Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, December 24, 1909, Image 1

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If y o u L ik e
B o o st fo r It-
If r\o tt
S e n d y o u r C ritic is m
to th i s P a p e r .
A d v e r tis e Ir»
T k ls i s W h a t B rin g s
B u s in e s s a n d gives
th e P a p e r Life-
C o a s o llia ts d J a n u a r y 9. 1908-
The Royal Intermediate
School Demonstrates
Musical Talent
accom panist, Josie Shryock, for
the able and efficient m anner in
w hich she presided at the piano.
T aken all in all the presentation
was a most successful one and re­
flected m uch credit upon the s tu ­
dents of Royal school and its effi­
cient instructor, Prof. G. K. John-
souud, his heart is big, he is gen­
erous and honorable aud a m an to
be trusted w ith a woman. H e has
lived the wild, elem ental life of
his kind, but he know s aud loves
the better way when he sees it.
VOL. XXI. NO. 37
In School Buildings and Will be Presented Satur­ METHODIST BROTHER­
Dorena People Will Im­
day Evening by M. E.
Sanitary Conditions
prove and Open New
A pleasaut and profitable even­
Sunday School
Are Very Good
County Road.
Portland, Dec. 22-R eports to the
ing from a social standpoint was
Associated Press tonight from m any
points in O regon, W ashington and
The great sacred ca n ta ta, “ Saul, Idaho, indicate today to have l>een
King of Israel” was presented at the worst clear cold snap w ith­
in a decade or more. A m antle of
th e armory theater W ednesday and
frost covers the ground from the
T h u rsd ay evenings to fair sized Siskiyou m ountains in northern
a n d very appreciative audiences by California as far north as G rays
th e chorus club of the Royal In ­ H arbor, W ashington, and from
term ediate school, there being the coast line to central and n o rth ­
ab o u l forty-five voices in the ern Idaho.
chorus. T he costumes, while pre- j Only the Puget Sound country
pared at home, were attractive and ! seems to have escaped the freeze
very appropriate and a -notable | which in most places was accom ­
feature of this difficult cantata was | panied by high wind th at caused
th e prom pt and clock like regular­ the snow to whirl and drift in real
ity iu w hich the scenes were shift- j D akota fashion. T em perature in
ed and the very short intervals be- j many places dropped to twenty
tw een acts. A nother noticeable j above zero and in some places zero
feature was the absence of a d i­ w eather was recorded. Snow fall
rector with his baton in front of I occurred at only a few places and
the stage as usual in such produc­ did not reach the W illam ette valley
tions, Prof. G. E. Johnson, the only a trace fell and this turned to
director, having so thoroughly frost. O w ing to the u nusual sever­
drilled his chorus and cast that h is ity and earliness of the cold snap
presence beneath the footlights was some apprehension as to its effect
upon fruit and stock was felt, but
not required.
T he characters, considering that the Associated Press reports indi­
th is w as their first experience in cate th a t so far there is no serious
m any cases in this line of work, dam age to the stock, th a t spuds for
were ably sustained, particularly the most part have been harvested
creditable being A. I*.. Owens in and the early sown grain is u n h arm ­
th e role of K ing Saul. Mr. Owens ed. Should the cold wave contin­
h a s a good stroug txiss voice and ue, however, stockm en may suffer
had his lines com m itted perfectly. losses.
T here is indication th at the cold
D avid, a difficult tenor role, as
interpreted by J. P. W heeler was w eath er will soon abate.
spent by the member* of the M eth­
odist brotherhood iu the church
On Christm as night the scholars parlors T uesday evening. T h e a t­
To the honorable Board of Direct­
An enthusiastic road meeting
ors, District No. 45, Cottage aud friends of the Methodist S ab­ tendance- was large and all en ­
w as held at Dorena last S aturday
bath school will give the can tata tered into th e spirit of the occasion.
Grove, < Iregon:
for th e purpose of voting an ad d i­
Dear Sirs— H aving been request­ entitled “ Santa Claus, J u n io r,” iu A fter the business srssiou th e fol­
ta x upon the ta x ab le prop­
ed by Prof. Barnes to exam ine the
low ing program was rendered:
erty of th a t road district for the
heating, ventilating and sanitary furnishes a very pleasant way of
Song, selected. Brotherhood.
conditions of the east and west closing the festal day. Santa
How the Brotherhood m ay help purpose of im proving the roads,
side school buildings also if any C laus Ju n io r learn s of the pro­ to m ake Cottage G rove a better and th e two miles of newly opened
existing danger of fire from fur­ posed visit of Santa Claus, and in place to live, A. J . A rm strougi
road from the C urrin bridge down
naces, pipes or flues, 1 wish to re­ a spirit of mischief delays his com ­
G eneral discussion.
the river through the C urrin farm,
port th at I have exam iued sam e ing an hour in order that he might
Vocal duet, selected, Messrs V an
thence west through the Stocks
au d find no d anger of fire from cause some excitem ent. He suc­ W iukle aud H arris.
furnaces, pipes or flues, th a t at ceeds.
