HARDWARE Farm Im plem ents, Cement Lim e And S e t.lt................ LOCAL A N D JR SO N A L Boost for Nesm ith couuty. T he I.eader for reliable uews. Burbank seed potatoes for sale. Iuquire of Beidler Bros. tf. Laces And Embroideries T ry th e Leader a year. E arly sown grain looks fine. Arch Piper of Portland, was a Farm ers are nearly all th ro u g h guest of his parents ami Cottage Drove friends last week seeding. W e are showing the latest patterns in Laces and Embroideries—just what vou Win A rne is improving his new ­ Dood crops can be depeuded on ly purchased town property by the want for your new dress. W e have a large assortment of white goods in Linons, this season. erection of a neat new barn on the Lawns and Flaxons. An iucubator is alw ays broody rear of his lots. and never fails. O. L. W illard has commenced , It is time for your purchase of a new dress so come in and select one big high school benefit at the work ou a fine new buugalo for his son, Lon, on the young m a n 's from our stock. A rcade next Tuesday evening. lot on W all street. T he weather has been ideal this Mr. and Mrs. Lamb of Eugene, ! spring for plow ing and seeding. Friday and Saturday Special; Moire Skirtings, were guests over Sunday of Mrs. 35c Value for A ttorneys J. S. Medley an d J. C. L am b's father, J. B. Lewis and Johnson are attending court at family of th is city. Eugene. Fruit laud for sale—Six acres F urnished rooms close to .Main one mile from Cottage Drove. A street to rent, privilege of hath. bargain. Inquire at the Cottage Inquire at this office. D rove F’lour Mill. tf. Miss Carrie Spalding of Drain, J u d g e d . R. Chrismau, who re-' is a guest of her sister, Mrs. E- R. cently returned to his Eugene home Dowdy on W all street. from I.os Angeles, is a guest of ■ Mrs. Clias. Caldwell left last Cottage Drove relatives and friends. week to visit with relatives in the Fate Long has given up his middle west for a few weeks. work as deputy assessor for this W henever whiskey wins the Ore- precinct an d Assessor Keeney has goniau uses big heads and the appointed Thos. Pearce to complete fellows who use the stuff have b ig the work. heads the day after. Joe A rnold, who lias been a t­ Mike Kebblebcck, of the Booth- tending a school of pharm acy at Kellv logging cam ps at Deerhoru, Full Line of S h o e s . Novelties in Portland, lias accepted a position is spending a few days with Mrs. Oxfords for Ladies and Gents. with Druggist Kem in the Modern Kebblebeck at their Cottage Drove Pharm acy in this city. Call and see them. home. Prof. G. K. ’Johnson closed a Mrs. C. S. Blaster of Cottage successful course of vocal m usic Drove, who has been visiting rela­ lessons in th is city last week. A ■ tives in the city, returned home second short course is being given W ednesday m orning.— Roseburg with m eetings at Dr. Schleef’s. Review. J. V. Foster has moved his fatni- Asked w hat he had on ih elx iard s See our Display. A Fresh, Full from their Silk-creek farm to this for this week at the Arcade, Clias. Assortment ol Family Groceries. city to reside and are occupying Hall rem arked to the Leader: "T ell When in Need of Anything in the W m. H aw ley residence over at To get the necessary repairs. them 1 have a deuce of a good Groceries, Crockery and Shoes, All k in d s of bicycle parts and su n ­ the foot of M cFarland Butte. Call at ................................................. show on this w eek.” dries supplied on short notice. W . S. Sw artz of Amity, Oregon, Repair work ex ecuted promptly Fuchias, geranium s carnations, recently purchased property in and at reasonable prices. Bring double petuuas an d ch ry san th e­ th is city. H e writes to friends here in your wheels. mum plan ts 10 cents each. Pansy announcing his intention of b u ild ­ Opposite Hotel Thompson plants 10, 25 and 50 cents per doz. ing upon his property in the near 11. K. MBTCALF. M 22 tf. future. If you have th a t hungry feeling Miss N ora tjueen, who is