Cottage Grove leader. (Cottage Grove, Or.) 1905-1915, December 21, 1909, Image 1

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In ai­
li »*»- —
A d v e r tis e In
T h is Is W h t l B rindo
i B u s in e s s e n d divos
Ih o P e p e r L its
I f Jfou L ik *
H o o sl fo r II-
I f n o t.
S e n d y o u r C r itic is m
lo t h i s P * » * r .
C O T T A G E G R O V E , O R EG O N , T U E S D A Y , D E C E M B E R si, 1909
thereof, before, on, or after deliv­
ery, or shall in any m anner act as
the agent of the buyer or seller of
any such liquor, for the purpose of
buviug or selling or com pleting the
sale thereof, saving only in the
actual transportation and delivery
of the sam e, shall be fined not
more than $500.
NO. 36
T he great sacred ca n ta ta, Saul, King of Israel, will lie presented in full costume and with appropriate
scenery at the arm ory theater W ednesday and T hursday evenings by the faculty and studeuts of the Royal
LITTLE CHILD WANDERS Interm ediate school, for the creatiou of a furnishings fund for the school, th a t some m uch needed new equip­
may be secured. T he ca n ta ta contains five acts everyone of which is interspersed with tuneful choruses
AWAY AND PERISHES m and ent splendid
duets an d solos. Many of the scenes are thrilling while in act five, " T h e W itches R etreat,”
the scene is most weird as is also the peculiar ch an ts or chorus of the witches. T he drill of the k iu g 's m aid­
Eugene, Dec. IS —T he lifeless ens are very graceful an d pretty aud all in all it is as good if not better, th an any cau tata ^ e r given in this
body of little G ladys Allen, the city, au d well worth the price of admission. livery body should attend this can tata and thereby assist a
A nother phase in the great ca m ­
Eugene, Dec. 21 .— T he city was
six or seveu-year-old d au g h ter of worthy cause.
paign against liquor will come to Mr. and Mrs. M. D. Allen, living
shocked Monday m orning when
lathes of tbc (Tatuata
force the first of next m onth, when near F rankliu, some tw enty miles
the news that Ju d g e J . J. W alton
th e revised penal code of the I ’nited northw est of Eugene, w as found
had been found dead iu bis bed.
States is to liecom eeffective. Many alongside a creek not a great dis-
H e had lieeu about town all last
Saul, King of Israel..
........ ........... ..
A. F,arle Owens Ethel Cox
Mrs. John Moe
of the changps m ade in the penal j tallce from tjle Allen home yester­
week, spoke before the city co u n ­
Elsie Deardorff
Samuel, anil Satan's impersonation of the dead prophet
laws by the S ixtieth C ongress were day, after the parents and n eigh­
cil on F riday night in the interest
................ ........... ................. __............. ....... P. l ’anl Wheeler P'aye Deardorff
Ethel Parm ele
of m inor interest, but the section bors had searched for the little girl
a client and attended to busi­
O live Parmele
' ...
............................................. J. P. Wheeler Varieu Dresser
relating to the shipm ent of in to x i­ nearly all the night previous.
ness all day S aturday. He atten d ­
onathan, Saul’s son
----- Hiram Wheeler
catin g liquors into " d r y ” territory
ed church both m orniug aud even­
G ladys wandered aw ay from the
A ltha Gildersleve
Ethel Rogers
contained new legislation, the re­ house T hursday afternoon. She Michael, Saul's daughter and David's wife
ing Sunday an d while feeling a
Ruth W arner
Mrs. Gertrude Rmmerson Wheeler G race Innis
sult of w hich will be to m ake the did not return later in the after
trifle indisposed did not say much
Mrs. Alice Wheeler Gildersleve
United States a factor in prosecut­ noon, when she w as expected to, Abigale, David's wife
about it as he was not given to
F anny H aney
E tta Wilson
ing violaters of the act. In thick, and im m ediate search was m ade Witch of ltndor-- ..........
......................Ethel Francis Uqgers
plainiug. He retired Sunday
Mrs. Alice W heeler
Mrs. G ertrude Hmmersou
ly settled com m unities the local for her, but w ithout avail. Her King's Guards .................. .Alva DeardorB, George C'.ildersleve
evening feeling as well as usual
W heeler
authorities, as a rule, are able to m other who was in,E ugene at the
aud on going down stairs to m ake
Clara W arner
Messenger of Comfort___________ ______
Archie Wilson Blanche Johnson
deal effectively with the offenders, tim e visiting her sous one of whom
fire Mrs. W alton heard him
........................ ............... ............
