Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, February 01, 1910, Image 6

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Issued Every Tuesday
Newsy Items Gathered tram AH
Paris of the World.
Important but N ot Lata Inti
•sting Happenings from Points
Outaida the State.
Rome ia threatened with floods simi­
lar to those in Francs.
I t ia believed the chances o f the irri­
gation bill in congress are improving.
Boise is to have a thorough invesiga-
tion into the high prices of necessities.
The coroner’ s jury on the Csarina
wreck did not fix the blame on any­
Three Seattle policemen have been
arrested, charged with levying black­
Eight dead and thirty injured have
been taken from a train wreck in Eng
High food prices have driven thou­
sands of children to factory work in
Los Angeles is making a great effort
to free her city employes from the
clutches o f loan sharks.
It is reported that Dr. Cook has been
for several weeks at a German sanitar­
ium, under a false name, and has now
gone to Vienna.
The recent trip abroad o f the Immi­
gration commission is alleged to have
been but a junket expedition and an in­
vestigation has been called for.
It is reported that if the government
wins its suit against the railroad mer­
ger, a syndicate composed of Rockefel­
ler, Morgan, and Kuhn, Loeb Co., will
take up all the bonds and stock of the
roads involved.
Pinchot's friends are active
Ballinger investigation.
in the
T aft decides to continue the suit to
dissolve the Harriman railroad merger.
President T aft Asks Magazine Pub
Ushers to be Moderate.
Floods Increase and Death and Des­
truction Spread.
Paris, Jan. 28.— Waters of the Seine
creep slowly higher, each inch widely
extending the area o f destrudetion,
desolation and ruin.
Flood conditions had become much
worse at 2 o’clock this morning, partic­
ularly in the south and east sections.
In tha old Latin quarter the situation
was critical.
Tha sidewalk o f the Quai dee Gran­
dee Augustine collapsed and fell into
the Orleans company’s tunnel beneath,
further extending the flood through the
ancient streets, practically the Rue
Jacob and around the Institute of
Many sewers burst in the Twelfth
arrondisaement, one of the biggest in
Paris, the whole o f which is now sub­
merged and has beenplunged into dark­
ness on account o f the breaking of
the gas mains.
Official figures of the stage o f the
water are difficult to obtain, and the
city council at a stormy session to­
night charged M. Lepine, prefect of
Paris,with concealing the gravity of
the situation. The prefect defended
his attitude by saying he was governed
by the necessity o f not unduly alarm
ing the people.
In the meantime terror has been
struck in the hearts o f all. The crust
of the city seems ready to sink into
the flood.
Every hour drains are
bursting in new localities, causing
subsidence of the streets, or a bulge of
several feet, while the overflow o f the
surface water from the river is trans­
forming the inundated districts into
formidable lakes and the streets into
Washington, Jan. 81. — President
Taft told the periodical publishers of
the Untied States tonight] that, if
they overloaded their criticism of men
in the administrative authority with
unparliamentary expressions and inti­
mations as to lack of honorable mo­
tives, nobody is going to pay any atten­
tion to them.
Although he made no direct allusion
to “ muckraking.” it was plainly evi­
dent at what he was directing his at-
The president,"addressing the period­
ical publishers association of America
ms their guest at dinner, did not give
this advice to the editors assembled
from all parts o f the nation until he
had prefaced his remarks with good
humored treatment of his relative po­
sition to the wieldera of public opin
“ This is a formidable gathering to
address,” said President Taft, after
he had been presented by C. H. Smith,
the toastmaster. “ Gentlemen who act
as fates as to what is or is not current
literature, would under any circum­
stances, be formidable to address, and
under conditions prevailing in Wash
ington and in legislative balls, it re­
quires a brave man, standing in my po­
sition, to face them.
“ As to controversies, let me say
that all evidence— questions of facts—
must be weighed broadly to reach an
ultimate conclusion.
It is the case
with every trust, as much as we con­
demn them for their iniquities. The
evidence must be weighed. It does no
good to denounce a person on the w it­
ness stand, if he testifies agains t you.
“ You controllers of public opinion
and controllers o f the rulers of the
country may hammer a man into indif­
ference as to what you say, but at that
he will come nearer to doing right than
if he tried to fight.
‘ But, seriously speaking, I would
like to say that when you criticise a
poor devil exercising a responsible po­
sition, first give him the benefit en­
joyed by every criminal, that o f rea-
nonable doubt.
