M erry C h ris tm a s To AH .’ ♦ * I seful Holiday l’reseuts, Pictures and Picture Frames, New Stock, Endless Variety, Furniture, Rugs, blankets and SANTA CLAUS IS COMING W h y Not B u y a U sefu l Present for Wife. Husband. Son or Daughter. % W e H ave Cither «s ^ iis S s i^ v ^ ' V ^ '^ w w w ^ v c v v v w ^ W s i^ s «* . MnMMMMsKsi i t w w v v f t v Comforters, Writing Desks. For Ladies Pocket Knives, Express Wagons, 8 Sporting Goods, and Other Equally * 46 Razors, A ll Kinds, Cutlery 22-Calibre Kifles, < Drinking Cups, Salt, Pepper and /K £ Toothpick Holders. © $ % \ i Pine as I ’ setul Things. Work Shot Guns, Tools, Rifles aud Ammunition. t > Vj,- i#L x< < vw iS ^ tiaS S S S »ia& aa^ S S t»^ yw v >"' a M liW M M W W I> M II> l> iM i> lB II7 1 M 1 •S S iiiS S S iS S S .'iS ^ai.xv^S .^^'sS S .^A jsW S f-^iviS iS iii^^A v^vvv^iiiw w si& S v-W . Griffi n (8L Veatch Com pany An Elegant Line of Rockers. Father or Mother. Just the Kind of Present for Come Where Selection is Made Easy. SIDERAL & VANDENBUR 6 ••THE FU RN ITU RE D E A L E R S ” COTTAGE GROVE LEADER. The Independent paper uowa days is the paper that commands confidence, because it is realized that a paper to be worthy of confi deuce must to a large extent be in dependent, says Dr. Hamilton Holt, editor of the Independent recently. The successful papers the papers of standing are losing their allegiance to the political parties. It is no longer popular for a newspaper to say that the worst Republican is better than the best democrat. That day has gone by. People are too intelligent Aud if you know in advance what a paper is goiug to say, l>ecause it is stamped with a party label, they do not want it. At least, not very many of them do. The growth of the independent newspaper is the best evidence that this policy pays CHURCH NOTES AND ANNOUNCEMENTS I § I Just R e c e iv e d | Those who were present at the Methodist church last Sabbath have not done talking about the services yet they were such seasons of uplift and blessing. The ad- veut of the Saviour will be cele­ brated on Sunday by song and ser­ R mon. Subject of Robert Sutcliffe's address at 11 “ The Wonderful Name.” The ladies quartet ren­ ders a selection. People’s popular service at 7:30. Hearty congrega­ tional singing. Come and take part. Duet by Messrs Harris and Conner. T h e pastor speaks on “ Christ’s Interview with the tax collector.” Rible school at 10 a. m. F'pworth l.eague devotional meeting at 6:30 p. m. Over 80 were present at the last gathering. The old are enjoying this means of grace as well as the young. Strangers heartily welcomed. I s S runs just as well on a housetop as in the best beaten path. Still the truth is Santa Claus is THK I.KADKH PUBLI SHI NG CO ( I iip .) an old pagan. We do not know W. C. C o nner . Editor find Manager. at what time he bad a habitation Knl«rad at the Cottage Grove postoUlce as sec­ and name, hut sure it is he first ond-class matter. came down from the north, else he could not have had either reindeer auHscKirrioN katks Oue Year . . . . , $i.50 or sleigh. W e do not know Six Mouths • * 7 5 Three Months . . . ft»> whether he is o f old Norse or Teutonic stock, for they both had City Marshal Snodgrass is think­ early habitations around the llaltic, FR ID AY , DKCRMBKR 24 , 1909 . for both of them Odin, or Wooden ing seriously of tendering liis res­ was chief among the gods and ignation to the city council on the Thor was his opponent. And grounds that he is not receiving a Services at the Presbyterian those uorthmeu had a multitude of salary adequate for the services church next Sunday:— Sunday rendered. In order to make other gods and goddesses, to each school at a. in. Classes for all. A of which some especial excellence comparison of salaries paid in marked interest in the young men’s was attached, and they were towns of similar size, communica­ class aud in the Mizpah class is tion has been had with several Ore­ prayed to and feast days were noticeable. Sermon at 11, “ Thy dedicated to them. It was from gon cities ranging in population Kingdom Come.” There is a from 400 to .3000, and as a result that source that the mistletoe re­ growing spirit of prayer in the it is fouud that the lowest salary ceived its significance, for it was lives o f many in