EVENTS OF THE DAY HISTO RIC RELICS FOUND. L e tte rs of M a rth a W a s h in g t o n M r s . L in c o ln C o m e to L ig h t. and HAPPII N G S I :R()M1 AROIUNI [IREII N SLIDE KILLS SIXTY TO 100 WORKMEN ON ROTARY PROCEIEDINI1 8 1IF C ONI¡RESS iN BRIEF Two C rew s Buried in R ogers P a s t - W ashington, March 7.—In an un- One A valanche it Being C leared Hghted c o m e r of the a ttic of the house of representatives, the com m ittee on W ashington, M arch 5.— R epresenta­ the future use of the governm ent, was accounts has rescued a large number S eattle, March 5.— A special to the tiv e McCredie today introduced a bill passed by the senate today. The house of letters and documents of the early P o st-Intellligencer from R evelstoke, fixing the size of apple boxes . to be voted down a proposition to provide days of the republic. Among them C orvallis Man Gives P ro g ra m fo r Up- O r. 8 . A R obinson, o f Old Virginia, B. C:, says th a t betw een 60 and 100 used in Oregon, W ashnigton and Ida­ residences in the foreign capitals for to-D ate O rchard!»!». P ra ise s O regon Apples. are letters from W ashington, Jeffer­ ho a t 18x11 1-2x10 1-2 inches, inside diplom ats. son, L afayette, Ja y and Monroe. P ortland—Professor John C. Brid- P o rtlan d —M embers of the Portland lives w ere lost in a snowslide th a t m easurem ent, and pear boxes a t 18x11 S ecretary M eyer and Senator P e r­ To two of them a peculiar sentim en­ well, head of the departm ent of en­ A pple G row ers club w ere afforded an buried tw o ro tary crew s in R ogers 1-2x8. This is proposed as a su b stitu te kins, chairm an of the naval affairs tal interest attaches. These are let­ tomology a t the Oregon A gricu ltu ral j Pass, two m iles e ast of G lacier, a t 1 for the L afean hi I i 1. com m ittee, held a conference today, a t ters w ritte n by M artha W ashington college, speaking before the Apple o pportunity to listen to two addresses D ividing practically upon party lines, which the la tte r agreed to support the a t the re g u la r m eeting a t the Y. M. C. o'clock th is m orning. b a t s Im portant b u t Not L t t t Intar* and Mary Todd Lincoln, the form er C ulture club on the subject of “ The A sm all slide occurred a t 6 o ’clock the senate, a t the close o f the third adm inistration plans for two b a ttle ­ concerning the propoaed removal of the In sect P ests of Young O rchards,” A. recently. M. O. Lownsdale, of La- acting Happening» from Pointa body of her husband from Mount V er­ dw elt on the different pests w hich in­ fa y e tte , ow ner of one of the larg est and the m en were clearing the line session of the legislative day M arch 3, ships, three destroyers, tw o colliers, a when the second avalanche sw ept down today passed the admi n istra tio n pos­ repair ship and four or five subm arines. non to a crypt in the capitol, and the fe c t the orchards of the W illam ette O u ttid a th a S tata. apple orchards in the W illam ette val­ the m ountain and engulfed both crews. tal savings bank bill. The adm inistration postal savings other applying to the governm ent for valley and outlined m eans for th e ir ex­ O f the 72 votes cast, 50 w ere in fa v ­ bank bill may be referred back to the ley and hav in g 30 y e ars’ experience in D etails of the d isa ste r are lacking. a pension. B oth are addressed to the term ination. The postoffice com m ittee tomorrow, when Rescue p a rtie s have been sent out o r of the bill and 22 a g ain st it. The peculiarities and habits of the ra isin g apples, w as the first speaker. L ouis Jam es, the noted actor, died of speaker of the house. The house to­ negative votes w ere cast by Demo­ the tim e comes fo r a vote on th a t day voted an appropriation of $2,500 follow ing pests w ere described: San He w as followed by an address by Dr. from Revelstoke. h e a rt failure a t Helena, Montana, W ithout w arning a second trem en­ crats, even M cEnerny, who had voted m easure in the senate. to have these historic papers cared for Jose scale, wooly aphis, apple and S. A. Robinson, vice-president of the C harles K. Ham ilton, in a C urtiss and deposited in the library of con­ w heat aphis, brown apple aphis, apple- S ta te H orticu ltu ral society of V irginia, dous slide rushed down on the crew. w ith the Republicans throughout the Heyburn, of Idaho, so intim ated in biplane, gave many th rillin g and suc­ gress as “ the house of representatives tree borers, grasshoppers and clim bing an^ a m em ber of the Royal society of I t sw ept the ro tary and all the men fa r consideration of the bill, d esertin g to a speech in the senate today on his hiB own party. Cham berlain, of O re­ su b stitu te for the pending bill. W heth­ cessful flights in Portland. down into the canyon below. collection.” The two letters are as cut worm s. In tellin g of the proper EnKlantJ; Only th ree of the ro tary crew Bur- gon, was the only D em ocrat who stood e r he would offer the su b stitu te , he Jacob Schiff, a banker who loaned follow s: sprays to be used in the battle a g ain st | Robinson telling why Oregon w ith the Republicans