Pacific Roads Must Face
Next April.
Washington, Jan. 31.— The president
Violation o f the rules o f etiquette
has determined to press to a conclusion
may cause the retirement of the Aus­
the pending suit against the Union and
trian premier.
Southern Pacific Railroad companies,
Transcontinental Passenger associa­ looking to a dissolution of the merger,
tion grants convention rates to Port­ and today concluded to deny the appli­
land for Rose Festival.
cation of Mr. Lovett, Harriman’s suc­
Both parties admit the British elec­ cessor, for a dismissal o f the suit.
Soon after Judge Lovett and a num­
tion was fought on the tariff issue, and
ber o f influential railroad people ap­
both claim the victory.
pealed to the president to squash pro­
Los Angeles autoists are protesting ceedings before Judge Vandeventer’s
loudly against the new ondinance pro­ court in Salt Lake City., Mr. Taft,
viding jail terms for speeders.
following the course that had been-
Members of house committee on adopted in the case o f the famous New
poatofflcea and poatroads hotly resent York, New Haven & Hartford Railroad
magasine publishers’ charges o f graft. company, when a similar appeal was
made, referred the matter to the at­
A coroner’ s jury has held the engin­ torney general for examination. In
eer of a wrecked train on the New the New England case, it was found
York Central responsible for the death that, because o f action taken by the
o f the victims.
state o f Massachusetts and the insig­
Two robbers in a taxicab robbed the nificance o f the government’s interests,
12-mils house, east o f Portland. then it would be best to abandon the prose­
proceeded to the 7-mile house and at­ cution o f the railroad, and. thiawaa
tempted to rob that place, mortally done.
But Attorney General Wickersham
wounding an attache who P resisted
them. Posses were ia pursuit inside reached a different conclusion in the
Pacific railroad merger case, and today
o f an hour.
he handed to President T a ft a volumin­
A New York newsboy, while defend­ ous report, conclusions of which justi­
ing an aged man against three others fied the president in the announcement
who were tormenting him, was stabbed that there was a good case against the
three times. Two wealthy women in railroads, following the (jecision in the
their automobile took the wounded Northern Securities litigation. There­
newsboy to a hospital, their dresses fore, proceedings at Salt Lake City
being drenched in his life blood while will be pressed.
on the way.
The status c f the case at present is
Many women will be employed as this: The government has put in its
testimony. The defense must begin in
census takers.
April and the usual evidence in rebut­
The Ballinger-Pinehot inquiry has
tal must be submitted thereafter.
begun in Washington.
Then the case will go to that novel tri­
Strong opposition to appointive coun­ bunal o f four judges provided by the
cil for Alasa has developed, in the anti-trust act, known as the expediting
court, and doubtless in the end it will
come before the Supreme court o f the
Paris is in darkness, owing to flood­
United States.
ing o f gas works and electric light
Builds Aeroplane Garage.
Books o f nearly all the big packing
Chicago, Jan. 81.— The Blackstone
companies have been laid l before the
hotel, an exclusive hoetelryfor million­
Federal grand jury.
aires, now nearing completion in this
The Panama libel suit against the city, will have the twentieth floor
as an aeroplane garage.
N ew York World has been quashed and fitted up
further prosecution w ill be abandoned. It is believed this is the first serious
attempt in this country to provide for
The death roll by the floods in France the coming method of travel.
reaches thousands, and the damages gers o f the Blackstone say they feel
am increasing by the million every confident that aeroplane travel will be
general in the course -of a few years
at the outside, and that the majority
Maxasine publishers charge that an
of their patrons will own airships and
error o f $60,000,000 has been made in
the garage w ill be popular.
estimating expenses o f .Postoffice de­
Panama Libel 8uit Dismissed.
New York, Jan. 81.— The indict­
Floods along the river Seine in
France surround the government por­ ment against the Press Publishing com­
celain works at Sevres and threaten pany, publishers of the New York
World, charging Joseph Pulitxer and
the city o f Louvre.
others with criminal libel
A Southern court while trying a ne­ Theodore Roosevelt, President T aft
gro, discovered that the prisoner was and others, was quashed today in the
broken out with smallpox. He was United States District court.
immediately given full possession of Hough ruled that the statute upon
the court room until removed in an which the indictment rested was not
sufficient in authority, in other words,
Southern bankers are manipulating that the court had no jurisdiction.