teaching go to the Nesm ith restau ran t and the spring term of school up at the get it satisfied. Short orders, regu­ Booth-Kelly mills, spent S aturday lar dinners and quick m eals a in Cottage D rove and favored the yrr-M- i-irrrp-rr-'-M-r n .................... t t -------- y r,............... r,7|a| specialty. Leader w ith a pleasant call in con- Mrs. Sam P. Veatcli and daugh» pany with Miss Miller. ter Miss Lillian, are guests of the Editor Robt. D. H endricks of parents of the form er’s husband, the Salem Statesm an, was conferr­ Cottage Grove, Oregon Mr. and Mrs. H . C.' V eatch of this ing with his Cottage Drove cetisus city. T hey are retu rn in g to their takers M onday, and rem ained a Portland home from Southern C ali­ guest of his aged m other and his AGE, EXPERIENCE and GROW TH improve a fornia where they spent the w inter. brother Dave, Monday night. Banks facilities and ability to serve the public. An D. W . Dowdy, wife and child, Messrs W allace and W alker a r­ honorable career of twenty years has earned for us the arrived in this city today from rived down from Cottage Grove on name we have always endeavored to maintain. W e North Y akim a, W ashington, to the noon train T hursday to accept Produce good iood results. If r^snljs II you solicit your business. . ,. . f send your p h y sician 's prescriptions visit wiih Mr. D ow dy’s brother, E. positions as traveling agents for L 1 .,, , r V ............. , • • , to us they will he ln o s i carefully K. Dowdy, while enroute to Los the Royal H ighlanders, a fraternal colnpoumie,i alMi only the purest Angeles where they will locate. insurance order.— E ugene G uard. am l freshest of Drugs will be used. They were anything hut pleased J . M. Comer is very busy just alw ays carry a large suppl> of with the Y akim a country. now w eaving carpets an d rugs, tlie ; P j l t d l t M c d i c l l l H S A certain local attorney suggests most durable and serviceable to be that it m ight he consistent with had. C arpets and rugs m ade to th at we can highly recommend. the strenuously advocated p atro n ­ order and rugs for sale. Satisfaction In all cases our prices are worthy of your notice. ize home policy if local business guaranteed. Read Mr. Com er’s ad men would give their legal busi­ on last page. ness to home attorneys instead of W. H. A brams, as trustee of the to those at the county seat, who Cottage D rove M anufacturing Co., Cottage Grove, Oregon spend no tnonev in Cottage D rove. has begun suit in th e circuit court O scar Frohm ader and family against the Sunset Lumber Co. have leased th eir little farm near and H . C. Mahon to recover NOTICE. this city to W. A. C unningham $1,112.50. C. A. W interm eier is Mrs. H uston is now prepared to ami on Friday left for South Bend, attorney for the plaintiff. turn out best work in town. livery W ashington, to reside, where they David W allace of Cottage Drove own city property. Their m any has moved his fam ily to this city liody come with a smile to the Cottage Drove friends regret their and will m ake this his h ead q u ar­ West Side Studio. $4.50 cab in ets departure from this city. ters. Mr. W allace is th e district now $3.00. T he best work and T he m anagem ent of the Southern U ncle Bern V eatch and other m anager for the Royal H ighlander cheapest prices shall be my motto Pacific Co. i Lines in < Iregou) takes in the future. tf. close observers of fruit conditions, a fraternal insurance order and great pleasure in an n ouncing th at inform the header th a t the pros­ lias quite a charter list for the or .............