in favor of the said, would depend upon developm ents “ To the Honorable Speaker of the f ru it tree pests, he sa id : m uch money to Japan, Bays the U nited | aPPles b rin K tb ® highest prices in the I vive. bill. tomorrow. House, S ir: W hile I feel the keenest “ The sum m er stre n g th lim e spray m ark e ts of the world said in p a rt: S ta te s m ust fight Jap an soon. As it goes to the house the bill a u th ­ “ I have heard m any expressions of BEGIN SY M PA T H E T IC S T R IK E . anguish over the late dispensation of should be diluted 24 tim es and the win-1 “ You in Oregon are being tau g h t to John Redmond has won alm ost a divine providence, I cannot be insensi­ orizes the various money order d e p art­ dissatisfaction w ith the legislation as — te r stre n g th 12 tim es. Lead arsen ate u n d erestim ate your com petitors. T here com plete victory over the house of ble of the m ournful trib u tes, respect “ A num ber of should be used in the proportion of tw o j a r e a num ber of sections w hich you Philadelphia P re p a re s for Renew ed m ents in the postoffice to accept sums it sta n d s,” he said. lords in the E nglish parliam ent. of one dollar or more from depositors senators have indicated a desire th a t and veneration which are paid the ( pounds to every 50 gallons of m aterial, j n'’u8* ta k e into account. Canada, along H ostilities—Tw o S hot. and to deposit these sum s in the local the bill be recom m itted, th a t it may A le tte r from M artha W ashington memory of my dear deceased husband. “ A re g u la r routine of six sprays is the S t. L aw rence riv er and around the Philadelphia, M arch 5. — B etw een and one from Mrs. Abraham Lincoln And as his best services and m ost anx­ alm ost necessary to prevent the rav- G re at L akes, Nova Scotia and a few 50,000. and 70,000 union w orkers on banks, w here the money is to rem ain, have fu rth e r consideration before we have been found in a dark a ttic in the ious wishes w ere alw ays devoted to ages of pests in the W illam ette valley. o th er sections are as productive as the strik e, 100 different branches of indus­ unless w ithdraw n by the P resident in com m it ourselves irrevocably to the policy of postal savings sy ste m .” the w elfare and happiness of the coun- The first spray for the scab should be j P ^ tf ic N o rth w est and while the apples try affected and a renew al of rioting, case of w ar or o th er exigencies. house of representatives. In case of th is w ithdraw al the funds A fte r a b rief discussion the Bcnate try, to know th a t they were truly ap­ applied w hen the petals begin to show I °* these sections do not compare w ith W. H. Eccles, m anager of the Ore­ in which tw o men w ere shot, is the are to be invested in governm ent se­ today passed the bill authorizing the gon Lum ber company, which has been preciated and gratefu lly rem em bered color; the second spray for codlin m oth the first and second pack of Oregon situ atio u th a t confronts Philadelphians c u rities , but w ith the proviso th a t issuance of $30,000,000 w orth of cer­ they are a good commercial apple. B ut early today. indicted for tim ber land frauds, says affords me no inconsiderable consola­ and scab a fte r the petals have fallen; such securities will not draw less than tificates of indebtedness for the com­ tion. the th ird spray of lim e sulphur for your apples are the best and it is be­ he has no fear of the outcome. The police are apprehensive of the 2 p e r c e n t in te rest. The control of pletion of irrig a tio n projects already T aught by the g re a te st exam ple, scab alone two w eeks a fte r the sec­ cause they are the best th a t they draw outcom e. D irector Clay, however, de­ the funds is vested in a board of tru s ­ Under way. A veteran in the California Soldiers’ which I had so long before me. never ond spray; th e fo u rth spray of lead the g re a t prices. clares th a t he has enough men to crush tees composed of the postm aster gen­ The bill is intended to Bupply enough home attem pted suicide on learning to oppose my private wishes to the arsen ate about Ju ly 1 fo r the codlin “ The production of s tric tly fancy eral, the secretary of the trea su ry and money to finish these works and it is th a t his wife, son and daughter were public will, I m ust consent to the re ­ m oth; the fifth spray should be used apples w ill never be overdone. They any uprising. The R apid T ra n sit company an­ the a ttorney general. The a g g reg a te contem plated th a t the certificates shall killed in the avalanche a t Mace, Idaho. quest made by congress which you have in w in ter stre n g th , a fte r the f ru it is w ill alw ays m eet a demand command­ nounces th a t every effort will be made balance allowed to any depositor is be retired by money derived from the ing a high price, both because of the Four hundred Russian em igrants in the good w ishes to tran sm it to me, and picked. to m aintain trolley service. C ars will $500 and no person is p e rm itte d to de­ sale of lands redeemed. “ The apple tre e borers found in sm all a rea fitted for such apples and be dispatched a t as nearly re g u la r in­ posit more than $100 in a nyone month. Honolulu have been attacked by diph­ in doing th is I need not—can not—say W ashington, M arch 1.