Washington, Jan. 29.— The many­
angled fight in the house over the ques­
tion of revising the rules o f that body
took a new turn and assumed addition­
al importance today » hen Representa­
tive Champ Clark, o f Missouri, leader
of the minority, introduced a resolution
providing for the election by the house
o f a new rules committee of 16. Spe­
cial significance is attached to the
resolution by the fact that Mr. Clark
is a member of the present rules com­
Provision is made in the resolution
“ to revise, amend, simplify and codify
the present rules of the house,” and
“ report to the house at the earliest
day practicable.”
An investigation o f the expenses of
the immigration commission, a sequel
to the recent flurry in the house over
charges that members had “ junketed
on their trip abroad. ” is provided for
in a joint resolution introduced by Rep­
resentative Macon, o f Arkansas, creat­
ing a joint committee o f one senator
and two representatives for the pur­
pose. Mr. Macon was the author of
the charges on the floor o f the house.
Secretary Dickinson today informed
Delegate Wickersham, o f Alaska, in a
letter, that he could not accede to his
request that Major W. P. Richardson,
of the army, be relieved from duty in
Washington, as his services were re­
quired here in connection with the
work o f the board of road commission­
ers of Alaska, of which be is president.
Mr. Wickersham based his request
for the removal o f Major Richardson
on the ground that he was lobbying be­
fore committees of congress " f o r his
special work in Alaska.”
Washington, Jan. 28.— The postal
savings bank bill was favorably report­
ed to the senate today from the senate
committeee on postoffices and poet
roads, virtually in the form submitted
by the subcommittee. Senator Carter,
who will have charge of the measure,
w ill seek an early opportunity to se­
cure consideration of it by the senate.
The house committee on public lands
voted today to report favorably the
Mondell bill, admitting to entry the
surface o f coal lands in the United
The measure affects about
30,000,000 acres of land in Wyoming,
Colorado, Utah, New Mexico, North
Dakota, Oregon, Washington and Idaho.
The bill makes it possible for actual
settlers to make entry on the surface
o f coal lands under the homestead act
or the desert land entry law and also
makes possible withdrawals under the
reclamation act.
The United States
would issue a patent to such lands,
but would reserve all rights to coal
on the land as well as the privilege of
prospecting, mining and removing the
Suggesting the creation o f a commit­
tee on the budget to determine at the
beginning o f each session of congress
the list of appropriations by each com­
mittee of the house. Representative
Douglas, of Ohio, today insisted that
only by such a method could military
expenditures be kept down in the in­
terest of larger allowances for agricul­
On a point o f order the house elim­
inated a provision authorising the sec­
retary of agriculture to purchase and
destroy animals suffering from pluero
The senate spent more than two
hours in an academic discussion of the
tariff with especial consideration of its
effect upon the present high prices
of food products.
Washington, Jan. 27.— Regulation
o f the prices o f food through the tariff
is sought in a bill introduced today by
Representative Sabath, Democrat, of
Illinois. The bill places such articles
o f food as sugar, flour, eggs, vege­
tables and meat on the free liaL The
bill w ill go to the ways and means
committee and is likely to remain
Representative Boutell, of Illinois,
declared in the house today that time
would prove the truth of President
T a ft’s assertion that the Payne act
was the best tariff law ever passed by
. A determined effort is being made
by representatives from Pacific coast
states to secure an appropriation for
building a fleet o f submarine torpedo
boats for station on the Pacific coast,
and the movement is under way to get
an appropriation in the pending navy
bill for ten submarines to be built im­
mediately, all o f them to be used on
the Pacific! coast.
The postal savings bank bill, drafted
by Senators Garter, Doll i ver and
Owen, a subcommittee o f the commit­
tee on postoffices and poatroads, were
perfected today and was introduced in
the senate by Carter.
It was referred to the poetoffice com­
mittee and probably w ill be reported
back to the senate tomorrow.
Unless the Ballinger Pinchot inves­
committee makes
change from the mode o f procedure it
has adopted, its work will be interm­
inable. One committeeman declared
today that at the rate of progress set
at first session, it would take 19 years
to complete the inquiry.
Children Forced to Work.
