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About Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915 | View Entire Issue (March 29, 1910)
I a lie t . A sergeant was once drilling a squad of recruits. They were Incredibly ig norant. One of them could not tell hid right hand from his left. The ser geant proceeded to teach them and at last attained some degree of success. Sergeant— Now, yer blessed Idiot, hold yer hands in front of yer and twist the»m round one over the other. Stop! Now, which is your left hand and which Is your right? Recruit (looking at his hands for a moment)— I ’m biowed If I know. I've gone and mixed ’em !— London An swers. __________________ “ Ship It to Me” SA Y S SM ITH Smith wants ava-y dreaped veal and ho* in the country. He never » hanres com- miesion. We will puy aa follows for good, fat stuff. Ship by express. Dressed Veal, up to 130 Ibe........... 12’ -/C. Dressed F o rk ................................ l l ' .-C. Live Chickens ......... 16c. Dressed Chickens........................... 17VtC. LtfKs ...................... Market Price Addreee FRANK L. SMITH MEAT CO. “ fighting the Beef Trust" PORTLAND. OREGON No C om p u lsion . “W hy do I have to pay such enor mous prices for round steak?" grum bled the customer. "You don’t,” said the butcher. “Here’s a perfectly good shank you can buy for a good deal less money."— Chicago Tribune. __________________ C o st of P L M T ' IB S O N ’S RO SES • he w oaon Rose Nurseries 20 Acres of Roiesl Two-year-old bushes Grown In the open tleld N o w la a good time to plant Catalogue Free 1180 Mllwaukle Road, Portland, Ora. L iv in g . S id e L ig h t* os H is t o r y . T w a s tough on the old philosophers, Julius Caesar had Just prganlzed the too; triumvirate. For Instance, If you please. "This is something like It." he said. Incessant strife was the cost of living "A decernvlrate Is so jejune!" With Mrs. Socrates. It was the recollection of this atroc »-Chicago Tribune. ity that Anally nerved the avenging arm of Brutus.—Chicago Tratbune. T r y i n g t o B n e o o r a g e H im . “ O, Guy, you mustn’t allow yourself H e W a s H a n d ic a p p e d . to be scared by papa’s piercing eye." Sagebrush Sam—Yer say Bill died of “ I’m not so much afraid of that, El- a lame arm. How could that be? fleda, as I am of his cutting ’n o s!'“ Cactus Charlie—Why, yer see, his arm wuz so stiff that he couldn’t draw A d v an ced T h o u gh t. his gun quick, an’ the other feller got “Doctor, how do you account for the the drop on him.—Tit-Bits. existence of rheumatism?" D ls a s t r o a e . "The mind, my dear sir, evolved the Doctor—Have you been taking an oc disease to fit the word." casional cold plunge, as I advised? Dyspeptic Capitalist—Yes, I’ve been Investing heavily In Ice stocks—end I REDUCE THE COST OF LIVING; got nipped.—Chicago Tribune. use C R E S C E N T BAKING POW DER B lo o d M oney? "One day," said Mrs. Lapsling, “ I saw a man thrash a big, brutal team ster for beating his horses. If I had my way about It he should have a share of the Carnage hero fund." 25c. FULL POUND O W ARD E. BURTON - Anna yer and Chemist. Leadville, Colorado. Specimen price#: Gold, Silver. Lead. SI. Gold, Silver. 75c: Gold. 50o; Zino or Copper, SI. M ailing envelope* and fu ll price liat aent on application. Control and Umpire work so licited. Reference: Carbonate National Bank. M $ 2,000 A Y E A R In being earned by huhdreda o f Chiropod ists. The work is easily learned, competi tion slight, returns lucrative A thousand graduates coula be placed tomorrow. W rite for particulars Portland is the big market place of the Northwest. The Western SchoaA o f Chiropody Portland, Oregon Send Your Produce THERE W e are handlers o f Eggs, Butter, Veal, Dressed Hogs, Poultry, live or dressed; also Apples, Onions, Pota toes. Consignments, whether large or small, are solicited. We can give you good prices for good stuff. W rite Us. A Broken Down Foot-Arch CHEAP INSURANCE M cEw en & K osk ey COMMISSION MERCHANTS 129 Front