I.loyd Owens
but in certain sectious of the south attends the Bible U niversity, was Herald . .
coughing. A short tim e after his
flDen of the Cantata
and west where settlem ent is sparse, called home that afternoon on ac­ Chorus of Damsels and chorus of witches—Ethel Fran-
daughter, Miss Pauline, called to
cis Rogers, Olive 1'armele, Blanche Johnson,
the task is not easy, and the m em ­ count of th e little girls d isappear­
him to breakfast and getting no
Elyda Moe, Etta Wilson, Nina Randolph.
bers of "Congress from those sect­ ance.
response went to his bed aud found
accom panied David's Attendants.......... ............. Roy Wheeler, Paul Barnett Edw ard Babcock
Almou Owens
ions insisted that the Federal Gov- home by her sons, and the search
him lifeless but still warm. P hy­
Paul Barnett
Chorus of Ladies—Grace Innis, Ethel Cox, Mrs. A. A.
I.loyd Owens
erm ent should come to the aid of was coutinued until yesterday.
sicians were at once sum m oned
Wheeler, Altha Gihlersleve, Faye DeardorB, Mrs.
Frank Bradford
Jesse Rogers
D. A. Estes.
th e local authorities.
and the usual restoration applied
H er little body was found near the
Ernest Chitwood
A rchie Wilson
T hree sections of th e new Codifi­ creek, a n d th e clothing w as wet, Chorns of Soldiers—Eilwanl Babcock, Paul Barnett,
including electricity, but the spark
F rank Chitwood
Chas. Wilson
F'rank Bradford, tiniest Chitwood, Frank Chit­
cations relate to th e liquor traffic. indicating th a t she had fallen into
of life had gone. It w as ev ident­
wood, W illis Gihlersleve, Kyle Kendall, Lloyd
T h e most im portant provision is the stream , b u t succeeded in get*
ly heart disease.
A lva Deardorff
Alfred W heeler
Owens, Archie Wilson, Chas. Wilson, Albert
th a t 011 and after Ja n u a ry 1 every ting out. D eath was evidently
T h e Hon. J . J. W alton was
Paul listes
Wheeler, Alfred Wheeler, F'rank Wheeler. Roy
F'rank W heeler
shipm ent of intoxicating liquor due to exposure and cold, the tem ­
lx>m in Kusbville. Indiana, April
George Gildersleve
H iram W heeler
shall bear the nam e of the consign­ perature T h ursday night being
j<>, 18.18, «nd crossed the plains
Josie Shryock W illis G ildersleve
Roy W heeler
ee, th e nature of the cotitents of several degrees below the freezing
with his parents when a boy of 11
Director___ ____ ______________________G. Edmund Johnson i Kyle Kendall
Prescott W heeler
th e receptacle, and the q u an tity point.
years of age. T he family crossed
contained therein. It is a notor­
! the plains with ox team s in 1849,
ious fact, so say persons who have
going to California by way of the
A Leader representative called 0. & S. E. WILL RUN
had experience in attem pting to upon A ttorney J . S. Medley in his
Platte river au d Salt f.ake, thence
drive out "b lin d tig e rs” th a t p ra c ­ new suite of rooms in th e W ood­
¡down the H um boldt, across to
tically all the liquor now shipped w ard brick Monday evening and
: T ruckee and on to Freeuiont, C al­
A lbany had the honor this m orn­
N. E. Com pton, wife and ch ild ­
For the accom m odation of the
into prohibition territory is labeled found him very com fortably lo c at­
ifornia. where they arrived in Oc-
as some other com m odity, or not ed. lie occupies the corner rooms Row river valley people who desire ren, who have resided at this place ing of having a brief visit from . tober, 1849. In 1851 they moved
labeled at all, and frequently ad ­ facing Main and T hird streets on to do their filial C hristm as shop­ tor a num ber ot years where Mr. Butte Mooney of Cottage G rove, i to Y reka aud in the spring of
cham pion
rifle i 1852, to the Rogue River valley,
dressed to persons other than the the second floor w hich have steam ping on Friday, M anager A. B. Compton has been engaged iu the one o f the
heat and all modern conveniences Wood of the O. & S. E. Railroad m ercantile business, will tak e their shots of the United Slates X atioua and iu the following year to Green
T h e Federal authorities already and his library and furnishings are Co., has kindlv consented t o , departure for their old home at G uards. Mooney was oue of the valley, Oregon, where father and
members of the Oregon team at ji son packed aud freighted lietweeu
have sent out notice to all m a n u ­ well selected and up-to-date.
m u two train s, or one train it, 1 Karlham, Iowa, n ex t S aturday.
facturers of intoxicants th a t their
the forenoon and one in the after- j Mr. an d Mrs. Compton have been Cam p Perry, Ohio, last A ugust. I Oregon and California.