— R epresent­ th eria, and refuse to rem ain, saying w hat a sacrifice of individual feeling I healthy trees are round-headed. F la t­ on account o f the increasing popula­ terv als as possible, and the service will ative M cCredie today introduced a bill headed borers are found only in un­ tion w hich is dem anding the hig h est be increased i f police protection is prom ises made to them have not been m ake to a sense of public duty. W ashington, M arch 4.— A fte r labor­ W ith g ra te fu l acknowledgm ent and healthy trees. The best w ay to pre­ priced apples. In New York C ity a appro p riatin g $150,000 for public kept. given. ing alm ost six hours today in an a t­ building and site a t C entralia, Wash. few y ears ago I saw apples piled on unfeigned thanks for the personal re­ The g re a t Italian singer Caruso is spect and evidences of condolence e x ­ vent the w ork of the borer is to w rap the docks, sim ply g lu ttin g the m ark et m osphere surcharged w ith e lectricity A bill, w hich, if passed, would de­ Philadelphia, March 5.— Encouraged generated by conflicting opinions, the clare the m em bers of the “ beef tr u s t” being threatened by Black Hand le t­ pressed by congress and yourself. I new spapers around the trunks of the and w ith a g re a te r quan tity se n t in by m essages of sym pathy and offers of senate again failed to reach a vote on te rs, but declares he has no fe a r of rem ain very respectfully sir, your m ost J trees. They w ere being recently indicted in New Je rse y fu g i­ “ In order to keep the San Jose scale th an e v e r before. assistance from labor unions from all the postal savings bank bill and took tives from ju stic e and compel th e ir ex­ them and is m aking every effort to ap­ obedient servant, from spreading, all young stock sold sold—good comm ercial apples—fo r 75 p a rts of the country, the union workers a recess until tom orrow . prehend the w riters. trad itio n to New Je rse y to stand tria l, MARTHA W ASHINGTON. should bear a certificate of inspection, cents a b a rre l. Two trainloads of ap­ of m any trad e s ceased work a t m id­ By th is action the leg isla tiv e day of Mount Vernon, Va., 1779.” An old California Indian fighter of and all stock not inspected should be ples w ere le ft standing unopened. B ut nig h t and in auguarated w hat prom ises M arch 3 is continued u n til| tomorrow. was introduced today by R epresenta­ tive H enry, of T exas, of the house w ith th is g lu tte d m arket Oregon ap­ The le tte r from Mrs. Lincoln is as rejected and not p lan te d .” th e early 50s called on T a ft and g re a t­ S enator C a rte r said seven or e ig h t judiciary com m ittee. ples w ere being held a t $3.50 to $4.00 j to be one of the g re a te s t sym pathetic ly interested him w ith accounts of follow s: strik e s in the histo ry of organized la­ sen ato rs desired to speak and he did “ To the Honorable Speaker of the Will Develop Coal D eposits in C oos. a bushel box and the dealers w ere glad “ These individuals composing the e arly wars. The president will see to bor. not w ant to guess how m any o t h e r ! beef tru st who have been indicted by i t th a t about 70 of the Indian w ar v et­ House of R epresnetatives, S ir: I h e re ­ N orth Bend—G. G ilbertson has sold to g e t them a t th a t price. T hat shows speeches m ight follow. The C om m ittee of Ten says th a t a t a New Je rse y grand ju r y ,” said Mr. w ith m ost respectfully present to the his ranch of 83 acres on K entuck inlet the way Oregon apples are thought of erans receive good pensions. B eginning a t 1 1 :30 o ’clock today the Henry, “ a re endeavoring to hide be­ in the E a st and w hat w ill be paid for lea st 85,000 organized w orkers, as well honorable house of rep resen tativ s an Sym pathetic strik es in Philadelphia application fo r a pension. I am a wid­ to W. B. W right, a coal m ine operator, the v ery best. as m any unorganized men, have ceased flow of oratory continued w ithout in­ hind the proposition th a t they have $30,000. have involved over 100,000 w orkers in ow of a president of the U nited States, form erly of Canada, fo r terru p tio n until a fte r 5 c ’olock when, transacted no business in the sta te of “ Now, I am from V irignia, w here work. various trades, and the trouble is grow ­ whose life was sacrificeed in his coun­ T here are 20 acres of the ranch, ac­ we can grow a very high grade of ap­ P rom ptly a t m idnight union orches­ in despair of reaching a vote Mr. New Je rse y and therefore could not cording to Mr. G ilbertson’s estim ate, in g steadily. I t is said to have started tr y ’s service. T hat sad calam ity has tra s playing in the leading hotels and C a rte r moved a recess u n til 11:45 A. have com m itted a crim e th ere, because I t is the ple. B ut th ere is no fe a r of V irg in ia cafes picked up th e ir instrum ents and M. tomorrow. by the