Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, March 08, 1910, Image 4

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    C o tta g e ( 3 r o v e X c a ö c r .
totabliebeö 1887.
Xeafcev publishing Company
TRH. <E. donner,
Eöltor nn& fTanagcr
BOOSTER ----- MEETING g I E v ery th in g
W h e n Y o u Think of Something Y o u W a n t
In T he W a y of H A R D W A R E , Think of the
Fine, Complete Stock and Low Prices at the
* )ue of the largest and most rep­
resentative gatherings of business ;
Untere,1 in the post ofliec at Cuttage 1 1 rove, Oregon as -cond-clasa mail uiatter men and citizens ever assembled
in the Commercial Club rooms was
the crowd which greeted Col. E. (
Cernio of SubocritHion.
lfofer, editor o f the Salem lourual
Oue year (in advadee)............................................................................ $U50
and President of the Willamette
Six mouths..................................................................
75 Valley Development League Mon- !
Three months............................................................................................
^ day, who is putou a big boosting
tour o f Western t tregou. T h e '
Colonel was met at the train in the
afternoon by a crowd of local i
Oregon. In the evening the Cot _________________________
Another demonstration o f the
1 he following prominent news- mge Grove baud played some live­
little attention given to the roads papers of Oregon have already ly numbers while the crowd was in its saw mills, mines and or- treasury chest, a duplicate of those
and bridges of South I.ane county come out boldly in favor of the gathering at the Commercial Club | chards than Salem and all that which stood in the Jewish temple
on the part of the county court, creation o f Nesmith county and a rooms and the addresses were in- was ueeded was •judicious boosting, at Jerusalem when Christ was on
was the condition of the county Greater Oregon: Portland Daily terspersed with music by Nelson’s He said a Mr. Tullixson, of North earth will stand at the altar rail
bridge on Silk Creek one half mile Oregonian, Salem Capital Journal, orchestra. The meeting was called ! Dakota had come in oil the after- and into this the people will place
west of Cottage Grove, which co l­ Salem Statesman, Pacific Home­ to order by President Hazeltou noon train with him to make Cot- their gifts for the benovelences of
lapsed last Wednesday under a stead, Ashland Valley Record, of the Commercial Club, who an- tage Grove his home after having the church at the eleven o ’clock
very ordinary load, in which wreck Medford Tribune-Mail, Browns­ nouuced that 101 new members were looked over Washington and the gathering. Several rehearsals a
two valuable teams and driver ville Times, Milton Eagle, Hood admitted into the Commercial club lower Willamette
The Colonel week are being given to the beau­
narrowly escaped death.
This River Glacier and News f.etter.
at its last meeting and he announc­ called Mr. Tullixson to his feet tiful sacred cantata "T h e Couqtter-
bridge had been built and subject­
ed 20 more names for admission that the audience might see him ler” which will be rendered at the
ed to heavy traffic for Id year« and
In discussing the forthcoming on this occasion and they were vot­ and the stranger was greeted with [peoples popular service. Harry
should not have been allowed to municiple election, the Leader has ed in without delay. This makes the cheers. Mr. I Infer said
So in- j Short received a high priced French
remain in the racked and decayed ascertained that the voters o f the Cottage Grove Commercial club vigorating and congenial is your born last week and is now playing
condition which it has been for the various wards are beginning to one of the strongest organizations climate that men of sixty can in the Brotherhood orchestra. One
past year. As has been stated be­ cast about for good material to of its kind iu the Willamette valley. accomplish results here that a man j adult united with the church last
fore, no three or four men are represent their interests in the
Col. Hofer was introduced by j of forty can tint accomplish in the Sunday morning.
competent to properly administer council chamber during the forth­ President Hazelton. He said he east.” This seemed to please a
The Tecumset Chieftian has the
the affairs o f such large, populous coming year. Prom the first ward was given an agreeable surprise by j certain real estate man and a well
and unweildy counties as Lane conies the name of C. \V. Wallace, the Cottage Grove boosters who | known local pedagogue, lie said j following to say concerning W . R.
