LOCAL AND PERSONAL HARDWARE I Farm Im plem ents, Cement Lim e And S a l t ................... « « « à » ,"$ c y s -«v «w v < .sisSkVs'vs:-,-, Dick Spung was fined # Ion foi bootlegging at Eugene llii-- week Men’s Spring Suits Mrs. C. V Ogh uni little son o f Eugene, at,- guests o f Dr Easter two weeks from next Oglesby and family Work on Cottage ( ',r , {_> f0,,t Sunday. concrete sidewalks on Main street Mrs. Lawton is a guest of friends will be resumed soon. at Creswell. Attorneys J S. Medley, W. C. Saint Patrick’s day a week front Counter and J C. ! buson are ai next Thursday, the 17th. Building activity came with the tending court it I n .me Roads are drying up rapidly. N o w is the time to buy a new Spring Suit and com e out with the S U N . W e carry the best and at the lowest possible prices. C o m e in and see our new assortment. Granges throughout the ¡.late are passing resolution-, demanding When you want the best paints oils and varnish, call on A. II. the parcels jmst and III postal . iv mgs bank Cruson. M 8 * advent o f real spring weather. Friday and Saturdav Spacial, 15c and 2 0 c V ' a - * alue Embroidery for 12Vbc. Farmers commenced the early The Notarial commission o f Miss spring grain sowing herealiouts Mabel Haggard, of the Booth- Kellv Co., has been tiled foriecord Monday moruiug. II. II. Veatcli, the hardware with the county clerk. With our pure white flour with greater satisfaction every time you hake. It is so easy to work—so sure to turn out right. Huy a sack anti note how much you get out of it. You’ ll l>e surprised at the greater number of loaves as well as the improvetl quality of the bread. Mike Wald ’ went to Portland i In- work- About time for the town fellow Saturday to prepare ou the road Mike will soon lie a to spade up the hack yard for early full fledged commercial man.— lettuce, onion and radish beds. Register. Miss Anna Oglesby returned R. L. Bancroft I. G. Shinn home from Eugene Monday where F s e d . F l o u r . P o u l t r y S u p p lio * . C o n o r , I C o m m l u l o n B u u l n e o , and C. F. Hughes recently pa.d she has keen a guest o f friends. $ 10 ,(XX) for a five ac re choice win­ Mrs. Joseph Porter o f this city ter apple orchard in Grand Valley visited last week with her daughter near Grand Junction, Colorado. Mrs. Horace Cochran, at Roseburg. Mrs. M. I-'. Desl.ar/cs ha -old Interesting Session ol Woman's Club. Royal Intermediate School Items. Before you buy your smoked salt fish for Lent, see that fiue 400 incubator eggs from her white The regulnr meeting o f the ■ Prescott Wheeler made a trip to stock carried at Metcalf & Brand's. Wyaudotts to W. II. Mixtei of and one set W om an’s Club was held last Sat- j town Thursday. Train service has been as bad McMinnville for urdav afternoon. Mrs. A. L. Mr. Charles I.ackev visited the as it could be for the past two ting from her gold.m Wyand .Us Briggs led in a very interesting dis­ school last week. weeks, few trains running on time. for $ 2 . S pray - W y n n e Chas. Cochran, at Creswell. C o, cussion of the “ The making of an Mrs. A. A. Wheeler visited the Am erican” by Jacob Riis. Dis­ school Wednesday. cussion of current events was led Ralph Rogers jtn4 Ryle Rendali by Mrs. J. C. Johnson. Roll call went to town Wednesday. was answered by quotations on Hazel dear is spending a few spring. The following lines com ­ days with Nina Randolph. posed by Mrs. Alice Richmond Spring flowers commence to ap­ were very appropriate: All! well after all. if rain doesn't cease pear, iudicalingthat spring is near. S. B. Morss, the nurseryman, For Lent, smoked salmon and halibut, salt herring, salmon and presented the Leadei with a peach mackerel at Metcalf & Brand’s. sprout, Monday, which i nine feet A. D. Owens & Sou steamed up in length, representing a ingle their new donkey engine at their year’s growth. He also presented mill on Silk creek west o f this city us with a pearsproui or limb show today. ing a five foot growth for last -a Mrs. Eugene M atlockof Eugene, sou . was a guest of her parents, Mr. The Knights of Pythias of Cot Tis naught we confess like the storms Mr. Johnson made his regular and Mrs. \V. C. Johnson, o f this tage Grove will hold a big meeting in the Hast trip to town Wednesday evening. city last week. on the night of March K at Too gladly we'll welcome those search­ Mr. and Mrs. R. A. Wheeler ing for showers Tlie Junction City Epworlh which time 20 or more candidates To a home in this beautiful valley of visited at the home of Mr. Chit­ League will present the s o n g will be initiated. The degree team ours wood Sunday. "H iaw atha” in character and cos­ from Helmet I.odg .