perem ptory discharge, fo r no very greatly im paired my health and, which cover veins of coal. they w ere not personally present. T his being a com petitor of yours for a gen­ intention of Mr. W rig h t to develop the honest cause, of about 600 union stre e t by the advice of my physician, I have sta rte d for home. The senate commerce com m ittee, in is an old dodge, an elusive method of m ine, the form er ow ner only having eration a t lea st. The reason I would c a r employes. Union cabdrivers and chauffeurs also review ing the riv e r and harbor bill to­ escaping punishm ent.” come over to Germ any to try the m in­ prospected the place. Mr. G ilbertson give as h ered itary in e rtia although A fte r a tw o-hours’ conference w ith A New York woman has been con­ eral w aters and during the w inter to sta te s th a t he has found an 11 foot th ere are some who may dub i t ‘hook abandoned th e ir posts, and the hotel day, found th a t so m any am endm ents had been made to the house bill th a t a and railroad cab and autom obile ser­ go to Italy. ductin g a school fo r shoplifters. vein w ith nine fe e t of good coal. It w orm .’ A t any rate, they w ill not vice w as badly crippled. The drivers h earing will be necessary before the P resident T a ft today, leaders of con­ gress announced th a t they would op­ B ut my financial m eans do not per­ is of fa ir quality, not as good as the develop th e ir land and the proprietors N icaraguan rebels are planning to of the soil, th e sons and grandsons of of both tax ic ab com panies in the city bill can be reported to the senate, and, pose all am endm ents to the several force intervention by the U nited m it me to tak e advantage of the u rgent B eaver H ill coal, but b e tte r th an the in castin g about for item s to be sa c ri­ are m em bers o f a union and refused to ad m inistration bills when it became advice given me, nor can I live in a L ibby coal, according to investigations slaveow ners, have such a g re a t am ount S ta te s. style becoming a widow of the chief made. I t is estim ated th a t th ere are of personal individuality th a t they tak e out th e ir m achines a fte r m idnight. ficed, a tten tio n w as centered on the apparent th a t the am endm ents w ere provision for constructing a canal and The C om m ittee o f Ten rem ained in offered in a s p irit hostile to the m ain T w enty-three m iners were killed by m ag istrate of a nation, although I live about 240,000 tons of coal which can cannot be m ade to co-operate, and co­ session a t its headquarters all night, locks to connect L ake W ashington purposes of the proposed legislation. an accidental explosion in the T read­ as economically as I possibly can. operation such as you have a t Hood be mined, on the place. receiving re p o rts from the local unions. w ith P u g et Sound, the g overnm ent’s Senators A ldrich and Crane and Speak­ well m ine. In consideration of the g re a t services A djoining the G ilbertson ranch is R iver is an absolute essential to the The labor leaders refused to com­ share of which w ill cost $25,000,000. e r Cannon w ere present. The Federal governm ent will renew my dearly beloved husband has ren­ the big Glasgow trac t, ownd by Sen­ success of the apple in d u stry .” The A dm inistration bill providing m ent on th è re p o rt th a t the police The senate today passed the Bourne its a tta ck on the su g ar tru st under the dered to the U nited S tates, and of the ato r Bourne, the Ladd in te re sts of would p revent the dem onstration plan­ th a t the U nited S ta te s shall issue $30,- > bill, ap p ro p riatin g $1,500,000 for a site fearful loss I have sustained by his u n - 1 Portland and others. V otes to Bond to r 8 7 6 ,0 0 0 . Sherm an law. This is a very ned fo r tom orrow afternoon in Inde­ 000,000 in 3 per cent bonds fo r the j and postoffice building in P ortland, the tim ely death, his m artyrdom , I may L a Grande— W ith $160,000 w a ter pendence Square. reclam ation of arid lands, may m eet a proposed building to be used fo r the A New York man is try in g to buy say, I respectfully Bubmit to your hon­ large coal area and Mr. G ilbertson says $40,000 sew er th a t the coal on his land ¡ b the edge of bonds recently floated, A lthough the labor leaders are re­ sum m ary fa te in the house. some big daily paper and install Roose­ orable body th is petition, hoping th a t a postoffice solely, leaving the present bonds ready to vote on, and m iles of ceiving m oral support from th e ir fe l­ the big field on the Galsgow trac t, I t is contended by m em bers of the ] v e lt as editor in chief. yearly pension may be granted me so which has not been opened. bitu lith ic and macadam paving ordered low workm en in all p a rts of the coun­ house th a t th is is a revenue producing public building for courts and other Federal offices. B ritish Columbia governm ent wjll th a t I may have less pecuniary care. K entuck in le t is opposite N orth for the coming year, the tax p ay ers of try, m any associations o f em ployers m easure, and th a t such legislation can I rem ain very respectfully, W ashington, Feb. 28.