the impact smashing in the smoking the local lodge to lim it invitations. for local contractors to obtain concrete the common soil type on the abandoned
monutains from the Canadain border car on No. 2, occupied by a party o f Between 500 and 600 Masons and their building material
farms in Maryland, only a few miles
to the Mexican line. Although official
from Washington, contain only 169
Italian laborers, where the most o f the wives and members o f the various
figures have not been prepared regard­
Eastern Star lodges are expected to be
pounds o f phosphorous in the plowed
injuries occurred.
ing the movement o f people seeking
present. Invitations will be extended
soil o f an acre, while the richest black
homes in a new country, it is confi­
to every lodge o f Masons and Eastern
Wheat— Track prices: Bluestem, $1 prairie soil o f Illinois, with a value o f
Glass Must C over Food.
dently stated that the number will ex­
Star in the county, as well as to the Iff 1.02; club, 95c; red Russian, 94c; $200 an acre contains more than 2,000
Indianapolis, A pril 11. — No more
ceed that o f last year, when all records
lodges o f Grants Pass and Eugene.
pounds o f phosphorous in the stratum .”
valley, $1; 40-fold, 97J(a 98c.
shall the rich, red rounds o f beef and
were broken.
Barley— Feed and brewing, $24.50(9
the choice cuts o f porterhouse and ten­
Build Model Road in Lane.
27 ton.
Theater Scene o f Panic.
derloin hang from their accustomed
Eugene— The work o f building the
Com — Whole, $34; cracked, $35 ton.
by her hooks on the walls or in the windows
New York, April 9.— Panic broke
Hay— Track prices: Timothy, W il­ out among 1,000 spectators at the A l­
o f the butcher’ s shop, and never again model road between Eugene and Spring-
field has begun.
John McElroy, the lamette valley, $20(9,21 per ton; East­ hambra theater, in Harlem, tonighL
Stock In all copper mines throughout shall arrays ol seductive pies, rolls and
expert road builder from Portland, has ern Oregon, $23(924; alfalfa, $16.50(9 when a gasoline tank o f a motorcycle
the lake region has suffered a great bread be openly displayed at the bak­
ridden by a young woman on the stage
eries In the cities and towns o f Indi­ a force o f men-at work at the west ap­ 17.50; grain hay. $17(918.
Oats— No. 1 white, $27.50(929 ton. exploded and sheets o f flames cur­
ana. according to an order promul­ proach o f the wagon bridge across the
tained the cage around the track. In­
gated today by the state board o f
stantly the spectators rushed shrieking
health. The board Bays a prime cause finished the crew will work toward Eu­ box; cranberries, $8(99 per barrel.
to the doors.
The firemen on duty or­
o f the spread o f sickness has been con­
Oregon, 50(960c per hundred; sweet dered the asbestos curtain down and
A bill i* before congress to extend tamination o f fish, meats and foodstuffs. will be completed early in the summer.
with the fire shut off from view the
the freaking privilege to Roosevelt,
construction o f the road along the
Vegetables — Asparagus, 3(9 9c per audience grew more reasonable and the
Garden Hides Bad Money Plant.
and also to widows o f ex-presidents.
places where the river overflows in the] pound; cabbage. 1 J(9.2c; rhubarb, 4(9 police in the house were able to control
Yonkers, N. Y ., April 11.— Secret
Dr. E. E. Barnard, o f Yerkes ob­
winter time.
5c; spinach, $1 per box; sprouts, 9c the pressure at the exits.
servatory, says Halley’ s comet is wear­ service men who have been at work in
per pound; turnips, $1 per sack; ruta­
ing itself out whirling through space.
May Be Starting on Oregon Eastern. bagas, $1(91.25;
Miss Gould to Get Home.
unearthed a ¡rich counterfeiters’ cache
Ontario— Healan Bros, have a con­ beets, $1(91.25; parsnips, 5<K976c.
New York, April 9.— According to
James A. Patten, wheat king, lost on a farm near Highlands, N. Y . The
Onions— Oregon, $1.75 per hundred. friends o f the fam ily a house on upper
$1,500,000 in cotton, and losses o f stuff, which was found buried several
Butter— City creamery, extras, 33c; Fifth avenue w ill be the g ift o f George
himself and associates may reach $5,- feet beneath the surface o f a vegetable lower W illow creek, and indications to
fancy outside creamery, 32(9 33c per J. Gould to his daughter, Marjorie,
garden, includes
several thousand confirm the persistent report that they
pound; store, 20c. Butter fat prices
when she is married to Anthony J.
sheets o f paper in which the silk are to work on the Oregon Eastern is
Bank robbers at McKees Rocks, threads o f government paper are clev­ the fact that Harriman surveyors are average l j c per pound under regular Drexel, J r., April 19.