St., Portland, Ore. Seeds Don’t waste time and money plant ing poor seeds. Our seeds won First Grand Prize at the Seattle Exposi tion. Our prices are reasonable. Big Catalogue free. Send for a copy. FOR GRAIN GROWERS “ Woodlark'* Squirrel Poison is the most reliable and destructive agent yet devised V ogeler Seed Co. for the extermination of Gophers, Squir S a lt L a k e C ity , U ta h rels, Sage Rats and Prairie Dogs. I t is the cheapest insurance against their ravages. Every kernel is warranted to kill. Climatic changes or moisture of the earth do not destroy its strength. Re quires NO M IX IN G OR P R E P A R A T IO N . Is For homestead relinquishments, and can sell your farms and ranches quickly. L et us handle your always ready for use. N o other is so business and we will guarantee your satisfaction. good. Dealers will refund the purchase Give full particulars in first letter. price if not as claimed. Pamphlet free. DAVIS A BUITKAM P H o y t C h e m ic a l C o ., Portland, Oregon 510 Dekum Bldg. Portland, Ore W E PAY CASH Hood’s S a rs a p a rilla Cures all blood humors, afi eruptions, clears the complex ion, creates an appetite, aids digestion, relieves th a t tired feeling, gives vigor and vim. Get it today in usual liquid form or chocolate tablet# known aa Sarsataba. iOU Doaea $1. Tardy Jaatlce. Phidias had Just finished sculpturing the decorations of the Parthenon. "The gall of It Is," he said, "that I ’ll get mighty little credit for these things. Some day they’ll be wanted In the Brit ish museum, and they’ll be known as the Elgin marbles—Elgin, with the ‘ g* hard, us in ’gosh’ !" His gloomy forebodings prowed true, and It is with the high and noble pur pose of doing full Justice to the mem ory of a great man that after the lapse of twenty-four centuries this Incident Is for the first time given to the public. —Chicago Tribune. N o th in * . “ What was your husband saying tc you last night?’ "Nothing." “ Why, I was sure I heard him talk ing to you for over an hour.” “ You did.” — Houston Post. Perth’s Eye Sake f o r Over 100 Years has been used for congested and in flamed eyes, removes film or scum over the eyes. All druggists or How ard Bros., Buffalo, N. Y . I J n c le 10c, 25c, 50c. Never sold in bulk. The gen uine tablet stamped C C C. Guaranteed to cure or your money back. TAKE A DOSE OF piso*s \ CURE xmt m st W m \ u » t nm (g u «ts * la y »s It w ill instantly relieve that racking cough. j| Taken promptly it w ill often prevent I Asthma, Bronchitis and serious throat and “ lung troubles. Guaranteed safe and very palatable. A l l D ruggists. 25 centSs $1.50 Per Dozen. $6.00 Per Hundred. $40.00 Per Thousand Nuw Is the Tim e to Plant Rhubarb and Herru Plants J. B. W AG NER, The RHUBARB and BERRY Specialist Pasaden a, California Guaranteed under a ll Pure F ood Laws Cured K C B aking Po w der w ill do it ! G et a can. T ry it for your favorite cake. I f It doesn’t raise better, m ore evenly, higher, — if it isn’t daintier, m ore delicate in flavor, — w e return your money. E verybody agrees K C has no equal K C POWDER BAKING Pure, Wholesome, Economical. J MANI* ‘ “ Jaques Mfg. Co. Chicago of F e m in in e e lo u a r y ’e U re o c fr of s h o e s th a t p e r look, fiU f c t l and wear r ig h t . M a d e o f *elected le a t h e r — l e a t h e r t h a t is b e s t b y e v e r y lest C o r r e c t in s t y l e . M a d e b y t h e fin e s t s h o e m a k e r s , in t h e b e s t e q u ip p e d f a c t o r y in e x is t e n c e . ¿M AYER HONORBILT shoe* »re "built on honor"— built for combine J style and service built for absolute satisfaction and lasting comfort. Biggest values you can ever bops to get for the money. There is an Honorbilt style that will exactly suit you and fit you. A»k your shoe dealer; if he hasn’t it* write as. Look for the ¿MLayer Trad * SMCar^ on the sole. F R E E —I f y o u w i l l sen d us th e n a m e o f a d e a le r w h o d oes n o t h andle M a y e r H o n o rb llt S h o e «, w e w i l l «e n d you f r e e , p ostp aid , « hand som e p