the congregation, with a sprig of mistletoe that paid is in Ilaius, a place of 450 in which is an indication of a true habitants, aud that is $50. The I Balde was shot, which only meant Christian’s belief in prayer. The highest is $100 per mouth, and of I that lialde the sun, was practically Christian Endeavor will hold its put out of business during the the seventeen towns four pay this last service o f the present contest. sum, while most of the others pay ! winter months. All were typical The growth in the society has been $75. The marshal of Cottage of some phase of nature or of large and is distinctly a young ! human life. Thus the story the Grove receives $60, the lowest people’s movement. The choir figure paid by any town of like story of Sigmund. He could only will render special music at the size in the state. win the nymph of his heart by evening service. The address will riding through the fire to her, and “ No man.” said the late K. H. he on “ The Valley of Dry bones.” he did not hesitate at all; any Harrimau, is absolutely necessary This is an evangelistic service and more than would a bishop who or even very important. If I did will be followed by an after ser­ wanted a second wife. There quit nothing would happen. This vice. At the testimony service were gods on watch, gods of the world is full of men ready to take last Sunday evening, some who chase, of the seasons, of the tor­ the place of auyoue. The fellow had not witnessed for their Saviour rents, of the planting time and the who takes hold where 1 leave off for years ill a public meeting, were repeating time, of the home; in­ will go right ahead. Trains will on their feet. deed the Norsemen had more gods run just the same, dividends will than any other race, to them ail be earned as before; so it is with special virtues attached, special Mrs. Mike Kebblebeck and sons, every mau.” offerings were rendered. And out Jeo. and |ohu, are home from the of these offerings and the pictures, E. J. Moore, manager of the McKenzie to spend the holidays. drawn of the beneficience o f these Hazlewood cream station at Cres- Mrs. Kebblebeck received a souve­ You r business Is one o f you r several duties, Santa Claus finally well paid out for butter fat, eggs nir plate and a receipt for the best friends. W hy not five took form as the special providence and poultry at that place this year (eader another year Thursday. It a suitable present — some of telling children about the har­ about $25,000 as follows: Butter new end attractive station­ ery. for Instance, auch as w e vest time. Hut he was an old fat, 40,06.5 pounds. $15,117.50 The wife o f Harvey Wallace is are prepared to print for you pagan just the same, which only critically ill at the Salem hospital. eggs, 1,262 cases $8,585.75; poul at right prices? proves to us that good can come try, 11,115 pounds, $1,2.15.15 Her maiden unme was Miss Hettie to us from unholiness.- ( iood win’s Total $24,0.18.40. A good show Medley. Sauta Claus is a real saint to Weekly. ing. * the children. He is their good MONEY TO LOAN. angel, he brings them marvelous between $125,(100 and $150,000 Some of the shallow ponds near gifts; he never has a bargain sale will lie spent next year on the roads town were frozen over with a coat I f you want to buy or build a of remnants and his stock never of Douglas county. In 1009 more of ice Thursday morning to home or pay off your mortgages runs out. They see his picture than double the amount ever spent thickness sufficient to enable the and have long time, easy pay­ with his sleigh aud reindeer teams, in a year was spent on the roads of boys to get out their long unused ments and low rate of interest to in fancy they hear his bells and the county. In 1910 the amount skates and the unique pleasure of pay back loan in, see W a l k e r & they never questiou the statement spent on roads will double the a days skate was indulged in. The 1’ e r r i n e , Roseburg, Oregon. that his is a magical sleigh that amount spent in 1909. thaw came Thursday evening, The Wonderful much to the delight of all but the skaters. Tudnday9 a n d F rid ays. # C h ris tm a s Presents ' A full line of China, French, German Ku- 1 ^ glish and Japanese Ware, which 1 offer at at- tractive prices for the Christmas trade. and