Pa., killed one bank clerk, mortally erly imitated; a dozen boxes o f blue
This palatial property, which is be­
Eggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, 23}(924c tween Eighty-second and Eighty-third
wounded another and escaped with and red ink, and an old printing press wesL Healan’ s outfit was taken to
$400 in coin.
Vale by a special immediately on its per dozen.
streets, was purchased by Mr. Gould
and enough cartridges to destroy a
Pork— Fancy, 13(913Jc per pound.
arrival here. The heavy outfit resem­
today, at a price said to have been be­
Roosevelt has declined to attend a small army. No plates were found.
Veal— Fancy, lltrq 12Je per pound.
bles railroad graders instead o f ditch
tween $350,000 and $400,000.
Methodist reception in Rome, alleg­
Lambs— Fancy, 15(918c per pound.
builders, and 150 teams are included.
the furnishings, which, it is said Mr.
Bribe O ffered Striker?
ing the Methodist church there was
Poultry— Hens, 19<920c per pound;
Gould intends to install, the g ift will
trying to make capital out o f his trou­
Watertown, N. Y ., April 11.— Pres­
R. R. Surveyors Tow ard Coast.
broilers, 27(928c; ducks,
represent an outlay o f $500,000.
ble with the Vatican.
ident J. T. Carey, o f the International
Eugene— People living near the sum­ geese, 1 2ic; turkeys, live, 22(925c;
Brotherhood o f Pulp and Paper Mak­ mit o f the Cascade mountains report dressed, 25(929c; squabs, $5 per dozen.
Two hundred taxicab drivers in Chi­ ers, today declared that a man giving
Girls Dance: Fire Fatal.
Cattle — Best steers, $6.25(96.75;
cago are on strike, and the remaining the name o f W illiam Pritchard, and that a party o f Hill railroad surveyors
New York, April 9.— Miss Susan
800 are expected to join them.
saying he was a member o f the broker­ tains by way o f the McKenzie pass, cows, $5.50(96; fair to good cows, $5 Lustgarten was fatally burned tonight
It is be­ <95.25; light calves, $6(9 7; heavy cal­ at a dance given by the students o f
The Baltimore A Ohio railroad will age firm o f Hamlin A Pritchard, o f SL working toward Eugene.
The ac­
Louis, in the alleged interest o f the lieved that they are making the pre­ ves, $4(9 5; bulls, $4(95.25: stags. $4.- Adelphia college, Brooklyn.
hire no more women for office work.
cident occurred during a fancy dance,
International Paper company, had been liminary survey for a railroad to be 50(95.50.
An accomplice and chum o f the Aber­ follow ing him for the last week, offer­
Sheep— Best wethers, $8(98.90; fair known as the “ ghost dance,” in which
built by Hill, connecting the Willam­
deen murderer, Gobi, has confessed to ing him a $25,000 bribe if he would
ette valley and Coos bay with the Ore­ to good, $7(97.50; good lambs, $8(912. a purple light was provided by burning
his part in several murders and told call off the paper makers’ strike.
gon Trunk via Eugene.
Hogs— Top, $11.10@11.15; fair to alcohol in a large metal dish.
where two bodies o f victims were
girls, dressed in flowing robes, danced
good, $10(911.
thrown into Chehalis river.
Miss Lustgarten
Big Vessel Will Be Built.
Fund to Fight Sleeping Sickness.
Hop*— 1909 crop, 17(319c per pound; about the flames.
was replenishing the alcohol when the
A mob at Keo, Kansas, composed en­
Brussels, April 11.— K ing Albert hss
Marshfield— The Simpson Lumber olds, nominal: 1910 contracts. 15c.
tirely o f negroes, overpowered Consta­ decided to give $200,000 for a cam­ company, o f North Bend, has announ­
Wool— Eastern Oregon, 16(920c per explosion occurred.
ble Mallory, o f Keo, seised his two paign against sleeping sickness, $100,- ced that it will build a big new vessel pound;
2 <V 922 c; mohair,
Submarine Lowers M ark.
negro prisoners, one a woman, shot 000 to build hospitals in the Belgian for carrying lumber from the Simpson choice, 25(926c.
them to death and hanged the bodies. Congo, $100,000 fo r a pension fund for mills. She will be one o f the best
Cherbourg. April 9.— The Ventoee, a
Hides— Dry hides, 160? 17c pound;
T h s> ictim s were charged with killing Congo civil servants, ahd $10,000 for lumber carriers in the coastwise trade, dry kip. 16<317e; dry calfskin, 18(3 submarine, today established a record
the husband o f the woman and w ife o f a fund for the assistance o f their fam ­ and will have a capacity o f 1,000,000 20c; salted hides, 7$<98c; salted calf- by navigating at the depth o f 113 feet
the man.
for 24 minutes.