( Eugene, Where all through the winter green grass amt flowers Thrive well in rich soil and Oregon showers, W e’ re all very sure, it is just what (heir seeking to find a release Prom storms so severe as they tiaye in the Hast, Full well theyvknow here is wherespring lasts all the year. And to all such will lie worth much to free them from fear—and make it more clear That Nesmith this year is a place to revere. The question worrying the states­ men at Washington just now is this: “ Is a hen a bird?” It makes some difference whether she is or not, with the consumers of the country. The Payne-Aldrich tar­ iff bill imposes a duty of five cents per dozen on eggs, but birds’ eggs are admitted free. Is a hen a bird? The Rockefellow interests are rapidly establishing a chain of daily papers in the I'nited States. They will have strong prohibition leanings; will also lie silent or act­ ive supporters o f scab labor, pluto­ cratic judges, retroactive laws and plunderbund interests. Mrs. R. T. Clevenger and sou tume at that place Friday evening. Rgv relqrued Thursday from a Miss Frances Howard, o f noreua visit at Blackley. was a guest o f her grandparents, Mr, A. |). Owens in attempt­ Mr. and Mrs. \V- If. Abrams of ing to bring his engine out from this city several days late last town caused some little excitement week, by going through a bridge. No S. 1L Morss recently put the old serious damage was done. orchards of John F. Spray in East Cottage d rove and Jas. II. McFar- Since the Portland Union Stock- land In West Cottage Grove in yards opened for business last good condition. September, 2189 cars o f livestock Hon. R. A. Booth and wife of have been handled there represent­ Eugene spent Saturday at Saginaw ing an approximate valuation of $4,000,000, according to Manager where Mr. Booth was looking after I). O. Lively. The market thus his lumbering interests while Mrs. established has been of great val­ Booth was visiting with relatives. ue to the city and livestock grow­ Harry Short and A. L. Wynne ers throughout the Pacific North­ have recently received fine new west for competition for their pro­ instruments, the foriqer a new ducts fias resulted in better prices French horn and the latter a fine and <|uicker sales than formerly. new Holton special sljde trombone. Ifogs tips week have been hover­ II. I). Lincoln's meat market ing around tl|e $10 mark and was supplied with the finest of beef mutton has been very lpgli as well. the past week, one of- which T . W . HeLong and family ar­ rived ill (his city Sunday evening front Nebraska and will make this city their future home. Mr. and Mrs. He Long are old friends of Mr. and Mrs. V,. R. Spencer of A . II. Cruson does first class this city. painting atld paper hanging on short notice. M 8 :-: Boost for Nesmith county. We Are Quiet People But Our Bargains Are Noisy Ne>v Arrivals this Week, M en’s W ork Gloves, the l>est Line ever Show n in C otta g e Crove. A Wide Range o f Prices, Hoc to $ 1 .7 5 C anvas Gloves three pair for 25c or !)0c dozen and tip. We Are Also Showing The New Spring Shapes And Colors in Hen’s Never Buy The Second Best When The Best Costs No More. Ask For A Hardeman THE A Hats CELEBRATED HARDEMAN $309 HAT EXCELLED BY LU R C H man, was transacting business in G W. Mctjueeu \ P Church­ Portland this week. ill, J. B. Ig:wis, OrvilSpear, Clyde Mr. and Mrs. I.. F. Orpurd spent Laugdou and W. II Lincoln were Sunday with their daughter, Mrs. Eugene visitors Mom- Y o u Knead T h e Dough NONE Rees-Wallace Co. ‘•Where You Do Better” dressed 8.50 pounds. IJe secured this fjue bunch o f beef cattle from the Cooley Brothers. Sunday was one of those beau­ tiful warm, sunny early spring days which has made Oregon weather famous. ^cFarJatid Butte was a popular resort for the towns­ people in the afternoon. Mrs. Mike W ald and her sister, Miss Anna lloh l went to Cottage Grove Saturday, where Mrs. Wald will stay until Mike has secured a place in Portland to live, as he is obliged to«nake headquarters there. — Register. The Griffin-Veatch Company received an elegant new stack of all kinds o f fishing tackle this week. Rods from 25 cents up to $15 each. The Anglers should keep an eye on the Griffiu-Veatch Company show windows. J. Ilardv Crow, o f Lnrane, was transacting business in Cottage Grove Saturday. He says the hauling of fruit trees