ic tu re , else 15*20, o f G e o rg e W a s h in g to n . W e also make Leading Lady Shoes, Martha Washington Comfort Shoes, Yerma Cushion Shoes, Special Merit School Shoes and Work Shoes. F. ¿M A Y E R BOOT & SHOE CO. wmcons T n r F llq u e t le . by Electropodes J New Electric Treatment. Metal iaaolee— worn lnalde shoes. Body becomes magnet -nerve* the connecting wires. Positive cure foe Rheumatism, Neuralgia. Backache, Kidney and Lire* com plaints. Only fl-00 pair. Guarantee signed with each sain. If Electro pod es fall to cure, money re turned. If not at your Druggist's send us $1 1 We win see that you are supplied. W E S T E R N E L E C T R O P O D B CO. M 7 L s s A n geles S L . L o . Angolan. Cal. * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * * Wit of the Youngsters £ Harry, the small son of a young widow, was tired of frocks. One even ing when a gentleman called to see his mother he said; "Mamma, will Mr. Green buy me a pair of pants if I let him marry you?” Little Robert received a wagon on his birthday morning and within an hour he had broken a wheel. After trying In vain to repair the damage he called to his father, who soon mended It. "Papa," he said, “ you are smarter than you look.’’ "W hat are you laughing at, dear?” asked a fond mother of a little 4-year- old miss who seemed to be greatly amused. “ Oh, at something funny that happened,” was the reply, “ but It's no use to tell you, because It ain’t funny enough for both of us to laugh At.’’ Elmer— Mamma, didn’t you say we should always try to make other peo ple happy? Mamma— Yes, dear. El mer— Well, I know a little boy that I could make very happy If I had 5 cents to buy candy with. Mamma— Who is the little boy? Elmer—Why, It’s me. K I h k " of th e Jew s. The official style of' Herod I., the. Great, was King of Judea, this being conferred upon him by the Romans; but there Is little likelihood that the Roman Senate understood that any Fifty difference might exist between King years of study and of Judea and Kihg of the Jews. View experience ing the situation In the popular and make them re- r liable. For sale not official sense of the term, Herod everyvulicre. Ferry’« J9!0 Seed Annual was so little King of the Jews thpt the free on request day of his death became a popular na B. IL PERCY A CO, tional festival. Saul, David and Solo mon as Kings of all Israel were Kings of the Jews. After Solomon and the division of the kingdom the line of the Kings of Israel extended from Jereboam to Hoshea, ending at ' the O at o f town people captivity (721 B. C.), the Kings of can have their plate Judah from Rehoboam to Zedeklah, and bridgework fin. lahed iu one daj 599 B. C. After the captivity the M neewwary. W* will giv* you • good style of King of the Jews was first as 22k fold sr Dorcelair sumed by Judas Hareanus Arlstobulus crown lor *3.5~ (107 B. C) and after his death by Molar Crowns his son Arlstobulus (70 B. C.), who 22k Bridge Tooth _ reigned until overthrown by Pompey. Gold Fillings 1 .0 Enamel Fillings 1 . 0 This second Arlstobulus of the Macca- Silver Filling* .5 beean dynasty was the last td hear th« Inlay Fillings 2 .5 official daslgnatiou of the King of the Plats* 5.00 Jews. ■ __________ in rag. w r ’w Beit Red Pnb- _ _ M Z *S m Moeniss btr «.50 Painless Extr’rlof) a 50 Old Favorites In China, aa In other Eastern coun tries, it la Imperatively necessary it women are to be reached to reach them by women, writes Lady Florence T h e M a r i n e r ’« D r e a m . Cecil in the Woman’s Magazine. Pji slumbers of midnight the sallor-?