examine it. Call No.trouble to show goods. Oil Saturday, Dec. 18th, I will place on sale a quautity of China at greatly reduced prices don’t miss this opportunity to secure some C S 3 fine pieces for Christmas. I H. S COOK s ! — ---------- “ 1 ! THE DIAMOND | i* ------ ----- f 4 A s A n Investment The man or woman who wears a diamond also ^ wears an air of prosperity that is far reaching in its influence. ST These are Commercial times, and to B E suc­ cessful you must LO O K it. People are always sT judged at first by their appearance. jjT As an investment, the diamond is in a class by sT itself, because, outside of its intrinsic value, it has jjT the added value as an adornment. , W hen you are ready to buy a diamond, at what- ( ever price, there are plenty of reasons why you ifT should come and see the fine line of Diamonds in J Ear-Rings, Brooches and Rings sold at reduced prices on installments at /S llj ‘f } 2? H. ------------ C. M A D S E N t fjf Are Now In Order ...The... First National Bank jit C a p it a l S u r p lu s & U n d iv id e d P r o fit s $ 4 9 ,0 0 0 T o t a l A s s e t s ............................ . . $ 5 0 4 . 0 0 0 • Welcomes and appreciates your business, whether large or small and believe its extensive resources, developed by i seventeen years of constant, considerate, conservative accommodations. A splendid endorsement of its most satisfactory service to the people of Cottage Grove and vicinity. t ’’A la d d in 'L a m p Not Sisters N o w and n£*in you »ee two women past« in f down the »ttcct who look like sistera. You are attoimhed to learn that they am mofher and daughter, and you realize that • woman at forty or forty-u\e ought to be at her finest and fairest. Why isn’ t it so? The general health of woman ia so in­ timately associated with the local health o f the eascntially feminine organa that there can be no red cheeks and round form where there ia female weakness. W om en who heve suffered from this trouble !ieve found prompt re lie f end cure in the use o f D r. P ierc e 's Favorite Prescription. It l i n i •■dor and vita lity to • r , a u o f w om anhood. It clear. lha o im p l e i i o a , brid btaaa • I « and red d en s lb * ch eck » N o alcohol, or liabit-forroin* ilru (i ia contained ia “ Favorita Prescription.” Any »ick woman may consult l)r. Pierce by latter, free. Every latter is bald •• sarrc.ll> confcdeatial, and answered in a plain envelope. Address l World a Dispensary Medical Association, Dr. R.V. Pierce, Prea., Huffalo, N . Y . The mineral exhibit made by Cottage Grove at the Seattle fair will be placed on exhibition in some convenient place in this city. The leader souvenir plates are still goiitg out lively to new and old subscribers. Chas. brutteau, who was injured in the bohemia camp a few weeks ago, has been discharged by the Eugene hospital, and will return to the mining district within a few days. The Vesuvius Mining Company will hold its annual meeting at Eugene on January 1. The “ Old Reliable” Albany Nurseries *‘T h c Greatest triumph o f Mod­ ern i e n c c ." The roost w o n- •lerful discovery e v e r made b y mau. ^Absolutely s a f e . *odorlesa noiseless f sim ple ami w ith­ out a question the l>est artificial light in eaistence. Far I superior t o elec tricity, »as or gas oline. The “ A I a- d i n " generates n gas from common I kerosene (coal o il) producing a pure- I white «oft light n celled by sunlight only, at a exist of I S cent per hour. The “ A la ddin " i« pronounced by oc enlists to l*e t h e best artificial light known The "A la d d in " has uo equal. l*eware Tw o year old o f im itation«, «ee that von get the “ A laddin" and no other, our trade mark "A la d d in ” is out fork in left ear. every burner. A. J. BRUM BAU GH. General A gen ticulars inquire Voltage Grove. Oregon. [Incorporated] VVe Have Quality and Quantity Combined. If You Want one or a Thousand Trees W rite Us. Catalogue Free............................... Estray Notice. For sale at I>es l.iir/e« Bros*. Grocery store. land. steer, red, swallow For further par­ of C. A. McFar­ A Wise Precaution. During the cold weather we build hot fires, beware of confla­ grations, don’t neglect carrying a policy on your house. Tom Awbrey can give you satisfactory rates and protection. 33tf