for the big Lorane orchard enterprise ftas cut the road up very bad on the mountain between this city and Lorane. Mr. and Mrs. I f . R. Godard, of Nebraska, who bought the A. J. Stewart residence property on Fourth street last fall, returned to this city Sunday to occupy their property and make this city their future home. Mr. and Mrs. God ard are parents o f Mrs. F,. R. Spencer of this city C, II. Xeigler and wife, late of Fresno, California, purchased last week through the Veatch & Spencer real estate company the I). A. Smith property on Fourth street, comprising an acre or more of fine garden and fruit land, and they | are very favorably impressed with this locality. 1 will probably put on the work. Other members of the lodge will accompany the team -Guard Mrs. David Grig - and little daughter, accompanied by Mrs. Griggs’ mother, Mrs i ll. l’.ing ham returned home from Eugene Saturday, the first Mi Griggs has been able to be • >ut since she fell and fractured her arnt at the Eu­ gene theatre on the occasion of the Schumann Ileink concert. Garden and flower seeds of all k in d est C yok s. E. R. Gowdy, who several years ago was a salesman in the Griffin Veatch Hardware store in this city and who latter engaged in the grocery business in Roseburg, is a guest of Cottage Grove friends. Tw o years ago Mr. Gowdy old his business at Roseburg and spent the winter at Los Angeles but for the past year he lias been engaged in farming at North V n k n n a , Wash., an occupation he did not like in that overestimated locality. The Leader editor has a just gric, ance against Mr. Gowdv of ,j. t of Rev Robert Sut­ cliffe' address at the M . E. Church Sunday evening was "Methodism and strong drink and this proved to be one of the very best temper­ ance senium ever delivered in this Try the Leader a vear. I Just R e c e i v e d Full Line ol Shoes. Novelties in Oxfords for Ladies and Gents. Call and see them. prohibition towns, but had never i found - a e so free from bootlegging, 1 S| “ blind pig-;” and more orderly and £5 well governed than Cottage Grove, jc S and hole he gave the city marshal full redit for the part lie plays in law enforcement in this municipal­ ity. The church edifice was well filled on tin ; occasion, the orches­ tra rendered a splendid sacred over­ A nice line of salt fish for Lent ture, there was a pretty vocal solo| at Metcalf \- Brand's. by Mi -, llarrv Brehaut, and sacred music hv the choir— a most inter­ estin'.; and uplifting service. Select Your Carden Seeds Early See our Display A Fresh, Full Assortm ent of F am ily Groceries. When in Need o f Anything in Groceries, Crockery and Shoes, Call a t . . . .................................... 1 H. Try a loaf of Royal Table (Jueen j 3 Bread at DesLarzes grocery, tf ■ 1 - C. CO O K — ■ 1 — NOTICE T h e T eeth Mr Huston is now prepared to turn out best work in town. Every liody come with a smile to the West Side Studio. $1 50 cabinets now 8 . 1 . 00 . The best work and cherqie-t prices shall be my motto in the future tf. Farmet s Paradise Hair Brushes. Bath Brushes, Fine Soaps, domestic and imported, splendid Sliatnjioo for the hair, and all Toilet Requisites of good quality at moderate prices. Alofij* tlu- r«',u. I thè transcontinental ] I, k iti ridi nd fertile Centra! Hritisli Collimili’, lhdktey Valley and Fort] 1 i l. 1 dittiate, richest ' l i di h i ance very easy tenus, wlte.it burle)-, o»t timothy. nell grasse»; thè rotitinjf gréâtes! calilo. W k own < hjm L an d *. Benson's Pharmacy T.R. PHILLIPS Cottage Grove, Oregon McKay llMg. Portland, Oregon. + j THE DIAMOND t As An Investment should lie cared for from the Furnished rooms < lose to Main cradle to the grave. We have a street to rent privilege of bath. • large assortment of good Tooth Inquire at :Tii fiL'o. Brashes and sevc il kinds o f Tooth Powder warranted to lie pure and ...The... beneficial. Nail Brushes 4*V4 V4*V+ The man or woman who wears a diamond also wears an an of prosjtcrily that is far reaching in its influence. These are Commercial times, and to BE suc­ cessful you must L O O K it. People are always )udged at rirst by their appearance. As an investment, the diamond is in a class by itself, because, outside of its intrinsic value, it has the added value as an adornment. W h e n you are ready to buy a diamond, at what­ ever price, there are plenty of reasons why you »hntilo come and see the fine line of Diamonds in Ear-Rings, Brooches and Rings sold at reduced prices on installments at H. C. M A D S E N |