*oy Though not absolutely secluded as In lay; His hammock swung loose at the Indian zenanas, a Chinese woman Is sport of the wind, practically unapproachable to men who are not near relatives; she does But, watchworn and weary, his cares flew away, not, It Is true, turn her back and And visions of happiness danced o’er avert her face wfien a stranger ap his mind. pears, as a Korean woman does, neither does she veil her face as a He dreamed of his home, of his dear Mohammedan woman would do; but native bowers, And pleasures that waited on life’s nevertheless she Is kept apart from merry morn; Intercourse with men. and to listen freely to male teachers, though far While Memory stood sidewise, half covered with flowers, more possible In these latter days of And restored every rose, but secreted emancipation than It ever was before. its thorn. Is still a difficulty and an Impropriety. ’ A Chinaman's best friend never Then Fancy her magical pinions spread thinks of asking after his wife or wide, And bade the young dreamer In ec- daughters; they do not appear If he stacy rise: entertains guests; the higher class women are seldom seen driving out, Now far, far behind him the green waters glide, much less walking about the streets. And the cot of his forefathers bless A missionary of many years’ experi es his eyes. ence told me of a breach of etiquette he once made In bowing to a lady Ths Jessamine clambers In flowers o’er whose husband he knew Intimately; the thatch, she hurried by, blushing deeply, and And the swallow chirps sweet from returning no sign of recognition to so her nest in the wall; unmannerly a salutation; he never at A ll trembling with transport, he raises the latch, tempted such a thing again, hence- And the voices of loved ones reply to forth Ignoring any Chinese lady he his call. might happen to meet. Medical work among them can best A father bends o’er him with looks of be undertaken by women. In point delight; of fact the Chinese women flock by His cheek is impearled with a moth thousands to the women's hospitals er’s warm tear; tarried on by lady doctors and nurses. And the lips of the boy In a love-kiss unite One lady doctor told me she had dealt With the lips of the maid whom his with as many as 5,000 out-patient * bosom holds dear. cases In a month; another lady doo- inless Dentistry i r o llo c lu r .— M l«- Insomnia RHUBARB Improve Y our Baking le m m a “You may not be as good as David or as wise as Solomon," said Uncle A l len Sparks, "but if you know how to train children you’ve got the bulge on tor worked with her, as well as a both of ’em. Each of the two had 8 staff of Chinese nurses under her en boy that went wrong." tirely trained by herself. As their shyness of foreign men and distrust PILES CURED IN TO 14 DAYS PAZO OINTMENT is truaranteed to cure any case of the motives of missionaries wear of Itching. Blind. Bleeding or Protruding Piles in off the women do. indeed, freely at 6 to 14 days or money refunded. 50c. tend hospitals staffed by male doctors, A t t h e A r t is t e ' D e c e p tio n . but undoubtedly this particular field “ Mr. D’Awber, what are you going to of women’s work will always continue paint on this coal black canvas?" to need many laborers. "Madam, that is a completed paint Much, too, has been done In the ing. It Is listed In the catalogue as way of training and teaching young ‘Early Morning in Chicago.’ ”—Chicago Chinese women, both aa doctors and Tribune. _■ nurses; they are teachable creatures, R a d ic a l. very docile and eager to learn, deft- “Talk about reformin’ foot ball!" flngered, neat and soft-voiced— all ex said Uncle Jerry Peebles. , “The only way you kin reform It is to take an ax cellent qualities In nurse or woman— but no Oriental can entirely believe to it !" —Chicago Tribune. <n the absolute necessity for rigid cleanliness and for antiseptic precau tions. A surgeon told me that one of his most onerous duties was to Insist on his students obeying the ordinary regulations of an operating room or to make them understand that they must “ I have been using Caacaret. for In wash their hands again If they strok somnia, with which I have been afflicted for twenty years, and I can say that Caa ed their heads or touched their queues, caret» have given me more relief than any or again that they must not open a other remedy I have ever tried. I shall note In the middle of an operation; certainly recommend them to my friends consequently the lady In charge of a as being