and Douglas, which unintentional o f the mercantile firm of Rees- assembled at Creswell sixty strong I every dollar put into judicious pro­ 1 Whist on, who is to lead in ail
neglect on the part of their respect­ W allace company, who besides be­ last Friday evening to assist in motion work will be returned to a evangelistic campaign in Cottage
ive county courts are liable to o c ­ ing a successful business man. is boosting for the proposed new town fou rfold , lie said Cottage Grove during the month of April:
casion many such disasters and also a property bolder and a con­ Creswell high school building. He Grove was the most unselfish and “ Evangelist Whiston is a powerful
even more serious ones in remote servative booster for a Greater said one of his first oratorical stunts! hospitable town on the Oregon pulpit man. He is wide awake, |
sections o f these counties. This is Cottage Grove, which it appears, was pulled off at Cottage Grove at i map.
You seem to want to see modern in his methods and d ecid ­
among one of the many reasons will be the paramount issue this a Fourth o f July celebration twenty I all of your neighboring towns grow edly active. His work is free from
why Nesmith county should be year, all factions being united on years ago and that three young | and prosper and have a glad hand offensive sensationalism practiced
created from a portion of Lane one great proposition, the upbuild­ men which he met that day were and a hospitable board for every by some evangelists who really
and Douglas, that such menaces ing and advancement of Cottage before him tonight, Col. R. M. stranger or visitor. This seems to seek a little notoriety for themselves |
to life and property may be remov­ Grove. The other two wards have Veatch, Dr. W . W . Oglesby aud be a young man’s town, young rather than the good they can do
ed by closer application to the a mtmlier of prospective candidates Hon. J. W . Baker, though not as fellows at the head of firms on all their cause. A large number have
affairs of the territory now remote for councilmen, the strongest man young as they used to lie. On your streets, hence the enterprise, been added to the Church o f Christ
from the old county seats.
nyt as yet having developed, so that accasiou, Mr. Hofer said Ivd- push and public spirit for which and the church herself put in shape
far as we can learn. However, itor Horace Mann of the old Cot­ tile Grove is famous. Referring for great things in the future.”
Here is a few headings which
“ The Passion week,” will be the
the material is in sight for a live, tage Grove Messenger, now e x ­ to the proposed creation of Nes­
appeared in the last issue of the
mith county, the Colonel said lie subject o f the morning discourse
progressive, yet conservative coun­ tinct, was master of ceremonies.
Ashland Valley Record, which
Col. Hofer paid the large local had been on the affirmative side of at the Christian Church next Lord’s
cil for 1*)10.
demonstrates the trend of the read­
Bible school at
Commercial club a great compli -1 every new county question which Day, March 1.1th
ing matter which followed and the
The Albany Commercial Club ment and said the possibilities o f' had come up in Oregon iu the past 10 a. in. Christian Endeavor at
position of that paper on the cre-
has given the editor of the Albany this enterprising community with , decade and lie could not go back 6:30 p. in. “ Wealth from W aste,”
arion of Nesmith county: "T h e
Herald a complimentary member­ its vast and varied natural re- i on this record at this late day. will be the evening subject— a
Eugene hog pulls off its efforts at
ship. What is this old world com ­ sources, was hard to comprehend. , He said, ” 1 only regret that there special address to young people. I
an anti-Nesmith county opposition
ing to, anyway? Most commercial He commended heartily Booster 1 is not ten new counties to vote for One week from Sunday evening
at Koseburg. Douglas county seat
clubs want the editor to donate all Conley upon the good promotion in this great and rapidly growing the ‘ Parable o f the Virgins” will
takes small interest in the matter,
the space possible to boom the work he is accomplishing for j state at the forthcoming election be acted out by ten young women.
though pulled off iu that city. Cot­
community and then ask him to the community and admonished j instead of on e.” He paid a glow-
tage Grove view of Senator Ike
contribute as much cash for boost­ the club to encourage and assist I ing tribute to the memory of Sena-
Bingham. The Leader pronounces
er purposes as the next one.