•kin, 14e; green, le lew.
The report that Hetty Green is seri­
ously ill is denied absolutely
Nine persons were killed and twelve
badly injured, three of them fatally,
in a panic at a Mexican bullfight.
Grand Old Man of Oregon Has
Crossed Dark River.
End Cams as Hs Had Often Wished
In H a rn e tt and in Full Pos­
session o f Faculties.
O f no distemper, o f no blast he died.
But fell like autumn fruit that mel­
lowed long.
E ’en wondered at because it fell not
Age seemed to wind him up for four
score years,
Yet slowly ran he on seven winters
Till, like a clock, worn out with
beating time,
The wheels o f wearly life at last
stood still.
Portland, April 5.— With the same
serenity that had marked the later
years o f his long and useful life. Judge
George H. Williams early yesterday
morning passed to the Great Beyond.
Sunday night Oregon’s grand old
man had retired at the usual hour, af­
ter a quiet day spent in goodjhealth
and spirits. A t the rising hour the
empty tenement o f clay was found re­
clining as he had gone to sleep, the
face as placid as that o f a slumbering
child. There was no evidence o f a
struggle as the spirit left the body, no
indication that there had been the
slightest degree o f suffering.
W illiams had died in the manner he
had often wished— by “ simply slip­
ping aw ay.”
For a week Judge W illiams had been
unusually cheery, and for five months
he had been freer from physical suffer­
ing than for several years. For a long
time prior to last fall he had been in­
convenienced by an internal disable­
ment more or less chronic, yet it was
o f such a nature that his active inter­
est and pa rticip ation ^ business affairs
was not impaired, and not even his
most intimate friends realized the pain
he had suffered.
I5 T H A M E N D M E N T W IL L IA M S ’
O regon Jurist Last o f “ War Senate,”
and Close Friend o f Lincoln.
“ The right o f citizens o f the United
States to vote shall not be denied or
abridged by the United States, or by
any state, on account o f race, color or
previous condition o f servitude.”
The foregoing is
the Fifteenth
Amendment to the constitution o f the
United States, adopted by congress in
1870 and later ratified by the states.
The text o f the amendment was pre­
pared by the
Oregon statesman,
George H. Williams, and was present­
ed and adopted with only a minor
change in wording.
Judge Williams was one o f the lasL
if not the last, member o f the “ war
senate,” and had been a warm person­
al friend o f Lincoln and also o f GranL
Sent to the senate from Oregon in
1864, he soon became a power in the
administration forces.
He was the
originator o f the “ reconstruction a cL ”
which he later, as attorney general in
Grant’ s cabinet, enforced.
Peruvian Consul Quits Post.
Guayaquil, April 7.— The Peruvian
consul left here tonight fo r Callao.
The American consul has taken charge
o f Peruvian interests.
The govern­
ment has established a censorship o f
all dispatches. In the face o f popular
excitement and rioting it was officially
announced today that Ecuador and Peru
would endeavor to settle their bound­
ary dispute directly at Washington.
Ecuador's special envoy is Clemente
Ponce, and he will proceed to the
American capital. The military forces
o f Ecuador are under arms.
No Law to Punish Jap Spies.
Manila, April 7.— Much indignation
has been aroused by the release o f the
two Japanese who were arrested here
a few days ago on the charge o f being
spies. They were given their liberty
on cable instructions from Washington.
Owing to the fact that there is no pro­
vision in the Philippine military code
governing the trial o f spies o f a nation
not at war with the United States, the
alleged spies were turned over to the
civil authorities. An investigation o f
the civil laws likewise showed that the
statutes were inadequate.
Sermons Don't Please.
Baltimore, April 7.— The Rev. W il­
liam E. Hauff, pastor o f Jerusalem
Evangelical Lutheran church, o f Gard-
enville, an eastern suburb o f this
city, persisted in reading his sermons
until some o f his congregation told him
he was no longer needed. The preach­
er declares that the church door was
locked by some o f his flock, who then
barricaded the door with boards nailed
from the inside.
He has put the mat­
ter into the hands o f a lawyer.
Miss Caroline aud Miss Matilda
Bargle lived in an old-fashioned house
with a lean-to shed, the roof of which
ran nearly to the ground. Returning
from church one day, they noticed on
approauhing their dwelling that the
churchgoers ahead of them paused in
passing, and gazed upward with in­
terest and mirth. A moment later they
saw why. Their neighbor's billy-goat
had escaped, mounted the lean-to to
the ridge-pole of the kitchen roof, and
with one end of a flaring circus poster
streaming banner-like from his Jaws,
stood outlined boldly against the sky,
a chamois on a mountain peak, calmly
contemplating the Sabbath procession.
