EVENTS OF THE DAY plan s for stronger navy . . i Battleship to Coat «1 8 ,OOO.OOO—Sub- marinas for Pacific. _________ Washington, Feb. 28.— Secretary Meyer, o f the navy department, ia said to have told the house naval O REG O N 'S NEW WATER C O D E . committee today o f plans o f building a world's record-breaking battleship of Methods o f Registering Water Rights Under 8tate Law ■ 32,000 tons displacement at a cost o f Salem— Tbe follow ing statement was 118,000,000 and making the United prepared by State Engineer John H. States the leading naval power. Members o f the committee said that Lewis to refute some o f the charges Lass Important but Not Lass Intar* the secretary’ s radical plans were that the new water law passed by tbe favorably received by the committee. legislature last year is too intricate astlng Happenings from Points The secretary did not refer to naval and cumbersome: Outside tha State. “ The assertion has been made that strength in numbers o f ships or arma­ ment, but to various features o f im- the Oregon water code is so intricate Live hogs reached $9.80 per hundred provement o f the efficiency o f ships and restrictive in its operation as to a t Chicago. and guns. prevent or greatly check the use o f Asquith is about to fall from power The building o f the proposed giant streams either for power or for irriga­ and his government faces ruin because battleship is delayed until next year tion. o f his blunders. only because the naval experiments “ For the purpose o f throwing some with 14-inch guns have not been com- light on this subject a summary o f the Pinchot charges that Ballinger wil-1 * ! pleted, and the department desires to filinge made under this law in the fu lly deceived President T aft with know the result o f full experiments. state engineer’ s office between Feb­ false statements. | Tentatively, it is planned to arm the ruary 24 and December 31, 1909, has A French cardinal was fined for urg- great battleship with a battery o f been made. ing the school authorities not to use fourteen 14-inch guns o f the latest “ A total o f 464 applications for per­ the state text books. type. mits to appropriate water have been The secretary said that plans for en­ Secretary Meyer has plan for 32,000- filed, the estimated cost o f the pro- ton battleship, to cost $18,000,000, largement o f all the drydocks o f the posed work, as given by the appli- country, as outlined to the committee and carry fourteen 14-inch rifles. cants, amounting to $30,000,000. The some weeks ago, were made in contem­ Nicaraguan rebels surprised the gov­ plation o f the great enlargement o f the magnitude o f these figures can be ap­ ernment forces, killed their general, battleships and be wanted the docks preciated when it is remembered that and secured many prisoners and much built to accommodate ships o f great $2,100,000 represen'ed the total cost o f all irrigation works prior to 1902, booty. size. according to'th e United States census, It was tentatively agreed that the Maurice F. Egan, minister to Den­ and it is believed that $6,000,000 will expenditurei made Bince mark, declares he will believe Dr. naval increase this year based on the f „ C0Ter ^ includiK ng tho8e o f the gov­ — . Cook honest until he is proven other­ secretary s recommendations, shall be ^ as follow s: Two 27,000-ton battle­ wise. ernment. ships, equipped either with 12 or 14- “ The fees paid to the state in con­ I f the government wins against the inch guns; one regular ship, two col­ nection with these filings amount to tobacco trust, it is ^planned to attack liers and five submarines. $9,700, a sum which more than covers the United States Steel corporation The submarines are for the Pacific tbe cost to the general taxpayer o f next. coast, and are the first o f a fast fleet i .. . _____ , ___-, ,__ _ No . . t *. -fl fe e . n Roosevelt parted with his retinue o f o f these vessels which will be provided complaint as to excessive fees in the next few years. The plan to complaint as to excessive fe e . o or un­ native servants and attendants at Con- reasonable regulations or restrictions dokoro, Soudan, and the hunting ex­ place ten additional submarines on the has been heard. Water right records Pacific coast next was considered fav- pedition is ended. are necessarily m on complicated than land records, and the applicant, or Unless the b eef trust magnates who These submarines will be one o f the rather those which have appeared at have been indicted in New Jersey sur­ fastest yet launched, and will be cap­ the office, seem to think the cost does render peaceably they w ill be extradit­ able o f making a speed under water of not exceed the benefits. Sixty-tw o o f ed and the trust dissolved. 