How Brotherhood m ay assist in and Nelsou or Spray farms to the
river to connect with the old Row
present the sanitary conditions are
building up aud u iaiutaing m en 's
good, the heating an d ventilation
T he cast of characters follows: classes iu the S unday schools, J. river w agon road at a point at the
com ers of th e Love Allen and
of east side building is slightly de­ Anne, Mrs. W . C. Conner; Mary, B. Sim eral.
H arm s places about two miles east
fective on account of lum ber iu l.illian Eewis; Thom as, Clare Con­
G eneral discussion.
building haviug shrunk, th u s a d ­ ner; Sue, E dna Johnson; Elizabeth,
Violin solo, selected, G ilbert T y ­ of th is city, ft is proposed to e x ­
m itting cold air which retards the Marion Hooper; Ethel, H ildred son. Clarence Morss accom panist. pend $<>5(li>f the am ount raised by
proper w orkings of the furnace. H all: Robert, Victor Kem; Jo h n ,
W ays in which Brotherhood m ay this special ta x on the two miles
W ould recommend th at a cold air Clarence W ilson: N orth W ind, benefit aud be helpful In a literary of uew road m entioned above, aud
providing the county court will
duct be placed on west side fu r­ Mrs. H . H arry H art; Spirit of m anner, W. C. Counter.
give assurance of th e building of
nace facing the south which would Christm as, Lottie W hit sett; Ragged
G eneral discussion.
m aterially assist to circulate warm Dick, Santa C laus Junior, Ren
Q uartet, selected, Messrs V an a bridge over Row river on the
air in rooms, also recommend th at Sanford: Santa Claus, Mr. J. H. W inkle, H arris, Counter and Con­ line of th is uew road during the
year 1910, it is proposed to use
a vent pipe be put on sewer in east H arris, Chorus by S unday school. ner.
$950 more iu spreading crushed
side building.
G eneral discussion.
Those wishiug to place preseuts
rock on this road and thereby es­
A. N elson ,
System by which Brotherhood
on the tree please have them at the
tablishing a good perm anent road
H eating aud V entilating Eng.
hall by three o ’clock. T he program m ay aid hum anity in sickness and
lied. Jo h n Spray was appointed
distress, L. A. Ralstou.
commences at eight o ’clock.
a com m ittee of one to interview
Junction Team Wins.
G eneral discussion.
Ten cents adm issiou will be
th e county court iu regard to se­
ejiaiged to assist^ in p ay in g th e '
Blest be the J ie , Brotherhood,
cu rin g a roc 4 r crusher to be used in
■Juilction City, Dec. 18.—Tji an rental for the arm ory. Children of
At the conclusion of the pro­
the im provem ent of this uew co u n ­
interesting gam e of basket ball the Sunday School, free.
gram the members all repaired to
ty road. H e visited E ugene T h u rs­
played here, Friday evening, be­
the gym nasium or banquet hall in
day and interview ed the county
tween the Cottage Grove Nesm ith
the basem ent and were served with
very pleasing an d effective.
At The Eugene Theater.
ju d g e and com m issioners and in-
county team and th e Ju n ctio n City
Marriage Licenses Issued.
splendid luncheon, George H all
Jo n a th an , S a u l’s son, was one of ;
. forms th e I.eader th a t he was as-
Pirates, Junction won out by the
th e very best and strongest char- j M arriage licenses were issued score of 28 to 10. At the end of
“ in W yom ing,” one of the
i sured th a t a rock crusher would be
acters, in which H iram W heeler yesterday to Charles M. Emery and the first h atf the score stood 8 to 6 finest productions of the preseut adm irably. At the close of the ( furnished by the county as soon
luncheon a literary nr debating
seemed equal to the task. He has Miss N ellie Q uinby, two well in favor of the Pirates. T h e last
day will be seen at the E ugene society was organized and the first ! as w auted on this road work, w hich
a good clear voice and his solos know n Eugene young people; J. h alf was m uch faster th an the
I would be operated free, providing
theater X tnas m atinee and even­ debate set for early in Ja n u ary ,
were very tuneful.
1 the farm ers or th e supervisor of
Floyd Dibble and Miss Pearl Da­ first, and Junction succeeded m ost
Sam uel, as sustained by F . P. vis, two well known school teach ­ of the time. Both teams did e x ­ ing. P erhaps not since “ T he V ir­ dates to be announced later.
1 this road district would supply
g in ia n ” has the stage been offered
W heeler, was another difficult ers of W alton: Jam es M. Johnson, cellent work.
1 team s, w agons aud drivers to haul
a hero at once so hum an, so m anly
T he E ugene G. A. R. elected the rock and place it on th e road
ch aracter very acceptibly im per­ aud Bertha E. Buell of Eugene;
John J . M urray of Melbourne, Arrested on Charge of Bootlegging. an d so irresistable as Mr. M ack's new officers S aturday night as fol­ w ithout cost to th e county. Mr.
