I B II l a u L ik a TH E LEADER oomi ta r II* I t n a l , S a n 4 v a u r C rlllc U m to th is P a p a r . 1 ( 0 ir i r t ) £ tti« * 9 rio » 1 A d v a r tlr a In TH E LEADER T h la la W h a t B rinda B u lin a » « a n d glvaa l h a P a p a r Lila* PU BLISH ED SE M I-W E E K L Y COTTAGE GROVE LEADER B O H E M IA N U G G E T COTTAGE GROVE, OREGON, FRIDAY, DECEMBER 3, 1909. C a a a o llla la d J a n u a r y 9, 1 9 0 8 . WILL SOON PRESENT CANTATA “ KING SAUL” MORE THAN HALF BILLION Oregon is Sixth in the List of the Productive Lum­ ber States of the Union and Utah is the Lowest— Some Figures. THE NESMITH T he Leader editor accepted a* kind invitation extended by Prof. I (5. E Johnson of the Royal In ter­ m ediate School, to wituess the first stage dress rehearsal of the cast j aud chorus, m ade up entirely o f ' the students of the school au d their friends, iu the presentation of that splendid ca n ta ta “ K ing S a u l.” I T his dress rehearsal tvas held in j the Armory T h eater W ednesday | afternoon, by forty mem bers of the j cast and chorus and less confusion I th an usually experienced on su c h ' Au init' a,ive petition containing occasions was manifested. T h e ; U *90H s,K"atures ff>r the creation ca n tata has been rehearsed b u t a ' of N esm ,,h ««“ “ ‘V was filed at short time, b u t the lines are alre ad y !Sa,em ** U M’ Veatch and c - E com m itted by the cast and chorus, S,ewarl w,th the secretary of state, the drills very well executed and i Sohc,tors fouud a Keneral favor' the work is progressing adm irably ab,e ,endency ‘«w ard Nesm ith under the very efficient direciionsf coun‘y a" over K,ate A ” ulu of Prof. Johnson, who has had a ber of places took up the work great deal of experience in such w ithout solicitation. T he petition asks for the crea- musical productions. T h e very Filing of Petitions— The Committee Thankful For Assistance W ashington, Nov. 29.—W ash­ work on it was conducted under in g ton, Louisiana, Mississippi, A r­ the supervision of a committee of kansas, and W isconsin, in the or­ four, consisting of W. M. Steuart, chief statistician for m anufacturers der nam ed, constitute the llig Five and J. It. W etchol, export chief of in producing the country’s lumber division, representing the bureau supply whose valuation for last of census, and R. S. Kellog, as­ year runs far above the half billion sistant forester an d A. II. Pierson, dollar m ark. T exas, Michigan, forest assistant, representing the Oregon, M innesota and Pennsyl­ United Stales forest service. vania cam e after the first five states and others followed in de­ best talent of the school has been ! tion of a county from portions MATLOCK FORFEITS creasing am ounts down to 1’tah, |J IO C i c n n RnN TIQ I assigned to the prom inent roles in I of I)ouKlas alld ,*ane counties. the lowest on the list, with Nevada H lb S1DUU U U N U b th e caHt and they w illb e nble‘to Nesm ith county, turned down by and North D akota having little When Judge H arris heard argu­ interpret these difficult roles adm ir- ,lle ,e* ,8lature, w illbe created by tim bered area, not rated at all. ment for a new trial iu the case of ably, especially with three weeks 1 ,lle ‘>° ‘,ttlar vote al,aos‘ u tlan i- W hile the total valuation of more of ot continuous continuous rehearsals, m o u s l y - Capital Jo u rn al, Dec. 2. lum ber, lath and shingle product­ Joe M atlock, Jr., ju st after his T he Leader predicts that “ K ing conviction, he arranged to try the ion reached $541,545,640, this THANKS EXTENDED TO am ount represents a decrease of case W ednesday, December 1, and ! S au l” will win a place in the esti FRIENDS OF NESMITH tw enty-three per cent under the excused the case until that time, j n a tio n of the people of C ottage. Meanwhile, at the solicitation of I Grove and vicinity along w ith! . ----------- previous y ear’s output. T he num ­ defendant’s father an d brother, those splendid sim ilar successes,, lio n . R. M. V eatch aud C. E- ber of mills reporting was .41,2.11 aud these m anufactured 33,224,- his release from jail on bonds was "B elsh azzar,” “ Queen E sth e r,” I Stew art have returned home from 369.000 board feet of lumber, asked for and a bond for his a p ­ and “ P inafore” which were pre- j Salem where they went T uesday seined here under the directions of to file the Nesm ith county iuitia- valued at $510,575,822 and 2,986,- pearance on W ednesday, Decern 684.000 lath valued at $6,791,328, ber 1 was fixed at $1590, which Prof. M. E . Robinson, a sp e cia list! tive petitions containing nearly in this line of work. T he Royal 12,000 nam es of legal voters of w hile the shingle m akers turned was given by J. I). M atlock and school will present “ K ing S a u l” Oregon representing all sections of out 12,106,483,000 shingles valued E. D. Matlock. in this city W ednesday and T h u rs -! the state, being four huudred more W hen court was convened W ed­ at $24,878,490. T he average day evenings, Dec. 22 au d 23. nam es than is required by law for nesday m orning all the jurors not value of lum ber at