all that they are represented.” hospital has arduous work In perpet Thos. Gillard, Elgin, 111. ual supervision of everything, even Pleasant, Palatable, Potent. Taste Good. to the smallest details. Do Good. Never Sicken, Weaken or Gripe. ^ CRIM SON W IN T E R A lle n . W O M AN ’S PLACE Iff CHINA. H a n g h tr« The heart of the sleeper beats high in his breast; Joy quickens his pulses—all hard ships seem o’er. And a murmur of happiness steals through his rest: "O God! thou hast blessed me; I ask for no more." Ah, what is that flame which now bursts on his eye? Ah, what Is that sound which now ’larms on his ear? 'Tis the lightning’s red gleam, painting hell on the sky! ’TIs the crashing of thunders, the groan of the sphere! He springs from his hammock—he flies to the deck! Amazement confronts him with im ages dire; Wild winds and mad waves drive the vessel a wreck— The masts fly in splinters—the shrouds are on fire! W is e D e n t a l C o . lu f u t from ootitM m »n r th tn . hefmfuL P ttc «. 25 cen t», 50 c o t s ea i $1.00 pm box. Smo p f. m m on mqumt. JOHN I. BP OWN A SON, Ir o n ? . “You’re as hard as nails," said his trainer. "W ell," irritably answered the actor- pugilist, "wouldn't you naturally ex pect me to be? I wear my clawham mer coat two or three hours every night." __________________ Desperate Coughs Dangerous cough*. Extremely perilous coughs. Coughs that rasp and tear the throat and lungs. Coughs that shake the whole body. You need a regu lar medicine, a doctor’s medi cine, for such a cough. Ask your doctor about A y e r ’ a Cherry Pectoral. A vers W e publiai* our formula# » W * banish aloohol from our medic in oe W o u rg* you to •enault yeux Any good doctor will tell you that a medi cine Tike Ayer’ » Cherry Pectoral cannot do ita beat work if the bowela are con stipated. Ask your doctor if he knows anything better than Ayer’ s Pills for cor recting this aluggishneaa of the liver. ■■ a, itai. o. A r t r o » . , l . w * u , w ------- Distemper In all its forms, among all ages of borsee A t t h . R t d l . s S c h o o l. and dogs, cured and ouiers in the 3ame sta “ Mount your horse on the lett aide.’’ ble prevented from having the disease with “ Why? What difference can that Spoon's Distemper Cure. Every bottle guaranteed. Over 500,000 bottles sold last make?" year. $.50 and $1.00. Good druggists, or “ It’s the rule." send to manufacturers. Agents wanted. Write for free book. Spohn Med. Co., Spec. “ But why should It be the ruler* Contagious Diseases, Goshen, Ind. “ Because In the past horsemen wore swords. They wore them on the left F r e e F o a ta g e . hip; hence had they mounted on tha When the post office was first opened right side the sword would hare got la A t Kal Feng, China, the clerks had a the way. So they mounted on thw light with some men who bought lett, and we still mount on the left. etamps and refused to go away until Horace are accustomed to tt, and If the stamps were licked and stuck on you try to get up from the right yon their envelopes for them. The foreign are liable to be kicked.”— Philadelphia post offices In Palestine are usually Bulletin. __________________ convulsed by a spirit of keen competi D o l l » '. R e to r t. tion. I f a parcel exceeding the regu " I won’t wash my face!” said Dolly lation weight or size Is taken to an office and refused the traveler in the defiantly. “ Naughty, naughty," reproved m ajority of cases has only to threaten to take It Lo a rival office, and It is grandmother. “ When I was a Uttio straightway received without a mur girl I always washed my face.” “ Yes, and now look at tt!”— Every, mur. So keen is the rivalry between some of these offices that residents In b o d y ' s . _________________ Palestine possess a f r t t post within C h r o n ic . certain districts. Between Jaffa and Mrs. Hewllgus—Absalom, we are oat the surrouiidiag colonies and also with of coal. Is your credit at the dealer*« in Jerusalem the German and Aus bad again? trian offices make no charge for the Mr. Hewllgus—Not "again," Amanda. delivery of local letters.