Chicago, Jan. 81.— High prices for
food in Chicago are driving chil Iren to
work. In the last three months 1,000
more permits have been asked o f the
state factory inspector’s office than in
the corresponding three months a year
ago. This is an increase o f more (than
38 per cenL
It is attributed not to
any sudden demand o f employes for the
services o f minors, but to the necessi­
ties o f workingmen’s families, which
have compelled children to work to
buy food.
T aft Hastens to Reassure Trusts.
Washington, Jan. 27.—The T aft ad­
ministration made it clear today that
it does not intend to frighten the in­
dustries of the country by indiscrimin­
ate prosecutions under the Sherman
anti-trust law and that stories to the
effect that the pretent action against
the beef trust was the result o f public
agitation or the new departure are un­
true. The administration made known
its desire that the public should under­
stand that the beef trust prosecution is
merely in line with the regular policies
o f the present govemmenL
Pure Food Expert” Wil#y says that
New Cabinet Rebuffed.
eggs should not be kept in cold storage
Budapest, Jan. 31.— An early rebuff
more than nine months.
was met by the recently formed Hed-
Hamilton flew from
San Diego ervary cabinet, when the chamber to­
day with a large majority voted a
•cross the Mexican border and back.
want o f confidence in the ministry.
T a ft issued a statement that no sen­
The premier told the deputies he was
sational departure from the trust pros­
unable to decide immediately whether
ecution program will occur.
to resign or to d ivolve parliament
A woman keeper o f a sanatorium He then drew from his pocket an im­
confessed to collecting infanta to perial rescript adjourning the bouse to
March 4.
“ fake” the birth o f quadruplets.
Old Tyranny is Renewed.
Washington, Jan. 2<L— Telegrams
received at the State department today
indicate that there has been a great re­
vival by President Madriz, o f Nicara­
gua o f the old Zelaya policy o f impris­
onment o f respectable people for al­
leged political reasons.
In one ease a
house immediately across the street
was entered by soldiers without war­
rant Troops are being hurried to
meet the Estrada army, and a big fight
ia imminent
the rice market.
Tacoma will adopt the commission
plan of city government.
Republican insurgents are return­
ing to the camp of the regulars.
Missouri forestry expert would or­
ganise state forestry departments.
Governor Brady, o f Idaho, backs
move for state control o f natural re­
The United States bank at Mexico
City has been suspended by the clear­
ing house.
S P E N D 8 4 0 0 ,0 0 0 ON P R O J E C T .
Washington, Jan. 26.— Representa­
tive McCredie and Senator Jones to­
day appeared before the river and har­
New Concern Will Build Big Reser­ Opportu"ity Given Model Dairyman
bor committee and urged an appropria­
to Show Farms in Miniature.
voir to Store Flood Weters.
tion for Willapa and Olympia harbors,
A unique exhibition of proper dairy
which up to this time have not beer
tion project, begun in 1893 just as the methods is being arranged by the state
provided for in the bill.
panic swept over tbe country, stands in board of health in connection with tbe
Representative McCredie, who made
a fair way to be completed, and the
the principal argument, showed the
Oregon livestock show at the fair
settlers who have been waiting and
urgent need for both harbors, and
grounds next fall. One of the leading
asked the committee to grant the full
came, may have their hopes realized. promoters o f the plan is E. L. Thomp­
amount recommended by the army en
For the state o f Oregon, represented son, whose model dairy at Clover H ill
gineers, via., $218,000 for Willapa and
by tbe land board, is making an effort farm, near Deer island, has won atten­
$58,000 for Olympia.
to secure the completion o f the project
The committee seemed favorable,
with the mo-it flattering prospects of tion throughout the Northwest. Mr.
though the amounts they will grant
Thompson said:
have not yet been determined.
Laidlaw came into being during the
“ The fair next fall will give us the
All Oregon and« Washington river
days when settlers expected water and biggest educational opportunity we
and harbor projects that have been en­
as a matter of fact when water was have ever had. W e want to show cat­
dorsed by army engineers will, it ia
delivered in the ditches. But the sup­ tle th it are best adapted for dairy pur­
understood, be cared for in the rivers
ply was not sufficient for the lands at­ poses by reason of breeding, care and
and harbors bill soon to be reported to
tempted to be reclaimed, the acreage the tuberculin test.
the house, though the full amounts
We will have a
reduced and other supplies of water model dairy in all its parts ready for
asked fnr may may not be granted.