Mr. Mooney is a member of the
w ares m ust be labeled on the o u t­
T he family cam e to F ugene iu
Remember the big Second A n ­ noon on th at day, instead of tw o ! prom inent in both business and
side of the package on and after nual P oultry show Ja n . 1.1, 14 and trains on S aturday as u su al.- S a t- |soc'ety circles here an d will lie Cottage Grove m ilitia and was iu 185.1, where they finally settled,
th e first of the new year, setting 15, 1910. It will be held in the urday being C hristm as there will greatly missed by their large uuin- town with a friend, Mr. W icks, 1 father aud sou m ak in g excursions
forth the natu re of the contents and big M cFarland building on main be but one train run on th at day, l>er of friends here. However, who had to stop iu town for a ! to the m ines iu Salm on river A u n -
there is'little doubt but w hat after short time on business with Sena- ..
. .
th e ex a ct am ount in each package. s t r e e t , formerly occupied by instead of two as usual.
spending another cold bleak winter tor F. J. Miller of the A lbany Irou !try a,,d to ,U e° yhee mines W hile
It is beleived that if the local a u ­ W ynne H ardw are Co.
iu old Iowa, they will return to W orks. Mr. W icks is a sawm ill 1»« home, in the intervals of m ining
thorities co-operate with the Fede­
balm y old Oregon by the tim e the man and is having some m achinery J . J . W alton, Jr., studied law u n ­
See those new incandescent coal- spriugtim e comes
again. T he
ral G overnm ent in the enforcem ent
Go to P arkers Bakery and see oil lam ps at D esl.arzes Bro. They Leader joins in w ishing them a repaired by the local shop. T he . der Judge Stratton, and was final-
two gentlemen
to Newport ly Admitted to the Oregon b ar in
of the law it will be a com parative­
gentlemen went
went to
the candy heart they will give are just simply grau d . Vou c a n ’t safe an d p leasan t journey to the this noon on a two or three d a y s’
ly easy m a tte r to suppress the
186.1. H e liegau the practice of
old home.
aw ay Christm as.
business trip .— A lbany H erald.
afford to do w ithout oue. 27-51*
“ blin d tig e rs.” It is pointed out
his profession iu Eugene aud in
th a t from now on they cannot exist
1868 was elected county judge and
w ithout violating the Federal s ta t­
served four years. In 1S75 was
ute, an d the assum ption of the De­
appointed lo Ihe office by G over­
p artm ent of Justice is th a t would-
n o r G rover and in 1876 was elected
be violaters would not care to take
to the office for a term of four
th e chance of falling into the
years. Judge W alton also served
clutches of the I'ederal courts.
as deputy district attorney four
It has been alleged from tim e to
years and was United States com ­
tim e th at in some of th e states
missioner for m any years. Judge
where the sale of in to x icatin g liq ­
W alton has been twice married,
uor has been prohibited in one
his first wife being Miss Elizabeth
way an d another, the express com ­
of Galesburg, In d ian a, who died
panies and railroads assisted the
in 187.1, leaving three children,
violators of th e law by acting as
Ada, Osie, C lara D. (sin ce dead 1,
b uying and selling agents or Ixith.
and H attie E. Ifis ' second wife
Congress, with the idea of putting
was Miss Emma Fisher, a n ative
a stop to this practice, provided as
of Richmond, In d ian a, aud by
x ' ' IjC
follows: "A n y railroad corapauy,
her has one daughter, Pauline E.
There you can choose from the finest fabrics, in the new delicate tw o tone stripes, herring bones wide bar
expresscoiupauy, or other common
F raternally he w as connected
effects, Scotch cheviots, in new soft grays, bottle green and fancy worsteds. Or measure you for one of Ed
carrier, or any other person, who, ;
with the 1. O. (>. F. and A. O. U.
V. Price’s Famous Tailor-Made Suits. There you will find 500 new and nobby hats just .arrived in all the
in connection with the tra n sp o rta ­
delicate shades of grays, London blues, golden browns, champaigns and many others. There is headquarters
tion of any spirituous, vinous, j
for shoes, hosiery and underwear. The private soldiers will come out looking like a general. Try it yourself,
m alted, ferm ented, or other intoxi- |
Mrs. I<ouise A. DeSpaiti of C ot­
yon will have Xmas bells in every pocket.
eatin g liquor of any kin d , from
tage Grove, delivered an illu strat­
one state, territory or district of j
ed talk for women at the Christian
th e U nited States, into any state, |
church S aturday afternoon at .1
territory or district of the United
o 'clock.—ju n c tio n Times.
States, or from any foreign co u n ­
try into any state, territory or dis
And now a fellow has invented
trict of th e U nited States shall col-1
an au g u ar which will bore* square
lect the purchase price or any p art |
After January First and
Was An Honored Lane
Federal Court Will
County Pioneer Cit­
Show Hand.
He W ould Say to His Grand Army,
The Holidays are Here, Go To
Wheeler - Thompson Company’s
Wheeler - Thompson Company
“Has It For Less”