— Chicago Still!—Chicago Tribune. News. __________________ H a t* Cleaned * blocked 8 0 «, with New Trimmings $1— P a»> $1— Ladie* Straw Haw re- Bc postage mails yoar bat tout. 315-17 A id e * St- P ortlan d. O ra g o e . Only One “ BROMO QUININE" T h a t la L A X A T I V E B R O M O Q U IN IN E . Look fo r th e siffn atu re o f E. W . G rove. Used the W o rld o v e r to C u re a Cold in O ne D ay. 25c An O b e d ie n t D or . Schnapps is a dachshund, and the ogue foi people who know all about the breed the Asking call the queer looking animal hand Send for It. some. In the house In New York where he Is the pet he is credited with Like mountains the billows tremend J. J. B U T Z E R more than ordinary dog sense and with ously swell; Portland. Oregon In vain the lost wretch calls on Mer understanding every word said to him 188 Street front cy to save; in English or German. In order to Unseen hands of spirits are ringing demonstrate his sagacity his master his knell, said to him a few evenings ago: And the Death-angel flaps his broad "Schnapps, the young people have wings o’er the wave! been here long enough. Go down and ¿ COFFEEt O sailor-boy, woe to thy dream o f de tell the boys to go home.’’ Downstairs he waddled and, standing before the TEA SPICES' light! B 1AKIN0 A K IN * POWDER In darkness dissolves the gay frost visiting youths, barked and howled, EXTRACTS _ then ran to the front door and back work of bliss. RIGHTS Where, now, Is the picture that Fancy again and kept up the performance touched bright— until, as his proud master explained, C LO SSE T A DEVEB 3 Thy parents’ fond pressure, and “ the young men heard and saw the PORTLAND. oat.' love’s honeyed kiss? point. Pretty smart for a dachs, eh?” SEED S «S f O sailor-boy, sallor-boy, never again Shall home, love, or kindred thy wishes repay! Unblessed and unhonored, down deep In the main Full many a fathom, thy frame shall decay. No tomb shall e’er plead to remen. brance for thee, Or redeem form or frame from the merciless surge; But the white foam of waves shall thy winding-sheet be, And winds, In the midnight of win ter, thy dirge! M o th e rs will fin d M rs. W in s lo w 's S o o th in g S yru p th e b e s t r e m e d y to use f o r t h e ir c h ild r e n d u r in g th e t e e t h in g p e r io d . tot this In th e L o n g A g o , 16-In. Benjamin Franklin, full of his PLUME schemes for drawing electricity from the clouds, had dropped in at a hard ware store. "W ell,” said the salesman, "what Is It?” "W ire, please," answered Benjamin. "In a moment," the salesman said, turning to wait on a woman customer who had Just come In. Even in those days, as we learn from this, the man who was In a hurry got the busy signal sometimes.—Chicago Tribune. __________________ Tbla plume is Just tbe klad for which you would haw* tm pay $5.00 at any retail store. IB Is extra wide, fully 16-Ins. loagk la all colors, with willowy flues o* great length that do not lose their curl easily. Send us $1.00 to-day. for this 1» an opportunity bo ? to b e m issed. We offer also an extra largt* and handsome $7.SO plume at $2.58» Send your money by mall, express or money order. Remember that your money w ill be refunded IB the plume la not entirely satisfactory. On a bed of green sea-flowers thy limbs shall be laid; E x c e p tio n . Around thy white bones the red coral Seed to-day fo r our fre e c a ta lo g «« shall grow; Teacher— As I have been telling you, o f b o a a tff«! l 'l a n e i and W illows, Of thy fair yellow locks, threads of there are two general classes of work fa. T * k CNtrici F xW C. SU-S1SB'.»».«.*, amber be made; ers. Tommy, does your father make And every part suit to thy mansion hla living by using his brains or by No. i o - q t P N U below. ua}ng his muscles? Tommy— Neither r it in g to n dvertl I « " p l « w | Days, months, years, and ages shah one, ma’am. He’s a policeman.