Representative Fowler, o f New Jer­
operation. This will, of course, be in
and the company was reorganized. In miniature, but effective, nevertheless.
sey, one o f the original “ insurgents,”
today introduced a resolution providing
We will show how feed should be
ed that a gravity system of irrigation raised and how it should be mixed for
for a reorganisation o f the rules com­
was not feasible and that reservoirs the health of cows, the largest produc­
mittee and the removal o f Speaker
would have to be built to store the tion of the best possible milk.
Cannon from that committee.
flood waters o f Tumalo creek during
resolution hits straight at the house
“ Correct barn construction, the vay
the spring and allow water to be car­ the stalls should be arranged, sufficient
organization and would shear the
ried over the parching land in July and ventilation, adequate gutter drainage,
speaker of a great portion o f the power
August, whan the stream
carries the proximity o f feed, milk roomB and
of his office.
scarcely any water.
The whole manure heaps, w ill be gone into thor­
An error o f $60,000,000 is charged
scheme resolved itself into bad en­ oughly. We will also show how milk­
by the association of American maga­
gineering, but the engineer was not ers should be dressed, and how they
zine publishers against the Postoffice
the mar. to suffer for his mistake should be clean in person and in hab­
department in the latter’s figures on
Three Sisters Irrigation company to its. to prevent contamination, and
the deficit in carrying second-class
water 27,000 acres o f land lying on the
mail matter.
IN V E ST IG A T IO N WAS C O R R U P T west side o f the Deschutes river, about keep dirt from getting into the milk,
This and other mistakes are alleged
will all be practically illustrated.
to bp in the departments figures, upon Four Chicago Grand Jurors o f 1908 six to 16 miles from Bend, taking wa­
ter from a mountain stream known as
which it is proposed to raise the rate
Fruitgrowers Will Gather at Dufur
Forced New Inquiry.
Tumolo creek. The nearest railroad
for carrying magazines through the
Du.’ir— Extensive arrangements are
Chioago, Jan. 28. — Four members point is Sbaniko, about 90 miles dir-
of the Federal grand jury which inves­ tanL The altitude ranges from 3,1(0 being made here for the fruit growers'
Twenty-five leading magazine pub-
institute, to be held February 25 and
tigated the so-called beef “ trust” in feet to 3,700 feet.
plishers appeared today as representa­
26. A meeting was held by the Dufur
1908 forced the government, through
tives o f the Periodical Publishers asso­
Valley Fruitgrowers’ un on to arrange
Convention to Carve New State.
Judge Landis, to start the present in­
ciation before the house committee on
quiry, according to a report current
Medford— The Southern leaders in the details. A t the institute lecturers
postoffices and postroads.
here today.
the movement to carve a new state out end speakers, including one from the
Washington, Jan. 25.— The house
Concerning the inception o f the o f Southern Oregon and Northern Cali­ Oregon Agricultural college, will talk
passed a bill today to create a bureau present action, it is said there would fornia, to be known as Siskiyou, are on different subjects o f value and in­
of mines in the department of the in­ have been none, had the four dissatis active with arrangements to call a con­ terest to the fruitgrowers. It ia ex­
pected that this w ill be the largest and
terior. The measure will not go into fied jurymen not sought the aid of vention to devise ways and means.
effect until July 1, 1910.
Judge Landis.
According to present p'ana the con­ most interesting institute ever held in
I t directs the secretary'of the inter­
This quartet, it is said, was willing vention w ill gather in Yreka, Siskiyou this section, and a large attendance is
ior to “ foster, promote and develops to indict the packers in December, county, California, not later than expected.
mining indurtries in the United States 1908, and finally became so indignant March 15. and remain in session three
and to investigate methods o f mining over the increasing price of meat that days.
Prominent men from all over New Brick School for Klamath Falls
and possible improvements for- carry­ they informed Judge Landis that they the territory affected have signified
Klamath Falls— Plans for the new
ing on mining operations.
thought it was time for the govern­ their willingness to attend and aid in public school building, which is to he
Broadening the work of the naval ment to begin another inquiry.
erected on tue west side o f the river,
the movement.
observatory so as to permit that insti­
The report o f the four jurors alleged
As planned, the new state will em­ have been approved by the school
tution to furnish the world with dis­ that enough evidence was submitted to brace seven California counties and board. The building will be two story
coveries “ that a great astronomer the 1908 grand jury to warrant true five Oregon counties.
