Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, April 12, 1910, Image 4

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    C o t t a g e <3 rov>c X c a ò c r .
i \
The Albany Democrat
Booster Struble, o f the Commer­
cial club was the principal speaker '
at an enthusiastic gatberiug of
Cottage Grove boosters recently.
Ìffl. C . C o n n e r ,
E O t t o r ano m a n a g e r The occasion was the roundup o f j
Uubliobe» £vcn> Oucobap.
a campaign for club tuemliership,
which has resulted in an iucrease I
in tern i in tlie }M»st office nt Coit ile (.rove, Oregon a- <- -coml-cUiis mail matter of about 150, making a total of
over 2(H). Mr. Struble reports that !
Cerino ot Subscription.
the Cottage Grove boosters are
One year (in ailvadce)................................................................. $1.50 alive for the improvement of their
S ix months....................................................................................
75 city, and have plans for the im­
Three mouths...............................................................................
50 mediate laying of many blocks of
concrete sidewalks, and the paving
the principal streets. For thej
latter purpose they have bought a|
rock crusher aatd a steam r. ’ ter, I
Its a shame and a disgrace to
and prn|K>se to have their work
associate a rank fake scheme, a
done in the be st possible manner
(Daily Oregonian A p rils)
selfish, notorious obstructionist
at the cheapest rales. The propos­
“ The election of Dr. Kitue as movement, planned wholly for the
ed new Nesmitli county is natural­
Mayor of the hustling vomig city defeat of a worthy cause, with the
ly the topic up permost iti the minds
of Cottage drove last Monday name of Oregon's grand old pio­
of the Cottage Grove citizens, and
assures a business administration neer statesman, (leorge II. W ill­
the tuanuer in "which the Commer­
to the metropolis of Nesmith coun­ iams, especially before the funeral
cial club is ha itdliug the campaign
obsequies are ended, like Drain
t y ."
speaks^for the. success of the tnove-
has done in its "W illiam s county”
meut. The • occasion was enliven­
TO HELP NESMITH AND UMPQUA. movement, which is being inaug­
ed by music a) .numbers, speeches
urated solely for the pur|x>se of de­
local ta'fent and a delicious
The joke of the season— Drain’s feating Nesmith county and the
Othier Albany c i t i z e n s
Williams county scheme—sprung completion of the chain of Oregon
solely for the purpose of embar­ coast counties bv the creation of present were E. VV. Kibby and W .
rassing the worthy and legimate Umpqua county. Drain’s citizens B. Chance. Foitmer Albanians in
Nesmith and Umpqua county prop­ should be ativthing but proud of Cottage Grove, w ho were in evi­
ositions now liefore the people of such an insult to the memory of a dence on t) ie occ asion were Messrs
W estbrooV D u Bri title and Barker, j
the state, if Drain has some good grand old pioneer of Oregon.
of whom are prosperous and I
money she desires to squander she
has certainly struck on to the most
The Klamath Palls Express in iufluentir il.
The C ottage Gr ove citizens will j
improved plait to do it— and it commenting upon a letter written
wel'l represent» *1 at the forth -
won’t hurt Nesmith or Umtiqua by lion. J. W. Maker of Cottage
county either. You can’ t fool the Grove to a Klamath friend regard­ comitvg Open R iv e r and Freight 1
people by such buncomb. The ing the creation of Nesmith county Rate Convention in. Albany Tliurs- j
Drain scheme will turn hundreds says that the area of each of the day,
Xcabcv publishing Company
ion committee of Roseburg, said
some time ago itt addressing the
Drain boomers at Roseburg, that
if Drain was determined to attempt
to steal a large slice of Douglas
county territory that between the
Drain scheme and the Nesmith
county proposition Roseburg would
favor the latter.
The difference between the Nes­
mith and anti-Nesmith advocates
is that the former are getting hun­
dreds of dollars worth c,'f favorable
newspaper coinmen't absolutely
free, while the Eu gene and Rose­
burg knockers must pay a big
price for eve ry knock they get
against Ne smith in the state pap­
David S. Beach, of Bridgeport, ers. The. state press stands for
Conn., comes to the front and re­ progrès,s and advancement.
lieves his ttoodlc of a new notion.