— Because of t r y to im port from England many Bend. I t will be necessary to tra n s­ th is d istric t voted to float $75,000 for have sen t le tte rs and teleg ram s to the o rig in ate only in the w ays and m eans protests filed a g ain st the bill donating MRS. A. LINCOLN. g irls to be employed as house servants. po rt the coal in scows from th e mine the erection of a new high school build­ officials o f th e P hiladelphia Rapid com m ittee of the house. F rankfort, G erm any.” to W hitm an college the lands and to the city w here it can be placed in ing in th is city. S hortage o f school Gaynor, m ayor of New York, says W alla Mrs. Lincolon was granted a pension bunkers. Should a m ark e t w arrant, room has been a g rave problem here T ran sit com pany and the c ity officials, W ashington, M arch 3.— D eclaring buildings of the abandoned no one man can run any large city of $5,000 a year. com m ending th e ir position and urg in g th e m ine could produce, when develop­ for several years. B u t i t w as thought them to stand firm in th e ir d eterm ina­ th e adm inistration railroad bill would W alla m ilitary reservation, Senator w ithout special train in g and prepara­ by m any th a t the heavy bond issues tion not to recognize the union. im p air the efficiency of the e x istin g Jones has w ithdraw n th a t m easure, ed, as high as 150 tons of coal a day. tion. M ajor Richardson E xonerated. and heavy taxes already e x istin g would s ta tu te s and th a t the creation of a and today introduced a new bill au­ W ashington, March 7.—M ajor W An avalanche destroyed 12 of the 16 be hinderances to the school bond H igher Education G ains G round. court of commerce, which the m easure thorizing the Bale of the reservation to buildings composing the m ining camp H. Richardson, the arm y officer ac­ Slide Kills Six L ab o re rs. involves, would m ean an expenditure W hitm an college a t $50 an acre. U n iv ersity of Oregon, E ugene—The I t is expected th a t the m ilita ry com­ o f Skookum, 20 m iles north of Roslyn, cused by D elegate W ickersham of lob­ annual re p o rt of P resid en t Campbell S e a ttle, M arch 5.—Six laborers are "w h o lly unnecessary,” S enators Cum­ bying in connection w ith congressional showB th a t the total re g istra tio n in all W ash. One man was killed. In tere st in Gold Mine Sold. reported to have been killed by an ava­ m ins and Clapp today subm itted the m ittee, before re p o rtin g th is bill, w ill ...... .......„ _ _ _____________ en ts of _ the u _ n iv ersity is now _ Pendleton—Tom A yers of th is city lanche th a t destroyed Cascade, a sm all m inority rep o rt of the senate in te rsta te ascertain from the W ar d ep artm ent D eputies have given up try in g to consideration of railroad m atters in dep artm w hether or not th is price is reasonable, Alaska, was exonerated yesterday by 1,170 students, of whom 620 are e n - ; recently announced one of the big g est statio n e a s t o f the Cascade tunnel. comm erce com m ittee. capture the Q uiniault Indian who m ur­ and if not w ill su b stitu te a price re­ Secretary Dickinson, of the W ar de­ m ining deals in the history of eastern The rep o rt holds th a t th e creation of The re p o rt was brought to S e a ttle by rolled in the colleges o f liberal a rts dered two of his trib e and then b a rri­ commended by th a t departm ent. I t is partm ent. S ecretary Dickinson, in a and engineering. O regon. The deal re p re se n ts about Ed C lark, a section m an who has been a court the sola work o f which would E very county in I caded him self on a m ountain. not expected there will be objectiort to le tte r made public, Baid the judge Oregon, w ith three He said be to try railroad cases, would be exceptions, is j $750,000 and includes the controlling w orking in th e m ountains. the sale of the lands a t a fa ir price. A mob in D allas, Texas, took a ne­ advocate general, reported th a t in his represented M ultnomah leading w ith in te re st in the Gold Coin m ine in B aker th a t he w alked through Cascade th is fundam entally wrong, and rem inds the gro from the courtroom where he was judgm ent M ajor Richardson was not A bill introduced in the senate today 171 students. The Freshm en class in county, one of the rich e st m ines in m orning and th a t e v erything had been senate of the “ trem endous influences being tried, beat him to death and put so much upon the defensive as to to add 1,000,000 acres to the area a rts and engineering num bers 225, th a t section. N early all of the stock w iped out but a cook Bhack. Two men which will inevitably surround the se­ hung his body from a festival arch. ju stify him in recom mending fu rth er re p re se n tin g practically every four- heretofore has been owned by local peo­ a t the scene told him of (he death of lection of such a trib u n a l.” In the available for use by the s ta te of Ore­ gon under the Carey d e se rt land act, The O. R. A N. is the only line in investigation. y e ar high school and academ y in the ple. A yers has sold out his e n tire in­ the six laborers, whose nam es are not la st three and a h alf years, the m inor­ th e W est or N orthw est now open, and te re st, and many of the sm aller holders known. The G reat N orthern has re ­ ity rep o rt asserts, th ere have been ju st and also to authorize the sta te of O re­ sta te . Am ong the freshm en are also Zeppelin Will Seek Pole. gon to drain Blue P oint, F lagstaff, a ll train s of the Union Pacific, N orth­ ceived no re p o rt o f an avalanche a t 36 cases in which such a court would g raduates of 39 high schools and acad­ are also disposing o f th e ir stock. H a rt and C lum f lakes and reclaim the H am burg, March 7.