“ Bob R ich ard s.” T he glorified lows: L. P. T allm an, com m ander; Spray looks upon this as a lilreral
M ichael, S a u l’s daughter and W ashington, and Miss Bessie Cox
G. B. H ansard and his son G ; cowboy has appeared in fiction an d I W illiam Sherm an, senior vice corn- proposition and says he will fu r­
D av id ’s wife, w as a character of Ju n c tio n .— Register.
w hich Mrs. G.ertrude Hmmerson
E. H an sard of Springfield, were stage again aud ag ain with his m ander; G. E. Kress, ju n io r vice nish team s to deliver the crushed
W heeler, im personated very clever- 1 Go to P arkers Bakery and see arrested W ednesday on com plaint som brero an d his wild antics with 1 com m ander; 11. V. D arling, officer rock on th a t part of the new road
ly. Mrs. W heeler is possessed of | the candy heart they will give I of selling liquor contrary to the a six-shooter. T h e th in g about of the d ay ; Frank Bowers, q u arte r­ laid out th ro u g h his farm free of
a sweet soprano voice and her j away Christm as.
j local option law . They appeared Mr. M ack ’s cowboy, that has ap- m aster; O. Stoel. ch ap lain ; Carlile, charge. H e says a good ledge of
solos were very pleasing, especial- j
¡before lustice R. S. Bryson and t>ealed so forcefully is that he is officer of the guard.
solid, brittle rock is located by the
ly the lullaby song in act four j T he Booth-Kelly com pany is each gave $.1<K) cash bonds for his real. H e is a m an. Ile d o e sso iu e
side of the new road at the east
C hristm as delicacies at Kerr & side of the Stocks farm near the
when Prof. Jo h n so n ’s baby daugh-j shipping out an average of from 1 api>earance on th e 27th and 28th things th a t society does not sa n e - 1
tion as proper, b ut his instincts are S ilby’s.
ter tripped lightly acrsss the stage 15 to 20 cars of lum ber every day. respectively for their hearings.
center of th is new road section aud
an d nestled in her arm s during the 1
th a t team s could haul both ways
from th e crusher, thereby assur
A bigale, was a character well |
rin g speedy progress in the work.
suited to Mrs. Alice W heeler Gil-
Petitions are lieing circulated
dersleve and her solo work was
and are being num erously signed
also very pleasing.
by th e Row river valley people and
A rchie Wilson was assigned the
citizens of C ottage Grove request­
role of Messenger of Comfort, a
in g th e county courl to build a
tenor w hich he handled very cred­
new bridge across Row river on
itably. A pleasing feature was the
th is new road th e com ing season.
chorus of ladies—G race Innis,
T h is road shortens the distance
E thel Cox, Mrs. A. A. W heeler,
lietween Cottage G rove and the
A lth a Gildersleve, Faye Deardorff,
Row river valley au d the Bohemia
Mrs. I). A. Pistes.
m ines at least 1% miles au d would
W orthy of special m ention was
be more passable at tim es of
th e tuneful choruses and graceful
freshets. T h e road and bridge
drills of the chorus of dam sels led
wilt both fill a long felt w ant and
by Miss Ethel Francis Rogers and
th e county court should prom ptly
also the chorus of witches, Miss
g ran t the request of our citizens
There you can choose from the finest fabrics, in the uew delicate two tone stripes, herring bones wide bar
Rogers, W itch of F.ndor, assisted
and farmers.
effects, Scotch cheviots, in new soft grays, bottle green and fancy worsteds. Or measure you for one of Ed
by Olive Parm ele, Blanch Johnson,
V. Price’s Famous Tailor-Made Suits. There you will find f»00 new ami nobby hats just arrived in all the
j F . E. Sm ith w ho recently p u r­
Ivlyda M ot. E tta Wilson, N ina
delicate shades of grays, London blues, golden browns, champaigns find many others. There is headquarters
chased the Roseburg job printing
Randolph. Miss Rogers has a
for shoes, hosiery and underwear. The private soldiers will come out looking like a general. Try it yourself,
of Mrs. J . VV. Strange, has
very strong and sweet soprano
you will have Xmas bells in every pocket.
i launched a new weekly paper,
voice and her singing was very
“ T he D ouglas L ead er." It is a
favorably commented upon.
five colum n eight paged pajier
T he H erald, I.loyd Owens: D a­
and well patronized by the local
v id 's attendants, Roy W heeler and
m erchants. We m ust com plim ent
P aul Barnette carried out their
Editor S m ith upon his choice of a
parts well, as did also the members
nam e for his paper. May the
o f the soldiers cNRfrus.
Leader lead.
Much credit is also due the piano
He Would Say to His Grand Army,
The Holidays are Here, Go To
Wheeler - Thompson Company’s
Wheeler - Thompson Company
“Hgs It For Less”