Miss Matilda laughed. Miss Caro­
line did not.
"The abominable beast!" she gasped,
deeply scandalized. T never saw any­
thing so—so disrespectful!”
The goat is indeed a disrespectful
animal. He is no respecter either of
property or person, as many an indi­
vidual held in honor by mankind has
ruefully discovered. Admiral Evans
has related with pride, as a worthy
achievement, his triumph in his earlier
days over a refractory goat on ship­
board, which refused to yield the milk
required for a sick man.
After it had baffled everybody whose
proper task it was to secure the milk,
the captain sent for Evans, and direct­
ed him to go and get it.
Evans respectfully intimated that he
had not supposed "m ilking goats to
be part of the duty of a navigating
officer;'’ but the captain thereupon ask­
ed it as a favor, and he undertook the
With a little warm water, much per­
suasion, some firmness, and a recollec­
tion of the ways of certain “ darkies"
with misbehaving cows, he succeeded,
and was unmercifully chaffed by his
comrades on his success. Indeed, he
was far from happy in it until be bad
taught bis method to a marine,and was
assured that he would not have to
keep on milking for the rest of the
He was more fortunate than another
distinguished man, Horace Greeley,
who was a conspicuous failure as a
milker of goats, although he was bred
to the farm and Evans to the sea.
When, In accordance with Mrs. Gree­
ley's theories of diet, goat's milk was
desired for their little son, they at­
tempted to keep a goat in their New
York premises, and Mr. Greeley under­
took to milk it. His ignominious tus­
sles with the creature became a source
of delighted mirth to his neighbors.
One saw from his rear windows the
complete overthrow of the great editor
in his back yard, while the goat re­
mained victoriously chewing the latest
edition of the Tribune, which had fall­
en from Mr. Greeley’s pocket in the
contest. He relates that he called
down to him, gleefully:
“ Well, Mr. preeley, nanny, there,
hasn't much respect for editors!"
Sitting on his hat, and with one foot
In an overturned barrel, Mr. Greeley,
in his high, squeaky voice, called back:
‘No matter, no matter! The man is
nothing and the opinions everything.
You see she appreciates the Trlbuwe!"
H is
C a ttle
IA I e r a llr U p o a
■ a n d H llla *
T aos-
General Luis Terrazas Is Mexico'*
wealthiest man. General Terrazas la
9 years old, the same age as Presi­
dent Diaz. The lives of both men
have been full of stirring adventure.
It was in reward for daring military
service that General Terrazas obtained
from the government large gifts of
land which placed him upon the road
to the great fortune which he now pos­
It is conservatively estimated lust
General Terrazas is worth not less
than $200,000,000. His property hold­
ings are chiefly in the state of Chi­
huahua, but he also has large invest­
ments In other parts of the republic.
General Terrazas is the greaitest
land and live stock baron in the world,
it is said. He owns fifteen ranch->s
In the state of Chihuahua.
ranches embrace an aggregate area o'
more than live million acres.
many years special attention has been
given to raising horses upon these
ranches. More than five million he-id
of horses are grazing upon the -er-
razas land.
The mule supply for most of Mex­
ico comes from the Terrazas ranches.
These animals now number more than
one million head and are scattered
over the different properties. General
Terrazas' cattle holdings number more
than one million head. Several hun-
dren thousand head of goats and sheep
graze upon this land. It is said that
the choicest grass lands in northern
Mexico are embraced in the Terrazas
estate. Streams of running water pass
through them, and the grass grows lux­
uriantly the greater part of the year.
Some Idea of the vastness of these
landed possessions may be bad when
it is known that more than ten thou­
sand men are kept constantly looking
after the live stock. The services of
one thousand men are required >o
ride the fences.” It is the duty of
these fence riders to see that the
wires are kept Intact, so that the
stock cannot escape from the pastures.
Many thousand miles of wire w e.e
used in constructing
the boundary
fences. More than a score of towns,
some of them of considerable size, are
upon the ranches.— Kansas City ovar.
'I'm going to have my boy learn
electrical engineering, chemletry. phys
Ics and law and incidentally take a
course in physical culture that will ,n
able him to endure all sorts of expo-
ur6 and muscular strain."
Great Scott! What for?”
'I want him to be able to ran hit
own automobile.” —Washington Star.
The meanest man in the world is
the man who Imposes on you because
you are kind to him. People who are
kind to you are so rare that you should
appreciate them and not Impose o*
It might be better for tbe world In
general If happiness and shiftlessness
didn't so often travel together.
The more talk It takes to run things
tho slower they n ov a