— The Zeppelin em ies located outside of the sta te of ern Pacific, G reat N orthern and Mil­ Cascade, but it is known th a t several have jurisdiction. N orth Pole exploration com m ittee m et Oregon, an indication of the large im ­ PORTLAND M A RK ETS. w aukee are using th a t line. In pointing out some th in g s th e sen­ lands now subm erged and to create bad slides have occurred on the east liens upon the land so reclaim ed as a here today under the direction of W h eat — Track prices — Bluestem , slope of the m ountains. All com m uni­ a to rs think m ake the bill ineffective, security for the repaym ent of the cost M erchants of the principal cities in Prince Henry, of Prussia. Count Zep­ m igration into Oregon du rin g the. past th ey declare th a t it should include all cation w ith th a t section has been cut year. ________ $1. 12 m 1.14; club, $1.04M 1.06; red T ah iti have petitioned the governor pelin was present. The sum m er will of reclam ation by se ttle rs on the re­ corporation common c arriers, and th a t R ussian, $1.04; valley, $1.50; 40-fold, off. not to allow to u rists to land. This is be devoted to a prim ary expedition for claimed lands. New B rick M achine a t W eston. th ere is nothing to p revent a holding $ 1 . 10 . believed to be the only place of im­ the purpose of studying the ice condi- | S enator Jones today introduced bill corporation from issuing all the stocks The W eston brickyard has received Red Men B'ew O ut the G as. B arley—Feeding, brew ing, $28 ton. portance in the civilized world th a t tions. The expedition will s ta r t for p e rm ittin g the O kanogan E lectric R ail­ and bonds it m ay please. w hat is known as a M artin so ft mud W ashington, March 6.— One o f the does not w ant tourists. way company to build a bridge across Spitsbergen Ju ly 1. A N orw egian ice brick m aking m achine which arrived j Com —Whole, $35; cracked, $36 ton. A Dem ocratic proposal to amend the O ats— No. 1 w hite, $31M31.50 ton. m ost picturesque c h ie fta in s in the In ­ the Columbia riv e r a t B ridgeport and A m ysterious airship was seen fly­ steam er will be used for the purpose from L an caster, P a., in the som ewhat ta riff law threw the house into con­ H ay—Track prices— T im othy: W il­ dian race and his nephew, both m em ­ another across the O kanogan riv e r a t ing all around Mt. Shasta, and per­ of forcing an entrance into the polar rem arkable tim e of 17 days by freig h t, 1 lam ette valley, $20(821 per ton; E a st­ bers of the C hippew a trib e, in M inne­ fusion yesterday. A bill exem pting Defflins Ferry. form ing fe ats before unheard of. I t ice and the expedition w ill re tu rn a t says th e Leader. T his m achine will | from the paym ent of tonnage nil ves­ ern Oregon, $22 m ,23; a lfa lfa , $17M18; sota, w as found dead in a local hotel The A ldrich bill providing for a com­ An airship will is believed to belong to some inventor the end of A ugust. sels stopping a t ports on the G reat tak e the place of hand m oulders, and C alifornia alfa lfa , $16M 17; clover,$ 1 5 today, v ictim s of asphyxiation. The m ission of senators, re p re se n tativ es who has built it during the past w inter be taken for sum m er use. L akes having passed th e sen ate was has a capacity of 20,000 brick daily. M 16; grain hay, $17M 18. dead ch ief w as Pay-Baupi-W e-Che- and civil appointees to be selected by a t some secluded spot in the moun­ R epré­ I t is likely th a t some hand moulders F resh F ru its—A pples, $1.25M3 box; W alsh-K ung, m ore than 95 years old, tak e n up for consideration. the president, to supervise the busi­ T w o Men Go O ver Falls. tains. of N ebraska, ness m ethods of the executive d ep art­ w ill be employed in addition, and th a t pears, $1.50 m 1.75 per box; cranber­ and his u n fo rtu n ate companion was se n tativ e Hitchcock N iagara Falls, N. Y ., March 7.