Mr. Beach proposes that the town
The Drain Nonpareil accuses
of Bridgeport insure his life for 'Roseburg and Eugene of insincer­
from $2,000,000 to $3,000,000, and. ity in their purported opposition to
pay the premiums until he shuffl es the formation of Nesmith county
off, then draw the big benefit^ and from Lane and Douglas county
pay off the entire city debt. The territory. What is the matter with
only consideration Mr. is to you, Parker? Don’t you know
have, iu his stipulation, Isa monu­ there is no optiosition to Nesmith
ment to lie erected to his memory, countv—except front Drain, and
proclaiming him the. originator of let’ s see, where is that little village
municipal life insurance.— Ex.
Eugene and Roseburg are up in
arms against the creation of the
new county of Nesmith. Strange,
isn't it, that such strenuous oppo­
sition to progress and development
should come from such booster
centers.— Brownsville Times.
Roseburg has begun an active
campaign to re-establish itself as
the Rose City of Oregon in accord­
ance with its name. The Rose
club of that city ordered 1000 roses
to be planted at once.
Scottsburg or Elkton would lie
the only logical county seat town
Kipling wrote, in reference to iti Drain’s proposed W i l l i a m s
woman— " A rag and a bone and
a hank of hair.” Now a noted
woman writer gets back nt him by
Old Satan got in his work in 111-
referring to matt thus— “ A jag and inoise last,week when more wets
a drone and a tank of a ir."
than drys cairied in the elections.
A ll
I seful Holiday Presents, Pictures and Picture Frames, N ew
Stock, Endless Variety, Furniture, Rugs, Blankets and
Comforters. W riting Desks.
An Elegant Line of Rockers.
bather or Mother.
Just tile Kind of Present for
Come Where Selection is Made Easy.
•’T H Í F U R N IT V R F D F .A I.F R V '
----------- v
t f W W ’f e r e
F ish in g Tackle, Join ted Rods, Reels A nd Flies
ÉetabUsbe» 1887.
to the support of the Nesmith and ild counties of Lane and Douglas
Umpqua county propositions, who is equal to the slate o f Connecticut,
were formerly indifferent or really that the Nesmith county measure
opposed to these measures.
is a very meritorious and worthy
one and urges its readers to grant
Roseburg won’t do a thing to the petition of the Nesmith people
that little, selfish pet hobby of for a new county at the polls iu
Drain, to become a county seat by Novemlier. Therefore, iu the E x ­
the threatened creation of " W ill­ press is added another worthy and
iams county.” O. P. Coshow, influential champion of the Nes­
chairmatt of the anti-county divis­ mith county cause.
‘ t
The seasou ojiens on April 1st
You will want to be there with your rod and line. If you have no rod and line the best thing
you cau do; will be to make a bee line for our store, because we have the biggest and best stock of fishing tackle you can find in
this neck of the woods. Let us tell you what we have.
W e have a split bamboo rod that we sell for $1.00, it has a cork grip and nickle plated mountings and is well made and all
right iu every way. We have belter ones at from $2.50 to $14.00. We have steel rods at from $2.50 to $ 6.50 each. You ought to
have oue of these, they are the most durable rod to buy.
Fish lines at all prices from 5 cents to $4.00 each. We have some dandy oues, 25 cents for 50 feet. Our Martin and K in g­
fisher lines have given the best satisfaction of any we have ever sold. They are made of pure silk and are flexible and free run­
ning when used on a reel, and at the same tune will not water-log.
Reels at from 25 cents to $7.50 each. We have them to suit the small boy and at the same time the most exacting sportsmau.
Flies at from 50 cents to $3.50 tier dozen. We have something special for you this year.
Griffin & VeatcK Compecny*s
i &
Women’s Suits And Skirts
O u r stock of Tailored G a r­
ments for Ladies are all C o r ­
rect Spring Styles.
N e w Suits, Skirts
W aists are so distinctive and
every fancy will be favorably
to here
$16.00 to $20.00.
See a tew
in our west w indow .
E very seat was la k e « and many !
