CLASSIFIED Cottage Grove— F lo u r Th e best flour is the cheapest. Olym pic Peacock, Johnson’s best, the sack with the China Pheasant on it, every sack guaranteed. Spray-W ytine C o., or any grocer in town. tf -= M ills Best Washington Cedar shingles — free o f sap, worm holes and knots, constantly on hand. Prices to suit the times. Inquire of O r r i n R o b i n s o n , Cottage Orove. A L L KIN D S O F CHAS. M ATTHEW S, TIE USI tO DIYS Olym pic process rolled barley, 75 pound sacks, the cleanest and best, $1.25 per sack, at Spray- W y n n e C o ’ s. tf % Mill Feed, Grain and Hay £ AD VERTISEM EN TS. Prop. WIND-UP Fancy Chickens (or Sale. For Sale P ro fe s s io n a l C ards. 4 U *1 'Corner lot V .» C. COUNTER J 4 Trade. and good two story A nine roomed residence on Fourth ? few nice white SALE and brown Leghorn Cockerels, bred ill Kans- 4 street for sale or will trade for tim ­ sas for egg production, for sale. ATTollNEY-AL-LAW 4 or Seme Golden Rock and Black and Buff Laugskau cockerels for sale $1 each. Inquire at this o f­ fice. Fine to head farm flocks. Krai property law given special attention O ffic e P h illip s B u ild in g . S o il 5 an d 6 Phone Main U M Cottage Grove. Or. ber. 4 J j W ill also acre tract in sell or trade an Latidess addition. Inquire at this office. Inquire of W . B. Finney, at the E. li. Bright place below the depot. 1 1 -5 * Jersey Cow Strayed. 4 w. » c Look Out for Fires. D HK DENTIST Pirst Class Work. Over liauk of Coltaee « drove. Cottage drove, Oregon. a t J A £ A T T O R N E Y A T I.A W omen: Young Building. Main Street, V A. 4 MONEY TO LOAN. If you want to buy or build a home or pay off your mortgages * and have long time, easy pay­ ments and low rate of interest to pay back loan in, see W a l k e r & P k r r in k , Roseburg, Oregon. ' W. K IM K . M. D. i ß P H Y S I C I A N an d SIJKOKON Berry Plants For Sale ^ OIBoe in McFarland Building $ 4 Over Cochran’s Furniture Store £ Office PlinQg, .Ml Kesldeuco Phone, Ml g| 4'»■*.♦ «*•>'**•'*4*1* J 4 gj 4 (t ? J S. MBULKY, " ATTORNEY AT LAW 4 Cotswold Bucks lor Sale. * Six head o f fine Cotswold bucks two years’ old for sale at $ 1 0.00 5 each. A pply to Scott Jackson, I/iratie, Ore. 17-tf T C. .JOHNSON, 4 Mammoth blaekbetry, Gardina dewberry, I.ucretia dewberry and Iixcelsior strawberry plants of the R. M. Kellogg strain of thorough­ breds. L . S. C o o n , Dillard, Or. Î Special Attention I'.iven to Mining ilici Corporation Law. orfica. S u it s 3. B a n k B u ild in g . ATTORNEY AT LAW fintate* Administered, Mining- Patents Procured. Mining and Corporation I,aw a specialty, office over Griffin, Veatch IIardw»re. _ p j office Phone. Main 11.1. Residence. 85. 4 j tage on of 4 DENTIST ^ Stewart Porter Rtiihling £ 4 Phone H.M Hours 8 ..V) to 12, 1 to 5 strap twice around neck. ly fresh now. Any information regarding same will be gratefully received by C. F. H a n d y , Cottage Notice is hereby given that on the >rd (lay of January, 1910, at the hour of 8 o ’clock p. in. of said day, the city of Cot­ tage (»rove Lane county, Oregon will sell to the highest and best bidder or bidders $100,000 coupon bonds of said city in denominations of $1000 each, said bonds to be dated March 1st, 1910, and to bear interest at the rate of 5 per cent per annum, interest paid semi-annually, principal ami interest payable in l\ S. gold Coin, the interest on said lxjnds to commence with the date the money is delivered to said city. Each of said bonds to run for a period of 25 years from the date thereof. Sealed bids will lie received for the whole or any part of said bonds, each bitl to be accompanied by a certified check for $100 payable to the mayor of the city of Cottage ('»rove, checks to lie immediately returned to unsuccessful bidders. No bid for less than the par value of said bonds will be considered anti the Common Council re­ serves the right to reject any anti all