12 knots an hour. the 464 applications have been can­ Great arrangements are being made A member o f the committee said celed from the records and the water i» fo r Roosevelt’s reception in Rome. that the government had unofficial in­ subject to reappropriation. The pope will grant him an audience formation to the effect that Japan is "T h e water code makes no annual and the king will give a dinner in his laying the keels o f two great battle- charge for the use o f water for ‘ power honor. Parts of tbe World. PREPARED FOR THE BUSY READER SS. IT S fL 'tJ S -r great battleship under consideration ? r 0 a Perl 0 . t£T2T * 8 • would a great extent UDon J««* to a preference right o f renewal would deDend depend to to a great extent upon jBWi then existing. , It the weight of the batteries of the huge , . . - , ... _ 14-inch guns, which would be placid .VI. P* Charles E. Morgan, ex-governor o f AVALANCHE BURIES 76. Cuba, says that if the Monroe doc­ trine means anything the United States must see that tbe smaller gov­ Town o f Mace, Idaho, Said to Be Scene o f Desaster. ernments on the Western hemisphere are.properly conducted. Spokane, Wash., Feb. 28.— W ith a A member o f the I. W. W. arrested roar that could be heard in Wallace, in the recent disturbances in Spokane, five miles distant, an avalanche over­ whelmed the town o f Mace, Idaho, last has been found guilty o f conspiring. With tbe strict injunction that he "'BhL a n d J5 people are believed to be buried under tons o f snow and debris. was not to be represented as favor­ ______________t Telephone messages ____ from _____________ Wallace say ing votes for women, President Taft that the slide occurred at 11 :30 o ’ clock. accepted an invitation to address the Rescue parties started at once from opening session o f the annual conven­ Wallace to the scene o f the disaster. tion o f the Woman Suffrage associa­ A special relief train was also started tion, to be held in Washington, April out from Spokane. 14. Because o f the deep snow and block­ A Canadian Pacific train was derail­ aded condition o f the road from W al­ ed on the brink o f a 200-foot precipice, lace to Mace, no details o f the catas­ and only prevented from plunging over trophe have yet been received. by a retaining wall. Heavy snow has been falling in “ Little Billy” McClintock, 6 years Northern Idaho during the past week, old, o f Chicago, and heir to $6,OOO.­ and with the thaw which began yester­ OOO, will be asked to choose his own day conditions were favorable for just such a disaster which has overwhelmed guardian. the little town. The German government refuses moral or financial support to American Walla Walla, Wash., Feb. 28.— A exhibitors o f machinery at the coming special dispatch at 3 a. m. says that exhibition at Berlin next summer. five hundred rescuers have taken out Great Britain will give refuge to the seven dead bodiea while 26 men, wo­ depoeed Dalai Lama, o f Tibet, at Cal­ men and children were taken from the cutta, and has asked the Chinese gov­ slide alive, that occurred at Mace last ernment for full explanation o f the night. It is known that 100 additional affair. are dead. The slide is half a mile long and 30 Six persons were killed in a snow- slide in the Bitter Root mountains in feet deep. The first train bearing the 25 injured left Mace for Wallace at Montana. 2:25 a. m. A hotel at Haxelton, B. C., burned Additional rescuers are being sent to while the thermometer was at 16 de­ the scene on a train now being made grees below zero. Many o f the occu­ up here. pants were forced to leap from upper windows clad only in their night cloth­ “ C orp se" C om es to Life. ing. Brookville, Ind., Feb. 28.— Popular New Jersey grand jury will return misconception o f the coroner’ s law at least 16 indictments against pack­ nearly permitted the body o f Miss ing houses for storing food products Olive Sanders to be frozen in a snow­ contrary to law. bank today. Miss Sanders’ sister missed Olive from the house and found The czar o f Russia would build a her, seemingly dead, lying in the snow new trans-Mongolian railway in pre­ in the barnyard. It took two hours to ference to neutralizing the present get the coroner, and the body lay line. where it was found. He “ view ed” A Cambridge, Mass., bank book­ the body and it was carried into the keeper who received $12 per week sal­ house. The undertaker was called to ary is accused o f embezzling $144,000. prepare it for burial. A t this stage Rioters in Philadelphia street car Miss Sanders revived. strike snatch guns from soldiers. ‘ houldkn° t co" ,usf d w ,th * law which provides for an annual tax o f 26 cents to $2 upon each horsepower developed. But little complaint as to the excessive amount o f these fees has been heard from the small appropriator who intends to apply the power to his own use. It is different however, with the large