'wet e turned
n.way from
the :
College Girls concert last Wednes­
day evening. T in s demonstrates
the fact that Cwttase Grove people
apj »reciate a high class entertain-
mesnt and are w itling to pay the
These Great Evangelists will begin ft series of Religious Meetings
prijee. ' It is also apparent that
at the Christian Church commencing ’ text Sunday to which a
Cottage Grove lias outgrown its
invitation is extended to all to attend.
P retient opera house accomodations
rind that one o f the crying needs
and a good investment for some
The Avalanch at Wellington.
one is a modern optrra house or '
theater suitable for a ll kinds of j She is a vain and foolish lass;
public gatherings as w ell as thea- she stands before her looking-glass The sun rose o'er the Eastern horizon,
Anil the world awoke from its peaceful
ratical companies, here-
and fusses with her pins and rats,
and tries on half a dozen hats, and A gentle breeze crept o’er the Western
The Oregon Ra-ilroad Commis­ fixes doodads iu her hair, and
sion gives notice through the v a l­ tints her cheeks, already fair. And And it whispered a lullaby,
ley Commercial clubs tfaiit the when she’s fooled three hours away As it gleefully played with the cones of
the stalwart pines,
Southeri i Pacific railroad company and she appears in glad array, she
An«l tranquility reigned supreme.
will be tgivett a hearing at Sidem isn’t half as nice and neat, she Hut out of the silent stillness,
on the 3-Sth day of April, to ascer­ isn’t half as slick and sweet as she There came a monster great anti bold,
tain whether or not the valloy appeared four hours ago when she Ami it echoed its deeds of long ago,
freight rates are unreasonable car was wearing calico. If she would As it started the slide at Wellington.
A hundred souls lay sleeping,
unjustly discriminatory and i f they take the time she fools away with
In the path of that terrible monster.
are so found the commission pro- pa(tljs aml curling tools, and read As it came rushing from yonder mount
aslvof •laltAfl
, I A M
poses to order substituted such ¿some book of prose or rhyme, she u
rates as it deems just and reason­ get some value for her time. She Like a breath from the mouth of hell,
able. Anyone interested may at­ pads her head outside with rats, Ami out of tlie silent slimness there
came a cry of despair.
tend this meeting.
machine-made hair and monster The Min rose o ’er the Eastern horizon,
hats; and gladness might with her Ami in its baste to make its departure,
Th e L illy Seed Co. of Seattle, is abide if she would pad her head A snow ball dropped from the heal of
out with a neat little pamphlet en­ inside. For beauty is a transient
titled, “ The Crop Book," which thing; the hurried years are on the Which caused that terrible scene.
Spring was knocking for admittance.
contains about fifty pages, attd is
wing; the dazzling maiden of to­ To crown graves that winter had made
filled wftli most interesting and day will soon be haggard, worn
iu its haste.
valuable information to the large and gray; and in life's winter, And out of the silent stillness there
came a sweet refrain.
and stnatl planter. It has requited when she sits beside her lonely
a great «leal of labor and hearth and knits, it will not lessen The birds sing an eulogy to those that
died that «lay
to compile and publish this litti'o her despair to think of the rat5 she
And the flowers will bloom with there
book, which is free for the asking used to wear. But if her mind is
and is wtnrth a thousand times th** stored with gold from books the O’er the tombs of the silent «lead.
D o n a l d I). S iir l t o n .
trouble and expense of a letter sages wrote of ofd, with ancient
mailed fan a copy.
lore or modern song, the days will
not seem drear and long; life’s twi- Notice Of School Indemmty Seleclton.
Th e Oregon constitution provides
light will lie calm and fair, and
that all st ate buildings shall be lo- j ,
. I lonltuess will not be there.— Ex.
United States Land Office.
cated at Salem, yet we have th e’
Roseburg, Ore., April 9, 1910.
state university at Eugeue. T h e j
Notice is hereby given that the state
Royal Intermediate School Items
Eugetne Register roars because the
of Oregon, on April 9, 1910, applied fo r
Nesmith couuty proposition is to Ire
Mrs. Deardorff returned from S. V.. l4 Sec. 26. T. 22 S K. 2 \V„ W. M.
ami filed in this office a list of school in-
submitled to the voters of the state ¡Myrtle Creek Monday.