— j the yard will have as m any m en on its ries, $8M.9 per barrel. sought recognition from the chair A-N e-W ay-W ay-A ush. I t is believed Floods a t Zanesville and W arren, m ents, w as passed by the senate to­ Two uidentified men, throw n from a payroll as usual th is year, as building P otatoes — Carload buying p rices: one of the red men blew out the gas. w ith an am endm ent providing for a re­ Ohio, have rendered thousands of peo­ rowboat th a t overturned in the current prospects indicate an active demand Oregon, 60M75c per hundred; sw eet This w as the second v isit o f the chief duction o f 25 per cent in the custom s day. ple homeless. The postoffice appropriation bill w as of the N iag ara riv er a m ile and a half for its product. to the c ap ital of the “ G reat F a th e r,” d u tie s on C anadian goods. potatoes, 8c pound. under consideration in the house during B utte engineers are deserting th eir above the falls today are reported to The senate today discussed the ad­ Onions — Oregon, $1.50(8.1.75 per his first being nearly 44 years ago. thé e n tire session, w hich lasted over union and the collapse of the strik e have been sw ept over Horseshoe falls. 1 m in istratio n postal savings bank bill, six hours. Both houses w ill be in ses­ Eagle Valley to Be Reclaim ed. hundred. seems a t hand. In th eir effort to keep the boat headed w hich was still under consideration a t D evelopm ent of E agle valley, con­ V egetables—T urnips, $1.25 p rs a c k ; C o n g re ss W ants P e a ry 's P ro o fs. sion tomorrow. 5 :30 o ’clock, when a recess was taken Oklahoma has passed a new election tow ard the cu rren t both men bent to tain in g 30,000 acres of land in Baker rutabagas, $l(8.f.25; carrots, $1; beets, The house public lands com m ittee W ashington, M arch 5.— P roofs of u n til 11:30 tom orrow , to continue the the oars, but a t every pull they lost county, is projected by the E astern $1.26; parsnips, $1. law which cuts down the negro vote by Com mander P e a ry ’s discovery o f the leg isla tiv e day in accordance w ith an l has reported favorably the adm inistra­ distance. The boat was in a place too Oregon Irria g tio n company. The re ­ prescribing certain qualifications. B u tte r—City cream ery, ex tras, 27fti tion bill m aking an appropriation of dangerous for any aid to be sent, a l­ clam ation will be accom plished in ac­ 29c per pound: fancy outside cream ery, N orth Pole caused a row in the sub­ agreem ent to vote before adjournm ent. $500,000 fo r the survey of public lands com m ittee of the house on naval a f­ Jap an wants cred it for helping China though several persons saw the s tru g ­ cordance w ith the term s of the Carey 35M 39c; store, 20(8.23c. B u tte r fa t M em bers o f the Geo­ W ashington, March 2 .—A bill pro­ w ithin railw ay land g ran ts. In Oregon avoid serious trouble on the T ibetan g ling men and knew it m eant certain act. The tra c t will produce the finest prices average 1 1-2 c per pound under fa irs today. graphic society appeared before the v iding for the purchase of $10,000,000 there are $500,000 acres unsurveyed in frontier, and says China made a g re at death to the men. f ru it in the northw est. C antaloupes re g u la r bu tter prices. com m ittee w ith copies o f P e a ry ’s w orth of real e sta te in W ashington f o r , Oregon & C alifornia railroad grant. m istake. and w a ter melons grow w ith g re at pro - ' Eggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, 25(8 26c. proofs, to urge the g ra n tin g of a su ita ­ C h a m o rro is President? ductivenesa. S traw b erries, peaches Cheese Full cream , tw ins, 20c per ble rew ard by congress, but the com­ Naval Increase Decided On. Knox’s E fforts W inning. Abilene, Kansas, has adopted the M anagua, March 7.—The govern-1 and o th er sm all fru its are equally pro f­ pound; Young Am ericas, 21c. m ittee declined to receive them in con­ W ashington, March 3.— The house commission form of governm ent, but m ent a u th o ritie s today published a ca­ W ashington, M arch 2. — H am ilton P ork—Fancy, 12(8 13c per pound. ference, and has m ade i t known th a t W rig h t, who rep resen ted the U nited com m ittee on naval affairs today voted N orth and South D akota towns are re­ blegram from Panam a in which it was j itable. V eal—Fancy, 12(812 l-2c. pound. unless the P eary proofs are forthcom ­ S ta te s on the In tern atio n al Opium com­ for the construction of tw o battleships, jec tin g it. announced th a t G eneral Chamorro had j A nother Million A cres for O regon. P o u ltry —Hens, 17(8 18c per pound; ing to th e ir full satisfactio n , every bill m ission a t Shanghai la st year, de- one re p air ship, two fleet colliers and W ashington— Senator Bourne has springs, 17(818c; ducks, 18c; geese, introduced w ill be pigeonholed. A Q uiniault Indian murdered two of im prisoned G eneral E strada, the pro­ I d a re d today th a t S e c re ta ry K nox’s four subm arines. This repres nts the visional president, and had proclaimed Introduced a bill to give Oregon an- 14c; turkeys, live, 22(8 24c; dressed, his tribe, defied the authorities and ; efforts on behalf of the proposed con­ naval increase fo r the present year, him self president. D eserters from the ! o ther m illion acres of land to be dis­ 25M27c; squabs, $3 per dozen. entrenched him self on a high moun­ T otal D ead R ecovered, 4 8 . ference next y e a r to deal fu rth e r w ith and is p ractically the sam e as urged insurgent forces say the Bluefields g a r­ posed of under the C arey irrig atio n C attle— Best steers, $5.50(8 5.76; tain, heavily armed. W ellington, M arch 5.