- ■ ■ — the low rates from Eastern cities, pects are for the greatest fruit crop der here. — P.ugene Register. which li n e done so much in past Jy J. Moore, who recently re- in the history of the upper W illam ­ T he College singing girls a n d , gj(fned his position ns- m anager of seasons to stim ulate travel to and ette valley ju st now, and th a t the W alter Eccles took th e early morn-1 the H az,ewood Cream 8tation at settlem ent in Oregon, will prevail danger from frost from now on is ing train for Cottage G r o v e , ^ ^ was a C oltage D rove again this Spring DAILY from * very slight. W ednesday m orning. T hey could vjsitor Monday am l iufonned ,he March 1 to April 15 inclusive. Titos. Allen has a force of men have gone on the afternoon train j , eader tUat he would RO to Oreen at work cutting off six feet of the ju st as well- Register. They pre- J yiew CaIifornia T uesday. today, front of the Fashion Livery stable ferred to kill tim e” in a good (f> remain dnriMg the su)uiner, which ex tends th at m uch over the live town, an d they certainly made whefe he wi„ i)1Btall lnilk in g n la. sidew alk line on Main street. T his T he railroads have done their Drove*** ° f th e ir Visit to C oltaR e, chines for the llazlew ood C o., is being done th a t the new concrete part: now it's tip to you. T he 1 that place being the center of Cal- Colonist rule is the greatest of all sidew alk may be com pleted on the People down from Cottage D rove ifornia-s ,,reat dairy section. lie home builders. Do all you can line with th at on adjoining proper­ on the noon train T h u rsd ay said expects to introduce these m a c h in -; to let eastern iieople know about it, there was no rain there th at m orn­ es in the W illam ette vallev this ty- and encourage them to come here, Rev. Robert Sutcliffe and wife ing while in F ugene it felt nearly com ing fall and w inter. where land is cheap and home- building easy and attractive. spent four days last week visiting all morning. It is probable, though with friends in F'ugene. Rev. th at it spread th at far south, later T he big locomotive for the Booth- Fares Can Be Prepaid at home if desired. Any and Mrs. Sutcliffe announce th a t as such a continuous rain as this agent of the road nam ed is au th o r­ Kelly logging road at W endling they were most favorably im press­ is usually general.—G u ard . But ized to receive tin- required deposit arrived last week. aml telegraph ticket to auy point ed with the Lane county seat, with it failed to spread. No rain at in the East. its fine university buildings and Cottage Drove, last week. cam pus, its paved streets, modern Bertram Applegate, who for the Rctn-tmiir The R ate» -F ro m Chicago, $33; i from business houses and beautiful past year has served very profici­ St. Louis, $32: from O m aha am l homes. ently as drug clerk in the Modern K ansas Citv, $25. T his reduction is proportionate front all other cities. Mr. and Mrs. R. C. Barfield pharm acy in this city retired when Mrs. Barfield’s m other Mrs. M. F. Mr. G riggs sold his store to D rug­ I H arding, of Salem, have arrived gist Kem recently and on T h u rs­ in C ottage D rove to reside, Mr. day went to Drain where he has General Passenger Agent Portland, Oregon Barfield to Ire connected with the accepted a sim ilar position in a telephone service in this city. Mrs. drug store at th a t place. H e is H arding and dau g h ter formerly re­ a very corn i*.-tent, energetic and sided here where Mrs. H arding worthy young man and his d ep art­ For sale— Tw o m arc colts two Monroe Brothers have bought owns a fine farm an d their m any ure from Cottage G rove is deeply years old, w eighing about t-100— ^ ,e interest of A. D. Miller in the friends join the I-eader in welcom­ regretted by his host of friends price reasonable—call at mv place, V 1 Ucl' S,mr J-umlier Co. and an- ing them npon their return to this both old and young who hold him r- i ■ i .i r «ounce that they are responsible on Coast Fork|and see them. - J o s for no ,)il|s except those contracted in the highest regard here. city. eph Schild. It 1 l>y them selves. A t* 28c The Housewife's Best Friend Is a sack o f P u re W h ite F lo u r. It m ak es such delicious bread, b is­ cuits, cake an d p astry an d so m uch of it. T ry it anti prove it. Pure W h ite F lo u r costs no m ore th a n o rd in a ry b ran d s th o u g h