The movement with basement and large attic, and
using such a plant would be likely to bills, and that, in spite o f this, there grew out of widespread dissatisfaction covers a ground space 82x92 H feet.
make,” is provided in a bill introduced was a sudden apathy on the part of with the treatment, alleged to have It will contain eight class rooms, with
today by Representative Dawson, of those behind the prosecution. They been accorded the territory by the two two rooms in the basement, and one
also said that i f the investigation was states.
California, it is raid by those large room 25x80 feet in the attic,
Whether or not the United States not renewed immediately they would advocating the formation o f the new which will be used as an assembly and
retains the Philippines, . improvements make a statement to the public setting state, has long neglected its northern music room.
proposed in fortifications will be of forth their theory of why the prosecu­ portion, while Southern Oregon has
permanent use to this government, in tion bad been dropped.
The Oregon Library commission has
suffered in a like manner, itisclairm d,
the opinion o f Senator Warren, who
Following the jurors’ complaint at the hands of Portland and the W l- for distribution fifty copies of a circu­
today defended the provision o f the Judge Landis is^ssid to have made the lamette valley. The move to create the lar “ Forestry in Nature Study” re­
fortifications bill setting aside $80v>,- investigation that resulted in the pres­ new state is popular through the affect­ cently issued by the department o f ag­
000 for those improvements.
ent action being started. Judge Lan ed territroy.
riculture. This is a plan for elemen­
The fortification appropriation bill, die, it is asserted, got in touch with
tary instruction in the subject, ar­
Florence Sees Bright Future.
carrying $5,821,000, was passed by the the evidence submitted to the 1908
ranged by grades, 1st to 8th, and with
senate today.
Eugene— Florence, at the mouth of the work outlined for fall, winter, and
grand jury, and he is determined that
Responding to the wish o f President the present action shall not be nullified the Siuslaw river, has been petitioned spring'erm s. The appendix gives ref­
Taft, expressed to Senators Penrose, by influence outside the grand jury by T. J. Monroe o f Coos Bay for a erences to government publications
Crane and Carter, all members of the room.
franchise for an electric light plant. which can be obtained free of charge
poetoffice committee, the subject has
The petition w ill probabply be submit­ and used as text books. Any teacher
been undertaken with a determination
ted to a vote of the people. Florence sending the commission two cents for
to report a bill at an early date.
is growing rapidly as a result of the postage may obtain a copy.
President T a ft’s Federal incorpora­ Policies Written On Many Persons beginning o f jettv work at the mouth
tion bill will meet with almost solid
o f the river. The citizens are working
S lo w P ro g ress on W ell.
Democratic opposition, according to
Louisville, Ky., Jan. 28.— John J. for a ra lroad to the Willamette valley
Dallas— Serious difficulties are be­
Republican senators who have can­ Keane, P. J. Needham and T. T. via Eugene. It has been rumored that
ing encountered at the oil well.
vassed the situation.
O’ Leary, agents representing a number the Southern Pacific con pinv would
formation is very hard and the supply
Washington, Jan. 24. — The land of insurance companies in Indiana. build a line from Eugene to Florence o f water increases with depth.
It ia
grants o f the Northwest, which at the Tennessee, Kentucky and other states, to reach Coos Bay, but the citizens possible for the drillers to make less
instance of Senator Tillman received tonight were arrested on warrants place more faith in the promise of the than 10 feet daily. Oil sands are num­
so much attention from congress two charging them with conspiracy to de­ promoters o f the Eugene & Western erous and it is still the qonviction o f
company, which has made prelim i­ all concerned that tbe drill is slowly
years ago, and figured conspicuously fraud.
The warrants were sworn to by S. C. nary surveys and expects to begin con­
in a sharp controversy between Mr.
nearing an immense deposit of tbe
Tillman and President Roosevelt, were Renick, secretary and treasurer o f the struction work soon.
precious fluid.
again today the subject o f discussion Indiana National L ife Insurance com-
2 C ow s E arn S I8 21, Each, M onth
in the senate.