bids. C. II. Y a n D k n b k r g . City Recorder. Third street near the W. B. Church. f I Finney, at K. Ii. good fresh milch cow, Dur­ t| ham A preferred or not more than one - Inquire at this office D 5 A É A A à ft f t A A f l ANY KIND OF A HORSE Private Board and Lodging. N ice furnished rooms to rent and also board with or without rooms. Bight Her* at Y ou r Ham* Convenient location. Surgical Cases Especial Attention Mrs. Joe Miller, Inquire of corner opposite Presbyterian church. X- RAY L A B A R A T 0 R Y Far F u r t h e r P a rtic u la r* A d d ress DR. H. C. SCHLEEF Rostein & Greenbaum’s CLOSING OUT SALE O f th e F o r m e r W . A . H e m e n w a y S t o c k C O TTA G E GROVE, OREGON Notice of Road District Meeting. Milch Cow Wanted. half Jersey. Hospital and Sanitarinm • Inquire I COTTAGE GROVE Q This is your last 30 days in which to make a saving of from 25 to 50 per cent on your needs in D ry Goods, Furnishing Goods and Shoes. T h e remainder w ill be shipped to our Salem Store............................. Probab­ Bright’s place below the depot. $ !.. INGRAM dehorned, small bell and House for rent— T h e Brauton cot­ Presbyterian i i r Cl . cow, Notice of Bond Sale. ' Z V.-Ws** Jersey about 7 years old, Grove, Or. J è West Side. M v.-»>V.*| t 4 t f K. YOUNG J Dark Th e dry weather increases the danger of fires, keep your roof free from moss, and a policy on your house in case it does burn. Tom Awbrey can give you a satisfac­ tory policy and rate. 8-tf will he well shod if we do the shoeing— dray horse, carriage horse or the trotter because we have the skill the experi­ ence and a knowledge of horses and their hoofs. We are on special watch for instances of interfering, overreach­ ing, lameness and gait. With all that we doubt if we charge any more than some ask for careless, even injurious work. Phone 521. SPRIGGS BROS. See those new incandescent coa l- |j oil lamps at DesLarzes Bro. They | are just simply grand. You c a n ’ t afford to do without one. 27-31* Notice of Final Settlement. & HARRIL Eby's Old Stand “A laddirT L am p The Wonderful ” T h e Greatest It'mniph of Mod ern Science." Notice is hereby given that the timler signed, tlu* administratrix of the estate of William II. I^>ng, deceased, has filed W atchm akkr . with the County Court of Lane County, He pat ring *t reason* l>ls cnMrges O regon, her final account as such ad­ ministratrix of said estate an«l that Mon­ All work guaranteed ft.*at-ci*M Watohes, Clocks and Jewelry at I .«»west Price day, the .VI day of January, 1910. at the hour of otic o ’clock p. in. of said day- COTTAGE GROVK. ORE lias been fixed by said court as the time for hearing any objections to said report and the settlement thereof. L yd ia K. L ong , Adminisaratrix. Gray Seed Oats. A. II. K ing , Attorney. M-5t H . C. M A D S E N , Good gray seed oats for sale. Fifty cents per bushel at Cochran's I School report cards on sale at farm. B e id i . kr B r o t h e r s . the Leader office one cent each. Fashion Stables The most w o n- derfnl discovery e v e r made 1» v man. Absolutely s a f e , odorless noiseless simple and with­ out a question the l»est artificial light in existence, l'ar superior t o elec­ tricity. gas or gas­ oline. The “ A I a d i u " generates a gas from common kerosene 'coal oil) producing a pure- white soft light ex­ celled by «untight only, at a cost of '» cent per hour. The Aladdin" is pronounced l*y o< enlists to I k * t h c l»est artificial light known The "A laddin " has no equal, ttewarv of imitations, see that you gct( the "Aladdin and no other, our trade mark "Aladdin" is «.