the point of m anufacture was $15.37 a thou­ excused had appeared aud when Cottage, G rove people should not i the filing of such a petition. T he sand feet, $2.27 a thousand for the court asked d efen d an t's coun­ fail to put “ K ing S au l” oil their ready response of the voters and lath aud $2.00 a thousand for sel where defendant himself was, j list of holiday entertainm ents i friends of the new Nesmith coun- which they cannot afford to miss, ty cause in securing these petitions they were uuable to tell. shingles. I T he Leader will publish the cast is m ost gratifying to Messrs V eatch T he court then and there d e -, Yellow pine of the south which of characters aud synopsis of this 1 and Stew art and the other mem- d a re d the bond of $1500 forfeited [ has been far in the lead in the I bers of the Nesmith promotion lum ber production for more than a and told the clerk to issue a bench cau tata in the near future. -------- . — . .. committee appointed by the Cot- w arrant at once, to have the d e - ! decade, more than m aintained its ! tage Grove Commercial Club, and fendant brought into court. Fourth Regiment to Remain Intact. suprem acy hist year, contributing this com mittee takes thy» m eans to M atlock is charged with attem pt slightly more than thirty-three per There has been m uch talk o f : heartily th an k those citizen voters to commit rape. cent of the total cut from all kinds. disbanding th e Fourth Regiment i who so freely signed these petitions D ouglas fir of the northwest O. N. G., artillery service. T his and to the m any friends of the The Schubert Lady Quartette. ranked second aud white pine was at a tim e when trouble w a s 1 Ngsraith county cause throughout third. Practically all kinds showed Those delightful vocalists, the brew ing with Japan and it was the state for their support and a m arked decreased cut, and for Schuliert Lady quartette of C hica­ thought the coast needed stronger I m any valued favors extended the the first three k inds of timber go, will appear at the arm ory hall | defences. Since then unofficial j committee. T h e cause is just aud there was a falling of fifteen to on Dec. 11. Lovers of sweet sing- 1 word has been circulated th a t it is| will win. tw enty-two and tw enty per cent, ing should, not miss this splendid j most likely th e regim ent will re-1 ---------- — ---------- respectively. O ak and hemlock entertainm ent. m ain just as it is and th at w ithin a A N orth Yakim a white man ob- m aintained their relative ran k s but T he H igh school is bringing oil reasonable, tim e four more com- taiued $10,500 dam ages against an showed decreases of twenty-five this fine musical attraction for the panies will be added to m ake the Indian for obtaining possession of per cent in am ount produced and purpose of securing money to buy ; regim ent complete. i his w ife’s affections. It seems in- spruce dropped eighteen per cent. a piano for the H igh school. H ear! ------------ credible th a t the affections of a Louisiana was the heaviest pro­ it. T ickets 25, 35 an d 50 cents; j) r Lowe the optician n ex t I woman who would tak e up with ducer of yellow pine lum lier, sup­ at the W ave. . M onday. an Indian are worth th at much. plying nearly one-fifth of the total ................ . - M' . ’ . . . II. ■ production. T exas, Mississippi, A rkansas, and A labam a followed in the order nam ed. T he state of W ashington, alone, supplied more th an three-fifths of the Douglas fir cut, while the bulk of the re­ m ainder came from Oregon. Min­ nesota produced about a third of the white pine, followed by Wis­ consin with about fifteen per cent aud New H am pshire with ten per cent. An interesting feature of th e report is that two New E ngland states, Maine and Massachusetts, produced more white pine than M ichigan, which for m any years led the country in producing this valuable tim ber. O ak lum ber m anufacture now centers in K entucky, W est Vir­ ginia aud Tennessee. W isconsin comes first iu the production of hem lock, ta k in g the position held by Pennsylvania for so many years. A ltogether the lum ber re­ port bulletin, w hich is free, by the way, contains fifty seven pages, and gives detailed figures upon the q uality and value oj forty-five kinds of lum ber m anufactured in the United States last year. The What Would For a Suit US A D A M S T I M E ? VOL. XXI. NO. 34 COMMERCIAL CLUB ELEC1S NEW OFFICERS At M onday ev en in g ’s meeting of the Commercial Club the following officers were elected for the ensuing year: C. C. H azleton, president; First Vice, Marion V eatch: second Vice, J. F . Spray: S ecretary, F. H. Rosenberg; T reas. Geo. H all: Trustees, F. I). W heeler, J. B. Protzm au, G. A. Tyson, A. Brund, Dr. J. O. Van W inkle and L. A. Cates. | H. O. Thom pson, the retiriug ------ president, has filled the office with credit to him self and to the entire P ort' a ,,d ’ 0 r **°*>- Nov. 30, 1909. satisfaction of the club. H e has 1 Editor Leader:— T h e Portland Live Stock E x ­ worked most faithfully au d d ili­ change offers for the lies! C hrist­ gently for the success of the club and the progress, development and m as cattle shipped »to the Portland advancem ent of this com m unity ; U nion Stock Y ards the following during his incum bency. T h e Com­ prem ium s: Liberal Inducement Offer­ ed to Stock Men by Packing Plant 1st 2nd Car steers, not less Ilian 211 head $150 $75 s o u 's m a n a g e m e n t h a s b e en in - j Car cows, not less than 20 head 1.50 75 s tr u m e n ta i in m a n y w o rth y a c h ie v - Hest single steer. .................... 