While the amount involved is not
A resolution introduced, by Senator
Roseburg — That dairying in this
Chamberlain, calling on the attorney stated, it is undersiood reach $200.000 county is a profitable business, when
Wheat — Track prices: Bluestem,
general to state whether he had insti­ or more in policies alleged to have been conducted in accordance with scientific
$1.16(nl.l7; club, $1.06; red Russian,
tuted the suit which two years ago his written on the lives of persons v ir­ rules and principles, is proven by a re-
$1.04; valley, $1.06; 40-fold, $1.10.
department was directed to bring to tually certain to die within a few oort made by the Oakland Creamery
Barley— Feed and brewing, $29#
determine the rights of the govern­ months— the fraud consisting of the company, of Oakland. The report is
29.50 per ton.
ment in connection with the grants, impersonation o f sick and incurable made from 12 cows owned by L. E.
Com— Whole, $25; cracked, $36;
persons by healthy ones employed for Warner, who lives near Yoncalla, and
was adopted.
per ton.
A fter Mr. Chamberlain, in explain­ the purpose.
shows that a total o f 577.49 pounds of
Oats— N o .l white, $32(3 32.50 per
It is believed the alleged conspiracy butter fat was secured, which is esti­
ing the reason, had said it was time
that action was taken. Senator Tillman is far-reaching and investigation will mated at 861.43 pounds of butter, for
Hay— Track prices: Timothy: W il­
declared he had written to the attorney be made not only here, but in New A l­ which Mr. Warner received $218.52,
lamette valley, $18(320 per ton; East­
general a week ago, inquiring what bany. Ind., and perhaps in other cities.
$18.21 per cow.
This for the ern Oregon, $21(322; alfalfa, $17@18;
steps had been taken towards carrying
month of December.
clover, $16.; grain hay, $16(3:17.
Consular Agent Missing.
out the order, but had received no re­
Butter— City creamery extras, 39c;
ply. He expressed the hope that the
Chicago, Jan. 28.— Pietro Isnardi,
Electric Clocks at Klamath Falls.
fancy outside creamery, 34(n39c per
resolutions would be adopted and that Italian consular agent at Kansas City,
Klamath Falls— O. B. Gates, agent pound; store, 20(n;25e.
Butter fat
“ His Highness, or whatever you may Mo., has disappeared, according to a for the Western Union Telegraph com­
prices average 1 H e per pound under
choose to call him,” would take the statement made here doday by Guido pany, has secured 12 contracts for in­
regular butter prices.
action which he had been directed to Sehetta, the Italian Consul. Mr. Se- stalling clocks with telegraph service
Poultry— Hens, 15%(ft!l6)4c;springr,
betta said he feared Isnardi had be in business houses in the city.
The 1 5 H - H 16 > 4 'c; ducks, 2 0 # 28c; geese,
Speaker Cannon today assured Rep­ come mentally unbalanced because of company only sent Mr. Gates 12 con­
12(3 14c; turkeys,
resentative Hamer o f Idaho he had not persecution by a certain element o f tracts. This is a most creditable ¡show­
only favored, but would support the the Kansas City Italians. About $2,- ing for a city of this size. It was not dressed, 25(3 27 H e ; squabs. $3 dozen.
Eggs— Fresh Oregon extras, 3 1 #
bill along the lines o f that agreed upon 000 is involved in the disappearance, expected that over three o f four clocks
32H e per dozen; Eastern, 23(3.27c per
by the senate irrigation committee au­ but Mr. Sabetta said Isnard’s accounts could be installed, as that is usually
thorizing the issuance o f $30,000,000 with his government and with the Am ­ the number used in towns even larger
Pork— Fancy, 11(311 H e per pound.
worth of reclamation certificates to erican Express Co., for whom he is
than this.
Veal— Extras, 12(312 H e per pound.
complete the existing irrigation pro­ agent, are square.
Fresh Fruits— Apples, $1(3)3 box;
Clean Up Club at Eugene
pears, $1(31.60 per box; cranberries,
Immediately, Hamer introduced in
Snake Venom Disease Foe.
Eugene— A movement has been start­ $8(39 per barrel.
the house a bill similar to that drawn
Stockton, Jan. 28. — A fter three ed in Eugene to form a clean-up club
Potatoes — Carload buying prices:
by the senate committee, and at the weeks of the use o f venom from rat­ among the pupils o f the city schools
Oregon. 70(390c per sack: sweet pota­
speaker’s suggestion, had it referred tlesnakes in treatment for tuberculosis The object will be the cleaning up of
to the ways and means committee, for of the lungs, in a Lodi case that war the streets, alleys and yards of the toes. 2 H (32H e per pound.