appropriator and its re­ tarding influence is reflected in the small number o f such filings made un- der this law. Only a few o f the small appropriators have paid the tax in re- eponse to notices sent out prior to Jan- o uar7 “ Forty-nine petitions for the deter­ mination o f water rights on varions streams o f the state have been filed with the board o f control. This board is composed of the state engin­ eer and the division superintendent o f each o f the two divisions into which the state is divided. Surveys have been completed and testimony taken on nine o f these streams. A ll irrigat­ ed lands, power plants, ditches, etc., along 11 other streams have been lo­ cated and mapped during the past sea­ son by the state engineer. In all, 57,500 acres o f irrigated land have been accurately measured and mapped, at a coat o f 7 >4 cents per acre. “ The most important o f these streams are the Umatilla river and all its tributaries. Crooked river, Squaw creek and Tumalo creek, in Crook county, W illow creek in Morro county, and W illow creek in Malheur county, also Little Butte creek in Jackson county. The popularity o f the law with respect to the adjudication o f old rights has far exceeded the expectation o f the legislature, as the appropriation for the state engineer’ s office is so lim- ¡ted that surveys cannot keep pace with demands, “ No right to the use o f water can be acquired except by application to, and the issuance o f a permit, by the state engineer. Th* records as sum­ marized above and the experience o f this office during the ten months of 1909 during which the water code has been in effect, leads to the conclusion that this law is entirely satisfactory to the prospective investor and settler. It has already stimulated the develop­ ment o f the state through irrigation. Power filings and doubtless power de­ velopment has been somewhat retarded by the annual tax provided for in a separate law. Complaints as to this feature should not be directed against the water code.” _______ Em peror Ignores Petitioner. An earthquake shock, causing dishes St. Petersburg, Feb. 28.— Emperor and windows to rattle violently, was Nicholas left Tsarskoe-Selo palace to­ felt in Watertown, N. Y. day and drove into St. Petersburg, The Ministerial association o f V ic­ where he called upon K ing Ferdinand The emperor, as usual toria, B. C., has joined the Central o f Bulgaria. occupied an open carriage and was Trades and Labor council. While passing A special committee is investigating without an escort. through the Nevsky Prospect the car­ charges that the university o f Wiscon­ riage was halted by the presence o f a sin is teaching socialism. man clothed as a peasant, who knelt in The Baltimore A [Ohio railroad re­ its path and held the petition above his fused the demands o f employee for in­ head. The footman made a detour to creased wages and a big strike is I avoid the man, who subsequently was taken to the police station. likely. 4 4 4 A cres in Dufur Bring. SSO.OOO. Dufur— One o f the largest real es­ tate deals ever made in W asco county was completed this week when 444 acres in the heart o f the Dufur valley was sold by W . T. Vanderpool to Mel­ vin Sigraan. The consideration was $30,000. Alm ost all this land is bot­ tom land, the greater portion o f it be­ ing in timothy, the rest o f it is pasture and wheat land. The tract includes what is known as the old Lou Hender­ son donation claim o f 200 sexes, one of the oldest settled tracts in the stats of Oregon. “ Swiftwater Bill” Gates, a noted Blue Book Names Picked. Alaska mining man, is broke in Lon­ Chicago, Feb. 28.— A man who had don, after failure to sell his mining prepared from Chicago’ s “ bluebook” a stocks there. long list o f wealthy people from The pattern storehouse o f the Minne- whom, the assert, he intended to qua plant o f the Colorado Fuel ft Iron ixtort money, was arrested tonight af­ company at Pueblo was destroyed by ter he had held up and robbed Dr. B. H. Chamberlain. Later the robber Are. Loss $1,000,000. was identified as Edwin English. In President Taft refuses to intercede his possession were found a burglar’ s fo r a New York political leader threat­ kit and letters addressed to wealthy One letter demanded ened by the investigation o f alleged Chicagoans. $3,700 from Dr. D. K . Pearsons. crookedness in state administrtion. T o Pipe Water in Farming Section Hood River— The Hood River Farm­ er's Irrigating company will hold a , lectton 5 to consider t^ m, tu,r o f piping pipin|r their irrigating system through the farming section of the valley. The election has been called by 74 o f the atockhoders who signed a petition asking for the meet­ ing. It is known that tbe majority of the present board o f directors are not in favor o f piping the system a t this time on account o f the expense. O w ing to a strike o f 20,000 sugar Butte Strike May S oon End. cane cutters at Guadeloupe, tbe entire Butte, Mont., Feb. 28.