25 15 rn e n ts fo r th e b e tte rm e n t o f th is ! Besl 9' nKle ----- 25 15 m ercial Club under Mr. Thomp- com m unity during the past year, C attle to be judged m orning of achievem ents which will long con- : December 14th au d sold at auction tinue to bear good fruit for the ; th at afternoon. Judges, John F. town and com m unity. T h e in a u g ­ 'O ’Shea, Portland, F ran k Brown, uration of the N esm ith county C arlton, Oregon, G. W . Gammie, proposition aud the carry in g to a P ortland. T his sort of encourage­ successful outcom e the circulation ment should he au iucentiv^ for aud filing, according to law, the re­ the breeder and feeder of cattle. quired iuitative petitions iu this It is iu line with the educational worthy m ovem ent. A nother com ­ work undertaken by this com pany m endable achievem ent d u rin g the and to which the press of the past year was the organization of a uorthivest is lending valuable aid. promotion departm ent in th e Com ­ Receipts at the Portland Union m ercial Club aud the em ploym ent Stock Yards for tlie mouth ending of an experienced m an to com pile today have been: Cattle 6518, and circulate literature descriptive calves 583, sheep 7549, hogs 12744, of this city aud South Lane county horses 274. These receipts are an aud the m any opportunities afford­ evidence of the utility of a live ed home seekers and investors, and stock m arket. T he approxim ate this is a movement w hich has value of the 457 cars th a t m ade already been productive of good u p the receipts was $567,500 a returns although only recently in ­ tidy sum that went into the pocket* augurated and put into effect. Let of the farm ers and stockmen of the good work continue. T he W ashington, Idaho and Oregon. Leader believes the new club offi­ T he cattle m arket has been con­ cers com petent to continue most sistent throughout the m onth. successfully the work now so well Good cattle have brought good hand. prices, especially in the instance of cows. T op price for steers was Cottage Grove Rooklets Destroyed. $4.75 per hundred, top price for cows $3.75 an d Spayed heifers About 1100 of the fine new Cot­ sold at $4. Light calves have tage Grove Com mercial Club book­ been in strong dem and with tops lets were ruined by w ater during at $5.25. Sheep have come forward in the late freshet. They were stored in the brick vault in W oodard 8c j light q uantities and medium to Beaulieu’s real estate office which 1 P °°r qu ality . Good wethers, w hat was flooded to the depth of severalj ‘ew there were, sold at $4.75 for inches. T h e books were stored in yearlings and $4.50 for two year this place to save the expense of j olds. Lam bs sold at $5.75 for th e insurance and the possibility of l*«st th at were offered, destruction by fire, b ut dam age H ogs have come forward rath er from water was never dream ed of. freelv, au d while duriug the first •i week in the m onth, prices sagged a little, the m arket promptly re- C leveland’s Baking I’owder. covered aud has l>eeu strong and high. Tops were $8.10 with bulk of sales at $8. All of the prices therein quoted have !>een on good qualities for th is m arket. I’oor q u ality stuff has sold low am) th e divergence between good and poor grades is constantly growing wider. Yours very truly, I). O. L iv e l y , G eneral Agent, YO Have POOR ADAM I Contented with a fig leaf and only one model. YOU have the finest of fabrics, the best of tailoring, New York, London and Paris models to choose from at Wheeler-Thompson Co.’s IN PRICES THAT DEFY COMPETITION -------------------------------------------------------F R O M -------------------------------------------------------- $12.50 to 25.00 That is what such firms as ours have done to advance the clothing Business. You should encourage such thrift and enterprise EVERWEAR HOSIERY. WHEELER-THOMPSON CO. ■ AVI IT VOI LISI" STOCK YARD PREMIUMS Done Thinki the Local it Killing Time. A prom inent m erchant returning from Portland on train No. 17, formerly know n as the Cottage G rove local, th in k s th at train is a “ tim e-killer.” lie savs it leaves Portland at the same tim e it formerly did, 4:15 and ru n s to Oregon City on the same old schedule; then it takes its time com ing up the valley, arriv in g here at 10:0.’., instead of 9:20, i s formerly, tak in g almost six hours to come from the metro|)olis, a dis­ tance of 12.1 mile*. He says he was almost worn cu t with the trip after spending a wearisome day in the city .— Register. _r " Subscribe for the le a d e r. ■ 3* »