— Chi T I U f B E m N en w tion t h is p ap er. cago Tribune. circle away. And still the vast waters above thee shall roll; Earth loses thy pattern for ever and aye, O sailor-boy, sallor-boy, peace to thy soul! —William Dlmond. H ard to G et H id of CASTORIA G n est. Jerrle McCartle was often the gueet of friends who on account of his plea» ant ways extended to him that sort of old Irish hospitality which enabied a visitor in my own family who came for a fortnight to stay for six years, says London Tit-Blts. In McCartte’s case the visit stretched to nearly doubt that time. After eight or nine years, however, his kinsman got a little tired of his guest and let him know of his old mansion's proposed renovation, saying that he had signed a contract for having it painted from garret to cellar. "B y George!” said Jerry, "It's for tunate that I don’t object to the smell of paint, and it will be well to have someone to keep an eye on the paint ers, now that the w&llfruft is ripen ing.** Some months passed. Then his host informed him that he was going to be married, adding: " I thought I ’d tell you in good time, so that you could make leisurely preparations to go, as the lady and you may not hit It off a» well as you and I do.** With cheerful eyes Jerry grasped his cousin's band, saying: "Oh, Dan, dear, you have my hearty thanks for your consideration; but, dear, dear boy, surely if you can put up with her I can.“ "W ere you ever arrested before?’ asked the magistrate, whose principal business is imposing fines for speed* ing. “ What do you think I* t # been doing F axting B c il d ix ® „ all these years?*' asked the chauffeur T hixi )4^ * nh .8 t ». PORTLAND, OREGON No one but the owner has any great orrici IOCU: • A M- to $ F. at. dutaji. I te L —"pushing a wheelbarrow?"— Wash ington Star. use for a dog that Is so little dog It le adorned with ribbons and bells. The thing an old man becomes most thoroughly tired of is grumbling, al It le pretty safe to distrust the man B r o n c h i a l T r o c h e s though he doe« a good deal of It him who claims to be working overtime as !n-t«nt!r f t l l U Son Thro.*, H t t lw n a a end self. a peacemaker. Co*ixh«. U n u c i I U lor cWartof th « »o<c.. A b . W O R K G U A R A N T E E D F O R IS Y E A R S Pain leas Extraction Free w hen plate* or bridge work la ordered. Consultation Free. Yon cannot g^t bettes pelnIrM work done anywhere. A l l w o r k fu lly g u a r a n teed . Modern electric equipment. Heat n »thoda. rfe* M sn-of-W sr Sirs. The frigate pelican, or man-of-war ♦Ird, Is usually met with by travelers In the tropics. Although when stripped Of Its feathers it is hardly larger than a pigeon, yet no man can touch at the same time the tips of its extended wings. The long wing tones are ex ceedingly light, and the whole app» ratus of air cells is extremely devel oped, so that Its real weight Is very trifling. It flies at a great height above the water, and from that elevation pounces down on fish, especially pre ferring the poor, persecuted flying fish for Its prey. According to some au thors, the name of man-of-war bird was given to It because its appearance was said to foretell the coming of a ship, probably because the frigate peli can and real frigates are equally ad verse to storms, and both like to come into harbor If the le a th er threatens. You may Imagine you are unlucky, We don't accomplish much but try and miss all excitement, but ttertf to keep ahead of the special sessions Isn’t muck lm that reaped For Infants and Children. CASTO RU The Kind You Hava ALCOHOL 3 PER CENT. ÄVi gelabte Preparation for As strailatim> ite Ftodandftrfifc ling Ute Stomachs andBaw&of I n f a n t s .-'C hildren iti Promotes DigestionHeetfU ness und Resti ontalns neittr Opium.Morphine nor M a rn i. N o t N A v » if M a r c o t ic Always Bought Bears the Signature of . ik £ 1 H L U J m m Jftmphm 5rndm rcA i MrmW- A perfect Remedy for Crmsfipe M o n , Sour Stomach. [iU n ta i W orm s f onvulsions J ew riik ness axl Loss or S leep . h e Sink Sigiararr of NEW YORK. lu iu k rB »! Exact Copy o f Wr«ppw. Use For Over Thirty Years CASTORIA