— A settle­ sugar crop o f the island may be lost. Several cane fields have been set en ment o f the strike o f mine engineers is expected soon. Mat Commerford, Are. president o f the International Steam The British A ero club has sent a Engineers’ union, tonight stated that challenge to the Aero club of America he had submitted a proposition to end for a contest for the Gordon Bennett the trouble to the officials o f the Butte aviation cup and the Gordon Bennett Miners union, which proposition he ex­ balloon cup. ported they would accept.] T o Investigate O regon Electric. Salem—The railroad commission op- on its own motion has ordered an in­ vestigation into passenger accommoda­ tions furnished patrons by the Oregon Electric Railway company. The in­ vestigation will include both car con­ veniences and depot accommodations such as are required o f other railroads operating in Oregon. ____ j tru st in d ic t e d . New Jersey Grand Jury Calls On Great Combine. Newsy Item s Gathered from All A boyhood friend o f Carnegie called on tbe steel king and had a long visit with him, but when he intimated that he was having a hard struggle to make a living he received only some good pamphlets on economy. BEEF b g developm ent sch e m e . Company Applies for Blanket Fran­ chise in Tw o Counties. Medford— It is reported that the American Development company has applied for a blanket franchise for a trolley line over all the roads o f Jack- son and Josephine counties. A certain degree o f mystery surrounds the com­ pany in that those whose names appear on the articles o f incorporation recent­ ly filed, refuse to divulge the identity o f their associates who are supposed to be furnishing the financial backing. As yet the principal work o f the cor­ poration, it appears, has been to se­ cure water rights on the Rogue river in the vicinity o f Sam’s valley, about 16 miles north of Medford, in Jackson county, and to close contracts for 16,000 acres o f land to be included in an extensive irrigation project, the water supply for which is to be ob­ tained from Rogue river. From various sources it has been as- certa in «! that the contracts for lands covering an area o f 16,000 acres have been secured quietly during the past several months, and that water rights on the Rogue river have also been ob­ tained to insure a sufficient quantity o f water for the irrigation o f orchards, it being ostensibly the intention to provide fo r the irrigation o f the land and its promotion on the market in small tracts. The land in the vicinity o f Sam’ s valley and Eagle Point is a veritable desert, but once irrigated, it is said, it would become most productive, and as the Rogue river has a strong flow o f water with a good fall, it is believ­ ed by those having observed the con­ tour o f the land that irrigation is feas­ ible. The ob ject of securing franchises to build railways on county roads, is tak­ en to be part of the scheme for placing the land within easy reach, if placed under water and thrown on the mar­ ket. _________ Gold Strike in Lake County. Lakeview — T. A. Crump, a rancher living near Adel, Warner valley. Lake county, got the mining fever some time ago and went prospecting in the Windy Hollow mining district. Coyote hills, in the same county, and his efforts were rewarded last week by striking a vein o f ore carrying good values. Tbe exact amount o f the assay could not be learned, but it seemed sufficiently good to inspire some o f his friends to rush to the district and stake out claims in tbe vicinity o f the one on which the strike was made. Lakeside Creamery Will Be Improved Marshfield— Green ft Foster, o f San Francisco, have purchased the Lake- side creamery. The firm owns about 25 similar plants along the co a st The new management has agreed to thor­ oughly equip tbe plant. They have plans laid to make it the finest cream­ ery on the coast. The new machinery will cost about $6,000. Besides this equipment the company has two milk boats, which have been put in first class condition for collecting the milk. Halt New York, Feb. 26.