him as much as possible. He said j tor Nesmith, and said the name
him a base ingrate toward the town
he was pleased to note that even alone insures the success of our
The Ashland Valley Record
which boosted him into what prom­
It is probable that Halley’s the Cottage Grove ministers were new countv movement and that no
says: “ Senator Bingham of Ivu-
inence and influence lie holds.” comet will be visible to the keen-
boosters and members of the Com- j more fitting h o n o r could be gene and Senator Abraham of
The Record also published the sighted the latter part of next week,
mercial club and he also paid his bestowed to the memory o f an Roseburg seemed to be the princi­
Nesmith cartoon from the Oregon­ when the moon will be below the
compliments to the Leader and honored pioneer Oregon statesman. pal orators iu opposition of Nes- f
ian which it headed, "Represent­ horizon during the early evening
Sentinel. He gave the Commer-1 The Colonel closed his address by mitb county at the Roseburg-Eu- t.
atives from the hog district in act­ hours. At present the wanderer
cial club the inside information relating a humorous story concern gene convention. These two sen- $
io n ," referring to the Roseburg- can probably be seen with a strong
that these live local papers could i ing “ Buckskin Bob” o f west Lane ators were part o f the machinery ^
Eugeue knocker meeting. These field glass.
be used to advantage in the p r o -; county and his new town plat, of the close cor|x>ration organiza- /
and other expressions from the
I motion work and Nesmith county ■ which we decline to publish from tiou o f the last senate. President i
state press looks mighty good for
Eugene and Roseburg will raise cause
j le said a local booster tlie fact that it might cause a stam-
Jay Bowermau and the Portland *
Nesmith. Our friends are many. a big fund to be used in knocking
had been preaching his irrigation pede of local investors to the new senators exacted of the eomntittees
A reproach to the Oregon legis­ the Nesmith county— Greater Ore­ hobby to him all afternoon, but townsite.
i appointed the destruction of the
While the banquet was being three state normal schools o f Ore­
lature and those senators and rep­ gon— movement. It's a shame to had failed to come through with
the goods.
Here all eyes were prepared Mr. Kern was called and gon and the passage of the Smith
resentatives responsible for the throw away money that way.
turned on J. F. Spray. He said delivered a very interesting address
action was the slaughter of the
A new modern opera house with Cottage Grove was fortunate in along the same line pursued by bill for one normal at Portland.
state normal schools. This action
The Smith bill finally failed in the
a large, conveniently arranged securing such citizens as Messrs. Colonel Hofer.
Following the
has had the effect to greatly dis­
stage should be among Cottage Kern and Shinn, who had pur- banquet or luncheon, a smoker house, but the combination man­
credit ( Iregou in the estimation of
aged to murder the normal schools
Grove’s improvements this year.
chased our light plant, was build- and general good time was enjoyed in the middle of the school year
the people east o f the Rockies and
ing it up, putting their money in by the boosters.
Creswell and
in California and Washington.
and knocked Nesmith out in the
There are cities in < »regon that homes here aud were closing up all many other outside taints were
The Nesmith, fight ought to make | are badly in need of a spring-tiuie outside interests and demonstrating represented at this big booster
Theie was no sincerity in their
the boues of the original rattle.— municipal house-cleaning.— Reg- their faith in this city by investing meeting,
acts as Senator Bowermau in two
Albany Democrat.
ister. You are right, alright.
all of their rneaus here. The Col­
sessions of the legislature before was
onel said lie could remember when
a strong advocate of three and even
he and “ Rosy,” referring to F. II.
I four normal schools in Oregon,
Rosenburg, were about the only
ANNOUNCEMENTS I and an examination of the senate
boosters in Cottage Grove on such
journals shows that lie was the
occasions as this, but that now the
most consi tent and persistent nor­
town was full of them. He said
House tilling congregations at
mal school voter in the senate, al­
his home town Salem, had at last!the Methodist Church last Sunday ways opposed to reducing the num- j
Useful Holiday Presents, Pictures and Picture Frames, New
woke up, paved several miles of kith morning and evening. More her of schools. Senator Bingham’s]
Stock, Endless Variety, F’urniture, Rugs, Blankets
streets, and was growing and e x - j I)eople (ook of
the sacrament than record was for several norm al1
Comforters. Writing Desks.
pauding in every direction. Moss- i
at any other time. Ten new schools always, and Senator A b ra -;
backs who declared the expense
ham proposed more normal schools
would bankrupt the town had seen scholars of the Sabbath school en­
before getting his cue from Senator
their property interests double in
Bowermau and the Oregonian.
valuation in a single year and were The coming Lord’s day at 11 a. m.