. demnity sc* -ctions in which it selected
instead, of to the voters of Latte
Miss Ethel Cox went toiler home ^
.,i u,at said list is open to
and D.mglas counties, yet a gen­
I Medford Wednesday.
the public for inspection. Any and alt
eral vote on a great U. o f O. ap­
M r. L . C . Parmele was a caller 1 persons claiming adversely the above
propriation was considered just the
«lcscribe«l land or any legal subdivision
at the school Thursday.
j thereof, or claiming the same urnler the
prop'gr thing.
Frank Bradford of Elk Head, mining laws, or «lesiring to show said
T l i e state papers and the state visited the school Sunday and land to he more valuable for mineral
. _
.. , ,,
. s
than for agricultural purposes, or to ob-
tic vspnper men are tnfluevitial Monday.
1 ject to said selection for any lawful
ag encies for good, occupy a wh ole-1 Mr. A. D? O w ens & Sons gave reason shotlM fi|e ,|leir c),j„,s or their
scone and import.rut place it* so -! their order for some new improve- ! affidavits of protestor contest in this
ciety and merit far more appla:use j tnetits for their mill.
I I hereby designate tlie Cottage ttrove
t han they receive.— Portland D u ily
A crowd of Royxl young people
header, published at Cottage (trove. Or-
J attended the College «»iris Chorus Cifolli n9 the newspaper in which the
in town Wednesday night.
‘ above notice is to l>c published.
Forty-five prominent citizens o f
Some people have learned that
R khz am is I . I onk S.
Cottage Grove have already signs--1
. .
. _ ,,
Tied their intention of going to A l-
h itiy Thursday to lionst for an 1 it is not the history class either.
Eugene Guard J. 11. Schenck,
open river and free locks. The
Mrs. lohttson' ; parents o f Gast- who has lieen selling liquor to rail-
numlicr will lie increased to 50.
^oi'. Oregon, Mr. attd Mrs. W . C. I road laborers on the Natron exten-
I Eu. tmerson. visited here a few days ; s|0n up ,hc Willamette east of Eu
C onic'
in and get a fit.
Whiston and Longman
Birthday Surprise
Last Saturday afternoon Mrs.
Foster Phillips and Mrs. W ill Mart, L Y N C II— At the home of G. W.
McReyttolds near Divide, April
planned and successfully carried
H, 1910, aged 51 years, lOmonths
out a very pleasant surprise for I and 23 days, of Dropsy.
Mrs. F. B. Phillips, upon the oc­
Deceased was a brother of Mrs.
casion of her birthday anniversary.
McReyttolds. He was a native of
The ladies gathered at the home of
'Mrs. Hart attd proceeded in a body Iowa, and had been in Oregon 27
to the Phillips home and the sur­ years on the very day of death. He
prise was complete.
It was a was a very exemplary citizen and
handkerchief shower party and ice was held in high esteem by all who
knew him. F'uneral services were
cream and cake was served.
conducted Saturday at the McRey-
Florence is to have a great rho- nold’s home by Rev. W. J. Gard-
dodetidron festival, or carnival, o i l i e r , interment in the Hawley cent
May 20.'w
i i
Work is being pushed on the j
Main street 12-foot concrete side-
Th, e members of the Rhetoric
| walks and the job will soon have class .seems to have all turned
lieen completed the full length o L poem— i'n y way they are all writ-
the street and on I Kith sides.
mg poeto y .
A great tnanv Washington state
The sera, b chicken is going out
people are locating in the Wiliam- of style just ,tbe same as the scrub
ette valley. There’s a reason.
gene, was fined $200 and given a
jail sentence of thirty days by
Judge Bryson, of the justice court,
this morning, for violating the
! local option law.
Bargain— Two good mares, har­
ness and wagon for saie. Inquire
of F. M. Murray, south Fourth St.
S civ o y
Ladies’ Waists
R. &L» G. Corsets
Every One Guaranteed
....At The....
Ladies’ T oggery