«1 every burner. A. J. HRI MBAFGII. General Agent Cottage Grove. Oregon. For sale at I>e* Lane« Bros’ . Grocery Store. T o whom it m ay concern: Notice is herebey given that a meeting of the taxpayers of road district No 13, for Lane County, Oregon, will be held at the school house at S a g ­ inaw, Oregon, the eighteenth day of December, 1909, at the hour of one o ’ clock p, m . of said day. The object of said meeting is for the purpose o f submitting to the taxpayers of said road district the question of voting a levy o f an additional tax upon the taxable property o f said district for the purpose of improving the roads of said district. T h is notice is signed by at least ten per cent o f the ta x ­ payers of said district: NAMES. J. lid Angel, P. \V. Cudney, C. A . Smith, I). W . M cK inney, Chas. H . Sharon, M . A . Horn. Gavin Davison, R . C . Conner, J. C. Rickli, N . H . G am m age, J . S. A . W hite, W . A . W itcher, (). H . Jarrett. V E T C H SEED Car load 15 tons at $3 .75 per 100 lbs in lots of 300 lbs and over. Cash with order. ,S. P. Ry. Time Table NORTH BOUND. No No No. 14_______ a. m. SOUTH BOUND. No. No. No. No. 1 5 . ___ _______ ____ 1:26 a. m . ; 1 7 ____ ___________ 10:54 p. in. ' 1 3 _______________ 6 :3 0 a. m . | 111 .3 :1 2 p. m . I !.. S. T a y l o r , Agent, Cottage G rove, Oregon. Carlton Nursery Co. Large growers o f local stocks, suppliers of commercial plantings, clean, vigorous and true trees. H eavy 011 apples, in Newton, Spitzenburg, etc. In pears, Bart­ lett, A njou, Comice, Boscceto.- In cherries, R. Anne,, Lambert, Bing, etc. In prunes, Italian, etc. Small ruits, bushes, etc. D on ’ t miss it, but be sure, get our prices, it will pay you. Send list o f wants. Stocks carefully growii and shipped. Catalogue free. CARLTON, OREGON Trees! Yes? OREGON , Barrels c l ” f • C a rp e ts a n d R u g s | Made to order and Satis­ faction guaranteed both as to workmanship and prices. Apply to \ .4 :4 3 No. 2 0 ____________________11:24 a. m . I Brownsville warehouse Co. TANGENT. 1 6 . __________________1:4M a. tn. I S _____ ___ 4 : 0 2 p . m . J . M . C o m e r p£°7fs.!!6 f The Best in Oregon Clean, grafts We thrifty, on one one year grow trees by year roots. the only right-system and then The Teeth should be cared for from the cradle to the grave. W e have a large assortment of good Tooth Brushes and several kinds of Tooth Powder warranted to be pure and beneficial. Nail Brushes Hair Brushes, Bath Brushes, Fine Soaps, domestic and imported, splendid Shampoo for the hair, and all Toilet Requisites of good quality at moderate prices. Benson’s Pharmacy Cottage Grove, Oregon M ILLERS Machine Shop All kinds of machine and repair work done promptly and at reason able prices. OLD LEADER BUILDING Third Street, n M T A d v e n t is t C t w i r c h Administrator s Notice Warrant Them to Grow Notice i* hereby given that by an or- ler of the county, court of l«ane County, Oregon, duly made and entered of record the doth day of October, 1909, in Horseshoeing a specialty. the matter of the estate of Norman Wagon and carriage re- Ing. A ll work guaranteed llickey. deceased, the undersigned Kva Have your horsesteeth ex­ L. Hickey, was duly appointed adminis­ amined and repaired. Shoe tratrix of said estate. All persons har­ at rear o f Hemenway A Burkholder's Store u :: ing claims against said estate are hereby required to present them duly verified, A . 2C E ! as required by law to said administra­ J H trix at the law office of A li. King. . i Cottage ('.rove, Oregon. within six months from the date of this notice. H einz’s mince meat, Dill, sweet l>ated at Cottage ('»rove, Oregon, this and sour pickles in bulk at Kerr lfith day of November. 1909. E va . L. II ickf . y . Administratrix. & Silsby’ s. General B l a c k s m ¡ t h i n g First Class Livery, Sale ami Feed Barn in Coimectioi P o w e ll & T u lla r , P ro p . Cedar Springs Nursery S. B. Morss, Prop. > Phone 471 COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON C. W. Beals & Son. Harness R e p a irin g a S p e c ia lty (Quality and price have made Cleveland’s Baking Powder the leading seller in Oregon. Stock and Pultry Remedies FIRST STREET ✓