— F o rty -eig h t the opium problem are m eetin g w ith by P resident T a ft and by S ecretary rison has been reduced to 25 men. act. Idaho has got such a bill through. fa ir to good. $4.60M5; s tric tly good The barkentine Amy Louiae, from They also declare th a t G eneral E strada I t is believed th is bill w ill pass at cows, $4.50(84.75; f a ir to good: $4(8 bodies have been recovered from the g ra tify in g success. C hina, G erm any, Meyer. The tw o b attleships will be Pernam buco for St. Johns, N. F ., has never leaves the town and th a t his th is session. The passage of a bill for 4.50; lig h t calves, $5.S0*i6: heavy w reckage brought down by Tuesday Italy , The N etherlands, P ortugal, and e ith e r of 26,000 or 27.000 tons displace­ m orning’s avalanche, and of th is num­ R ussia already have accepted th e pro­ ment. T heir cost will he about $11,- been out over 100 days, and is believed w ife gives all cam paign orders. a governm ent business comm ission to j calves, $4(8 5; bulls, $3.75(8.4.25; stag s, ber 41 have been identified. The re p a ir ship will Three posal of this governm ent. The N e t­ 000,000 each. to be lost w ith her crew of nine. devise m eans of economy in expendi-1 $3M4.50. bodies w ere exposed by workm en late herlands governm ent has requested cost about $1,000.000. The four sub­ P u te r T rying to P ro te c t Clients, tu res is a victory fo r Bourne in the H ogs—Top. $9.75(810.10; fa ir to th is afternoon, but w ere not e x trica ted Only atxsit 60 per cent of the cor- th a t the conference m eet a t The Hague. m arines are for the Pacific coast. W ashington, M ar. 7.—S. A. D. Pu- senate. I t w as his original project. good, $9(8 9.50. from the w reckage. They will be ta ­ porations of the country have made te r is here try in g to g e t recognition H e hopes to get it through the house. Sheep Rest w ethers. $6 m 6.50; fa ir ken out tom orrow . The body o f G. R. S e c retary M eyer for L arg e r Navy. A -ter Irrigation Money. re tu rn s as required by the Income tax from the general land office of p re fe r­ to good. I5.50M 5.76; good ewes, $6; Jenks, fireman, was the la st to be iden­ W ashington, March 3 .— R epresent­ W ashington, March 2.— In pursu­ law , and 85 per cent of these are ac­ ence rig h ts to locate certain claim s W allowa S hips 6 0 C a rs o f Hay. lam bs, $7.75. tified today. The searchers are w ork­ ance of the announced plan fo r the ative Haw ley today saw S ecretary Bal­ com panied by protests. which by contesting he assisted the W a llo w a — Ja n u a ry w as a record Hops— 1909'rrop, prim e and choice, construction of a g re a te r navy by in­ linger and urged him to recommend governm ent in cancelling. The law break er in hay shipm ents from W al­ 20M21c per pound; 1908s, 17c; 1907s, ing in the daytim e only. T he governm ent army of N icaragua, gives a successful c o n te stan t a 30 creased yearly appropriations. Secre­ more liberal appropriations to enable lowa, th ere being no less th an 59 car­ 11c. w hich gathered to attack Rama and days’ preference rig h t to locate. ta ry M eyer today discussed the cu rren t the placing of K lam ath lands under L ouis J a m e s is S trick e n . loads shipped out, a g g re g a tin g more Wool — E astern Oregon, 16(3 20c accom plish the re-conquest of the E ast H elena, M ont., M arch 5.—Louis naval program w ith th e house com m it­ w ater. He cited th a t the project has th an 650 tons. Besides th is one c ar of pound: valley, 22(824c per pound; mo­ coast, has begun its march. The army F arm an B reak s R ecord. Jam es, the actor, w as strick en w ith tee on naval affairs. The plans of the boen under developm ent more than five r a ttle and tw o of lum ber w ere sen t out, hair, choice, 25c. is w ell supplied w ith a rtillery . Gen­ h e art fa ilu re in his dressing room a t supporters of a g re a te r navy w ere years, y e t only 30,000 acres are under Mourmelon, F rance, M arch 7.— m aking a total of 612 cars o f products Cascara bark, 4(8 5c per pound. e ra l V asquez w ill assume command w ater, 10,000 o f which w as under w a­ Henry Farm an today established a new shipped during the poorest m onth in Hides— Dry hides, 1 7 6 il8 r pound; the H elena th e a te r ton ig h t and fo r sev­ gone over in detail and bills w ere dis­ w hen It reaches Acoyapa. te r when the project was initiated. w orld's record fo r aeroplane flight the year. This m akes a good increi dry kip, 17<818c;dry calfskin, 18M eral hours h is life was despaired of. cussed re la tiv e to th e creation this A life b o a t from a w arship has drift- w ith two passengers, rem ain in g in the over the corresponding m onth for last 20c; salted hides, fciT.lOe; salted calf- L a te r it w as reported th a t his condi­ y e a r of two huge battlesh ip s, one re­ Hawley urged th a t provision be made a t th is session to com plete the work. p a ir ship and five subm arines. tion was slig h tly improved. air for one hour and ten m inutes. a d ashore n ear V ictoria, B. C. year. skins, l i e ; green, l c less. Newsy Items Gathered from All Parts of the World. PREPARED FOB THE BUSY READER