Politicians in Oregon have no
now enthusiastic boosters.
One public worship with sermon by
regard for liottor, and
lot that he was interested in secur­ pastor on "What a preacher heard,
stultification and inconsistency
ing for a society for $8000 was
liother them not. In this way
worth $20,000 in five mouths aud People's popular service at 7:30
Bingham and Abraham may have
an offer of 514,000 for it was with address by Robert Sutcliffe on
served themselves in defeating Nes­
turned down early after its pur
mith county, only to find them­
chase. This is what paved streets This is the last and most important
selves facing the issue agaiti in a
are doing for Salem. The speaker lecture of the present series. Solo
field where their influence amounts
said I'.ugeue was the pride of the
very little.”
Willamette Valiev and he was to miss this. Will all ladies put a
proud o f that city, the name o f |coin
tlle' r K*0™ for the offer -
A Wise Precaution.
which to this day causes cold ch ills1 '"*• bible school at 1<> a. m.
An Elegant Line of Rockers. Jnst the Kind of Present for
top la v up and down the spinal Epworlh League devotional service
Father or Mother. Come Where Selection is Made Easy.
During the cold weather w e k
column o f the mossbacks whenever ; con<' " r,et* by Miss Allie Phillips
p. m.
m. A hearty welcome build hot fires, beware o f confla­
it is spoken. The more you dig at 6:3o
'• •"'p.
grations, don't neglect carrying
down in your pockets for money to any or all of these gatherings.
a policy on your house. Torn
for public improvements the faster
The members and friends of the Awbrev can give vou satisfactory
the increase in your property val­ Methodi-t Church are looking for­ rates and protection.
ues. Cottage Glove, he said, had ward with great expectancy *o the
••THr. F V R N I T t ' R F D F A I . F R S ”
Spring will finally come.
greater advantages and resources service« of Easter Sunday. A
pubiiobcd Even? Cueoda«.
H ardw are ;
I Griffin Ä Veatch C o m p a n y ’s
E ve ryth in g In Hardw are
A ll
New Arrivals
For Spring
Embroideries And White floods
India Linens, Persian Lawns, Long Cloths, Etc.
Collar Pins
Why pay 53.00 to $.5.00 for
a Corset when you can buy
a Bon Ton from
Our new style Royal W orces­
ter, 19 inches long, medium
bust, long skirt and soft back
try one, on ly. _______
Hat Pins
Beauty Pins
Hand Bags
1ine of Burson Hose 2 5 c
S o m e th in g N ew
T he “ Grip Fast” Shirt W aist Belt. A corrugated
rubber strip, holds the waist down with a tight grip.
C om e and see them demonstrated. Price ?
Our Spring Line of Men's Clothes
A re
here, ready
SI 2.50 to $ 25.00
First National Bank $£ !
Capital Surplus & Undivided Profits $ 4 9 ,0 0 0
Total A s s i s .........................................$ 3 0 4 ,0 0 0
Welcomes and appreciates your business, whether large or small
and believe its extensive resources, developed by
years of constant, considerate, conservative accommodations,
a splendid endorsement of its most satisfactory service to the
people o f Cottage Grove and vicinity.
Cottage Grove— —
Flo\ir M ills
Mill Feed, Grain and Hay 5-
C AS .
W fA
High School Lecture Course
S i n g l e T i c k e t s $ 1 .0 0
F a m ily T ic k e ts $ 2 .5 0
M a rch
11 —
M a rch
M a rch
2 *
D a te«
k w iM
L a ta r
X i*.ir«nn’ > l . i p to an«l fr o m I 'r in c c K d w a rd « Isla n d in
W in t« i ' Rc<\ K olicrt S u tcliffe.
V h tu tr- > hurau C.itnij
* P rof.
r A ld erm a n .
T w elve H ou r« tn n S u n less W o r ld , o r a \ t it t o M a m m oth
S u p!, u . k . Barne«.
” !• du ca t in n ." Rev. K, t i. o . G roa t.
A d a p ta tio n . ' Rev. S etd on C. A d am «.
—»«v 1 >l"irvati**u
o n {P h ilip p in e Islan d «.'* Rev. w . A.
S in g le A d m is s io n 2 3c
B e n e fit o f P ie n o F u n d