— The “ beef trust” o f the United States, embrac­ ing six great companies and 21 pack­ ers, several o f them multimillionaires, was Indicted by a grand jury in Hud­ son county. New Jersey, today, charg­ ed with conspiracy in lim iting the sup­ ply o f meat and poultry. Tbe indictments drawn under the law o f New Jersey, which provides upon conviction, a maximum penalty o f three years in the penitentiary, a $1,- 000 fine or both. The offense ia extra­ ditable, which means practically that the meat barons must successfully re­ sist extradition or come to Jersey City for trial. Pierce Garvin, public prosecutor of Hudson county, said tonight that he would forthwith notify the defendants o f their indictment and would be ready to enforce extradition in each case where ^he individual concerned is not w illing to face trial. Tbe defendants fo ljo w : ,, , Tbe National Packing company, Armour & Co., Sw ift & Co., Morris A Co., Hammond Packing company, G. H. Hammond & Co., J. Ogden A r­ mour, A. Watson Armour, Louis F. Sw ift, Edward'F. Sw ift, Charles H. Sw ift, Edward Morris, Ira N. Morris! Arthur Meeker. Edward Tilden, L. A Carter, Thomas E. E. Wilson, Thomas j , Conners, F. A. Fowler, L. H. Hey- man, James E. Bathgate, J r., George J. Edwards, Fredrick B. Cooper, D. E. Hartell, Henry B. Darlington. A . A. Fuller, L. C. Patterson. Ira N. Morris sent a lawyer to Jer­ sey City this week from Chicago to inform Prosecutor Garven that he had retired from the directorate o f Morris & Co., but nevertheless he was in­ dicted. Cooper is the New Jersey manager for S w ift ft C o .; Bathgate, Edwards, Bartwall, Darlington and Fuller are said to be officers and Eastern agents o f the National Packing company, while other named are directors or officers or form ­ er directors or officers o f the National Packing company. Capiases for the arrest o f all the defendants will be is­ sued immediately and the grand jury will resume its investigation next Wednesday. A S B E S T O S COMBINE ON. New Trust Will Be Capitalized S 6 , OOO.OOO. at Denver, Feb. 26.— The Times today sa ys: Deals are now being organized in Denver which will probably result in tbe formation o f a trust that will control 90 per cent o f the asbestos out­ put o f the world. Officers and representatives o f the International Asbestos company, the National Asbestos company, the W y­ oming Consolidated Asbestos company and the United States Asbestos Mining ft Fiberizing company are here to con­ fer with the representatives o f English and California capitalists regarding the sale o f their properties to new in­ terests. Representatives o f the Amalgamat­ ed Asbestos ccorporation, a Canadian company, recently launched, which has obtained control o f about 90 per cent o f the asbestos output o f Canada, are now investigating the properties o f the companies represented at the Den­ ver conference and the consummation o f the first deal will likely be followed by the absorption of these companies by the big Canadian corporation. The new Interests are said to have offered $1,100,000 for the control o f the W yoming asbestos deposits. Big Price fo r Apple Land. Hood River— The Eaton ranch on the East side has been purchased by J. H. Day, o f Portland, for $30,000. This is one o f the best orchards in the val­ ley, having been planted by B. E. Dun­ can and later sold to Wyman and Catch is 3 0 0 ,0 0 0 Pounds. George Eaton. It consists o f a frac­ tion over 21 acres and is in apple trees Vancouver, B. C., Feb. 26.— The ranging from four to eight years old. halibut fishing steamer Kingfisher, belonging to the fleeet o f the New England Fish company, an American 2 2 3 Acres Bring S 3 I.6 0 0 . Hood River— E. Brong o f Portland, concern, is due to arrive here Friday has closed a deal through B. E. Dun­ with 300,000 pounds o f fish, 200,000 o f can ft Co., o f Hood River for 223 acres which she caught in two and a half uf fine orchard land two miles east o f days. Her whole time for the trip The Mosier. The price paid was $31,000. w ilfb e but nine and a half days. One hundred acres are improved. The Kingfisher’ s total cargo will be 400,000 tract formerly belonged to George Sel- pounds, which includes weight fo r ice and boxes in which some o f the fish linger. are packed. PORTLAND M ARKETS. Wheat—Track prices — Bluestem, $1.13(3 1.13 >« ; club, $1.06; red Rus­ sian, $1.04; valley, $1.06; 40-fold, $ 1 . 10 . Com — Whole, $35; cracked, $36 ton. Oats— No. 1 white, $31.60 per ton. Hay— Track prices— Timothy, W il­ lamette valley, $20(n21 per ton; East­ ern Oregon, $22(323; alfalfa, $17® 18; California alfalfa, $16(317; clo­ ver, $15(n 16; grain hay, $16(318. Freeh Fruits— Apples. $1.25(33 box; pears, $1.60(31.75; cranberries, $8<>i,9 per barrel. Potatoes—Carload buying prices— Oregon, 70(fi>75c per sack ; sweet po­ tatoes, 2 \ ® 3e per pound. Vegetables— Cabbage, $1.50(32 per hundred; turnips, $1.26 per sack; ruta­ bagas, $1(31.25; carrots, $1; beets, $1.25; parsnips, $1. Butter— City creamery extras, 87® 39c; fancy outaide creamery, 35(3 39c; store, 20(32314c per pound. Butter fat prices average l>%e per pound un­ der regular butter prices. Eggs— Fresh Oregon ranch, 27 28c per dozen. C h eese-F u ll cream twins, 19(ri20c per pound, young Americans, 20®21e. Pork—Fancy, 12(312 % c per pound. Veal— Fancy, 12(312 S c per pound. Poultry— Hens, 1 7 S (3 1 8 e ; springs, 1 7 S @ 1 8 c; ducks, 20