once you have used it you w ould w illin g ly pay m ore for it. In sist on g e ttin g P ure W h ite. T h e re are m any im itatio n s. 1 S p r a y - W yrvrve C o . F ee d , f l o u r . P o u lt r y S u p p l i e s , G e n e r a l C o m m i s s i o n B u s i n e s s Additional Local News. E ditor I). E. Vernon has sold the O akland Owl to A. O. Car- rutli, a new arrival in Oregon. May the Owl continue to hoot as of yore. For a S unday to pass w ithout some additions being m ade to the m em bership of the M e t h o d i s t Church w ould- he verv u nusual. T hree adults were received at the recent forenoon service. Mr. and Mrs. Ju rv accom panied by another fam ily of llird Island, M innesota, are in C ottage Drove looking for a perm anent location. T hey have found property in East Cottage Drove w hich pleases them and which they will probably p u r­ chase. Miss Carrie barge, national field organizer for Home Missions, of th e Methodist Episcopal church, will deliver an arftlress at the M ethodist C hurch in this city F ri­ d ay evening. She will also he tendered a reception bv the ladies here. Church Choir E ntertained. Dr. and Mrs- J. O. Van W inkle entertained the Methodist choir, of w hich Mrs Van W inkle is d i­ rector, at their home on W all sireel Friday evening, besides the choir members, Rev. and Mrs. Sutcliffe, Mr. mid Mrs Tyson, Dr. and Mrs. Ingram , Mrs. lid Jones, Mrs. llo g ate and Mrs. Counter, were present. E n tertain ­ ing gam es were provided, the choir rehearsed some new music, an d e x ­ cellent refreshm ents were served, consisting of sandw iches, salad, ice cream , cake ami fruit punch. Ju st before departing for their homes the guests all joined in singing a num ber of the ever pop­ u lar college songs It was a very enjoyable evening. Stricken W ith Apoplexy. T he old gentlem an MeKibbeti w as stricken down at the post office Monday m orning with a light stroke of apoplexy. A stretch ­ er was provided by his son an d b y ­ standers and the old gentlem an, who is quite feeble, was carried to T he statem ent of the first N a t­ his room at Hotel Thompson. ional bank w hich appears in the L eader today m akes the usual fine, Dr. Lowe the well know n optic­ substantial showing for this solid ian and optometist will be in Cot­ financial institution. It should ap ­ tage D rove April 25, Drain 2b, peal to the m anv new com ers and Y oncalla 27, O akland 28, Rose- others who have b an k in g business b u rg 29 and 30. T h e wise who to transact. need glasses will wait for him. A Wise Precaution. D uring the cold w eather we build hot fires, bew are of confla­ grations, d on’t neglect carrying a policy on your house. Tom Awbrey can give vou satisfactory rates anil protection. .13tf Ju st received a beautiful line of hum an hair goods. T u rb an and coronet braids, all styles in sw itch­ es. T ransform ation pieces, sani tary rolls, etc., at tne Ladies T og­ gery. For sale— 18 room rooming house, three blocks from depot on Saturday Auction Sale. Main street, Eugene, Oregon. I T hree year lease, w ant to go east. A sale of top carriage, rubber | Apply to or address, W iu . R k i i . i . y , tire buggy, a good hack, and E ugene, Oregon. household goods, will he held In this city Saturday afternoon. T he newest creation in Ladies Suits at L urch’s. \V. T. K ayshr , auctioneer. THE BROADWAY MODEL SYSTEM The Newest Creations In Men s Clothing Cnder the Broadway System of s e l l i n g clothing we are able to save $5.00 to you from $8.00 on your suit. Best All Wool Suits $ 18.00 Guaranteed These Suits would cost you $22.50 to $25.00 Anywhere. Come in and see them. Rees-Wallace Co. “Where You Do Better” L U R C H ’S Pedal Broke-Going To 1 Just R e c e i v e d I 3 Select Your Harden Seeds Early Nichols ® Brumfield 3 3 H. C. COOK I ----------------- I I The First National Bank i Pvire Drvigs a rT H E O L D R E L I A B L E * Benson's Pharmacy Colonist Rates £? Oregon And The GREAT NORTHWEST People Of Oregon WM. M cMURRY