Vegetables — Artichokes, $1(31.25
it is a measure to raise revenue.
in its last stages. Dr. Hull, o f Stock- city. City Superintendent o f Schools per dozen; cabbage, *2(32 25 per hun­
ton, reported some improvement o f the G. S. Stockton and Manager Freeman dred; cauliflowe'-, $1.75 per dozen;
Tillman Critlzes Army.
patient, who is a son o f Supervisor o f the commercial club, have agreed to celery, $3(3 3 50 per crate ; garlic, 12H
Washington, Jan. 26. — President Newton. The poison is administered work together for the organization of per pound; horseradish. 9(310c per
T aft and Senator Tillman clashed to­ according to a formula recommended the pupils’ club and the commercial pound; pumpkins, 1^(31 H e ; sprouts,
night in good natured discussion o f the by Eastern physicians who have tried club w ill give prizes for the best 7(3 8e per pound; squash. 2c; tomato«s,
merits of the personnel o f the army in the cure. In the Lodi case the young work.
$1.503(2.25 per box; turnips, 11.60
Cuba and in the Philippines at the an­ man ia reported as freed from night
per sack: carrots, $1.25; beets, $1.50;
Stayton Votes Down Bond Issue.
nual banquet o ' the International Or­ sweats. A permanent cure, however,
pa-snipe. $1.60
Stayton— The proposition to vote at
der of the Caribou. The dinner was a is hardly looked for.
Onions— Orego-’ , *1.50 per «a-k.
private affair and the army men and
Cattle— Best steers. $'(176 50; f „ . r
their guests were loth to disclose just
Trainmen Cannot Agree.
to good,. $4.5034 75; strictlv pn.*d
what was said, but it was learned the
COWS, $4.25(34.5(1. ; f » l-
p n o ff row«.
New York, Jan. 28.— R epresentative
South Carolina senator spoke in a char­ of the Railway trainmen’ s unions who 76 to 27. Bonds o f $850 were voted $3.50(3 4; light calves. $5(35.50; heavy
acteristic vein ar.d made some pointed were to have conferred today with offi­
calves. $4(3)4 50; bulls, $2.50(u3.75;
criticisms of the army. The president cials o f 32 controlling railroads east school purposes.
stags, $3(3 4.
was not ruffled in the least.
of the Mississippi river, left tonight
Land Board Affirms Loans.
Sheep— Best wethers, $5.60(35.50)4 t
for the West, and the conference has
Salem— First mortgage loans from fsi# to good, wethers. $4.50(35; good
Withdraws Oil ard Power Lands.
been postponed indefinitely. Original the school fund drawing 6 per cent ewes. $5(35.60; lambs, $5(36.50.
Washington, Jan. 27.— Secretary of expectations were that by this time interest were approved by the land
Hogs — Top, $9.10#9.25; fa ir to
the Interior
Ballinger today with­ the men would have formulated a scale board to the amount o f $59,200. There good hogs, $8 60(39.
drew from entry on the ground that to replace the proposals recently re­ remained $305,000 o f the school fund
Hop«— 19(9 crop, prime end choirs
they contain possible water power jected by the railroads, but they are yet uninvested January 1.
20(322H e; 1908s, 1 7 H «; 1907s, l l H c
sitrs, 17,332 acres o f public lands in not agreed.
per pound.
81,000 for Lane 'County’ s Fair.
Idaho; 2,649 acres along the Walla
Wool — Eastern Oregon, 16(323c
Latham Falls ISO Feet.
Walla river in Oregon, and 24,152 in
Eugene—The Lane County Fair as­ pound; mohair, choice, 25c pound.
Utah. As probably containing oil de­
Caro, Egypt, Jan. 28.— Hubert Lath­ sociation has decided to ask the county
Hides— Dry hides,
posits he also withdrew 147,887 acres am, the French aviator, fell 150 feet court for an appropriation o f $1,000 pound; dry kip, 184318c pound; dry
o f land in California designated under while making a flight at Heliopolis| annually for the fair and appointed a calfskin, 19#21e pound; salted hides.
the enlarged homestead act and 7,320 this afternoon.
The' monoplane was committee to interview the court at its 10#10e salted calfskin, 16c pound:
acres in Montana.
wrecked, but Latham was not injured. next meeting.
le less.